Corpus Christi Chatter 13-21 Widford Street, Glenroy, 3046 Telephone: 9306 3062 Fax: 9306 2227 Email: [email protected] Chatter No. 6. Friday 27th April 2018 Dear Families and Friends, Welcome back to Term Two. I hope everyone had a safe and happy Easter holi- day and have returned eager to learn. Once again we look forward to a busy term ahead with the conducting of the Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN Assessment, 5 and 6 Interschool Sports, First Com- munion celebrations, Feast of Corpus Christi, Mid Year Reports and Mid Year Parent Teacher Meetings. Hopefully during this busy time we will still be able to stop and reflect upon our Easter Message and bring the light of Christ into our families and our school community. As we commemorate ANZAC Day and in light of the Easter message of resur- rection and new life we pray to God to empower us to bring peace, love and forgiveness into the lives of those we meet. SCHOOL PHOTOS Wednesday 2nd MAY Children must wear their SUMMER uniform thank you. Children with PE lessons can bring runners in a bag to change into. Order online or re- turn forms on the day. (Notes were sent home this week, please see attached for more information) YEAR 3 and 5 NAPLAN TESTING - 15th, 16th and 17th May The National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) com- menced in Australian schools in 2008. All students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are assessed annually using common national tests in Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation) and Numeracy. The tests will be conducted at school on Tuesday 15th May, Wednesday 16th May and Thursday 17th May and administered by classroom teachers. More infor- mation can be obtained at www.naplan.edu.au 2019 FOUNDATION (Prep) ENROLMENTS Enrolments for 2019 Foundation (Prep) have commence and will continue until the 31st May. To be eligible to enrol children must turn 5 by 30th April 2019. Copy of birth certificate, immunisation certificate and baptism certificate re- quired. Enrolment forms can be obtained from School Office 8.30am-4.00pm. MEDICAL UPDATES If your child experiences any changes to health please advise classroom teacher/Office so we can monitor. (eg. taking asthma preventatives during winter, allergies, etc). Please ensure contact phone/email details are up-to- date. Thank you. GRADE 5/6 SCHOOL CAMP - Don Bosco Safety Beach Dromana Wednesday 18th April - Friday 20th April Thank you to the following Staff for attending 5/6 Camp are Mr Sherlock, Mrs James, Mrs Smith, Miss Sky, Mrs Hinss, Mrs Tamara, Mrs Waldron, Mrs Satish, Charlotte (ACU) Mr Jones and Mr Lucardie. We thank them thank them for their generous time and commitment to our school community. Greatly appreciated. WHOLE SCHOOL PARISH FAMILY MASS CELEBRATION Fr Giang wishes to extend an invitation to ALL families to join with our Parish community on Sunday 20th May at 10.30am to celebrate Catholic Family Week. Children and families will take responsibility for readings, offertory, prayers of the faithful., etc. Further details to follow early Term Two. TERM TWO Tuesday 1st May Eucharist (First Communion) Parent Meeting 7.00pm Wednesday 2nd May 2018 SCHOOL PHOTOS Mothers Day Stall Mothers Day Afternoon Tea Tuesday 15th - Thursday 17th May Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN SUNDAY 20th MAY 10.00am Whole School Parish FAMILY Mass. All welcome. Thursday 31st May Feast of Corpus Christi Mass at 10am - wear yellow and red Sunday 3rd June 10.00am First Eucharist celebration Friday 8th June SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY Assessment and Report Writing Day Monday 25th June SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY for Midyear Parent Teacher Meetings End of Term Friday 29th June 12.30pm CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL ENROLMENTS If wishing to enrol in Catholic Secondary School for Year 7 2020, Year 5 must enrol by 17th August. Penola Catholic College still has a number of enrolment vacancies for Year 7 2019. Enrol ASAP.

Corpus Christi Chatter · on the day of absence using the following methods Email Child’s name and class to: [email protected] OR Contact School Office 9306 3062

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Page 1: Corpus Christi Chatter · on the day of absence using the following methods Email Child’s name and class to: principal@ccglenroy.catholic.edu.au OR Contact School Office 9306 3062

Corpus Christi Chatter 13-21 Widford Street, Glenroy, 3046

Telephone: 9306 3062 Fax: 9306 2227

Email: [email protected] Chatter No. 6. Friday 27th April 2018

Dear Families and Friends, Welcome back to Term Two. I hope everyone had a safe and happy Easter holi-

day and have returned eager to learn.

Once again we look forward to a busy term ahead with the conducting of the

Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN Assessment, 5 and 6 Interschool Sports, First Com-

munion celebrations, Feast of Corpus Christi, Mid Year Reports and Mid Year

Parent Teacher Meetings. Hopefully during this busy time we will still be able

to stop and reflect upon our Easter Message and bring the light of Christ into

our families and our school community.

As we commemorate ANZAC Day and in light of the Easter message of resur-

rection and new life we pray to God to empower us to bring peace, love and

forgiveness into the lives of those we meet.


Children must wear their SUMMER uniform thank you. Children with PE

lessons can bring runners in a bag to change into. Order online or re-

turn forms on the day. (Notes were sent home this week, please see

attached for more information)

YEAR 3 and 5 NAPLAN TESTING - 15th, 16th and 17th May

The National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) com-

menced in Australian schools in 2008. All students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are

assessed annually using common national tests in Reading, Writing, Language

Conventions (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation) and Numeracy. The tests

will be conducted at school on Tuesday 15th May, Wednesday 16th May and

Thursday 17th May and administered by classroom teachers. More infor -

mation can be obtained at www.naplan.edu.au


Enrolments for 2019 Foundation (Prep) have commence and will continue until

the 31st May. To be eligible to enrol children must turn 5 by 30th April 2019.

Copy of birth certificate, immunisation certificate and baptism certificate re-

quired. Enrolment forms can be obtained from School Office 8.30am-4.00pm.


If your child experiences any changes to health please advise classroom

teacher/Office so we can monitor. (eg. taking asthma preventatives during

winter, allergies, etc). Please ensure contact phone/email details are up-to-

date. Thank you.

GRADE 5/6 SCHOOL CAMP - Don Bosco Safety Beach Dromana

Wednesday 18th April - Friday 20th April

Thank you to the following Staff for attending 5/6 Camp are Mr Sherlock, Mrs

James, Mrs Smith, Miss Sky, Mrs Hinss, Mrs Tamara, Mrs Waldron, Mrs Satish,

Charlotte (ACU) Mr Jones and Mr Lucardie. We thank them thank them for their

generous time and commitment to our school community. Greatly appreciated.


Fr Giang wishes to extend an invitation to ALL families to join with our Parish community on Sunday 20th May at

10.30am to celebrate Catholic Family Week. Children and families will take responsibility for readings, offertory,

prayers of the faithful., etc. Further details to follow early Term Two.


Tuesday 1st May Eucharist

(First Communion) Parent Meeting 7.00pm

Wednesday 2nd May 2018


Mothers Day Stall

Mothers Day Afternoon Tea

Tuesday 15th - Thursday 17th May

Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN


10.00am Whole School Parish


All welcome.

Thursday 31st May

Feast of Corpus Christi

Mass at 10am - wear yellow and red

Sunday 3rd June

10.00am First Eucharist celebration

Friday 8th June


Assessment and Report Writing Day

Monday 25th June


Midyear Parent Teacher


End of Term Friday

29th June 12.30pm


If wishing to enrol in Catholic Secondary School for Year 7 2020, Year 5 must enrol by 17th August.

Penola Catholic College still has a number of enrolment vacancies for Year 7 2019. Enrol ASAP.

Page 2: Corpus Christi Chatter · on the day of absence using the following methods Email Child’s name and class to: principal@ccglenroy.catholic.edu.au OR Contact School Office 9306 3062


Term 2 school fees of $270 are now due, to be paid on or before Friday 11th May Term One $270 Term Two $270 Term Three $270

Camps Sports & Excursion Fund (CSEF) If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The annual amount per student is $125 for primary school students. Contact the school office to obtain a CSEF ap-plication form or download from www.education.vic.gov.au/csef. Please submit your application form to the office as soon as possible.

ROAD SAFETY (Thank you to all families who are following safe parking practices). Children should always enter the car from the safety of the curb using the passenger side door. Children should not walk onto the road to enter the car. Please ensure that children wear seatbelts at all times.

PLEASE do not DOUBLE Park when collecting/dropping off children A reminder to parents that parents and children should use the crossing in Cromwell St rather than walk out from between parked cars.

Your assistance in ensuring your children follow correct safety procedures will help avoid a serious or even a fatal accident. REMEMBER OUR CHILDREN ARE OUR MOST PRECIOUS GIFT.

Thank you to all families for your cooperation with using the Cromwell St Crossing or crossing at the corner of Melbourne Ave and Cromwell St., as well as not double parking in Widford Street. Much appreciated.

CANTEEN REQUEST Whilst we encouraged responsible recycling we request that please do not send used paper lunch bags for lunch orders as this could cause cross contamination. Thank you.

PARENTS ASSOCIATION MEETING: Friday 4th May 9.00am in the Café. All welcome. Focus planning social activities and fundraising for 2018.

Mothers Day Stall Mothers Day Afternoon Tea (See attached)

RECESS & LUNCH TIME PICK UP : If you need to pick your child up between 11.00am - 11.30am or 1.00pm - 2.00pm for an appointment or family matter could you please do so before or after these times as children are difficult to locate in the yard and classrooms are locked and bags are inaccessible.

COMMUNICATION: A reminder that if any parent has any concerns regarding their child (e.g. health, aca-

demic, emotional, social, learning, expectations), please contact the relevant people/teacher to convey your con-cerns. We wish to foster open communication and trust. Please remember that teachers are responsible for chil-dren once the bell has been rung, so an appointment should be made to find a suitable time to meet. Teach-ers shouldn’t be approached to discuss concerns during class time. If you have a concern of a more general nature please feel free to contact the School Office to make a time to see Mr Lucardie.

PARENT HELPERS / WWCC / CONFIDENTIALITY Once again we are seeking parental support as classroom helpers, Canteen Volunteers, Sports program, Parent’s Associa-tion, excursions throughout 2018 and at home helpers.

If interested in helping in school based programs/classroom you will require a Working with Children’s Check, (WWCC) a copy of which must be supplied to the School Office for our record keeping.

It is extremely important that when working in classrooms, Canteen or the school setting that confidentiality be maintained at all times.

A reminder that we should refrain from discussing or talking about the academic, behavior or social well being of children, staff or families with other parents or children at all times.

Remember would you like your child or self to be the topic of negative conversations?!!” NO WAY!!

As always, if you have any concerns regarding the classroom or school in general; please con-tact your child’s teacher or Mr Lucardie to make an appointment to discuss, so appropriate re-sponses can be implemented. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. Greatly appreciated.

Page 3: Corpus Christi Chatter · on the day of absence using the following methods Email Child’s name and class to: principal@ccglenroy.catholic.edu.au OR Contact School Office 9306 3062

2018 Sacramental Dates

CONFIRMATION (YEAR 5 and 6) The Sacrament of Confirmation will be held on

Friday 9th November (7.00pm) at Corpus Christi Church.

Confirmation Parent Meeting: Tuesday 9th October at 7pm ———————————————————————————

EUCHARIST (YEAR 4) The Sacrament of Eucharist (First Communion) will be held on the

Feast of Corpus Christi Sunday 3rd June at 10am Parish Mass.

Eucharist Parent Meeting: Tuesday 1st May at 7pm

Sacramental Levies have been included in School account. $20 for year 4, 5 and 6.

They shall not grow old, as we that are left to grow old:

age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn ,

at the going down of the sun

and in the morning we shall remember them”.

Thank you to Miss Natalie, Signora Sandra, Mrs Biondi and parents who accompanied our Year 4 representatives to the Shrine of Remembrance to

commemorate our Adopt a Squadron -22 Squadron. Well done!

Family Engagement

Mrs Waldron and Mrs Vanessa will be available on Friday afternoons at 2pm -

3.30pm to ask any questions about your child’s learning and for any assistance with

Technology; such as Storypark, accessing the school app and website, applying for a

working with children’s check.

Page 4: Corpus Christi Chatter · on the day of absence using the following methods Email Child’s name and class to: principal@ccglenroy.catholic.edu.au OR Contact School Office 9306 3062


In light of recent changes to attendance guidelines following an incident late last year of a child hiding in their

parent’s car all day, unbeknown to the parent, resulting in serious heat related injuries, we are continuing our

current practice of contacting parents to ensure the safe arrival at school of all children, especially those children

who walk or ride to school without adult supervision.

If your child is absent from school we request you inform our School Office of their non-attendance by 9.00am

on the day of absence using the following methods

Email Child’s name and class to:

[email protected] OR Contact School Office 9306 3062 / 9306 3322

If your child is marked as absent on the daily roll and we have not been notified, we will contact families to en-

sure that children are still at home. Your assistance will ensure we don’t need to make time

consuming or unnecessary phone calls.

Children arriving after 9.00am must report to the School Office to obtain a late pass and have their at-

tendance adjusted from absent to present.

Thank you for your continued support and assistance.

PLEASE ensure all current contact details are up to date.

Home address,

Email addresses,

Home Phone Number,

Work Phone Numbers,

Mobile Phone Numbers


A big congratulations to former student Rocco Brigante on winning Gold - the National Title for the under-5, 48 kilo Boxing Division in Perth last month. Well done Rocco!

Friday 9th March 2018

Dear Parents,

We write to invite you to participate in the Enhancing Catholic School Identity Survey (ECSI) which will assist us in better understanding how our Catholic Identity is expressed in work and practice here at Corpus Christi.

The survey can be completed online. If you would like to participate online please see Mr Lucardie for login details and instructions. Surveys to be completed by 27th April.

Thank you for your consideration of this request and for your anticipated participation.

Stephen Lucardie

Corpus Christi School Widford Street, Glenroy, 3046

Telephone: 9306 3062 9306 3322

Fax: 9306 2227 Email:[email protected]

www.ccglenroy.catholic.edu.au ABN: 67 636 067 924

Page 5: Corpus Christi Chatter · on the day of absence using the following methods Email Child’s name and class to: principal@ccglenroy.catholic.edu.au OR Contact School Office 9306 3062

2018 Extend BEFORE and After School Care

ONLINE BOOKINGS: extend.com.au CALL OUR OFFICE: 1300 366 437

Weekly Recap: Hello Families,

Welcome to our second term, we've had a very good start this term, the children seem motivated and full of

new ideas that we can use to create interesting activities and experiments. Our modest herb garden has

bloomed beautiful and recently we used some of those fragrant herbs in one of cooking experiences. This

term we are going to continue with our indoor outdoor program (weather permitting) and of course our science,

arts and crafts projects, Friday is always our cooking day, the children look forward to trying and tasting all the

different recipes that they've been requesting, We would welcome any family favourites from the parents that

we can make and share in our OSHC room, but please keep them allergy friendly.

Until next time take care.

Team Leader-Nina

Our Extend Superstar is: Charlotte Kanaty

for showing bravery, being very polite, and always smiling.

What’s on next week:

Monday 30th April: Tuesday 1st May:

Straw Painting Construction Paper Snail Craft

Wednesday 2ndMay: Thursday 3rd May:

Making colour disappear How does a leaf breathe?

Friday 4th May:

Cooking: Eggless pancakes


All families requiring bookings for Before School and After School Care (existing and new families) must create a new account with LookedAfter.



2018 TERM DATES TERM 2 - Monday 16th April–Friday 29th June TERM 3 - Monday 16th July–Friday 21st September TERM 4 - Monday 8th October–Friday 21st December

Community Board

The Community Board is located beside the entrance to the First Aid Room. Please check weekly for fun and exciting events happening in our local area.

Currently on the board is information on: Moreland Library Free Events Support Women in the North

Page 6: Corpus Christi Chatter · on the day of absence using the following methods Email Child’s name and class to: principal@ccglenroy.catholic.edu.au OR Contact School Office 9306 3062


Dear Parents/Carers/Guardians

Welcome back to Term 2! We hope you all had a great Easter break and were able to spend time with loved ones.

What a great fundraising effort we’ve had so far in Term 1. Our Catholic Education Week was such a suc-cess with families attending our sausage sizzle and enjoying activities set up by Life Be In It. It looked like fun was had by all! Our Easter Raffle was also very successful and we would like to congratulate all win-ners! Thank you once again to all of you who brought raffle tickets and to those who donated so that we were able to present you with 23 prizes in total. As you know, each Easter and Christmas period, we pre-sent Fr Giang with a hamper on behalf of Corpus Christi Primary School so that he may choose a family in need to enjoy it within our Parish.

This Term we will beginning our Mother’s Day preparations. Notes were sent out last week inviting you to join us for our Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea to be held on Friday 11th May 2018. This will be held in the school hall and we have the pleasure of having Laura Duggan as the guest speaker. Laura deals with well being and will guide us through a quick relaxation session. Something we could all benefit from with our busy schedules! Please ensure that all RSVP’s are returned in time for catering purposes.

Your children will be able to purchase Mother’s Day gifts from our annual stall on Tuesday 8th May 2018. Gifts will be available from $5-$20. Don’t forget to pop that date on your calendar so that your children can assure they are able to purchase something special for you. We endeavour each year to have some-thing new and this year we have some really special pieces we’re very excited about!

We look forward to bringing you these events this Term and we have something very exciting planned for November. Corpus Christi Primary School will be hosting it’s very first Ladies Night. We will be adver-tising shortly asking for any businesses who may be interested in holding a stall on the night. If this is something that interests you, please forward all your enquiries to the office and your details shall be passed on to us.

Thank you from The Parents and Friends Association

Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea Friday 11th May at 2pm Come and enjoy afternoon tea with your child. Guest speaker Laura Duggan will be speaking at 2:15pm. Laura is a former Corpus Christi teacher who now runs her own business as a mindfulness teacher and psychotherapy counsellor.

Children will join in the hall at 2:45pm to enjoy afternoon tea with the special women in their lives.

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Page 8: Corpus Christi Chatter · on the day of absence using the following methods Email Child’s name and class to: principal@ccglenroy.catholic.edu.au OR Contact School Office 9306 3062


Wednesday 2nd May

Please return the completed order form with the correct money to the PHOTOGRAPHER after 8.45am on



Order Forms have your child’s name and grade printed on it.

Orders can be placed: 1. online or 2. correct money placed in an envelope (supplied by you)

with your child’s name and class on it and returned to photographer on the day of photos (Wednesday 2nd May).

Sibling (Family) order forms are available in the Office.

What to wear Girls Summer Uniform – Dress Boys Summer Uniform – Blue Shirt /Navy Shorts

Black School Shoes (STRICTLY NO RUNNERS)

(Years 5/6 may bring their runners to change into for PE classes in the afternoon)

Photographers will begin at 9.30 am.