Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc

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  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    Project ReportOn


    Submitted in Partial Fulillment o t!e re"uirement o#ac!elor o #u$ine$$ Admini$tration %##A&'EN(

    'uru 'obind Sin)! *ndrapra$t!a Uni+er$it,

    Under t!e 'uidance o- Submitted #,-

    Dr.Ashita Sharma: Varun GuptaEnrolment No.:

  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    E+aluation Certiicate

    This is to certify that the project titled Con$umer #e!a+ior o KFC. submitted by

    Varun Gupta of A !GEN"# Semester $$$ of %olle&e Nameaffiliated to Guru Gobind

    Sin&h $ndraprastha 'ni(ersity# Delhi has been e)amined by the follo*in& e)aminee.



  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    $ Varun Gupta of achelor in usiness Administration !A" hereby declare that the

    project *or, titled %onsumer -reference To*ards of /%# *hich has been submitted to

    %olle&e Name# is an ori&inal *or, of the undersi&ned and has not been reproduced from

    any other source.


    -lace: !Varun Gupta"


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    A lot of hard *or, and effort has &one into this project. 1o*e(er# it *ould not ha(e been

    possible *ithout the ,ind support and help of many indi(iduals. $ *ould li,e to e)tend

    my sincere than,s to all of them.

    $ am hi&hly indebted to Dr Ashita Sharma for her &uidance and constant super(ision as

    *ell as for pro(idin& necessary information re&ardin& the project and also for her support

    in completin& the project.

    $ *ould li,e to e)press my &ratitude to*ards my parents and member of Ansal $nstitute ofTechnolo&y for their ,ind co2operation and encoura&ement *hich help me in completion

    of this project.

    3y than,s and appreciations also &o to my collea&ues in de(elopin& the project and

    people *ho ha(e *illin&ly helped me out *ith their abilities.

    !VA4'N G'-TA"


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    S1No1 Topic Pa)e No1

    6. -4E/A%E 7

    +. $NT48D'%T$8N 9

    0. $ND$AN /AST /88D $ND'ST42 8VE4V$E; 6+

    5. 4ESEA4%1 8


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    The /ast /ood phenomenon has finally come of a&e in $ndia. Accordin& to the findin&s of

    the latest online sur(ey from A%Nielsen# o(er @C of urban $ndians consumes food from

    ta,e2a*ay restaurants once a month or more freuently. 8f these 0@C of adult $ndian

    population do so at least once a *ee,. This ma,es $ndia one of the top 6 countries

    amon&st the +9 sur(eyed# in terms of freuency of fast food consumption. The incidence

    of /ast /ood consumption in urban $ndia is acceleratin& much faster than most people

    anticipated. %han&in& lifestyles# an altered (ie* to*ards out2of2home meals# a

    *illin&ness to spend and# most importantly# the urban $ndian acuirin& a more &lobal

    paletteF ha(e catalyed its consumption.

    As fast food consumption mo(es from bein& an impulse led occurrence to a part of

    e(eryday life# eatin& habits are chan&in& rapidly. ;hile eatin& fast food may ha(e been

    uncharacteristic earlier# almost a third of urban $ndians no* claim to opt for fast food

    e(en for brea,fast. As the rapid pace of an urban lifestyle e)erts its demands# fast food

    *ill probably find itself the default choice. This *ill see an increasin& proportion of in2

    home food and be(era&e consumption mi&ratin& outdoors.

    The fast food business has become e(er more competiti(e# *ith (arious multinational fast

    food chain operators e)pandin& into ne* &eo&raphies daily# alon& *ith the emer&ence of

    ne* players# ne* types of cuisines and ne* menu choices.

    4idin& on the consistently impressi(e performance of the past one decade# &lobal food

    retailin& major umH 4estaurants $nternational is no* aimin& really bi& in $ndia. After

    cloc,in& 5C &ro*th durin& the past fi(e years# dri(en by the massi(e success of itsfla&ship brand -ia 1ut here# um *ants to lo& in a massi(e ei&ht2fold &ro*th in the

    ne)t decade.

    umFs decade lon& affair *ith $ndia *ent throu&h some teethin& problems# most notably

    the ill2fated launch of /% in 6>>7 in an&alore. The launch &ot mired in a contro(ersy#


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    but the company has mana&ed to put that behind and has been recordin& an impressi(e

    double di&it &ro*th since then# and today# o(er 6.@ la,h people *al, into /% outlets

    across the country e(ery *ee,. A major part of the $ndia strate&y is the allocation of clear

    roles to -ia 1ut and /% to deli(er on the (ision. /% *ill be the mass brand *ith

    focus on tasty food. And to ma,e this possible a better understandin& of /% consumers

    *as reuired.

    rands ha(e personalities that can scream uality# &reat taste# real (alue or other

    attributes. Throu&h mar,etin& and sales techniues# it is possible to impro(e and chan&e

    consumersF perceptions of a brand. no*in& ho* consumers (ie* your brand is critical

    to de(elopin& the brand throu&h a more effecti(e mar,etin& and promotion strate&ies.

    The study *as underta,en to &enerate information on the lines of

    ;ho is buyin& my brand I cate&ory

    ;ho are the hea(y cate&ory buyers

    ;hy do consumers choose my brand

    Do consumers understand *hat my brand stands for

    1o* do they spend money on eatin&2 outJ

    ;hat moti(ates consumer to purchase

    ;hat is my brand personality percei(ed as and ho* does it compare to the


    ;hat other cate&ories interact *ith mine# and *hich are important

    ;hat cross cate&ory opportunities are there

    1o* loyal are cate&ory buyers

    The study *as conducted in t*o phases. The first phase *as carried to profile customers

    of /% and 3c DonaldFs. The study *as conducted at /% and 3cDonaldFs outlets in

    Noida and 4ajouri and co(ered 6 4espondents for each. Buestionnaire included

    demo&raphic profile and beha(ior2based profile mainly in for of open2ended uestions.

    After preparin& the uestionnaire and selectin& the respondents for the sur(ey# it *as

    thou&ht best to &et the uestionnaire filled by personally inter(ie*in& the people eatin&2

    out upon their e)it from these joints.


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    The sur(ey *as an eye opener of sorts in many respects as the a&ency &ot many (aluable

    insi&hts from the e)tensi(e research carried out.

    ;e came to ,no* that the present ,ey customers are youn& adults either e)ecuti(es or

    students *ho come *ith friends in &roups of + to 7. The store mainly attracts customers

    from limited nei&hborin& areas. The freuency of eatin& out is (ery hi&h amon& /%

    consumers most of *ho are non2(e&etarians. The most important reasons bein& to catch2

    up *ith friendsK and bein& in the areaK. Data also indicates that there is a hi&h

    inclination of /% consumers to also (isit 3c DonaldFs *hile (ery less inclination of 3c

    DonaldFs consumers to (isit /%

    The second phase *as carried out *as an $n2store e)ercise *ith a sample sie of +@

    respondents and focused on ? main products of /% and understandin& of their

    consumers. The products *ere %hana %runch Snac,er# %hic,en %runch Snac,er# 1ot L

    %rispy %hic,en# 8ri&inal 4ecipe# Min&er ur&er and %hic,en in a uc,et. The ey

    findin&s *ere the ey tar&et se&ment for each product# the product as it stands for in

    minds of people# the day part and occasion *hen it is consumed and also the need states

    it satisfies. These further helped de(ise a positionin& strate&y for each of these products

    so as to &i(e them a personality of their o*n *hich *ill stand out in customers minds the

    moment they thin, of food.

    The complete analysis and other results are included in this report. $t *as an enrichin&

    e)perience and $ *as able to learn a lot from the project. $t impro(ed my understandin&

    of (arious concepts and the most (aluable input *as the ability to inte&rate classroom

    learnin& *ith on2field learnin&. The fast food industry is all set to &ro* at a scorchin&

    pace and it is an honor to be in(ol(ed *ith an $nternational -layer in that se&ment and do

    this project on their ad2a&encyFs behalf.


    Fa$t Food: A fast2food restaurant is characteried both by food *hich is supplied uic,ly

    after orderin and by minimal ser(ice. 8ften this food is referred to as a$t ood. $n


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    response to increasin& bac,lash a&ainst Oa$t oodO# the industry has been tryin& to mo(e

    the public a*ay from that term o(er the past fi(e years# shiftin& to the term uic, ser(ice

    restaurant !BS4 for short". %onsumers still refer to the restaurants as fast2food restaurants

    despite the industryPs efforts to chan&e them

    The food in these restaurants is often coo,ed in bul, in ad(ance and ,ept cold# or

    reheated to order. 3any fast2food restaurants are part of restaurant chains or franchise

    operations# *hich ship standardied foodstuffs to each restaurant from central locations.

    There are also simpler fast2food outlets# such as stands or ,ios,s# *hich may or may not

    pro(ide shelter or chairs for customers

    2i$tor,- Althou&h fast2food restaurants are often seen as a mar, of modern technolo&ical

    culture# the idea of ready2coo,ed food to &o is as old as cities themsel(es# *ith uniue

    (ariations from culture to culture. Ancient 4oman cities had bread2and2oli(e stands# East

    Asian cultures feature noodle shops. /lat bread and falafel are ubiuitous in the 3iddle


    The modern history of fast food in America is connected *ith the history of the

    hambur&er# as the earliest fast2food outlets sold hambur&ers as their primary product. The

    American company ;hite %astle is &enerally credited *ith openin& the first fast2foodoutlet in 6>+6# sellin& hambur&ers for fi(e cents apiece.

    Food Preparation- The con(enience of traditional street food around the *orld# lies in

    ser(in& one or t*o basic in&redients that can be coo,ed in batches and ser(ed uic,ly on

    the spot. 3odern commercial fast food# by contrast# is often hi&hly processed and

    prepared in an industrial fashion# i.e.# on a lar&e scale *ith standard in&redients and

    standardied coo,in& and production methods. $t is usually rapidly ser(ed in cartons or

    ba&s or in a plastic *rappin in a fashion *hich minimies cost. $n most fast food

    operations# menu items are &enerally made from processed in&redients prepared at a

    central supply facility and then shipped to indi(idual outlets *here they are reheated#

    coo,ed !usually by micro*a(e or deep2fryin&" or assembled in a short amount of time.

    This process ensures uality and consistency of product# but is also the ,ey to bein& able


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  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    palates to prefer *hat it considers richer# more (aried and more nourishin& tastes of fresh

    local in&redients har(ested in season

    Some of the lar&e fast2food chains are be&innin& to incorporate healthier alternati(es in

    their menu# e.&.# salads and fresh fruit. 1o*e(er# some people see these mo(es as a

    to,enistic and commercial measure# rather than an appropriate reaction to ethical

    concerns about the *orld ecolo&y and peoplePs health. 3cDonaldPs has announced that in

    3arch of +?# the chain *ill include nutritional information on the pac,a&in& of all of

    its products

    Con$umer appeal- /ast2food outlets ha(e become popular *ith consumers for se(eral

    reasons. 8ne is that throu&h economies of scale in purchasin& and producin& food# these

    companies can deli(er food to consumers at a (ery lo* cost. $n addition# its predictability

    can be reassurin& to a hun&ry person in a hurry or far from home.

    ;orld o(er# American and American2style fast food outlets ha(e been popular for their

    uality# customer ser(ice and no(elty. 3any consumers nonetheless see them as symbols

    of the *ealth# pro&ress and *ell2ordered openness of ;estern society and therefore

    become trendy attractions in many cities around the *orld# particularly amon& youn&erpeople *ith more (aried tastes

    Critici$m$- ecause of its con(enience# fast food is popular and commercially successful

    in most modern societies# but it is often criticied for ha(in& the follo*in& shortcomin&s:

    3any popular fast2food menu items are unhealthy# and e)cessi(e consumption

    can lead to obesity

    E)ploitati(e ad(ertisin& and mar,etin& are used# especially directed at

    children !*hich can ha(e an ad(erse effect on their eatin& habits and health"

    $t causes en(ironmental dama&e throu&h e)cessi(e pac,a&in& and clearin&

    forests for animal rearin&

    $t reduces the di(ersity of local cuisines

  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    $t sur(i(es on a lo*2*a&e# lo*2benefit employment model# promotin&

    e)ploitati(e labor practices throu&hout the food and food ser(ice industry

    $ts franchisin& scheme !royalties"


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    $n the mid 6>>s# a spate of &lobal fast food chains entered $ndia hopin& to capture a part

    of $ndian fast food se&ment. ut they found it difficult to establish themsel(es. Gainin&

    acceptance locally and blendin& into the $ndian culture pro(ed difficult.

    3cDonaldFs be&an to loo, at the $ndian mar,et sometime in 6>># *hen its e)ecuti(es

    started ma,in& e)ploratory trips. y 6>>5# some international suppliers of 3cDonaldFs

    had (isited $ndia to identify local partners. 3eetin&s *ith a&riculturists *ere conducted

    *ith a (ie* to set up a supply chain. /inally# all this fructified *hen a 7:7 joint (enture

    *as entered bet*een 3cDonaldFs and 1ardcastle 4estaurants -(t. =td. o*ned by Amit

  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    as bur&ers per se but as fast ser(ice in a clean settin&. This notion of (alue *as somethin&

    that could not remain uniue. 8ther fast food chains be&an to adopt the same Pfast and

    clean ser(iceP formula# and soon it *asnPt a distin&uishin& feature of 3cDonaldPs


    The entry of entuc,y /ried %hic,en !/%" *as &reeted *ith protests of farmers#

    consumers# doctors and en(ironmentalists. The fast food chain# *hich initially planned to

    set up 0 restaurants by 6>>9# *as not able to do so# as its re(enues did not pic, up. $n

    early 6>>9# /% be&an to in(esti&ate *hole issue more closely. Their findin&s re(ealed

    that /% *as percei(ed as a restaurant ser(in& only chic,en.

    $ndian families *anted more (ariety# and the impression that /% had only one item on

    its menu# didnFt enhance its appeal. 3oreo(er# /% *as also thou&ht to be e)pensi(e.

    /%Fs failure *as also partly attributed to certain dra*bac,s in the messa&e it sent out to

    consumers about its positionin&. $t *anted to position itself as a family restaurant and not

    as a teena&e han&out. ut accordin& to analysts# the family restaurantF positionin& didnFt

    come clearly in its communication. %onsumers sa* it as a fast food joint specialiin& in a

    chic,en recipe.

    *ND*AN*5*N' A// T2E McDonald6$ WA7

    $t &ain acceptance locally# 3cDonaldFs had to modify its menu Q substitutin& mutton for

    beef in the bur&ers# !somethin& it had ne(er done in any other mar,et"# choosin& names

    li,e 3cAloo and 3aharaja 3ac# and introducin& (ariations and dishes that *ere not

    a(ailable at any 3cDonaldPs outlet any*here in the *orld.

    /rom the meticulous sourcin& of ra* materials and the elimination of beef and por, fromits desiF menus to e(en se&re&atin& the (e&etarian and non2(e&etarian *or,ers#

    3cDonaldFs seemed to be e)tremely orthodo) in its approach. $ndia *as the first country

    to use the complete (e&etable bur&er# creatin& the e&&less mayonnaise (e&etable bur&er#

    so *as the case *ith muttonF bur&ers.


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    KFC 2*STOR7

    %hic,en is our business# but inno(ation and customer satisfaction are our passionsK

    Since the 6>7Ps# /% has &ro*n at a remar,able pace from one small roadside

    restaurant# to an internationally reno*ned restaurant chain 2 the lar&est chain of chic,en

    restaurants in the *orld.

    $t *as at the a&e of 5 *or,in& as a ser(ice station operator in entuc,y that the %olonel

    1arland D Sanders be&an to ser(e food to hun&ry tra(elers from his o*n li(in& uarters.

    efore lon& customers *ere turnin& up for food alone# so he mo(ed across the street to a

    motel and 65+2seater restaurant *hich he named OSandersO. $t *as durin& this time that

    the %olonel de(ised his recipe for fried chic,en usin& a secret blend of ele(en 1erbs and

    spices. 1is restaurant became so popular the state &o(ernor made 1arland Saunders a

    entuc,y %olonel in honour of his fine contribution to state cuisine.

    'sin& his last R67 Social Security cheue he set up entuc,y /ried %hic,en# his o*n

    chic,en franchisin& business# tra(ellin& across the country from restaurant to restaurant

    coo,in& chic,en for the o*ners and their employers. /ollo*in& the o*nersP appro(al of

    his special /% recipe# %olonel Sanders entered upon a handsha,e a&reement# *hich

    pro(ided him *ith a nic,el for e(ery chic,en the restaurant sold.

    $n >@# -epsi%o# $nc. announced the spin2off of its uic, ser(ice restaurants 22

    /%# Taco ell and -ia 1ut 22 into an independent restaurant company# Tricon Global

    4estaurants# $nc. $n 3ay ++# the company announced it recei(ed shareholdersP appro(al

    to chan&e itPs corporation name to umH rands# $nc. The company# *hich o*ns AL;

    All2American /ood 4estaurants# /%# =on&

  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    cla*# /% chic,ens consumed *orld*ide *ould stretch 579#?7 ,ilometres and *ould

    circle the earth at the euator 66 times.

    ;hen $ndiaFs first /% !entuc,y /ried %hic,en" opened in 6>>7# its arri(al spar,ed

    immediate contro(ersy# ran&in& from local &o(ernment char&es that the restaurant sold

    carcino&enic foods laced *ith harmful monosodium &lutamate to tens of thousands of

    farmers protestin& a&ainst a suspected ta,eo(er of the locally based a&ricultural system.

    #ut the company has mana&ed to put that behind and has been recordin& an impressi(e

    double2di&it &ro*th since then# and today# o(er 6.@ la,h people *al, into the 6+ /%

    outlets across the country e(ery *ee,. The Delhi outlet sa* o(er 6# stormin& into it

    in the first t*o days of openin&H

    As a part of the &ro*th strate&y# $4 plans to add about + more /% footprints from the

    present 6+ outlets. A major chun, of this operation *ill tar&et bi& cities# especially Delhi

    and 3umbai# as it *ants to tap these mar,ets first. The company plans to ma,e it a mass

    brand# *hich indicates the be&innin& of the e)pansion spree# as /% is present at only 6+

    locations. Also# this e)pansion *ill be company2financed to a lar&e e)tend# unli,e -ia

    1utFs franchisee model# *ith the /% 1yderabad bein& a case in point.

    The other si&nificant point is /%Fs efforts too *oo (e&etarians in $ndia# a first in the

    *orld. %ombine the inclusion of (e&etarian items and *ith the affordability platform# and

    its clear the company is ready to t*ea, its &lobal positionin& around tasty2chic,en

    platform to *oo $ndian (e&etarians.

    The positionin *hich is in the process of &ettin& finalied# is not &oin& to be chic,en

    specific but for taste. This research is desi&ned to confirm the feasibility of this fact and

    also find the ,ey consumerFs demo&raphic# beha(ioral aspects and need states to fine tune

    the positionin& strate&y. This is just the be&innin& of the decade lon& plan for

    consolidatin& its position in here.


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    8ur first restaurant opened on 67th April 6>77 in Des -laines# $llinois# '.S.A. Almost 7

    years do*n the line# *e are the *orldPs lar&est food ser(ice system *ith more than 0#

    restaurants in 6 countries# ser(in& more than 5? million customers e(ery day

    3cDonaldPs opened its doors in $ndia in 8ctober 6>>?. E(er since then# 3cDonaldFs has

    opened family restaurants in 3umbai# Delhi# -une# Ahmedabad# Vadodara# =udhiana#

  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    no*in& and understandin& customer needs is at the centre of e(ery successful business#

    *hether it sells directly to indi(iduals or other businesses. 8nce you ha(e this

    ,no*led&e# you can use it to persuade potential and e)istin& customers that buyin& from

    you is in their best interests or alter it to satisfy customerFs *ants# needs and ultimately

    deli&ht him *ith your product.

    The incidence of /ast /ood consumption in urban $ndia is acceleratin& much faster than

    most people anticipated and *estern uic, ser(ice restaurants !BS4Fs" are increasin&ly

    ma,in& their presence felt in $ndia.

    3c DonaldFs entered $ndia a decade a&o and ha(e succeeded in e)pandin& rapidly and

    successfully. They had tar&eted ,ids L parents initially and ha(e no* mo(ed on to

    populariin& their menu options and dri(e affordability. -ast research has also sho*ed

    3cDonaldFs to ha(e a hi&h popularity amon&st ,ids and their preferred choice *hen

    eatin& out.

    /% also entered $ndia almost a decade a&o but has remained lar&ely dormant in its

    mar,etin& acti(ities. 1o*e(er it no* *ishes to e)pand its presence across (arious cities

    and step up its mar,etin& a&&ression.

    $n that conte)t it *ants to e)plore

    -hase $2 The manner in *hich people e(aluate and relate to (arious branded BS4Fs# his

    perception of /%# ,ey customers# their demo&raphic and beha(ioural profile# occasions

    of (isit and ,ey similarities and differences bet*een /% and 3cDonaldFs. ;hether is

    should be positioned as a snac, or a meal joint and *here is /% losin& out or is at an


    -hase $$2 The manner in *hich people choose and relate to (arious products at /%# ,ey

    customers# their demo&raphic and beha(ioural profile# occasions and time of (isit.

    Alternate choices and e)pectations *hile eatin&2out.


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    The objecti(e of the research broadly is# 'nderstandin& the /% consumerK. To be able

    to understand the consumer beha(iour for fast food industry# information in follo*in&

    areas need to be found out:

    ;ho is buyin& my brand I cate&ory

    ;ho are the hea(y cate&ory buyers

    ;hy do consumers choose my brand

    Do consumers understand *hat my brand stands for

    1o* do they spend money on eatin&2 out

    ;hat moti(ates consumer to purchase

    ;hat is my brand personality percei(ed as and ho* does it compare to the


    ;hat other cate&ories interact *ith mine# and *hich are important

    ;hat cross cate&ory opportunities are there

    The same e)ercise is repeated in -hase $$ but *ith a focus on si) products of /%

    amon&st /% consumers.


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    Food 'loball,

    One&t!ird o urban *ndian$ opt or a$t ood e+en durin) brea9a$t: cite

    ;Cleanline$$ and 2,)iene6 a$ t!e clinc!er or brand c!oice

    A$ian$ loc9 to a$t ood counter$ more re"uentl, t!an t!eir American and

    European co%

  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    O$deally *e *ould li,e the *orld to turn (e&etarian. ut the least /% can do is ,eep the

    chic,en comfortable till they are ,illed#O Simha said.

    /%# the *orldPs lar&est chic,en restaurant chain# Thursday also announced its e)pansion

    plan to ha(e up to +9 outlets in the country by the end of +?.

    Oy *hat *e ha(e e)perienced till no*# our customers ha(e had the best of e)periences

    *ith us#O said Sandeep ohli# mana&in& director !$ndian subcontinent" of OumH

    4estaurants $nternationalO !4$"# *hose fla&ship brand is /%.

    O;e plan to e)pand to *here(er our customers are and there is no limit to our e)pansion.

    y the year2end *e *ill ha(e any*here bet*een +72+9 outlets#O ohli said.

    /%# *hich opened its first restaurant in an&alore in 6>>7# no* has 67 outlets 2

    includin& fi(e in an&alore# three in Delhi# t*o in -une and one each in 3umbai#

    ol,ata# %handi&arh# =udhiana and 1yderabad.

    ;ith around +# customers already bein& handled per outlet e(ery day in the country#

    /%Ps presence in 3umbai is an important step in e)tendin& the brandPs presence in

    $ndia# ohli said.

    Spea,in& about the lon& delay in enterin& the 3umbai mar,et# he said the reason *as that

    the company al*ays loo,ed to maintain its presence in the most important business

    location of any city.

    O;e *ere *aitin& for the ri&ht location all this *hile#O ohli clarified.

    ;ith &lobal sales of R60.+ billion# company officials (ie* $ndia as a ,ey strate&ic mar,et

    *ith immense potential for future &ro*th.

    /% today has more than 6+#0 restaurants in more than 9 countries ser(in& ei&ht

    million customers e(eryday. $t is one of the fi(e brands of 4$ includin -ia 1ut# Taco

    ell# AL; and =on&

  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    no*in& /% and understandin& its problems since its entry in $ndia

    $dentification of customers# products and other differencin& features throu&h

    researches done for /% an&alore

    Studyin& /% brand identity# Emotional# E)periential and -ositionin& Aspect of

    /% and /% Ad2cept findin&

    Desi&nin& a uestionnaire that incorporates all factors *hich ha(e a say directly

    or indirectly in a consumerFs decision !A sample of the uestionnaire is attached

    *ith the report"

    Samplin& Q A statistical approach to decision ma,in&

    Sample sie chosen Q + consumers for -hase $ and +@ for phase $$

    -roposed time for completion of the project Q 9 *ee,s

    Data sources:

    Primary data Q %onsumerFs responses to their ans*ers to uestions in


    Secondary dataQ %ollected from documents of the company# -ast 34 by (arious

    reputed or&aniations# ma&aines and online resources.

    4esearch en(ironment Q 8utside /% and 3c DonaldFs outlets for -hase $ and

    $n2store /% for -hase $$

    Areas chosen for study: A4E$==

    Sample is chosen at random for phase $ and for phase $$# consumers of

    specifically these products are chosen are inter(ie*ed.$nter(ie*in& customers *ho ha(e just eaten at these outlets

    Sample comprised the head of the &roup

    %ollection and tabulation of all data

    Analysis and data interpretations


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    Dra*in& inferences from the sample statistics

    -resentation of result


    ;e follo*ed the non2probability samplin& method as no *ell2defined databases or lists

    *ere a(ailable !samplin& frame" for our tar&et population from *hich *e could randomly

    pic, up sample elements. 1ence *e follo*ed random samplin&.

    /or -hase $2 Data *as collected from t*o outlets of /% a sample sie of 6

    respondents *as co(ered. Similarly 6 respondents *ere inter(ie*ed at t*o locations of

    3cDonaldFs outlets -eople comin& out of these outlets after eatin& *ere uestioned usin&

    a structured uestionnaire.

    /or -hase $$2 Date *as collected from t*o outlets of /% respondents *as co(ered in

    total. Si) products of /%2 %hana %runch Snac,er# %hic,en %runch Snac,er# 1ot L

    %rispy %hic,en# 8ri&inal 4ecipe Min&er ur&er had 7 respondents each and %hic,en in

    a uc,et had 0 respondents.

    The research also tried co(erin& the entire dayFs timin&s from 66 a.m. to 66 p.m. so that it

    has a fair reflection on its findin&s and *as directed at people *ho had (isited the outletbefore.


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    P2ASE& *



  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    !0" 8%%'-AT$8N 8/ 4ES-8NDENTS

    /i&ure 6.0a /i&ure 6.0b

    3c DonaldFs has dominance in the *or,in& se&ment primarily dri(en by families.

    /% clearly is the preferred choice of youth L youn& adults.


    =ar&e families sho* a preference for 3c DonaldFs *hereas /% has more nucleus

    audience profile. Apart from sin&le combos and buc,et *e also ha(e duet meals.


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    /i&ure 6.7a /i&ure 6.7b

    /or 3c DonaldFs and /% the hi&hest percenta&e of 4espondents comin& to these

    outlets are *ith friends follo*ed by families. ut /% has >C more respondents

    comin& *ith friends than 3c DonaldFs *hile 3c DonaldFs has a 6C more

    respondents comin& *ith families than /%.


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    /i&ure 6.?a /i&ure 6.?b

    ;hile 3c DonaldFs seem to find appeal to all three se&ments# /% seems to be losin&

    out on mi)ed &roups. ;e may ha(e to &i(e some support to our (e&etarian products.

    %( *ND*3*DUA/ 3E'?NON3E' SP/*T

    /i&ure 6.@a

    Mc Donald$ KFCAVG ill Value [email protected] >@.9>

    @+.5C of /% consumers !includin& all people accompanyin& the respondents" are

    non2(e&etarian *hile only 7>.5C of 3c DonaldFs consumers !includin& all people

    accompanyin& the respondents" are non2(e&etarian sho*in& a clear li,in& of non2

    (e&etarians for /% food


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    /i&ure 6.9b

    Appeal primar, limited to

  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    There are already a lar&e number of fast food outlets in the area includin&

    specialty chic,en restaurants in Noida Sector 69 that ha(e a hu&e consumer base.

    ;ith a lar&e number of restaurants and fast2food joints or food courts comin& up

    in (arious ne* malls there is a probability of shiftin& of consumers to nearer




  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %G( Mc DONA/D6S CONSUMER6S a4arene$$ o KFC

    Fi)ure @1Ga Fi)ure @1Gb

    Si&nificant number of 3cDonaldFs consumers is not a*are of /% !refer to fi&ure

    +.0a" *hile a lar&e number also a*are of /% but ne(er (isited !refer to fi&ure +.0b"

    %( 3ariation o a4arene$$ about KFC amon) McDonald6$ con$umer$ 4it! t!eira)e

    Fi)ure @1

    A*areness of /% is hi&hest amon& 692+7 year old consumers follo*ed by +7207years old.


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %B( Fa$t ood eatin) out re"uenc,

    Fi)ure @1BaThe /% consumer is youn& and an eat out frea,F. %omparati(ely 3c DonaldFs

    more popular amon&st a mature audience *ith a comparati(ely passi(e eatin& out



  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    /i&ure +.?a /i&ure +.?b

    ;hen consumers are alone there is no difference in their eatin&2out freuency for 3c

    DonaldFs or /% consumers.

    /i&ure +.?c /i&ure +.?d

    ;hen *ith friends 9@C of KFC Re$pondent$tend to (isit the outlet 8ne or more

    times a *ee, *here as in case of Mc Donald6$ only 57C of 4espondentFs *ith

    friends (isit 8ne or more times a *ee, and almost an eual percenta&e!55C" (isit

    3c DonaldFs once in a fortni&ht.


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    /i&ure +.?e /i&ure +.?f 3c DonaldFs consumers comin& *ith family are more (aried in their freuency of

    eatin& out than /% consumers >7C of *hich eat2out 8ne or more times a *ee, at

    any fast2food outlet.

    /i&ure +.?& /i&ure +.?h

    All ;or, %ollea&ues eatin& out at /% had an eatin&2out freuency of 8ne or more

    times a *ee, *hile only ?>C 3c DonaldFs consumers ha(e the same freuency


    3ajority of consumers ha(e a freuency of eatin& out 8ne or more times a*ee,K# in all four cate&ories of Nature of GroupsK for both 3c DonaldFs L /%

    3c DonaldFs consumers ha(e a more (aried freuency distribution than /%

    consumers *ho ha(e a hi&her and concentrated freuency of eatin&2out hence# A


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    )reater opportunit, to con+ert t!e$e eat&out$ o e>i$tin) KFC con$umer$ at

    +ariou$ a$t&ood outlet$ to +i$it$ to KFCK.


    /i&ure +.@a /i&ure +.@a

    /% su&&ests a more planned outin& compared to 3cDonalds *hich scores hi&hly on

    uic, fi) too


    ;anted to &et to&ether *ith friendsK is the sin&le most important reason for both#

    more so in case of /%!55C" than 3c DonaldFs!+9C".

    The second most important reason for 3c DonaldFs consumers !60C" is $ *as in

    this area L hence decided to come hereK and ;anted an enjoyable outin& *ith

    familyK# *hile for /% consumers !69C" it *as lunchF.


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    Mc Donald6$

    /i&ure +.9a

    /or /riends L /amily the e)perience of &ettin& to&ether and enjoyin& *hile

    eatin& out is the major reason for consumers to (isit 3c DonaldFs

    /or ;or, %ollea&ues L *hen Alone reason shifts to food for as either a brea,

    from home food or lunch


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    1ence dependin& upon the nature of &roup the reason for eatin& out chan&es and

    t*o important constituents that emer&e are the food itself and secondly the

    e)perience of eatin& out at the outlet


    /i&ure +.9b

    The same trend is obser(ed amon& consumers (isitin& /% emphasiin& the

    uni(ersality of consumerFs need (is22(is the nature of &roup they eatin& out *ith.

    /or consumers *ho are alone or *ith *or, collea&ues# itFs the food and hence its

    attributes li,e taste# fillin and nutrition or its affordability

    /or families and friends the e)perience of eatin& at the outlet li,e the ambience#

    comfort# enjoyment# and (ariety alon& *ith (alue for money assumes eual

    importance alon& *ith the &ood food.


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    /i&ure +.9b

    3c DonaldFs is the often named 8ther fast2food outlet by /% consumers# *ith

    50 4esponses i.e. 06C of all named outlets

    This is follo*ed by -ia 1ut!+?C" follo*ed by %afX

  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    Ke, Tar)et Se)ment- The youn& adults !692+7 years" and si&nificant number in +7207

    year old# either students or *or,in& e)ecuti(es *ho come mostly males *ho are non2

    (e&etarian and reside in nei&hborin& areas of the respecti(e outlets and ha(e (isited the

    outlets before too. %omparati(ely 3cDonaldFs has a si&nificant consumer base that

    comprises of (e&etarians and families. The most important reason for freuently the

    outlets more than once in a *ee, is catchin& up *ith friends and the a(era&e spendin& per

    consumer at /% is 4s >9I2 comparati(ely much hi&her than 3cDonaldFs 4s ?9I2 There

    is a hi&h inclination of /% consumers to also (isit 3c DonaldFs *hile (ery less

    inclination of 3c DonaldFs consumers to (isit /%.

    Product Scope: /ast foodI Ne*I DifferentIAmericanI Alienness of taste

    U$e?U$er: Enjoyable brea,I to&ethernessI oun& adults

    #rand a$ a per$on: SpiritedI %oolI oun&

    #rand a$ a$,mbol: %ol Sanders *ith /% lo&o or 4ed L lue coloursI8nly %hic,en

    #rand a$ or)aniLation: American 3N%

    Main Competitor: 3cDonaldFs


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    $n the established mar,ets li,e Australia and the 'nited in&dom# people ha(e &ood

    idea *hat a /% %hic,en is. /ol,s in $ndia need an introduction to the brand.

    uild herita&e story into brand communication as *ell as o(erall product e)perience

    E)tend /% e)perience beyond just chic,en

    Ve&etarian offerin& to be communicated on eual footin& *ith chic,en rather than as

    also runsK.

    -ositionin& should re(ol(e around pro(idin& &reat tastin& foodK# (ery close to the

    international positionin& of /in&er =ic,in& GoodK.

    Ambience and (alue of money to be emphasied

    P!a$e **

    % +7

    Total Sample Covered 7 7


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  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %a /i&ure 6.>b


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    /i&ure 6.6a /i&ure 6.6b

    !6.66" REASON FOR 3*S*T*N' KFC

    /i&ure 6.66a

    /i&ure 6.66b


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    Buic, fi) meal !on the &o" is the most important reason for %hana %runch Snac,er

    !/i&ure 6.67a" and Specific food taste is an important reason for chic,en crunch snac,er

    *hich reflects its li,in& !/i&ure 6.67b"


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %@( #UCKET OF C2*CKEN

    %@1Total Sample Covered 06

    %@1@( 'ender

    Fi)ure @1@

    %@1G( A)e


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    Fi)ure @1G%@1( SEC

    Fi)ure @1

    %@1B( EDUCAT*ON

    Fi)ure @1B


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %@1( OCCUPAT*ON

    Fi)ure @1

    3ajority of 8% consumers are Students follo*ed by E)ecuti(esI8fficers

    %@1( 'ROUP S*5E

    Fi)ure @1

    A(era&e Group Sie 0.9@


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %@1J( 'enerall, #uc9et o C!ic9en i$ ordered 4!en t!e )roup $iLe i$ lar)er

    Fi)ure @1J

    Almost half of %8 consumers are &roups of /4$ENDS follo*ed by families.

    %@1( Number o time$ +i$ited earlier

    Fi)ure @1

    Almost half of 8% %onsumers ha(e (isited the outlet more than 5 times


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



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  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %G( 5*N'ER #UR'ER


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %G1G( A'E D*STR*#UT*ON

    /i&ure 0.0

    The a&e &roup of 6>2+5 years comprises 09C of Min&er ur&er %onsumers follo*ed by

    +72+> years of a&e &roup !+?C"

    %G1( SEC

    /i&ure 0.5

    $nsi&nificant penetration in SE% 6 L + for Min&er ur&er.


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %G1B( 'ROUP S*5E

    /i&ure 0.7

    ?C of Min&er %onsumers come in &roups of T*oFsK

    %G1( EDUCAT*ON

    /i&ure 0.?


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    /i&ure 0.@

    3ajority of Min&er consumers are Students follo*ed by E)ecuti(esI8fficers similar to

    uc,et %onsumers

    %G1J( 'ROUP T7PE

    /i&ure 0.9


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %G1( DA7 PART %(

    /i&ure 0.>Min&er has hi&hest snac, presenceK and also a si&nificant number of customers at lunch


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



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  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %1@( 'ENDER

    /i&ure 5.+a /i&ure 5.+b

    %1G( A'E

    /i&ure 5.0a /i&ure 5.0b

    0?C 84 %onsumers are in 6>2+5 a&e &roup than +5C 1L% %onsumers


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %1( SEC

    /i&ure 5.5a /i&ure 5.5b

    %1B( NUM#ER OF PEOP/E *N A 'ROUP %(

    /i&ure 5.7a /i&ure 5.7b


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %1( EDUCAT*ON

    /i&ure 5.?a /i&ure 5.?b

    %1( OCCUPAT*ON

    /i&ure 5.@a /i&ure 5.@b


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %1J( 'ROUP T7PE

    /i&ure 5.9a /i&ure 5.9b

    Table 5.9c

    1ot L %rispy 8ri&inal 4ecipe

    A(era&e Group Sie +.0 +.+9

    %1( DA7 PART %(

    /i&ure 5.>a /i&ure 5.>b

    oth ha(e si&nificant snac, presence si&nificantly more so in case of 84. 1L% is

    more customers durin& lunch *hile 84 has more customers at dinner time


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



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  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %B( F*ND*N' OF P2ASE **& SNAPS2OT-





    SNACKERA'E periment

    Product- =i&ht# Ne* L 'niue taste # Affordable

    Ke, tar)et cu$tomer$: 6>2+5 year students and e)ecuti(es belon&in& to SE% A6 and also

    SE% A+ in case of %hic,en %runch Snac,er1

    Da, Part- Snac, time !0p.m. Q @p.m."

    Need State- !a" Buic, 3eal on the &o !b" A ne* e)citin& taste at affordable price !c"

    %on(enient place to interact *ith friends L de2stress


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    Occa$ion- %atchin& up *ith friends o(er a snac, or a Buic, 3eal *ith family and


    Po$itionin)- /ast2food# e)citin uniueness# youn li&htness# Value for money#

    Enjoyable brea,I to&etherness of friends L family

    1o*e(er its tar&et se&ment is uiet limited to youn& adults# mainly students and

    (e&etarian consumers accompanyin& a &roup *hich is a matter of concern.


    !6" Addin& a fe* more (ariations in snac,er especially %hana %runch on the lines of

    Aloo 3cTi,,i ur&erK L 3cVe&&ie ur&erK of 3cDonaldFs *hich are (ery popular

    !+" Addin& a ne* ran&e of li&ht sand*iches that /% already has in other countries

    B1@1 C2*CKEN in a #UCKET

    C2*CKEN in a #UCKET

    A)e ecuti+e: oicer

    Da, Part Gp1m1 to p1m'roup T,pe Friend$ %(Number o +i$it$ More t!an time$

    W!at el$e !a$ been ordered alon) 4it! t!emain di$! Sot Drin9: Frenc! Frie$

    Rea$on*ndul)e treat m,$el?ot!er$ to)reat ood

    Main Di$! ordered la$t time 2CAlternate di$! #ur)er %@( : C!ic9en %@(Alternate eatin)&joint McDonald6$


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    E>pectation$ or t!e di$! Di$co+er a ne4 ta$te

    W!, i$ t!i$ apt or t!i$ occa$ion 'ood Ta$te: Tried and li9ed beore

    Product- /ilin 'niueness# Taste # %rispy L %runchy# 1erita&eKe, tar)et cu$tomer$- 6>2+5 and +72+> year students and e)ecuti(es belon&in& to

    SE% A6 and SE% A+# 3oderate to hea(y (isitors

    Da, Part- Snac, time !0p.m. Q @p.m."

    Need State- !a" /illin& meal !b" $ndul&eItreat myselfIothers to &reat food !c" A ne*

    uniue taste !d" %on(enient place to interact *ith friends L de2stress

    Occa$ion- Enjoyable to&etherness of friends o(er a meal or treatin& them for special

    occasions *ith &reat food

    Po$itionin)- /ast2food# e)citin uniueness# youn fillin %rispy L %runchy# Value

    for money# Enjoyable brea,I to&etherness of friends# 1erita&e story

    1o*e(er its tar&et se&ment is uiet limited to youn& adults# mainly students and

    (e&etarian consumers accompanyin& a &roup *hich is a matter of concern


    !6" To increase its popularity in &roups of families and in hi&her a&e &roups it can be

    %ombo2ed *ith read or *ith Ve&&ie -ulaoY %urry since at lunch or dinner this

    combination &i(es a more /illin&23eal2AppealK!+" Althou&h %hic,en Thali is a &ood affordable meal# the 3a,hani %urry is not (ery

    appealin& to customers and needs to be chan&ed *hen %ombo2ed *ith %8 else

    it spoils the e)perience of Eatin& %8 too

    !0" /% at present has just the fried chic,en *hile that is a ne* taste thatFs attractin&

    $ndian customers ho*e(er in sync *ith the $ndian palate it should come out *ith


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    4oasted# Grilled %hic,en *hich are dry or semi2dry since there is a lar&e number

    of potential customers there *ho are ready to e)periment the $ndian %hic,en Dish

    *ith a different taste but are a little *ary of tryin& a %omplete American /oodK.

    B1G1 5*N'ER #UR'ER

    5in)er #ur)erA)e pectation$ or t!e di$! Di$co+er a ne4 ta$te

    W!, i$ t!i$ apt or t!i$ occa$ionTried and li9ed beore %G(:'ood Ta$te %

  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    Need State: !a" /illin& lunch !b" Specific food taste !c" A uniue ri(etin& taste !d"

    %on(enient place to interact *ith friends L de2stress

    Occa$ion: ;or, lunch L %ra(in& for a specific taste

    Po$itionin): /ast2food# interestin& palate uniue to /%# youn fillin %rispy L

    %runchy# Surprisin& brea, from other bur&ers !3cDonaldFs"

    T!e onl, area$ t!at need probin) i$-


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    %hic,en !6+C" !+C"

    Alternate eatin&2joint 3cDonaldFs 3cDonaldFs

    E)pectations for the dish Specific food tasteDisco(er a ne* taste#Specific food taste

    ;hy is this apt apt for this


    Tried before and

    li,ed ;anted to e)periment

    FOR 2OT CR*SP7-

    Product- 'niueness# Taste # %rispy L %runchy# 1erita&e

    Ke, tar)et cu$tomer$: +72+> year e)ecuti(es and businessmen belon&in& to SE%

    A6#3oderate to hea(y (isitors

    Da, Part: Snac, time !0p.m. Q @p.m."

    Need State: !a" Snac,in& !b" Specific food taste thatPs ne* uniue L ri(etin& !d"

    %on(enient place to rela) *ith family and *or, collea&ues L de2stress

    Occa$ion: After Shoppin& for families and ;or,2lunch for %ollea&ues

    Po$itionin): /ast2food# uniueness# %hic,en Specialist# %rispy L %runchy# Enjoyable

    brea, from *or, or shoppin $nternational Taste L standard and 1erita&e story


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    FOR OR*'*NA/ REC*PE-

    Product- 'niueness# Taste #Tender L 2+5 year e)ecuti(es and businessmen belon&in& to SE% A6 and

    A+#3oderate to hea(y (isitors

    Da, Part: Snac, time !0p.m. Q @p.m."

    Need State: !a" Snac,in& !b" Disco(er a ne* taste L A specific food taste !d"

    $ndul&eITreat myselfIothers to &reat food *ith friends and *or, collea&ues L ta,e a

    brea, from normal borin& food

    Occa$ion: Enjoyable to&etherness *ith friends o(er a &reat tastin& snac, and ;or,2

    lunch for %ollea&ues

    Po$itionin): /ast2food# uniueness# Ne* taste # %hic,en Specialist# Tender L

  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    by a consumers ta,in& any of these other dishes. All these meals should also ha(e an

    option *ith 84 and should be as,ed *hile orderin&.

    !+" 3ore (ariations of %hic,en Dishes !4oasted or Grilled# Dry or Semi2Dry" should be

    introduced since lac, of (ariety *as a common complain by customers besides these

    could be ser(ed *ith salad and ,etchup of different types !Tomato# %hilly# 3int#

    Tamarind etc" to enhance taste and &i(e more options to customers.

    !?" %omments by consumers of /%


    A (ery stron& pun&ent smell !of fryin& of %hic,en"

    -lates &i(en *ere crac,ed

    /rench fries are not &oodInot fresh

    %urry &i(en *ith %hic,en Thali is a*ful

    ;ron& orders *ere ser(ed by helper

    %hic,en piece in the Min&er ur&er is one sin&le bi& piece *hich ma,es ituncomfortable to eat

    The %hic,en Ti,,a ;rap nF 4oll has a bone in its ti,,a

    =ac, of (ariety in the menu L Standardiation of products at different outlets


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    O3ER A// POS*T*ON*N'-

    Nature fa(ors e)tremes

    The same is true in mar,etin&. The best chance for success is to position your brandas far from the leader as possible. uild your position too close to the leader L they

    *ill cro*d you out. /or e)ample %o,e is mar,eted as authentic L red *hile -epsi is

    choice of a ne* &eneration L blue.

    So e(en thou&h 3c DonaldFs is undoubtedly the most important competitor of /%#

    /% should try bein& as different as it can because althou&h consumers may be

    loo,in& for the same dish called bur&er but clearly *ant a completely ne*# different



  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    Re$pondent$ Per$onal


    For Mc Donald$


    Day4espondentPsName Se) A&e Address 8ccupation

    No. inthe&roup

    Nature of&roup

    Ve& INon(e&split

    Total bill(alue

    No. oftimes( is it tothe outlet

    =ast timeyou(isitedthe outlet

    8therfastfoodoutletsyou (isit

    Are youa*are of/%J


    No. oftimes(isited/%


    /ast foodeatin& outfreuency


    Mar9et 3i$it Iue$tionnaire %*n&$tore(




    !a" 69 or belo* !b" 6>2+5 !c" +72+> !d" 020> !e" 5 and abo(e


    !a" Student !b" E)ecuti(eI8fficer !c" usinessmen !d" Self Employed -rofessional !e" 1ouse;ife !f" 8thers!Specify"


    !a" School up to 6+th !b" Some %olle&e but not &raduate !c" GraduateI-G General !d"GraduateI-G -rofessional

    Group Type:

    !a" /riends !b" /amily !c" ;or, %ollea&ues !d" fIGf !e" Alone !f" 8thers!Specify"ZZZZZZZZZZZ

    No. of people in the &roup: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZVe&I Non Ve& split: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZEducation L 8ccupation of the person *ho contributes ma)imum to the household:


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    !ow lets discuss what you have eaten here today

    B0. ;hich of the follo*in& best describes the main dish you had here todayJ

    3e) Code Non 3e) Code

    %hana %runch Snac,er 6 %hic,en %runch Snac,er ?Ve& Thali + %hic,en Thali @

    Ve& /in&ers 0 1ot L %rispy %hic,en 9

    Ve&&ie /east 5 8ri&inal 4ecipe %hic,en >

    -aneer Ti,,a ;rap n 4oll 7 %rispy %hic,en Strips 6

    %hic,en Ti,,a ;rap n 4oll 66

    Min&er bur&er 6+

    %olonel bur&er 60

    uc,et 8f %hic,en 65

    B5. ;hich of the follo*in& did you order alon& *ith your main dishJ

    Soft Drin, 6/rench fries +Thali 0ur&er 5Snac,er 7Salad ?read @$ce creamI sundae 9

    %olesla* >Any 8ther !-lease mention" 6

    B7 !a". ;hich of the follo*in& reasons best describes your current (isit to /%J

    After Shoppin& 6;or, =unch +%atchin& up *ith friends 0Buic, meal !on the &o" 5$ndul&eI Treat myselfIoursel(es to &reat food 7%elebratin& special occasionsIe(ents ?

    rea, from home food @;ant a specific type of food 9

    B7 !b". ;hich of the follo*in& best describes *hat you are loo,in& for in the dish ordered byyou at /%J

    Disco(er a ne* taste 6-ic, myself up !-ositi(e ener&yIuplift mood" +


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc


    Share *ith others 0Buic, fi) meal 5Sa(in& time !by not coo,in&" 74e*ard myselfI others ?Specific food taste @


    B@. $ma&ine if there *as no /%.

    ;hat *ould you ha(e eaten on this occasionJ !$nstead of *hat you referred in B0" ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


    B9. ;hich of the follo*in& main dish you had on your last (isit to /%J

    3e) Code Non 3e) Code%hana %runch Snac,er 6 %hic,en %runch Snac,er ?

    Ve& Thali + %hic,en Thali @

    Ve& /in&ers 0 1ot L %rispy %hic,en 9Ve&&ie /east 5 8ri&inal 4ecipe %hic,en >

    -aneer Ti,,a ;rap n 4oll 7 %rispy %hic,en Strips 6

    %hic,en Ti,,a ;rap n 4oll 66

    Min&er bur&er 6+

    %olonel bur&er 60

    uc,et 8f %hic,en 65


  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc



    ;eb Sites





    %lass Notes is referred


    $ndia Today

    usiness Today

    The *ee,

    8utloo, E)press


    The Times of $ndia

    The 1industan Times

    The Economic Times


    -1$=$- 8T=E4# MARKET*N' MANA'EMENT# NE; 3$==ENN$'3

    ED$T$8N +.


    SE%8ND ED$T$8N.

    ;$==$A3 STANT8N.
  • 8/11/2019 Consumer Prefrence Towards-Kfc
