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Cont Research 305 AContemporary Research MCQ 305 AS.nQuestionabcdAnswer1This is considered as dataNumber of males and females in the groupposter of a coffee brandtape recorded interviewall a,b and cd2Replication ---------involves a study being reproduced by other researchersmakes it possible to see how results compare when a study is repeatedall of the abovehelps researchers overcome distortions that their own values can causeb3__________ sources can sometimes provide information that is not directly available or would be too expensive to collect.EnvironmentalPrimarySecondaryall a,b and cc4_________research is the approach best suited for gathering descriptiveSurveyMarketingObservationalCausala5________can be used to obtain information that people are unwilling or unable to provide.SituationalMarketingObservationalall a,b and cc6--------------is the most widely used method for primary data collection and it is often the only method used in a research studySurvey research.MarketingObservationalall a,b and ca7The major advantage of survey research is itsOptionsFlexibilityCheapall a,b and cb8Marketing Research management helps an organization in.Reducing production costsDecrease the production costReduce the time it takes to make a new productall a,b and cc9One of the example where marketing research is extensively used by organizations areConsumer DurablesPharmaIndustrialall a,b and ca10In the early and mid-1980s, some cola companies created a taste test againstSurvey research.Marketing ResearchObservationalall a,b and catheir competitors. This is an example of __________ research.11Observation is best suited for ___________ researchExploratory researchSurveyObservationalall a,b and ca12___________research tries to explain cause-and-effect relationships.ExperimentalSurveyObservationalall a,b and cd13Research may be collected byMailPersonal interviewemailall a,b and cd14________ can be used to collect large amounts of information at a low cost per respondent.MailTelephonePersonalall a,b and ca15__________questionnaires lack flexibility in that they require simply worded questions.MailTelephonePersonalall a,b and ca16_____________interviewing is the best method for gathering information quickly, and it provides greater flexibility than mail questionnairesMailPersonal interviewTelephoneemailb17In qualitative research you talk to more people than in quantitative research: is this statement:Both are falseBoth are trueb18Internal records are an important source of information. Which of the following are not deemed as internal records?Computer informationmarket and sales records19There are various types of research designed to obtain different types of information. What type of research is used to define problems and suggest hypotheses?SecondaryPrimaryCausaldescriptivea20In respect of a pub chain seeking to learn more about trends in dining out, the following are all examples of ______________: Financial Times industry sector surveys; other pub chains' annual reports, and reports published by trade bodies representing the licensed pub trade:TertiaryMISPrimary dataSecondaryd21Which of the following statements concerning marketing research is incorrect?Secondary research can be organized in-house or via a research agency.Secondary research is done after primary research.Secondary research is quicker than primary research.Secondary research is cheaper than primary research.b22Factors that are crucial to the effectiveness of a company's marketing intelligence systems are listed below. Which factor is incorrect?An accurate description of the company's information needsExtensiveness of the search for intelligenceSpeed of communicationAppointment of a full time marketing research managerd23Benchmarking is a type of research which:compares a company's performance with standards set by selected other based on qualitative feedback from customers who sit on consumer panels (or benches).is based on quantitative feedback from customers who sit on consumer panels (or benches).is essentially attitudinal in nature.a24'Mystery Shopper' surveys can best be described as a form of:Observational researchDesk researchEssentially quantitative researchAttitudinal researcha25Why are non-responses a particularly important problem for companies' questionnaire surveys?a) It means that targets aren't reached.b) It means that people hate the company/product so much that they aren't prepared to help it improve.c) A company cannot tell whether respondents have the same views as non-respondents, therefore the analysis may be biased.d) It indicates customer disloyalty.c26Which of the following statements concerning marketing research is incorrect?Qualitative techniques generally provide a broad representation of the population's behavior.Qualitative research may involve the use of interviews.Quantitative research need not necessarily involve the use of interview techniques.Qualitative research are more reliable than Quantitatived27Which of the following is not an element of a Marketing Information System?a) Marketing researchb) Decision support systemc) Production monitoring systemd) Internal records systemc28Which of the following is the process of designing, gathering, analyzing, and reporting information that may be used to solve a specific marketing problem?marketing researchdatabase marketingmarketing intelligencemarketing managementa29All of the following are uses of marketing research EXCEPT:generate, refine, and evaluate potential marketing actionsimprove marketing as a processidentifying market opportunities and problemsMaintaining a 24/7 flow of information from the external environmentd30The information system that gathers information generated by internal reports, including customer orders, billing, receivables, inventory levels, sales reports, customer data, and so on is called the ________.decision support systeminternal reports systemmarketing information systemcompany marketing datab31There are various types of research designed to obtain different types of information. What type of research is used to define problems and suggest hypotheses?Descriptive research.Secondary research.Causal research.Primary research.a3233What type of research would be appropriate in the following situation? A college or university bookshop wants to get some insights into how students feel about the shop's merchandise, prices and service.Secondary data.Qualitative research.Mixed methodology.Focus groups.d3435What type of research would be appropriate in the following situation. L'Oreal wants to determine whether a new line of deodorants for teenagers will be profitable.Qualitative research.Primary research.Focus groups.Quantitative research.c36The Internet is a powerful mechanism for conducting research. However it does have its drawbacks. Which of the following signify these drawbacks?Lack of information about the population responding to the questionnaire.The possible inclusion of individuals not being targeted, that could skew the results.Eye contact and body language, (two useful research indicators) are excluded from the analysis.All of the above.d37This is not a Close ended questionLikertRating scaleDichotomousQualitative Questionsd38Questions that force your audience for a particular type of answer are known asDichotomous questionsLikert QuestionsBipolar questionsLeading questiond39These questions are the ones having two extreme answers written at the opposite ends of the scale.BipolarLikert QuestionsDichotomousLeading questiona40In------------- questions, the respondents are asked to rate a particular issue on a scale that ranges between poor to good.Dichotomous questionsRating scaleBipolar questionsLeading questionb41The two main types of questionnaire areClose ended and open endedLikert Questions and DichotomousDichotomous and BipolarLeading question and Close endeda42This does not fall in the process of designing a questionnaireInformationContentResponsedescriptivec43Descriptive Research is one type ofFundamental ResearchCausal ResearchResearch DesignExploratory Resarc h44Consumer panels, retail shop audit, mediaCross sectional studiesLongitudinal studiesResearch studiesExperimental studiesbAudience tracking studies like TRP, brand tracking studies can be well carried out by45Observation method depends onDirectness of approachAwareness of respondentdepth and structure of informationall a,b and cd46This type of Research design involves experimentationDescriptiveExploratoryCausalQualitativec47This is the most flexible observation methodPersonalMechanicalAuditall a,b and ca48CATI Stands forComputerized anonymized telephone interactioncomputerizing and analyzing technical informationcomputer assisted telephone interviewingcomputer aided theorotical interviewc49In researchDecision problem is translated to research problemResearch problem is translated to decision problemanyone can be translated to the otherit is impossible to translate the problema50This is not a projective techniqueIn depth interviewPictorial constructionWord associationSentence completiona51Which of the following is NOT one of the categories of advertising research?target marketingpretesting of adscreative concept researchad trackinga52What is the purpose of ad tracking?to determine it the advertiser has stayed within its budgetto determine what data should be discovered through the researchto locate new target marketsto provide the advertiser with useful guidelines for further advertisingd53Primary and secondary data are both examined during which stage of the research process?informal researchsituation analysisformal researchobservational researcha54According to the text, one of the drawbacks to the use of secondary data is:its availability to everyoneits costthe potential for obsolescenceits lack of cohesivenessc55When answering a questionnaire for a car dealership, Akash was asked several interesting questions, including "What type of pickle would drive an SUV?", "What is your first reaction when you hear the wordpewter?", and "Do you consider yourself to have a red or a blue personality?" What research information gathering technique was the dealership using?involvement samplingprojective techniquesinterpretative techniquesquantitative researchc56In order to distribute its signature product through alternate channels, Subway, the sandwich chain, offered sandwiches at four high schools. The sandwiches were prepared at local Subway units and shipped directly to the schools. What type of research would Subway use if it wanted to gain insight into how parents, teachers, and students feel about its sandwiches being sold at schools?observational researchthe experimental methodnonprobability samplingqualitative researchd57Which research methodology has been most impacted by the development of the Universal Product Code (UPC)?qualitative researchthe interrogative methodmail surveythe observation methodd58Which of the following statements about ad pretesting is true?Pretesting makes extensive use of inquiry tests.Pretesting is often used to measure an ad's effectiveness.Pretesting is often used o predict an ad's likeability by its target audience.Pretesting always uses external stakeholders.c59Which of the following is an example of method for posttesting ads?attitude testsorder-of-merit testcentral location testtheater testa60During the final stage of the research process, the researcher should:not be afraid to use appropriate technical jargonavoid the use of any tables or graphsnot restate the problemsummarize the findingsd61Which of the following sample survey questions is an example of a dichotomous question?Are you very, moderately, or not at all happy with your current investment plan?One a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your server?How would you describe the feel of this fabric?Do you remember a time in your life when insurance was not important?d62When choosing the type of media for the advertising campaign there are numerous factors to consider, including:Consistency with campaign objectives.,Defined target audience.Budget constraints.Geographic location.Competitive factors.All of the above.d63The abstract number properties that apply to ordinal scales are identity and magnitude.TrueFalseBoth are falseBoth are trueb64Interval scales are exactly like ratio scales, except that they have atrue zeropoint.TrueFalseBoth are falseBoth are truea65The nominal scale of measurement classifies objects into mutually exclusive categoriesTrueFalseBoth are falseBoth are trueb66The abstract number properties that apply to interval scale of measurement include identity, magnitude, equal interval, and summation.TrueFalseBoth are falseBoth are truea67Your local police force wants to install cameras that can "catch" drivers who run red lights. They choose a busy intersection, install a test camera, and determine whether each car stops safely or "runs" the light. Choose the correct scale of measurement.Ratio.Ordinal.Nominal.Interval.a68Your counseling center uses a standardized interest inventory as part of its career-counseling program. The test yieldstscores on 20 different interest areas. The population mean for each area is 50, and the standard deviation is 10. What scale of measurement is most likely for this standardized test?Nominal.Approximately interval.Ordinal.Ratio.a69You are interested in whether women who participated in a company-based mentor program were satisfied with their experience. You find a short questionnaire that asks women to rate their satisfaction (on a 4-point Likert scale) with eight different areas of mentoring (e.g., giving advice, networking, and providing emotional support). The scoring system averages responses across all eight areas. This questionnaire uses which scale of measurement?Approximately interval.Interval.Ordinal.Nominal.d70School administrators sponsor a study of bullying on elementary school playgrounds. Trained observers record the number of incidents of aggression that occur during consecutive 10-minute periods. Aggression is measured on which of the following scales of measurement?Ratio.Interval.Ordinal.Nominal.a71Every 10 years, the federal government sponsors a national survey of health and health practices (NHANES). One question in the survey asks participants to rate their overall health using a 5-point rating scale. What is the scale of measurement used for this question?Ratio.Ordinal.Nominal.Interval.b72Which of the following isnotan assumption underlying testing and measurement?.Various approaches to measuring aspects of the same thing can be usefulError is rarely present in the measurement processPresent-day behavior predicts future behaviorTesting and assessment benefit societyb73Systematic error is associated with:Reliability.ValidityNominal. ScaleInterval scaleb74Which of the following is a type of criterionrelated validity evidence?Concurrent evidencePredictive evidenceInternal consistencyBoth a and b are correct answersa75If a test measures a single construct then:The items should correlate with the total scoreThe items should not correlate with the total score.The test should not correlate with other measures of the same constructThere must be a reliable alternative form.a76Professor X develops a test of emotional intelligence. Which of the following represent convergent and discriminant evidence?The test correlates highly with another test of emotional intelligence and is uncorrelated with self-efficacyThe test correlates with highly with another test of emotional intelligence and is highly correlated with self-efficacyThe test does not correlate with another test of emotional intelligence, but does correlate with self-efficacyThe test does not correlate with other tests of emotional intelligence nor with self- efficacya77An ordinal scale is used to rank order people, objects, or characteristics.FalseBoth are falseBoth are truea78Which scale is the simplest form of measurement?NominalOrdinal. IntervalRatioa79______ tests focus on information acquired through the informal learning that goes on in life.PersonalityAchievementAptitude. Intelligencec80Lets say that a test accurately indicates participants scores on a future criterion (e.g., the PSAT is used to indicate high-school GPA scores). This test would clearly have which of the following?. Face validity. Concurrent validityPredictive validity. Content validityc81If a baseball coach calculates batting averages, what scale would be used?Interval scaleRatio scaleNominal scaleOrdinal scaleb82According to the text, most of the outcome/dependent variable characteristics and attributes measured in educational research probably exist at the ______________ level of measurement.. Nominal. OrdinalIntervalRatiob83Which of the following is most clearly an example of a psychologicaltrait?. Anxiety enduring for months or years. Anxiety over just seeing a spiderShyness when meeting a stranger for the first timeDepression caused by the loss of a ball gamea84All of the following are examples of Intelligence Tests except _________:Wechsler ScalesStanford-BinetMinnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI)Slossonc85Reliability is most simply known as which of the following?.Consistency or stabilityAppropriateness of interpretations on the basis of test scoresWays in which people are the same.A rank order of participants on some characteristica86An ordinal scale is:The simplest form of measurementA rank-order scale of measurementA scale with equal intervals between adjacent numbers. A scale with an absolute zero pointb87Which of the following is not a type of reliability?Test-retestSplit-half. Content. Internal consistencyc88Which of the following statements accurately describes test-retest reliability?Measure of consistency of test scores over timeMeasure of consistency of scores obtained from two equivalent halves of the same testMeasure of consistency with which a test measures a single construct or conceptMeasure of degree of agreement between two or more scorers, judges, or ratersc89Which of the following types of reliability refers to the consistency of test scores over time?Equivalent forms reliabilitySplit-half reliabilityTest-retest reliabilityInter-scorer reliabilitya90Identify the following term that most closely refers to a judgement of the extent to which scores from a test can be used to infer, or predict, the examinees' performance in some activity:. Content reliability. Face validity. Criterion-related validityInference validityc91Which of the following is the correct order of Stevens four levels of measurement?. Ordinal, nominal, ratio, interval. Nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio. Interval, nominal, ordinal, ratio. Ratio, interval, nominal, ordinalc92Which is the process of gathering evidence supporting inferences based test scores?. ValidationValidityReliabilityPredictiona93When evaluating tests and assessments, reliability refers to asking ourselves which of the following questions?.Does it measure what it is supposed to measure?.Are there ways to avoid subjective judgments when measuring something?Does it give consistent results?.Does it measure multiple constructs?c94Validity of a test designed to measure a construct such as self-esteem is best described by which of the following?Scores from the test correlate highly with most intelligence testsScores from the test correlate highly with most tests of different constructsScores from the test are not correlated with anythingScores from the test have a relatively strong and positive correlation with other tests of thed95Which type of reliability refers to the consistency of a group of individuals' scores on twoequivalent forms of a test designed to measure the same characteristic?Split-halfTest-retestSplit-formsEquivalent formsd96Achievement tests are designed to measure the degree of learning that has taken place after a person has been exposed to a specific learning experience.TrueFalseBoth are falseBoth are truea97_________ refers to how well the particular sample of behaviors used to measure a characteristic reflects the entire domain of behaviors that constitutes that characteristic.. Construct validity evidence. Criterion-related validity evidence. Content validity evidenceFace validity evidencec98Which of the following is a type of criterionrelated validity evidence?Concurrent evidence.Predictive evidenceInternal consistencyBoth a and b are correct answersd99This is not a type of scaleRatingRankingPreferenceMeterd100Measures are methods or techniques for describing and assessing attributes of objects that are of concern to us.FalseBoth are falseBoth are truea