Copyright© 2004-2006, The Seasar Foundation and the others. All rights reserved. 1 Configuration files must Die!!! Yasuo Higa The Seasar Foundation/Chief Com mitter http://www.seasar.org/en - Dependency Injection made easy

Copyright© 2004-2006, The Seasar Foundation and the others. All rights reserved. 1 Configuration files must Die!!! Yasuo Higa The Seasar Foundation/Chief

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Copyright© 2004-2006, The Seasar Foundation and the others. All rights reserved. 1

Configuration files must Die!!!

Yasuo Higa

The Seasar Foundation/Chief Committer


- Dependency Injection made easy

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Do you really like writingconfiguration files?

I have always wanted to askevery developer in the world this question:

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That's because writing them is a real headache!

I hate it too!

I hope every developer in the world feels the same.

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the Java world is full of configuration files.

Still, despite our feelings,

We can call this tragic situation "XML HELL".

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They are full of configuration files.

Please try to remember the frameworks which represent Web and DI.

The issue that causes us such serious problems is the enlargement of configuration files.

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One of the solutions againstthe enlargement of configuration files is

annotationwhich appeared in Java5.

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If we use annotation,

we rarely need to write configuration files.

That's because we can embed the configuration data into the source code.

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Then, is this annotation really helping us?The only difference is that

the place where we write the configuration data

has moved from the configuration file to the source code.

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The fact that

we are to write the configuration data

has not changed.

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The thing we really hope for and must realize is

to minimize the amount of the configuration data we have to write

not only in the configuration file but also in the source code.

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I call this concept

Less Configuration.

I think this is what the framework should be.

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● Problem of DI● Less Configuration concept● Response to EJB3 in Seasar2

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One of the important principles of DI is

separating configurationfrom use.

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When this principle is applied,

someone is to set the implementation object to the function user.

A DIContainer plays this role.

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We need to give instructions to the DIContainer about the way to set the implementation object.

According to these instructions, configuration files are the most popular.

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package examples.di;

public interface Greeting { String greet();}

"Greeting" is the interface which gives us the greeting function

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package examples.di.impl;

import examples.di.Greeting;

public class GreetingImpl implements Greeting {

public String greet() { return "Hello World!"; }}

"GreetingImpl" is the implementation class which gives us the greeting function

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package examples.di;

public interface GreetingClient {

void execute();}

"GreetingClient" is the interface which uses the greeing function

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package examples.di.impl;…public class GreetingClientImpl implements GreetingClient {

private Greeting greeting;

public void setGreeting(Greeting greeting) { this.greeting = greeting; } public void execute() { System.out.println(greeting.greet()); }}

"GreetingClientImpl" is the implementation class which uses the greeting function

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<beans> <bean id="greeting" class="examples.di.impl.GreetingImpl"/> <bean id="greetingClient" class="examples.di.impl.GreetingClientImpl"> <property name="greeting"> <ref bean="greeting"/> </property> </bean></beans>

"beans.xml" is the configuration file by which we give instructions to the DIContainer about the way

to set the implementation object

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package examples.di.main;

import …;

public class GreetingMain { public static void main(String[] args) { ClassPathResource res = new ClassPathResource("beans.xml"); XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(res); GreetingClient greetingClient = (GreetingClient) factory.getBean("greetingClient"); greetingClient.execute(); }}

The "GreetingMain" class takes the greeting client implementation object from the DIContainer, and

executes it

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When we take a look at these samples,

the DIContainer faithfully realizes the "separating configuration from use" principle.

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When we check these samples,

we don't find any problem.

Where is the probrem?

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When the developement scale is larger,

the problem of the DIContainer as we know it today comes to the surface.The configuration file becomes enlarged proportion

ally to the development scale.

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As the configuration file becomes enlarged,

● it is difficult to find class configuration data in the file

● it is also difficult to locate the cause when we make a mistake in the configuration file

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One of the solutions againstthe enlargement of configuration files is

a way to embed the configuration data

into the source codeusing XDoclet or annotation.

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<bean id="greetingClient" class="examples.di.impl.GreetingClientImpl"> <property name="greeting"> <ref bean="greeting"/> </property></bean>

/** * @spring.bean id = "greetingClient" * @spring.property name = "greeting" ref = "greeting" */public class GreetingClientImpl ...

Basically the written information is the same

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When we use XDoclet, we can get the necessary information only looking at the source code,

because the configuration data is written in the source code. This is a big advantage.

Still there is one disadvantage as well.

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The disadvantage of XDoclet is that

in case we change the configuration data we'll have to rewrite the source code.

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If we use the configuration files,

even if we change the configuration data we don't need to rewrite the source code.

This is a real headache.

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XDoclet is

not an all-powerful solution.

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On the one hand, we have the advantage that we rarely need to write configuration files.

On the other hand, we have the disadvantage that if we change the configuration data we have to rewrite the source code.

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The advantages and disadvantages of annotation are the same as those of XDoclet.

Annotation is also not an all-powerful solution.

So, what are we supposed to do?

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If we use configuration files or if we use XDoclet or annotation, in both cases,

the problem occurs when we write the configuration data.

So, if we decide from the beginning not to write the configuration data, the problem will not occur.

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I call this concept of reducing the writing of configuration data as much as possible

Less Configuration.

So how can we realize it?

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To realize the "Less Configuration" concept, it's important to take into consideration the following 2 ideas:

● Convention over Configuration

● Configuration by Exception

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"Convention over Configuration" is the idea that

If we apply the proper convention, even if we don't do any special configuration, the framework will do the proper configuration for us.

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The first convention is that

the type of property is defined as the interface.

So what do we get if we apply this convention?

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If the type of property is interaface,

Seasar2 can automatically set the object implementing the interface to the property.

This function corresponds to the autowiring byType in "Spring".

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I'll explain later about

the situation when Seasar2 can't specify one object

because several objects implement the same interface.

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Also if the property name and the object name are the same and the object is settable to the property,

Seasar2 can automatically set the object to the property.

That function corresponds to the autowiring byName in "Spring".

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Seasar2 can perform the automatic binding of property in default.

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When Seasar2 can't automatically set a proper object, we have the following choices:

●give an exception●give a warning● ignore it

The default gives a warning.

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The next convention is that we name the implemention class according to the rule.

For example, it seems that the implementation class name ends in "Impl".

So, what do we get if we apply this convention?

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classes whose names obey specified rules into the container.

Seasar2 can automatically register

If the target classes are included in the classpath, it doesn't matter if they are in the jar file or not.

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Due to Seasar2 automation,

we rarely need to write the configuration data,

even if the development scale is larger.

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<components> <component class="...FileSystemComponentAutoRegister"> <initMethod name="addClassPattern"> <arg>"examples.di.impl"</arg> <arg>".*Impl"</arg> </initMethod> </component></components>


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We only had two classes in this sample, but the more the number of classes increases,

the more powerful Seasar2 automation becomes.

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If we set the class name patterns from the beginning,

it's not necessary to add any information to the configuration file,

even if the number of classes increases.

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Unlike the XDoclet and annotation,

we can automatically adapt the configuration data changes,

because the configuration data is not embedded in the source code.

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If you hear the word convention, you might get the troublesome impression that you have to obey it.

But all conventions in Seasar2 are desirable.

And if we obey the conventions, Seasar2 automation will make our work much easier.

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If the conventions make our work easier,

I hope everybody would want to obey them.

These are the conventions in Seasar2.

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In most cases, Seasar2 automation is more and more powerful,

but if several objects implement one interface, Seasar2 automation doesn't work well.

Then, the necessary solution is"Configuration by Exception".

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"Configuration by Exception" is the idea that

we explicitly configure the objects only in exceptional situations.

When the defaults of "Convention over Configuration" don't work well, we have an exceptional situation.

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We can explicitly configure them

using either the configuration file or annotation.

I would like to explain later in detail about which one we should use.

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@Binding("hoge2")public void setHoge(Hoge hoge) { this.hoge = hoge;}

@Binding(bindingType=BindingType.NONE)public void setHoge(Hoge hoge) { …;}

a sample of annotation in Seasar2

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We rarely need to use the "Binding" annotation,

because the automatic binding of property works in most cases.

Please use the "Binding" annotation only in exceptional cases.

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Annotation is a technology which appeared in Java5. In case we have to use Java1.4,

you would think we have to give up annotation.

However we don't.

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There is a project called backport175. backport175 implements the Java 5 annotation specifications,

and it makes annotation available for Java 1.3 or 1.4 platforms.

Seasar2 makes annotation available for Java 1.3 or 1.4 platforms using this backport175.

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If we use the eclipse backport175 plugin,

we can check the syntax.

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Also if we use the plugin, unlike the XDoclet,

we don't need to do anything after the compilation.

That's because the annotation information is automatically embedded in the class file after the compilation.

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/** * @…Binding("hoge2") */public void setHoge(Hoge hoge) { this.hoge = hoge;}

Except for using the Javadoc comment, it is similar to the annotation of Java5.

In this way, users of Java1.4 can accept the advantage of annotation.

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When we use "Convention over Configuration",

we rarely need to write configuration data. Isn't that wonderful?

However you might feel a little worried, because you don't know how to configure it.

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In the future,

the function which writes the information to be set automatically in the configuration file

is considered

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When we can't use automatic binding by "Convention over Configuration",

which do you think it's better to use - the configuration files or annotation?

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If you think that the possibility to change the configuration data is high,

please use the configuration file!

If this is not the case, please use annotation.

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It's very difficult to predict the possibility of changes to the configration data.

In case of information depending on the environment you should use the configuration file,

and in other cases you should use annotation.

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An example of information depending on the environment is information to connect to a database.

Since the probability of changing this information later is rather high,

it's a wise choice to write it in the configuration file.

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Since we cannot predict the probability of changing other information later,

we assume it should not be changed, and we use annotation.

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If you need to change the configuration data frequently,

it's reason enough to change from annotation to the configuration file.

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The technology often used together with DI is AOP.

In Seasar2, we also can adapt the "Convention over Configuration" for AOP.

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The convention in AOP is that

we use the business interface.

So, what do we get if we apply this convention?

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we call a module which realizes the crosscutting-concern


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In Seasar2, if we don't specify any method,

all the methods of the interfaces which a class implements

automatically become the targets of "Advice"

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In most cases, this solution works well.

Of cource we can also specify the method name in a regular expression.

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<include path="aop.dicon"/> ...<component class="...AspectAutoRegister"> <property name="interceptor">aop.traceInterceptor</property> <initMethod name="addClassPattern"> <arg>"examples.di.impl"</arg> <arg>".*Impl"</arg> </initMethod></component>

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<include path="j2ee.dicon"/> ...<component class="...AspectAutoRegister"> <property name="interceptor">j2ee.required</property> <initMethod name="addClassPattern"> <arg>"examples.di.impl"</arg> <arg>".*Impl"</arg> </initMethod></component>

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<component name="interceptor1" .../><component name="interceptor2" .../><component name="interceptor3" .../>

<component name="chain" class="...InterceptorChain"> <initMethod name="add"><arg>interceptor1</arg></initMethod> <initMethod name="add"><arg>interceptor2</arg></initMethod> <initMethod name="add"><arg>interceptor3</arg></initMethod></component>

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AOP in Seasar2 is based on the AOP alliance.

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According to "Less Configuration", DI has progressed even more.

Still, EJB3 is important, too.

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In my opinion, the three important characteristics of EJB3 are as follows:

● POJO(plain old java object)● The reduction of configuration files due to

annotation● Standard specification

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You can't ignore

the standardized EJB3

which includes the advantages of DI.

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If we compare EJB3 with Seasar2 from the viewpoint of EoD,

Seasar2 certainly overshadows EJB3.

That's because we rarely even need annotations in Seasar2.

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Still, the charm of EJB3 is that

it's a standard specification.

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It's my principle that

it's better to obey the standard specifications as much as possible.

That's because it protects the user's assets. Regarding this idea, I have the following thoughts.

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In Java5 which has a standard specification called EJB3,

it's better to obey the EJB3 specification.

Seasar2 also implements the EJB3 specification.

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In Java1.4 which doesn't have the standard specification,

it's better to use DI which has progressed due to "Less Configuration".

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AOP in EJB3 doesn't supply the automatic registration of aspect,

so we can combine EJB3 and AOP in Seasar2.

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We don't need to use the weak functions just because they are standard.

I don't think there are too many opportunities to use the application we developed

using Seasar2 outside the Seasar2 environment. Let's focus on the real advantages.

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EJB3 in Seasar2 can work even without the application server.

JTA and connection pool implementation are supplied.

There are some merits for the fact that EJB3 can stand alone.

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If we use EJB3 in Seasar2,

we can use EJB3 even in application servers that don't have EJB3 implementation,

such as Tomcat

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I think there are a lot of developers who want to use EJB3 in Tomcat.

Seasar2 fulfils that dream.

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In case we use application servers which supply JTA and connection pool implementation, such as Weblogic,

we can use the supplied implementation in Seasar2.

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In order to develop a very reliable application,

it's important to enlarge the range in which we can perform the automatic tests as much as possible.In EJB3, the automatic tests have become much e

asier using mock objects.

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If possible, we would like to perform the automatic tests using the real object.

If we try to do this in EJB3, we need to perform the automatic tests in the application server.Even if we use the tools like "Cactus", it is quite tro

ublesome work.

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EJB3 in Seasar2 can work even without the application server,

so we can easily perform the automatic tests using the real object.

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In most EJB3 implementations,

we need to package the developed module and then deploy it in the application server.

This too is troublesome work.

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Especially, while developing,

we need to deploy many times.

This is also quite troublesome work.

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If we use EJB3 in Seasar2,

we don't need to deploy,

so the productivity is higher.

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