1 Content Marketing Unleashed! Content Marketing Content Marketing Unleashed! Unleashed! by Chris Munch of Munchweb.com Copyright Munchweb.com. All Right Reserved. This work cannot be copied, re-published, or re-distributed. No re-sell right are given. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Earnings Disclaimer Published by Munchweb.com

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1Content Marketing Unleashed!

Content MarketingContent MarketingUnleashed!Unleashed!

by Chris Munch of Munchweb.com

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2Content Marketing Unleashed!

It's All About ContentWith multiple Google algorithm changes content is now the most vital component if you want more traffic and higher Google rankings.

And not only does that content need to be highly targeted it also needs to engage your visitors because Google is now using metrics like the time spent on your site to determine its rankings.

How powerful is content marketing at bringing in more traffic and conversions...

If you want to multiply your traffic and conversions many times over content marketing has become the most viable option online.

Quality, targeted content helps in multiple ways to:

• Engage the visitors to your site, keeping them there longer and increasing the chances they'll join your email list or buy from you.

• Builds a relationship with your visitors. People are far more likely to trust you enough to buy off you and buy higher priced products and services from you when they feel they have a relationship with you.

• Acts like a search engine magnet...getting Google's attention, building your Google rankings and your traffic from search engines.

• Attracts high quality backlinks and social media shares from people who like your content. This brings traffic directly and helps to boost your Google rankings even more.

On the next page we'll talk about some of the powerful methods you can use to get more quality backlinks from your content...

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7 Times The Traffic!

A research study by the Aberdeen Group found year-over-year growth in unique site traffic is 7.8 times higher for content marketing leaders.

The same study found website conversion rates are nearly 6 times higher for content

marketing adopters.

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Content That Gets Quality BacklinksTo get more traffic and better Google rankings you need content people will want to link to.

This is far more likely to get you the traffic and the quality backlinks you need these days to get some Google love.

Here are some proven methods that get people linking to you:

• Top 10 or top 20 lists that include the websites or businesses you want linking to your site. You can create multiple different sub-categories of your lists so every key website you want a backlink from is listed as number one on at least one of your lists.

• In a similar way to the top 10 lists you can present awards to leaders in your industry or niche. Done well there's a very high chance these leaders in your niche will link back to the pages where they're recognized for their award.

• Use infographics. Go to Google and search for: Infographic weight loss “embed”You replace “weight loss” with your niche. The embed will give you content that people are happy for you to embed on your site. You find an infographic you like and copy and past the embed code on the page on your site where you want to put it. You could also add your own comments and insights or create your own infographic.

• Write a compelling headline for your content. Great headlines get people to read your content when they arrive on your page but their also what people read when someone else comments about you. They'll decide whether to come to your page based on how appealing your headline is to them.

• If it's appropriate in your niche find a way to use pictures of cute cats, dogs, animals and babies to grab attention. Other appealing targeted images in your content also attract backlinks.

• Embed videos on your site with your own comments and insights about the content. A large percentage of visitors to a website will watch a video and that massively increases their engagement and the chance they'll link back to you.

• Do interviews with experts or leaders in your niche. The interview could be a webinar, audio or even the answers of questions asked by email (be sure to let the expert know how you'll be using their information).

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• People will often link to valuable giveaways...reports, software, or any tool that's genuinely useful in your niche is likely to get some backlinks.

• Make it really easy to share your content by using the Wookle plugin. Wookle lets visitors to your site rate your content and share it with just a couple of clicks.

As an example in the image below the Facebook button on one of my content pages got 45 likes but the Wookle buttons got 277 shares. That's six times the number of shares and that leads to some serious added social media backlinking.

• Report important news and trends in your industry or niche. You can partially automate this process with content curation (collecting organizing and displaying information on a specific topic).

By posting this curated content in multiple ways through multiple different channels like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Delicious, Tumblr, FriendFeed and LiveJournal you can create backlinks and buzz to content on your main website.

You can also use curation to multiply the quality content on your main site too.

Of all the methods on this list employing content curation and combining it in multiple ways with the other strategies can be one of the fastest and simplest ways to get backlinks to your site and to build quality content on your site.

In the next section we'll talk about how content curation is one of the biggest secrets of the top ranking authority sites...

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Google Loves Content Curation If...What does Google really think of curated content?

First you should understand that content curation has been around for centuries. It's a very normal part of the news and magazine industry...compiling and reporting on other news and information sources.

Done well in online form it's a very natural form of content all authority sites use. This is something Google is not going to see as search engine spam...

Matt Cutts a search engine engineer at Google went into depth about the differences between an authority site and a spammy site using content curation.

The key take-home here is that...

“Google expects and likes content curationwhen it's done in a way that adds value to visitors...and they expect to see

curated content on the highest quality authority sites...”

Here's how Google sees the difference between the way a spammy site uses content curation compared to the quality content curation of an authority site like the New York Times...

On the next page is a rundown in more detail of what Google expects to see with curated content on a top ranking authority site...

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Curating Content So Google Falls In Love With You

The keys to curating content in a way that Google loves are:

• Carefully curating the content. Choosing highly relevant, targeted content that has real value to your visitors.

• Using a lot of selection and discretion in the content you choose.

• Adding value to the content. Just posting the exact same content as someone else is not adding value. Compiling several different high quality sources of targeted information and adding your own insights...that adds value.

• Having a unique editorial “voice”. The way you curate content, the things you say, what you add to it...it should be uniquely yours and have real, unique appeal to your visitors.

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Automating Content CurationAny form of content marketing can take a lot of time and effort.

The huge authority sites topping Google's rankings are putting out new targeted content every day...multiple times a day.

To get a lot of Google love you want to be producing quality content week in and week out for months and years to come.

Without a team of staff that would be impossible for a small operation...unless you automate as much of the process as you can.

That's why I'm recommending an amazing software perfect for content marketing. Using this software you can:

Find The Latest Keyword Trends FAST

This software includes its own keyword explorer that will rapidly find you thousands of keywords people are actually searching for to help you get your content ranked fast.

• You can examine the latest trends to identify niches and sub-niches exploding right now to help you position your content perfectly for maximum traffic.

• Pull in keywords from sites like YouTube, Bing, Amazon, ASK and Google to help you create unique, customized content targeted for your perfect visitors.

Make High Powered Content In Minutes With The Powerful Content Editor

• You can pull content from multiple sources on the web then copy and paste snippets in seconds.

• Includes a built in RSS feeder to fetch articles and content from blogs, news, twitter and other feeds you choose (you can import your own or start with the extensive lists already inbuilt to the software).

• You also have curation templates, press release templates, 21,814 famous quotes, 3,093 interesting statistics, 99,316 items related to this day in history, Facebook engagement questions, attention getting titles and topics to inspire your posts. This is content curation on steroids!

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• You can create Wordpress blog posts in the software then schedule them for delayed posting...your new post can appear any time you want in the future.

• You can also post and schedule Facebook status updates with your content for any time you want.

Find Guest Posting And Commenting Opportunities Quickly And Easily

• With just a few clicks you can identify sites with traffic and authority where you can make guest posts or comments to quickly generate traffic and quality backlinks.

• Save contact details, traffic information and page rank of each site right there in specially designed contact manager so you have the information you need at your fingertips when you need it.

Create Quality Infographics In Minutes

Infographics are fantastic for generating viral traffic, getting social media shares, increasing visitor engagement. And all that action means better Google rankings. This software has you covered...

• You'll have your own library of infographic templates and drag and drop graphics so you can create unique, one-of-a-kind professional looking infographics in minutes.

• And you can post your infographic directly from the software to your blog or Facebook page to boost your viral activity.

Kudani Software ROCKS!

Kudani is the by far the best content curation software we've ever seen.

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And there's an add on Wordpress plugin called Kudani Announce that you'll be offered after you purchase Kudani that we also highly recommend (the two work together to really blast your results to another level)...

Post About Your Content On Multiple Sites Staggered At Peak Times...

You can get some serious buzz about any content you create on your main site by posting on different social media accounts you have set up.

The best of these include:Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Delicious, Tumblr, FriendFeed, Instapaper, Plurk, LiveJournal, Typepad, Wordpress and Blogger.

Best of all with the Wordpress plugin Kudani Announce you can stagger each of these 13 posts so they go out at a variety of peak times where they'll get the maximum number of eyeballs looking at them (and the maximum traffic back to your site).

And it all happens in an entirely natural way (it's just like you were making those posts manually).

Lifetime Access To Kudani At A Special Munchweb Price

When you purchase the Kudani software you normally pay a monthly or annual fee but we've arranged for you to pay a one off lifetime fee at a fraction of the regular price.

Also we're giving you the valuable exclusive Munchweb bonuses you'll find listed on the next page (be sure to click on the link at the end of this report to get all your bonuses)...

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“Creating And PostingEngaging Content Without Kudani SoftwareIs Like Traveling Across The Country In A

Horse And Buggy When You Could Be FlyingIn A Supersonic Jet!”

I've wrangled a lifetime unlimited Kudani license for you at a fraction of theregular price and I'm throwing in a pile of exclusive Munchweb bonusesif you act right now. This offer ends midnight on Monday 17th March...

Kudani Is THE Cutting-Edge Content Marketing Software...

All this adds up to an explosion of traffic for you...

More Quality Content Posted Fast Means More Traffic,Higher Google Rankings And A Whole Lot More Income

You Can Spend...

Better still I'm going to spill the beans on how I used content curation to turn my blog into a $10,000+ a month earner (using the methods I reveal you can do the same)...

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Get These 2 Exclusive BonusesWith Your Kudani Purchase!

1. How I Made My First $100,000 With Content Curation• I reveal my experience going from zero to a $10,000 a month blogger

harnessing the amazing power of content curation. • I explain what I did right and how I could have made more money much faster.• Look behind the curtain to see real world content creation getting real traffic and

making real money.

2. Guest Posting For 5 Figure Traffic• Discover the simple method I've used to generate 10,000 to 100,000+ visitors in

48 hours guest posting.• Power up your Kudani software and search in seconds for the perfect sites that

will take your guest posts, send you serious traffic and give you quality backlinks.

I Also Strongly Recommend The One-Time-Offer Kudani Announce:

Kudani announce sits on your blog waiting and as soon as you post some content it automatically posts to your social media accounts staggering the posts in any way you choose...

Kudani Announce Puts Social Media Buzz On Auto-Pilot!

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And because I know what a difference having both these software tools really is to you I'm going to make them irresistible for you...

Get 6 MORE Valuable Bonuses WhenYou Buy Kudani And Kudani Announce!

3. Secrets Of Video Content Curation • Discover the simple ways to use content curation with online videos on sites like

YouTube to build a huge following and to drive traffic to your site.

4. The 1,000 Fans Viral Loop• How to leverage completely free sites to get your first 1,000 to 2,000 fans by

making a fan page explode with viral traffic. • You can then capitalise on these new fans by sending them to your site or by

monetising them directly.

5. Finding Viral Traffic Partners• This report reveals step-by-step how to find and contact major sites who can

send you a flood of viral traffic.

6. Mavocado Fan Page Case Study• 16,000 Facebook fans and counting! • Chris Munch reveals the trial and error secrets to building a fan page that keeps

building week in and week out.

7. Public Domain Image Black Book• Appealing images are a crucial part of creating quality content (Google loves rich

media).• This report and video reveals a wealth of sources for completely free public

domain images you can start using immediately.

8. Munchweb's Outsourcing Guide• Outsourcing is critical if you want a business that works for you (instead of you

doing all the work). • Start by outsourcing a few repetitive tasks or put your entire online business on

auto-pilot. These are the proven methods that will get you the best outsourcing staff at the best prices.

Claim Your Kudani Package AndBonuses At This Page Now...


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**Special Note: If you're already a Kudani member paying a monthly or annual fee you can upgrade to lifetime access by purchasing through the Munchweb affiliate link below.

After your purchase contact Kudani support at [email protected] and they will cancel your current subscription payments and give you a lifetime account.

So you can buy the lifetime offer and you will no longer need to pay for the subscription. You'll also get all the new Kudani bonuses and the exclusive Munchweb bonuses.

Claim Your Kudani Package AndBonuses At This Page Now...


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