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  • 8/3/2019 Copy of Copy of CHAPTER 1





    A great leader should have great qualities of character. He should have courage,

    resourcefulness and an indomitable will. Above all, he should be a man of action and

    Miltons Satan is endowed with all these qualities.

    Satans character is multifaceted and can be interpreted in numerous lights but themost prominent feature of his character is his leadership. Besides , Satan is not only

    courageous himself , he can also inspire courage in his followers. When they lie dazed and

    stupefied in the lake of liquid fire , the courageous words of Satan roused them from their

    stupor and make them bold and active once again . For example his opining speech shows

    him a courageous leader.

    Though changed in outward lustre that fixed mind,

    And high disdain from sense of injured merit,

    . . . .

    What though the field be lost?

    All is not lostthe unconquerable will,

    And study of revenge, immortal hate,

    And courage never to submit or yield;

    And what is else not to be overcome?

    That glory never shall his wrath or might

    Extort from me. To bow and sue for grace

    With suppliant knee, and deify his power (First speech)

  • 8/3/2019 Copy of Copy of CHAPTER 1



    His courage and indomitable spirit make satan a unique figure in Paradise Lost.

    As Eric Hoffer said:

    The leader has to be practical and a realist , yet must talk the language of a visionary and

    the idealist.

    Satan greatest quality as a leader is his readiness to act under all circumstances.

    Farewell, happy fields,

    Where joy forever dwells, Hail, horrors, hail,

    Infernal world,and thou profoundest Hell,Receive the new possesor one who brings

    A mind not to be changed by place or time

    The mind is its own place, and itself

    Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven

    Satan has many admirable qualities for example his power of endurance his heroism

    and his indomitable refusal to admit defeat.In order to pinpoint exactly what is within Satans

    character that portrays his qualities of leadership. It is better to know what leadership is? The

    Oxford English Dictionary offers a definition of the term leadership as,

    The action or influence necessary for the dirction or organization of effort in a group


    As a leader Satan is ready and eager to assume his difficulties, responsibilities and

    dangers of leadership as well as its rights; ready to accept Hazard as well as Honour. He

    shows a noble sense of duty of self-sacrifice incumbent on him on account of his position as

    King of Hell or Prince of Darkness.

    Here we may reign secure, in my choice,

    To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:

    Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven. (Third speech)

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    It is not ordinary ambition; there is something colossal in his bold challenge and we find that

    Satans leadership is more participative than directive more enabling than performing.

    The aim of this study is to find out the truth , whether Satan possess such qualities

    which make him a great leader.

    This study will give a justification of Satan character , having capability of

    leading his followers. It will give way to new researchers in conducting new research in

    this field. This study will prove a new and fruitful addition in existing literature and will

    open new horizon of learning. This study will give a new interpretation or judgment

    about Satan. People often associate Satan name with evil or darkness but this study will

    give new vision about Satan. Above all, this study will provide a guide line for those

    instructors or students who want to delve even deeper into Satan character as a great

    leader in Paradise Lost.

    Poetry presents an emotional and intellectual experience rather than an abstraction

    from an experience.

    Greek epikos from epos , word narrative poem . epic is usually held to be

    synonymous with heroic poem. An extended narrative poem ,exalted in style and heroic in

    theme; a long poem which relates the story of an event or of aseries of events, whether

    historical ao imaginary concerning heroic in action by one or more individuals, usually over

    a relatively long period of time.

    Epics are of two kinds;

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    1) Traditional2) Primary

    The literary or secondary epics Iliad and Odyssey of the Greek Homer and the

    Anglo-saxon Beowulf belong to the first traditional category and Virgils Aeneid and

    Miltons Paradise Lost belong to the second category (primary). An epic follows

    certain conventions such as:

    The poet starts by announcing his theme, invoking the aid of muse and asking

    her an epic question, with the reply with which the story begins. He then launches his

    action in medisa rex (in the middle of things). The preceding events are narrated at

    some appropriate hour later on this action relates to a hero, a man of the story the

    hero performs many notable deeds one of which is to descend in to the under world.

    The major characters are catalogued and described many of them having dignified set

    speeches which reveal their characters. There are usually great battles in which the

    gods themselves take part finally; the epic poet adopts a style dignified, elaborate and

    exalted, suitable to his theme.

    Hellen Gardner says:

    Every great work of art creates its own universe that obeys its own

    imaginative laws. As we read on, or look, or listen we came to learn what may be

    expected and what may not; what we can demand and what we cannot or should not


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    This view of Hellen Gardner is very sensible and I am agree with her that the

    universe of Paradise Lost is intensely dramatic and filled with energies passions and

    wills yet the character that gives epic grandeur to Paradise Lost is that of Satan.

    Though he was banished ever from the bliss of heaven, he kept up his strength of

    spirit which arouse the admiration of all. No amount of torture could damp the brave

    spirit of Satan.

    Though Satan represents evils, he has a greatness all his own. He is a born

    leader. To him weakness is a crime

    Fallen cherub, to be weak is miserable

    Doing or suffering

    The hypothesis of the study is that despite of his evil nature towards humanity

    he has qualities of a great leader and being a great leader he is a man of actions.

    This study is a historical study. The researcher has used a variety of

    approaches for acquiring data for this thesis. Undertaking all approaches due to lack

    of time and resources, the researcher has rested on her own observation .In addition ,

    she has derived information relevant to her topic from libraries, internet, articles,

    Journals and books on Satan as embodiment of leadership qualities.

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    There are following objectives behind this research:

    1) Proving Satan as ambitious leader capable of leading his followers.2) Proving Satan as an optimistic leader / character.3) Enhancing the positive features of Satan personality.4) To discussing the positive features of Satan characters

    Due to shortage of time and resourses this study is delimited to John Miltons

    Paradise Lost only.