<The title of your talk> <The title of your talk> <Your Name and Affiliation>

Contact Profile Publish Randall Cook, Modified 2 years ago

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Page 1: Contact Profile                                  Publish Randall Cook,  Modified 2 years ago

<The title of your talk><The title of your talk>

<Your Name and Affiliation>

Page 2: Contact Profile                                  Publish Randall Cook,  Modified 2 years ago

Contact Profile

• <Summary of your focus and your interests

• Objectives / Looking for– What are you looking for at the workshop?– What is your goal?– What are your PLEASE 2013 “success

criteria”? >

<Your name, your affiliation>

Page 3: Contact Profile                                  Publish Randall Cook,  Modified 2 years ago

Product Line

• <Industrial problem papers: please briefly describe the product line you develop>

• <Solution papers: please describe the product line you assume>

<Your name, your affiliation>

Page 4: Contact Profile                                  Publish Randall Cook,  Modified 2 years ago

The Problem

• <All papers: Please introduce the problem you have or solve with a simple example>

A picture that illustrates your example

A picture that illustrates your example

<Your name, your affiliation>

Page 5: Contact Profile                                  Publish Randall Cook,  Modified 2 years ago

Current Solution

• <Solution papers: Please illustrate your solution on an example>

• <Industrial problem papers: Please illustrate your current approaches for solving the problem on an example>

<Your name, your affiliation>

Page 6: Contact Profile                                  Publish Randall Cook,  Modified 2 years ago

Why is it interesting?

< All papers: Why is the problem you have or solve challenging?>

<Your name, your affiliation>

Page 7: Contact Profile                                  Publish Randall Cook,  Modified 2 years ago


< All papers: Please list topics that you want to discuss or to get feedback on. For example:

• What is keeping you from solving the problem that you face?

• What one has to do to in order to use your solution?

• How difficult is it to use the solution? Under which conditions can the solution be applied?

• …>

<Your name, your affiliation>

Page 8: Contact Profile                                  Publish Randall Cook,  Modified 2 years ago

Potential Collaborations

<All papers: Please browse http://please2013.haifa.il.ibm.com/program.shtmland http://please2013.haifa.il.ibm.com/members/

and list your current collaboration ideas.

Please also start scheduling your dates in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkzZkQlHQEv9dEVtNFNvV1JrYjNBaVpOMWt2bmtzM1E#gid=0


<Your name, your affiliation>

Page 9: Contact Profile                                  Publish Randall Cook,  Modified 2 years ago

Please remember that your presentation should take

10 minutes

Thank you!