Coordinación de Inglés Orientaciones Académicas Código: 80025 Undécimo Nivel II semestre 2019 Elaborado por: Erika Prendas Vargas Correo electrónico: [email protected] Teléfono: 88315629 Visite la página web ingresando a: www.coned.ac.cr Colegio Nacional de Educación a Distancia Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Coordinación de Inglés Orientaciones Académicas · II Prueba escrita 25 II Tarea 10% III Prueba escrita 25 III Tarea 10% . Calendarización de las pruebas II semestre 2019 Consulte

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Page 1: Coordinación de Inglés Orientaciones Académicas · II Prueba escrita 25 II Tarea 10% III Prueba escrita 25 III Tarea 10% . Calendarización de las pruebas II semestre 2019 Consulte

Coordinación de


Orientaciones Académicas

Código: 80025

Undécimo Nivel

II semestre 2019

Elaborado por: Erika Prendas Vargas

Correo electrónico: [email protected]

Teléfono: 88315629

Visite la página web ingresando a: www.coned.ac.cr

Colegio Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Page 2: Coordinación de Inglés Orientaciones Académicas · II Prueba escrita 25 II Tarea 10% III Prueba escrita 25 III Tarea 10% . Calendarización de las pruebas II semestre 2019 Consulte

Orientación General Para orientar su proceso de estudio, leer lo siguiente:

1. Educación a distancia: Se debe asumir una actitud autónoma en el proceso de estudio; leer los temas que correspondan a cada semana, establecer un horario de estudio a partir de las orientaciones, se recomienda asistir a las tutorías habilitadas en cada sede para fortalecer el proceso de aprendizaje.

2. Materiales y recursos didácticos:

Tutoría presencial: Proceso de interacción y comunicación con el tutor, le permite aclarar dudas, en CONED la asistencia a la tutoría no es obligatoria sin embargo es un recurso de apoyo educativo. Para que la tutoría sea provechosa el estudiante debe llegar con los temas leídos y plantear dudas. Tutoría Telefónica: Puede comunicarse con el coordinador de la materia en caso de tener dudas sobre las tareas o temas puntuales, lo anterior en caso de que no poder asistir a tutorías.

Blog de la asignatura: Ingresando a la página de CONED www.coned.ac.cr, puede acceder al blog de cada materia, donde encontrará materiales que le permiten prepararse para la tutoría. Video tutoriales: Cada materia cuenta con grabaciones sobre diferentes temas de interés según nivel y materia, puede acceder al espacio de video tutorías ubicado en la página web de CONED.

Cursos virtuales híbridos: Permiten flexibilidad y acompañamiento en el proceso de estudio desde una computadora portátil o un teléfono inteligente. La apertura de los cursos depende de la proyección establecida.

Antología del curso: Material base para las pruebas y tareas.

Facebook: Mi Coned

Page 3: Coordinación de Inglés Orientaciones Académicas · II Prueba escrita 25 II Tarea 10% III Prueba escrita 25 III Tarea 10% . Calendarización de las pruebas II semestre 2019 Consulte

Sedes de CONED

El Programa CONED está en la mejor disposición de atender a sus consultas en los teléfonos y correo electrónico correspondiente a cada una de las sedes.

Sede Teléfono Encargado(s) Correo electrónico

Acosta 2410-3159 Norlen Valverde Godínez [email protected]

Cartago 2591-9548 Dianna Acuña Serrano [email protected]



2783-3333 Merab Miranda Picado [email protected]

Esparza 2636-0000

Ext. 140

Jesuana Araya Angulo [email protected]

Heredia 2262-7189 Cristian Adolfo Salazar


[email protected]

Liberia 2666-4296



Yerlins Miranda Solís [email protected]

Limón 2758-1900 Marilin Sánchez Sotela [email protected]

Nicoya 2685-4738 Daniel Hamilton Ruiz Arauz [email protected]

Palmares 2452-0531 Maritza Isabel Zúñiga Naranjo [email protected]

Puntarenas 2661-3300 Sindy Scafidi Ampié [email protected]

Quepos 2777-0372 Lourdes Chaves Avilés [email protected]

San José 2221-3803 Elieth Navarro Quirós [email protected]

Turrialba 2556-3010 Mirla Sánchez Barboza

[email protected]

Page 4: Coordinación de Inglés Orientaciones Académicas · II Prueba escrita 25 II Tarea 10% III Prueba escrita 25 III Tarea 10% . Calendarización de las pruebas II semestre 2019 Consulte


Esta asignatura se aprueba con un promedio mínimo de 70, una vez sumados los porcentajes de las notas de las tareas y pruebas

Atención a continuación términos que dentro de su proceso educativo son de interés:

Prueba de ampliación

En caso de que el promedio final sea inferior al mínimo requerido para aprobar la materia, tiene derecho a realizar las pruebas de ampliación, que comprenden toda la materia del semestre. Tendrá derecho a realizar prueba de ampliación, el estudiante que haya cumplido con el 80% de las acciones evaluativas asignadas. ( Pruebas y tareas) Art. 48 del REA.

Prueba de suficiencia

Constituye una única prueba que se aplica al final del semestre, con los mismos contenidos de los cursos ordinarios. Para llevar un curso por suficiencia no tiene que haber sido cursado ni reprobado.

Estrategia de promoción

Cuando se debe una única materia para aprobar se valora esta opción, para ello se tiene que tomar en cuenta haber cumplido con todas las pruebas y 80% de las tareas. Haber presentado las pruebas de ampliación en las dos convocatorias.

Condiciones para eximirse

Tiene derecho a eximirse el estudiante que haya obtenido una calificación de 90 o más en cada uno de los componentes de la calificación

Extra clases o Tareas

Para la entrega de los extra clases, debe seguir los procedimientos de cada sede, ya sea entregarlas al tutor de cada materia en las tutorías respectivas, en la fecha indicada en las orientaciones del curso, en caso de ausencia del docente o porque tenga un horario limitado, se entregará en la oficina de cada sede de acuerdo con el horario establecido. En el caso de recibirse trabajos iguales, se les aplicará el artículo 33 del Reglamento de Evaluación de los Aprendizajes y, en consecuencia, los estudiantes obtendrán la nota mínima de un uno. Se aclara que siguiendo el Artículo 27 del REA “las tareas pueden ser desarrolladas, durante las tutorías o fuera de este horario”, no alterando por este acto la validez del instrumento evaluativo.

I Prueba escrita 20 I Tarea 10%

II Prueba escrita 25 II Tarea 10%

III Prueba escrita 25 III Tarea 10%

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Calendarización de las pruebas II semestre 2019

Consulte la hora de aplicación en la sede respectiva, este atento a la siguiente distribución de días según sedes versión A y Versión B


San José, Nicoya, Turrialba, Heredia, ALUNASA, Cartago, Acosta, Quepos

Palmares, Ciudad Neilly, Liberia, Limón, Puntarenas



Lunes 19 de agosto

Martes 20 de agosto

Miércoles 21 de


Jueves 22 agosto

Viernes 23 de agosto

Sábado 24 de agosto

Domingo 25 de agosto

Matemática Estudios Sociales

Edc. Cívica

Español Ciencias/ Biología

Inglés Inglés Estudios Sociales Español

Matemática Ciencias/ Biología Educación Cívica



Lunes 23 de setiembre

Martes 24 de


Miércoles 25 de


Jueve26 de


Viernes27 de


Sábado 28 de


Domingo 29 de setiembre

Matemática Estudios Sociales

Español Ciencias/ Biología

Inglés Inglés Estudios Sociales Español





Lunes 28 de octubre

Martes 29 octubre

Miércoles 30 de


Jueves31 de octubre

Viernes 1 de


Sábado2 de


Domingo 3 de noviembre

Matemática Estudios Sociales

Edc. Cívica

Español Ciencias/ Biología

Inglés Inglés Estudios Sociales Español

Matemática Ciencias/biología Educación Cívica

Page 6: Coordinación de Inglés Orientaciones Académicas · II Prueba escrita 25 II Tarea 10% III Prueba escrita 25 III Tarea 10% . Calendarización de las pruebas II semestre 2019 Consulte

Orientaciones del II semestre 2019

Semana Lectiva

Temas Fecha Actividades



TABLE. (1)

Pages 142 - 154

15 - 21 julio

Inicio de Tutorías

Inicio cursos virtuales Semana de inducción




Pages 142 - 154

22-28 julio

Feriado: 25 de julio Aniversario de la Anexión del Partido de Nicoya Acto a nivel institucional y nacional Los docentes envían resultados de Estrategia de Promoción, y actas definitivas.



WORLDWIDE Pages 155- 170

29 julio – 4 agosto

1 de agosto: Día Internacional de la Ciencia y la Tecnología.

2 de agosto: Día de la Virgen de los Ángeles.


RICA Pages 171 -191

5 – 11 agosto


5. REPASO 12 – 18 agosto

Feriado 15 de agosto Día de la Madre

6. 19-25 agosto


Horario según corresponda a cada sede.


CAREERS (1) Pages 191 -203

26 agosto- 1 setiembre


Pages 191 -203

2 – 8 setiembre

ENTREGA II Tarea 8 de setiembre Día Mundial de la Alfabetización

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TECHNOLOGY. (1) Pages 204 - 218

9 – 15

setiembre Feriado 15 de septiembre: Celebración de la Independencia


Pages 204 - 218

16 – 22 setiembre

11. 23 – 29 setiembre

II PRUEBA ESCRITA Horario según corresponda a cada sede



Pages 219 -227

30 setiembre –

6 octubre


CITIZENS Pages 228 - 241

7 – 13 octubre

12 de Octubre día de las culturas


COMMUNICATION Pages 242 - 251

14 - 20 octubre


15. REPASO 21 – 27 octubre

16. 28 octubre 3 noviembre

III PRUEBA ESCRITA Horario según corresponda a cada sede

17. 4 – 10 noviembre

Entrega de resultados Talleres de preparación para bachillerarlo

18. 11 – 17 noviembre

Pruebas de ampliación I convocatoria Pruebas de suficiencia

19. 18 – 24 noviembre

Resultados finales a los estudiantes

20. 25 noviembre 1 diciembre

Pruebas de ampliación II convocatoria

21. 2 – 8 diciembre


22. 9 – 15 diciembre

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Linguistic Competences Indicadores

LISTENING Appreciating / evaluating the content in terms of previously received information. Assessing the implications of content. Listening between the lines. SPEAKING Interviewing people to collect the necessary information. Justifying and defending a point of view. READING Identifying the main point or important information in a piece of discourse. Distinguishing the main idea from supporting details. WRITING Developing context of what they have read, seen or heard. Producing longer sequences in which spelling and grammar are generally accurate (the style is appropriate to the content).

Identifies the purpose of short messages and details in familiar material.

Expresses a range of responses and attitudes to events, issues or opinions, giving reason.

Identifies isolated and familiar words, vocabulary and phrases by matching words or phrases with definitions or meanings.

Identifies main point or important information in a piece of discourse.

Distinguishes the main idea from supporting details.

Develops context of what they have read, seen or heard.

Produces longer sequences in which spelling and grammar are generally accurate (the style is appropriate to the content)

Applies English tenses in a content. Identifies English tenses in statements.

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Linguistic Competences Indicadores

LISTENING Interpreting material that contains complex sentences. Understanding a variety of registers. SPEAKING Interviewing people to collect the information. Offering advise. Making suggestions. READING Recognizing indicators of discourse. Drawing conclusions from extended texts. WRITING Producing longer sequences in which spelling and grammar are generally accurate (the style is appropriate to the content)

Identifies the purpose of short messages and details in familiar material.

Expresses a range of responses and attitudes to events, issues or opinions, giving reason.

Identifies isolated and familiar words, vocabulary and phrases by matching words or phrases with definitions or meanings.

Identifies of news, brief items, and non-factual materials about tourism.

Identifies of main points, ideas or important information.

Writes information about tourism.

Uses of advises and reports about tourism.

Applies modals verbs for request.

Changes direct questions into indirect questions.

Describes tourist place in the written way.

Writes advices about travel conditions and places to go.

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Linguistic Competences Indicadores

LISTENING Drawing conclusions from and identifying the relationship between ideas within the text. Identifying brief news items and non-factual material from radio or TV. SPEAKING Reacting to extreme points of view. Reporting information gathered from a text or a discussion. Expressing opinions. READING Understanding a variety of types of written material for personal interest and for information. Identifying the main point or important information in a piece of discourse. WRITING Using cognates, derivatives and simple structures in short pieces of writing. Developing contexts of what they have read, seen or heard. Writing a resume and application forms

Identifies and compares job demand in Costa Rica and in English speaking countries.

Evaluates content related to jobs. (Jobs and human rights, sexual harassment, safety rules, etc)

Produces interviews and reports about job demand.

Applies complex sentences and texts about


Selects ideas and information in texts through making inferences by giving answers based on written passages.

Understands answering questions from written passages about Our democratic traditions.

Identifies isolated and familiar words, vocabulary and phrases by matching words or phrases with definitions or meanings.

Writes a resume and application forms.

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Unit # 4 CAREERS Linguistic Competences Indicadores

LISTENING Tracing the development of arguments. Identifying the relationships between ideas within the text. Drawing conclusions from the relationship within a text. SPEAKING Reporting information gathered from a text or a discussion. Eliciting and transmitting information attitudes and opinions in a wide range of situations. READING Coping readily with unfamiliar topics involving more complex language and recognizing attitudes and emotions. Extracting salient points to summarize the text, ideas, cognates, derivatives, etc WRITING Making effective use of resources to vary the style and scope of their own writing. Editing and redrafting their work. Researching marketing opportunities.

Selects ideas and information in texts through making inferences by giving answers based on written passages.

Understands answering questions from written passages about careers.

Identifies isolated and familiar words, vocabulary and phrases by matching words or phrases with definitions or meanings.

Summaries texts, ideas, etc. related to careers.

Identifies and uses of formal and informal style of writing related to careers.

Identifies and compares careers in Costa Rica and in English speaking countries.

Produces compound sentences.

Identifies conjunctions in compound sentences.

Completion of tasks that demand the application of

cultural aspects, functions and language.

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Linguistic Competences Indicadores

LISTENING Assessing the implications of content. Tracing the development of an argument. SPEAKING Eliciting and conveying information attitudes and opinions in a wide range of situations. Justifying and defending a point of view. Expressing personal opinions. READING Understanding a wide range of factual and imaginative texts. Coping readily with unfamiliar topics involving more complex language and recognizing attitudes and emotions. WRITING Using informal and formal styles of writing, (a diary and scripting dialogues, descriptive texts, etc). Using a growing knowledge of language such as cognates and derivatives in their written production.

Selects ideas and information in texts through making inferences by giving answers based on written passages.

Understands answering questions from written passages about science and technology.

Identifies isolated and familiar words, vocabulary and phrases by matching words or phrases with definitions or meanings related to science and technology.

Analyzes a wide range of factual and imaginative texts.

Applies readily with unfamiliar topics involving more complex language and recognizing attitudes and emotions.

Uses informal and formal styles of writing, (a diary and scripting dialogues, descriptive texts, etc).

Uses a growing knowledge of language such as cognates and derivatives in their written production.

Writes conclusions and identify relations between ideas related to science and technology texts.

Evaluates content related to science and technology.

Uses noun clauses.

Identifies noun clauses.

Identifies parts of the computer.

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Linguistic Competences Indicadores

LISTENING Assessing the implications of content. Tracing the development of an argument. Linking concepts. SPEAKING Eliciting and conveying information attitudes and opinions in a wide range of situations. Justifying and defending a point of view. READING Understanding a wide range of factual and imaginative texts. Coping readily with unfamiliar topics involving more complex language and recognizing attitudes and emotions. WRITING Using informal and formal styles of writing, such as when keeping diary, scripting dialogues, describing. Using a growing knowledge of language such as cognates, derivatives and simple structures in short pieces of writing.

Selects ideas and information in texts through making inferences by giving answers based on written passages about gender.

Understands answering questions from written passages about genders .

Identifies isolated and familiar words, vocabulary and phrases by matching words or phrases with definitions or meanings related to Gender. Men's and women's roles in society.

Uses a growing knowledge of language such as cognates, derivatives and simple structures in short pieces of writing.

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Linguistic Competences Indicadores

LISTENING Tracing the development of an argument. Identifying the relationships between ideas within the text. Drawing conclusions. SPEAKING Interviewing people to collect the necessary information. Offering advice. Suggesting solutions. READING Distinguishing the main idea from supporting details. Transcoding information to diagrammatic display. WRITING Developing context of what they have read, seen or heard. Producing longer sequences in which spelling and grammar are generally accurate (the style is appropriate to the content)

Selects ideas and information in texts through making inferences by giving answers based on written passages about gender.

Understands answering questions from written passages about gender .

Identifies isolated and familiar words, vocabulary and phrases by matching words or phrases with definitions or meanings related to senior citizens and minority groups.

Evaluates content related to senior citizens and minority groups in a society.

Identifies different aspects related to senior citizens and minority groups in a society.

Produces writing pieces about senior citizens and minority groups in a society.

Criticizes complex sentences and texts about: “senior citizens and minority groups in a society.

Applies real conditional sentences.

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Linguistic Competences Indicadores

LISTENING Assessing the implications of content. Tracing the development of an argument. SPEAKING Offering advice. Reacting to extreme points of view. Reporting information gathered from a text or a discussion. Stating an opinion. READING Identifying the main point or important information in a piece of discourse. Distinguishing the main idea from supporting details. Reading between the lines. WRITING Making effective use of resources to vary the style and scope of their own writing. Producing a piece of coherent writing.

Selects ideas and information in texts through making inferences by giving answers based on written passages about mass media and communications.

Understands answering questions from written passages about mass media and communications.

Identifies isolated and familiar words, vocabulary and phrases by matching words or phrases with definitions or meanings related to mass media and communications

Produces reports of information about media.

Makes effective use of resources to vary the style and scope of their own writing.

Produces a piece of coherent writing.

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Colegio Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Sede _______

Nombre del estudiante:


Número de cédula:








Fecha de entrega:


Nota obtenida: Puntos obtenidos Porcentaje

Firma del docente:




Nombre del estudiante: _____________________________ Número de cédula: _________________

Sección: ________________ Fecha de entrega: ____________Firma de recibido: ______________


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Tarea número uno Materia Ingles / Nivel: Undécimo / Código: 80025 Indicators: Identifies vocabulary and associates words with correspondent definition Identifies correct Wh- question Selects the correct answer based on a text. Valor: 23 pts. 10 % Fecha de entrega: 5 al 11 de agosto 2019

Instrucciones generales: esta tarea deberá de presentarla de manera individual en hojas

aparte escrita a mano o en computadora. Cada una deberá traer una portada que incluya

el nombre del colegio, nombre de la materia, el nombre completo del estudiante, numero

de cedula, nivel que cursa, el nombre del profesor y fecha en la que se entrega la tarea.

La tarea se debe entregar al tutor en el horario respectivo de la tutoría únicamente en la

semana específica en el cronograma.

I PART. Matching. 10pts. Directions: Match the word with the correct definitions, put the number into the brackets. .-.Brunch. ( ) 1.- food that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat.

.-.Lunch: ( ) 2.- a meal eaten in the morning as the first meal of the day.

.-.Dairy products ( ) 3.- an occasion when food is eaten.

.-.Junk food: ( ) 4.- food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal.

.-.Meals ( ) 5.- how food or drink tastes.

.-.Dish: ( ) 6.- a meal that is eaten in the middle of the day.

.-.Healthy food: ( ) 7.- a main meal eaten in the evening.

.-.Breakfast ( ) 8.- a small portion of food eaten between breakfast and


.-.Flavor: ( ) 9.- milk and products made of milk; cheese, yogurt, butter,


.-Dinner/ supper ( ) 10.- food that is good for you because it does not contain

artificial Chemicals, sugar or fat.

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Multiple Choice. (17pts.)

A. Read the text and choose the appropriate alternative to answer each question

When should I try to teach table manners?

Let’s call table manners acceptable behavior at the table. I hope that you are setting a good example from the very beginning. This means no arguments at the table and staying seated for the entire meal. It also means no television when you are eating. Don’t complain about the food, don’t share with your child the list of foods you don’t like and why. In other words, your dinner (and lunch and breakfast) table behavior should be pleasant, upbeat, and positive, and considerate of others at the table. Whether you put your elbows on the table and how you hold your fork are issues that you can fine-tune later on. When your child is beginning to eat in a high chair, do not tolerate intentional spills and food throwing. As soon as it happens, stop the meal and get him down, even if he hasn’t eaten very much. The behavior will stop promptly, or at a minimum you will quickly learn that he isn’t hungry.

Adapted from www.babycenter.com

1. Table manners means ______________ during meal times.

A. getting the child down from the highchair B. complaining about the food C. a pleasant atmosphere D. acceptable arguments

2. We should ___________ when having lunch.

A. be seated for the whole meal B. share our food with others C. tune a good TV program D. accept any behavior

3. It is advisable to _____________ at meal times.

A. be positive B. be very hungry C. argue D. share the list of foods you don’t like

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B. Read the text and choose the appropriate alternative to answer each question

Fast Food Nation In his book, Fast Food Nation, American writer Eric Schlosser says he used to eat a lot of fast food: “It was cheap and convenient and it tasted quite good.” But he doesn’t eat it any more. His book explains why. Schlosser describes the amazing size of the fast food business and explains that Americans spend over $100 billion a year on fast food. The three largest companies have more than 60,000 restaurants across the world, and they open several new ones every day. He also explains how food is prepared in factories, and chemicals are added to refine its taste and smell. He describes how advertisements are often designed especially for children who may get toys when they go for a meal. In general terms, eating too much of these products is unhealthy because they are saturated with fat and sugar. About 25% of the young people in the United States are overweight, and the problem is getting worse. We should think twice before ordering any kind of fast food.

4. Mr. Schlosser used to eat fast food because he thought it was ___________.

A. expensive B. traditional

C. fancy D. tasty

5. Fast food is _____________ eaten by Americans.

A. rarely B. seldom

C. frequently D. sporadically

6. The taste and smell of this kind of food _______________.

a. has been improved b. has been reduced

c. is getting worse d. is natural

7. Fast food is unhealthy because it ________________.

a. lacks fat b. tastes good

c. has a lot of fat d. contains sugar

8. People are ________________ because of fast foods.

A.-growing healthier B.-gaining weight rapidly

C.-improving their eating habits D.-developing underweight problems

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C.-Read the text and choose the appropriate alternative to answer each question

Positive Tourism Tourism has become an important source of

income for many countries ¡n the 20th century.

Unfortunately, in some cases this activity is

developed ¡n a negative way; tourists travel,

go, and see but in the process many of them

harm nature. Recently, travelers must follow

simple but specific regulations when they visit

natural sites. Tourists must be satisfied with

watching wildlife and protecting nature at the

same time. Nowadays the tour guides are

trained to teach visitors how to enjoy nature

without causing ¡t any harm; instead of

shooting at some exotic animals or taking

endemic plants, tourists just take pictures of

them. In fact, in many countries there's a

policy that permits to turn tourist places into

biological reserves. These places can be visited

by people but with certain restrictions in order

to preserve wildlife. Another example is what

happened in some big hotels on the Pacific

coasts where powerful lamp posts brought

light at night, and stopped green turtles that

come out from the sea, from laying their eggs

in the sand. In some cases there are places

near animals’ habitats and tourists love to look

at certain wild creatures; thus these people

frighten most of these animals. Some others

step on their nests and dens. Some

governments have already decided to limit the

number of boats with tourists that frighten

dolphins and whales at the sea. It is not hard to

learn how to travel and enjoy while preserving


9.- Based on the reading, many people travel; so tourism A) Provides a lot of problems to some regions. B) is important for the economy of a country. C) is the new trend in the 20th century D) allows people visit ecological sites 10.- Tourists have to follow some regulations to A) take exotic species of flora and fauna B) be trained by the tour guides C) protect the places they visit D) take pictures of the wildlife 11. The guides teach tourists how to A) take animals without hurting them B) behave in the big hotels C) take the best pictures D) protect nature 12. Some tourists __________________________________ A) light turtles while they lay their eggs B) sail boats to travel with sea animals C) damage many animals homes D) prefer to stay in the big hotels 13 In recent times, authorities have decided to A) build powerful light posts B) allow turtles live near big hotels C) follow whales and dolphins by boat D) set some regulations to protect wildlife

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Colegio Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Sede _______

Nombre del estudiante:


Número de cédula:








Fecha de entrega:


Nota obtenida: Puntos obtenidos Porcentaje

Firma del docente:




Nombre del estudiante: _____________________________ Número de cédula: _________________

Sección: ________________ Fecha de entrega: ____________Firma de recibido: ______________


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Instrucciones Generales:

Instrucciones Generales: esta tarea debe de presentarla de manera individual en hojas

aparte. Debe incluir la portada del CONED completada con toda la información.

La tarea se debe de entregar al tutor en el horario respectivo de la tutoría únicamente en

la semana especificada en el cronograma.

A. INSTRUCTION: Complete the following sentences with the correct coordinating

conjunction. (yet – or – so - for - and ) 5pts

1. Deserts are harsh and dry, ________ many plants grow there.

2. Marcelo is my best friend, he always helps me ________ supporting me.

3. Constance might go to the library, ________ she might stay home.

4. Sue jogs every day, _______ she wants to stay in shape.

6. Guy is a contractor, _______ he knows the construction business.

Tarea número dos

Materia Inglés Nivel: Undécimo / Código: 80025

Indicator: Applies grammar structures studied in class correctly.

Identifies information from reading comprehension exercises.

Valor: 20 pts 10%

Fecha de entrega: del 2 al 8 de setiembre.

Fecha de entrega:

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B. INSTRUCTION: Complete the following sentences with the correct conjunctive adverb (moreover, however, also, therefore, nevertheless, otherwise). 5pts

1. You need to put more effort into your work; ________________, you won’t get a

passing grade.

2. We wanted to spend the day at the beach; ______________________, it rained so we

stayed home.

3. She is a very smart girl; __________________, it’s not at all surprising that she gets

such good grades.

4. Jared is a millionaire; __________________, his brother Jeremy is always flat broke.

5. He felt he couldn’t tell the truth about what happened; ___________________, he did


C. Vocabulary; Choose the word appropriate alternative corresponding description: 1. The person in an organization and who tells others what to do is the boss/employer ( ) behavior ( ) Boss-employer ( ) employee ( ) self- confident 2. To act in a particular way refers to behavior ( ) behavior ( ) Boss-employer ( ) employer ( ) self- confident 3. Someone who is paid to work for someone else is an employee. ( ) behavior ( ) Boss-employer ( ) employee ( ) self- confident 4. When a person works at different times of the day and night is shift work. ( ) behavior ( ) Boss-employer ( ) shift work ( ) self- confident 5-Someone who behaves calmly and having no doubts about his ability or knowledge is a self-confident person. ( ) behavior ( ) freelance ( ) employee ( ) self- confident 6. Money earned from doing work or received from investments is known as income. ( ) behavior ( ) income ( ) employee ( ) self- confident

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7. To work for different organizations, rather than working all the time for a single organization refers to freelance ( ) behavior ( ) freelance ( ) employee ( ) self- confident D. INSTRUCTIONS: Read the information carefully and mark with an (X) the option

(a,b,c,d) that best completes the statements below.

Situation: Andrea is talking to Mr. Castro.

Andrea: Hello, I am Andrea Gómez. I came to an interview for a job as a language teacher in primary school.

Mr. Castro: Oh, Yes, Miss Gómez. Please take a seat. Do you have any experience in teaching before?

Andrea: No, I don’t have any experience.

Mr. Castro: Can you use a computer?

Andrea: No, I can’t. But I speak French and English.

Mr. Castro: Do you like children? You have to work with them.

Andrea: Oh, Yes, Mr. Castro. I have some experience in working with children.

1. Andrea ____________________. a. prefers to work only with French children b. has experience in teaching c. is applying for a job d. can use a computer 2.Mr. Castro ____________________. a. is interviewing Andrea b. speaks two languages c. teaches languages d. is looking for a job

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Colegio Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Sede _______

Nombre del estudiante:


Número de cédula:








Fecha de entrega:


Nota obtenida: Puntos obtenidos Porcentaje

Firma del docente:




Nombre del estudiante: _____________________________ Número de cédula: _________________

Sección: ________________ Fecha de entrega: ____________Firma de recibido: ______________


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Instrucciones Generales:

Instrucciones Generales: esta tarea debe de presentarla de manera individual en hojas

aparte. Debe incluir la portada del CONED completada con toda la información.

La tarea se debe de entregar al tutor en el horario respectivo de la tutoría únicamente en

la semana especificada en el cronograma.

Tarea número tres

Materia Inglés Nivel: Undécimo / Código: 80025

Indicators: Applies future real conditional.

Identifies information from reading comprehension exercises.

Valor: 20pts 10%

Fecha de entrega: del 14 al 20 de Octubre.

Fecha de entrega:

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A. INSTRUCTION: SINGLE CHOICE. Choose the alternative that best completes each

statement. Write an “X” on the appropriate option. 20 points, 1 point each correct


1. According to the article, men and woman are _____________________

A) Equal

B) Similar

C) Different

D) The same

2. The article expresses that _______________________

A) Men and woman are not alike

B) Women are better than men

C) Men are better than woman

D) Men and woman are equal

3. Having a “man’s job” for a woman is seen as a(n) ________________ job.

A) Underestimate

B) Important

C) Useless

Woman Role in Society

What is the woman’s role in society? Men and woman are by no means equal. There are always

going to be certain attributes of each gender that the other gender cannot duplicate. This does

not mean that the one is better than the other is. Even though we are seeing more and more

woman succeeding in life than men, American culture still defines woman as unequal.

Society has set men and woman apart by labeling them. It is common for men to be seen as

strong and woman to be seen as weak. The culture thinks that woman cannot do jobs like men

do; such as firefighters or police officers, etc. and if they do these jobs, the culture looks at these

women in a negative side because these jobs are masculine and woman are not supposed to do

these jobs. Furthermore, culture defines a woman as a sensitive person; however, in order to

obtain these jobs, you have to be aggressive and tough or manly* and some believes that “a

woman is not supposed to be like that”.

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D) Nice

4. In order to get a male dominate job, woman have to be _____________________---.

A) manly

B) feminine

C) sensitive

D) susceptible

5. Woman in society ___________________________.

A) Are seen as equal

B) Are aggressive and tough

C) Are still consider less than men

D) Have more opportunities than men

6. The GrandCare System is working on ___________________.

A) technologies for supplying nursing homes

B) developing technologies for helping seniors

C) strategies to make seniors economically active

D) studying new medicines for the aging population

7. The GrandCare system allows seniors to ______________

A) do daily activities normally


Just as an aging population is facing economic problems, it is also creating business

opportunities for innovators. Businesses are designing products to meet the needs of the new,

older demographics. For example, grandma is 90, a little fragile but still mentally sharp, and

she may not want to lose her independence by moving in with her grandchildren or to a nursing

home. So, commercial ventures are offering ways to help her stay in her own home for as long

as possible. The GrandCare System, for example, uses strategically placed sensors to record

motion in key spots in the older person home. Then children can check the information from

the system on their personal computer at any time, to ensure grandma is well and moving

around the house.

Other innovative technologies to hit the market over resent years include remote controlled

light and floor sensors as well as equipment that integrate webcams and videoconferencing

systems. The goal is to enable the elderly to live safety and independently at home for longer.

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B) be mentally active and healthy

C) record their movements around the house

D) communicate with their relatives through webcams

8. innovative businessmen are ____________________.

A) making money from the older people

B) decreasing sales because of seniors

C) worried about the increasing elderly population

D) concerned about the economic problems caused by elderly people

9. Currently, technologies help seniors ____________________

A) stay at their homes

B) move slowly outside home

C) live better at nursing homes

D) live for a shorter period of time.

C. INSTRUCTION: Read the text and mark if the statements are true or false. 6pts

1. Boys tend to play in smaller groups:_____________________

2. Girls have group leaders:________________________________

3. Boys like games that have a winner or a loser:___________________________

BOYS AND GIRLS Boys tend to play outside, in large groups that are hierarchically structured. Their groups have a leader who tells others what to do and how to do it, and resists doing what other boys propose. It is by giving orders that high status is negotiated. Another way boys achieve status is to take center stage by telling stories and jokes, and by challenging the, stories and jokes of others. Boys’ games have winners and losers and elaborate systems of rules that are frequently the subjects of arguments. Finally, boys are frequently heard to boast about their skills, likes and possessions, and argue about who is best at what. Girls, on the other hand, play in small groups or pairs. The center of a girl’s social life is her best friend. Within the group, intimacy is key: differentiation is measured by relative closeness. In their most frequent games, such as jump rope and hopscotch, everyone gets a turn. Many of their activities (such as playing with dolls) do not have winners or losers. Although some girls are certainly more skilled than others, girls are expected not to boast about it, or show that they think they are better than the others. Girls don’t give orders: they express their preferences as suggestions, and suggestions are likely to be accepted.

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4. Girls like to hang out in small groups:__________________________

5. Girls like to have a close friend:_______________________________

6. Girls are expected to boast about their skills:______________________________

C. Write 5 sentences using the Future Real Conditional. 5pts, 1 point each correct sentence.


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