Conventions of a double page spread

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Page 1: Conventions of a double page spread
Page 2: Conventions of a double page spread

Main Image:Main Image:

The main image is reasonably central to the page

however it is pushed to the left quite a bit due to the

layout of the text. The image has a very large

background and a small main focus to it. This then

allows the text to be placed on top of the image and

helps make it look more professional as they haven't just

had a background and then added a square image in the

middle of the page. With the image being large it seems

to cover the fact that there is

only one picture over the

whole two pages, however I

think this looks better as it

doesn’t distract people away

from the text, which might

happen if there was a very

large amount of different

images on it. In this image

I have noticed that it doesn’t

Actually show the persons face.

This may be because it shows

his iconic red hair. The target

audience would be people that

listen to a certain genre of music

and would recognise him so

when they show his hair they

would know straight away who

it is.

Page Numbers:Page Numbers:

The page numbers are located on both pages. This is so it will

link well with the contents page and help people navigate

through the magazine and possibly that page. The page

numbers in this example are quite bold and in a white colour,

this then helps then stand out clearly on the black background.

This also links the to the Masthead which is located next to it, which shows there may be a constant theme going through

the magazine.


This double page doesn’t have a main heading on it, this

may be because it is a double page spread where the

first page of the article may have been on the page

before, usually when it is like this and the article doesn’t

start until the next page is because there would be

images on that page or a large title and a small

introduction to the article.

First letter highlightedFirst letter highlighted

The first letter is usually highlighted, this is so it is clear

to the readers where the article starts. In the example it

is highlighted in red and is in a different font. This clearly

shows where the article starts and also shows a theme

across the double pages as it is the same colours used

elsewhere and also uses the same font as the caption above it.

I have noticed, mostly in kerrang

that for their images they have

very small captions next to them,

which have a slight comical edge

to them. They may have done

this to attract their audience and

add a bit of relaxation to the

article so that they don’t sound

really serious.


They have clearly stuck to a theme on

the double pages. They have stuck to

the colour scheme of red, white, blue

and black. This shows consistency

within the article, and especially with

the image clearly links them to each

other, as he is shown wearing the

colours that are used in the colour

scheme for the whole page.

The use of red in some

ways may connote things

like danger however in this

aspect it is used to highlight

the person in the pictures

iconic red hair. This then

links to their target audience

being people who listen to a

more rock genre of music

that they would recognise

who this person is by his

hair and that may also be

why the image doesn’t show

his face.

Page 3: Conventions of a double page spread

Main Image:Main Image:

The main image is very large as it covers a whole page. This splits the

page, to ensure that there is not too much going on, on a single page,

by including an eye catching image and writing, they split it up. The

main image shows who the article is about. Also the image my show

objects that may be linked directly to the band, for example logos or

maybe the background of the image may have a link to a CD or logo of

theirs. Unlike other images that magazines use they may have some

sections that are the main focus of the image and so try to encourage

readers to look at a certain

section of the image, but

they seem to have used a

busy picture that doesn’t

have a main point to focus

on which makes the reader

look at it as a whole.

First letter highlightedFirst letter highlighted

The first letter is highlighted

in this example, it is

highlighted by the use of a

different colour and font

and an extreme increase in

size. However other

magazines seem to shape

the text around it, if it goes

covers two or more lines,

however in this example the

letter is extremely bigger but

It has been placed behind the

text which I don’t think is best as

it can distract people when

reading and some people may

find the text above hard to read.


The heading has filled almost half of one page. This

stands out and draws readers to the page. The titles

don’t necessarily just state the name of the band they

usually statement that link to the band themselves or the

information in the article. The heading stands out as

even though it is quite simple it stands out as it is large

and it contrasts against the white background.

Page Numbers:Page Numbers:

The page numbers is located on only the bottom of one page. This is helpful as it helps readers locate the pages where there is

an article they want to read. Also they have made it stand out as it is in a small black rectangle that stands out against the white

background and then the white writing stands out against that. However the way that they have only placed the page number

on one side may no be the best idea. This is because I have noticed that when someone flicks through a magazine (depending

if they are going back to front or front to back) they don’t necessarily look at the bottom of both pages they may only look at one

side, so for someone that looks at the right page they may find it more difficult to quickly and easily navigate the page.


The double page doesn’t

really stick to a main colour

scheme. They haven't used

colours from the main

image that other magazine

may do, but then because

of this they have kept to

using black, white , red and

a dark gold-brown colour.

This makes it look more

professional, but less

exciting however they may

be wanting to show that

they don’t want to attract

readers because their

magazine loos attractive

they want to them to buy

the magazine for the

information inside. Because

of this it links to their target

audience of maybe more

adults that would buy a

magazine for the

information not just because

it looks ‘cool’.

They have also highlighted

the band name to ensure

everyone knows who they

are if they didn’t know to

begin with.

Page 4: Conventions of a double page spread

Main Image:Main Image:

The main image is located on the left page. It covers the whole

page. The way that it is on one page splits the page and makes it

more interesting and doesn’t make the double page boring, that it

would if the whole two pages was just covered with text and only

had one or two small images. There is a lot going on in the image

which works well as the rest of the page and the other images are

quite simple, which then emphasises the idea that the main image

is the focus of the two pages and they don’t want reader to be

distracted and not look at

the main image of the article. First letter highlightedFirst letter highlighted

The first letter has been

highlighted but not by the

use of colour like many

other magazines but just as

it is more bold and has

been made larger in size

than the rest of the text. Heading:Heading:

The heading clearly states

Who the article is about, as

the title is the name of the

band, it is placed just above

the main text and goes slightly

across the main image, this

helps as it shows that the

main images links with the

text. It stands out well as the

dark colour standout against

the fairly bright blue colour and

then that as a whole stands out

against the white background.


There is an obvious colour scheme across the double page. It uses the colours

black, blue and white. The colour blue is used to highlight titles or pieces of text

rather than using it for the colour of text itself. They have switched the colour of

the background and text on the right page, to split that page in half to show a

difference in topic but that they are linked in some way. The use of colour makes

it look professional and reasonably simple but because they have used quite a

bright blue which still makes it interesting.

Page Numbers:Page Numbers:

The page number is located on one page at the bottom left corner. Unlike other magazines they have their masthead located

next to the number to possibly remind the reader the magazine name, however even though the masthead isn't next to the

number it is located on the page. However similar to the Q magazine example the way that they have only placed the page

number on one side may no be the best idea. This is because I have noticed that when someone flicks through a magazine

(depending if they are going back to front or front to back) they don’t necessarily look at the bottom of both pages they may only

look at one side, so for someone that looks at the right page they may find it more difficult to quickly and easily navigate the page.

Other than the main text they have used captions to involve the reader without making them read the whole article, so that they would read the caption and want to find out more. They have placed a caption central to the page and in the middle of the main text . And they have highlighted it with a blue border/rectangle. This draws people to the text and to the page as they have made it stand out against the white background.

The page numbers are also very hard to see as the blend in against the dark background (the image) this then makes it hard for people to see, and not that easy for readers to navigate the page.