The Truth Twich(Jesse) Ivan (Jason) Anchor(Michael) Little Jane-Doe(Teresa) How to get out of your draft notice by: Little Jane-Doe ·Burn your Draft card ·Find an anti-war organization. ( we cannot disclose these organization but we trust you can find one.) ·Be enrolled in college ·Have high blood pressure. ·Find psychiatrists that oppose the war and get him to exaggerate a mental illness. ·Medical problems ·Work in a war related industry. ·Be the child of a wealthy spoon feed democrat. Join the national guard Be religious (a conscientious objector) Run away to Canada Note: items on this list may be deferments that can be looked over if the man so wishes. The Indochina War Is This War Worth It? by: Anchor In Vietnam the Viet Cong (paired with China) and South Vietnam (paired with the French) have been fighting. The French had superior technology, but the vietnamese had the advantage of guerilla warfare and the Chinese Communist party came in and gave the vietnamese yet another advantage over the French. The French troops have more and more trouble on identifying the “threat” due to the troops blending in so well with the rest of Vietnamese civilians. The Viet Cong also outnumbered the French which lead to the defeat of the French. Recently American troops have taken fire from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The first report of fire was an actual torpedo from North Vietnam, but the other has been reported as a mistake. The troops retaliated by bombing North Vietnam and destroying about 30 enemy naval vessels. I as a journalist heard about this and thought that the fire taken by the troops was just a gateway for the American troops to expand on the war. The North Vietnamese are lead by Ho Chi Minh and the South Vietnamese are lead by Ngo Dinh Diem. Minh wants to spread Communism throughout Vietnam. The one good thing that comes from the war is that Communism won’t be spread, but the problem with fighting the Viet Cong is that we will have trouble with identifying the enemy. With this problem we could kill some of our allied South Vietnamese by accident. This is a problem because we are killing more people than we need to. It also looks very bad to the civilians back in the united states. Little support from the civilians means that there will be less possible soldiers that are willing to fight in the war. This has lead people to avoiding the draft board. There have also been some protests by groups of people. one group in particular is made out of students and others that oppose the war. This group has made their point across by having meetings on campus. There are other groups, but we are choosing to not disclose their names or actions. We the Americans by: Little Jane-Doe America has taken it upon itself to rid the world of communism. Communism is the greatest threat to capitalism because if all the nations are communist there will be no trade of goods; which is the basis of capitalism. Americas solution to the downfall of capitalism is to start a war whenever another country even murmurs the word communism. This strategy is neither right or wrong but the powers who be forget one important fact, who is fighting the war? The American people that is who, fathers, sons, brothers, husbands. The Man carelessly joins wars without a thought of what the effect will be on us! We are the American people, not the gorillas in suits and ties that sit up on capitol hill in air conditioned rooms and tell us we must go die in a foreign country and never see our families again. If the government thinks there is such a problem why are they not going to fight in vietnam. Why us? Old Glory

Copy of Newspaper Template.docx€¦  · Web viewRecently American troops have taken fire from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The first report of fire was an actual torpedo

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Page 1: Copy of Newspaper Template.docx€¦  · Web viewRecently American troops have taken fire from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The first report of fire was an actual torpedo

The TruthTwich(Jesse) Ivan (Jason) Anchor(Michael) Little Jane-Doe(Teresa)

How to get out of your draft noticeby: Little Jane-Doe

● ·Burn your Draft card● ·Find an anti-war organization. ( we

cannot disclose these organization but we trust you can find one.)

● ·Be enrolled in college● ·Have high blood pressure.● ·Find psychiatrists that oppose the

war and get him to exaggerate a mental illness.

● ·Medical problems● ·Work in a war related industry.● ·Be the child of a wealthy spoon

feed democrat.● Join the national guard● Be religious (a conscientious

objector)● Run away to Canada● Note: items on this list may be

deferments that can be looked over if the man so wishes.

The Indochina War

Is This War Worth It?by: Anchor

In Vietnam the Viet Cong (paired with China) and South Vietnam (paired with the French) have been fighting. The French had superior technology, but the vietnamese had the advantage of guerilla warfare and the Chinese Communist party came in and gave the vietnamese yet another advantage over the French. The French troops have more and more trouble on identifying the “threat” due to the troops blending in so well with the rest of Vietnamese civilians. The Viet Cong also outnumbered the French which lead to the defeat of the French.

Recently American troops have taken fire from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The first report of fire was an actual torpedo from North Vietnam, but the other has been reported as a mistake. The troops retaliated by bombing North Vietnam and destroying about 30 enemy naval vessels. I as a journalist heard about this and thought that the fire taken by the troops was just a gateway for the American troops to expand on the war. The North Vietnamese are lead by Ho Chi Minh and the South Vietnamese are lead by Ngo Dinh Diem. Minh wants to spread Communism throughout Vietnam. The one good thing that comes from the war is that Communism won’t be spread, but the problem with fighting the Viet Cong is that we will have trouble with identifying the enemy. With this problem we could kill some of our allied South Vietnamese by accident. This is a problem because we are killing more people than we need to. It also looks very bad to the civilians back in the united states. Little support from the civilians means that there will be less possible soldiers that are willing to fight in the war. This has lead people to avoiding the draft board. There have also been some protests by groups of people. one group in particular is made out of students and others that oppose the war. This group has made their point across by having meetings on campus. There are other groups, but we are choosing to not disclose their names or actions.

Is this war really worth it? Well in a nutshell no it isn’t because we are sending men to fight guerilla soldiers that have a lot more knowledge about the land than the troops do. We also cannot tell the difference between a civilian or a Viet Cong Soldier. We have only one reason to fight this war and it is to stop Communism. Our involvement in the war was based of a reported mistake and since the troops have taken action we are now involved in the war. Even though this war is very disagreeable it seems that we are forced to fight, but Since this is a televised war we will try to keep up to date on every little detail in this war. Also make sure to look out for the weather, reports have shown that there are possible chances of rain or hail.

- As always, Keep the faith

We the Americansby: Little Jane-Doe

America has taken it upon itself to rid the world of communism. Communism is the greatest threat to capitalism because if all the nations are communist there will be no trade of goods; which is the basis of capitalism. Americas solution to the downfall of capitalism is to start a war whenever another country even murmurs the word communism. This strategy is neither right or wrong but the powers who be forget one important fact, who is fighting the war? The American people that is who, fathers, sons, brothers, husbands. The Man carelessly joins wars without a thought of what the effect will be on us! We are the American people, not the gorillas in suits and ties that sit up on capitol hill in air conditioned rooms and tell us we must go die in a foreign country and never see our families again. If the government thinks there is such a problem why are they not going to fight in vietnam. Why us?

Old Glory

Page 2: Copy of Newspaper Template.docx€¦  · Web viewRecently American troops have taken fire from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The first report of fire was an actual torpedo

The Truth

Hawk or Dove quiz? by: Little Jane-doe

1.Is the draft wrong or right?A. WrongB. Right

2. “people should not protest the war.”A. AgreeB. Disagree

3. Should the United states pull out of the war?A. YesB. No

Answers: Dove:1.A, 2.B, 3.A Hawk:1.B, 2.A, 3.B,If you’re a hawk why are you reading this paper? A friend of Uncle

Sam is not a friend of ours.

Do not give up now!by: Twich

We have been in the Vietnam War long enough. The showing of the war on the television should be sign enough that what is happening is wrong. Innocent people of Vietnam are dying. People who don’t even believe in communism, what America is supposedly fighting against, are being killed by our soldiers. Now our people back home are being gunned down by the people supposedly protecting us. Down at Kent State some of our people were shot by the National Guard. The very people the man claims is trying to protect us is killing our own. This is unacceptable we can’t allow them to do this to our people. First the government killed the people of Vietnam, invade Cambodia, kill American soldiers, and now they are killing our people back home. How many more must die for this? Don’t give up faith for our cause! We must keep fighting if we want to end this war.

The shooting at Kent States seems to have scared a few of you. Believe me there has always been something to fear, it’s just that the man now choose to act. Our government has always been un-trust worthy they have just decided to show their true colors. This does not mean we should stop fighting for what is right! Do not let them scare you away from our cause my fellow revolutionaries. This incident just proves we should keep moving forward to stop the unnecessary deaths in Vietnam and deaths on our own soil. This just means we have to start pushing our cause with more force. We won’t allow the deaths of our fellow men at the Kent State shooting or deaths in Vietnam be forgotten. We cannot allow and will not allow their deaths to be in vain. Don’t worry we have an organization stepping up that will not allow this though I cannot disclose this organization’s name nor the members identity’s, but remember that they are there. They are ready to aid our fight and put this war to an end. Let’s support them in this fight and help bring down the corrupt people of this nation.

- As always, Keep the faith

Underground stormby: Little Jane-Doe

A radical anti-war group called the weatherman underground has risen from the shadows of the war. They believe that peaceful protesting is ineffective. They use violence to bring about social change. Other Anti-war groups do not appreciate their tactics and believe they give a bad name to all anti-war groups.

The Truth

Page 3: Copy of Newspaper Template.docx€¦  · Web viewRecently American troops have taken fire from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The first report of fire was an actual torpedo

Ding Dong the War is Doneby: Little Jane-Doe

Richard Nixon made an address to all of America on November 3, 1969. The Man has finally decided to set aside his pride and back away from the war in Vietnam before he kills more of our brothers in the United States. We give the most sincere thank you to all of our readers that voiced their opinions and protested for what they believed was right. Nixon said in his address, “And I want to end the war for another reason. I want to end it so that the energy and dedication of you, our young people, now too often directed into bitter hatred against those responsible for the war, can be turned to the great challenges of peace, a better life for all Americans, a better life for all people on this earth.” What you can take from this statement is that you’re efforts were worthwhile.

Vietnamese Flag

The Free Fancy Darken Physical Panoramic Map of Vietnam

Vietnam Today!by: Ivan

Post-war Vietnam faced many challenges. After more than a century of foreign domination and 21 years of war and division, Vietnam was a single, independent nation, free from external control and interference. Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City, in honor of the revolutionary leader. The Communist Party of Vietnam was formed from North Vietnam’s communist party and the People’s Revolutionary Party of South Vietnam. A new national constitution was adopted and, in July 1976, the country was formally re-styled as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

The new nation faced so many problems and obstacles to overcome, there was also much concern. The long-term plan was to turn the entire nation into a socialist state. The most significant obstacle to this was political opposition. Nguyen Van Thieu’s government and its American backers may have withdrawn – but they left behind millions of employees and supporters, including former military personnel, bureaucrats, business owners and civilians. These loyalists were told by American propaganda that the communists would slaughter them en masse, a threat that never eventuated. If these political dissidents remained, they might flourish and grow into a counter-revolutionary insurgency. The Government immediately set about purging elements of the old order.

Vietnam faced multiple economic challenges. The war, particularly American bombing, had taken a severe toll on Vietnamese infrastructure. In the north, 29 of the 30 provincial capitals had sustained heavy bombing damage, one-third of them almost utterly destroyed. The South Vietnamese economy through the 1960s had been propped up with US aid; consequently there had been little in the way of development, investment, new industries or infrastructure. In the post-war south, at least three million civilians were unemployed, while several million took to the roads in search of food. The United States was affected by budget problems as all the funding that went into the war came from things like educational programs. Vietnam is also one of the only wars America has ever lost, which was a blow to American morale.

Since 1986 Vietnam has progressed in a similar fashion to China, with its economic policies becoming increasingly capitalist, though tempered by socialist controls. Vietnam has sought and received foreign aid and become a member-state of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the Association of South-East Asian Nations. In recent years, Vietnam has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world. It has become a significant agricultural exporter, the third-largest oil producer in Asia and an important manufacturer of clothing, textiles and computer components. Vietnam’s population has rapidly grown and now exceeds 85 million people. There is considerable poverty and wide divisions in income and wealth, though this is slowly improving. Vietnam remains a one-party socialist state. The government is nominally democratic, however exercises strict controls, with only party-approved organizations and candidates permitted to nominate for election.

What is rightby: Little Jane-Doe

Brian Flanagan a member of the Weatherman Underground States, “ When you feel you have right on you’r side, you can do some pretty horrific things.”

Brian flanagan