This looks like a typical RnB music contents page. It shows that it has the correct sexy pose looking like a sex object to men and also role models to The title is in large, bold, capitalized font. This follows the general layout conventions of a magazine contents page. This is because it is These are sub – headings which tells you what is going to be featured inside the magazine and on what The colours that are used are subtle contrasting from dark grey to light. It has a contrasting effect because it uses a gradient style of a dark background The colour of the models shoes, match the colour scheme of the page which is seen to be grey. Also it is iconographi c because the majority of artists wear heels. Her face expression makes her look seductive and adds to the effect of looking like a sex icon. The same font is used throughout the magazine, so makes it easier to read and professional looking for the readers. Her costume is an outfit similar to a leotard which gymnasts wear, which could symbolise that she is flexible hence her pose. Also the belt that she has added shows that she is up to date with today’s fashion and could be seen as a

Contents page

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Page 1: Contents page

This looks like a typical RnB music contents page. It shows that it has the correct elements to be a successful contents page.

The image dominates the page, with a sexy pose looking like a sex object to men and also role models to women.

The title is in large, bold, capitalized font. This follows the general layout conventions of a magazine contents page. This is because it is positioned at the top in the eye line of the reader and in a suitable font.

These are sub – headings which tells you what is going to be featured inside the magazine and on what pages.

The colours that are used are subtle contrasting from dark grey to light. It has a contrasting effect because it uses a gradient style of a dark background with white text which makes it clear and readable for the reader.The colour of the models shoes, match the colour scheme of the page which is seen to be grey. Also it is iconographic because the majority of artists wear heels.

Her face expression makes her look seductive and adds to the effect of looking like a sex icon.

The same font is used throughout the magazine, so makes it easier to read and professional looking for the readers.

Her costume is an outfit similar to a leotard which gymnasts wear, which could symbolise that she is flexible hence her pose. Also the belt that she has added shows that she is up to date with today’s fashion and could be seen as a ‘trendsetter’ as readers will get ideas from those higher in status than