Page | 1 October 2018 Contents Office of the President ................................................................................................................................................. 2 From the Governor’s desk…......................................................................................................................................... 3 General Meeting Minutes ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Articles .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 My Five Corvettes ......................................................................................................................................8 Summer Tires.............................................................................................................................................9 How to Store Your Car for Winter ..........................................................................................................10 CCC Social Events Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 15 October 2018 ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................................................15 November 2018 ACTIVITIES.................................................................................................................15 December 2018 ACTIVITIES .................................................................................................................16 USEFUL LINKS............................................................................................................................................................ 16 CCC Points Totals ........................................................................................................................................................ 21 Happy Birthday ................................................................................................................................................... 25 For Sale ....................................................................................................................................................................... 26 CCC Contributors .............................................................................................................................................. 27

Contents...50/50 Tickets - Nancy Bronner Birthdays - Jayne Reit Corner Worker Program - Gene Gau Vice President appointed - Points - J.B. Benedict Secretary appointed - Club Accessories

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Page 1: Contents...50/50 Tickets - Nancy Bronner Birthdays - Jayne Reit Corner Worker Program - Gene Gau Vice President appointed - Points - J.B. Benedict Secretary appointed - Club Accessories

Page | 1 October 2018

Contents Office of the President ................................................................................................................................................. 2

From the Governor’s desk… ......................................................................................................................................... 3

General Meeting Minutes ............................................................................................................................................ 4

Articles .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8

My Five Corvettes ...................................................................................................................................... 8

Summer Tires ............................................................................................................................................. 9

How to Store Your Car for Winter .......................................................................................................... 10

CCC Social Events Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 15

October 2018 ACTIVITIES .................................................................................................................... 15

November 2018 ACTIVITIES................................................................................................................. 15

December 2018 ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................................. 16

USEFUL LINKS ............................................................................................................................................................ 16

CCC Points Totals ........................................................................................................................................................ 21

Happy Birthday ................................................................................................................................................... 25

For Sale ....................................................................................................................................................................... 26

CCC Contributors .............................................................................................................................................. 27

Page 2: Contents...50/50 Tickets - Nancy Bronner Birthdays - Jayne Reit Corner Worker Program - Gene Gau Vice President appointed - Points - J.B. Benedict Secretary appointed - Club Accessories

Page | 2 October 2018

Office of the President

THANK YOU! I want to be sure to thank everyone that helped make this

year so enjoyable. All those who chaired events – all those

who helped set up tracks or helped tear them down – and

put everything away. Those who made the events – social

or racing – run smoothly. This club is made up of a great

group of people who step up and make things happen.

As President of this club, I have the opportunity to appoint club members to several key positions and I

want to take this opportunity to thank them for their efforts.

Sargent of Arms – John Salmons

Web Master – Bill Cashell

Calendar - Ron Hughbanks

Timing Leader - Jon Brown

Registration - Kathy Gau

Printed Newsletters - Jerry Koraleski

Greeters - Dave & Jan Richardson

50/50 Tickets - Nancy Bronner

Birthdays - Jayne Reit

Corner Worker Program - Gene Gau

Vice President appointed - Points - J.B. Benedict

Secretary appointed - Club Accessories - Harvey & JoAnn Leners

This is a big club with a lot of things going on – with the members doing their part everything runs so

much smoother. So I also want to thank those who do things under the radar.

And you know who you are –

Thank you for being there to help and support our club activities.

Your President

Kevin Reit

Page 3: Contents...50/50 Tickets - Nancy Bronner Birthdays - Jayne Reit Corner Worker Program - Gene Gau Vice President appointed - Points - J.B. Benedict Secretary appointed - Club Accessories

Page | 3 October 2018

From the Governor’s desk…

Another month has slipped by and the frost is almost on the pumpkins. I took the dog

out this morning at 630 and it was 41 degrees. Won’t be long till winter is upon us.

But, we shall persevere, we still have a lot of activities planned for the remainder of the


We have the fall color run 14 October (this may be over by the time this is published),

Autocross at Lincoln the 20th and 21st (please come out and support the West Region

Fundraiser and meet some members from other clubs), the Huber car show the 27th

and then in November we have the Bellevue Veterans Parade as well as Toys for Tots Christmas Dinner in

December. Come on out and enjoy the waning months of 2018. Oh, and for the Autocross on the 20th and 21st,

Kathy Gau assures me we will be in an Indian Summer by then. ☺

When I took this job a year ago, I was a little nervous and not quite sure what was expected of me. I had a good

teacher on all the basics with Jerry, but my first Governors meeting alone was a bit daunting. This year I have

learned how the sanctions work, scheduled events nationally and taken dozens of phone calls from folks looking

to come race with or join the Cornhusker Corvette Club. Make no mistake, we are nationally recognized and I am

proud to represent this club. If elected for another year, I hope we can make it as good as this one and even

better. Thank you for your support.

A couple of reminders for the next month or so –

1. Membership is open for 2019. Please renew your membership and if you have contact with past or

prospective members, encourage them to join as well.

2. Make sure we are checking the roster for addresses, phone numbers and email addresses at the general

meetings, this is the only way we have of contacting you.

3. Elections are coming up for Cornhusker Corvette Club officers. Please consider running for a position. Even if

you’ve never done it before, jump in and support the club.

I will once again be representing CCC at the National Governors Meeting on 9-10 November. If you have any

concerns or topics you would like me to bring up, please let me know.

Let’s finish another Championship year for the CCC off by participating in the competition and social events

planned for the next several weeks. It’s a lot of fun belonging to a club that has something to do almost every

weekend and something for everyone.

Board of Directors

President: Kevin Reit Vice President: Ray Kennedy

Secretary: Carolyn Horst Treasurer: Tom Horeis

Competition Director: Don Angeroth Editor: Pete Fagan

Governor: Jonathan Brown Social Director: Bob Redmond

Summer Festival Director: Pete Fagan Public Relations Director: Ray Zimmerman

Membership Director: Chris Tooker Members at Large: Ron Hernandez

Sharon Renshaw

Page 4: Contents...50/50 Tickets - Nancy Bronner Birthdays - Jayne Reit Corner Worker Program - Gene Gau Vice President appointed - Points - J.B. Benedict Secretary appointed - Club Accessories

Page | 4 October 2018

General Meeting Minutes September 20, 2018


Kevin Reit, Club President, presided over the meeting.

We began the meeting with the Club reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Kevin made us aware of the NCCC National Convention to be held in Denver, Colorado from July 7th-12t, 2019.

The theme for this convention is Rocky Mountain High.

Kevin recognized Gary Brisbois, West Region RCD, Kathy Brisbois National Parliamentarian, Ron Bockerman, West

Region Treasurer and Theresa Eller, National Social Media Director.

Kevin thanked everyone who brought door prizes and reminded us that Kathy and Jerry Koraleski are still

collecting non-perishable food for the Stephens Center. Kathy Brisbois is collecting toiletries for a homeless

shelter. J B Benedict is collecting newspaper for HUA in Auburn.

Jayne Reit read the names of members with birthdays in September.

Carolyn Horst, Secretary, asked for a motion to accept the minutes from the August 2018 meeting. Sandy Swift

made a motion to approve the minutes and Jayne Reit seconded the motion.

Pete Fagan, Summer Festival Chairman and Newsletter Editor, was absent.

Bob Redmond, Social Director, brought souvenirs from the Roads Less Traveled Trip and presented a Wyoming

Tour Guide in the German language to George Horst and gave Sandy Swift a picture of a moose taken at Walden,

Colorado since she was always looking for a moose and did not see one. He told us about upcoming social events:

1. Eureka Hot Springs on October 4th – 7th

2. Local Fall Color Run on October 14th

3. Play at Lofte Community Theater on October 26th

4. Kansas City Trip on December 7th – 9th

Member at Large, Sharon Renshaw, had nothing to report.

Chris Tooker, Membership Director, was absent. Kevin introduced new members: Sharon and Chris Olmsheid

and Cliff Leach (wife Pam absent).

Ray Zimmerman, Public Relations, informed us he has no new contributors. He drew George Horst’s name for a

free dinner at next month’s meeting under the Wear Your Name Badge to the Meeting program

Ray Kennedy, Vice President, thanked everyone who attended his 25 Years of Sobriety party on September

11th. He reminded our Club of the dinner for the Honor Flight for Women to be held on September 23rd. For Club

members who want to attend, the cost is $100 per person. This is not a sanctioned event.

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Page | 5 October 2018

Tom Horeis, Treasurer, went over the budget figures for August by line item.

Jon Brown, Governor, told us there are 18,775 NCCC members across the country. There is a big push to expand

the Future Corvette Owners Association. This program is for a child or a grandchild of NCCC members under the

age of 16. 2019 membership renewal cards will be coming out in October and November. You will receive an

Email with a link to print a temporary membership card and will also receive a hard copy card in January in the

mail. Be sure Chris Tooker has your correct Email address. Corvette Club of Iowa in Cedar Rapids will be hosting

the West Region Banquet in April 2019. We only have one applicant for the West Region Scholarship. If you have

someone eligible, please encourage them to apply. This is a $500 scholarship. If you are interested in sitting on

the Scholarship Award Committee, please let Jon know. We have two racing events left on September 29th and

30th and October 21st and 22nd (West Region Fund Raiser) both at the Lincoln Air Park. You need to print new

flyers for these races since changes have been made. There is a St. Judes Drive beginning at Peoria, Illinois and

ending in Memphis, Tennessee on May 16th and 17th, 2019. National Elections are coming up and Jon asked who

our Club wants him to vote for President, which is the only contested position. The candidates are Bernyce

Molenda and Dale Samuelson. The Club gave a preference for Dale Samuelson for Jon to place our vote.

Don Angeroth, Competition Director, was absent.

J.B. Benedict, Points Chairman, informed us our Club is in first place in NCCC points by about 8,200 points over

Windy City in second place. Our Club is in first place in West Region by about 11,000 points. He reminded us of

the Veterans Parade in Bellevue on November 10th.

New Business – Ron Bockerman put together a CCC list of 1/8 mile drag records. There are quite a few categories

with no records.

Old Business – Awards were handed out for Summer Festival events as follows:

Valve Cover Racing:

Big Block:

1. Jim Walton 2. Bob Reade

Small Block: 1. Colleen Norgard 2. Ron Bockerman 3. Ray Zimmeman

Cutest Car (Slowest): Vicki Manly Low Speed (Auto Cross) Ladies:

1. Kathy Gau 2. Linda Werchen 3. Marilyn Angeroth

and Kathy Brisbois (tie)

Men: 1. Pete Fagan 2. Ray Kennedy 3. John Salmons

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Page | 6 October 2018

High Speed Racing: Ladies:

1. Lauren Killam 2. Kathy Gau 3. Kathy Brisbois and Linda Werchen (tie)

Men: 1. Steve Skidmore 2. Jon Brown 3. John Salmons

Golf Outing:

• Longest Drive: Colleen Norgard, Perry Dawes and Ray Zimmerman

• High Score: Ray Zimmerman

• Low Score: Dale Williamson

• Most Birdies: Ray Zimmerman Car Show:

• Group 1 (Rehabilitation): 1. Howard and Sharon Renshaw 2. Jon and Kelly Brown 3. George and Carolyn Horst

• Group 2 (Therapy): 1. Terry Breen 2. John and Brenda Salmons 3. Dave Ferguson

• Group 3 (Recovery): 1. Ron and Colleen Norgard 2. Ray and Nancy Zimmerman 3. Gene and Kathy Gau

• Group 4 (Healing): 1. Bob and Carolyn Edmondson 2. Linda Werchen 3. Bob and Carolyn Reade

• Best in Show: Don Peers Rallye:

1. Will Bockerman 2. John and Brenda Salmans 3. Kevin and Jayne Reit

Poker Run:

1. Bob and Carolyn Reade 2. 3. Nick and Louise Gau 4. Rick and Joan Harshbarger

Dice: Howard and Sharon Renshaw 1st , Jon and Kelly Brown 2nd , Kathy Koraleski and Ron Bockeman (tie) 3rd

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Page | 7 October 2018

Summer Festival All Events: Jon Brown 1st John Salmons 2nd Howard Renshaw and Ray Zimmerman (tie) 3rd

Worker Awards: Kevin Reit, Sharon Renshaw, J B Benedict, Carolyn Horst and Jerry Koraleski Nominations for 2019 Board of Directors are as follows:

President: Kevin Reit

Vice President: Ray Kennedy

Secretary: Carolyn Horst

Social Director: Bob Redmond

Competition Director: Don Angeroth

Summer Festival Director: Howard Renshaw

Public Relations: Ray Zimmerman

Members at Large: Sharon Renshaw and Terry Breen

Membership Director: Chris Tooker

Editor: No Nomination

Treasurer: No Nomination

Governor: Jon Brown

Nominations will continue in October with voting in November.

Kevin thanked Shelly, Holly and Candace for the great food and hospitality.

The Birthday winner for September was Randy Williams

The 50/50 winner was Rick Harshbarger in the amount of $99.00.

A motion was made to adjourn by Ray Zimmerman and seconded by Ron Norgard.

Carolyn A. Horst


Page 8: Contents...50/50 Tickets - Nancy Bronner Birthdays - Jayne Reit Corner Worker Program - Gene Gau Vice President appointed - Points - J.B. Benedict Secretary appointed - Club Accessories

Page | 8 October 2018


My Five Corvettes

Upon my return from Vietnam in late 1968 I needed a set of wheels. I went to the Chevy dealer outside of Camp Lejeune and bought a used 1957 Red Corvette for the low low price of $1,125. Immediately, I went four stores down to the Firestone tire place and bought a new set of snow tires for the car. I went back on-base packed my sea bag and left for Ohio driving through a blizzard in the Appalachian Mountains. In 1957 Corvettes had vacuum windshield wipers that slowed way down when the car was accelerated. When I let off the gas the wipers went about a hundred miles an hour. For those of us who drove the early Corvettes you'll remember that the defrost system was less than ideal. I had to scrape the windows every half hour inside the Corvette. I drove this Corvette until 1971 when I traded it for an Impala as we were enlarging our family.

My second Vette was a new Corvette called Corvette Orange in 1977 and it was a 4-speed. I drove this

car for 10 years putting only 2900 miles on it. My intention was to use it as a show car. It was never out

in the rain so I thought someday, this car will be a classic, but life had other plans. In 1986 I had to sell it

for a down payment on a house. It wasn't a bad investment though, I bought it for $8,500 and sold it for


In 2000 I had a very strong urge to get back to a sports car. I bought a new 2005 Mustang designed as

a throwback to the original early Mustangs. After driving it for years, I realized I was not happy. A 4

cylinder just didn't get it! In 2009 I sold the Mustang and bought a 2007 velocity yellow Corvette. With

this car The Cornhusker Corvette Club came into our lives. That year Steve Baxter and I were headed to

Crescent Iowa for a car show. On the way, going through Council Bluffs, we stopped to see Corvettes

being raced. At that moment I vowed I would never abuse my Corvette like that! While I own this yellow

Vette I decided that has a member of CCC I could participate in racing as a corner worker, a starter, and

generally assisting with the events. Carole was never very happy with this car. The passenger door

never wanted to open and let her in. About this time I started looking around. I researched every

Corvette I could find online in the USA. Finally, in 2015 we visited a Chevy showroom and there it was.

THE most awesome white and black Corvette we had ever seen. Carol turned to me and said “If you

don't get this one, I'm done.”

I continue to help out with racing but still did not participate and then, along came the preparation for the

2016 Corvette Convention in Omaha. The convention directors, Jean and Jerry, decided the idea of

"support our troops" would be the theme of the 2016 NCCC National Convention. They suggested

utilizing my Harley-Davidson POW-MIA themed bike for a part of the opening ceremonies, however, after

lengthy discussions, I purchased my 2002 Z-06, and had it wrapped in the theme of recognizing the

troops past, present and future. The car was on display at the Corvette Museum, the World of Wheels,

and used in multiple activities for the 2016 convention. I decided after the convention to keep the wrap

on the car and we started the Patriot Race Team. This, as we say, is history. and now this car and I are

known as The Cone killers.

Ray Kennedy

Page 9: Contents...50/50 Tickets - Nancy Bronner Birthdays - Jayne Reit Corner Worker Program - Gene Gau Vice President appointed - Points - J.B. Benedict Secretary appointed - Club Accessories

Page | 9 October 2018

Summer Tires

By Ron Hughbanks

Summer tires for Z06 (and similar Corvettes). After some discussions with people much more knowledgeable than I regarding the “care and feeding” of summer tires, I made a short summary of some of the key issues I thought you might find of interest:

1) Summer tires should not be used below 44 degrees “F”.

2) Most summer tires come brand new with only about seven and one half thirty seconds of an inch of tread.

3) Summer tires lose approximately 30% of their grip (traction) when the temperature reaches 50 degrees “F” (the colder the temperature gets, the more traction that is lost and the harder the rubber gets).

4) Summer tires lose about 30% of their grip when the tread depth gets to four thirty seconds of an inch or less (regardless of temperature).

5) Summer tires are typically replaced when they reach approximately three and one half to four thirty seconds of tread depth.

6) Summer tires should always be replaced when they reach two thirty seconds of an inch of tread depth.

7) Although manufactures such as Michelin have developed all weather low profile tires like those on our Corvettes, so far, no manufacture has developed an all weather tire for the larger rear tires of the Z06.

8) To date, Michelin has not issued a product number for all weather tires for the larger rear tire size; because of this, Tire Rack does not expect that such a size tire will be available this year.

9) Several manufactures (including Michelin) do make all weather tires for the small size tire on the front of our Corvettes, but obviously, you need the back tires as well before change to all weather tires.

10) The size of the back wheels on our Corvette (Z06, etc.) is large enough that going to a smaller tire for all weather on the rears is not an acceptable solution.

Source of information: Phone calls with Michelin Tire Co. and Tire Rack

Page 10: Contents...50/50 Tickets - Nancy Bronner Birthdays - Jayne Reit Corner Worker Program - Gene Gau Vice President appointed - Points - J.B. Benedict Secretary appointed - Club Accessories

Page | 10 October 2018

How to Store Your Car for Winter By Robby DeGraff

October 20, 2017

CARS.COM — From washing and waxing to detailing the interior, people baby their vehicles in all sorts

of ways. But it's equally important to take care of your car before you put it into storage. Here are a

few tips to make sure your car is ready to go when you are.

Related: Winter Is Coming; Is Your Car Ready?

The Final Detail

Thoroughly clean your car, inside and out, before storage. The last thing you want to do is put a car

cover on a dirty vehicle. Give your ride a good handwash, polish up that chrome and apply a coat of

wax to the paint. Make sure to get rid of any tree-sap drops, too.

If there are unpainted metal places under your car that are prone to rust, buy a can of rubberized

undercoating and spray on a protective coat, keeping in mind that it needs to be reapplied yearly. Be

careful not to spray this coating near any exhaust components that can get hot because products like

Page 11: Contents...50/50 Tickets - Nancy Bronner Birthdays - Jayne Reit Corner Worker Program - Gene Gau Vice President appointed - Points - J.B. Benedict Secretary appointed - Club Accessories

Page | 11 October 2018

this can be very flammable. For collectors, if you're worried about keeping your vehicle in original

condition, a coat of WD-40 will also work. You can also stuff a sock in the exhaust pipe so that small

animals, like rodents, won't find a new place to set up camp, but be sure to remove it before you start

the car again.

Throw out food wrappers, soda cans and any other trash that may have accumulated in the vehicle's

cabin. If you plan on steam-cleaning the carpet, do that far enough in advance of (or after) storing the

car to avoid moisture buildup and mold. For added interior protection, you can buy a set of seat

covers. To soak up cabin moisture, purchase a few packs of desiccant from your local dollar store or

convenience store to place on the floor of your vehicle.

Mice and other small animals can create trouble if they get inside your car. Even though there isn't a

surefire way to protect your car from mice, there are steps you can take to make your car less

appealing to them. "I usually go to the dollar store and buy the cheapest drier sheets I can find, and

put those inside my vehicles," said Davin Reckow, parts specialist for Hagerty Collector Car

Insurance. You can also place mothballs in socks and set them both inside and around the vehicle, but

you'll probably need to air out the cabin to get rid of that distinctive smell. Mousetraps work well

outside the car, but never put them in your car. The last thing you want to find is a dead mouse on

your passenger seat, especially months later. If you are storing your car in your own garage at home,

remember that pest poison traps can be hazardous to your pets.


It's worthwhile to inflate your tires

to a higher air pressure before

storing your car because tires can

slowly lose pressure over time and

with temperature changes.

However, don't exceed the tire's

maximum air pressure, which is

listed on the side of the tire, and

be sure to fill all four tires to the

correct air pressure when you take

your car out of storage. If you

already know one of your tires has

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Page | 12 October 2018

a leak, replace it because it will deflate completely over time, and your car could end up kneeling on

its rim.

Don't engage the parking brake for storage as it can become "frozen" and difficult to disengage. If

you're worried about your car rolling, get some wheel chocks or blocks of wood to wedge against the


For the more mechanically inclined and for owners of collectible cars, you can put your car on jack

stands to take the weight off the tires and suspension. By doing this, you can avoid getting flat areas

on your older tires and wheels. Procedures for doing this vary greatly from car to car, so if you're

unfamiliar with the proper and safe way to raise your car, consult with someone who knows. In all

instances, be sure the floor of your storage site is completely flat and made of concrete before

undertaking this.

Fluids and Power

It's a good idea to use fuel stabilizer. Why? Reckow said most ethanol-blended fuels have a shelf life of

only about three months. If you're storing a vehicle for six months, fuel stabilizer should help prevent

corrosion in the fuel lines and engine. Add fuel stabilizer to a nearly full gas tank.

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Page | 13 October 2018

It's also a good idea to change your car's oil and oil filter as well as check and top up all other fluid

levels before storing your car. If you live in a colder climate, make sure your car has enough antifreeze.

Once you've topped off the fluids and added fuel stabilizer, take your vehicle out for one last ride to

circulate the new fluids before your car storage plans.

Your car battery should be either removed and stored, or connected to a trickle charger or battery

tender; you can get one for around $50. Make sure your battery tender or charger has a float mode or

automatic shutoff feature so the battery doesn't get overcharged. You can run the battery tender's

cables up through the underside of the engine bay so that you can keep the hood closed and your car

cover in place.

If you want to remove the battery but still have it on a battery tender, set it on a piece of wood in your

garage and attach it to the tender. Make sure not to lose track of the two battery bolts. Keeping your

car's battery charged prolongs the life of the battery, and you don't have to wonder whether your car

will start.

You can also remove the battery and store it in a warm room in your home. Keep in mind that cold

batteries can freeze and may crack.

Car Cover

Invest in a quality car cover for storage. If you store your car outside, make sure that cover is

waterproof and securely attached to your car so high winds don't blow it off. Universal and custom-fit

car covers are available at online retailers and at auto parts stores. There is a big difference between a

$25 universal-fit car cover and a $300 high-quality model-specific cover; your best bet is to get one

that's breathable and keeps out moisture. Never cover your car with a plastic tarp as it will severely

scratch the paint.

A basic car cover is worthwhile if you store your car inside because it can protect your car's freshly

waxed exterior from accumulating dust and dirt. In addition, Reckow said, a thicker car cover provides

a layer of protective padding for your car's exterior in case you bump it while you move items around

in your garage.

It's easier to have another set of hands available when putting a cover on your car; it also eliminates

the risk of having the cover touch the ground and picking up grit. However, before you put the cover

on, make sure all the windows and doors are fully closed and that valuables and necessities are out of

the passenger compartment — you don't want to open a covered, storage-ready car just to get your

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Page | 14 October 2018

cell phone's car charger. If you have a fixed antenna, you'll also want to remove it before covering up.

You can put the antenna in your trunk or on the floor by the passenger seat so it's readily available for


In addition to a car cover, consider a vehicle jacket for storage. Just drive your car onto the jacket, put

a soft car cover on it (this is a must), and zip up the outer plastic jacket. This solution provides

protection from moisture, rust, rodents and dust. "I once stored a '66 Chevelle convertible, stripped of

paint, right on a lakefront in Michigan,” Reckow said. "After one winter, there was not a lick of surface

rust.” Make sure your car is completely dry and cool before putting any kind of cover on it.

Starting It Up

A common discussion among people who store cars for winter is whether or not to start it every so

often. "If you do a proper job storing a car, you don't need to start it," Reckow said. "But if you want to

start it up, just remember what you have to remove and put back on." In other words, don't start your

car with those socks still stuffed in the exhaust or the battery tender's cables in the engine bay.

Completely remove the car cover, too; don't just peel it back enough to get in the driver's door. Never

let a car run with its car cover on — or with the garage door closed.

Once your car is started, let it warm up to its operating temperature to remove any condensation and

cycle the fresh oil through the engine to lubricate the parts a bit. Then, don't forget to redo the steps

needed to return your car to its storage state.

Cars.com's Editorial department is your source for automotive news and reviews. In line with Cars.com's

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Page | 15 October 2018

CCC Social Events Overview

Additional details & updates are on the CCC Website: www.cornhuskercorvette.club

(Go to the News, Events & Calendar tab, find the event date on the calendar, then click details)

October 2018 ACTIVITIES

10/14 – Fall Color Run Rally – More Information Coming

10/18 – (Thursday) General meeting, Bel-Air Banquet Hall (dinner starts 6pm, meeting 7–8pm, social 8-9pm)

10/20 & 10/21 – (Saturday & Sunday) 7 autocross events each day at Lincoln Air Park

• NCCC Sanctioned o Flyer available at West Region Website - http://www.westregionnccc.com/

10/26 – (Friday) Theater production of Guys on Ice at Lofte Barn Manly, NE

• Fish Fry from 5:00 to 6:30 at Lofte Barn $12.00

• 7:00pm show of Guys on Ice produced by Lofte Barn.

o $16.50 per ticket, Concession available including alcoholic beverages.

▪ Sign up Deadline 10/19 email [email protected]

10/27 – Saturday – Huber Chevrolet Car Show – Moving Vets Forward Fund


• If you plan to attend please email - [email protected]

November 2018 ACTIVITIES

11/10 – Veterans Day Parade - Meet at Beardmore Chevrolet 9am • Parade at 10am • Lunch afterwards

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Page | 16 October 2018

11/15 – (Thursday) General meeting, Bel-Air Banquet Hall (dinner starts 6pm, meeting 7–8pm, social 8-9pm)

December 2018 ACTIVITIES

12/1 – Toys for Tots, Casio’s Steakhouse (See attached flyer)

• Meet at 6:00 TBD

12/7-12/9 (Friday to Sunday) Kansas City Road Trip – Most likely Metal Car Trip

• Meet at 8:00 TBD • Lunch and afternoon in Westin MO

o Shopping for the Ladies o Working on a distillery tour for the men

• Arrive at the Hotel in KC Plaza TBD • 12/8 6pm Shear Madness production at New Theater Restaurant Overland Park

o $50.00 (Includes high quality dinner and show) o Sign up Deadline 10/15 for Hotel Reasons email [email protected] or for more information

12/20 – (Thursday) General meeting, Bel-Air Banquet Hall (dinner starts 6pm, meeting 7–8pm, social 8-9pm) **PLEASE NOTE THE NEW STARTING TIME FOR OUR CCC GENERAL MEETINGS!

Remember ** Bring the following donation items to our general CCC meeting:

▪ Nonperishable food donations for the Stevens Center (Jerry Koraleski)

▪ Toiletries for Mohm’s & other Homeless Shelters (Kathy Brisbois) ▪ Newspapers for HUA (JB)

For add’l information & updates on CCC club socials or events, see the links below:


CCC Socials, NCCC & Other Area Events on CCC website: www.CornhuskerCorvetteClub.com

or www.cornhuskercorvette.club. Go to “News & Events Calendar” tab, find the date on the calendar, click on event

name, then click on “details” for additional information &/or any changes.

Current/Past newsletters: http://cornhuskercorvette.club/news-events-calendar

Past/present club pictures: www.CCCmemories.com

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Page | 17 October 2018

Cornhusker Corvette Club Christmas Dinner

6:00 P.M. Saturday December 1st 2018

1620 South 10th Street Omaha, NE.

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Page | 18 October 2018

Cornhusker Corvette Club Christmas Dinner

All dinners include salad and breadsticks.

Steak, chicken, and fish also come with a side of pasta and baked potato.

Appetizers will be served – cash bar -

Dinner options – Cost Orders

Chicken Parmesan $24.00 each ________________

Fresh Atlantic Salmon $31.00 each ________________

Prime Rib (12 oz.) $36.00 each ________________

New York Strip (14 oz.) $40.00 each ________________

Filet Mignon (8 oz.) $41.00 each ________________

(Prices include Tax and TIP)

Please bring an unwrapped child’s gift for Toys for Tots

Come meet the Marines and enjoy a great evening!

Make checks payable to – Cornhusker Corvette Club –

Please send this form and payment by November 15, 2018 to –

Bob Redmond

4829 South 174th Ave.

Omaha, NE. 68135

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Page | 19 October 2018

Cornhusker Corvette Club

Veterans Day Parade Luncheon

Saturday November 10, 2018

Right after the parade - approximately 11:30 A.M.

605 Fort Crook RD North - Bellevue, Nebraska

Come join us for the parade and support our Veterans

After the parade join us for some lunch and conversation.

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CCC Points Totals Current as of 4 Oct 18

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Page | 25 October 2018

Happy Birthday


Oct 2nd Marcy Heggen

Oct 3rd Judith Vieselmeyer

Steve Bronner

Deb Milota

Oct 4th Sandi Novotny

Robert Reade

Norman Riffel

Oct 5th Jayne Reit

Oct 6th Jerry McLaughlin

Oct 7th Carol Jedicka

Mary Jo Hegwood

Oct 8th Mike Manly

Oct 10th KC Smith

Oct 11th Michael Hardiman

Oct 12th John Harris

Oct 13th Janet Zehnacker

Shari Pentecost

Oct 15th PL Pilger

Oct 18th William Isaacs

Oct 19th Penny Hardiman

Oct 21st Sandy Swift

Oct 22nd Raymond Harris

Oct 26th Katie Darling

Ruth Larson

Oct 29th Cole Benedict

Jock Albert

Sarah Cooper

Oct 30th Ron Hughbanks

Oct 31st Kelley Perry

Michael Ratkiewics

November Nov 1st Benda Salmans

Steve Walling

Nov 2nd Louis Barone

Devin Brisbois

Oct 3rd Larry Wollery

Oct 5th Robert Briggs

Oct 6th Joyce Riffel

Oct 7th Robert Bracken

Oct 9th Makayla Horeis

Oct 10th Dick Mason

John Beaver

Don Speckman

Oct 11th Mark De Long

Oct 13th George Horst

Nov 14th Jodi DePetro

Bob Dishong

Linda Hugbanks

Shirley Ferguson

Oct 15th Kevin Reit

Don Peers

Cindy Norris

Nov 16th Sandie Bernt

Nov 17th Ken Bena

Oct 18th Vic Larson

Mary Ann Laaker

Oct 19th Richard Zehnacker

Errin Gunderson

Dave Williams

Nov 20th Rhonda Berlowitz

Marvene Ekberg

Oct 22nd Sam DePetro

Kathy Brisbois

Nov 24th Donna Rees

Nov 25th Chet Leedom

Oct 26th Lee Davis

Dennis Gustafson

Nov 27th Kathy Jo Larsen

Nov 28th Vicki Manly

Bill Hopes

Gene Fisher

Kathy Roenfeld

Oct 29th Lucy Meschede

Nov 30th Pam Johnson

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Page | 26 October 2018

For Sale

Indoor storage for RV's, Boats, Trailers &


12 miles North of Council Bluffs on I-29, all hard

surface road. Short or long term, no contract.

Rates: up to 20' $60 per month- 21' to 25' $75 per

month - 26' to 30' $90 per month

Contact Randy Williams (402) 677-3217


Corvette Tires for Sale

I have a set of four Michelin Pilot Super Sport

ZP tires that are designed for C7 Corvettes

with Z51 package. They are suitable for

warm weather racing and have a little over

4000 miles on them.

285/30ZR19, 335/25ZR20

Dennis Schafer

[email protected]

Home (402)-333-1538

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C7 - Platinum Level Contributors

Huber Chevrolet http://www.hubercars.net/

Harchelroad Motors, Inc. http://www.harchelroadmotors.com/

Gregg Young Chevrolet http://www.gychevy.com/

Beardmore Chevrolet http://www.beardmorechevy.com/

Sid Dillion Chevrolet http://www.siddillongm.com/

McAlister's Deli www.mcalistersdeli.com

Cascio's Steak House http://www.casciossteakhouse.com/

Chris Tooker, CFP®

Merrill Lynch Wealth Management www.fa.ml.com/ctooker

Smitty's Garage Burgers & Beer - Omaha Dodge https://www.facebook.com/garageomahadodge/

Service One https://www.serviceone.com/

Owner's Pride Detailing http://www.ownersprideclub.com/

Executive Auto Shippers https://executiveautoshippers.com/

CCC Contributors

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Page | 28 October 2018

Northwest Bank

14320 Arbor St.


Peers Auto Works


Predator Custom Trailer & Motor



Quaker Steak & Lube, Council Bluffs



Ragazzi's Pizza


R&G Service Center


Stumble Inn


Village Inn Twin Creek Bellevue


Please show your appreciation

C6 - Gold Level Contributors

Auto Trim Design


Bruno’s Auto Works


Breeze Catchers



Center Trophy Company


Certified Transmission


Cilantro’s Mexican Bar & Grill


Clancy’s Pub


Discount Tire

12140 W Dodge Rd


HS Automotive



Lions Automotive Upholstery


Lyle’s Tires & Wheels
