Costume Research

Costume research

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Costume Research

Page 2: Costume research

Costume works to highlight the personality and situation of the character. For example, if a character is a businessman, they would wear a suit or, if they were a school child, they would wear a uniform. It also subconsciously helps the audience determine a little more about the setting and time- i.e. if the piece is set somewhere very cold, the characters would wear hats and scarves.

Why Is Costume Important?

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To organise our costumes, we had to consider both the aesthetics of the clothing and its practicality. We wanted our characters to be well dressed to show their professionalism, but we also needed to be comfortable. We decided on simple black clothes- as our bodies would not appear frequently in the shot but would still need to be shown- as the colour would show an air of mystery.

What Did We Need To


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During the shoot, we found that our costumes were not particularly warm, and it impacted the shoot as it meant that we were more likely to rush the shots because of the cold.

How Did They Work In Practice?

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I believe that our costumes were very appropriate for our piece and for the genre, but in future we could improve on practicality by making them a little more tolerant of the cold.

In Hindsight