1 Coronavirus (Covid-19) Risk Assessments Created July 2020 Last Amended July 2020 Review Date Ongoing Trustees have prepared these Risk Assessments in line with guidance from Public Health England, The Health and Safety Executive and UK Government Covid secure guidelines. This assessment is designed to run in conjunction with existing venue and event-based Risk Assessments for the Charity’s operation, and do not supersede any of those assessments unless specifically mentioned. The advice and guidance are being updated regularly and so these assessments may change. Please ensure you are following the most up to date version. If in doubt – ask. At this time the risk is set to HIGH for all people attending the venue until further mitigation measures, public health risks, and lower infection rates are advised.

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Risk Assessments

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Page 1: Coronavirus (Covid-19) Risk Assessments


Coronavirus (Covid-19) Risk Assessments

Created July 2020

Last Amended July 2020

Review Date Ongoing

Trustees have prepared these Risk Assessments in line with guidance from Public Health England, The Health and Safety Executive and UK Government Covid secure guidelines.

This assessment is designed to run in conjunction with existing venue and event-based Risk Assessments for the Charity’s operation, and do not supersede any of those assessments unless specifically mentioned.

The advice and guidance are being updated regularly and so these assessments may change. Please ensure you are following the most up to date version. If in doubt – ask.

At this time the risk is set to HIGH for all people attending the venue until further mitigation measures, public health risks,

and lower infection rates are advised.

Page 2: Coronavirus (Covid-19) Risk Assessments




Who might be


Risk Level

Is the risk adequately


What further action might

better control the risk?

Entry to The Civic, Stourport

Venue - STAFF



• Advise all staff as to the

proper procedures to follow

upon arrival

• This includes washing hands

or using antibacterial gel

• Message to be presented to

volunteers in as many ways

as possible to ensure

compliance is maintained.

Entry to The Civic, Stourport



Performing Companies


• Distribute an information

pack to all


containing all the relevant

information for appearances

at the venue.

• Detail to include PHE and HSE

references/links, building

plans etc

• Current designated entry will

be through scenery dock for

all performers and crew.

• No access to FoH from stage

door (will remain unlocked for

fire regs)

• Hard copies in dressing

rooms and backstage areas

– laminated so can be wiped

between use.

• Visiting company

responsible for compliance

• Signage on exit/entry doors

to remind

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Entry to The Civic, Stourport

Venue - PUBLIC

Members of the Public –

visitors and audiences


• Designated entry points

clearly marked and social

distancing markers in place

outside venue.

• Ensure access is available for

visitors with mobility

/accessibility needs with a

separate entrance if needed

• Advisory posters around the

site prior to entry. These

should detail the process to

follow whilst queuing and

inside the building.

• Handwashing/Antibac stations

upon entry

• Tickets covered in separate


• Box Office covered in

separate entry

• Doors to be open where be

possible to minimise contact

transfer risks

Entry to The Civic, Stourport

Venue - HIRERS

Independent users of the

venue who are hiring the



• Due to the diversity of

events/activities able to take

place at the venue, Hirers of

the building will be advised of

entry instructions specific to

their event/activity.

• These will be recorded and

agreed as part of additional

special conditions of hire due

to Coronavirus

• Walkthrough of venue and

facilities with hirer and

additional personnel prior to

use, regardless of how

experienced they are of

using the venue.

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Access around The Civic,

Stourport Venue – STAFF



• Staff should enter the venue

from the door closest to the

office, and immediately sign

in and collect appropriate PPE

for their duties.

• Staff should then follow the

one-way system around the

venue to their designated


• Exit will be through the same

door, ensuring that they

returned any PPE and signed

out as normal.

• First person into the venue

should enter as normal

through the primary access,

and immediately go to the

office to sign in as normal.

They should then join the

one-way system.

• Duty Manager/Trustee

posted at the office to

ensure sign in and

designations are complete

with appropriate PPE.

Access around The Civic,

Stourport Venue –


Performing Companies


• Access to the venue will be

through the scenery dock

doors at the rear of the

venue. These will be accessed

through the rear yard and will

be the primary access for all

members of cast/crew.

• No access to FoH will be

permitted through the stage


• Exit from the building will be

the same access point

unless blocked by an event

such as a fire.

• FEEP updated to reflect this


Access around The Civic,

Stourport Venue – PUBLIC

Members of the Public –

visitors and audiences


• Access to the venue will be

through one entry point at

the front of the venue, into

the foyer.

• From there they will follow

the one-way system as

indicated, through the rear of

• If capacity increases/rises to

the point that this creates a

potential pinch point, then

additional exits will be

designated, and sections of

the audience will be

allocated an alternative exit

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the auditorium.

• Exit will be through an initial

single point, via the foyer.


• Staff must encourage

visitors and audience

members to move along –

no idle chatting.

Access around The Civic,

Stourport Venue – HIRERS

Independent users of the

venue who are hiring the



• Where possible the Hirer

should follow the same

guidance for each section i.e.

Backstage and Cast/Crew

should enter through their

designated point of entry and

so on.

• Walkthrough of venue and

facilities with hirer and

additional personnel prior to

use, regardless of how

experienced they are of

using the venue.

Toilets – STAFF Staff


• Staff should use the toilets

before visitors and audiences

arrive, or whilst an event/

activity is taking place to

minimise contact with non-


• Staff should use the public

toilets in the first instance.

• If the stage/backstage areas

are not being used (e.g.

indoor bowling, indoor car

boot) Staff can use the

backstage toilets as a

further preventative

measure to lower risk.



Performing Companies,


• Each dressing room has a

toilet. These should only be

used by the members using

that dressing room.

• If not all the dressing rooms

are being used by cast

members, then crew should

use one of the spare dressing

rooms for toilet provision.

• Hand dryers will be


where possible

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• If all dressing room are in use

the downstairs dressing room

toilet (nearest the stage

door) should be used by


• Backstage users should clean

the toilet after each use with

anti-bacterial wipes, which

will be provided.

• Handwash and soap will be

provided in each area, as will

paper towels (or similar)

Toilets – PUBLIC and


Members of the Public –

visitors and audiences

Independent users of the

venue who are hiring the



• Maximum occupancy of 4

person in each toilet.

• Main doors to the toilets will

be left open to provide

visibility and minimise contact

points (toilets cannot be

viewed directly from door)

• Queue system will be

managed by a member of


• Access to the toilets (and

queue) will be through the

double doors into the


• Hand dryers will be


where possible

• Staff to wear PPE

• Use “public service videos”

to illustrate the route on

website and social media


• Staff manning queue to

reinforce these points and


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• Antibacterial Gel will be

available upon entry to toilets

• Staff will clean contact areas

every 15 minutes during peak

use, and after the start of a

performance/after an interval

• Cleaning sign offs on (or

outside toilets) with times

and signatures.

Contact Surfaces - ALL Staff, Visitors,

Performers, Audiences,

and Hirers


• All internal doors to be open

so limiting the need to touch

handles etc.

• Bin lids to be removed to

remove the need to touch


• Remove tables from the

corridor so that the

temptation to touch is


• All potential contact areas to

be cleaned at the end of each

of activity/event.

• Examine how we can display

brochures and flyers without

he need to touch lots of

them to get one.

• External doors will need to

be looked at as they should

not be propped open as final

exit doors – but we may

have to or find a solution to

mitigate the risk.

• Contact areas should be

cleaned whilst the

activity/event is underway

so long as it does not

interfere with the


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Capacity of venue Staff, Visitors,

Performing Companies,

Audiences, and Hirers


• To monitor the advice from

Government, PHE, and HSE in

regard to maximum numbers

in the venue depending on


• Publish updates, if possible,

using website and social

media channels.

• Communication with hirers to

ensure no breaches

• Discuss capacities with

performers and rearrange

dates if necessary.

• Current potential Capacity is

highlighted in the specific

section below.

Promotional materials to carry

information messages

Visitors, Audiences, and



• Brochures to be increased in

size (approx. 4 pages) to

ensure that the guidance is


• Video explaining measures on

website and social media


• Secure editorial in local


• Use local radio to help

promote the messages.

• Expand explanatory pages

on website

• Should we publish risk

assessment online?

Possible redactions?

Box Office – STAFF Staff


• The Box Office will not open

in the initial return period.

• This will be done to limit the

number of people coming into

the venue, and therefore

protecting staff and

• Communicate these changes

to Performers, Visitors,

Audiences, and Hirers

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• This will also help drive ticket

sales through the online sales

portal helping to capture test

and trace data

Box Office - VISITORS,


Visitors, Audiences, and



• All tickets to be sold in

advance. No “on the door”

sales permitted for the

foreseeable future.

• Purchase and install scanning

equipment so that tickets can

be “zapped” on entry,

speeding up entry.

• This will have the double

effect of providing a register

of who attended but will also

allow us to ensure track and

trace is accurate.

• Tickets should be carried at

all times, especially if that

person needs to leave the

building for a period (i.e. is a

smoker) to allow them to re-


• Household/family/Bubble

Groups must enter together –

we cannot allow a partial

group in. If they are not all

present, they must wait.

• Communicate these changes

to Performers, Visitors,

Audiences, and Hirers

• Customers will be

encouraged to use digital

tickets on their phones

instead of printing tickets


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• Staff will be issued with the

appropriate PPE for their



• Staff must wear all PPE they

are given for their duty,

unless they have a medical

reason for not doing so, in

which case they will be found

an alternative duty or

alternative PPE.

• Trustees and Staff to ensure

we have a range of

appropriate PPE including

gloves, visors, and face






• Performing Companies will be

responsible for providing their

own PPE and maintaining its


• The Civic will advise

companies on the standards

they expect in line with

current guidelines.

• Signage backstage

reminding companies of PPE




Visitors, Audiences, and



• At present the guidelines do

not enforce PPE for

audiences, however we will

recommend (at this time)

that face coverings should be

worn due to being indoors.

• We will have supplies of

face coverings available to

purchase should a visitor

require one.

• Retail premises are

mandatory masks from the

24th July.

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First Aid - STAFF Staff


• First aid service is not

impacted by social distancing

under current guidelines, but

additional PPE will be supplied

at First Aid stations to assist

in its delivery.

• The Civic will train additional

staff in handling basic first aid


• The Civic will ensure the

equipment is available at

the usual places, with

additional equipment placed

at each designated area to

ensure that people do not

have to leave “zones”



Performing Companies


• Performing Companies and

Hirers will be responsible for

providing for their own first

aid and staffing for first aid.

• First aid service is not

impacted by social distancing

under current guidelines, but

additional PPE will be supplied

at First Aid stations to assist

in its delivery.

• The Civic will ensure the

equipment is available at

the usual places, with

additional equipment placed

at each designated area to

ensure that people do not

have to leave “zones”

First Aid - VISITORS,


Visitors, Audiences, and



• The Civic will provide first aid

and staff for visitors to the

venue for their own events.

• First aid service is not

impacted by social distancing

under current guidelines, but

additional PPE will be supplied

at First Aid stations to assist

in its delivery.

• Hirers will be required to

provide first aid equipment

• The Civic will ensure the

equipment is available at

the usual places, with

additional equipment placed

at each designated area to

ensure that people do not

have to leave “zones”

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and staffing for their events

including those which are

open to the public.

• The Civic will maintain their

own equipment, which can be

used by Hirers in the event of

an emergency or multiple

injury etc.

Any modifications to the Fire,

Emergency, Evacuation Plan


Staff, Visitors,

Performing Companies,

Audiences, and Hirers


• Whilst final exit points will not

change the implementation of

a one-way system around the

building or the

implementation of designated

entrance and exits could

result in confusion.

• Staff need to be aware that

no changes are taking place

to the existing FEEP, but they

may need to offer more

advice in the case of an


Implementation of a one-way

system around the venue to

minimise impact of pinch


Staff, Visitors, Audiences,

and Hirers


• From entry the public will

have to follow a one-way

system around the building

taking them to a default

position (the auditorium),

avoiding social areas.

• Signage will guide visitors

along the designated route.

• Use “public service videos”

to illustrate the route on

website and social media


• Floor markings to assist in

maintaining social


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• Staff will then advise as to

final destination (i.e. seat)

Queuing System for the Bar to

ensure social distancing and

service is safe

Staff, Visitors, Audiences,

and Hirers


• Entry will be from the

auditorium only

• Join a staff managed

queueing system

• Exit will be back into the

auditorium only

• Signage and floor markings

to assist staff

A “smokers” exit

Some audience members may

wish to leave the auditorium

to smoke/vape.

Staff, Visitors, Audiences,

and Hirers


• Visitors, Audiences, and

Hirers who wish to

smoke/vape will have to

follow the one-way system to

exit the building, and then re-

join the queue system to re-


• They will not be permitted to

re-enter the venue from the

exit point or alternative

ingress/egress points.

• Signage in the venue to

include this

• Use “public service videos”

to illustrate the route on

website and social media


• Staff manning doors to

reinforce this point and


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Dressing Rooms –

management of space -



Performing Companies

and Hirers


• Maximum number of people

backstage limited (at this

time) to 20 to include

performers and crew.

• Dividers will be placed

between mirrors. Mirrors can

also be taped off/covered to

prevent use.

• Signage on doors with

maximum occupancy


• Information packs to be

distributed prior to the

performer’s arrival

• Hard copies in dressing

rooms and backstage areas

– laminated so can be wiped

between use

Backstage area/Scenery



Performing Companies

and Hirers


• Two Metre “Chess Board”

marked on floor using

electrical tape to guide social


• No person other than cast

and crew to be allowed

backstage. It does not matter

if they are family/household

or in a support bubble – they

will not be allowed.

• Performing Companies and

Hirers will be responsible for

managing props and scenery

and creating teams for this


• It will be the responsibility of

performing companies and

hirers to ensure that props

and scenery are cleaned after

• Establish a system for

communication between

front of house and

backstage to relay

messages and stand by


• Performing companies and

hirers using the venue for

more than one day/show

will be responsible for

cleaning their space after

each performance.

• Maximum number of people

backstage limited (at this

time) to 20 to include

performers and crew.

• Civic staff will only go

backstage in the event of an

emergency, and social

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each use.

• The Civic will only clean the

space at the end of the

activity/run of performances.

distancing will be


• Duty Manager/Trustee

retains the right to go

backstage for compliance


The Bar - GENERAL Staff


• In regard to hires of the


As per the terms of conditions

of the hire agreement the bar

service can be withdrawn,

and this power should be

used where Trustees feel that

risk to staff are high or the

bar is not essential.

• Safety over money at all


The Bar – STAFF

(these will be tweaked as and

when we start to use the bar)



• No more than three persons

working on the bar at any


• Two people serving, one till


• Contactless payment – limit

cash transactions where


• No Hot Drink Service due

the need to use Kitchen for


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• Designated till operator to

where gloves when handling

cash and equipment at all

times. Must be taken off

when exiting the bar and

replaced with fresh when

prior to re-entering.

• In the short-term disposable

(plastic or plant based)

glassware will be used.

• A designated “dead drop”

space will be identified for

disposables to be brought to

for clearance. Staff will wear

PPE when disposing of this


• Servers and till operator to

wear visors. These are to be

wiped down/washed and

replaced whenever they leave

the bar.

Kitchen area - ALL Staff, Visitors,

Performing Companies,

Audiences, and Hirers


• The Kitchen will only be

accessible to Volunteers until

further notice.

• The kitchen will only be used

for drink making and eating

of food prepared off site.

• The Kitchen must not be used

to cook or prepare food.

• Designated mugs for each


• Each person must wash

their own

mugs/cups/crockery up

immediately after use.

• The dishwasher will not be


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• Entry will be from the “Blue

Room” ONLY. The doors from

the bar will be closed/taped


• Maximum occupancy of 4

persons, socially distanced

• Disposable milk and sugar

packets to be used. Fresh

Milk is not to be stored or


• Antibacterial wipes will be


Blue Room – STAFF and


Staff and Hirers


• The “Blue Room” will be

placed out of bounds until

further notice.

• If access is needed,

permission from the Hall

Manager, Business Manager

or Trustee must be gained

prior to access.

• If access is granted it will be

on a single person basis,

unless agreed with Hall

Manager, Business Manager,

or Trustees.

• If an additional person is

required to enter (i.e. lifting

items from storage etc),

then this will need to be

agreed, and the additional

person must leave as soon

as their assistance is no

longer required.

• In this instance staff should

wear appropriate PPE and

maintain social distancing

where possible.

• Consider moving basic

cleaning materials closer to

the entry doors so cleaning

is visited less often.

Staff – PAID STAFF Staff


• Workstations should be

cleaned on a regular basis.

• Social Distancing is not

applicable at this time as both

paid staff members are from

the same household

• If it is possible for staff to

work from home, they


• With the box office

temporarily closed, it may

be that staff can work part

of the day in the office and

finish off site.

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• Limit use of equipment by

others and ensure that it is

cleaned before returned or

the next use.

• Flexible working may be

required (and encouraged)

so that if long days are

anticipated due to the extra

work Covid requires, time

off should be granted


Staff - VOLUNTEERS Staff and Volunteers


• Workstations should be

cleaned on a regular basis.

• Technical Equipment

• Household Groups, including

“bubbles” should be used to

maximum effect where they


• No Singing (sorry Mary)

• Identify ways of handing over

instructions and items that do

not involve direct contact –

i.e. a designated drop off

area or storage place.

• Staff designated to a role

MUST stay in that role, and in

the area that role is

designated to (i.e. if you are

front of house you stay front

of house)

• Identify the possibility of

working to shift patterns

during longer events.

• If shifts are implemented,

try, and keep crossover to a

minimal. This might involve

shutting the bar or

suspending entry for a short

period of time.

• It would be preferable to

time shift changes to

coincide with whilst

performances or activities

are on and demand is low.

• Double up on roles where

possible to reduce the

number of active people in

the building.

• Staff must encourage

visitors and audience

members to move along –

no idle chatting.

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• Identify ways of limiting

contact with members of

Pubic to the bare essentials.

Staff – one-way system and

communication - STAFF AND


Staff and Volunteers


• Designate team leaders for

each area and use as a

central point of


• Use radios to pass messages

quickly and reduce the need

for staff to move around the


• Staff should follow the one-

way system at all times, even

when the building is not open

to the public. This is to

prevent pinch points but also

to get them used to following

it, and so they lead by


• May need to purchase

additional radio units or

communication systems to

ensure all staff are covered.

• Purchase and install a

complete backstage relay


Staff – Meetings - STAFF


Staff and Volunteers


• All meetings to take place

using digital means for the

foreseeable future.

• Trustees are examining how

best to hold the AGM during

Covid regulations.

• Record meetings using

digital means (most

platforms have in-built

systems) and make

available to anyone unable

to attend.

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• Need to assess how and who

this will impact and how to


• Meetings with

visitors/contractors will need

to be limited as much as


• Consider holding additional

meetings with non-

staff/volunteers, such as

hirers, independent of

normal meetings to ensure

representation is equal,

direct, and proportionate.

Technical Provision - ALL Staff, Visitors,

Performing Companies,

Audiences, and Hirers


• Current advice is to create a

screen around sound and

lighting desks to create a

barrier between technicians.

• This is possible, but where

possible a single person

operating both boards would

be preferable – if available.

• Create a barrier between

technical positions and

audience, such as a screen.

• Clean all equipment after use

with antibacterial material.

• If we cannot create a screen

between the audience and

technical positions, we

should leave out the nearest

row of seats to create a


• Create a screen over the

tech room hatches



Staff And Volunteers


• We have volunteers and staff

members who are classed as

Vulnerable during this

pandemic. This could be on

medical, ethnic background

or age grounds.

• Trustees need to identify

these staff and volunteer

members prior to their

• In an ideal world we would

instruct Vulnerable

members to have a period

of isolation after each

attendance at the venue. At

present we do not have

sufficient volunteer numbers

to enable this but if we are

able to recruit, we should

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involvement in activities.

• These staff should be used

sparingly, and for short

periods where possible.

• No member will be forced to

complete a shift and if there

are any concerns or potential

risks that member should be

sent from the workplace at

the soonest opportunity.

• If we do not have enough

staff to manage the event,

then we will shut down non-

essential areas (such as the

bar) for that event to ensure

coverage on visitor control is


take this step.

• Identify events that may be

lower risk for certain

members of staff/volunteers

and utilise them on these

activities/events where


• For example, when/if

ballroom dancing is allowed

again this only requires two

members of staff FoH and

one on the bar and has low

participant numbers. This

results in a lower risk than if

the venue is at capacity.

Track and Trace – ALL Staff, Visitors, Audiences,

and Hirers


• Data Capture is required

(under GOV guidance) for 21

days under the Covid Safe


• Data Protection/GDPR – we

have to advertise/publish that

this is what we will be doing.

• We can do this via website,

brochures, and social media.

• It may be that we have to

say - If you do not want to be

part of the solution, do not

• Is there/can there be an

option on Ticketsource

where people can identify

that they only want us to

store the details solely for

this purpose? Does the

marketing opt out cover


• Do we need to make the

Track and Trace “buy in” a

specific terms and condition

on Ticket source?

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come to the venue.

• Will need to identify how

Hirers are holding data if not

collected by ourselves, and

how they will store this so

that we have a record in case

of data protection issues.

• Especially relevant if they

purchase tickets from us in

bulk without providing

customer details i.e.

Stourport Choral

• Performing Companies need

to have their own systems

in place but must agree that

they will contact the venue

in case of a positive test

within 21 days of

performing at the venue.

• Test and Trace Policy

identifies GDPR compliance

based on guidance from the


Contractors – VISITORS Staff and Visitors


• In addition to the contractor

related policies already in

place we will ensure that all

visiting contractors are aware

of our Covid procedures and

ask that they respect them.

• They will be asked to behave

the same way that staff are,

i.e. single entry/exit, follow a

one-way system etc.

Number of events/Capacity of

venue – STAFF AND


Staff and Volunteers


• The number of events held at

the venue should reflect the

extra work that will need to

be undertaken to ensure the

venue remains Covid secure

and staff remain as safe as


• Quick egress should be

encouraged after the end of

every event – do not let

people sit around nattering

– get them out and get


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• In practice this should initially

be no more than one event

per day.

• If this is not possible; Events

should be scheduled to

ensure that there is sufficient

time for the venue to be

cleared without potential

conflict/contact between


• There should also be enough

time left between events to

ensure a full clean down.

If that means having to ask

people to leave Staff should

not feel that they cannot.

Quick egress should be


Food and Merchandise Sales -


Staff, Visitors and

Performing Companies


• Ice Cream sales will be

suspended in the first

instance to prevent pinch


• Merchandise can be sold

outside of the venue so long

as the performing companies

supply the staff to man them,

and manage the process

themselves, including all

sales etc.

• Programmes should be sold

outside if possible, to ensure

• Moving merchandise outside

means that there are no

pinch points inside, and

outdoor sales are less at

risk from transmission.

However, this could create

pinch points outside – so we

need to identify areas for

sales to take place safely.

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movement around the venue

is not stymied. Can

companies provide digital


• Autograph signing/selfies will

not be permitted at this time.

(Gov.uk Performing Arts

guidance 5.6 - accessed on

the 23rd July)

A Safe place for collection and

drop off of equipment and

post etc - ALL

Staff, Volunteers,

Performing Companies,

Hirers and Visitors


• Designate a place for drop off

and collection.

• In the first instance this will

inside the “Staff Entrance”

and a cabinet or shelf unit will

be sited for items to be


• Signage will need to be

placed in a predominant place

for delivery personnel to

know what to do.

• For large or heavy items that

require more than one person

to lift, ensure that

appropriate PPE is worn

whilst they are in close

proximity to each other.

• Encourage any deliveries

that are expected to contact

the venue/staff prior to

arrival and discuss the

arrangements, and if

possible, encourage drivers

not to leave their vehicles.

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Infection Notification – All Staff, Visitors,

Performing Companies,

Audiences, and Hirers


• If the Test and Trace service

contact the venue for any

reason then the charity will

take the steps necessary as

defined by the Covid-19 Test

and Trace Policy.

• If any members of

staff/volunteers indicate that

they have symptoms, then

the charity will take the steps

necessary as defined by the

Covid-19 Test Track and

Trace Policy.

Removal of Centre Treads

from Stage to Auditorium

Staff, Visitors,

Performing Companies,

Audiences, and Hirers


• The centre treads (steps)

leading from the auditorium

to the stage will be removed

from use.

• This will prevent the easy

access from the stage to the

auditorium and vice-versa,

helping to distance

performers from the


• Access from the stage will

still be permitted using the

side treads (steps) so as to

ensure that safe evacuation

from the stage is still


Page 26: Coronavirus (Covid-19) Risk Assessments


Capacity of Venue

Full Use – No Social


Current advice – 1 metre with

mitigation (such as face masks



Theatre Style Seating • 374

We tend to run at

358 seats so that

we have flexibility

with wheelchairs

and people with

limited mobility.

• 134

Including the raked seating

This is based on an optimal

layout, which we do not

expect to achieve because it

relies on “perfect”


• We have included the

optimised seating plan for

illustration purposes.

• The mix of sets available is

very specific for us to reach

the optimal 134, so we

anticipate running at a

much lower number for

almost all events.

• In the diagram below the

seats highlighted in yellow

and green show where

visitors would be seated.

• We also recognise that

some household

groups/bubbles etc may be

larger than 4 which would

further impact the seating

capacity (bringing it lower


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Page 28: Coronavirus (Covid-19) Risk Assessments


Full Use – No Social


Current advice – 1 metre with

mitigation (such as face masks




Theatre Style Seating

Half Hall – front half up to mid


• 174 • 68

This is based on an optimal

layout, which we do not

expect to achieve because it

relies on “perfect”


• On the diagram above this

allocation are the seats

highlighted in yellow.

• We also recognise that

some household

groups/bubbles etc may be

larger than 4 which would

further impact the seating

capacity (bringing it lower


Empty Hall • Standing Capacity

is 250 - 300

(depending on the

event and how

many staff and

performers we

have in the


• 60 in the hall space

• Additional people may be in

the foyer, backstage, and on

stage provided social distance

can be maintained.

• We will not be running

“standing only” gigs for the

foreseeable future to ensure

that social distancing is


• However, this layout would

be used for Dance Schools


• At 2m distance the number

drops to 40 in the hall


• At 3m distance it drops to

24 in the hall space

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Cabaret Style Seating • Normal Capacity

is 200

• Varies depending on

households, bubbles, and

guidelines regarding time

with other households and

the numbers from that other

household who are present.

• The capacity could vary

between 40 to 80

• Additional people may be in

the foyer, backstage, and on

stage provided social distance

can be maintained.

• However, this would be

relevant for any Wedding

Receptions, Wakes, Parties,

and other celebratory

events that we may be able

to hold at the venue.

• We would have to advise on

the restriction of dancing

and singing as per current


EVENT: “Indoor Car Boots” /

Jumble Sales/ Fayres etc

• Normal Capacity:

is based on how

easy the venue is

to move around

with the number

of visitors


• Traders: 20

• Members of the Public:

• We need to examine the

retail environment guidance

for further clarity as it is not

easy to see how we can

ensure social distancing can

be adhered to, and the

reliance of traders to ensure

that they are behaving



Page 30: Coronavirus (Covid-19) Risk Assessments


EVENT: Mat Bowls • Capacity to be


• We are currently discussing

the requirements of the club

in line with guidance from

their governing body.

• The main point of concern is

that teams can be quite large

depending on the competition

and they normally sit in team

groups or playing duos. This

may be difficult due to the

amount of space required for

the playing surface - unless

they can implement a time

entry system.

• Suggested a trial of the

layout to assess more


EVENT: Social Dancing /

Ballroom / Sequence Dancing

/ Rock and Roll dancing


• Capacity is 96


attendance can be


within current

guidelines and


• We are currently discussing

the requirements with the


• It is the dancing that

concerns us. No guidance

available on this activity at

this time.

• Dancers would have to only

dance with their own

households/bubbles – which

is a given.

• However, it is the proximity

to other dancers that also

concerns us.

• At this time, we have

suspended all dancing
