Continuing Education in Nursing Prof. Rafath Razia Principal Government College of Nursing Hyderabad

Continuing education in nursing

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Continuing Nursing Education

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Page 1: Continuing education in nursing

Continuing Education in Nursing

Prof. Rafath Razia

Principal Government College of Nursing Hyderabad

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History of Continuing Education in Nursing“Let us never consider ourselves as finished

nurses…..We must be learning all our lives”

-Florence Nightingale The idea of continuing education in nursing is

as old as organized nursing, but the concept of lifelong learning for the practitioner has developed slowly

The history of continuing education in nursing has shown that educational institutions generally have been slow to accept responsibility for assisting the practitioner who wishes to add to her nursing knowledge and skill

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Need Rapid technological advances related to knowledge explosion

have greatly altered the practice of nursing The gap between scientific knowledge and its application

grows wider each year as a result of multiple influences Elimination of certain illnesses, particularly the

communicable diseases New drugs to cure some illnesses and alter the course of

many Surgeries are being performed successfully in areas that

would not have been attempted 10-20 years ago Organ transplants are no more a novelty Complex and intricate machinery can extend lives All these advances require more highly skilled nursing care in

a great variety of settings Continuing education is an accepted way of life

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Nurses and Continuing Education Are Nurses exception? In fact we lagged behind Certain exceptional nurses have always been

self-directed learners

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Once a Nurse, always a Nurse? “some continuation training in service for

nurses would promote the well-being of the nation”

Major reason for continuing education in nursing: the improvement in professional practice

Life-long learning in nursing relates not only to professional practice but also to the development of the person as an individual and as a responsible citizen

Charles Judd AJN (1928)

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Definitions “Continuing education is any extension of

opportunities for reading, study and training to young persons and adults following their completion of or withdrawal from full-time school and college programs”

Dictionary of Education

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Adult Education The terms Continuing Education and Adult

Education are often used interchangeably

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Continuing Nursing Education “Educational activities primarily designed to

keep registered nurses abreast of their particular field of interest and do not lead to any formal advanced standing in the profession”

Nursing Thesaurus of the International Nursing Index

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In-service Education “Planned instructional or training program

provided by an employing agency in the employment setting and is designed to increase competence in a specific area”

In-service Education is one aspect of continuing education, but the terms are not interchangeable

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Continuing Professional Development

Take on new responsibilities



Paper presentation at conference

Team teachi


Study for higher degree

International exchange

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Types Orientation to introduce new recruits to the

basic aspects of the job so that they can perform their job effectively

Continuing education for the improvement of knowledge, skills and attitudes

Management skills and leadership training

Staff development program is directed toward expanding to the fullest all the potentials of an individual

Individual Interest Promotion Programs Future Oriented Programs to prepare

learners for the future activities

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The Planning Formula

What is to be done?

Why is it necessary

How is it to be done?

Where is it to be done?

When is it to be done?

Who should do the job?

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Analysis Analyze needs Goals Priorities Resources Constraints and Alternate delivery systems Determine scope and sequence of training

program (by task and job analysis)

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DesignEmphasizes what will be taught Determine training approach Develop learning objectives Performance measures Training program specifications

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DevelopmentEmphasizes on how the content will be

taught Develop curriculum guide Lesson plan Supportive teaching aids Revise material

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Implementation Implement training plan Conduct training Formative evaluation Document training results

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Evaluation Conduct summative evaluation Analyze collected information Initiate corrective action

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Benefits of Continuing Nursing Education

New / Improved • Knowledge and Skills • Attitudinal Change

Institution• Better Performance• Quality Patient Care


• Increased Job Satisfaction

• High Motivation

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Content Areas

•Nursing Process•Intravenous Therapy•Communication•Ethics

General Programs


Hospital Specific


•CVP Care•Neonatal CPR•Ventilator•Dialysis

Area Specific


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Learning Learning continues through out life and is

called “lifelong learning” From “womb” to “tomb” Learning makes life easier, fuller longer and

more enjoyable Learning has practical purpose

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In-service Educator Public Relations Educational

Preparation with emphasis on Adult Education

The Continuing Educator as a Continuing Learner

Clinical Knowledge and Skill

Working with Adults Broad Knowledge

Base Concern for People

Determination Self-confidence Zest for life Innate curiosity Love for

adventure Desire to search

the unknown Flexibility Creativity Resourcefulness

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Thanks and Best Wishes