Questions? Problems? Call Hensley Legal Group toll free at 1.888.505.8232. Page 1 of 20 CONSUMERS GUIDE FOR INJURED VICTIMS Practical advice you can use right now to recover the money you deserve without problems, hassles or delays by JOHN D. HENSLEY, FOUNDER Hensley Legal Group, PC Attorneys at Law 17 Secrets of Getting a Fair Settlement for Your Injuries 2 7 Costly Misconceptions About Injury Cases 4 When You Need a Lawyer -- and When You Don’t 6 8 Costly Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting a Personal Injury Trial Lawyer 7 Hensley Legal Group’s 12-Part Client Services Guarantee 9 Hensley Legal Group’s No-Risk Guarantees 10 Thanks For Asking… Including Frequently Asked Questions 11 Meet John D. Hensley 15 Comments From Hensley Legal Group’s Clients 16 You’re Invited to Call or E-mail 20 __________ Hensley Legal Group, PC We always give you CPR: Compassion -- Peace of mind -- and Respect. Guaranteed! __________

CONSUMER S GUIDE FOR INJURED VICTIMS · 2020. 6. 5. · The longer your file remains open, the more the adjuster will pressure you to settle. Your lawyer can help you evaluate whether

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Page 1: CONSUMER S GUIDE FOR INJURED VICTIMS · 2020. 6. 5. · The longer your file remains open, the more the adjuster will pressure you to settle. Your lawyer can help you evaluate whether

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Practical advice you can use right now to

recover the money you deserve without

problems, hassles or delays


JOHN D. HENSLEY, FOUNDER Hensley Legal Group, PC

Attorneys at Law

17 Secrets of Getting a Fair Settlement for Your Injuries 2

7 Costly Misconceptions About Injury Cases 4

When You Need a Lawyer -- and When You Don’t 6

8 Costly Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting a Personal Injury Trial Lawyer 7

Hensley Legal Group’s 12-Part Client Services Guarantee 9

Hensley Legal Group’s No-Risk Guarantees 10

Thanks For Asking… Including Frequently Asked Questions 11

Meet John D. Hensley 15

Comments From Hensley Legal Group’s Clients 16

You’re Invited to Call or E-mail 20


Hensley Legal Group, PC

We always give you CPR:

Compassion -- Peace of mind -- and Respect.



Page 2: CONSUMER S GUIDE FOR INJURED VICTIMS · 2020. 6. 5. · The longer your file remains open, the more the adjuster will pressure you to settle. Your lawyer can help you evaluate whether

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SECRET #1: Do not talk to anyone... except your doctor or attorney. Do not speak with the other insurance company and its adjusters or lawyers. They will often try to tape record you and misrepresent you. You should also be careful when speaking with even your own insurance company, or to any lawyers hired by your insurance company, without notifying your attorneys so they may be present if necessary. SECRET #2: Seek medical treatment promptly. Tell your doctors about all of your symptoms. You should try to keep all medical appointments, and you should always tell your doctors about all of your areas of pain. You should never exaggerate your symptoms, but you should also not minimize your ailments when talking with your doctors. This is important to your treatment. If you see any other doctors, make sure that you tell both your current doctors and your attorney immediately. SECRET #3: Conduct a complete investigation. It is extremely important that you or your attorney collect all witness statements, police reports, medical reports and anything else related to your accident. Your case may require hiring private investigators or accident reconstruction experts. The other party’s insurance company will collect all sorts of information that may be used against you. You could be at a serious disadvantage if you do not conduct a thorough investigation soon after the accident. SECRET #4: Get photographs of all important elements in your case. For example, if you are in a car accident, you should obtain photographs of your car and the car that hit you, the accident scene, and your injuries. If you fall, you should take photographs of the defective condition that caused you to fall. Photos are vivid evidence of what you experienced. Sometimes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and juries find photos to be powerful proof of your injuries. If you have taken pictures, tell your attorney and provide him with the photographs or negatives. If an inves-tigator is necessary, I have several who work with me to conduct all aspects of the investigation. SECRET #5: Don’t have your car repaired until you have taken photos of your vehicle’s damage. You don’t want to rely on photographs taken by the other party’s investigator. These people are trained to minimize the damage appearance in the photos. Take your own photos or tell me and I will obtain photos that properly show your damages. Also, if the other driver was clearly at fault and you have collision coverage on your own policy, you have two alternatives: Either your attorney may insist that the other driver’s insurance company repairs the automobile -- or you may submit the claim to your insurance company and then your attorney can attempt to recover your deductible for you from the at-fault party’s insurer. Always consult with your attorney to determine which choice he or she recommends. SECRET #6: Don’t sign a release for your medical records to the other party’s insurance company. Many accident victims make the mistake of signing a release for the other party’s insurance company. This gives the other party’s insurance company access to your medical records. The same is true for your own insurance company. However, in certain types of claims, your own insurance company may be entitled to your medical information. Don’t release your medical records to any insurance company or sign an authorization allowing an insurance company to get the records directly until you speak with your attorney.

Page 3: CONSUMER S GUIDE FOR INJURED VICTIMS · 2020. 6. 5. · The longer your file remains open, the more the adjuster will pressure you to settle. Your lawyer can help you evaluate whether

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SECRET #7: Never plead guilty to any traffic offense before you consult with your attorney. Ask your lawyer to evaluate your ticket or citation before the time and date set for the hearing. Pleading guilty to a traffic offense can negatively affect your injury claim. SECRET #8: Keep the adjuster informed about the seriousness of your injuries. Now we get into an area where you must be very careful. You want to keep the adjuster informed. Yet, at the same time, you must be careful what you disclose to the adjuster. (See Secret #6.) There’s a fine line between what you should and should not tell the adjuster. And, certainly, the circumstances of your injury will play a part in what you should reveal. It’s not possible to address this subject in one or two paragraphs. When we meet, I’ll be happy to discuss this with you and answer any questions. SECRET #9: Don’t let the insurance adjuster pressure you into settling your case. Adjusters use many methods to get you to settle for a smaller amount than the fair value of your case. The insurance adjuster may try to get you to admit that the accident was your fault, or at least partly your fault. The adjuster may try to get you to give a recorded statement or sign a statement, either of which may be used against you later at trial. Adjusters are trained to gather information that may be damaging to your case, and to settle cases for the lowest amount possible. What’s more, don’t be surprised if the adjuster is polite. His or her kindness may be a tactic to get you to settle for less than your case is worth and to get you to settle before you hire an attorney. The longer your file remains open, the more the adjuster will pressure you to settle. Your lawyer can help you evaluate whether the insurance company’s offers are reasonable or unreasonable. Also, your attorney can file a lawsuit on your behalf if the insurance company refuses to make a fair offer to settle. SECRET #10: Know all your damages. They include (1) the cost of medical treatment, (2) pain and suffering for your injuries, (3) loss of income for time off work, (4) loss of business, (5) cost of a rental car, (6) cost of fixing your car, (7) cost for psychological counseling caused by stress or some other aspect of the accident, (8) cost of transportation to and from your doctor’s office, and possibly other money you paid out or lost as a result of your injury. Keep an accurate record of all expenses and hours or days lost from work due to your injuries. Your attorney will get written documentation from your employer to verify the lost earnings. SECRET #11: Keep all bills and receipts related to your accident. If you don’t save your bills and receipts, you will not be able to prove the amount of your damages. Be sure to save everything: doctor bills, hospital bills, pharmacy bills, and all other bills you incurred because of your accident. Immediately give all bills to your lawyer so he may deal directly with the medical providers on your behalf. Make sure you get a receipt for every bill you pay. My office will be happy to help you process payments in car accident cases through the no-fault insurance of the car you were in and through your own health insurance or other available coverages. SECRET #12: Know all your injuries. Many victims think that if they don’t hurt, they aren’t injured. Yet injuries caused by accidents may not develop into symptoms for days or weeks. Don’t be too quick to rule out injuries just because they haven’t yet appeared. This is why, at least early in your claim, you should not discuss your injuries or possible lack of symptoms with insurance company adjusters. (See secrets #6 and #8.) SECRET #13: Know your sources for insurance coverage. In many cases an injured victim can legally collect from two or three different insurance policies at the same time, yet many accident victims don’t know where to look for various insurance coverages. Your attorney will help you determine whether you can collect from more than one policy.

Page 4: CONSUMER S GUIDE FOR INJURED VICTIMS · 2020. 6. 5. · The longer your file remains open, the more the adjuster will pressure you to settle. Your lawyer can help you evaluate whether

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SECRET #14: Continue under your doctor’s care until your doctor releases you. Many people

stop going to their doctor when they feel better, but before the doctor releases them from treatment.

Make sure you continue going to the doctor until your doctor releases you! Your doctor knows the

complications that could result from your injury. The type of injury may be complex, and the mere

fact that you are no longer in pain does not mean that your injuries have fully healed. If you can’t

afford the continuing cost of treatment, you’re invited to call me to discuss your options.

SECRET #15: Consider and be prepared to file a lawsuit if the settlement offer is not fair.

After your doctor releases you from treatment, your case must be prepared quickly and, if necessary,

a lawsuit filed for you. Insurance companies are not in a hurry to settle cases unless (1) they can

settle the lawsuit for far less than it’s worth, or (2) they feel the pressure of the approaching court

date. Insurance companies usually get serious about settling your claim if they see that they will

have to start paying lawyers to defend your lawsuit. I will be more than happy to discuss the benefits

and risks of filing a lawsuit and will make sure you understand all of the aspects before deciding to

take this important step.

SECRET #16: Ask a qualified, experienced personal injury trial lawyer to evaluate your case.

You probably had a doctor evaluate your injuries. Doesn’t it also make sense to have a lawyer

evaluate your legal claim? The insurance company wants you to settle quickly in hopes that you’ll

settle for far less than your case is worth. An experienced personal injury trial attorney can help you

by reviewing your file. They will carefully review the police report, doctors’ statements, medical

bills, time lost from work and other information. Then they can give you an informed opinion about

the estimated value of your case. If you’d like me to evaluate your case, please don’t hesitate to call.

SECRET #17: If you decide to hire a lawyer, choose one who isn’t afraid to go to court.

Insurance companies keep tabs on lawyers. They know which lawyers will take them to court -- the

fighters. And they know which lawyers will not go to court -- the settlers. The fighters usually get

more money for their clients than the settlers. Make sure you discuss your case with a skilled

personal injury trial lawyer.


MISCONCEPTION #1: I can settle my case without hiring a lawyer.

True. If you’re satisfied with the insurance company merely repairing your car and paying a portion

of your medical bills, then you’re right. You may not need to hire a lawyer.

Still, it’s important that you understand what you’re entitled to. In most cases, you are entitled not

only to recover your medical bills and repairs to your property, such as a car, but also to any

additional damages you suffer, such as physical pain and suffering. That’s why I urge you to at least

talk with a lawyer over the telephone before you accept an insurance company’s offer.

Your lawyer takes the hassle out of dealing with the insurance company. In my office, I provide all

these services for my clients, usually at no charge. In other words, I usually don’t take a penny of the

money I collect for damages to your property or car. My fee is limited to one third of what I recover

for your physical and psychological injuries and damages -- nothing more.

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MISCONCEPTION #2: An attorney requires a down payment to accept my injury claim.

False. In my office, all accident cases are handled on a contingency fee. This means I get paid out

of the money I recover for you. If you collect nothing, you pay no attorney’s fee. To start, you can

talk with me for free. And if you hire my services, you pay no fee until your case settles and I

recover money for you. I will be happy to talk with you about this at our initial meeting.

MISCONCEPTION #3: I’ll have to go to court to get what my case is worth.

False. Most injury cases are settled before the case goes to court. Often, when the insurance

company realizes you and your lawyer are ready and willing to go to court, the insurance company

starts making reasonable offers for your injury claim. If we don’t like the first offer, we make a

counteroffer. Negotiations may continue until both sides agree on a certain amount. In most cases,

injury claims don’t require a court trial, but in rare cases that do, our office is well equipped to see

them through.

MISCONCEPTION #4: I have to accept what my lawyer tells me.

False. Anytime you feel confused or don’t understand what’s going on, you’re entitled to and should

get a second opinion. In the field of medicine, if your doctor suggests major surgery, you know it’s

wise to get a second opinion. Likewise, anytime you speak with one lawyer, you’re perfectly free to

confirm his advice by seeking a second opinion from another lawyer. I will be happy to review your

case and provide a second opinion.

MISCONCEPTION #5: Once I settle my claim, I can get more money in the future if I have

additional medical bills.

False. Once your claim is settled, it is over -- forever! No more money for bodily injury, pain and

suffering, no matter what. The only exception is for actual medical bills in certain cases like car

accidents and this, too, is limited and complicated.

MISCONCEPTION #6: I have only one year to file a lawsuit.

False. This can be a difficult question to answer. In Indiana, in most personal injuries cases, you

have two years to file a lawsuit to protect your rights. However, in some instances, you may have

only one year. If your claim is against a governmental entity (such as a city, county, or state or their

employees), you may have only 90 days to protect your rights to make a claim. Specifically, in

Indiana car accidents, to be certain your medical bills and lost wages are paid, you must file your

claim within 30 days.

It is important that you know your rights. Otherwise, you may lose your right to bring a claim for

your injuries and damages. Ask me, and I’ll help you determine the proper time frames so you don’t

forfeit your rights.

MISCONCEPTION #7: If I am partly at fault for causing the accident, I am not entitled to

any money.

False. Even if you are partly to blame for the accident, you may still be entitled to recover money.

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This is known as comparative negligence. For example, even if you are 25% at fault, you can

recover 75% from the defendant who also caused your injuries.


In some instances, you may be able to settle your claim with the insurance company by yourself, without an attorney’s help. However, it’s important that you realize you are going up against trained adjusters and claims representatives who get praised and promoted for keeping costs down and settlements low. Still, you may be able to settle your claim by yourself � when you don’t mind gathering all of the information necessary to determine the value of your claim � when you don’t mind going to the time and trouble of interviewing necessary witnesses � when you think you have all the bases covered, and � when you know the insurance company is not trying to take advantage of you. (You and I both know insurance companies always try to take advantage of you!) If you have questions or are unsure about what to do, you should consider hiring an attorney. Your personal injury lawyer can advise you on the proper course of action, explain your legal rights, tell you what to expect regarding the progress of your case, evaluate your case, and negotiate a full and fair settlement of your claim, all while representing your interests aggressively so you get the money you deserve for your injuries. Victims often share this concern: Will I get more money handling my case myself, or should I hire a lawyer? As you may know, your lawyer usually charges one third of the amount they recover for you as their fee. The amount of money your lawyer recovers is usually much more than you could have recovered on your own. You don’t save any money by waiting to hire a lawyer. The sooner you contact me, the sooner I can aggressively pursue your claim. What will happen if I don’t hire a lawyer? This question is hard to answer. You may do just fine, or you may permanently damage your case and make it much harder (or even impossible) to collect the money you deserve. Consider this analogy: You have a leaky faucet. You can try to fix it yourself, and you might do a good job. Adversely, you might cause further damage. Then you call the plumber. Now your plumber will charge you two or three times as much as he would have charged if you had called him at the beginning, when all you had was a leaky faucet. These extra charges are because of the damage you caused, which your plumber must now repair. You can hire me near the end of your case if you are having problems collecting from the insurance company. Or you can hire me at the beginning and I’ll do all the work for you. Either way, you will pay me the same. So why not hire me at the beginning? You will pay me nothing more -- plus, you will save yourself all the time, stress, aggravation and hassle of dealing with the insurance company. What’s more, I expect to persuade the insurance company to pay you more money than they would pay you if you do not have a lawyer.

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MISTAKE #1: Choosing a lawyer who doesn’t have enough experience.

The most important factor in choosing a personal injury lawyer is the depth of their knowledge, skill,

judgment, and experience handling injury claims. This includes (1) experience handling injury

cases, and (2) experience taking injury cases to trial. In most cases, the money you recover for your

injuries will come from an insurance company -- either the other person’s insurance company or your

own. One of the reasons insurance companies have so much money is because they pay accident

victims like you as little as possible -- usually less than you deserve. Make sure the lawyer you select

has in-depth experience handling personal injury cases.

MISTAKE #2: Choosing a lawyer only because you like their advertising.

A flashy TV commercial or yellow pages ad doesn’t mean anything except that the lawyer agreed to

pay for the ad. Advertising can make almost any lawyer look like an expert. Don’t choose a lawyer

solely because you like their ad. Make sure you ask questions about the attorney’s experience in

handling injury claims. I will be glad to talk with you about cases I have handled that are similar to

your own.

MISTAKE #3: Choosing the lawyer who promises you the most money.

The amount of money you’re entitled to recover, called “damages,” is based on many components:

(1) the length of your recovery from injury, (2) the dollar amount of your medical bills, (3) the dollar

amount of lost wages, (4) pain and suffering, and (5) the severity of your injuries. No one can tell

you exactly what your case is worth until they gather all the facts. Any lawyer who promises you a

certain amount of money before all of this information is known is making a promise they probably

can’t keep.

MISTAKE #4: Choosing a lawyer because they expect to settle your case.

The most powerful weapon you can use against the insurance company is your willingness and

ability to take your case to trial. Most injury cases are settled without going to trial. Even so, if you

hope to get a fair settlement for your injuries, your lawyer must be willing to take the insurance

company to court. Otherwise, the insurance company has no reason to offer you a fair amount of

money for your injuries. If you hire a “settling attorney” -- one who usually settles their cases and

won’t go to court -- you can expect to receive less money for your injuries than if you hire a skilled

trial attorney.

MISTAKE #5: Choosing a lawyer because of a referral from a friend.

When a friend refers you to a lawyer, be careful. Yes, your friend probably means well, but your

friend may not be the best source for a referral. You see, people often select a lawyer because they

like them. But you need a lawyer who is much more than just a nice person. You need an attorney

who has the trial experience to go up against billion-dollar insurance companies. Insurance

companies hire experienced investigators, adjusters, and lawyers to work against you. You need

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experienced lawyers and investigators working for you. Your best choice is an experienced personal

injury trial lawyer with a proven track record and reputation for success.

MISTAKE #6: Choosing a lawyer merely because they appear successful.

A handsome office and an expensive car don’t tell you anything about the lawyer’s experience.

Don’t judge a lawyer merely by appearance. Choose a lawyer by whether they have the knowledge,

skill, experience, and willingness to (1) sue the other party, and (2) take your case to trial, if

necessary. That’s the best way to make sure you recover the money you deserve.

MISTAKE #7: Choosing a lawyer because of the location of their office.

You may be inclined to select a lawyer who has an office down the street from your home or office,

but this could be a big mistake because what you gain in convenience you may lose in knowledge

and experience. Most of the work between a personal injury lawyer and their client may be done by

mail and over the telephone. You should hire an experienced trial attorney, even if you must drive a

little farther to their office. You may find that the extra minutes on the road will be worth thousands

of extra dollars in your pocket. If travel is difficult for you, please let me know and I may be able to

help you.

MISTAKE #8: Not reviewing the lawyer’s track record.

You can get a good idea of a lawyer’s experience by reviewing their track record of cases that they

have settled or taken to trial. Ask the attorney about cases they have tried in court and cases they

have settled. This will give you a way of determining the level of the attorney’s experience.


Hensley Legal Group, PC

We always give you CPR:

Compassion -- Peace of mind -- and Respect.



“John and his staff could not have done any better. My experience was superb!”

John Hensley is awesome. He’s an excellent man, an excellent lawyer, and he knows his stuff. When

you go to a lawyer, you don’t feel comfortable. John makes you feel good. I’ve known him for two

years. I will definitely refer my friends to Hensley Law Firm.

Debra Johnson; Indianapolis, Indiana

“Everyone in the office answered my questions and asked if they could do more to help.”

I’m glad I chose Hensley Legal Group. Everything they did was professional. They were very

prompt with their responses, whether on the phone, by e-mail or by letter. I worked specifically with

Sarah. It was definitely a pleasure to have her on my side. I will refer my friends to John Hensley’s

law firm.

Greg Nichols; Indianapolis, Indiana

Page 9: CONSUMER S GUIDE FOR INJURED VICTIMS · 2020. 6. 5. · The longer your file remains open, the more the adjuster will pressure you to settle. Your lawyer can help you evaluate whether

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Hundreds of injured victims have hired John Hensley and

Hensley Legal Group, PC over the past 15 years partly because of



When you hire our services, we promise you will receive...

1. Close Personal Attention. We promise we will answer all of your questions, meet with you as

often as you wish, and do everything possible to treat you the way we like to be treated when

we’re the client.

2. Immediate Access. We promise we will speak with you immediately if we’re in the office and

available when you call. If we’re out of the office or with clients, we will return your call as

soon as possible.

3. Prompt Return Calls. We promise we will make every effort to return your phone calls

promptly. If we’re in court or away from the office for another reason, my legal assistant or

secretary will call you and set a time for our telephone appointment.

4. Quick Response to Your Requests. Whenever you need something from our office, please

don’t hesitate to call. We promise we’ll respond as quickly as possible.

5. Confidential Service. We promise when you hire us, everything we do for you is confidential.

No one outside of our office will know anything about your case, except those people with

whom we’re working to settle your claim.

6. Convenient Appointments. We promise to set appointments at a time and place that are

convenient for you. If for some reason the location isn’t to your liking, we’ll be happy to come

to your office or home, if you prefer.

7. Contingency Fee. On cases we accept, we receive a fee out of the money we recover for you.

If we do not recover any money, we don’t get paid. We will never ask you for a retainer or

deposit. We will never ask you to pay us by the hour. We get paid only after we collect money

for you.

8. Current Knowledge. We work hard to maintain the highest level of knowledge in the areas in

which we practice. Our lawyers and staff eagerly attend continuing seminars, workshops and

roundtables to stay up to date on the newest laws and latest court decisions.

9. Competent Services. The seminars and workshops we attend allow us to provide you with the

latest information, most effective techniques, and most efficient methods so that you receive the

full legal protection the law allows.

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10. Aggressive Representation. Most lawyers are not trial attorneys, so when a conflict arises that

requires court appearances, they often send the case to another law firm. Since we are trial

lawyers, we will gladly represent you in court if the insurance company or opposing party does

not offer you a reasonable settlement. One thing is for sure; we’ll help you every step of the


11. Value in Every Respect. Our goal is to make sure you feel the value you receive from us is

always greater than our fee. So while we can’t guarantee our fees will always be low, we can

guarantee they will always be fair. We want you to receive more value from us than any other

lawyer or law firm you know, and we’ll work hard to make sure you do.

12. More Than You Expect. If you think of a way we can provide you with better service, or

better meet your needs, please share with us. If you have something troubling you, or if you

have a concern or a problem, please discuss it with us. If we can help you, we will. And if we

can’t help you, we may know someone who can. A good lawyer-client relationship deals with

all types of problems, not just legal problems. So, if something crosses your mind and you want

our input, we’ll be happy to help.



Hensley Legal Group’s Promise to You We guarantee that our attorneys will not get one cent in attorneys’ fees

unless we win or settle your case and you collect money.

Hensley Legal Group’s No-Risk, No-Cost,

No-Questions-Asked, Take-Your-File Guarantee We guarantee that if you are not delighted with our services during

the first 30 days, we will gladly give you your file -- at no cost --

containing all the work we’ve done to date -- so you can

hire another lawyer or law firm. It’s that simple.

John Hensley

Founder & Managing Partner � Hensley Legal Group, PC

You’re Invited to Call Today! 1.888.505.8232

We’re here for the people and we’ll be happy to help you in every way!

Page 11: CONSUMER S GUIDE FOR INJURED VICTIMS · 2020. 6. 5. · The longer your file remains open, the more the adjuster will pressure you to settle. Your lawyer can help you evaluate whether

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Thanks for asking about how I represent clients in personal injury

and death claims against insurance companies... I’m going to tell you everything you want to know: How to get a fair settlement for your injuries.

Costly misconceptions about injury claims. Mistakes to avoid when hiring a lawyer. How I can help

you. And much more.

It doesn’t matter what type of injury claim you have: Auto accident. Construction site accident.

Brain or spinal injury. Anything.

When you ask me to help you, you’ll profit from my 15 years of experience hardball negotiating with

insurance companies -- achieving fair compensation for injured victims -- handling denied claims --

and more!

I offer you the same high level of skill that I have provided to thousands of clients over the past 15


Here’s all you do: Just tell me about your injury and the problems you face. If you have a good case,

I’ll suggest specific steps we can take to collect money for you in the shortest time with the highest

likelihood of success. With your approval, I’ll prepare the documents and materials we need to

persuade the toughest decision-makers. Powerful facts that help them see the benefits of settling

your claim -- without the hassle, time, cost or effort of going to court.

OK. Let’s say you’d like me to help you but don’t know where to begin. I think I can guess your



This depends on the type and size of your claim. Insurance companies are known for dragging out

the process. They may start by saying they don’t owe you one cent. They may even say you caused

your own injury. If you convince them that they should pay your claim, they’ll invent dozens of

reasons to delay. After all, they figure the longer they wait, the happier you are to settle for even a

small amount.

The first thing you should do is call me. I’ll ask you a few simple questions over the phone. Then

I’ll explain how to protect your legal rights and the steps we should take to make the insurance

company pay you the money you deserve.


No. Insurance companies’ representatives are paid -- and sometimes given bonuses -- for getting you

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to accept a very small amount of money for your injuries. I highly recommend that you choose an

attorney who is focused on your best interests. It’s wise that you not talk with the insurance

company until you have an attorney representing you.



No. It is almost always a mistake to accept a settlement without first talking with an experienced

personal injury attorney. Once you agree to a settlement, you lose any other rights you may have

had. That’s why it pays to talk with an attorney first. For example, you could find out six months

down the road that your injuries are causing other problems. If you have already settled your case,

you cannot open it again. You’re stuck!


It’s impossible to answer this question until we investigate your case. However, we may be able to

give you an estimated range based on the facts and circumstances of your situation.

Factors that determine the value of a claim include � how severe your injuries are � whether your

injuries are permanent or temporary � whether you earn an income and support others � the cost of

your medical treatments � whether you have pain and suffering � whether you or the other party was

negligent, and � whether you’ll need lifelong care.

Please feel free to call or e-mail me and I will be happy to give you the benefit of my experience and

offer you a free, no-obligation consultation.



Most of the accident claims I handle do settle without going to court. However, there are times when

you will likely get better results if we go to court. You and I will make this evaluation together. I

am prepared for whichever path will better serve you.



Yes. I limit my law practice to representing those injured in an accident against insurance

companies. The types of claims I handle most often include � Automobile Accident Cases �

Construction Site Accidents � Brain and Spinal Injuries � Burn Injuries � Truck and Bus Accidents

� Injuries to Children, and � Wrongful Death Cases.



Certainly. Over the past 15 years, I’ve worked with many of the top doctors in Indiana. I’ll be glad

to help you find the doctor who is most likely to help you improve your condition -- and help

document your insurance claim.

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Yes. I have qualified, experienced professionals I depend on in many different fields. No matter

which professionals we need, I’ll take care of everything.


I can’t put that into a percentage, but the fact that I’ve represented plaintiffs for 15 years in Indiana is

evidence that I have in-depth experience. I am a member of the Indiana Trial Attorneys Association

and the former Association of Trial Lawyers of America, which is now called the American

Association for Justice.

Certainly not all cases have high values. And, on the other hand, a case that you might think isn’t

worth much could wind up being worth a great deal. It depends on the facts in the case -- and on the

experience of the attorney evaluating those facts.


Yes. I have represented clients in all parts of Indiana. Let’s talk about your claim and if I can help

you, distance won’t be a problem.



In most cases, you have two years to file your claim, but we should start investigating your claim as

quickly as possible so we can gather evidence before it disappears.


I work on a contingency fee basis. This means I do not collect any attorney’s fee unless you win the

case and you collect money. My fee will be a percentage of what I collect for you. I will never ask

you for a retainer, deposit or any money up front -- and if you don’t get paid, I don’t charge any fee.



Generally, it is not a good idea to start any negotiations until you have completely recovered from the

accident or injury. This is because we must have a clear idea if you have any permanent injuries --

disabilities -- or ongoing needs. Unexpected medical bills, additional lost income, and ongoing pain

and suffering can make an early settlement a big mistake. To get all of the money you deserve, we

must know the full extent of your injuries, losses, pain and suffering. However, we will do

everything possible to speed up the process as soon as settling your claim is in your best interests.


No. I will gladly review your situation and discuss your claim at no cost. If your case appears to be

a winner, I’ll tell you. If I don’t think I can win your case, I’ll tell you that, too. And if I think I can

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help you, I’ll invite you to my office where we can go into your claim in more detail.


Right now, if you like. Just call me toll free at 1.888.505.8232 (or local 317.472.3333) and I’ll

gladly speak with you over the phone. Or drop me an e-mail at [email protected] and let’s

set a time to talk.

WARNING: Please don’t delay. The strength of your case will be based on how much evidence we

can find to support your claim. Sometimes, I can compile evidence on your behalf, such as medical

reports and opinions from expert witnesses. But at other times -- like after a car or truck accident --

the longer you wait, the more likely it is that evidence will vanish.

If you want to protect your legal rights -- and if you want to recover the money you deserve -- please

don’t wait one moment longer.

Call me now -- or send me an e-mail. I will respond promptly.



JOHN D. HENSLEY Founder & Managing Partner


350 East New York Street, Suite 300� Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

Telephone 317.472.3333 � Facsimile 317.472.3340

www.hensleylegal.com � www.hensleylegalgroup.com

[email protected]

Contact Us Online or

Call Us Toll Free at 1.888.505.8232 for a

Free Evaluation of Your Claim, With No Obligation


Hensley Legal Group, PC

We always give you CPR:

Compassion -- Peace of mind -- and Respect.

Guaranteed! __________

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For over a decade, attorneys at my firm and I have been representing the kind people of Indiana. It has been my great pleasure to serve the residents of Indianapolis. If you’ve been injured -- or if a member of your family has died -- as the result of someone else’s negligence, my lawyers and I will be here for you. We represent people who have suffered all types of accidental injuries. In addition, we represent people who want to receive their Social Security Disability benefits -- and people who have suffered as the result of a doctor’s mistakes. I’ve enjoyed the many people I’ve met along the way and all the families I have been able to help. If you ever need me, I promise I will do everything I can to help you.”--John

John D. Hensley was born and raised in central Indiana. He has always possessed an overwhelming desire to protect the rights of his fellow Hoosiers. This is why he has devoted his law practice to helping people who have been injured. John “hung out his shingle” in 1998, opening his own law office in downtown Indianapolis. Every day he works to achieve for his clients the best possible results. John brings his experience and compassion to his law practice and represents his clients vigorously with great success. Practice Areas: John represents people who have been injured as the result of vehicle accidents, dangerous products, medical malpractice and nursing home abuse. Also, John helps people collect their Social Security Disability benefits. Education: In 1994, John earned a Bachelor of Science Degree at Ball State University in Muncie. And in 1997, he earned his Juris Doctor Degree at Valparaiso University School of Law. Bar Admissions: John is admitted to practice law in all Indiana State Courts, the U.S. District Court for the Southern and Northern Districts of Indiana, and all Florida State Courts. Professional Associations and Memberships: John is a proud member of the Indiana Trial Attorneys Association and the American Association for Justice, formerly the Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA).


Hensley Legal Group, PC

We always give you CPR:

Compassion -- Peace of mind -- and Respect.


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“Hiring Hensley Legal Group… was an amazing experience all around.”

Hiring Hensley Legal Group is the best experience I could have imagined working with a lawyer. I

had never had a lawyer before this case with John. It was an amazing experience all around. I can’t

say enough good things about them. I even sent them a thank-you note. I wish I could do something

else to thank them. I was totally impressed with the firm’s efficiency and speed when working on

my case. Someone came to the house and gathered information. This might have been because we

were short on time. I enjoyed how easy it was to work with everyone. Their communication was

really good. I can’t think of anything that could have made my experience better. I will certainly

refer friends to Hensley Legal Group.

Amy Wightman; Fishers, Indiana

“Everything they said they would do, they did. I’ve sent about 15 people to them.”

Hensley Legal Group has done work for my brother, daughter, son and friends. Everybody I know

I’ve sent there. Everyone I’ve sent there is happy with their work. In John Hensley’s office, they

always return my call on the same day, every time, and their facts and advice were reliable.

Everything they said would happen happened. And everything they said they would do, they did.

I’ve sent about 15 people to them.

Dave Cook; Plainfield, Indiana

“John and his staff could not have done any better. My experience was superb!”

John Hensley is awesome. He’s an excellent man, an excellent lawyer, and he knows his stuff. He’s

the best lawyer I’ve ever seen. When you go to a lawyer, you don’t feel comfortable. John makes

you feel good. I’ve known him for two years. John and his staff could not have done any better. My

experience was superb! I will definitely refer my friends to Hensley Legal Group.

Debra Johnson; Indianapolis, Indiana

“Everyone in the office answered my questions and asked if they could do more to help.”

I am very pleased with the outcome of my case. I’m definitely better off for hiring a lawyer -- and

I’m glad I chose Hensley Legal Group. Everything they did was professional. Everyone in the office

answered my questions and asked if they could do more to help. They were very prompt with their

responses, whether on the phone, by e-mail or by letter. I worked specifically with Sarah. It was

definitely a pleasure to have her on my side. I will refer my friends to John Hensley’s law firm.

Greg Nichols; Indianapolis, Indiana

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“John’s law firm worked hard to get what I received. I have already referred two friends.”

I’m so glad I went to Hensley Legal Group. I was very pleased with how they handled my case.

They worked hard to get what I received. I have nothing bad to say at all. My communication with

Kathleen and John was the best. I have already referred two friends.

Patty Taylor; Indianapolis, Indiana

“I would trust John Hensley with my life. And his people are the best!” They don’t talk over your head; they talk to you. I have so much respect for John. I would trust John with my life. And his people are the best. I’ve worked with John for seven years and he has never not returned my phone call, never talked to me in any manner other than making me feel like his number one client. John knows every client is important. I have referred people to John and will keep referring.

Mary Hoop; Indianapolis, Indiana “Hensley Legal Group was great. I will send my friends to this law firm.” I really liked Hensley Legal Group because they were friendly and because of how much they wanted to help. They were great. I will send my friends to this law firm.

Sharon Coatney; Indianapolis, Indiana “Hensley Legal Group knew what I went through and were very compassionate.” Hensley Legal Group was great! They didn’t look down on me. They knew what I went through and were very compassionate. They genuinely cared. They kept me in the loop on everything that was going on, and anytime anything changed, they were on the phone calling me. Amy took care of my case and I like how well she explained everything. She stayed in constant contact with me. Amy told me this would not be a quick case; she said it could last a year or so. I told her I only wanted what was fair. Amy wrapped up my case in five or six months. Everything worked out great, super great! I have recommended Hensley Legal Group many times.

Steve Freeman; Greenfield, Indiana “John Hensley and his staff were very patient, very kind, friendly and generous.” I’m so happy I hired Hensley Legal Group. John Hensley and his staff were excellent. I love them. They were very patient, very kind, friendly and generous. They understood my situation. Everyone treated me really nice. Amy is excellent. She kept me updated about everything and never left me in the dark. Amy always went by what I said. She was on point and wonderful. I will definitely refer my friends to this law firm.

Taresia Ellis; Indianapolis, Indiana

“If there’s a 5-star rating for lawyers, Hensley Legal Group gets all 5 stars.”

Regarding Hensley Legal Group: They’re the best. They’re the greatest. I stumbled onto them by

accident when I had my accident. And I’ve had dealings with other lawyers in the past. Hensley

Legal Group is more than satisfactory. I found them to be kind and considerate. They follow up,

dealt with my case superbly, and I can’t say enough. They’re the best. If I have any other legal

trouble, I will go to them first, and only them! If there’s a 5-star rating for lawyers, they get all 5

stars. I thank them for all their courtesies, all their wonderful work, and all their efforts.

Richard Torres; Fishers, Indiana

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“I was very impressed. My case was settled and I didn’t have to go to a hearing.” I tried another lawyer before calling Hensley, but he did nothing for me, so I decided to try someone else. I was very impressed with Hensley Legal Group. John Hensley sent someone to my home to sign me up and take my history. That was a big help for me, since I was diagnosed with bipolar schizoaffective disorder. Plus, I’ve had lower back trouble for years. Kathleen was my case worker and she is a real sweetheart. My case was settled and I didn’t have to go to a hearing. I’ve already given out Mr. Hensley’s name to friends.

Jeff Bergstrom; Kokomo, Indiana “I was very impressed with the results. The results were so quick, they made me smile.” At first, I was trying to get disability and it was ridiculous what disability put me through. I called Hensley Legal Group and they sent a field agent to my home. He was on time and very courteous. This gentleman asked a few questions and talked things over with the office. He reported back and said they could help me. My case manager, Kathleen, was wonderful. I was very impressed with Hensley Legal Group’s results. In fact, the results were so quick, they made me smile. I’ve watched other TV commercials, where lawyers were yelling, screaming and trying to get attention. This doesn’t appeal to me or the people I know. John Hensley said he is “here for the people”. No one ng they saidat. And John never broke stride with his voice. He was professional, not nervous, and showed he was not a shyster. John knew what he was talking about and did what he said he’d do. I’m very happy with how my case was handled.

Larry Burke; Muncie, Indiana “I liked the man who came to the house for my initial consultation. Everybody was great.” I’m glad I hired Hensley Legal Group. I liked the man who came to the house for my initial consultation. And they were really quick to get back with me if I had a question. Everybody I worked with was really great. No bad experiences the entire time the case went on. I didn’t actually get to meet my attorney, Sarah Graziano, until the last couple months. I will definitely recommend Hensley Legal Group to friends. They’re a good company to work with.

Lucas H. (last name protected for privacy); Muncie, Indiana “After I faxed the paperwork, they took care of everything and kept me in the loop.” When my case had dragged out long enough, I hired Hensley Legal Group. I didn’t have to do much. After I faxed the paperwork, they took care of everything and kept me in the loop. Everyone there was really nice. No one gave me a bad time or treated me like a bad guy. I would recommend Hensley Legal Group to my friends.

Doug Rooze; Crawfordsville, Indiana “They really took a sincere interest in me when they said they would help me.” I was a truck driver when a lady hit me, causing a back injury. After seeing and talking to five or six different lawyers who wouldn’t help me, I heard Mr. Hensley’s motto “we’re for the people” and decided to call. I’ve been very happy that I hired Hensley Legal Group. I was most pleased with how employees in the office care about people, like with me. They really took a sincere interest in me when they said they would help me. They bent over backwards. When I talked with John and saw the sincerity and compassion he had for people, those are what swayed me. I had no insurance and John said he’d get me medical help, and he did. That’s the only way I got medical attention. John’s not only a terrific guy, he’s a lawyer who cares.

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In addition to this case, I’ve talked with many attorneys in my life and I can honestly say John was the first attorney who cared enough to warrant recommendation. John, Amy, Sarah and everybody in his office was great. It should be this way for everybody. I’m glad I saw John on TV. It was a last-ditch effort when I called him. And today I recommend him highly. Now I’m hoping to become a school teacher. It’ll take four years before I get a teaching degree. I’m going to school Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so I can be a substitute teacher on Tuesday and Thursday. Roger Long; Colfax, Indiana

“Everything was done very quickly, in a timely manner.” My daughter Cheyenne Baker was a pedestrian when she was hit by a car. I found Hensley Legal Group in the phone book. And I very strongly recommend them. Everything was done very quickly, in a timely manner. This makes her future look bright.

Melanie Trimble; Indianapolis, Indiana

“Kathleen worked hard to show the judge that I really needed disability and Medicare to stay alive. Kathleen saved my life.” When I met Mr. Hensley, he was a tall, good-looking guy, like a basketball player. He was in shape and a sharp dresser. I have panic attacks and Mr. Hensley helped prepare me to go in front of a judge. He looks right at you, like a judge. And he asks questions a judge would ask. He’ll tell you whether you have a case. Kathleen went the extra mile to get all my medical records -- and there were a lot! She sent forms to my doctors. Kathleen and the team in Mr. Hensley’s office worked hard to get everything done. She organized all the information and got it approved so I wouldn’t have to go in front of the judge. Kathleen was frustrated with the system, since she knew I needed knee surgery. And the longer I waited, the worse I got. I lost control in my arms and body from having to wait. Kathleen worked hard to show the judge that I really needed disability and Medicare to stay alive. Kathleen saved my life. Angie Ulery; Indianapolis, Indiana

Please Read Hensley Legal Group’s Promise to You

The clients named above gave Hensley Legal Group permission to use their names and

comments as part of our ongoing education and marketing effort. We hope your experience

with our firm will be as favorable as theirs were. We offer the following guarantee in writing

so you can get to know us at no cost to you:

We guarantee that if you are not delighted with our services during the first 30

days, at your request we will give you your file at no cost -- containing all the

work we have done to date -- so you can hire another lawyer or law firm. John D. Hensley

Hensley Legal Group, PC

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If you have questions about your accident or

injury case, please don’t hesitate to call. You’ve

heard me say many times,

Now I promise we’re here to help!

-- John

Call Us Toll Free at 1.888.505.8232 or

Contact Us Online at www.hensleylegal.com for a

Free Evaluation of Your Claim, at No Cost or Obligation.

JOHN D. HENSLEY Founder & Managing Partner


350 East New York Street, Suite 300 � Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

Telephone 317.472.3333 � Facsimile 317.472.3340

www.hensleylegal.com � www.hensleylegalgroup.com

E-mail [email protected]


Hensley Legal Group, PC

We always give you CPR:

Compassion -- Peace of mind -- and Respect.

Guaranteed! __________

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