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For some problems, it’s useful to have a method call itself.

A method that does so is known as a recursive method.

A recursive method can call itself either directly or indirectly through another method.

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E.g. • Fibonacci method• Factorial method• Towers of Hanoi• Merge sort• Linear search• Binary search• Quick sort

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Q: how to write a recursive method to add numbers from 0 to n?

• Public int add(n)

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Q: How do you modify code to add range of values from n1(start) to n2(end)?

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Q: Can you think of a different recursive implementation for previous?

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A recursive method always contain a base case(s):• The simplest case that method can solve.

• If the method is called with a base case, it returns a result.

If the method is called with a more complex problem, it breaks problem into same but simpler sub-problems and recursively call itself on these smaller sub-problems.

The recursion step normally includes a return statement which allow the method to combine result of smaller problems to get the answer and pass result back to its caller.

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For the recursion to eventually terminate, each time the method calls itself with a simpler version of the original problem, the sequence of smaller and smaller problems must converge on a base case.

When the method recognizes the base case, it returns a result to the previous copy of the method.

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Factorial Example Using Recursion: Factorial

• factorial of a positive integer n , called n!n! = n · (n – 1) · (n – 2) · … · 1

• 1! =1 • 0! =1

• E.g. • 5! = = 120• 4! = = 24

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Programming Question Write a iterative (non-recursive) method factorial in class

FactorialCalculator to calculate factorial of input parameter n.

Call this in the main method to print factorials of 0 through 50

A sample output is below:

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Try setting n=100 in main. How does the output change?

How does the output change when data type is int?public class FactorialCalculator{ public static long factorial (long n) { long factorial = n; for(int i=(int)n;i>=1;i--) factorial *= i; return factorial; } public static void main(String args[]) { for(int n=0;n<=100;n++) System.out.println(n+"!= +factorial (n)); }}

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• How to write it recursively?• Recursive aspect comes from : n! = n.(n-1)!• E.g. 5!

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Programming Question

Modify FactorialCalculator factorial method to have a recursive implementation.

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• Recursive method:

public static long factorial(long number){

if (number ==1 || number==0) //Base Case{

return number;}else //Recursion Step{

return number * factorial(number-1);}


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public class FactorialCalculator{ public static long factorial(long number) { if (number ==1 || number==0) //Base Case { return number; } else //Recursion Step { return number * factorial(number-1); } } public static void main(String args[]) { for(int n=0;n<=100;n++) System.out.println(n+"!= "+factorial(n)); }}

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Recursion Animators• Factorial• Reversing a String• N-Queens Problem

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Programming Question

Using recursion: Fibonacci Series

• The Fibonacci series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, … • Begins with 0 and 1:

• Fibonacci(0) = 0• Fibonacci(1) = 1

• Each subsequent Fibonacci number is the sum of the previous two.

• E.g. • Fibonacci(2) = 0+1• Fibonacci(3) = 1+1

Implement the tester class FinbonacciCalculator that contains the recursive method fibonacci.• Call this method in main method to print fibonacci values of

0 to 40

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E.g. fibonacci(3)

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A sample run is shown:

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public class FibonacciCalculator{ public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Answer="+fibonacci(5)); } public static int fibonacci(int n) { if(n==0 || n==1) return n; else return fibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2); }}

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Java Stack and Heap

Before we look at how recursive methods are stored and processed, lets look at two important concept in java:• Java stack and heap

Stack:• A memory space reserved for your process by the OS• the stack size is limited and is fixed and it is determined in the

compiler phase based on variables declaration and other compiler options

• Mostly, the stack is used to store methods variables• Each method has its own stack (a zone in the process stack),

including main, which is also a function.• A method stack exists only during the lifetime of that method

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Java Stack and Heap

Heap:• A memory space managed by the OS

• the role of this memory is to provide additional memory resources to processes that need that supplementary space at run-time (for example, you have a simple Java application that is constructing an array with values from console);

• the space needed at run-time by a process is determined by functions like new (remember, it the same function used to create objects in Java) which are used to get additional space in Heap.

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Recursion and the Method-Call Stack Let’s begin by returning to the Fibonacci example

• Method calls made within fibonacci(3):

• Method calls in program execution stack:

Method stays in stack as long has not completed and returned

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Programming Question

Write a class Sentence that define the recursive method isPalindrome() that check whether a sentence is a palindrome or not.

Palindrome: a string that is equal to itself when you reverse all characters • Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog • Madam, I'm Adam

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Hint: Remove both the first and last characters. If they are

same check if remaining string is a palindrome. You need to shorten the string to keep only letters. Case does not matter.

What are the base cases/ simplest input?• Strings with a single character

• They are palindromes

• The empty string • It is a palindrome

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Class Skeleton is provided for you. Copy this code to DrJava

public class Sentence { private String text; /** Constructs a sentence. @param aText a string containing all characters of the sentence */ public Sentence(String aText) { text = aText; } /** Tests whether this sentence is a palindrome. @return true if this sentence is a palindrome, false otherwise */ public boolean isPalindrome() { //TODO – fill in }

public static void main(String args[]){

Sentence p1 = new Sentence("Madam, I'm Adam.");System.out.println(p1.isPalindrome());Sentence p2 = new Sentence("Nope!");System.out.println(p2.isPalindrome());


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Answer1 public class Sentence {2 3 private String text; 4 5 public Sentence(String aText) { 6 text = aText; 7 }8 9 public boolean isPalindrome() { 10 int length = text.length(); 11 12 if (length <= 1) { return true; } //BASE CASE13 14 char first = Character.toLowerCase(text.charAt(0)); 15 char last = Character.toLowerCase(text.charAt(length - 1)); 16 17 if (Character.isLetter(first) && Character.isLetter(last)) { 18 if (first == last) { 19 Sentence shorter = new Sentence(text.substring(1, length - 1)); 20 return shorter.isPalindrome(); 21 } 22 else { 23 return false;24 } 25 }26 else if (!Character.isLetter(last)) { 27 Sentence shorter = new Sentence(text.substring(0, length - 1)); 28 return shorter.isPalindrome(); 29 } 30 else { 31 Sentence shorter = new Sentence(text.substring(1)); 32 return shorter.isPalindrome(); 33 } 34 }



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Answer36 public static void main(String[] args) {37 Sentence p1 = new Sentence("Madam, I'm Adam.");38 System.out.println(p1.isPalindrome());39 Sentence p2 = new Sentence("Nope!");40 System.out.println(p2.isPalindrome());41 Sentence p3 = new Sentence("dad");42 System.out.println(p3.isPalindrome());43 Sentence p4 = new Sentence("Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog.");44 System.out.println(p4.isPalindrome());45 }46}

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Recursion vs. Iteration

Roughly speaking, recursion and iteration perform the same kinds of tasks: • Solve a complicated task one piece at a time, and • Combine the results.

Emphasis of iteration: • keep repeating until a task is “done”

Emphasis of recursion: • Solve a large problem by breaking it up into smaller and

smaller pieces until you can solve it; combine the results.

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Which is Better?

No clear answer, but there are known trade-offs

“Mathematicians” often prefer recursive approach. • Solutions often shorter, closer in spirit to abstract

mathematical entity. • Good recursive solutions may be more difficult to design

and test.

“Programmers”, esp. w/o college CS training, often prefer iterative solutions. • Somehow, it seems more appealing to many. • Control stays local to loop, less “magical”

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Which Approach Should You Choose? Depends on the problem.

• The factorial example is pretty artificial; • it’s so simple that it really doesn’t matter which version you choose.

• Many ADTs (e.g., trees) are simpler & more natural if methods are implemented recursively.

Recursive isn’t always better:• Recursive Fibonacci takes O(2n) steps! Unusable for large n.• This iterative approach is “linear” (for loop); it takes O(n)


Moral:• “Obvious” and “natural” solutions aren’t always practical

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Recursion Vs Iteraion

Recursion has many negatives. • Each recursive call causes another copy of the method to be

created • consume more memory+ processor power

• Since iteration occurs within a method, repeated method calls and extra memory assignment are avoided.