Hal 733 Conversion Reaction Also known as hysteria, hysterical conversion reaction and childhood hysteria, is a psychophysiologic disorder with a sudden onset that can usually be traced to a precipitating environmental event. The disorder is observed with equal frequency in both sexes in childhood, but affected girls outnumber affected boys during adolescence. The manifestation involve primarily the voluntary musculature and special sense and include abdominal pain, fainting, pseudoseizures, paralysis, headaches, and visual field restriction. Once consideredrare in childhood, the disorder occurs more frequently that has generally been acknowledged. The most commonly observed symptom is seizure activity, which can be differentiated from symptoms of neurogenic origin by formal test, the most useful of which is the finding of a normal electroencephalogram. Many children with conversion reaction have experienced a major family crisis before the onset of symptoms, such as loss of a parent or other significant person through death, divorce, or moving. The families of children with conversion reaction characteristically display problems in communication and depression or hypochondriasis in a parent. Educating the child and family regarding the cause of emotional stresses or feeling and alternative approaches to coping with stress may alleviate the child’s symptoms. If deep personalityproblems are evident, psychiatric consultation is indicated. Nursing care is similar to that for the child with recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) Konversi Reaksi Juga dikenal sebagai histeria, reaksi konversi histeris dan histeria masa kanak-kanak, adalah gangguan psychophysiologic yang mendadak , biasanya dapat ditelusuri pada keadaan lingkungan pencetus. Kelainan ini diamati dengan frekuensi yang sama pada kedua jenis kelamin di masa kecil, tapi gadis-gadis yang terkena melebihi jumlah laki-laki yang terkena selama masa remaja. Manifestasi melibatkan sakit pada otot-otot dan rasa khusus dan termasuk sakit perut, pingsan, pseudoseizures, kelumpuhan, sakit kepala, dan pembatasan bidang visual. Setelah di lihat secara langka di masa kecil, gangguan terjadi lebih sering diakui pada keadaan umum. Gejala yang paling

Convertion reaction in children

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Convertion reaction in children

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Hal 733

Conversion Reaction

Also known as hysteria, hysterical conversion reaction and childhood hysteria, is a psychophysiologic disorder with a sudden onset that can usually be traced to a precipitating environmental event. The disorder is observed with equal frequency in both sexes in childhood, but affected girls outnumber affected boys during adolescence. The manifestation involve primarily the voluntary musculature and special sense and include abdominal pain, fainting, pseudoseizures, paralysis, headaches, and visual field restriction. Once consideredrare in childhood, the disorder occurs more frequently that has generally been acknowledged. The most commonly observed symptom is seizure activity, which can be differentiated from symptoms of neurogenic origin by formal test, the most useful of which is the finding of a normal electroencephalogram.

Many children with conversion reaction have experienced a major family crisis before the onset of symptoms, such as loss of a parent or other significant person through death, divorce, or moving. The families of children with conversion reaction characteristically display problems in communication and depression or hypochondriasis in a parent.

Educating the child and family regarding the cause of emotional stresses or feeling and alternative approaches to coping with stress may alleviate the child’s symptoms. If deep personalityproblems are evident, psychiatric consultation is indicated. Nursing care is similar to that for the child with recurrent abdominal pain (RAP)

Konversi Reaksi Juga dikenal sebagai histeria, reaksi konversi histeris dan histeria masa kanak-kanak, adalah gangguan psychophysiologic yang mendadak , biasanya dapat ditelusuri pada keadaan lingkungan pencetus. Kelainan ini diamati dengan frekuensi yang sama pada kedua jenis kelamin di masa kecil, tapi gadis-gadis yang terkena melebihi jumlah laki-laki yang terkena selama masa remaja. Manifestasi melibatkan sakit pada otot-otot dan rasa khusus dan termasuk sakit perut, pingsan, pseudoseizures, kelumpuhan, sakit kepala, dan pembatasan bidang visual. Setelah di lihat secara langka di masa kecil, gangguan terjadi lebih sering diakui pada keadaan umum. Gejala yang paling umum diamati adalah kejang aktivitas, yang dapat dibedakan dari gejala asal neurogenik dengan uji formal, yang paling berguna yang merupakan temuan dari sebuah electroencephalogram normal.

Banyak anak dengan reaksi konversi telah mengalami krisis keluarga besar sebelum timbulnya gejala, seperti kehilangan orang tua atau orang penting lainnya melalui kematian, perceraian, atau pindah. Para keluarga anak-anak dengan reaksi konversi bersifat menampilkan masalah dalam komunikasi dan depresi atau hypochondriasis di orangtua.

Mendidik anak dan keluarga mengenai penyebab stres emosional atau perasaan dan pendekatan alternatif untuk mengatasi stres dapat mengurangi gejala anak. Jika masalah kepribadian yang mendalam jelas, konsultasi kejiwaan ditunjukkan. Asuhan keperawatan mirip dengan yang untuk anak dengan nyeri perut berulang (RAP)