Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish PALM SUNDAY April 9, 2017

Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish PALM SUNDAY ... · state of mortal sin is to commit a sacrilege—that is complete disrespect for God and for the things of God. If this

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Page 1: Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish PALM SUNDAY ... · state of mortal sin is to commit a sacrilege—that is complete disrespect for God and for the things of God. If this

Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Church Salesians of Don Bosco

December 4, 2015

Second Sunday of Advent

Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish PALM SUNDAY

April 9, 2017

Page 2: Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish PALM SUNDAY ... · state of mortal sin is to commit a sacrilege—that is complete disrespect for God and for the things of God. If this

Mass Intentions Saturday, April 8 8:00AM (HR) +Irma Ruiz-Daughter Diana 4:00PM(CC) +Rosanne Moore—Edna & Sal DeMarco 7:00PM(HR) +(3rd Aniv.) Francisco Muratalla-Sus Padres Sunday, April 9 7:30AM(CC) +Bessie & Anthony Messina—Family 8:45AM(HR) +Jose Maria Paltin—Mercedes Paltin 9:00AM(CC) Pelo Povo 10:15AM(HR) +Jennie & Gregory Armeno—Gaetana Iori 11:00AM(CC) +Richard B. Lalla—Ben Lalla 11:45AM(HR) +Antonio Licea Barajas—Hijo & Familia 12:30PM(CC) (Cumpleaños) Arlene Ortiz —Teresita 1:15PM(HR) (Cumpleaños) Charlie Curnin—Teresita Monday, April 10 6:30AM(HR) Seniors Celebrating a Birthday This Week 6:45AM(CC) +Nydia Nieves—John & Nadine Magri 12:00PM(CC) +Idelfonso Medina—Wife Aurora Medina 7:30PM(HR) +Roberto Sánchez de la Vega—Familia Tuesday, April 11 6:30AM(HR)+Pasquale Di Christoforo—Grandchildren 6:45AM(CC) (Health) Linda Dwyer-John & Karen Messina 12:00PM(CC) Mary Devasi—Valsa Chacko 7:30PM(HR) +Albina Téllez De Vargas—Familia Wednesday, April 12 6:30AM(HR)+Loretta Di Christoforo—Grandchildren 6:45AM(CC) +Ana Tapia—Gustavo García 12:00PM(CC) +Alberto & Anna Lanni—Daughter-in-Law 7:30PM(HR) Virgen de Guadalupe —Hilda Unannounced Mass Frank D’Angelo—Enrico & Angelo D’Angelo Thursday, April 13

Holy Thursday All Services at Holy Rosary Church For All the Priests who have Served Our

Parish Living & Deceased Friday, April 14

Good Friday All Services in English at

Our Lady of Mercy Church Saturday, April 15

Holy Saturday All Services at Corpus Christi Church

Vigil Mass: For the People Sunday, April 16 7:30AM(CC) +Fr. Jim Marra—Carole Falco 8:45AM(HR) +José Miguel Paltín & Mercedes Chabla— Mercedes 9:00AM(CC) +Almas do Purgatorio 10:15AM(HR) Iván Lucas Gemio—Padres 11:00AM(CC) +Thomas Cherian—Wife & Children 11:45AM(HR) +Bernardo Aguirre—Isabel Aguirre 12:30PM(CC) +Bernardo Aguirre—María Negrón 1:15PM(HR)+(1er Aniv. María Teresa de Jesús Gutiérrez—Hijas y Mirta

Please pray for our Troops Por Favor recen por nuestros soldados

Robert Gleason, Daniel Ceccarelli, Michael Valencia, Doug Doros, Julian Di Donato & Michael Perez


Blessed Mother Candle April 9 through April 15

In Memory of: Angela Vissa Requested by: Dom & Theresa Servi

The Blessed Sacrament will be closed from Wednesday, April 12, 9:00PM To

Easter Monday, April 17. ———–———————————————————-

El Santísimo estará cerrado desde el

miércoles, 12 de abril, 9:00PM hasta el lunes de Pascua, 17 de abril .


A capela do Santíssimo vai estar fechada na quarta-feira, 12 de abril a partir das

9:00am, até 2a feira 17 de abril.

The Chapel

Page 3: Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish PALM SUNDAY ... · state of mortal sin is to commit a sacrilege—that is complete disrespect for God and for the things of God. If this

This season Lent calls us to conversion of heart and one of the key ways to change our hearts and turn towards Christ is to make better use of the Sacrament of Penance. I have spoken to you about the importance of going to confession before and shared with you some helps for an examination of conscience and preparation to receive this Sacrament. This morning, I want to share with you a thought about our Easter Duty. The Laws of the Church tells us that as Catholics we must confess our mortal sins at last once a year during the Easter Season, in order to be able to receive communion wor-thily. The Easter season goes from the first Sunday of Lent (approximately 40 days before Easter) to Pentecost Sunday (50 days after Easter). Within those three months, all Catholics are obliged to go to Confession if they have committed any mortal sins and have not been to confession during the year. What is “mortal” or “serious” or “grave” sin? It is any sin which destroys our relationship with God. It destroys love within us and so, through God’s mercy, we need to reestablish our relationship with Him. For a sin to be mortal, three things are necessary: (1) it must be a serious matter—not necessarily big, but serious; (2) it requires full knowledge and complete consent —I know this is serious, but I am determined to do it anyway; and (3) I do it. All three of these conditions must be met to commit a moral sin. Any sins of this kind, I am obliged to confess to the priest. . If there is a serious matter, it is always wise to confess those sins even if they may not necessarily be mortal. The Ten Commandments tell us the things that are serious. We must be careful that feeling “embarrassed” or “ashamed” does not keep us from confessing all of our sins. If we are unsure if something is serious, we should clear-up our uncertainty and ask the priest. I think we pretty much know when we have done something serious and need to go to con-fession. There is one area, though, where I think we may be becoming very lax: to Keep Holy the Lord’s Day. I have an obligation to go to Mass every Sunday and if I consistently miss Mass for no serious reason, I may be committing a mortal sin. Mass on Sunday is the key way to safeguard my relationship with God as well as my relationship with the believing commu-nity. If I have committed a serious sin—mortal sin—I should not go to Communion. To receive Communion in the state of mortal sin is to commit a sacrilege—that is complete disrespect for God and for the things of God. If this has hap-pened, we must confess it. What is the purpose for all of this? The Church wants us to receive the Eucharist at least once a year and to do that we must be free from any serious sin and prepared for the great grace of receiving Jesus in His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. Tomorrow, Monday, April 10, we will have Confessions throughout the day and all during this Holy Week, Confessions will be available at different times. See the schedule and take advantage to come to God’s mer-cy in Confession! No sin is so big or so grave that God is not willing to forgive it. It does not matter how long it has been since your last confession—the priest is there, ready to help. All that mat-ters is that you come to this great sacrament of Love in this Lenten season; come to make a good Confession and know the freedom and joy God’s mercy brings! God bless you!

Esta temporada la Cuaresma nos llama a la conversión del corazón y una de las formas clave de cambiar nuestro cora-zón y dirigirnos hacia Cristo es hacer un mejor uso del Sacra-mento de la Penitencia. Les he hablado de la importancia de confesarse antes y compartiré con ustedes algunas ayudas en un examen de conciencia y preparación para recibir los Sacramen-tos. Esta mañana, quiero compartir con ustedes un poco sobre nuestro deber de Pascua. Las Leyes de la Iglesia nos dicen que, como católicos, debemos confesar nuestros pecados mortales al menos una vez al año en la Pascua, para poder recibir dignamente la comu-nión. La temporada de Pascua comienza el primer domingo de Cuaresma aproximadamente 40 días antes de la Pascua) hasta el Domingo de Pentecostés (50 días después de la Pascua). Dentro de estos tres meses, todos los católicos están obligados a confe-sarse si han cometido algún pecado mortal y no han confesado durante el año. ¿Qué es un pecado "mortal" o "grave" ? Es cualquier pecado que destruye nuestra relación con Dios. Destruye el amor dentro de nosotros y así, a través de la misericordia de Dios, necesitamos re-establecer nuestra relación con Él. Para que un pecado sea mortal, tres cosas son necesarias: (1) debe ser un asunto serio -no necesariamente grande, pero serio; (2) requiere pleno conocimiento y consentimiento completo-sé que esto es serio, pero estoy determinado a hacerlo de todos modos; y (3) lo hago. Las tres condiciones deben ser cumplidas para cometer un pecado moral. Cualquier pecado de este tipo, estoy obligado a confesarlo al sacerdote. . Si hay un asunto serio, siempre es sabio confesar esos pecados aunque no sean necesa-riamente mortales. Los Diez Mandamientos nos dicen las cosas que son serias. Debemos tener cuidado de sentirnos "avergonzados" y que no nos impida confesar todos nuestros pecados. Si no esta-mos seguros si algo es serio, debemos aclarar nuestra incerti-dumbre y preguntar al sacerdote. Creo que casi sabemos cuando hemos hecho algo serio y necesitamos ir a la confesión. Hay un área, sin embargo, donde creo que estamos haciéndonos muy flojos: mantener Santo el Día del Señor. Ten-go la obligación de asistir a la misa todos los domingos y si no cumplo sin motivo serio, puedo estar cometiendo un pecado mortal. La misa del domingo es la clave para salvaguardar mi relación con Dios, igual que mi relación con la comunidad cre-yente. Si he cometido un pecado grave-el pecado mortal-yo no debería ir a la Comunión. Al recibir la Comunión en el esta-do de pecado mortal es cometer un sacrilegio-que es un comple-to irrespeto a Dios y por las cosas de Dios. Si esto ha sucedido, debemos confesarlo. ¿Cuál es el propósito de todo esto? La Iglesia quiere que recibamos la Eucaristía al menos una vez al año y, para ello, debemos estar libres de cualquier pecado grave y prepararnos para la gran gracia de recibir a Jesús en Su Cuer-po y Sangre, Alma y Divinidad. Mañana, lunes, 10 de abril, tendremos Confesiones durante todo el día y todo durante esta Semana Santa, las Confesiones estarán disponibles en diferentes momentos. ¡Vean el horario y aprovéchense para llegar a la misericordia de Dios en la Confesión! Ningún pecado es tan grande ni tan grave que Dios no está dispuesto a perdonarnos. No importa cuánto tiempo ha pa-sado desde su última confesión, el sacerdote está allí, dispuesto a ayudar. Todo lo que importa es que vayan a este gran sacra-mento del Amor. En esta temporada de Cuaresma, vayan a ha-cer una buena Confesión y conozcan la libertad y el gozo que la misericordia de Dios trae. ¡ Que Dios los bendiga!

Pastor’s Corner Desde el Escritorio del Párroco

Page 4: Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish PALM SUNDAY ... · state of mortal sin is to commit a sacrilege—that is complete disrespect for God and for the things of God. If this

Este tempo de Quaresma nos chama a conversão do coração, especialmente através da Confissão. Eu já falei sobre isso, e como fazer uma boa confissao. Agora quero falar sobre uma boa Páscoa. As leis de Igreja nos dizem que devemos confessar ao menos uma vez ao ano, por ocasião da Páscoa. O ciclo da Páscoa começa com o primeiro domingo da Quaresma e se estende até a festa de Pentecostes. Esse é o tempo especificado para se confessar anualmente dos pecados mais graves. O que é um pecado grave? E aquele que rompe a relação da pessoa com Deus. Ele destrói o amor em e nós, e por isso precisamos re-estabelecer nossa relação com Deus. Para que um pecado seja grave e preciso: 1. ele precisa ser cometido ma intenção; 2. e preciso consciência e consentimento; 3. Erro intencional. Os pecados graves requerem confissão, e aí aproveitamos para confessar os pecado leves também. Os dez mandamentos são os critérios para mostrar a gravidade. Não devemos permitir que a vergonha nos faça esconder os pecados. Em caso de dúvida, podemos perguntar ao padre. As pessoas estão perdendo o senso do Dia do Senhor. Estão se esquece da obrigação da missa dominical e isso é grave. A missa dominical e a chave para um bom relacionamento com Deus e a comunidade. r comungar xom pecado grave e um sacrilégio, se fizemos isso, devemos confessar. Qual é o propósito de tudo isso? A igreja quer que recebamos a comunhão ao menos uma vez ao ano e receber da melhor maneira possível o Corpo, Sangue e Divindade de Jesus. Amanha, dia 10 de abril será um dia de confissões aqui na nossa igreja. Confira o schedule com os horários e aproveite para fazer uma boa con-fissão. Não importa há quantos anos você não se confessa, Deus está sempre de braços abertos esperando para perdoar os pecadores. Deus te abençoe!

Parish office will be closed at Noon on Holy Thurs-day , April 13 and will re-open on Tuesday after East-er, April 17. Have a Blessed Easter! ——–———————————–———————

La oficina de la parroquia va a estar cerrada al mediodía del Jueves Santo, 13 de abril, y reabrirá el martes después de Pascua, 17 de abril. ¡Que tengan unas Benditas Pascuas! ————————————————————— A secretaria da paróquia sera fechada na quinta-feira Santa ao meio dia e re-abrira na terça-feira após a páscoa. FELIZ PÁSCOA!

Adults who have not had any of the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Communion, Confirmation) or have not completed them and are interested in joining our RCIA preparations classes, please stop by the rec-tory and register with Sister Maruja (914) 939-3169.

Adultos que no han recibido los sacramentos de ini-ciación (Bautizo, Comunión, Confirmación) o no los han completado y están interesados/as en unirse al grupo de RICA para preparárselos, por favor pasen por la rectoría y regístrense con la Hermana Maruja (914) 939-3169.

Se você ainda não recebeu os sacramentos de iniciação cristã (Batismo, Comunhão, Crisma) ou não os completaram e está interessado em acertar sua situação, você pode fazer o RCIA e receber todos esses os sacramentos, ou completar o que estiver faltando pra você. Ligue para Sister Maruja (914) 939-3169

Da mesa do pároco Parish Office Hours during Easter Horas de Oficina durante las Pascuas




Page 5: Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish PALM SUNDAY ... · state of mortal sin is to commit a sacrilege—that is complete disrespect for God and for the things of God. If this

God of history and God of all nations,

We praise and thank you for your presence and work in our Port Chester Parishes in the past, the present and the future.

You created us all differently. We are amazed by your wonderful work creating different cul-

tures, Different traditions, different languages and different faces. As we now prepare to become ONE new

parish: Grant us the courage to accept our differences Grant us the strength to resist our prejudices

Grant us the love to care for each other. Grant us spiritual eyes to see your will for

Port Chester/Rye Brook. Grant us the grace to become One family in God.

Grant us the faith to work together to build your Kingdom Port Chester/Rye Brook.

Amen. ————————————————————————

The first hour of work each week is for the Lord. Stewardship: sharing the gifts we have been given.

————————————————— La primera hora del trabajo cada semana es para el Señor. Co-responsabilidad: Compartiendo los dones que hemos recibido.

—————————————————————- A primeira hora del trabalho de cada semana é para o Senhor,

Coresponsabilidade: parailhando os dons que recebemos

Please join us on Holy Thursday for our traditional visit to local churches. Meet at the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary after the

Mass at Don Bosco Center. If you have any questions, please call John Mecca at (914) 939-2409. Drivers needed.

Por favor, únanse a nosotros el Jueves Santo para nuestra tradicional visita a unas Iglesias del área. Vamos a reunir-nos en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Rosario después de la misa en el Centro Don Bosco. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a John Mecca al 939-2409. Se necesitan choferes.

Holy Thursday Visit to Seven Churches

Jueves Santo Visita a Siete Iglesias


Dios de la historia y Dios de todas las naciones, Te alabamos y te damos gracias por tu presencia Y trabajo en nuestras parroquias de Port Chester

En el pasado, el presente y el futuro. Tú nos creaste a todos de manera diferente.

Por eso estamos sorprendidos de Tu obra maravillosa creando diferentes culturas,

Diferentes tradiciones, diferentes idiomas y diferentes rostros. Ahora que nos preparamos para ser en

una nueva parroquia: Danos el valor para aceptar nuestras diferencias

Concédenos la fuerza para resistir nuestros prejuicios Concédenos el amor para cuidarnos los unos a otros.

Concédenos ojos espirituales para ver tu voluntad para Port Chester / Rye Brook.

Danos la gracia para ser una sola familia en Dios. Danos la fe para trabajar juntos para construir tu Reino Port

Chester / Rye Brook. Amén.


ORAÇÃO DA UNIDADE Ó Deus da história e Deus das nações,

Nós vos louvamos e agradecemos pela sua presença E ação na nossa Paróquia de Port Chester

No passado, presente e futuro. Vós nos criastes todos diferentes.

Nós admiramos sua maravilhosa criação de diferentes culturas Diferentes tradições, diferentes línguas e deferentes rostos. Enquanto nos preparamos para ser UMA nova paróquia:

Dai-nos coragem para aceitar as diferenças Dai-nos forças para vencer nossos preconceitos

Dai-nos amor para que cuidemos uns dos outros. Dai-nos olhos espirituais para enxergar a vossa vontade para

Port Chester/Rye Brook Dai-nos a graça de nos tornarmos uma única família na Fé. Dai-nos fé para trabalharmos juntos na construção do seu

Reino em Chester/Rye Brook. Amém.

PRAYER OF UNITY WEEKLY COLLECTION / COLECTA SEMANAL Sunday: The collection will be in next week’s bulletin

Page 6: Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish PALM SUNDAY ... · state of mortal sin is to commit a sacrilege—that is complete disrespect for God and for the things of God. If this

Danny Bochicchio, Kay LoParco, Patricia Gallo Perez, Rocco Morabito, Jr, Ryan Williams, Rose Petro, Janet Crisi,

Fr. John Masiello, Fran Ferretti, Lena Ceruzzi, Peter Sotter, Anthony Rappoccio, Raul Aguilera,

Rubicenda Reyes, Christian Ramirez, Ramona (Lidia’s Mother), Fr. Peter Granzotto,

Jerrie Cusumano, Marlen Medina, Jose Amarillo, Jaxon Williams,

Angela Caracuel, Jennie Armeno, Virginia Drago, Maria de Quespe,

Virginia Castaldo, Steven Jiamundo, Luis Lozada, Vicky Guillen, Michelle,

Ahn Riess, Tanita Hairston, Luz Isaura Lopez, Rocio Guaman, Justo Cabrera, Santiago Guzman, Carlos Saez,

Massimo Zazzara, Kathleen Geretty, Marie Gianguzzi Ariana Martinez, Herbert Reimann, Julia Bruzzese, Donald Gioffre, Joseph Goldman,

Patty Cantrell, Herman Bentimilla, Marie Santos,

Charles Opara, Mercedes Montoya, Anthony Guastella, Rocio Valerio,

Rose Ahanekut, Victoria Grosse, Ana Tapia, Henry Bast, Joan Van Dyke, Anthony Staiano,

Julian Alonzo, Cathy & Tom Malarkey, Charlene Farina, William Giangrande,

Bonnie Soria, Michael Smith, Samantha Nespolini , Felicita Mack, Walter Mallinson, Constance James,

Antoinette Fritz, Joseph & Marion Pavone, Christian John & Rose Miloro

Let us remember in our prayers the sick of our parish:

If you have anyone you would like to include in our Prayer List, please contact Arlete at the

Parish office at 914-939-3169

Stations of the Cross during Lent Every Friday. After the 12:00 noon Mass in Corpus Christi Church in English. 7:00PM at Holy Rosary Church in Spanish Fol-lowed by the 7:30PM Mass.

Vía Crucis todos los viernes durante la Cuaresma. Después de la misa de las 12:00PM en la Iglesia de Corpus Christi. 7:00PM en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Rosario seguida por la misa de las 7:30PM .

Nós teremos a via-sacra todas as sextas-feiras da quaresma. Após a missa do meio dia na Corpus Chirsti e das 7:00PM em Igreja do Santo Rosário em espanhol Seguido pelo 7:30 Missa .

Registration forms will be available at DON BOSCO COMMUNITY CENTER 9:00AM-5:00PM TUESDAY—FRIDAY

A $50.00 Registration Fee and up to-date immunization records

are necessary


Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en el

DON BOSCO COMMUNITY CENTER 9:00AM-5:00PM MARTES—VIERNES Es necesario de vacuna que estépagar $50.00 para el pago de inscripción y registro

al día.

Stations of the Cross

Vía Crucis

Estações da Cruz


Stations of the Cross

Page 7: Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish PALM SUNDAY ... · state of mortal sin is to commit a sacrilege—that is complete disrespect for God and for the things of God. If this


Today we remember the simple entrance of Christ our Lord into Jerusalem. Listen closely to the gospel reading to hear and remember how Jesus humbled himself out of love for us. Jesus did not hide or shield his face but in-stead offered his life on the cross for us. When I listen to this gospel reading I want so much to console Jesus. I want Jesus to know that I trust in him with all my heart and that I love Him so much! I praise and thank Him for his LOVE for us all and for being Jesus, Our Savior! As we enter the days of Holy week which are Monday through Thursday, let us we remem-ber our own Lenten journey and pray for a continued trust in Jesus and always search for ways to Encounter Jesus in our Lives. To-morrow, Monday, April 10th is a Day of Pen-ance for the diocese of New York. This means we will be celebrating the sacrament of pen-ance “all day” at our parish churches. How fitting for us that we finish our Lenten Sea-son with a penitential celebration to prepare our hearts for the paschal mystery this week. Go and make a Good Confession tomorrow! God Bless You!

Our Cardboard CRS Rice Bowls Lenten Program Almsgiving is one of the spiritual pillars of our

Lenten Journey

We are in the sixth and final week of our CRS Rice Bowl Program! Jesus tells us to love our neighbors, even though they may be different

than us. That means the neighbors who live next door and those who live on the other

side of the planet. Jesus reminds us that we are all part of God's great family. THANK

YOU to all children and families for your com-mitment to the poor and vulnerable families

this Lenten Season.

Students please hand in your Cardboard Rice Bowls before Easter.

Religious Education Office: 914-937-6301

Our Lenten Soup Supper are every Wednesday, during Lent. Please join us at 6:00PM in the Holy Rosary Church hall. If you would like to donate a soup, please call Ann Carrieri at 937-2825. _______________________________________ Nuestras cenas de sopa cuaresmal son todos los miércoles durante la Cuaresma. Por favor únase a nosotros a las 6:00PM en el Salón de la Iglesia de Holy Rosary. Si desea donar una sopa, por fa-

vor llame a Ann Carrieri al 937-2825.

——————————————————- Teremos a sopa todas as 4as feiras da quaresma as 6:00pm no basemant da Holy Rosary. Venha tomar sopa conosco! Se quiser doar sopa ligue para Ann Carrieri no 937-2825

In Memory of:________________________ ____________________________________ Requested by:________________________ ___________________________________ Donation $___________________________

Reserve your Easter Flower Pot In Memory of a Loved one!

Religious Education Lenten Soup Suppers

Page 8: Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish PALM SUNDAY ... · state of mortal sin is to commit a sacrilege—that is complete disrespect for God and for the things of God. If this
Page 9: Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish PALM SUNDAY ... · state of mortal sin is to commit a sacrilege—that is complete disrespect for God and for the things of God. If this

Palm Sunday / Domingo de Ramos

Saturday, April 8/ Sábado 8 de abril 4:00PM CC-English Gym 7:00PM HR-Spanish DBCC

Sunday, April 9 / Domingo 9 de abril 7:30AM CC English Gym 8:45AM HR Spanish DBCC 9:00AM CC Portuguese Gym 10:15AM HR English DBCC 11:00AM CC English Gym 11:45AM HR Spanish DBCC 12:30PM CC Spanish Gym 1:15PM HR Spanish DBCC

Holy Week / Semana Santa 2017 Corpus Christi - Our Lady of the Rosary

Monday, April 10 / Lunes, 10 de abril -- CONFESSION DAY - DIA DE CONFESION 6:30AM Adoration Chapel, English Mass 6:45AM CC English Mass 12:00PM CC English Mass 7:30PM HR Spanish Mass CONFESSIONS / CONFESIONES 10:00AM-12:00PM CC English & Spanish 2:00PM-5:00PM CC English & Spanish 6:00PM-9:00PM HR English & Spanish

Tuesday, April 11 / Martes, 11 de abril -- CONFESSION - CONFESION 6:30AM Adoration Chapel, English Mass 6:45AM CC English Mass 12:00PM CC English Mass 7:30PM HR Spanish Mass CONFESSIONS / CONFESIONES 11:00AM-12:00PM CC English & Spanish 6:45PM-8:30PM HR English & Spanish

Wednesday, April 12 / Miercoles, 12 de abril -- CONFESSION - CONFESION 6:30AM Adoration Chapel, English Mass 6:45AM CC English Mass 12:00PM CC English Mass 7:30PM HR Spanish Mass CONFESSIONS / CONFESIONES 11:00AM-12:00PM CC English & Spanish 6:45PM-8:30PM HR English & Spanish

Page 10: Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish PALM SUNDAY ... · state of mortal sin is to commit a sacrilege—that is complete disrespect for God and for the things of God. If this

Easter Sunday / Domingo de Pascua April 16 / 16 de abril

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. Alleluia! Este es el día en que actuó el Señor; sea nuestra alegría y nuestro gozo. ¡Aleluya!

7:30AM CC English Gym 8:45AM HR Spanish Don Bosco Center (with Baptisms) 9:00AM CC Portuguese Gym 10:15AM HR English Church 11:00AM CC English Gym 11:45AM HR Spanish Church 12:00PM HR Spanish Don Bosco Center (with Baptisms) 12:30PM CC English Gym * (extra English mass) 1:30PM HR Spanish Church

The Adoration Chapel will be closed from Wednesday 9:00pm until Easter Monday morning. La Capilla del Santísimo será cerrada desde el Miércoles 9:00pm hasta el lunes por la mañana.

Holy Thursday / Jueves Santo ALL SERVICES TODAY ARE AT HOLY ROSARY April 13 / 13 de abril—(No daily Masses today) (No hay Misa hoy) 8:00AM Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) bi-lingual celebration in Holy Rosary Church. 7:00PM Trilingual Celebration of the Lord’s Supper with the Washing of the Feet, Don Bosco Community Center, followed by a procession to the Church and Adoration until Midnight.

Good Friday / Viernes Santo ALL SERVICES TODAY ARE AT OUR LADY OF MERCY April 14 (Day of Fast and Abstinence) / 14 de abril (Día de Ayuno y Abstinencia) No Mass Today / No Hay Misa 8:00AM Liturgy of the Hours (Morning prayer) bi-lingual celebration in Our Lady of Mercy Church. Afternoon English Services 3:00PM Divine Mercy Chaplet followed by the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion Way of the Cross threw the Streets

5:30PM Way of the Cross thru the Streets in Spanish, beginning at Holy Rosary processing to the parking lot at Our Lady of Mercy and finishing at Corpus Christi with Communion Service.

Vía Crucis por las calles de Port Chester en español, comenzamos en Holy Rosary hasta el parqueo de Our Lady of Mercy y terminamos en Corpus Christi con un servicio de Comunión.

Holy Saturday/Sabado Santo ALL SERVICES TODAY ARE AT CORPUS CHRISTI April 15 Easter Vigil / Sábado Sant, Vigilia de Pascua, 15 de abril No Masses celebraed in the day – No hay Misas en el Dia 8:00AM Liturgy of the Hour (Morning Prayer) bi-lingual Celebration in Corpus Christi Church 7:30PM Easter Vigil—Trilingual Celebration (Corpus Christi Gym) with Sacrament of Initiation. Vigilia Pascual—Celebración Trilingüe (Gimnasio de Corpus Christi)