Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 10 Binary Representation James Harland [email protected]

COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 10 Binary Representation

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James Harland [email protected]. COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 10 Binary Representation. Introduction. Who is this bloke?. Introduction. Overview. Questions? WebLearn Test 1 Assignment 1 Binary Representation Questions?. Introduction to IT. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology

Lecture 10

Binary RepresentationJames Harland

[email protected]

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT


Who is this bloke?

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT


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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Overview Questions?

WebLearn Test 1

Assignment 1

Binary Representation


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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Introduction to IT1 Introduction 2 Images3 Audio4 Video WebLearnTest 1 5 Binary Representation Assignment 16 Data Storage7 Machine Processing8 Operating Systems WebLearn Test 19 Processes Assignment 210 Internet11 Internet Security   WebLearn Test 312 Future of IT Assignment 3, Peer and Self Assessment

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation SE Fundamentals


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Lecture 910: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Assessment Process Submit all assignments via Blackboard in the

Learning Hub Assignment 1 due 11.59pm Sunday 1st April Assignment 2 due 11.59pm Sunday 6th May Assignment 3 due 11.59pm Sunday 27th May Late assignments attract a penalty of 10% per

day late, up to a maximum of 50%

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Assignment Assignment will be in three parts Overall task is to produce a video Groups of up to 3 Assessed by final video and group blog Part 1: images and audio (end of week 5) Part2: hardware (end of week 9) Part 3: reflection, research (end of week 12)

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Lecture 910: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Assignment 1

Use GIMP (or a similar tool) to perform some manipulations on an image

Use Audacity to perform some manipulations on sound

Use a movie making tool to produce something like (and much better than!) ‘Lord of the Controllers 1 & 2’

Email me your group and its name so that I can set up a blog on the Learning Hub

Page 10: COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 10 Binary Representation

Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Overview 01010100001010101010100110100010101001101001010010100011100010101010100101111001001010…

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

History … Babbage’s Difference Engine (1849) Babbage’s Analytical Engine (1837-1871, never built) Turing’s Universal Machine (1936, mathematical model) Turing digital Boolean-logic multiplier (1937) Colossus (1943, destroyed 1945) ENIAC (1946) Von Neumann architecture (c. 1945) EDVAC (1949) CSIRAC (1949)

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Computer Memory

Cells of 8 bits each (one byte)

Most significant bit

Least significant bit



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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Random Access Memory (RAM) Random access means any cell can be accessed at

any time (and in any order)

Volatile – contents cleared when machine is switched off

Very fast compared to other forms of memory

DRAM: dynamic RAM (replenishes charges constantly)

SDRAM: synchronous DRAM – faster still

Often have small very fast caches and registers

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Lecture 9: Data Storage Devices Intro to IT

Magnetic Disk Thin spinning metal disk with magnetic coating

Each disk contains a number of circular tracks

Often several disks stacked on top of each other

Cylinders made up of tracks made up of sectors

Can have very large storage this way

Slow access time!

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Lecture 9: Data Storage Devices Intro to IT

Magnetic Disk (Hard Disk)

Seek time: move heads from one track to anotherLatency time: half time for complete disk rotationAccess time: seek time + latency timeTransfer rate: rate data can be read from disk

`Typical’ Hard disk

Seek time: 2ms to 15msLatency time: 8ms to 20msTransfer rate: 0.5 GB per second

Sounds fast, but is actually quite slow …

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Lecture 9: Data Storage Devices Intro to IT

Optical Disks (CDs, DVDs)

Laser readers rather than magnetic ones

Disks more error-tolerant than magnetic ones

Type Features Date StorageCD “compact disk” 1984 800MBDVD Multiple layers 1995 15GBBlu-ray `blue laser’

(405 vs 650 nm)2004 100GB

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Lecture 9: Data Storage Devices Intro to IT

Flash Drives Disks of all sorts are slow compared to other


Flash drives ‘write’ small electronic circuits

Eventually decay after many changes of data

Suitable for slow-changing data, not main memory

Portable and much more resilient than disks

Page 18: COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 10 Binary Representation

Lecture 9: Data Storage Devices Intro to IT

Older Storage Types

Magnetic tape

`Floppy’ disk (5.25’’ disk)

3.5’’ disk

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Binary Codes

“Meet me at Fred’s”23412.43434343-620

00 111 001

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT


American Standard Code for Information Interchange

7-bit patterns to represent letters (upper and lower case) numbers , . , ; “ $ % @ * & ! ? < > …

Total of 128 different characters

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT


01001000 H01100101 e01101100 l01101100 l01101111 o00101110 .


Unicode: uses 16 bits, can do Chinese, Japanese & Hebrew characters

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

NumbersRepresented in binary notation

25 in ASCII is 00110010 00110101 8 bits per digit seems too much!

Can represent 256 different numbers in 8 bits …

Don’t want to add, multiply etc. in ASCII …

Remember that 1 + 1 = 10 …

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Two’s Complement

How do you store negative numbers?

Bit pattern Value011 3010 2001 1000 0111 -1110 -2101 -3100 -4

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Two’s Complement

Bit pattern Value

011 3010 2001 1000 0111 -1110 -2101 -3100 -4

0 first means +ve (sign bit)1 first means –ve+ve: Count from 0 up to 01n-1

-ve: Start from 1n down to 10n-1

3 is 011, -3 is 1012 is 010, -2 is 1101 is 001, -1 is 111

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Two’s Complement

Bit pattern Value

011 3010 2001 1000 0111 -1110 -2101 -3100 -4

1 + 2: add in obvious way3 – 1: calculate as 3 + (-1)011 + 111 = 1010Answer is 010, ie 2. Can add and subtract with the same circuits

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Excess Notation

Bit pattern Value

111 3110 2101 1100 0011 -1010 -2001 -3000 -4

A different encoding of the numbers“naive” bit pattern encodes 4 more than actual value100 (looks like 4) encodes 0101 (looks like 5) encodes 1110 (looks like 6) encodes 2

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Floating Point

sign bitMantissa


1 bit for sign3 bits for exponent4 bits for mantissa


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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Floating Point

01011001 means +ve 0.1001 shifted 101 place= 1.001

Mantissa: digit sequence (1st digit always 1) Exponent: where to put the . This is generally given in ‘excess’ notation

Binary form of 2.423 x 104

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Truncation Errors

Beware adding small numbers to large ones!Finite length of encoding means that sometimes digits are lostNot often a problem, but can be …

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT

Parity Bits

Add a ‘parity bit’ to each byte Odd parity: make total of 1s in all 9 bits odd Even parity: make total of 1s in all 9 bits even If parity is wrong, then an error has occurred

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Lecture 10: Binary Representation Intro to IT


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