Good News in Anyone’s Language Bieial CORPORATE REPORT 2015

CORPORATE REPORT 2015 - Wycliffe Australia · 2017-03-26 · our endorsement of oral translation (‘storytelling’) and multimedia presentation of Scripture. The Board of Wycliffe

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Page 1: CORPORATE REPORT 2015 - Wycliffe Australia · 2017-03-26 · our endorsement of oral translation (‘storytelling’) and multimedia presentation of Scripture. The Board of Wycliffe

Good News in Anyone’s Language



Page 2: CORPORATE REPORT 2015 - Wycliffe Australia · 2017-03-26 · our endorsement of oral translation (‘storytelling’) and multimedia presentation of Scripture. The Board of Wycliffe

Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia is evangelical and interdenominational, accepting and proclaiming the historic truths of the Christian faith including the following:

1 We believe the Bible, the inspired Word of God, is completely trustworthy, speaking with supreme authority in all matters of belief and practice.

2 We believe in one God, who exists eternally in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

3 We believe all people, being created in the image of God, have intrinsic value, but as a result of sin are alienated from God and each other, and therefore in need of reconciliation.

4 We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born of the virgin Mary, is fully God and fully human. He demonstrated God’s love for sinners by suffering the penalty of death in their place, rose bodily from the dead and ascended to heaven where He intercedes for His people.

5 We believe all who repent and trust in Jesus Christ alone as Lord and Saviour are, by the grace of God, declared to be right with Him, receiving forgiveness and eternal life.

6 We believe the Lord Jesus Christ will return personally in glory, raise the dead, and judge the world.

7 We believe all people will rise from the dead, those who are in Christ to enjoy eternal life with God, and those who are lost to suffer eternal separation from Him.

8 We believe in the Holy Spirit who imparts new life to those who believe in Christ; through His indwelling presence and transforming power He gives assurance and equips believers for holy living and effective service.

9 We believe the Church is the body of Christ, the fellowship of all believers, and is commissioned to make disciples of all nations.

Compiled and produced by: Communications Department, Wycliffe Bible Translators, 70 Graham Road, Kangaroo Ground VIC 3097

Editorial Team: Kobus Conradie, Belinda Fox, Margy Mitton, Deb Tan, Barry Borneman Design: Kaleidoskope Design (kskope.com.au) Printing: Classic Press (classicpress.com.au)

Photos: Sourced directly from Wycliffe members. Cover photos: (left to right, top to bottom): Janeen Michie, unknown, Elyse Patten, Aileen Agoncillo, UN photo/Martine Perret, Søren Kjeldgaard. Back cover (left to right, top to bottom): Søren Kjeldgaard, Elyse Patten, Marc Ewell, Elyse Patten.


Chairman’s Message, 1

Why Bible Translation? 2

CEO Report, 3

Board of Directors, 6

Wycliffe Global Alliance, 7

Strategic Partnerships, 8

60 Years of Wycliffe Australia, 10

Where Australians Are Serving, 11

Strengthening Church Relations, 12

Recruiting & Preparing New Members, 14

Summer School, 16

Where Some New Members Are Going, 18

Taking Care of Our Members, 20

Personnel Department, 21

Bethel Funerals, 21

Project Funding, 22

Practical Support, 23

Trusting God to Build the House, 24

Published Scriptures, 26

Indigenous Language Work, 28

Bible Translation in Australia, 29

Financial Review, 30

Donor Support, 31

Financial Statements, 32

Page 3: CORPORATE REPORT 2015 - Wycliffe Australia · 2017-03-26 · our endorsement of oral translation (‘storytelling’) and multimedia presentation of Scripture. The Board of Wycliffe


It has been my privilege to chair the WBTA Board for the last

two years and to work with the Board and with Barry Borneman (CEO) to make a contribution to the work of the Bible translation movement from within Australia.

The Board has a ‘behind-the-scenes’ role but an essential one. Good governance is important for an organisation and I believe the Board has been able to provide that for WBTA.

WBTA has been blessed to have a hard-working and committed Board with a wide range of experience and skills. Board members are mindful of their legal and moral responsibilities. They come prepared and willing to engage with the issues presented. They take an interest in the work and in the people who do the work.

The Board committees (Finance, Personnel, and Board Development) have been active and effective. Special thanks to Moses Khor and Peter Holliday who step down from the Board after 16 and 8 years of service respectively.


By Graydon Colville, Chairman of the Board

During the past year, a review of our legal documents resulted in a new constitution which was approved by our membership at the 2015 Annual General Meeting.

The establishment of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) has been greatly appreciated by many in this sector, which makes such a significant contribution to Australian society and beyond. A one-stop regulatory and administrative body is helpful for a Board to fulfil its governance responsibilities.

The task of providing the Scriptures in every language that needs it is far from complete and there are many challenges! I mention just a few:

> The more than 1,800 languages that still require Bible translation to begin.

> The ongoing challenges of recruiting, training and supporting workers for Bible translation.

> The large number of people who will never read, and hence our endorsement of oral translation (‘storytelling’) and multimedia presentation of Scripture.

The Board of Wycliffe Australia remains committed to the task and challenges. It is our desire to see WBTA continue to engage with and empower the Australian Church to be a part of this great work. However, this work could not be done without the faithful prayers and financial support of many. The Board wishes to acknowledge and thank all those who are part of this ministry.

“The task of providing the Scriptures in every language that needs it is far from complete and there are many challenges!” Graydon Colville

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Those of us privileged to be able to read God’s Word know how vital it is for growing in faith and

having our minds, will and character conform to reflect Christ’s image (Rom 12:1-2). But the millions of people around the world today who do not have the Bible in the language they understand best are missing this fundamental foundation to Christian life and faith.

When individuals and communities receive translated Scriptures, they learn that God speaks their language. This means much more than simply that God communicates with them in a way they understand.

It means that the One who knit them together in their mother’s womb (Ps 139:13) and has them inscribed on the palms of His hands (Isa 49:16) knows first-hand the sorrows, hurts and struggles they endure in this life (Heb 4:15). He speaks their language!

It means that the Almighty, Sovereign, God of the universe cares about their daily lives now and gives them hope for an eternity spent with Him as His sons and daughters. He speaks their language!

The results of the research opposite reveal some valuable insights about the very real difference Scripture makes to people and communities when it is in their heart language.

God’s Word is truly alive and powerful (Heb 4:12). It is giving life and changing lives as people all over the world are led to Jesus and a right relationship with God.

Wycliffe Australia is passionate about playing its part in getting God’s Word into the hands of every person, so that the Holy Spirit can speak to their hearts. What a privilege it is to accept God’s invitation to join Him in His mission of reconciliation and redemption!

Impact of Scripture Translation

The Gofa language community of Ethiopia received the book of Luke and the Jesus film in their language in 2004. Research was conducted eight years later to determine the extent to which their lives had been nourished and transformed as a result of having Scripture in the Gofa language.

Among the various areas of life and culture transformation investigated, significant spiritual impact was discovered particularly in the areas of:

> Time and purpose: awareness of a greater sense of God’s care in this life, the dignity of each individual, and the need to prioritise spiritual things

> Relationships: realisation of the importance of sharing Jesus with others and the value of marital relationships

> Social networks: recognition of the need to integrate biblical principles into business and practise integrity among all people

The research also revealed that people are challenging traditional syncretistic beliefs and taking Scripture more seriously now that they have it in their own language, rather than relying solely on the national language Bible.

‘Measuring the Spiritual Impact of Scripture Translation? Yes, it’s Possible!’ (The Seed Company)

By Belinda Fox, New Member


Belinda Fox

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Wycliffe Australia is primarily a people-to-people service

whereby we connect and support Australian Christians and churches to places and language communities in the cause of the Bible translation movement. With translation currently underway in 2,125 languages and a further 1,860 yet to start, there is plenty of connecting still to be done and multiple opportunities before us. Our focus in the last two years has been to involve people, build strategic partnerships, and empower initiatives through project support.

New and Old Members

In the past year, 18 new long-term members have joined Wycliffe Australia, which is our highest number in eight years. This represents around 7% of our current membership of 256, with ongoing work taking place in 20 countries.

New members are critical; not only in connecting with new language communities, but also for providing a vehicle for Wycliffe’s accumulated institutional knowledge to be passed on and continued with a new generation. It is important to us to have both an environment that values the experience and expertise of our long-serving members and a strong desire to mentor and support the next generation of ‘field workers’.

My personal estimation is that this is a real strength of Wycliffe Australia. We honour the historical achievements and relationships that have been built up by our pioneer members, and build on those relationships by continuing to assign new members to those particular countries and local organisations.

Bible Translation

Bible translation and language development require long-term commitment to be successful. This means that our celebrations in any given year are often the result of work that began many years ago and not what was done in the last reporting period or while I have been CEO. We simply have the honour of doing the celebrating.

Six New Testaments were published in the last two years with significant input from Australian members in translation, literacy, typesetting and funding. Each represents many years of toil; the longest being 47 years in the making. This was achieved in a language community in which, for most of the last 50 years, it was illegal to be a Christian. In 2014 the New Testament was celebrated and received by a jubilant local believing community. I had the honour of attending this celebration and was humbled by the experience.

Strategic Partnerships

The work of Bible translation is done through key strategic partnerships that are often initiated by organisations in countries where our members work, just as much as by Wycliffe Australia. These partnerships are important for opening up visa platforms, training opportunities for national colleagues, and new cross-organisational thinking and perspectives.

Strategic partnerships are not simply sustained by shared vision and purpose, but are also built on respectful personal relationships and shared lives at different levels across the organisations. A shared faith and hope in Jesus Christ brings a further depth to these relationships.

By Barry Borneman, Chief Executive Officer

CEO Report


Barry Borneman


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In the last two years, Wycliffe Australia has established deeper working relationships with several partners. These include an in-country student movement in South Asia wanting to support Bible translation, Wycliffe South Africa as it takes on an ambitious plan to meet the remaining translation needs in southern Africa, and, closer to home, Scripture Union in the Northern Territory in support of its Indigenous program. These are in addition to the traditional long-term commitments to SIL International and Wycliffe Global Alliance partners in the Pacific and nearby regions.

Sound Financial Management and Areas of Support

Wycliffe Australia is blessed with a solid financial position which has enabled us to balance our recurrent expenditure against income received from investments and member assessment (see financial report). The result is that we can be generous in allocating undesignated gifts directly to members in need of additional financial support, and allocate legacy income directly to projects and capital expenditure without the need to support our operating budget.

In 2014, our project funding distribution increased from $256,000 to $327,000, for which we thank the Lord. The increase in project funds was largely due to designated legacies for Scripture publications and the generous response of the Australian church to our 60th anniversary celebrations. Major projects supported included Scripture printing costs and the training of national translators.

Wycliffe National Centre

A long-term development strategy for the national centre property was endorsed by a unanimous vote at the 2011 WBTA Conference. Three years on, we are seeing the benefits of this long-term strategy as we make our facilities available to local churches, mission organisations, and partners.

Sokarek New Testament dedication , Papua New Guinea

Breakout session in new rotunda at Kangaroo Ground

Sokarek man with New Testament


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Maskelynes New Testament dedication, Vanuatu

Sokarek New Testament dedication , Papua New Guinea

This has made the work of Bible translation better known and allowed our friends to also enjoy this wonderful property. It has also meant a significant increase in our maintenance budget to invest back into improving efficiencies and general presentation of the building and property.

Major capital improvements in the last two years include a rotunda as an outside breakout area, a refurbished prayer chapel and cabin for personal retreats, and new signage across the property. Three staff homes were also refurbished and additional bedrooms added.

Governance and Compliance

The importance of good governance and compliance is an area that needs continual attention. At an administration level, this means reviewing practices and procedures in line with current government legislation, as well as updating them to better reflect the technological and social

environment in which we work.

In practical terms, this has meant reviewing practices around child safety, workplace health and safety, and orientation of volunteers. The nature of volunteers is that they will often exhibit a high level of independence. The challenge is to not quell this independence and enthusiasm, while keeping it inside workplace protocols so they are not taking undue risks.

Transition The strength of an organisation is often in its ability to continue raising up new leaders who respect the past but also build a new tomorrow. I have notified our Board that I am planning to complete my term as CEO at our 2017 member Conference and AGM. I have made this decision, confident in the

next generation of senior leaders already serving with Wycliffe Australia in various parts of the world. Please join me in prayer for this transition. Wycliffe Australia has a great team and an important future as we continue to invest people and resources into the Bible translation movement.

Barry Borneman Chief Executive Officer

New signs throughout the Kangaroo Ground property


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Rev Graydon Colville Chairman

Missions Leadership/Cross-cultural Education;

International Director - Global Recordings Network, Sydney, NSW

Mr Philip Bignall Vice-Chairman

Geo-Spatial Specialist - Telstra, Brisbane, QLD

Mr Timothy K Wilson Treasurer Accountant; Tax Agent and Small Business Advisor, Melbourne, VIC

Mr Richard Earley Secretary Organisational/Project Manager; Associate Director - Church Missionary Society (CMS) for SA/NT, Adelaide, SA

Board Members

Mr Malcolm BarkerPrincipal Engineer Dams; Member of the British Institution of Civil Engineers; Queensland Bible Storytelling Coordinator, Brisbane, QLD

Mrs Ann EckertLinguist and Career Missionary; Retired Translator/Literacy Specialist and former Associate Director of SIL Australia; Part-time worker with the Bible Society of Australia, Adelaide, SA

Dr David GraydenEngineer and Educator; Professor - Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC

Mr Fai Peng ChenCorporate and Commercial Law Specialist; Director - Minter Ellison, Melbourne, VIC

Mr Titus PhuaHuman Resource Professional; Senior Human Resources Officer - Monash University, Melbourne, VIC

Mrs Cindy McGarvieCEO, Youth For Christ (YFC) Australia; Trained as Bible translator with SIL - served in East Africa; formerly Development Manager for the Australian Christian Lobby, Brisbane, QLD

Rev Geoff ShepherdSenior Pastor - Mill Park Baptist Church; AFL

Chaplain - Richmond Football Club, Melbourne, VIC

Mrs Kathy SnookMissions Administrator; Wycliffe Representative - Far North Queensland; Management & Administration with WBTA & SIL PNG, Cairns, QLD

Rev Darrell ThatcherMissions Education and Promotion; WA Regional Coordinator - WBTA, Greenwood, WA

Mr Ross Wilkerson Accountant and Administrator; Member of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants; Part-time Financial Consultant - Interserve Australia, Melbourne, VIC


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Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia is a Member

Organisation of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.

Wycliffe Global Alliance comprises more than 45 Member Organisations and more than 60 Partner Organisations. The Alliance serves as a part of the worldwide Church and the global missions community. The affiliate organisations of the Alliance partner with churches, mission organisations and other institutions in their countries and spheres of influence.

The Global Alliance is led by a twelve-person Global Leadership Team, headed up by Australian member Kirk Franklin. The Global Leadership Team gives overall

Wycliffe Global Alliance34 Craig Road#02-09 Chinatown Plaza089673 Singapore, Singaporephone: +65 6223 - 1655fax: +65 6225 - 2289email: [email protected]

guidance and direction to the Alliance, advises and consults with the Member and Partner Organisations, and participates in a wide range of international ministry networks and partnerships. A ten-member Board of Directors provides governance to the Alliance.

Wycliffe Global Alliance is based in Singapore. The Global Leadership Team is a virtual team and is spread across Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and Central America.


Wycliffe Global Alliance and all of its related organisations have a common commitment to God’s mission of reconciliation and the transformation of individuals, communities and nations. We believe it is essential that all peoples have the opportunity to hear, understand and respond to God’s


message in the language that speaks to their minds and hearts.

But approximately one third of the world’s language communities do not have even one passage of the Bible in their language. And many of these same people are among the world’s most neglected and overlooked in areas of education, economics, health, cultural preservation, and justice. Our desire is to see these communities recognised, respected and flourishing.

Wycliffe Global Alliance collectively serves in advocacy with minority language communities to see God’s Word translated, accessible and in use in every language community that still needs it. The Alliance also facilitates compassionate service among the world’s minority peoples, encouraging sustainable, locally-owned initiatives and programs that will help communities thrive.

Source: www.wycliffe.net

Kirk Franklin

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The global Bible translation movement is made up of a

myriad of organisations of all descriptions and sizes, working together at different times and places to advance Bible translation. Under the Wycliffe Global Alliance banner alone, over 100 organisations from 63 countries work together.

With so many organisations taking up the challenge, we use three guidelines to decide which organisations to partner with in order to best impact the Bible translation movement.

Where our members are assigned: Australian members currently work in 20 countries. Understanding their local situation helps them build relationships and develop

STRATEGIC Partnerships

sustainable programs with local organisations. We simply have a better chance of success if we work with experienced Australian teams on the ground.

Historic relationships: Secondly, we also want to partner with countries with whom both Wycliffe and Australia as a nation have an established history. We want to build on that past and not forget old relationships in the pursuit of new ones.

Our location: Thirdly, we need to take into account our location in the Pacific and nearby Asia where a large portion of the remaining Bible translation needs exist.

Over the last few years, we have developed and strengthened a number of strategic organisational partnerships in Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Indonesia, and South Asia. These

partnerships help build a greater vision for Bible translation and literacy within these countries, support the systematic training of local translators, and build their capacity by assigning new members to these organisations.

Australian children


South Asia: Working in partnership with a university student movement, a new initiative is offering training in Bible translation for young people from minority language communities. Translation has started in four languages and an accredited training program from Diploma through to Masters has been developed in partnership with a leading theological institution.

Northern Territory, Australia: Wycliffe Australia has joined with Scripture Union to assign five members to build up Scripture Union’s capacity to minister into remote Indigenous communities where English is not their first language.


By Barry Borneman, CEO

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BTA CEO Tony KotaugaEnglish Immersion Experience students enjoying an excursion in Melbourne


Sebastian and Karen Floor

Indonesia: In cooperation with Jakarta-based organisation Kartidaya (a member of Wycliffe Global Alliance), we support the development of local translation organisations by giving their leaders a ten-week English Immersion Experience in Melbourne. This program not only helps leaders take the next step in their own development, but also enables them to better represent their organisations’ aspirations to outside development organisations.

South Africa: Wycliffe South Africa (WSA) recently launched a new strategic initiative called ‘Africa Alive Bible Translation’. Under the leadership of Karen Floor (CEO) and Sebastian Floor (Regional Director, Southern Africa Field Operations), WSA has a vision to start some 80 language projects in Southern Africa over the next decade.

Wycliffe Australia has a historical connection with this area, having sent the first Wycliffe members to South Africa in the early 1970s, thereby providing the catalyst for the establishment of Wycliffe South Africa in 1975.

Our current support focuses on funding to help WSA promote the translation needs of the greater Southern African region amongst South African churches. We also publicise Africa Alive WSA projects among expatriate South African Christians and churches in Australia.

Papua New Guinea: PNG still has one of the highest translation needs in the world. As a near neighbour with a strong historic link to Australia, PNG remains a significant strategic partner to Wycliffe Australia. In PNG, our primary partners are SIL PNG and the PNG Bible Translation Association (BTA).

We currently have 22 members assigned to SIL PNG, including Max Sahl, Principal of the Pacific Islands Literacy, Arts and Translation Institute (PILAT, a combined initiative of SIL and BTA). Our partnership with BTA is primarily focused on supporting organisational development under the leadership of its recently appointed CEO, Tony Kotauga.


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a celebration commented that the weekend was a pivotal moment in the life of that church, because its waning passion for mission was reignited.

At a time in history when the Church’s commitment to mission is being questioned, we have confidence that Wycliffe’s vision

To commemorate God’s faithfulness and acknowledge

His enabling through the Australian Church, we invited churches and individuals from all over the nation to participate in our 60th anniversary celebrations in 2014.

Numerous events and celebrations took place across the country and many people joined in praying for Australian Wycliffe members through the 60 Days of Prayer campaign.

The overwhelmingly positive response was a great source of encouragement to us. An elder from one of the country churches that held

60 Field projects

highlighted for project funding

292 + 27 Individuals Prayer groups

signed up for

60 Days of Prayer

169 Church

celebrations took place

1,000+ People attended

special 60th anniversary


for the peoples of the world without Scripture is a reflection of the heart of the Australian Church. And the Australian Church is committed to playing its part in accomplishing it.

Celebrating with f nancial supporters in Sydney

Many parties were held in honour of our 60th anniversary



The 9th of March 2014 marked 60 years since Wycliffe Australia was formed. The fruit of those 60 years includes the completion of 82 New Testaments, 3 complete Bibles, and 59 portions of Scripture in 126 language programs; not to mention valuable contributions in areas such as consultancy, typesetting, and distribution.

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Today there are 256 Australian Wycliffe members serving

both here in Australia and throughout the world. As individuals, each one is motivated by a personal conviction in the importance of Scripture and a firm belief in the value of translation. As a body, they work together to bring God’s Word to language communities still waiting.

Our large team of home-based support staff is absolutely vital to the success of Bible translation.


84% of Australian members serve in Australia and Asia-Pacific

256 Members worldwide

4% Africa

12% Rest of the world

> Eurasia

> North and South America

35% Asia-Pacific

PNG, Solomon Islands, Indonesia, Philippines, Vanuatu, Mainland SE Asia, South Asia, Nepal

41% Australia

> Home Office

> Regional Staff

> SIL Training

8% Australian Indigenous Languages


> Indigenous secondments (Scripture Union Northern Territory and Mission Aviation Fellowship)

Dedicated home office, regional, and SILA staff faithfully enable and equip those who work on the field to do their jobs well.

The majority of field-based translators, literacy workers, and support personnel are based in the nearby Asia-Pacific region. Others are filling roles in Africa, Indigenous communities in Australia, and in other parts of the world. All are

bringing hope and transformation as people receive the Scriptures in their heart language.

In partnership with many local and international organisations and churches, Australian members are making a significant contribution to the worldwide Bible translation movement.

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Serving the Australian Church has always been an integral

part of Wycliffe Australia’s purpose. As partners, we work together with the united goal of making disciples in every nation. We share our belief in the importance of Scripture. And we depend on each other to get the Word of God into people’s hands and hearts.

Behind each of the following programs and events lies the motivation of enabling Australian Christians to play their part in accomplishing God’s mission.

Operation Encounter - Equipping Aussie Christians

The Operation Encounter (OE) course equips ordinary Christians to build relationships with their unchurched neighbours. Based on the approach adopted by field workers entering a new culture, participants are encouraged to interview someone about

their beliefs, values, and culture. Understanding our neighbours is the beginning point for sharing faith and making disciples. This is what OE offers the church.


Operation Encounter sessionLaura Maddock, staff worker, North Terrace Evangelical Students (South Australia)

As the course

unfolded, it became clear that understanding a person’s

worldview is an integral aspect of seeking to introduce them to

God. Operation Encounter created an opportunity for students to understand their friends better and deepen their relationships with them. In a number of cases this led to great

conversations about values, beliefs and most especially

about Jesus.

Bible Storytelling

Workshops - Emboldening Aussie Christians

Bible storytelling workshops also help many Christians to share their faith in new

ways. Participants learn how to craft, tell and teach stories that are simple, Scripturally accurate, and easily memorised. As more and more Australian Christians gain confidence in evangelism, biblical knowledge and disciple-

making as a result of these workshops, the Church is strengthened and

empowered to reach out.

Lydia Burford, Adelaide Uni student

I found OE a

really practical and helpful way to gain understanding of

multiculturalism, and apply it in a Christian and sometimes evangelistic

context… [It] gave me the opportunity to ask deep and confronting questions, in a non-confronting way... It broadened

my awareness and knowledge of mission work globally, and

evangelism in my own community.


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MAD Safari Trip - Encouraging Aussie Christians

The MAD (Ministry Adventure Discovery) Safari tours offer short-term teams a unique opportunity to experience life and ministry in the Australian outback. Seeing first-hand the impact that Bible translation, literacy, and discipleship have on Aboriginal communities, participants return with a renewed passion for mission and a willingness to use their gifts right where they are. Not only does the MAD Safari adventure expose people to ministry, but it encourages them to go deeper with Christ and take the next step in serving Him.

MAD Safari trip 2014

On MAD, God

showed me that I have special gifts which He wants

to use for His kingdom and for mission whether at home, in my Samaria, Judea or even

the ends of the earth. (Andrew)

God gave me a glimpse of His heart for

Indigenous Australians. MAD stretched my faith

and stirred my heart in a lasting way. (Kathryn)

Our Church Relations History

‘If love is the primary motive of all we do, then ministering to people for their own sakes had to be the focus, irrespective of any gain to the Wycliffe organisation’ (David Cummings, Against the Wind, p79).

Four years after being called back from the field to Australia to serve as Director, God spoke to David Cummings through a trip to poverty-stricken India. Heartbroken by the immense physical and spiritual suffering of so many, David questioned the impact of his time and effort spent on motivating comfortable and apathetic Australian Christians.

But God spoke clearly to David through His Word. He realised that the people at home were not uncaring, but simply uninformed. David knew that he was being called to share with the Church about God’s heart for lost humanity and bring them spiritual blessing and encouragement. It is a philosophy Wycliffe Australia strives to pursue to this day. Farsi Bible

Farsi Scriptures - Blessing Australia’s Iranian Community

Wycliffe Australia is honoured to play a small part in blessing Australia’s Iranian community by distributing

Farsi Scriptures. The modern Farsi translation of the New Testament (plus Psalms and Proverbs) was completed in the face of immense persecution and in spite of great loss. It is now being

enthusiastically embraced by the estimated 35,000-strong

Iranian community living in Australia.

I have the green Bible (NT plus Psalms

and Proverbs) and I will not change it for anything else that I have.

(Farsi speaker)


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“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Luke 10:2)

Wycliffe Australia’s core function is to send workers into God’s harvest field. This involves first finding and preparing people who have a heart for seeing

Scripture translated into the languages of the world, and secondly, helping them develop a team of supporters who share the vision for fulfilling the

Great Commission. Inevitably, roadblocks arise on this journey. But God continues to pave the way!


Start Here!



CHALLENGE: To meet the world’s pressing Bible translation needs, Wycliffe needs people willing to serve overseas and in Australia

CHALLENGE: Higher enrolments will safeguard SILA training

Future’s Group established to explore how to engage 20-30 year olds

Wycliffe Australia is considering ways of making training requirements more flexible for potential teams

Summer School and year-long SILA course provides:

• Skills and confidence for embracing a new language and culture

• Solid foundation for dealing with linguistic and cultural challenges

• Spiritual resilience for thriving in local and international contexts

As urgent as the needs are, walking alongside people as they discern God’s plan for their lives and unique purpose in His Kingdom

has always been, and continues to be, our key motive.

“There are no strings attached. Wherever they see God wants them to minister, we are there to help them. We understand that God’s plan for the world and for individual lives comes first.” (Geoff Morrow, Against the Wind, p124)

Our state representatives have the privilege of helping people determine whether or not a particular path is the right one. The initial moments when God speaks often end up providing perseverance in the midst of ministry challenges down the track.

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Knowing the importance of good preparation, our Personnel Department prioritises getting to know new members and helping them address issues before they get to the field.

Much prayer and wisdom are needed as we figure out how to work cooperatively with our partner organisations on the field. We live in an exciting age where more and more people from all over the world are putting up their hands to play a part.

Partnership development workshops and mentors are proving to be effective methods for assisting new teams to raise support.

CHALLENGE: Changing field conditions in the 21st century add to the complexity of finding suitable and sustainable placements

CHALLENGE: Raising a support team can be the most daunting aspect of pre-field preparation - It’s harder in today’s world but not impossible

Jenny Austin has the challenging yet rewarding role of helping new members find a good match between how God has wired them and current field needs.

God provides for the work to which He calls people:

• New field teams continue to be successful in raising financial support

• New members bring new donors to the Bible translation movement

34 people accepted into membership 2013-15!

“Encouragement is invaluable as we slog along this road on which so many have gone before.” (Jason Griffiths)

“I need to keep encouraging our new members throughout the long preparation time so they don’t lose heart. If only I could wave a magic wand and get them quickly to where they know God wants them! But so often, in retrospect, members admit they weren’t ready and needed the long lead-up time. So I take a breath and trudge on with them.” (Jenny Austin, Assignments Coordinator)

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Attending the six-week Summer School has been

part of Wycliffe life since 1950. Summer School is presented by SIL Australia at the Wycliffe National Centre in Kangaroo Ground. On-site self-catering accommodation and some weekday meals are available.

The Schools of 2014 and 2015 were both well attended by students from across Australia. The course builds skills and confidence in language acquisition, phonetics, how language is organised, and understanding culture.

During the six weeks at Kangaroo Ground, students spend time with like-minded individuals, experience a stretch of their minds (and tongues, in Phonetics!), and build lifelong friendships. It is a unique experience.

In the course, students learn how to adjust to other cultures and appreciate their diversity. They also gain insight into the nature of language and discover a wide range of language learning techniques and strategies.

Students learn to hear and say a variety of sounds used in the languages of the world, and practise what they learn with mother-tongue speakers.

Skit night

I would

recommend Summer School to everyone. The

experience is beyond description - not only in practical and theoretical terms, but with teachers who have also done it themselves, are using it in their everyday

lives, and are willing to help you when you need it.

Group work


Summer School 2014 Graduation

SUMMER SCHOOL Language & Culture

Ever since Robert Story’s dream for establishing the first Australia-

based Wycliffe linguistics school was realised in 1950, linguistic training has

been vital for enabling our members to succeed, wherever they go.

“If only I’d had

some linguistic training to help me struggle with

learning Portuguese those first years in Brazil.” (Robert Story,

Against the Wind, p25)

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Course Overview:

Summer School includes four subjects which will prepare you for working cross-culturally or learning another language.

> Anthropology will help you understand and appreciate

Summer School brought

together a bunch of people with various personal

histories, talents and character traits who all have the same goal - they feel compelled to take the message of Jesus to people of

other cultures. That moved and inspired me! (John*)


your own and other cultures and develop good cross-cultural relationships.

> In Phonetics you’ll stretch your mouth and train your ears as you learn to hear, say and write the amazing variety of sounds in the languages of the world.

> Language Learning will give you confidence and skills to learn another language, whether or not you ever go to language school.

> In Language Awareness you will discover fascinating aspects of language and

language structure to enhance your ability to learn another language.

To apply, or for further information, please visit:


Phonetics class


Bethany Summer school

has increased my confidence, and excitement,

for language learning. It put me in contact with experienced cross-cultural workers and peers who will be sharing with me

the experiences of the next few years as I move


A great

opportunity to learn more about how languages work and

how culture and religion impact people’s worldviews. It challenged my thinking about the difference between cultural and biblical values, and gave me insight into how

to go about learning another language without formal

language lessons.

Group work

17Summer School 2014 Graduation

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Tim & Prue ScottAcademic Dean - Black Forest Academy, Germany

Geoff Walker & Candy-Jay HaymenWycliffe Global Alliance (Europe Area), Germany

Belinda FoxProject Management, Papua (Indonesia)

Christine BurfordTeaching at Ukarumpa, PNG

Keith & Elspeth CampbellRegional Centre, PNG

Mark & Jennifer ParkerBuildings Maintenance, Supervision (Mark); Administration (Jenny), PNG

Tanya JohnsonTeaching at Ukarumpa, PNG

Tumirin & Sheridan IndartoCommunity development (Tumirin); Multilingual education (Sheridan), Papua (Indonesia)

Where Some New Members ARE GOING

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Rowan & Alison Miles-FanningTranslation facilitation, Vanuatu

Bill & Robyn JamesAssistant Managers at Tree Tops Lodge, Cairns

Tim & Jane LetcherScripture Use (with Scripture Union), Northern Territory

David & Alicia BarnettPitjantjatjara Old Testament Translation, South Australia

Rohan & Rachael MorrellFinance Office (Rohan); Accommodation (Rachael), at Wycliffe Australia National Office (Kangaroo Ground)

Gary & Eva McMasterIT and regional representation at Victoria Regional Office (KG)

John & Remy TanSystems Analysis (John); Accounting (Remy), at Wycliffe Australia National Office (Kangaroo Ground)

Brendan & Julia WeeksArnhem Land (with MAF)

Jenna ArmstrongJoining husband John in Scripture Use (with Scripture Union), Northern Territory

Joshua & Christina HahnTranslation, East Asia

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The majority of our Personnel and Member Care team have completed field assignments themselves and can relate to the challenges of working in cross-cultural settings. Following a field assignment, a period of serving at the National Centre in Kangaroo Ground provides valuable support – not only in Personnel, but also in Finance, Administration, IT, Maintenance, and Training.


Marg Borneman Jeanette Bennett Fran Dedrick Frank Hoskin

Cicely Tucker Faye Canavan Kylie Chenoweth Julie Butare

Gill Allwright

Darine Conradie

Kathie Benn

Carol Barber

Valmai Maskell

Joan Guscott Monica Mosley

Jenny Austin

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DEPARTMENTBy Keith Barber, Personnel Manager

Helping our members succeed in their roles requires constant

dialogue, monitoring, and making sure things are running smoothly. In fact, Member Care could be compared to preparing and maintaining a vehicle for an important journey.

We would not drive a car without making sure it is fit for the journey - keeping it fuelled, maintaining it regularly, and replacing such things as tyres and batteries. Likewise, Wycliffe members need some important inputs and care along the journey.

When someone wants to join Wycliffe, we take the time to see if there are areas of their lives which might need some extra attention before they get going. Sometimes the baggage of our earlier lives can trip us up later.

So in the process of applying to Wycliffe, Marg Borneman spends time helping people discern any areas of need.

A good maintenance schedule will keep problems at bay. In a sense, the robust team of partners who provide prayer and financial support along the way is that maintenance schedule. These partners provide the empowering and daily needs of our workers, and we are so thankful for their engagement in the Bible translation task.

Just like a bit of repair work or major servicing, furloughs are often times for extra training and pursuing new levels of expertise. Maybe it could include some formal training, where new skills and interests are developed.

There are times, too, when most people have to take extra steps because of the extraneous things that come up in life. Whether it is taking care of ageing parents, facing serious health issues requiring medical evacuation, or dealing with limited or non-existent schooling options for children who hope to pursue tertiary education - these things can be very difficult, especially when you are in an isolated community overseas. Member care staff work to facilitate smooth transitions, particularly at times like this.

Looking back over the past two years, I wish to acknowledge the significant roles of our Personnel team, who are listed opposite. Each one has contributed to the smooth running of our organisation by caring for our most valuable asset - our members.


T he twofold vision of Bethel Funerals is to provide Christ-

like care for grieving families and friends, and to financially support Australian missionaries. Ever since the idea for a Christian funeral business was born, God has been using Bethel Funerals to minister to hurting people in their time of need.

In 1977, Wycliffe Australia founded an investment

company, Word Investments Limited, as a way of generating extra income for members on low support. Based on the success of the company, they decided to start a not-for-profit business aimed at raising funds for missions while also providing a valuable ministry to the community.

Since its establishment in 1997, Bethel Funerals has


conducted more than 6,000 funerals throughout Victoria and Queensland, and given away over one million dollars to mission work in Australia and across the world.

Bethel Funerals is an excellent choice for a professional, compassionate funeral provider which directly supports the vision and work of Wycliffe.


Keith Barber

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Long-term Projects (Projects with specified outcomes)

> Language programs (Translation, Literacy, etc)

> Physical infrastructure

Ad Hoc Projects (Submitted by members)

> Training events

> Cluster conference

> Community needs

Practical Needs (Of members abroad)

> Computers

> Field vehicles (matching grants)

> Housing


Project Funding$540,000 distributed

2013 and 2014

Individual Donations

Legacies & Bequests

Financial giving directed to project funding brings a lasting impact and leaves a legacy spanning generations. For more information, visit www.projects.wycliffe.org.au


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Kedron Flats, Brisbane (Supporting Wycliffe members

and SIL Pacific Area)

> Overnight accommodation

> Short and long-term stays, e.g. new members awaiting field departure

Tree Tops Lodge Cairns (Joint venture with Mission

Aviation Fellowship)

> Medical evacuation needs

> Rest and recuperation

> Furlough/holiday

> 77% occupancy rate 2014

Pacific Logistics (Supplies needed abroad )

> Purchasing and despatching

> Air freight ex Cairns

> 1,350 invoices in 2014



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Since its very beginnings, Wycliffe Australia’s property

at Kangaroo Ground has been a testimony to God’s provision, guidance and faithfulness. It was God who appointed the site and provided the land, materials and labourers in often miraculous ways. And it is God who continues to direct the use and purposes of the property to achieve His Kingdom-building plans.

As part of a three-month-long sabbatical in 2013, Barry and Marg Borneman spent five days at Kanaan, Darmstadt, Germany with the Evangelical Sisters of Mary. It was there that God inspired Barry with the vision of creating a prayer chapel on the Wycliffe Australia property.

‘I spent a couple of early mornings in the Garden of Jesus’ Suffering just as the sun rose and cast its light across the reliefs capturing Jesus’ last hours. In this quiet place, my spirit was stirred to consider a ‘quiet place’ at Kangaroo Ground that would focus simply on Jesus and His words’.

Barry sketched a rough plan for a prayer and reflection space with a chapel at the centre which

would end up bearing an uncanny resemblance with the end product, even though he never showed that original sketch to anyone else.

In spite of Barry’s reluctance about earlier suggestions for a chapel, as well as the possibility of resistance by some people towards closing the caravan park, he acted on the Lord’s prompting. ‘I had this deep sense that the Father was calling me to humble myself… and to obey. It was His idea, not mine’.

And so, thanks to the tireless efforts of a dedicated team of builders, landscapers and craftsmen, the old caravan park’s recreation room was converted into a prayer chapel and officially opened on 11 November 2014, Wycliffe’s International Day of Prayer.

It is a beautiful, peaceful space for personal or corporate prayer retreats that is available for residents and visitors alike to enjoy. With the addition of the nearby refurbished cabin, it is hard to imagine a more ideal retreat setting.

The establishment of the prayer chapel embodies the long-term development strategy for the Kangaroo Ground property which was unanimously endorsed at the 2011 WBTA Conference. Motivated by the realisation that the landscape must inevitably change in order to

more effectively serve WBTA, SILA and an increasing number of visiting churches and missions, a long-term perspective was at the forefront of all the developments and improvements made over the past several years.

Upgrades made to the national office complex improve the service we offer to Wycliffe Australia members serving all over the world. Improvements made to the SILA facilities mean that missionaries both within and beyond Wycliffe are equipped for service. Extensions and refurbishments made to the residential units ensure those returning from the field


Inside the prayer chapel

Garden of Jesus’ Suffering , Darmstadt, Germany

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Inside the prayer chapel

are provided with quality accommodation. Renovations made to the short-term accommodation and conference facilities benefit many partners, churches, mission groups and the wider Christian community.

Reminded of God’s faithfulness in the past, Wycliffe Australia continues to look to Him to build the house. It may not always be clear how God will accomplish what He directs us to do. But we recommit the Kangaroo Ground property to Him, trusting Him to keep using it to facilitate the work of Bible translation into an ever-changing future.

Prayer chapel at Kangaroo Ground

Our folk

greatly appreciated, again, the facilities at

KG and the beauty of the centre (South Croydon Anglican Church)

I was really looking for a break, to be away from the noise

and be in a quiet place where I could connect with God and recharge. It was such

a joy when I realised I could afford to have a beautiful night away in such beautiful country, without breaking the bank! Arriving at the cabin it felt like home - a welcoming space, with everything I needed. I loved that right next door was the prayer chapel. Peaceful, quiet,

beautiful surrounds. I’m looking forward to coming again! (Sarah, individual

retreat in cabin)

Inside the retreat cabin 25

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Published Scriptures

Solomon Islands Literacy Support Project (SILSP)

As the Scripture publications listed on these pages are limited to Bible translation, other important work which contributes to the overall picture is not captured. Much is happening in these other areas, however, and the Solomon Islands Literacy Support Project is a fine example.

> Timeframe: began in 2008; second project was conducted 2011-2014

> Funding: funded by gifts through SILA’s Overseas Aid and Development Fund and conducted in partnership with World Relief Australia

> Australian members involved: Glenys Waters, Robyn Terrey, Bruce Waters, Debbie Conwell, Bev Baker, Woody Baker, Catharine Carpenter

> Materials published (in second project): 117 titles were printed in 13 languages (11 in Solomons Pijin; 106 in 12 other local languages) and 3,268 books were printed

“Before you came, we were like lost people looking out to sea and wondering what to do. We had few resources in the office and didn’t know how to make books using computers. But now we feel able and ready to train others and provide the materials needed to help people learn to read and write, in any of our [70] written languages.” (Priscilla)

Some Scriptures Published 2013 - 2015 with Involvement by Australian Members

CameroonLanguage Gadzambal*

Members involved: Michael Viljoen (Exegete) and Melanie Viljoen

Scripture Published Luke (print) - Mar’15

South AsiaD* Language Mark (print) - Feb’14

Matthew (print) - Jul’14

H* Language Revelation (print) - Feb’14 (dedicated Jul’14) Hebrews (print) - Jun’14 (dedicated Jul’14)

L* Language Matthew, Luke, John, Acts, 1&2 Corinthians, 2 Thessalonians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, James, 1&2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude, Revelation (website) - Jun’14

IndonesiaLanguage Moronene

Members involved: David Andersen (Translator) and Suree Andersen

Scripture published New Testament plus Genesis (print) - Jul’13 (dedicated Aug’13)

PUBLISHED Scriptures

* Pseudonym

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Papua New GuineaLanguage Arop, Bauni Barupu, Bauni Pou, Bouni Sumo,

Malol , Onnele Goiniri, Onnele Wolwale, Sissano

Member involved: Missy Smith (SU Promoter)

Scripture published Jesus Story DVD

Fanamaket Language

Acts & Galatians (print) - Aug’14

Nalik Language Acts, Galatians, Philippians, 1&2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy (print) - Aug’14

Notsi Language John, Galatians, 1 Timothy (print) - May’14

Notsi Mandak Language

Mark, Philippians, 1&2 Timothy, Jude (print) - Aug’14

Sokarek Language New Testament (print) - Dec’13 (dedicated Oct’14)

Member involved: Laurie Morgan (Typesetter)

Kandas Language Acts, 1&2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus, James (print) - Aug’14

Label Language Gospel of John, 1-3 John (print) - Aug’14

Members involved: Laurie Morgan (Typesetter), Robyn Davies (Translation Consultant)

Language Misima

Member involved: Sandra Callister (Translator/Adminstrator)

Scripture published Masters thesis: ‘A Cord of Three Strands is Not Easily broken’ (print/website/Amazon) - Mar’15

Language Mussau-Emira

Member involved: John Brownie (Advisor)

Hymn book - May’14

Luke, Acts (print/audio/DVD/website) - Apr’15

CambodiaLanguage Bunong/Mnong/Phnong

Members involved: Diethelm Kanjahn (Translator and Manager) and MiMi Kanjahn

Scripture published Luke (audio/phone app) - Jan'14

Ephesians (print - May’14; audio - Feb’14; phone app - Mar’15)

Philippians (print - May’14; audio - Feb’14)

Colossians (print - May’14; audio - Feb’15)

130 Gospel Light Sunday school illustrated OT & NT stories - 2014

Abundant Life discipleship book (TEE), student and teacher books - 2014

12 new songs - Jul’14; 10 new songs - Apr’15; 22 new Christian children’s songs - Feb’15

1-3 John (print - Aug’14; audio - Feb’15; phone app- Mar’15)

John (print/phone app) - Aug’14

Genesis 1-11 (audio) - Feb’15

Matthew (print/audio/phone app) - Mar’15

Rom, 1&2 Thess, 1&2 Tim, Tit, Philemon (audio/phone app) - Mar’15

Mark, Acts, 1 Cor, James, Jude, Revelation (phone app) - Mar’15

Solomon IslandsCluster group:Bilua Language Four minor prophets (print) - Apr’13

Amos (print) - Jul’13 Nine minor prophets (print) - Sep’13 Ruth & Esther (print) - Sep’13

Cheke Holo Language Proverbs (print) - Sep’13

Gao Language Hymn books (print) - Aug’13 Galatians (print) - Apr’14

Owa Language Esther & Ruth (print) - May’13

Simbo Language Jonah (print/audio) - Mar’13 Ruth, Jonah & Zeph (print) - May’13 Haggai (print) - Jul’13

Members involved: Debbie Conwell (Advisor) and Greg Conwell

Sa’a Language Amos (print) - May’13 Ezra (print) - May’13

Member involved: Debbie Conwell (Advisor)

Gela Language Hebrews - Revelation (print/audio) - Oct’14

Members involved: Bruce Taylor Coombe (Advisor) and Ali Coombe

PhilippinesLanguage Agutaynen

Members involved: Sue McQuay (Managing Editor) and Ian McQuay (digital publishing)

Scripture published Dictionary (print/website/phone app) - Aug’14

Language Bantoanon/Asi

Members involved: Heather Crossley (Translator) and Stan Crossley

Scripture published New Testament plus Genesis & Exodus (website/phone app - Apr’14 (updated Apr’15)

Jesus film DVD/website - Apr’14

Liturgy (Anglican type) - Jun’14

Christmas songs & Minus one (accompaniment only) CD - Jul’14

Local Christian song compositions CD - Nov’14

Jonah DVD (website/phone app) - Nov’14

Laminated calendar pictures with Scripture on posters, placemats, keychains, bookmarks - Mar’15

Hymn lyrics published on web - Jan’15

Language Ifugao/Tuwali

Members involved: Sue McQuay (Managing Editor) and Ian McQuay (digital publishing)

Scripture published Dictionary (print/website/phone app) - Jun’14

Language Labuagan

Member involved: Bruce Grayden

Scripture published New Testament (print)

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Wycliffe Australia has a proud history with the Australian

Society for Indigenous Languages (AuSIL) and has every reason to anticipate a continued strong partnership heading into the future. With many language communities right here in Australia still without Scripture in their mother tongue, it is reassuring to know that God is still calling and equipping people to meet the vast needs.

The precedent for Indigenous language work was established almost 60 years ago. In 1958, Lynette Oates (one of the first five missionaries sent out by Wycliffe Australia in 1954), along with husband Bill, was requested to return to Australia from PNG in order to carry out the research

that would confirm the urgent need for work

on Australian

Indigenous languages. The decision to begin work was endorsed in the strongest possible way by Dr Billy Graham (then Wycliffe International Board member who was visiting Melbourne at the time), who said, ‘I consider the work of Bible translation more vital than the work I am doing’.

In spite of the lack of government and church support for Indigenous languages, the SIL Australian Aborigines Branch (now AuSIL) was established in March 1961, with Bill Oates as Director. Bill and Lynette began work on the Kuku Yalanji language and produced the very first linguistic paper produced by an Australian member.

Today, AuSIL, a branch of the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) International, is committed to serving Indigenous language communities in Australia, as well as the Timor region, through linguistic research and documentation, translation, training, and the development of language resources.

Even in the face of significant language loss in Australia, people are increasingly expressing a desire to keep their language strong and have more literacy materials and Bible translation in their languages. Although there have been many changes in government policy regarding Indigenous people over the years,

AuSIL continues to support linguistic research, as well as the translation of educational, health and religious materials into Indigenous languages.

Eight mother-tongue translation teams are currently being supported under a partnership in Arnhem Land since an agreement was signed with Uniting Church leaders at their 2010 synod in Darwin. More are expected to join as the Bible translation vision spreads through Indigenous churches and Aboriginal church leaders request Old and New Testaments.

The list of Scriptures published in various formats through the work of AuSIL over the past two years (see next page) is testament to the perseverance of language workers and Aboriginal communities working together. More than that, it reflects the faithfulness of a great God who has not given up on the Indigenous communities of Australia and who desires to make His Word known to them.

Mally McLellan working with Djawuţ, on Dhaņu’mi language

Wycliffe translator David Blackman (Alyawarr language) Blessing of the Yumplatok Bible at the Anglican

Synod in Townsville by Bishop Bill Ray and Bishop Saibo Mabo in 2014



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Kuku -Yalanji














Meriam Mir




Wik MungkanAnindilyakwa




Kala Lagaw Ya



K r i o l

Eastern Arrernte






NgarinymanK r i o l

Wik Ngathan

other Yolŋu languages












K r i o l

Western Arrarnta

Wubuy Gugu Yimidhirr

Gurindji Mudburra

Martu Wangka















Language Scripture PublishedAlyawarr Mini Bible reprinted; audio Luke recorded to CD,

USB stick and micro SD card; bumper stickers

produced; dictionary prepared for publication

Anmatyerr ‘7 Letters’ published; Shorter Catechism

published; audio John released; bumper

stickers produced; Eastern Anmatyerr songbook

produced; ‘God’s Story for the Outback’ printed in

both Central and Eastern Anmatyerr; song writing

workshops held

Bilinarra Dictionary published on web

Burrara 12 books recorded

Djinang Dictionary published on web

Eastern and

Central Arrernte

Shorter Bible being typeset; 20 books recorded;

Gospel readings for Year B Lectionary prepared

Gurindji Story books revised and printed; dictionary

published on web

Kala Lagaw Ya 1993 mini Bible reprinted; Noah story book


Kaytetye Work proceeding on ‘God’s Story for the Outback’

Kriol Titus and Ruth recorded; Joseph DVD released in

various formats, including for smartphones;

suicide prevention material published; Luke

pocket Gospel prepared for publication; SMBG

material adapted into a Bible study format;

leadership training provided for Yangbala Kemp

in 2013 and 2014


AS AT 2015

Language Scripture Published

Maung Dictionary published on web

Meriam Mir Noah story book revised

Murrinhpatha Gospel readings for the Year B Lectionary


Ngaanyatjarra Big book files adjusted and supplied to

playgroups; songs recorded to USB stick; text

checked for books supplied by ILF (Indigenous

Literacy Foundation); 18th edition of the

Ngaanyatjarra song book produced; song

writing workshops held; language classes for

non-Aboriginal staff in the Ngaanyatjarra lands

held; first 10 Ngaanyatjarra lessons made

available on USB; revised medical phrases

dictionary published

Nyoongar Gospel of Luke

Pitjantjatjara Shorter Bible reprinted

Tiwi Some books revised and printed; Gospel readings

for the Year B Lectionary prepared; dictionary

published on web

Walmajarri Web version of dictionary updated with sound


Warlpiri Shorter Bible reprinted; audio Luke to USB stick

and micro SD card; several books prepared for

publication; dictionary published on web

Yumplatok Shorter Bible blessed; Mark and Colossians

reprinted and published with audio; Luke DVD

and YouTube video released; four children’s

books reprinted; Noah story book revised


KeyNo publications to date

Portions published

Complete New Testament

Complete Bible

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Wycliffe’s Financial Policy

All members of Wycliffe, whether serving overseas or in Australia, rely on God to provide for their financial needs as they develop partnerships with churches and individuals who commit to praying for them and supporting them financially.

Members are given a recommended income for them to raise in consultation with the field. Monthly expenses are determined according to the cost of living in the country of assignment, ministry costs, and the specific needs of the situation in which the members are assigned.

As can be seen from the graph below, total support for Wycliffe Members has remained steady over the past few years.

Total support to Wycliffe Members ($m)








2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


Designated Gifts: Gifts designated for a member or special project are forwarded according to the donor’s wishes.

Undesignated gifts: These gifts are allocated to a Supplementary Support Fund which is used to help those members whose income has fallen below adequate levels.

Assessment Income: Members contribute 10% of all support received to help meet home and field administrative expenses.

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Assessment & Interest Income

Interest Assessment Total











2010 2011 2012 2013 2014































To Members (not included in the Income of Wycliffe)



To Members’ Assigned Entities (some included under ‘Operating Income’)



To International Administration



To WBTA Administration (included under ‘Operating Income’)



Gift Income for Members


Donor Support

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Revenues from Ordinary Activities

Operating Income

Interest Income


Program Income


Rental Income

Gain on Sale of Assets

Tithe Income

Total Revenue

Expenses from ordinary activities

Operating Expenses

Program Expenses (including funding of Overseas Projects)


Rental Expenses

Tithe Expense

Joint Venture Loss (Tree Tops Lodge Cairns)

Loss on Sale of Assets

Total Expenses

Profit before Income Tax

Asset Revaluation

Total Comprehensive Income

for the Year






278,694 -






































Income Statement for Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia as at 31 December 2014

Balance Sheet for Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia as at 31 December 2014

Current Assets

Cash Assets

Other Financial Assets



Other Assets

Total Current Assets

Non-Current Assets


Other Financial Assets

Interest in Joint Venture

Property, Plant & Equipment

Total Non-Current Assets

Total Assets


Current Liabilities

Non-Current Liabilities

Total Liabilities

Net Assets


Retained Earnings

Designated Funds

Fixed Assets

Total Equity













































Financial Statements

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Member of Bible Agencies Australia, together with:

Bible League Australia

Global Recordings Network Australia

CWCI (Christian Women Communicating International)

Bethel Funerals Compassion ● Peace ● Hope



Bible Society Australia

Scripture Union

The Pocket Testament League

Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia

National Office70 Graham Road Kangaroo Ground VIC 3097ABN 22 004 705 953

Ph: 03 9712 2777 Fax: 03 9712 2799


Member of Missions Interlink Supported by:

Wycliffe Regional Offices

VIC/SA/TAS Ph: 03 9712 2720 Email: [email protected]

NSW/ACT Ph: 02 8014 6487 Email: [email protected]

QLD Ph: 07 3256 1803 Email: [email protected]

WA Ph: 08 9243 0486 Email: [email protected]

Page 36: CORPORATE REPORT 2015 - Wycliffe Australia · 2017-03-26 · our endorsement of oral translation (‘storytelling’) and multimedia presentation of Scripture. The Board of Wycliffe

‘When people hear the Word of Life in their own language...salvation is no longer an offering from an alien culture but an

offering from within a culture...

‘For these reasons and more, the founding by William Cameron Townsend (1896-1982)…of Wycliffe Bible Translators may stand

symbolically for one of the greatest Christian events of the age.’

Mark A. Noll, Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity

Our vision is to see people from every language group living as disciples of

Jesus Christ through the power of God’s Word in their heart language.