Counselling Needs

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  • 8/18/2019 Counselling Needs


    Counselor's Needs in


  • 8/18/2019 Counselling Needs


    Does Counseling work at all?Does Counseling work at all?

    The research studies have proved that it does!!The research studies have proved that it does!!

    It not only cures but helps people pass through troubledIt not only cures but helps people pass through troubledperiod of their lives with minimum of pain and makes thisperiod of their lives with minimum of pain and makes thisperiod bearable.period bearable.

    As a counselor ask these questions to yourself:As a counselor ask these questions to yourself:

    How/Why do people get to be the way they are?How/Why do people get to be the way they are? How/Why do they maintain their thoughts and feelings in aHow/Why do they maintain their thoughts and feelings in a

    particular maladaptive manner?particular maladaptive manner? How can I facilitate their changing their patterns of thinking?How can I facilitate their changing their patterns of thinking?

    What kind of change am I willing to support or assist?What kind of change am I willing to support or assist?The answers to these uestions will shift from time to timeThe answers to these uestions will shift from time to timebut you must believe in something and know what thatbut you must believe in something and know what thatsomething is. therwise you will slip into a world of tricks andsomething is. therwise you will slip into a world of tricks and

    nostrums confusing you and your clients!!!nostrums confusing you and your clients!!!

  • 8/18/2019 Counselling Needs


    Evaluating the Outcomes of CounselingEvaluating the Outcomes of Counseling

    "laim# improvement in the $ental Health of the client"laim# improvement in the $ental Health of the clientwhich is hard to define.which is hard to define.

    Criteria for imrovement:Criteria for 


    %oes the client report he feels better?%oes the client report he feels better?$ay be yes& but because he wants to believe it. There$ay be yes& but because he wants to believe it. Therehave to be measures to test the difference before andhave to be measures to test the difference before andafter.after.

    %oes the counselor report satisfaction?%oes the counselor report satisfaction?$ay be yes but it may again be biased. 'ome$ay be yes but it may again be biased. 'omeproblems are amenable to counseling measures whileproblems are amenable to counseling measures whileothers may not be.others may not be.

  • 8/18/2019 Counselling Needs


    !ersonal characteristics of Effective

    Counselor  (ffective counselors are open to and accepting of their(ffective counselors are open to and accepting of their

    own e)periencesown e)periences

    They are aware of their own values and beliefsThey are aware of their own values and beliefs

    They are able to develop warm and deep relationshipThey are able to develop warm and deep relationshipwith otherswith others

    They are able to allow themselves to be seen byThey are able to allow themselves to be seen by

    others as they actually areothers as they actually are

    They accept personal responsibility for their ownThey accept personal responsibility for their own

    behaviour behaviour 

    (ffective counselors have developed realistic levels of(ffective counselors have developed realistic levels of


  • 8/18/2019 Counselling Needs


    *eginning a +elationship*eginning a +elationship

    ,irst interaction has impact on later interactions.,irst interaction has impact on later interactions."lient has lots of uestions#"lient has lots of uestions#

     -m I welcome? -m I welcome? "an I trust him/her?"an I trust him/her?

    Is interaction possible?Is interaction possible? Will it be satisfying?Will it be satisfying?

     -nswers to these uestions are not to be provided by -nswers to these uestions are not to be provided bywords but by more subtle and powerful methods like#words but by more subtle and powerful methods like#

    hysical settinghysical setting The way you greet the clientThe way you greet the client  -ctions and gestures -ctions and gestures

    Tone of the voice etc.Tone of the voice etc.

  • 8/18/2019 Counselling Needs


    "irst Considerations"irst Considerations

    Is the client voluntary or involuntary?Is the client voluntary or involuntary?#oluntary clients#oluntary clients

    oluntary clients are easy to deal witholuntary clients are easy to deal with

    as decision to have counseling hasas decision to have counseling has

    already been taken.already been taken.

      *ut still there may be two problems#*ut still there may be two problems#0ame laying0ame laying

    Trying to put counselor downTrying to put counselor down

  • 8/18/2019 Counselling Needs


    $nvoluntary clients:$nvoluntary clients:

    Involuntary clients are more difficult to deal withInvoluntary clients are more difficult to deal with

    as they may have been forced to come for thisas they may have been forced to come for thisinteraction. %eal with such client in the initialinteraction. %eal with such client in the initialstages itself by ways of communication#stages itself by ways of communication#

    Who referred to you here and why?Who referred to you here and why? What might be offered?What might be offered? -llow the client to e)press his/her feelings# -llow the client to e)press his/her feelings#

    angry1 pu22led1 confused etc.angry1 pu22led1 confused etc. "lient should be given the freedom to leave."lient should be given the freedom to leave. If unwilling to continue with you offer otherIf unwilling to continue with you offer other


  • 8/18/2019 Counselling Needs


    %ackground information required and needed%ackground information required and needed

    This depends upon#This depends upon#

    Setting:Setting:  In a clinical setting detailed information isIn a clinical setting detailed information isneeded but in an organi2ational setting less informationneeded but in an organi2ational setting less informationis needed.

    Nature and extent of problemNature and extent of problem# If problem is deep# If problem is deep

    rooted and reuires personality change detailed androoted and reuires personality change detailed andcomprehensive information is reuired but if it is acomprehensive information is reuired but if it is asurface problem& less information is reuired.surface problem& less information is reuired.

    Purpose:Purpose:  If freedom from depression& shyness etc.If freedom from depression& shyness etc.information about family background& upbringing isinformation about family background& upbringing is

    reuired but in case of information about 3ob relatedreuired but in case of information about 3ob relatedissues no such details are reuired.issues no such details are reuired.

    Relevance:Relevance:  In case of vocation or 3ob related issuesIn case of vocation or 3ob related issuesinformation about education etc. is reuired but in caseinformation about education etc. is reuired but in case

    of marital counseling other information may be moreof marital counseling other information may be morerelevant4relevant4