Stacey: Carey: Stacey: Carey: Core January 2013 Implementation Q & A Ok. Official welcome everyone to your HMBA Core Implementation call with me, Carey Peters, and of course the illustrious Stacey Morgenstern. We are excited to be here with you for this entire 90 minutes where we get to coach on ALL your burning questions, in particular, anything we covered in our last training call in Core, which was about a simple pre-qualification strategy that helps weed out really draining and uncommitted prospects, and also an automated scheduling system so you can completely eliminate the back and forth time-draining emails to schedule and reschedule appointments with your clients. So, a couple of announcements before we dive in today. First of all, you have two tickets to Holistic MBA Live, WOOOO, for you and friend. That’s gonna be May 3 rd -5 th in Brooklyn New York, and to reserve your ticket go to HMBALive.com/Seat Deposit. That will give you all the information about the seat deposit. When you come to the event, you’re handed your deposit back. We do that because our hotel and event planners really need to know ‘who’ is exactly coming, and after doing, I think this is our 5 th event, wait, is it our 5 th ? Yup. Wow, it feels like our 100 th and it’s only number 5. (laughter) With the seat deposit, our team has found that this is the best and easiest way to go. So again, you’ll reserve your ticket at HMBALive.com/SeatDeposit, and then you can also have a friend reserve a seat. This is a really long URL and my guess is it’s on your Facebook page or your member’s area or both. It’s HMBALive.com/LiveMay2013SeatDepositFriend.html. If you have any questions about where to get URL’s, where to get tickets, you can always email support at [email protected]. I encourage you to get your tickets because they will sell out and they always do, and I don’t want you to be stuck. So go ahead and take

Core January 2013 Implementation Q & A

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Stacey: Carey: Stacey: Carey:

Core January 2013 Implementation Q & A Ok. Official welcome everyone to your HMBA Core Implementation call with me, Carey Peters, and of course the illustrious Stacey Morgenstern. We are excited to be here with you for this entire 90 minutes where we get to coach on ALL your burning questions, in particular, anything we covered in our last training call in Core, which was about a simple pre-qualification strategy that helps weed out really draining and uncommitted prospects, and also an automated scheduling system so you can completely eliminate the back and forth time-draining emails to schedule and reschedule appointments with your clients. So, a couple of announcements before we dive in today. First of all, you have two tickets to Holistic MBA Live, WOOOO, for you and friend. That’s gonna be May 3rd-5th in Brooklyn New York, and to reserve your ticket go to HMBALive.com/Seat Deposit. That will give you all the information about the seat deposit. When you come to the event, you’re handed your deposit back. We do that because our hotel and event planners really need to know ‘who’ is exactly coming, and after doing, I think this is our 5th event, wait, is it our 5th? Yup. Wow, it feels like our 100th and it’s only number 5. (laughter) With the seat deposit, our team has found that this is the best and easiest way to go. So again, you’ll reserve your ticket at HMBALive.com/SeatDeposit, and then you can also have a friend reserve a seat. This is a really long URL and my guess is it’s on your Facebook page or your member’s area or both. It’s HMBALive.com/LiveMay2013SeatDepositFriend.html. If you have any questions about where to get URL’s, where to get tickets, you can always email support at [email protected]. I encourage you to get your tickets because they will sell out and they always do, and I don’t want you to be stuck. So go ahead and take


Stacey: Carey: Stacey: Carey: Stacey: Carey:

care of the details, and I know how easy to is to go, “Ehh, I’ll do that tomorrow”. I do that with the events I attend, and I have to remind myself, “no, get the ticket now…book the hotel room and just get it done”. And I just wanted to remind everyone that we do have our Core bonus day on May 2nd, so you’ll actually arrive on the 1st, on the 2nd we have our bonus day, and then the 3rd, 4th, and 5th is the actual HMBA Live, which you know is going to be a rockin good time and getting a whole lot of stuff done in your business on site at the event…plus connecting with the fabulous community. That bonus day is focusing on transformational speaking…the idea that if you want to change the world, then tell a better story. Love it. That’s a fun, fun day. Both the retreat and the one day are going to be at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge, but don’t just call and randomly book a room there because we have a special rate for the Holistic MBA group for $219 per night, which in New York is very challenging to get. You want to make sure you call, and I’m sure you’re seen the hotel number, but let me repeat it. It’s 877-513-6305, and let them know you’re with the Holistic MBA group so that you can get a reservation rate. One last thing on that before we open up today’s call on do some Spotlight coaching. Umm, if you are wanting to share rooms with people, we will not be pairing you up or anything like that, but id you want to pair yourselves up, you can certainly post on the Facebook page or on the Holistic MBA Facebook page, which is Facebook.com/HolisticMBA. So yes, if you want to find people to share a room with, that will reduce your cost for staying that the hotel. And it’s fun. And it’s fun. It’s fun to dress up with your roommates for the little black dress cocktail party and everything.


Stacey: Carey:

I’ve heard one or two of the guys that are coming are also looking for black dresses, so… Oh good…we love a man in a dress. Ok, well one final announcement is that the small group mastermind is on Monday March 18th at 12:30 p.m. Pacific and 3:30 p.m. Eastern, and that’s of course a place where you can connect with your tribe, be with your community in a small group so you can get feedback, so you can celebrate, so you can get inspired, so you can get the energy of what we’re all doing here. So before we get into coaching, I just want everyone to take about 30 second and we’re gonna jot a few things down. The first thing I want you to jot down I something that’s going well for you, and that can either be in your business, or your personal life, or a combination of both. We’ll just take a minutes to have you jot that down. And the second thing I’d like you to jot down is what outcome you’d like to have from the call today…in other words, when you hang up the phone, what do you want to be able to do or accomplish, because of something you discovered on the call? Do you have a particular income goal, or a certain amount of clients you want to work with, is there a certain amount of talks you’d like to book? What is the goal or outcome that’s top of your mind today? I want you to jot that down. As you’re doing that, just as a reminder that when you are participating in a group call, sometimes when I’m on group calls or on trainings, I actually don’t speak on the call, but I get so much from listening that I know the nugget you’re looking for, that outcome and answer to that question you have is going to be on this call today, so I want to make sure we identify it now so you’re clear about what your intention is for this time. Just remember that everyone who is speaking is kinda speaking for everyone. In other words, if there’s one person on asking a question, they’re probably speaking for 20-30 other people on the call.


Stacey: Angela: Stacey: Angela: Carey: Angela:

And also just a reminder, ‘yes’ we can answer questions about the simple client enrolment system about prequalifying emails, we can answer questions about block scheduling, but I also want you to know that if you have something else on your mind, maybe you have a coaching challenge with a client that you need help with, maybe you have a partnership opportunity or a referral opportunity that’s up for you and you need some help on that. Whatever it is, you’re certainly welcome to bring it to this call. So for those of you who are live, you’ll press *2 to raise your hand, and then if you’re on the webcast, you’ll simply type in your question or comment in the box on the webcast page and then click submit. If Stacey unmutes you, you’ll share your name, something that’s going well, and then what you would like support on. Great, going to last four digits 7689. Hello, this I Angela. Hello. Hi there…what’s going well for me? Well, I think in general I’m starting to feel a lot more confident with marketing myself and putting myself out there, which has been a big challenge for me, so that’s pretty exciting. I actually booked my first talk in addition to that, so that feels really good. Wonderful…congratulations. Thank you. So I had two questions for you guys today…one is a logistical one, and one is more of a personal struggle that I’m sorta dealing with. So one client I’ve been working with to date, it happened with two or three clients actually, but it’s in regards to when they book a package and they are going through the program, we have 6 sessions in the program, and it comes to session 5 or 6, and they start to do a lot of rescheduling or cancelling. It’s never at the last minute so I’m ok with it, they can reschedule if they need to, but what I’m finding now is that they’re continually


Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Stacey:

rescheduling this last session of ours, and I’m just not quite sure how to proceed with the follow up with them. I don’t want to seem too pushy, but at the same time I want to complete the work that we’ve done together, so I just wanted to get your insight on that. Yeah, so let me just make sure I understand…so in the 5th or 6th session, and there 6 sessions total in the program that you’re speaking about? That’s right. Ok, great. And then just quickly if you could share the personal issue. Oh, the second question? Sure. That was something where I was looking through the notes from the call we did I guess it was last week on the third call, and there was something you said about allowing the yin and the feminine energy of receiving, and I thought that was really interesting because it’s certainly something that I struggle with, and I actually had a session with a body worker yesterday, and one of the things that she mentioned to me was “how are you with receiving”? You know, you need to let go and receive and know that you can be safe, so I was curious if you guys have any recommendations or any practices that you would suggest to help me tap into that energy. For sure…cool. Thank you for sharing that second piece. Stacey, is it ok if we go back and address the first question? Of course. So, it’s funny because we just gave a talk about this very thing to 1,500 coaches about where clients will drop out, or stop showing up, or tend to cancel appointments and postpone/reschedule, like what you’re talking about…perpetual postponement. So what happens there is, so your program is 6 weeks long, and in every program there is a cycle of what looks like sabotage. We call it the self-sabotage cycle…it’s not really sabotage because there is an underlying game that they’re playing, they may not


Angela: Stacey:

know that they’re playing it, but there is an underlying game that they’re playing to win. So there’s different places of a program where somebody will kinda fall off track, or not do their action steps, and maybe they don’t show up because they’re disappointed in themselves and they’re worried about the judgment that you may have, that you may not like them, or you might be disappointed. Something like that is going on in the middle of the program. At the end of the program, they don’t want it to end, and if they just continually cancel their appointment or miss the session, then there remains an open loop. Now this is irrational, right? They’re not actually getting the benefit of the session, right? So they’re not actually getting the underlying benefit of the work they would be doing if they were showing up, but the underlying of it is the fear of loss of your support and accountability, and for some people that may even feel like an abandonment, like “we’ve been having this relationship and now you’re about to abandon me because we’re coming to completion”. They’ll cancel so they can remain an open loop and they can continue some illusion for themselves that we are still in relationship, even though they’re not actually showing up for a session. Does that make sense so far? Yes, absolutely. So, we’ll talk about what to do now and we’ll also talk about prevention so it’s not happening for other clients. Prevention is something we called pre-framing, and in a 6-week program, it might not happen other times, like you may or may not get this in the beginning or middle, or just towards the end. Some point during the program, things are going really, really well, like there’s a peak where the client is just on fire. You can say, it’s awesome, things are going so well for you and I want to appreciate this amazing level of engagement. And sometimes after a peak, there can be a crash, and I just want to give you some context as to where this may happen. In case it does happen to you, you’ll recognize it immediately, and know how to handle it. And may happen to you…and it may not happen, but



just in case it does…you may be tempted to miss your appointment or cancel, or something important will seem to take precedence, and it will seem totally logical that you need to go do that thing instead of show up to your appointment , like this is gonna be the one where you go, “let me put that on to the back burner and do it later because these other things are more important”. And, it could also look like you not going to yoga when you said you were going to, eating too much, falling into some of your own patterns, feeling stressed out and border depressed and eating a pint of ben and jerry’s, and binging, and checking out while you’re doing it. Whatever it is that comes up, I want you to recognize it with curiosity and not judgment. You’ll say, “oh, Angela told me that was gonna happen…and there it is, wow. Isn’t that interesting. I’m curious about that”. I totally am tempted to miss the appointment, and so if this happens to you in this next week or toward the end of this program, I ant you to email me with awareness that it is happening, and above all else, I want to encourage you to show up to your appointment, because that exact moment is where the hugest gift is waiting for you in transformation. That’s brilliant. The missing the appointment and all that is part of an old strategy to keep yourself from changing, because for most people we’ve developed years of getting to where we are with the habits that we have, and we’ll be presented with many seemingly logical things to keep that structure and patterning intact, because it’s comfortable and familiar. So whatever it comes up, even if it really is a logical thing, I mean who knows, I know life happens and you may have to go to a funeral, or your car broke down, or whatever it is, please, before you cancel your appointment, I want you to recognize this with curiosity, and I want you to email or call me and just say, “hey, I’m thinking I’m gonna move my appointment or cancel it, or I’m gonna have to miss it…and here’s why. I’m open to the learning


Angela: Stacey: Angela: Stacey:

that is here for me if there is some learning here”. We call that pre-framing, because you’re pre-framing something that might happen. We’re not trying to make it happen by talking about it, but this will happen 85% of the time with a client at some point in their progress. They’ll slip into an old pattern for seemingly rational reasons, and you want to kinda buy into that right? It’s like, well yeah, you do have to go to that funeral. I mean, that’s how extreme it is, and the more times that someone has done it, the more clever their subconscious mind will manipulate the situation that cannot be challenged, that cannot be touched...or it’s really hard to challenge, like a funeral. I think this is such an excellent tool. Something that you mentioned in last weeks call about establishing yourself as a leader, and I love having this as an additional tool to really be more forthright and establish myself as that coach leader…that this might happen, and here’s what to do if it does. Abolsutely…yes. So that’s the pre-framing. Now, you can also take the same thing and come back to her now. Send her a composed and really loving email from this place out of curiosity…like I’m curious for you. I’ve had a thought, and I’ve noticed that you keep rescheduling the appointment, and here’s my thought. It’s occurring to me that maybe you don’t want this to end…or that there’s some little part of you that doesn’t quite want to let go yet…some of your old ways of being. And I’m ready to meet you where you’re at wherever that may be. You’ve been doing such a fantastic job all along, and here’s why it’s been an honor for me to work with you. So it’s a really heartfelt kinda love letter to say ‘this is why it’s been an honor’, and to postpone our sessions is going to have us take a couple steps backwards. Mhmm. So, let’s have a deadline on this. I’m going to invite you, I’m gonna stretch you to have this session scheduled for this week, and I’m gonna open up, I


Angela: Stacey: Angela: Stacey: Angela: Stacey:

know we normally only do our appointments on Tuesday’s or whatever day, but I understand that sometimes life circumstances sometimes do happen. Here’s what I’m gonna ask…that you do the session this week. Here’s a link to my calendar when you can schedule, and let’s agree it’s gonna be this week, because what I’ve seen in my experience working with many clients, is that if we keep postponing this, you regress. Ok. And what if they were to respond with, “You know what, let’s just forget about it…we can cancel”. I did have one women recently who had tried to reschedule several times, or wanted to reschedule several times, and I ended up cancelling the last time she did that. Had she paid you already? Yes, so she’s paid in full. She had 1 session left, and she said, “I’m really sorry to do this but I do have to reschedule again…next week will work for me, or we can cancel it…I understand it’s pretty last minute”. Ok, so there’s two things going on there and I’m curious to know your sense of it. Is it that she wasn’t valuing the work, or she’s not ready to go further? I don’t know. That’s a good question and I was asking myself that. I feel like it might be a mix of both. I feel like maybe she feels like she’s gotten what she came to get, but I think also when we started to do some of the coaching, because a big issue for her is around putting herself first, one of the paradigms we talk about is you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others, or in order to take care of others. I know that is something she found very profound but also very challenging. I think it’s a bit of a mix for her. Here’s a situation where it sounds to me this particular client, without knowing anything further I’m making a generalization here, but it sounds to me like she was a little full…that she had received the amount of change that she was ready to achieve, now. So what I would say is, depending on whether you still have a desire to


Angela: Stacey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela:

support her, or feel like there’s more you could possibly do together, either you say “great” and have some kind of closure ritual like sending her a love letter of appreciation of her evolution and journey, or you can also send that to her plus saying “and, when you’re ready to take this further and deeper, here’s where I think this can go next. Ok, great. Yeah, you’re welcome. And as far as the valuing your own work thing…that’s a whole other thing that we can touch upon if that is coming up for you again. Let’s touch on that in the future. Can you remind me what was the personal question? Yeah, so the personal question was about being able to receive, about allowing the energy of receiving. Mhmm, and any practices around it that might help. That’s right…yup. Like any meditations, or practices that may help me tap into that energy. Well, I have one Stacey. Just a question for you, do you have a thought for, because I think this is great for everyone on the call. Chances are, we’re just people who give and help and serve, and we’re more comfortable in that than being served, or being helped. Would you say that’s accurate for you? Yes, for sure. So if you just imagine a scenario where…what’s something you usually have to do for yourself? I love to stretch and foam roll. That’s something I have to do for myself regularly. No, no, no, what was the thing? Sorry, I didn’t hear it. Like stretching and foam rolling to make myself feel good. That’s something that I have to do for myself.


Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela:

What’s something that you don’t particularly like, like a chore…a chore that you have to do for yourself. Laundry. Laundry, ok. So let’s imagine, hypothetically, that the laundry fairy comes to your house and is like, “you know what, I’m gonna do all your laundry for the next two weeks. You’re off laundry duty”. How would that make you feel? Amazing…amazing. It would. So when you think about receiving, what feels uncomfortable to you or what feels scary? Umm, I guess it depends on the type of receiving, so, two things that it shows up as for me is compliments. I love to be praised and it makes me feel amazing afterward, but in the moment it’s sorta uncomfortable. Another part is people giving me bigger help. A perfect example is I’m getting married later this year and right now I’m getting emotional about it. I feel really uncomfortable with people helping me, like helping me to organize it, helping me come up with ideas, just anyone doing bigger things for me. What specifically feels uncomfortable about that? A bit of it is ‘why’ are they doing that, but another part of it is…I don’t know, like how can I repay them? Or, I don’t know how I will repay them? So is it a sense then of obligation? I think there might be an element of that. And how do you feel about receiving money, like in your business? I think I’m ok with it. When I do the money exercises you give us, I don’t really have a problem with it. I’m pretty committed to making a good income. I’m


Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela:

definitely struggling with raising my rates, so I guess there is some concern around that, but I feel like the work I do is valuable and I should be paid well for it. Yes, and when you think of raising our rates, what’s uncomfortable about that? I think it’s a comparison thing…like why would someone pay me that much money when they can see someone who has more experience or is a doctor or naturopath? Sure, sure. What do you think you will have to do in return to merit that amount of money? Get amazing results. Yeah, so do you see how that’s connected to the wedding? Mmmm, no. (laughter) I’ll just tell you want I’m hearing. Is there someone giving to you on a large scale, then the sequence in your mind says an obligation follows…that now you owe them a lot, and possibly more than you can repay. Ok, yup. So all of a sudden, this gift that someone has given you actually becomes, in your mind, a pretty serious burden. Mmmm, wow. And it’s upsetting to you…it’s really, really emotionally upsetting to you. Is this resonating? Absolutely. So you see how higher fees are connected? Mhmmm, very much.


Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey:

Yeah, so as your business is gonna grow, there’s two things I wanna share. One is the image of…how old are you if you don’t mind me asking? 34. 34. So as we’re going into, I’m 38, so as we’re going into our 30’s, we’re kinda graduating as it were…I learned this from Mark David who’s the founder of the institute of the psychology of eating, so we’re graduating to a new archetype. We were a princess once in our lives, a young woman out there making it, princess in a positive sense and not a derogatory sense, but like a beautiful princess kinda sense, and in our 30’s we’re graduating into the archetype of Queen in training. In other words, we’re moving from a princess going “is my dress pretty, do I look ok”, and the energy is coming out of her, and then when you think of a Queen on a throne, and what happens around her? People do things for her. They do…and how does she receive that? Gracefully I would imagine. I would imagine that too. When I see her in my mind, I see her sitting on a throne and that exact word comes to mind…gracefully. Does she owe them anything? No. No, I mean she’s Queen, so what she owes them is being in her roll of being in her leadership and being in her ownership. That is what she owes them. That fair exchange. So, what you get to explore in your life, and as a business owner, I think this is a really extraordinary process for women because we can have it all, but we can’t have it all doing it all by ourselves. There’s going to be ways in which your business is going to ask you to receive more and more…whether it’s money, whether it’s a team member doing a lot of work for you, whether it’s receiving adoration from hundreds of people or thousands of people, whether it’s


Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey:

receiving a book deal, or receiving a TV show…there are all kinds of ways in which your business is going to ask you to be the receiver of larger things. Ok. And you almost want to start imagining yourself, walking through the world, as if you were that queen on the throne. And you’re in training, so you don’t have to know for sure. This is just what if, playing around, imagining. What if the people and things around you, even things meaning money, because we live in an energetic universe so everything is a reflection of energy, so if everything around you is moving to serve you, then what might that experience be like? Mmmm. When you imagine into it, do you get a sense of what that may be like for you? Umm, I’m just writing that down. Everything around me is to serve me. It just feels very supportive, and again I’m really tapping into that idea of leadership, which is certainly a new phase for me being a leader, and I think learning to associate being in that Queen role as being a leader, rather than in the past when someone said imagine a queen, I would have thought, “oh, that’s just a bossy person, bossing people around”. Right, right. I think that’s a really helpful reframe. Yeah, it’s a part of our evolution, and I think a business, and certainly your wedding is a great example of this, that what if you were…are you by any chance in the arts at all? No, I used to be, but not anymore. In what way were you involved?


Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela: Carey: Angela:

I studied dance for a long time and I worked with performing artists as a manager of classical musicians. Oh wow, ok great. So what if you were to imagine, this is another metaphor, that you were the musician, and you let spirit, universe, whatever be the manager? Mmmm. Yes, very powerful…very challenging. Yes, because your job was being the manager…right? So there is a competence level that you’re really good at. When you think about being the manager, or you think about being the Queen, there’s a part of you going “wait, I know how to operate this and make this work and make that work”, and that’s true…you do. It doesn’t mean that the skill of yours won’t be used, but what it does mean is you use that skill from a leadership perspective and then allow others to be the ones that do the moving around, and actual managing. Ok…wow. Thank you. That’s wonderful, lot’s to think about. I’m looking forward to listening to the recording again. Yeah, I would suggest this for everyone, because this has been a learning curve for everyone. I mean, I don’t know who doesn’t go through this learning curve, and that the sense of receiving is also…I’m gonna throw in one more concept…that the sense of receiving is a key part of your essence as a woman. For the guys on the call, you have feminine and masculine too, but for most women, 95% or so, they’re main gender essence is feminine, and we also have masculine as well. When you get to bring that feminine forward in a way that is graceful, then you start being an attraction magnet…it’s a little crazy. Cool. More to come, more to come on that. Excellent. Thank you both…I really appreciate your time.


Stacey: Carey: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey:

You’re welcome. Thank you for your question…I wish we had 10 hours for that to go even deeper. You did really great coaching on that. Let’s go to last four digits 2245. Hi, it’s Sherri Berri. Hello Sherri Berri. How are you? Good. Ok, here’s what’s going good for me. Today I did have an opportunity to meet with a cardiologist. I’m a Nurse Practitioner going into the wellness area, and I had the chance to meet with the cardiologist today who’s a big up-and-coming, and he’s looking for someone that does wellness, and I got to interview with him today. So here’s where my dilemma comes in because now I’m scared. He’s big and has a lot of things going on, and I have to prepare some programs and actually show him what I can bring to the table…which has now made me nervous. I need to get through this, because I wasn’t afraid before….now I’m afraid. And what are you afraid of? I am afraid that I might just not be good enough. Hmm, and I wonder how you know to think that. You know, that’s been coming up for me quite a bit lately in different areas and aspects of my life, so I’ve been trying to look back to see where it actually began, and it goes way back. No doubt.


Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri:

Can you remember the first time? You know, the first thing that’s coming to my mind is when I overheard my Aunt tell my Mother that none of her children would ever amount to everything. Owi Owi Owi. How old were you then? You know, I don’t remember exactly how old I was, but I had to have been younger than 7. Mhmm. And what did you Mom say? I don’t have any doubt that my children will amount to something. Whatever it is that you’re trying to do to me, don’t put it on my children…something to that effect. Mmmm. So she was sticking up for you. Oh yes, she always did. Aww. Great...thank you Sherri. When you heard that, what was the younger you deciding? That I had to be something. Or else what? Otherwise, I’d be just like my Aunt said, and not amount to anything. Yeah, and then she would be right. And are both your Mother and your Aunt still living? Yes. Ok. So, if you were to…let me ask a different question. What might someone be believing to have the experience that they’re not enough, and that they’ll amount to nothing? They would have to believe that they’re not good enough to do the things that need to be done. They


Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri:

would have to believe that they just don’t have what it takes, that they’re not smart enough. And it’s all a façade…it’s not even real. Well, it’s a s real as the experience we’re having. (laughter) As I listen to myself say it, I’m like, ”well that’s not you”. That could be somebody, but that’s not me. That’s right…that’s not you. That’s your Aunt. That’s her problem. I’ve done more than any of her children have. And they’re doing exactly the best they can with what they have. Exactly…which is great. Which is all great. Because we’re all individuals, and we have to do what it is we can do. Yeah…absolutely. Excellent. So how would you like to feel when you go in and talk to this big doctor? I would like to feel very confident about what I was going to present to him. Excellent…and how will you know when you’re feeling confident? When I sit down and put in the time to compare the information, and make sure that I know it really well. Yeah, and what specifically do you need to prepare? He wants to know how, since I don’t really have the experience in the wellness area, he wants to know what I would bring to the table. How would I actually work with the clients, what would be my plan, and how would I implement it?


Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey:

Ok, and do you have a sense of what that is? I have a lot of stuff, but I haven’t really taken the time to go through it like I should to get my plans ready, so this is the great fire under my tail to get me going. And when is this meeting? April 4th. Ok great. Look at you planning ahead. Yes, I’m trying. Well I see that you really want to be prepared. I really do, for once in my life I want to be extremely prepared, and I want to show who I really am as opposed to my last minute person. Yeah…great. So that part of you that is taking the step forward and kinda interacting with others in the world, this part that plans ahead and doesn’t wait till the last minute because that was a different part of you. That’s still there, and we want to honor and love that part of you that waits till the last minute because that’s sometimes the fire we need under our butts, but what I’m hearing is that’s not the experience you want to have, because that sounds like a whole cycle of panic, and then get it done, and then get a result. But maybe we can get the result without having to go through all that panic. Right. So you’re giving yourself lots of time to do that. Now when you say it’s April 4th, does that feel far away, or does it feel last minute? It feels like good time. It doesn’t feel far away, but it doesn’t feel like last minute either. Excellent. You’re asking for help, meaning you are


Sherri: Stacey:

What I would like you to do Sherri is going to be prepared. You’re going to need to make a list of all of the things that need to happen in order for you to feel prepared, and of that list, what questions will you have or can you anticipate that he might have, so that you can also prepare how to respond? That’s what this community is so great for. You’re making this list of all the things that need to happen, so whether it’s like, “I need to create this program and this program and explain how to deliver it”. Here’s a question I’m not sure about, or here’s where I get confused. I don’t know if it should be a 3-month program, or a 6-week program, or should I have different program options. Does that make sense? I’m just giving you some practical coaching on how to make a plan and anticipate where confusion arises so we can figure out exactly how to handle it, which is an equation for confidence stepping into that meeting, because you will have already thought out those questions he might ask you. Maybe he’ll ask you one or two you haven’t thought of, but that’s fine, because at that point you’ve already established such good rapport and leadership with him because you cam prepared, that that’s gonna be insignificant. Cool. How is that for you, when you envision now, having this, working on it for the next four weeks as you really get to know it, because part of research is that you really get to know something. Now, when you make a picture for yourself, going and meeting with this doctor and having done already what I just mentioned and gotten feedback from this group and me and Carey, the experience of walking in is what? It’s that of confidence and security. Let’s even elevate that. What would be an elevation of confidence and security? If you amplified that, let’s turn up confidence and security, like if there was a little radio dial and we’re turning the volume up past 10. Load that up in your body and go ahead and breathe that in. We’re turning that dial up and turning that dial up, and


Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey:

confidence and security is being amplified, and you’ve got your papers in your pocket and you know what you’re gonna say, and whatever he throws at you, you’ve already thought of it. What’s that feeling? That feeling is…I can feel it but I can’t think of the word. It’s almost like arrogance, but it’s not arrogance, because it’s real. Yeah, not like blowing smoke. Is it like an ‘I got this’? Yeah! I can do this, because this is who I am…it represents me. That’s right. And you are somebody who has already amounted to so much, and through this process, regardless of whatever his response is… I’ll be prepared for whatever he says. That’s right, and here’s one little key, and then we’ll complete on this one…is passionate detachment. Passionate detachment is that you’re passionate about you delivering your message in the best way you can, and you standing your ground like, “this is who I am, and I got this, and I know that what I’m doing is in service to people”. Right? That this is something that could genuinely help people. That’s the commitment. That’s what your anchor point is. You’re so passionate that what you’re presenting to this doctor is enough. It’s more than enough…it’s the best that I’ve got, and detached from whatever his opinion of it is. He might be falling in love with you, and going ‘oh my God, this is amazing’, and on the other side, he might just go “I don’t know if this is a great match”. Either way…you know when you’re in a relationship and find out that wasn’t the one, or it started off great and then 6 months later it’s like errr…to know that every relationship is preparation for the next. So whatever happens in this meeting, this is preparation for you going big…that this one doesn’t mean anything about you…good or bad. It’s just you staying in your truth, and that’s what keeps you in alignment. Who knows


Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Stacey: Sherri: Carey:

what opportunities this will open up to you, just the energetics of you feeling aligned with yourself and getting confident, claiming this is who you are. That frequency opens up opportunities, because people are attracted to that. Does that make sense? It makes sense. Awesome, well Sherri, you have your homework for you. I do, and I’m excited. Thank you. Thank you…thank you so much. Stacey that was great. Great coaching…I loved listening to that and I learned so much from what you just did, so thank you, and thank you Sherri. I just want to mention to everyone on the call that when you’re going to partner with someone, whether it’s a doctor, or a corporation, or a chiropractor, and they say “go write me a proposal or go write me a program”, you want to make sure you ask “Ok, I’m happy to do that, so let me ask you a couple questions to understand what you want’. For the cardiologist for example…what result does he wants his patients to have, so you can build your program around that. You need to ask more questions about what the person wants. Now sometimes they don’t know, so you sorta have to be like an interviewer, but you don’t want to walk away from the situation feeling enormous pressure, like ‘oh, I have to come up with something out of the blue, and I hope it pleases this person”. You don’t want to put yourself in that situation. You want to make sure you’re asking “what is it you’d like to see happen by the time a patient is finished with program X”? Ok great, let me go work on what I think that looks like. This will help you feel like you have a starting point, practically speaking, and you’re not just making something up out of thin air and hoping it’s right.


Stacey: Carey: Stacey:

I’m so glad you said that. I want to just point to a webcast question real quick, “When you’re creating a program or free community event, how do you decide what’s crucial to teach and what’s not crucial to teach”? We have so much stuff, tools, knowledge, and practices that we want to give away but we’re having trouble making it concise and to the point and powerful. How do you ladies decide what is in the program and what isn’t? Excellent. So, what is in the program or what is in the talk they’re gonna give? It just says what is in the program or free community event. Ok, let’s focus on the free community event. So any time you’re doing any event or workshop of any kind, you’re going to see this in action when we do the Core 1 day Retreat around transformational speaking because we’re actually gonna give you a template of a talk, how the talk is structures, what content you include, and we’re gonna have you create your own signature talk at the event. This is gonna be really helpful for those of you who want to be doing events and workshops and you have this question. The short answer to this question is, for any short talk or event that you’re doing, the content that you put in it is always based on “what is the offer you’re making at this event”…in other words, what is the nest step you’re gonna be asking someone to take? Hypothetically, let’s just say that at the free event, you’re gonna be asking people there to have a closing the deal conversation with you. Maybe it’s a Get Fit Strategy Session with you, or Weight Loss Breakthrough Session, or whatever the title is. Given that, you’re only gonna share pieces of content that are about that topic, that really point to people’s pain about how they try to lose weight and how they haven’t been able to lose weight. Reasons why they might not to come talk to you: maybe they think they’ve tried everything and nothing



else is going to work for them. You’re not teaching people everything you know…ever. You’d be in the room with people for 3 years because you know a lot…even if you think you don’t. You’re always teaching the key point about a topic that are engaging people. They learn something and think it’s awesome, AND I want to know more. We’re going to show you exactly how to do that at the transformational speaking retreat. Awesome…one more on the webcast and then we’ll go to a live caller. Bridgette saying the money tracking is so enlightening. I started off strong tracking things, and then tapered off and stopped paying attention. Well you’re right Carey…money loves attention and I saw that play out in a big way this month. My husband got his bonus and we didn’t really have a plan for it. Just a couple days later, we got hit with a very large emergency home-improvement project. Still dealing with it, but I think it’s gonna completely eat up the bonus. I see now that our money speedometer is set at a certain limit…that never occurred to me before. Now I want to get clear on how to increase our speedometer so we can keep, and better yet enjoy, the money we bring in. Any tips? Yeah, first of all, I want to congratulate you for so many things. First, for doing the exercise. I cannot tell you how many people do not…and you know who you are. Or they’ll start it and then kinda peter out with it because it just starts triggering too many things. The second thing I want to congratulate you for is the awareness that you had around exactly what happened, and going “oh, this happened because our money point is set at this particular place”. Just those two things alone I think you deserve a lot of props for. As far as tips to increase the money speedometer, one thing you already know is when you have sums of money coming in, making sure there is a plan for that money, even if the plan is $2k into savings, or $3k into


a miscellaneous fund. Whatever it might be, you want to make sure it’s named because money does like to know it has a place to go to, and a destination. So that’s step 1. Step 2 to increasing your money speedometer is you have to know what it is to start. Just for those who are going, “wait a minute, how do you calculate that again”, this is something you want to calculate for yourself every three to four months…every quarter as you’re starting out. What you do is take your last 12 months of gross income, I usually write them out on a little post-it, all 12 months, and then you circle you 5 highest months and add those up. Once they’re added up, then you divide that by 5. That number is your current money speedometer. Now this was in Core January call 1 if you want to go back and listen to the recording. What you do to gradually increase it is you set your bold money goal for the month a little bit higher than your current speedometer. You start to ask yourself, “how many clients and in what programs get me to this number”? Then you chunk that down to how many closing the deal conversations is that, and then you start moving toward that goal. What you’ll find once you do that is that money will start coming out of unusual places and clients are saying yes all the time, because you’re intentionally moving that forward. Then the next one you reach or exceed your bold money goal, and sometimes you don’t hit it, but that’s ok, because you probably made more than you would have if you didn’t set one. Then the next one, you say ok, my goal is X, and no moving through the motions how am I getting to X? Then you will gradually increase your bold money goal, and every couple months you check on your speedometer and you’re gonna notice that increases as well. It might be valuable for you and your husband to write down something that my coach did with me once. What is your A list and B list of priorities for money…in other words, if you had to put three to five of the most


Stacey: Carey: Stacey: Carey: Stacey: Carey: Stacey: Christina:

important things to invest money in on the A list, what would those be? By invest, I mean spend. These things are important, so that means money is the tool to invest in these things that are important to you. And then, you would have your B List, which is those three to five things that are next in line in terms of importance. The thing that’s useful about that is let’s say your husband gets a bonus again, or let’s say a family member passes away and you have an inheritance, or let’s say you get some kind of reimbursement for something you didn’t expect, and you go, “Ahh”. It’s easy to go back to that A List and go “ok, our priorities are savings and whatever else your priorities are. You almost have that plan and shape for where that money is gonna go real fast, so you’re not stuck in a place of limbo. Mmmm, that’s great. And also we will have our money breakthrough call… I think we already did it in January. Is that true? Let’s check in on that. We don’t know the schedule. People just tell us where to go. (laughter) We’ll check in on that, but throughout Core we will be doing deeper money work for sure. It’s an ongoing conversation. Mhmmm, absolutely. Ok, let’s go to last four digits, 8083. Oh, that’s me. It’s Christina. Wow, it’s really hard coming in after two calls because there’s been a few Aha’s in between, and I’m like “maybe I should say this”, then “no, wait, what was I gonna say again”? I guess what’s been going well for me is I’ve had a couple conversations with Joshua that have been really helpful, around my niche, although it’s not completely defined, I’m changing the name of my company, which


Stacey: Christina Stacey:

my original idea and reason for going into health and wellness, but at least I’m starting to get a name in my head for my dot com and for the name of the business, which helps me focus on my niche so it makes more sense. What I had some questions about…I just got a really, mmm, not disturbing, but it’s disturbing me…an email from a neighbor of mine who I did my first closing the deal session with a couple of weeks ago, and I wasn’t entirely comfortable going to him in the first place, but he’s a good friend and a neighbor, and he’s in a lot of pain with health issues regarding his back and weight. I knew I could help him but he’s got a very strong personality, he’s not in my niche what-so-ever…I’m focused on women over 40 who have gone through childbirth and want to find themselves again, and maybe lose the last of their baby weight, so he’s not in that category at all. The closing the deal was one of my first ones and it didn’t go as well as...well, it kinda went as I would have expected it to because I don’t have much practice, but one question I have about the closing the deal conversation, even after going through it on video and with the transcript, it wasn’t very clear about when to bring up how much it costs….and I think I screwed it up in his presentation, and I may have jumped the gun and that’s why maybe it didn’t go as well. Ok, so first of all I want to congratulate you for doing your first closing the deal conversation. Well thank you. Yeah, that’s awesome…and very exciting. Now, there’s just a little snag that I wanted to address in your languaging, because how we language things does influence our thinking and how we feel and how we act and what results we get. The little snag is when you said, “it was my first one so it went exactly as I expected”.


Christina: Stacey: Christina: Stacey: Christina: Stacey:

Oh, yeah. (laughter) So, just to consider that for a moment, that it went exactly as you expected, and how would you expect it to go next time? That you get what you expect so you might as well expect the best. Right…right. If we expect our own demise, then we get demise, so we actually totally set up the game that we win or lose, depending on the experience. So the little snag there is that going into it and let go of expectations…One time this little saying fell out of my mouth, and it that “love is actually a 3 letter word…the E is just expectation”. (laughter) So we go into a session by blessing the client, showering the client with love, and releasing expectation that they’re supposed to get anything, that we’re supposed to do something or get something…and that we’re two people coming together in a space. Whatever we can bring into that space is a loving acceptance for whatever wants to be shared, or whatever wants to happen next. So that was part 1. In part 2, in sharing the investment, we never say ‘cost’, always say investment because it implies a return. Cost implies output with nothing coming back. Does that make sense? Yes. So a little mindset shift there on that. The investment comes after you do the 6-word magic phrase, so what I hear you saying is you want to move away from X,Y,Z, and you want to move toward A,B,C…do I have that right? Yes, that’s exactly what I want. So if we were following the closing the deal conversation in the question, you’d say, “so if you wanted to work together, when ideally would you like to


get started”? Oh, I’d like to get started today. Great, fantastic, I’m glad to hear that. Or another way of asking that is, “on a scale from 1-10, how ready are you for this to be different”? I’m an 11! Outstanding, when would you like to get started? Yesterday. Fantastic. So we just have one little piece of official business to do before we get started, and actually in fact I want to give you some bonus material today to get started right away. So let’s just take care of one little order of business, and that is the investment. There’s two investment options for this program: Investment option #1 is the best deal, and that is to invest in full. That rate is ____. In Investment option #2, there is a payment plan, and that is 3 payments of _____, or 5 payments of _____, and that will be billed every 30 days. So which option works best for you? Oh, Investment option #1? Great! Let’s actually go ahead and take care of that…and either you’re doing that manually or you’re having him do it manually on his end. Then you say, “great, here’s what I want you to do to get started in this program right away”. You either give him something right then, or you say, “great, I’m going to follow up with you after this call just to confirm that you’re in, you’ll get a welcome email from me, and


Christina: Stacey: Christina: Stacey: Christina: Stacey:

you’re also gonna get some bonus materials so you can get started right away, and even start experiencing results before our first session. That bonus material can be a questionnaire so they’re getting more clear on something, it can be an exercise, it can be a book or e-book, it can be anything. It doesn’t have to be anything that costs you money. It doesn’t have to be something you physically send in the mail. It can simply be a questionnaire or exercise just to get them thinking, because most people are not thinking about themselves. Even the simples questions work well, like “What do you want, what’s your intention, and how would you know you had an outstanding experience in this program”? Just getting them thinking about that is already getting them moving toward their desired state. Ok…ok. Does that make sense: Yeah, it totally does, and I can’t wait to get the transcripts for this. (laughter) So in follow up, it will have been 2 weeks since our conversation, and I sent him that follow-up email only two days later and he said he had to talk with his wife. On the one hand, I don’t really know if I want to work him because he’s a very strong personality, and very much a manly man. It’s a little uncomfortable. Here’s what I would say about that. Simply tune into your intuition for the next 20 seconds, and I want you to just go ahead and scan your body, and notice where resistance lives. Take a deep breath. And if you had eyes that could look at that place where there’s a resistance or notch or uncertainty, and ask that little place right there, “am I meant to work with this person or not”, and get a simple ‘yes or no’. Just trust whatever comes up. Ok. Ok, so what is the answer.


Christina: Stacey: Christina: Stacey: Christina: Stacey: Christina: Stacey: Christina: Stacey: Linda: Stacey: Carey:

No. Excellent…Thank you. What is the learning from that no? To trust my intuition. Absolutely? And how is this person being better served? Is there a better match for him? Yeah. Beautifully done…I just want to acknowledge that…beautifully done, to tune into your body and trust that there was a message there., and when I heard you say ‘no’, it didn’t sound like it was coming from fear or intimidation, ‘this manly-man’, or something like that. It just felt like a simple, matter of fact truth of “I’m not the best fit for that, for where he needs to go”. Yeah: If you want closure on that, you can send him an email and say, “You know, I considered our conversation and you know who I think would be a better match for you? You can then recommend someone for him, or if you don’t know someone to refer him to, you can write 3 qualities that he should be looking for in his coach. Offer that so you still get to be in service to this other human being, who for some reason landed on your path. Ok. Thank you…awesome job. Ok, let’s go to last four digits 1111. Hello, hey this is Linda. Hello. Hey Linda.


Linda: Stacey: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey:

Hi. I opened up my checking account so that was good. Congratulations! Congratulations! I loved it, because when I’m challenged, I better do it. I’m starting to get clients, and I know that’s great and it’s awesome and what I wanted, but it’s just the organizing thing, like getting organized and knowing that…you know, I’m getting really nervous about that. I’m trying to make sure I don’t miss anything, and am I good enough, and I know all this stuff is fear, but it all goes down to being organized and feeling like. Sometimes I just can’t, and I’m looking down at all my papers and everything, and it looks like everything is being thrown into a fan and it goes all over the place. I can’t seem to focus. Sometimes I have a lot of stuff going on, or all the time, so what’s your advice for that? Well first of all, you’re new at this career…yes? Right: As kids, I don’t know, I don’t remember being nervous all the time learning as a child but as an adult, I go to do something new and it is nerve wracking because we’re used to a certain level of knowingness or a certain level of preparedness or readiness or something like that. This is a new endeavor so there is a learning curve and it is not always fun. I actually have one of my best girlfriends here in Chicago just started a new job and last week she looked liked someone had smacked her over the head and her eyes were falling out she was like “Oh my god, this is such a huge learning curve” and I was like “Yeah” the first new job she has had in 8 years I mean, it’s going to be a learning curve. That said in terms of the organization, the thing that has helped me, because there are a lot of moving pieces in this business. The thing that I would recommend…are you a visual person?


Linda: Carey:

Very visual, yeah. Yeah, I got that sense. I would actually recommend you taking out a big piece of paper, blank, turning it on it’s side because you don’t want to have to be constraint by the normal orientation of the page and let yourself start to draw out or write out or both all the different elements that are going to be involved in serving one client. Don’t think about all the others, just think about one. Like, some examples might be, a welcome email to their program, maybe there is a reminder for session one, maybe there is a handout that you need to prepare for session one, maybe there is a reminder for session two or handout for session two. You just want to brainstorm all of that out in front of you so you can visually see it. When it is swimming around in your head it’s going to feel really overwhelming. And this is a technique that you personally, and anyone else that is very visual, can use this over and over and over again as your business begins to grows and shifts. I often have to just take a piece of paper and dump everything down so that I can see what is in front of me. And then, when you have everything on a piece of paper that you have to do to service that one client don’t worry about putting it in order just put it on the paper wherever you want. Then, you can take another piece or move onto a computer, whatever is right for you, and start putting those things in an order. So that you can see like “Oh there is a system, an order to this” and then that paper sort of becomes “How-do-I-handle a-client-administratively-bible” that you always get to refer to. As a matter of fact, you could even make if you want for your clients, a little excel spreadsheet where you put all the items that the client will get in their delivery of the program and then for each client you would have a column next to that and you can check off that she received x, he received y, she received x etc. So that when you look at that page you can rest easy going “Oh I know client x got a welcome email, I know she got a receipt, I know she’s ready for session one, I


Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey:

know she got this, I know I got a testimonial from her etc.” And then you don’t have to feel like you, mentally, that you have to manage all of that in your mind. Ok, yeah I think that’s what weighing me down is just having it in my head 24/7 as I’m going doing everything I need to do. It may feel like “Oh that’s going to take time, I don’t know if I have time” however it’s going to save you a lot of time and energy in the future. But I also feel like I procrastinate with that because… I feel this big kind of, if it’s the fear probably or what it is, like I’d rather dig a 20 foot ditch versus sit down and write and have my brain kind of put all of these things together kind of thing. What will happen when your brain puts all of the pieces together? What happens then? It would probably calm down a little bit and I would have a feeling of being, like a first step of being successful. And how would that be for you? That would be awesome! Are you familiar with a feeling of being sort of having a lot of things going on at once and not totally sure that you have your arms around it all? (laughter) Yeah, like all the time. Yeah, so what you are talking about is moving into a new state of being. Actually the old state is more comfortable at this point, which is fine, because you have that awareness. So you know that you actually will be going against your own pattern in a way so it will likely feel, the fact that you would rather dig a 20 foot ditch instead, makes sense.


Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey:

Yeah. Because then everything would stay in chaos and that is what you are used to. Yeah, I’m pretty much used to that. Yeah, my guess is though that its sounds like it’s not particularly comfortable but it’s familiar. No, it’s extremely uncomfortable but it’s familiar. Yeah, and how is your health these days? Um, I have got issues right now and I know what it is from it is from, just from being in a feeling of chaotic. Yeah. I ask just because it takes a lot of energy to keep that level of chaos going. Yeah, I certainly feel it; I feel it in my health. I don’t have as much energy. My husband lost his job and I’m not sure where we are going to go. And just that, and starting a new business, and thinking that I will probably need to pick up and start somewhere else. So that is sort of playing into it, well not sort of, that’s really playing into it too and in a weird way that is kind of my safety net, knowing well we’re going to have to move so now I don’t have to prove that I’m going to be successful. In the back of my head, is saying that, so I think that is playing a role in this procrastination but I don’t want it to, so _____ going against the old pattern. Let me just tell you practically speaking, I understand, first of all there is a lot going on your plate, right so no wonder. But what you are telling me is that you are familiar with chaos because that is often the case. So, what we end up doing subconsciously, we aren’t doing it intentionally, is recreating the feeling and experience that we are used to. So part of your growth journey in your business is going to be becoming comfortable with creating a new experience for yourself. That said, in terms of the moving and all of that and clients, you


Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey:

almost want to consider, this is, what you are doing is testing the systems and practicing the systems, that’s really all you are doing. Because once you start practicing the Closing the Deal System, the Simple Client Enrollment System, all those pieces you can work with those clients remotely it doesn’t matter where you are physically, you can be on the phone with them. Second of all, you are testing the system so that when you go anywhere, whether you have to move now or in 10 years or you have to move in 5 years, you should be able to pick up and take your business with you. Unless of course you are in a brick and ___ building which is slightly different. But if you are just working with clients, even if you are seeing them in person, ideally you pick up your entire business and go wherever you want at any time. And that is what I want! Yes, so to make that happen it requires practicing the systems initially which is the phase you are in now, you get paid to practice, which is really nice. So, maybe they aren’t the fees you will be charging 5 years from now or 10 years from now but that doesn’t matter. You are being paid to practice the systems and the money is giving you some piece of mind away from the chaos. I just think hiding all these years, with knowing that I didn’t have to prove myself, and getting married you know for reasons of safety and security and you know getting married really for wrong reasons and then now in my 40’s I am supposed to be in the Queen Phase but I’m not, I feel more, I’m not there because I’m building my business and I have young children. Oh, but you are there. I feel like I’m not there and its funny-- Let’s put it this way. The universe is asking you to go there. And isn’t it perfect that you partnered with


Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey:

someone who you initially went to partner with because you wanted safety and security because for whatever reason you may not have felt like that could come through you, that the universe is now offering you an opportunity to say that you are the source of this. What if you were the source of your safety and security? And then you can provide that of course for your children. Sometimes, I think I’d be in really big trouble. You’d be in big trouble. Why would that be? My safety and security. If you were responsible for your safety and security, you’d be in really big trouble? Maybe [laughter]. See, that’s the part of me that says you know, I have that free spirit, free soul kind of thing that sometimes I feel like I don’t want to take life that seriously. So, I guess I just need to rethink that map. Well, yeah but the belief that pre-supposes that you being a Queen and in business is going to be serious. And how do you know it can’t be free spirited, and liberated and full of freedom and fun. I think because for my whole life I’ve wondered, “Why I’m not like the other Mom’s, why can’t I be like the other Mom’s.” You know why can’t I be home at 3:30pm making dinner for my family…. I don’t want to be home at 3:30.. you know why can’t I be like that. So you can see, so for those of us on the call, there are lots of layers of story here and that is okay. We all have layers of story that is what part of the human experience is. There is no one on earth who gets away from that so…so what your choices are is to first of all, you’re going to have private sessions around this, this is great material for either Joshua or Gregory to work with you on. Then start making decisions about practical steps because there is always going to be a story for sure. And you will work on that with Joshua or Gregory and we have done a little of that today, but


Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey:

given everything that we have talked about…what is one practical step you want to take in the next 24 hours? The practical step is getting out that sheet of paper. Yes. And figuring out my 90-Day Client, just writing down, brainstorm. That’s coming up really soon, so one practical step. Great, and what would be fun is after you do that to take a picture of it, with your smart phone or whatever, and post it up on the Facebook page. That would be awesome, yeah. Share it with everyone because that is going to help a lot. So for everyone who is listening, we are all moving through our stories about ourselves, our identities, and all of that as we are building our business. The balance is moving through the story and still taking small practical action steps everyday. And you know yours, so you will go do that and take that photo, and then you can set up yourself all the pieces that need to be set up. You also want to recognize when something actually feels peaceful, for you it’s going to feel uncomfortable. And you just get to go “ah, this is peaceful and weird. I want to make it chaotic. Oh boy, do I want to do that.” And that is okay, it is just noticing that pattern. I think I need to know that chaos is okay. Of course it is okay. Well it is okay as long as it is getting you the outcome that you want. If you are not getting the outcome you want then you just switch your strategy. Ok. That’s all. And okay according to whom would be an interesting question.


Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda: Carey: Linda:

What was that? I said, okay according to whom? According to whom, you’re right. Yeah I can feel that carrot dangling in front of me. I know exactly what I want just getting to it is like jumping over a 500 foot pit that is 20 feet long and I’m right on the edge of that cliff and I want to jump and I know that I can I just don’t know how. Well, you know what the first step is because we discussed it today, your action step. Brainstorming. Yeah. And then the next step is going to be getting a client and then making sure that system that you brainstormed is right and then you get your next client and the next and the next until you have the system. Awesome, yeah. So we are going to complete with that. Does this feel like you understand what you are doing next, when you hang up the phone? Yeah, it does. It really does, thank you. Good. Sure, thank you. Awesome. So were are over time and I know we have lots of hands raised. We apologize to those that had their hands raised and didn’t get to get on today but we will of course be having lots of time to do coaching throughout Core on all of these issues. You can also post on Facebook and also schedule your sessions with Gregory and Joshua. I know many of you have and had incredible breakthroughs from those sessions. You do get 3 sessions total and you can mix and match if you want to do 1 with Gregory and 2 with Joshua that is okay but just know that you have 3 sessions total that you get to use over the course of your Core experience. Great job, awesome coaching Carey!


Carey: Stacey: Carey:

Thank you, you too! Yay, love our tag teaming. See you on the next call everyone. Have a great day everyone! Bye!