Mr. Einertson's Wonderful Fourth Grade Class Our Stories

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Mr. Einertson's Wonderful Fourth Grade ClassOur Stories

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Athena Greek GoddessBy Julia Parcher

A long time ago in Mt. Olympus there was a baby being born her name was Athena, Zeus her father could already tell she was the goddess of warfare, wisdom, and strategy. Athena grew up fast by now she is already fighting monsters and dragons and she was only a toddler. One day while she was practicing she saw something strange Hades, Poseidon, and her father were all fighting Poseidon and Zeus were fighting with Hades so she went to investigate. When she got there she asked her dad,” Daddy why are you fighting with Hades ?” “Umm dear you’re supposed to be practicing for your battle with Apollo, replied Zeus. But then they started fighting but not with Hades with Athena, Athena felt unloved so while the family was asleep she went to our world to live with us thinking that we were better than them. But that’s just the beginning.

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“AAA good morning life,” said Athena .“ Hello there,” replied an unfamiliar voice. “Who's there,” asked Athena. “ You don’t remember me it’s me,” replied the voice “ Who’s me,” mentioned Athena “ It’s me Zeus your father,” explained Zeus. You see Athena thinks that she doesn’t have a father because she was like two when she ran away from Mt. Olympus and she is like eighteen now so she doesn’t remember her father “ I don’t have a father are you a kidnapper or just a weird person,” scowled Athena then she saw Zeus but it wasn’t him he was disguised as a old man but he took the disguise off and she noticed something familiar in him “ Wait what is your name again,” questioned Athena . “ It’s Zeus ,” said Zeus. Then Zeus bellowed, “ Come with me.” So she went with him.

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Welcome to Mt. Olympus said a sign while they were walking Athena saw something a cyclops and a wolf/man she was terrified and creeped out the wolf/man was hideous he growled. When they got to the tower Athena saw another person she thought was familiar she thought it was her mother but she wasn’t sure that’s when the lady mentioned something Athena also thought was familiar “ The baby will never be successful if she never finds her heart.” then Zeus said, “ That is your mother Metis.” “ Why is she in the dungeon,” asked Athena. The reason Metis is in the dungeon is because she did something terrible but Zeus didn’t want to talk about it. So then Athena saw something it was her old baby blanket she ran over to see it then she noticed writing on it she tried reading it but all she got out of it was when you grow up my little angel you will still be my little angel remember that.

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Then Athena asked her mom, “ Mom did you write this?” Metis responded “ Yes, I did when you were just born and when your father gave you that blanket.” While Athena was talking to Metis Zeus had to take her away just like when she was born she started crying like when she was a baby then her father had taken her to her bedroom he had to say something to her. “ Athena I have to tell you something,” said Zeus “Yes.” responded Athena “ You have to go into the … dungeon,”explained Zeus. You see the reason Zeus wanted Athena to go into the dungeon is because she ran away he has to punish her so when Athena got into the dungeon she was laying in her bed crying when she heard someone scream someone let the beast out. Something terrible was going to happen.

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This is some reasons why we should 1to1 ipads. We should have 1to1 ipads because so if we have our story to type we can type it. And because if we have tests to take we can take them. So if we have homework on the computer or ipads we can do our homework on the computer and the ipads. so that is why we should have 1to1 ipads.

We should have 1to1 ipads because they are cool to work on. they are awesome. and they are fun to play. And last but not least that would if we had them. And they are cool to type anything and they are the best. They are awesomer than me. They are so cool. you can type cooly. You can do awesome things on it. that would be awesome if we had them. They are the best to work on. And they are so cool that yo uhave 1to1 ipads.u can play math games.

and those are some reasons why we should why we should

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Once upon time there were dinosaurs in space eating at the Dino Dinner . The dinosaurs eat star leaves,moon chicken,and the best of all is the moo

moo milk. Also the dinosaurs speak dino gibberish.

Some dinosaurs are scary because they might have sharp teeth. They may be weird because they like to go swimming in the air. Some other

dinosaurs think that T-Rex are ugly because how their scales are formed.

Do you know what my dinosaurs names are? Well! I’ll tell you. They are Rosebella,Leza,Johnny,Billy Bob Jo,and Calabell. Just saying you can see that 3 of them are dino girls 2 of the are dino boys.The dino girls like to do there hair,nails,and dress-up beautiful. The dino boys like sports,loud

music,and legos.

One day all 5 of the dinosaurs are doing their normal things,but they heard zoom,beep,I’m your father out of the black. They were becoming extinct because the aliens got there and decided to kick the dinosaur out of that

space world and thats how it end of my story .Thee End :)

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Momby Isaac Cole

My mom was born in 1975, and grew up in Thornton. She went to school at SCMT. She went to college at Hamilton Business College.

Her and my dad got married on May 5th, 2004. Together they had 4 children. Isaac, Lydia, Eirka, and Britteny.

Her important accomplishments were that she was in a broadway show named Titanic. Her dream job is as assitant manager at Ag Date. Still very young and loving life. My mom is loving and fun.

My mom Lisa Cole she has giving me birth and she has told me right from wrong we just to sit and look up at the stars.

She is the best mom in the world to me and I love her very much.

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Dear Mom and Dad,You are my favorite people in the whole world, but if I told you

all the reasons it, would fill the entire darn page! Plus we help each other out. . We also work together to get stuff done.I don’t know how you do your job,but you are fabulous at it

I know you love me. I feel very loved and trusted when you let me watch Brian and Charlotte. Plus you're always there to help me in bad situations,Unlike most friends but you're always there for me.

I’m so glad you're generous enough to give me shelter. I also get my very own room.(Which not many kids have.) You're so kind to give me a roof over my head and a bed to sleep on.

I would also like to thank you for three wonderful dogs. They are a big part of the family and they are always there for me. You even have Princess sleep with me, which makes me feel very happy!

As I said in the beginning, you are my favorite people in the whole world. I couldn’t ask for better parents! Thanks for everything you do for me!

Love, Nate

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The Story of Christmas

By: Alaina Dodd

I can’t wait till its Christmas because its my favorite holiday. I like Christmas because its Gods birthday and you get presents also you get to see relatives you barely know.

Sometimes we go to places like Wisconsin, Florida and so forth This year we are going to Connecticut so we have to make a list to santa to tell him we will be there to see my brother Michael.

While we are there I hope I will get what I would get in IA like money, board games DSI xl mario addition games , xbox games, bear witch is a dog that lives in a mansion in the town of rud.

I hope Connecticut is awesome and I hope wherever or whatever you do is awesome too and I hope you get lots of presents and get to see relatives Like My family and me.

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CadePay it Forward

Could you imagine a world with every body helping you when you fall down? That is called an act of kindness. A way to show an act of kindness is to, “Pay it forward “. Paying it forward is where you do something nice for someone else, then they spread it on and on and on .”Pay it forward” is a random act of kindness someone would come and do something out of the ordinary when he gives you something or if you leave something they will hand it to you and return for that and do something kind for a person. My goal is for me to do three acts of kindness and hopefully they will pass it on.

For an example, if you clean your room without being told that is a good thing because your parents would be happy. When your little sister sees that thing that you did maybe she will pay it forward. By doing this it makes our parents life a lot easier. If your dad asks you to do something you should do it because your dad would give you something good and he will pass it on.

Well pay it forward is a good thing it makes our county a better place because it would stop people from being bad and then they could be a good person. An example one time i helped my little sister and she was happy about it .Then her friend came over and she fell on the ice and she helped her up and then she passed it on and by that she did something good and she did pay it forward .

People can do it anyone can do it even little children .For a example if you do something nice like clean your room without being told that is a kind thing cause it gives you a lot less stress.For a example i went up and got a soda for my dad that was a thing that what your dad will appreciate it .

That is why i feel people should keep paying it forward so the world can be a better place and

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or people can get nicer with stuff.Also you can teach people a thing or to be a better person and when a little kid walks by and they see you doing something

nice for a person they will want to do that and they will spread it and the world will be a better place.so i hope you will pay it forward.

By Cade Van Horn

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Paige A.Fin IslandBy Paige AndreaI am going to tell you a little bit about Fin Island!First I am going to tell you about the snow hills. Our snow hills are amazing because there is all types of snow hills. some are small some

are big and some are in the middle.Now don’t think that it is just all about winter because we have all seasons.In fall there are four wheeling rides everywhere you look and I mean EVERYWHERE!In summer we have a waterfall and a really big beach and it is very fun.I think there is more than enough water here because you can stay here for as long as you want you can even live here. We have little

cabins and big cabins we have just the right cabins for you.We also have guitar shaped pools!We have a flowerland in spring and if you want we can even pick flowers and bring them to you .All we charge is a dollar a

month.At Fin island there is the longest food court in america. If you wish of any kind of restaurant we have it and its goes from pizza to burgers to

steak. Come enjoy any food you want we even have a fruit restaurant.It is awesme!At fin island there are NO BULLIES ALLOWED!I think if there are bullies there will be no fun and I mean NO FUN!One more thing I forgot to tell you something about fall.There is a carnival every day there and it is really cool!At Fin Island we want you to

have a lot of FUN at our island! We want all of our customers to be happy and HAVE FUN! Fin island is more that just any old island it is one of the BEST islands EVER! We hope you have the best time ever and hope you have fun!

Fin IslandBy Paige AndreaI am going to tell you a little bit about Fin Island!First I am going to tell you about the snow hills. Our snow hills are amazing because there is all types of snow hills. some are small some

are big and some are in the middle.Now don’t think that it is just all about winter because we have all seasons.In fall there are four wheeling rides everywhere you look and I mean EVERYWHERE!In summer we have a waterfall and a really big beach and it is very fun.I think there is more than enough water here because you can stay here for as long as you want you can even live here. We have little

cabins and big cabins we have just the right cabins for you.We also have guitar shaped pools!We have a flowerland in spring and if you want we can even pick flowers and bring them to you .All we charge is a dollar a

month.At Fin island there is the longest food court in america. If you wish of any kind of restaurant we have it and its goes from pizza to burgers to

steak. Come enjoy any food you want we even have a fruit restaurant.It is awesme!At fin island there are NO BULLIES ALLOWED!I think if there are bullies there will be no fun and I mean NO FUN!One more thing I forgot to tell you something about fall.There is a carnival every day there and it is really cool!At Fin Island we want you to

have a lot of FUN at our island! We want all of our customers to be happy and HAVE FUN! Fin island is more that just any old island it is one of the BEST islands EVER! We hope you have the best time ever and hope you have fun!

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AndrewThe Game

By: Craner and Brunsie

“DOWN, SET, HIKE!” Shouted Brunsie. Craner snapped the ball back to Brunsie and

Brunsie passed the ball to Andrew Formanek. He caught it and got 13 yards on that one. The crowd yelled, “That’s good enough for a Lions first down!” “Hey,” said Eric H. “I thought you were going easy on our poor team!” “Well,” said Andrew Formanek. “Life isn't fair.”

The first half was over and the Lions went into halftime with 56-3 lead. The locker room was very excited at half time. “Well,” said Fred Week, the Lion’s football coach. “That was a great first half!” “Wasn't Brunsie supposed to pass it to me?” Asked Eric Ritter. “You always pass it to Andrew Formanek!” “The Quarterback makes the plays,” said coach. “The wide receivers run the routes!” “He’s right,” said Craner. “The wide receivers run the routes. Not the plays.” Then he made one adjustment and thats that Craner is the running back for at least the 3rd quarter and Caleb Tenike is the center so he can get some experience. The Team won the game 108-9.

The End!

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Poseidon and the Minotaur.by Alec Eggers

Once there was an island Called Minotaur Land. They had a great army and they wanted to attack Atlantis and there ruler Poseidon. Atlantis has a small army. But Poseidon said “Do not worry I am god of the sea”.

So he went to get his sidekick John. Together John and Poseidon came up with a battle strategy. They put on there their diamond armor and retrieved their Golden trident and sowards. They are now ready to Minotaur land army.

They charged toward the Minotaur Land army. The Minotaur Land army attacked with radge. Minotaur land has many

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more men than Atlantis. Just when it seemed they were going to be overpowered by the Minotaur land army. Poseidon dropped his trident and put up his hands and as he did a huge wave came up and washed away The Minotaur land army.

POSEIDON RUSHED RIGHT INTO THE MINOTAUR’S CASTLE. BUT HE WASN'T THERE. HE CALLED OUT “JOHN “ JOHN CAME RUNNING UP. ‘What is it sir” “HOW MANY MEN DIED”.About 50” “so what you're saying is we lost half of them” “great” ”Lets go get more men” said Poseidon.

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So this time with 1,000,000 men they went to the center of the earth. There sitting in a straight jacket was the Minotaur. Wait “its a trap” “anyone got a boe” Poseidon grabbed the boe. “wait he is getting out of the straight jacket. “give me my Trident” him and the Minotaur clashed. Poseidon Had the Minotaur pinned up against the wall John came up and stabbed the Minotaur. The Minotaur spent eternity in the Underworld.

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DancaTapeBy: Brooke Schulze

Hey if you are tired of going to boring hotels (no offence hotel owners), then you should come to the amazingly relaxing and adventurous DancaTape Island. It is a six out of five star ratings, so come down to relax and go on some far out wacky adventures. The day it opens is July 2nd, 10 am Sat. to July 20th 10 pm, in the Pacific ocean 40 north and 180 west

Ok so when you come there are some relaxing meadows like the reading meadow and much more meadows.

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We have like the best and waterfalls, they are the best because they are soothing and some you are able to swim in on the bottom of the waterfall. You should come and show off your fashion styles, because you could win up to five-thousand dollars just because you made the number one outfit, the day it starts is Tues. July 2nd 10am, to July 20th 10pm.

If you come and there were problems at anything we will do something about that, we may even let you get that part FREE!!

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But like I said you MIGHT get that one thing free. Also if you get hurt on any one of the things you could go to the hospital, don't worry you don't have to go far because there is a hospital every where! Now there may be some dangerous spots in the jungle so I recommend that kids under 10 should stay away from the dangerous spots.

If you come we may give you half the real price for your stay, like if it was $100 you would pay $50, but that is only for Tues. July 2nd 10am, to July 20th 10pm. So come down to our island quick.

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JoshBy Josh Blaha

Hi my name in Josh do you want to know when Zach parise

start playing hockey? Well Zach Parise is an NHL hockey player

that plays for the Wild. But when did he start?

The answer is (Zachary Justin Parise) Zach Parise was born

on July 28, 1984 in Minneapolis ,Minnesota. When He started

playing hockey he was 5 years old.He played for the local teams

in Minneapoli. Until high school he was asked to play for

Shattuck - St Mary’s (SSM) Him and his brother.

After 2 years of playing for SSM For his college year Zach

was asked to play for North Dakota (The Fighting Sioux) Zach

was an All-Rookie Team and All-Conference third team in his first

year at North Dakota. He was also in the running for the Hobey

Baker Award.

That was all the New Jersey Devils needed to see. They made the smart, tenacious teenager their first pic of the 17th overall—in the 2003 draft. For 10 years Zach played for the Devils The last year in 2012 Zach helped the Devils get to the final game where they lost to the L.A. Kings. “They played their best” Said The devils head coach after the game.

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The Heart of the sea.By Sophia Ollenburg

Once upon a time there was a goddess named oceana and she was the goddess of the heart of the sea and the ocean one day she was walking on top the water looking out seeing and the villagers below her and having fun she wanted to go and have some fun and playing games but her father mammoth did not let Oceana her she had to go in the kingdom and wait for everybody to come to her party.

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Why she was getting ready for her party she heard loud screaming, she quickly the wind outside it was her evil twin sister toon the goddess of thunder storms she has a pet dragon who was breaking the village.Oceana got all the villagers inside her casil and went back to toon.Toon why did you have to wreak are viligge well said toon you and your villagers has been breaking my sculptures and I only have 4 left well said oneana you can have this sculptures and are villagers made it for you. Boom! said toon, I don't want your stupid sculptures I WANT MINE! yelled toon well we are even know because you wreaked are villege yes said toon but i want my sculptures said toon well here is a gift said oceana a star fish made out of thunder wow!said said toon thanks and went to her dragan and flew away and never came back.

The villagers came back and thanked oceana and let her play for the rest of the day it was her real party!


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Sydney With Timmy and the Time Machine

Once upon a time... in a land where all things happen... there was a house with a mom, a dad and a child. The child’s name was Timmy!

One day when Timmy was only 5 years old, on Christmas day, Timmy saw Santa! Timmy exclaimed “SANTA!!! What are you doing here on Christmas?! I thought you only came on Christmas eve?” Santa whispered “ Shh! Keep your voice down! We don’t want your parents knowing I am here!” “But why-” Timmy started to say. Santa whispered “Timmy, you are going to have the most amazing gift. You have been given- by me- a time machine!” “Wow” said Timmy quietly.

Santa pulled out the time machine from his magical bag and said “Timmy, do you know why I gave this to you on Christmas?” Santa asked. “No” Timmy sighed “No I do not.” Santa replied “Well, I brought this to you for 2 reasons. 1, It was too big for my bag, and 2, I thought- out of the whole world- that you were responsible enough to take care of this. Now, I want you to use this to go into the past Christmas, present Christmas, and future Christmas all in one day without your parents knowing. Now get to sleep because I have to go. Bye Timmy, and good luck.”

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Then Santa pressed his nose and went up the chimney. Timmy had soooo many more questions to ask him, but Timmy knew that he had already gone. So all night Timmy thought about what he was going to do the next day.

So the next day Timmy did exactly what Santa had told him before. At 5:00 in the morning ( he got up so early because he didn’t want his parents to see) he went through the time machine and screamed “ Take me to the PAST!!!!” And then the most amazing thing happened. Timmy saw the ghost of him as a baby and his mom while his mom was cradling him in her arms. Timmy was so delighted to see her so happy! But when he looked out his window, he saw that a person was living in a box! Timmy thought to himself, “ If I would have done something to mom to make her see him, we could have got him in the Christmas spirit!” “ I better get to the present now. Bye me!” he giggled.

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So Timmy went to the time machine and said “ Take me to the PRESENT!!!!” So the time machine made him swirl and swirl until he was in the present. then he saw his parents looking for him! Timmy looked over at the clock and shouted “ It’s already 8:15?!?” Then he noticed a person as an older version of the person on the street in the past. Timmy thought “ Wow! Didn’t I just see that man!? It’s either just me, or I need my eyes checked!” “ Beep! Beep!” “ Already 9:00? Bye me!” he giggled again. So Timmy said “Take me to the FUTURE!!!!!”

Then again, Timmy swirled and swirled and swirled until he was in the future. When he was in the future, he saw himself, his girlfriend ( EEWW!!! ), his mom, and his dad all having a fun Christmas. Then, Timmy in the future, went out and let the man who lived in a box into his home to share Christmas! Timmy was so excited that he jumped all around!

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Justin W.

United Gamers of GamingBy Justin Wright

On an island full of monsters, beasts, a really fat guy from a village called Butter Village was kind of

weird, but it was on an island called United Gamers of GamingThere was three boys named Justin, Gavin, and Nathan. One day they were walking down somewhere,

it was a rainy day when suddenly a tragedy happened, there was a rumbling, there was a earthquake. The

three boys got swept apart and I landed somewhere that there was sand and a bunch of halo guys and

aliens, where was I?It looked like I was on the edge of battle against aliens with super cool guys with armor on, but thing is

some dude bumped into me and my right arm jerked forward and a blast of lightning came out and it blew

up pretty much half of the aliens to go. Wow some army dude said, “ How did you do that?” Well people say

I’m awesome, some people say that I’m even more awesome. That doesn't make any sense dude, oh and by

the way, DO IT AGAIN!!!! I held my left arm in the air and a gigantic tsunami came out of the ocean and

swept them out to sea. How would you like to join our squad kid? Try and stop me I said.

We were running through the forest blasting aliens out of the way which was really fun. The leader of the group

told me his name, and it was Master Chief. After the forest it was time to run up a lavea hill.Once we ran up on the top of the lave hill there was some lava monsters. I first blasted water at the

creature, but as soon as it formed into water it quickly made a gas that drifted into the air. It turned out it

was time to fight fire to stormy hand. I summoned water around my hands, and came up to one of them and

did a rageing back fist, and if he wasn’t a monster I would’ve felt sorry for the thing. Next one came up to

me, and man even though he was a monster I did feel sorry for him because next thing you knew his face

was flat as a pancake. I came at the last two and picked up one and shoved lightning at his face and

slammed him right into the other loser who got squashed. Well anybody want to beat my high score? I

looked at the halo guys, and I saw faces full of exhaustion and completely surprised. I guess that’s a no.

After how awesomely I fought those monsters I was still tired, and are next stop was to the combat arena. To get

there we had to get to Slender Forest, then we had to swim through the lake of misfortune. There was also

good news to, I got to ride on Master Chiefs back.

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When we got to Slender Forest it was all dark and scary, but good thing I had lightning on my side to light the way. We were heading toward the forest when something flashed before our eyes, then again, and again. When we saw him our vision started to blank , but when we saw his face it was hideous! I tried blasting a lightning bolt at him, but it just went through him. So me and the gang ran and ran until we couldn’t see him but he just kept popping up everywhere. At a sudden flash I saw him dash to the left side of me so I quickly maneuvered where he was standing and blasted lightning in his mouth and just like a slingshot he darted away into the stars.

We got to the lake of misfortune, and some aqua suits, but bad this is there were only five suits only for the five halo soldiers. Hey chief, you and your squad take the suits, I’ll stay above the water. I went in the lake and the halo group went to the bottom of the sea.

After an hour or so something started pulling me down to drown, and fast to. I tugged and tugged, but I just couldn’t pull up, the force was too strong, and finally I gave up, my whole life flashed before my eyes, but most of it was avoiding fruit trees, and I thought to myself I should really get out more, but something weird happened. I was underwater, I could still breath great, and the sharks weren’t eating me alive. I saw the squad down underwater defending a giant city I swam like a torpedo right to the bottom of the ocean. I bumped into a sea monster without saying sorry. Master Chief looked at me in shock, but he went with it anyway. I dashed there and there without looking I grabbed a sea creature and threw him into another sea dude. I thought I would have a lot more water power since you know I was under water, so I cupped my hands and shot a surge of water and a humongous tidal wave came out of my palms and pretty much wiped out all of them in one shot. There was only two left so I just let the halo dudes take care of them, but it wasn’t as awesome as I would’ve done it. All they did was attack awesomely, but they didn’t do in style.

After that something weird happened, I saw some little man fish hiding behind a coral reef. Who are you? I asked. He swam away from us as fast as he could, but I stopped him with my water powers. Please don’t make me die, I’m so young so many places I want to see! he said, I’m not gonna kill you, I just want to know what your name is so what is it? Clumsey he said. Ok peace I just wanted to what your name is by ,but before I Could say all that he said can I come with you? Nope. By, I said, please he said, why can’t you just go back to your little home? Take a closer look at He said. The city was all abandoned, everything broken, and nothing worked. Who did this, I asked, I don’t know he said, When it happened it was just when I was two months old ,and now I’m twelve, cool I said. Then I realized this kid lived on his own, all abandoned, all alone for twelve years. That’s amazing I said, and how would you like to join the Justin is awesome club? We never agreed on that name, oh whatever would you like to join? Sure He said.

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So there we were, a whole pack full of weirdos, an orphan kid, five halo soldiers, and some dude named clumsey who had the power to breath under water. We were running up the steps to the combat arena ,which was about thousand so are gym teacher must be proud. There was something as pretty as a rash up those steps, but I had to face it to make the island safe again. As we were crawling up the steps we saw it.

He had about two scars on his face and one more on his arm, he had tattoos like dragon slayers, monsters, aliens and all kinds of creepy. He had all sorts of bruises, like almost everywhere. He had a twisted long nose, and also he wore this gown thing, and weirdest of all he had no pupils which is really scary if you ask me.

Hello, I’ve been waiting for you young hero, I would like to tell you where are your little army friends? I looked behind my back and they were in some kind of trance. they started walking over to pig snout on the other hand. Man, I wish I had the power to do that I thought, well you can if you join me he said, jee can a man have it’s privacy, but fine if I can have mind powers and turning people on your side powers I’m in. I walked over to him, but as sudden as I could somebody stopped me it was Gavin. Justin, don’t do this he’s trying to trick you, whatever I’ll get more powers, Gavin rose his arms and a sprout of bones came out, ok i’m on your side I said. Did I miss the party somebody said which was way too early because it took whoever it was about two minutes to get up the stupid stairs and it was Nathan.

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I got beauty powers Nathan said, wow Nathan you’re an overachiever, I know right? So you guys have found out about your powers the witch said, do you know you have the powers of the gods? Justin you have the power of Zeus and Poseidon, Gavin you got the power of Hades and Apollo, Nahan you got the power of.... well you look good, but what's my godly power Nathan blabbered, Dude the witch said, don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to. What!? We got powers of the gods that is so cool we all said, but Hey Nathan it’s great to see you buddy, so now you scared of us sorcerer, wow, wow, wow, how did you know that I was a sorcerer? Well for starters it’s pinned to your shirt, oh whatever lets get this over with!

He shot out his hand and blasted a master bolt, but bad news for him because I’ve got lightning powers buddy! Oh, and just so you guys know I got lightning and water powers buddy, Justin, you’re not the only one with powers, Gavin rose his arms and summoned army out of the dead and shot an arrow at one of them just to prove a point, oh yeah guys, I got the best and only one power, Nathan put on a dress and looked like he was ready for a beauty pageant wow Nathan, cool power, so all three of us attacked the dude, I shot master bolts and water spears, Gavin rose undead armies and shot arrows, Nathan looked good, and for the sorcerer he waved his wand in the air and said something weird repel are powers and put spells on us like he gave Nathan a wedgie, he pushedThe End

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Gretchen Athena and Zeus By Gretchen Guetzlaff

Long ago Zeus the god of the sky was sad. It rained and rained. Many gods and goddesses tried to fix his problem but none of them could help. You see his problem was the sun. It hurt his eyes so he could not work.

One day a messenger came and said someone was there to help. “Bring them in.”Zeus sighed sadly. Then, Athena goddess of art and beauty glided in. “I shall fix your problem father.”Athena said. “How my daughter?How?”sighed Zeus. So she explained.

Athena went to work painting. She painted big,white,blobs in the sky. Then,she named them. She named them clouds. She painted them all over the world. Zeus was very happy. He let the sunshine but always left a cloud to shade him.

The End.

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Christmas by Conner Lorentzen

I go see my mom’s family and my dad’s family on Christmas. It takes along time to get get there. “I asked” “are we there yet?” “Mom said”, almost.”I go to sleep, then I wake up when we get there.”my grandma said”give me a hug.”then we eat a lot of food. My favorite food is her pumpkin spice cookies. I said” I like your cookies grandma.” She said” thank you conner.” I said” can we open presents?” Mom said” yes son.” After opening presents I played with my new toys. Then we went home. The toy I'm hoping to get from santa is skylanders giants. It’s a game for the ps3. skylanders giants is an adventure game.

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Do you want to know about Mexico because if you don’t and I were you then I would! So know that you want to know I will tell you. My name is Ali by the way! Ok let’s get back on track! So there are 114,793,341 people that live in Mexico, WOW that’s a lot of people that live their! Oh my gosh I think I’m going to faint!

Some men in Mexico wear sombreros and Ponchos, mostly some were normal clothes or clothes that they make. We don’t wear sombreros and Ponchos only people that are weird or crazy! Some girls wear dresses from the 700 wow that’s a long time ago!

Back in that time they must of had creative clothes!They are 50.5% girls that live in Mexico, that is

not too many girls that live in Mexico! Mostly the girls make the clothes in Mexico and they braid hair so do some boys. They have some very interesting clothes! They do a lot of stuff for people in the town! They make really cool hammocks!

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Ali page 2

Their are not too many boys either. They make houses for their family to support them because a lot of them don't have homes it’s very sad! Like I told boys braid hair to one even braided my hair before, they are very good! They also make stuff that girls do!

I hope you learned a little bit about Mexico, you should really go there sometime! It is very fun! I hope you do!

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Pay it ForwardBy:Alexander Gabrielson

The world would be great if everyone PAID IT FORWARD after another when they did something nice to you.I do many nice thing in life like I give things to people.Do you do nice things in life? If someone does something nice to and then you PAY IT FORWARD.

Pay it forward is a thing you should do all the time in life.I do things like saining nice things or doing it.My mom gives a god tip at restronts. If you do it remind how you did it to do it to someone oles. If everyone did a random kinnes guess how better the world would be.

I hope everyone did kindness in the world.If you what to do kinnes you can do it any time you can.You could help out with the house or a friend .A thing I do that is nice is give a hug,help out in the hoses or a family member.You could help out a person that goes to your chers.Pay it Forward is being kind after someone did something nice to you so you do it to someone ales.

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By: Tea Skinner

Hello, My name is Mattea , but everyone calls me Tea. Anyway I am super duper extra excited to meet my fifth grade teacher and I don’t care who I get because I

like them all. If you ask my friends what I like they could go on for fifty days talking about what I like. In other words I mostly like EVERYTHING, But as you know

everyone has at least one dislike about something so I will talk about both. Next is what I like to do at home. What I enjoy to do at home is go to the church with my family because at our church they play good songs and have good messages.i I go to church at Zion in Clear Lake Iowa. Family is very important to me so I like hanging with them! Dance is enjoyable too! You get to hang with your friends and feel free to dance! Hanging with friends is also very fun to me. lots of

times they sleepover at my house and so do I.

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Tea Page 2 Home can be fun and all, but I have some dislikes about home too! I don’t like at all when my siblings and I fight .They always start the fight first.! At home when it’s night time my asthma acts up a ton and so I don’t get enough sleep, so sometimes I am crabby in the morning, but I always get over it. I don’t have very many dislikes at home, but when I am at school some things are really not so nice.

What I dislike about school is the drama between girls. They get in some unnecessary fights. The lunches are sometimes gross so I bring cold lunch a lot. Did you know that most of the boys are really crazy! Well they are.What I dislike about school is the drama between girls. They get in some unnecessary fights. The lunches are sometimes gross so I bring cold lunch a lot. Did you know that most of the boys are really crazy! Well those are my likes and dislikes. I hope you learned about them. I’ll say it again I can’t wait for fifth grade! I hope that I can use what I learned in fourth grade to help me become the best fifth grade student I can be!

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Paige R.

Animal BehaviorBy: Paige Rolling

Have you ever wondered what you have in common with tigers, or turtles? Have you ever heard of a Ivory Colored Woodpecker, or a Chinese Giant Salamander? I am here to tell you all about these amazing animals that you should know every bit about! I hope that you learn many things about these amazing animals that we share our home with.First I’m going to tell you how animals use tools. You

might not know this, but you use tools everyday without even realizing it! You use tools when you, use a pencil, open a can, or even cut something with scissors. A tool is anything that makes your life easier.

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The first animal I’m going to talk about is chimpanzees. Chimpanzees learned how to use tools a long time ago without human help. One of the tools are stone hammers found at a chimp settlement in the Ivory coast 4,300 years ago. They can make spears. We are closely related to them.

Now I’m going to tell you how dolphins and sea otters use tools. Sea otters use stones as hammers to get shells off of the rocks, and then break them open with the stone hammers for food. Dolphins in the bay, Australia, carried marine sponges in their beaks to stir ocean bottom sand and uncover pray.

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Have you ever heard of Christian the lion. It is an amazing story about how this European lion finds his wild home. Here is a little preview on the book, and movie:

This lion is a 5th generation of lions kept in captivity, and he was ready to break that streak. It was 2 Australian guys that went to London to find adventure bought him for 250 guineas. He was taken away from his parent with his siblings at a critical age, and they had no survival skills, because of that. In 1969 London was an exotic place where you could purchase a lion. They kept him in an apartment. When he got too big they talked to a man that could take him to Africa, and get him ready for the wild. Christian went with them to Africa, and lived a new life as an African lion.

You have probably never heard of this, but now I’m going to tell you about symbiotic relationships. That is where two animals spend a period of time together helping each other even though they are totally different species. This usually happens with water animals. An example is a eneminey and a clownfish.

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This is how they help them: Clownfish help enemies, because they get them food. They eat like other fish in the ocean. The enemy helps the clown fish by giving them protection. Clown fish have different skin-scales, so then the enemy's sting does not affect them.

Now I am going to tell you what you have in common with a chimpanzee! Octopuses make houses out of coconuts, and then when they want to move they just move the coconuts with them. Octopuses have houses just like you! Monkeys can do math just like you. Certain animals can mimic human speech. For an example: “Hello” or “Bye”. They can also make facial expressions. For an example: Rats can make faces when something hurts.

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You probably know about this problem. It is endangered animals. People are hunting them for furs and skin, and we are taking their habitat. I’ll tell you about the top ten most endangered animals. 1) The Ivory colored woodpecker 2)Amur Leopard There is less than 40 of them left in the world. 3)Javan Rhino (No more than 60) 4)Northern Sportive Lemur 5) Northern Right Whale 6) Western Lowland Gorilla (They are low in numbers from hunting) 7) Leatherback sea turtle (They’re number is going down at an alarming rate) 8) Siberian Tiger (They weigh 660 lb) 9) Chinese giant salamander (Humans eat them) 10) The Little Dodo bird (they are almost extinct like the big Dodo bird)

You should know that they are close to extinction. If they are gone they could never come back. Think about it, a tiger could be know as good as a dinosaur. Don’t worry though we can still save them, but we need everyone to help. You can help by: 1) getting people to stop cutting down habitats. 2) Making sure that nobody hunts them.

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I hope that you learned a little about these amazing animals, and how we can protect them in different ways. I hope that you realize how important it is to keep these animals protected when they are in this little of numbers. You should know how animals work together, and live together like we do every day.


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