Corporal Punishment and its Effects By: Ally Chesko

Corporal Punishment and its Effects

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Corporal Punishment and its Effects . By: Ally Chesko . Definition . W hat is corporal punishment? T he use of a physical force which is meant to cause the child pain but not injury. Broad Topic . Definition . What is spanking? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Corporal Punishment and its Effects

Corporal Punishment and its Effects

By: Ally Chesko

Page 2: Corporal Punishment and its Effects

Definition What is corporal punishment? The use of a physical force

which is meant to cause the child pain but not injury.

Broad Topic

Page 3: Corporal Punishment and its Effects

Definition What is spanking? Most psychologists define spanking

in terms of striking the child on the buttocks or extremities with an open hand without inflicting physical injury with the intent to modify behavior.

Branches off of corporal punishment

Page 4: Corporal Punishment and its Effects

Definition What is physical punishment?Physical punishment usually

entails causing more than just pain to the child or victim; bruising, bleeding, or scars may be left behind

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Why Define? Corporal punishment is seen differently throughout the world

Remains illegal in… Austria Denmark Germany Finland Israel Norway Sweden Latvia

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Research Question What are the harmful and/or beneficial effects corporal punishment has on a child?

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Severity and Frequency

How harsh or how hard is the parent spanking the child?

How often is the child being spanked?Once a month Three times a weekIs one more harmful than the other?

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Effects of Spanking Increase of Aggressiveness Decreased internalization of moralsDiminished quality of parent-child

relationsPoorer child and adult mental healthIncreased delinquency and antisocial

behavior for childrenIncreased criminal and antisocial

behavior for adults

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What Influences Spanking?

Culture Younger


Less Educated

Low Incom



Page 10: Corporal Punishment and its Effects

Proposed Study


Behavioral problems such as aggressiveness and depression are caused when parents spank their children from a young age.

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Step One

Participants100 soon to be parents from a pre birth

classAnswer Survey Questions dealing with attitudes towards spanking (10)Would you spank your child?Were you yourself spanked as a child? If so

how many times a week? Do you believe spanking is an effective way

to discipline children?

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Step TwoSix Months Old another survey will be given to the parents On a scale of 1-10 how unlikely would you

be to spank your child if he/she did something wrong? (one being extremely unlikely and 10 being most likely)

Have you up to this point in time spanked your child? If so how many times?

Have you noticed any aggressive behaviors in your six month old such as constant crying, fussiness, or unwilling to eat?

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Step ThreeChild is now one year old and parents receive their third surveyWhat form of discipline do you use when

your child acts out? Have you used spanking as a form of

discipline? If so, how often? Do you find spanking effective?Have you noticed any behavioral

problems such as aggressiveness, depression, or antisocial behavior?

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Step Four and Five Child is now three years oldSurvey continues to gather more information

about the parent’s own attitudes towards spanking their children, what discipline they do use, and if any behavioral problems have occurred in their toddler

Child is now Five years oldHow do you discipline your child?How successful is your method on a scale of 1-

10? (10 being very successful)Have you or your child’s teacher observed any

behavior problems at home or in the classroom such as aggressiveness, depression, or antisocial behavior?

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Final Step At 13 years old a survey is now given to the teenage childWere you spanked by your parents? If so

how often? On a scale of 1-10 how depressed do you

feel on a daily basis? (1 being never depressed)

On a scale of 1-10 how difficult is it for you to make new friends? (1 being not difficult at all)

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Independent Variables

Parent’s attitude toward spanking


The way they discipline

Dependent Variable

Behavior of Child


Page 17: Corporal Punishment and its Effects

Conclusion Spanking turns into an endless cycle

effecting both parent/child relationship, child/teacher relationship, and grown up child/spouse relationship

Little research is done on what disciplinary tactics do work

Supernanny “The Naughty chair”

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