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These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 35 years old. Please discuss all exercise or nutritional changes with your physician and/or registered dietician. This manual is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older.

The information in this report is meant to supplement, not replace, proper nutritional training. All forms of exercise and nutritional modifications pose some inherent risks. The editors and publishers advise reader to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. This dietary program in this book is not intended as a substitute for any dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician.

See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking medications, you must talk to your physician or a registered dietician before making behavioral changes.

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JENNYThank you so much for purchasing my guide to Counting Macros.

I’m not sure where you are on your Fitness Journey but if you downloaded this guide, then I know you’re serious about your fat loss goals and maintaining your amazing results.

I’ve been Coaching women to fitness and weight loss success for more than a decade and also had the amazing opportunity to work with some of the biggest Weight Loss Companies in the world as a Transformation Consultant and there’s a good chance you would have seen one of my clients in celebrity and/or fitness magazines and even on television.

So I created this guide (and accompanying calculator) to better help you stay on plan both in the short term and especially the long term.

As a Coach, I can tell you structure is crucial to get you from A to B so a nutrition plan calculated and put together for your goals (and adhered to) is paramount for your success but, in the real world, we’ll also need an abundance of variety to fit into your lifestyle or there’s a good chance you can see all of the hard work you put into your physique rebound itself back to where you started from or even worse – more weight gain.

It is my mission to want to equip you with as much information as possible with the strategies that I personally use for my own Fitness Goals and also the strategies that I use when creating programs for my clients.

More so these are the same strategies that have allowed unlimited food flexibility for both my clients and myself to enjoy with friends, family, loved ones, events and vacations while staying on plan.

I hope this guide (written in conjunction with one of my most trusted clients, STRONG GIRLS Coach, and Macro Counting Wizard – Lori Clemente) will bring to you not only nutritional independence through information and education but also the peace of mind in knowing that food flexibility is the key to a healthy and fit lifestyle.

J enny (aka Coach JVB)

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I’m Lori, a certified personal trainer whose life was saved by flexible dieting.

For so many years, I thought to lose body fat, I had to adhere to a very strict diet that would only allow me to eat chicken and asparagus with minimal carbs and definitely no “fun” foods. I tried every fad diet on the market, working with minimal calories, eliminating certain food groups and ultimately ended up going on an eating binge each time because I felt deprived and imprisoned. I couldn’t understand how others around me could be so successful in their fat loss and then be able to maintain it! Did they just resign themselves to the fact that they would only eat chicken breast, fish, salad and broccoli forever? I didn’t get it! This caused me to yo-yo diet for several years, losing weight and then gaining it all back and then some! I knew I was causing more harm than good.

It wasn’t until I began working with a coach that I started to understand nutrition and the role food plays in fueling our bodies. I was introduced to the concept of If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) and I thought, how is it possible to eat foods like pizza and dough-nuts and still achieve the physique I was after? Well, let me tell you, this concept, once I understood its premise, opened up a completely new world for me in the way of food flexibility.Learning about macro-nutrients and how to calculate them based on individual needs was a huge eye opener for me and it literally freed me from my diet prison and my mentality that I had to eat chicken breast and asparagus to get the physique I wanted.


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The premise of IIFYM, as I see it and follow it, is based on eating whole healthful foods and also incorporating some “fun” foods whenever I feel the desire. It has given me that elusive balance that we are all after! It has taught me that there are no “good” foods and no “bad” foods. Food is food and it all ultimately fits somewhere on the macro-nutrient spectrum. IIFYM has given me the tools necessary not only to get to my physique goals but to also maintain them! It has also taken the notion of “I can’t eat that” out of my mentality. Having taken away that notion of “I can’t eat that” has eliminated the seductiveness of foods that I once labeled as bad. It has given me the freedom to choose what I want to eat, all the time! I use IIFYM because it allows me to eat a variety of foods and still keep the weight off, maintaining the physique I have worked hard for.

IIFYM is definitely not for everyone; it takes a lot of preparation and calculations. If you’re anything like me though, (I love all things math), it will be something that can help you achieve balance in achieving your own physique goals. Grasping the IIFYM concept and putting in the work did not happen overnight. It took me a few years to understand how our bodies work and respond to the foods that we give it. Like most people who start working with a coach, my nutrition was quite straightforward with minimal food flexibility in order to teach me structure. I am forever grateful for the experience I have had so far and even more grateful for having finally grasped the concept of IIFYM. As time passes, it becomes easier to calculate your macros for the day, the weekend or the week but again, preparation is still the key. Ultimately, if you are willing to put in the effort and the time it takes to fully understand IIFYM and then move forward with calculating your macros, I promise you it is very liberating!

I hope you enjoy learning about IIFYM as much as I did and then reaping the benefits from it!



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WHAT ARE MACROS? 8Fat 9Protein 11Carbohydrate 13

WHAT IS IIFYM? 14Goal and lifestyle based dieting 15Old school dieting vs. IIFYM 16Macro budgeting 17Sample IIFYM day 18Pitfalls to avoid 19

HOW TO MAKE IIFYM WORK FOR YOU 21Finding your macros & calories 22Planning your IIFYM day 23Utilizing IIFYM at an unexpected restaurant or event 29What you’ll need for success 31


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Before we begin, please familiarize yourself with this page.


It is my Macros Calculator and is free to use to help you figure out your macros based on your goals and lifestyle.

This calculator will give you a general calorie and macros range to hit with this accompanying e-book allowing you to put together your own nutrition plan with the foods of your choice and the guidelines we recommend.


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To understand If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) it is critical to understand what a macro-nutrient, or macro, is.A Macro is a carbohydrate, fat, or protein found in food; our body needs all three of these macros in various proportions, depending on our goals, activity level, and other variables. A micro-nutrient, on the other hand, is a vitamin or mineral delivered by said macro-nutrients. All three macro-nutrients are required by our body to survive, grow, replenish, and repair.

Fats, protein, and carbs all deliver energy (calories) to our bodies in their own ratios. And, of course, calories are what our bodies need to not only survive, but thrive. Each macronutrient delivers its own serving of calories:


It’s critical to really understand what macros are and how they need to be distributed in order to properly and healthfully execute an IIFYM diet. For instance, because IIFYM is considered flexible dieting, there is room for all types of foods in your plan however all foods are not created equal. Yes, with IIFYM there are no “off limits” foods but there are still foods you should eat in scarcity in order to live healthfully and allow your body to operate like the well-oiled STRONG GIRL machine it has the potential to be.

So, let’s talk macros more in depth.


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FATFat is essential for our bodies, specifically for brain and heart health as well as fostering healthy cholesterol levels and ensuring proper joint function. Fat, like all macros, is also a source of energy; particularly when you’re pursuing a low carb, higher fat diet. In this instance, fat takes over as the energy source.There are different types of fats, as you may well know – simply put, there are “healthy” fats and “unhealthy” fats. Healthy fats are unsaturated fats, namely polyunsaturated fats and mono unsaturated fats (see chart below).

Then there are unhealthy fats, which are saturated or trans fats - these fats are labeled bad because they have been known to raise cholesterol, clog arteries, and have a negative impact on heart health.


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FATHere’s a breakdown to better demonstrate where some foods lie on the fat spectrum.

Saturated or Trans Fats, AKA “Bad” Fat Sources

Polyunsaturated, AKA “Good” Fat Sources

Mono unsaturated, AKA “Good” Fat Sources

Butter, lard Fish oils Avocado

Lunch meats Nuts & seeds Canola Oil, Olive Oil

Dairy (other than skim) Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel, sardines) Olives

Partially hydrogenated oils Egg yolk

Cakes, pastries, doughnuts Nuts & seeds

Fatty meats Nut butters

Chicken skin

Ice cream


Deep fried foods


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PROTEINProtein is made up of amino acids, and we can thank amino acids for repairing and regenerating tissue and cells within our bodies. Most of us know that protein is what helps to repair and build muscle, so that’s how we relate to it. But protein is also responsible for regulating hormones as well as fostering immune health. Despite what many may believe, protein can be obtained from both animal and vegetable sources, so if you’re vegetarian or vegan, don’t fear!You can still build a lean, muscular physique by sourcing veggies for protein.

PROTEIN SOURCESLegumes, beansChickenBeefFish, seafoodNuts & seedsQuinoaAvocadoBeetsGreens (spinach, kale)Protein powder (whey, veggie based i.e. pea or hemp)PorkSoy


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DID YOU KNOW?High-quality protein supplements are an excellent source of protein; however, whole food protein sources always come first.

The best time for a protein supplement is always post-workout (PWO) – protein powders absorb faster than whole food protein sources, so they’re ideal for PWO when you need to quickly shuttle protein to your muscles to refuel and rebuild cells.Whole food sources of protein absorb more slowly, so they’re best for other meals of the day to sustain satiety and avoid feeling hungry again within a couple of hours.


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CARBOHYDRATEAt times, carbohydrates (carbs) have been given a bad rap but they’re critical for proper brain and body function; carbs are the sugars, starches, and fibers found in food that the body breaks down into glucose and uses as the primary source of energy in most diets.

Carbs can be found in veggies, fruits, pastries, dairy products, and so on. As most of us know by now, there are simple carbs and complex carbs; simple carbs are broken down more rapidly and used for energy faster than complex carbs. And any carbs we eat in excess that aren’t used for energy are stored in the body and converted to fat.

Whereas some people refer to simple carbs as “bad” and complex carbs as “good,” in reality there is space for both simple and complex carbs to exist in a diet; they each have their time and place. When harnessed properly, carbs can be an incredibly powerful tool for fueling energetic workouts and replenishing the body afterwards.

Here’s a more comprehensive list of simple and complex carbs.

Simple Carbohydrates Complex Carbohydrates

White bread & pasta Veggies

Fruit Whole grains

Milk Beans

Candy Potatoes

Juice Oatmeal


Pastries & cookies


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IIFYM, or If It Fits Your Macros, is a flexible approach to dieting which largely diminishes the polarizing idea of “good” and “bad” foods and allows you to fit your diet to taste preferences, your lifestyle, and goals.

In other words, virtually all foods can have their time and place, it’s just about keeping track of your macros. You’ll be allotted a certain number of carbs, protein, and fat throughout each day, and it’ll vary between training days and rest days. Naturally, training days you need more sustenance than rest days because your energy output is higher.Once you know your numbers (provided by yours truly), all you need to do is document those macros each day, ensuring you stay within the range you’ve been given.

The beauty is that once you work out your macros for a training day and a rest day, you’ve got the perfect outline for all other days to come.Yet, IIFYM is flexible dieting so if you’ve got a social outing or something requiring you to eat off plan (and I use the word “plan” loosely), it’s no big deal because you know how to rearrange your macros to suit this anomaly. But more on that later.


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GOAL AND LIFESTYLE BASED DIETINGIf your goals are to lose weight and get toned up, you’ll be in a caloric deficit essential for achieving that physique, but it’ll be much more manageable than old school dieting which comes with so many restrictions it can make your head spin.

Alternatively, if your goals are training related – let’s say you’re training for some kind of performance focused competition – IIFYM is so ideal because we can target your macros to enhance your performance, doing away with low energy and lackluster training as so many low-calorie diets result in. The beauty of IIFYM is that the macro allotment and the concept of meeting your macros is so specific to YOU and can be tailored for your body, your tastes, and your lifestyle and goals. It’s so flexible it’s virtually fail proof.


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OLD SCHOOL DIETING VS. IIFYMInstead of becoming calorie obsessed and heading into a tailspin caused by the idea of deprivation, flexible dieting allows you to include foods you love, in portions and instances suitable for your life. For instance, if you have a birthday party to attend on Friday night and you know you’ll want a piece of cake, you don’t need to deprive yourself of that cake. You simply plan the macros into your Friday (maybe you cut back on some carbs and possibly fats in your morning and afternoon snacks) so you can enjoy your cake that evening – guilt and worry free.

Sounds great, right? That’s why IIFYM has gained so much traction in the fitness industry as of late. Its approach is accommodating and makes consistency so much more attainable. And we all know consistency is key to achieving that photo-shoot-ready body. Flubbed up and ate something you know you shouldn’t have had this morning? You no longer need to feel overwhelmed with guilt and throw the rest of your day away because you messed up on your diet.

With IIFYM, you simply do some calculations and get right back on track, without missing a beat.


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MACRO BUDGETINGThink of it as if you have three currencies you need to budget: carbs, proteins, and fats. Naturally, you won’t want to spend all your carbs before noon, so the idea is that you budget out carbs for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any snacks in between. Likewise with proteins and fats. This is where planning becomes essential for IIFYM; we didn’t say it didn’t require ANY work! But I know my Strong Girls never shy away from a little work, especially when we are so driven to get the results we desire.

Carbs, fats, and proteins, when consumed in the right balance for you (numbers which I will provide you with) can produce some incredible full body transformation results. Want proof? Check out the Transformation area on my website for some of the amazing women I worked with who have mastered this strategy


Nicole Sagolili

Tanya Burke

Megan Van Fleet

Tina Brockman

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SAMPLE IIFYM DAYOkay, let’s say you’re a 5’3” woman weighing 150lbs and your goal is to lose 20lbs and lean out - A caloric budget could start at 1650 calories per day, but more importantly I’d allot you 127 grams carbs, 150 grams protein, and 60 grams fat per day (macro allotment can vary but this is a good start and used as an example).

So, all you need to do is figure out how you want to divide up your macros so that you meet those macros while maintaining a vibrant energy level for training and functioning optimally throughout the day. Remember – this is about flexible dieting to suit your life and goals. You shouldn’t be hanging by a thread, dreaming of food. You should be enjoying your life and feeling fantastic. So, here’s one way you could plan out your day ahead of time so that your flexible diet is virtually bullet proof.

Let’s say it’s a training day.

Meal Carbs Protein Fat

Breakfast 35 35 20

Post-Workout (PWO) 25 25

Lunch 25 30 15

Snack 20 30 10

Dinner 20 30 15


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PITFALLS TO AVOIDOne major pitfall to avoid is eating too much food that isn’t micro-nutrient dense. Remember, micro-nutrients are vitamins and minerals delivered by the food we eat. So, too many foods that are nutritionally empty will result in a depletion of essential vitamins and minerals. Of course, when we say nutritionally empty, that equates to things like doughnuts, cookies, other pastries, candies, deep fried foods, etc. Like we said previously, there is a time and a place for foods like this, but too much of it and you will find your blood sugar going haywire, your energy levels failing you, and probably some other gut and skin issues as a result. My advice: if you really want to work some of these foods into your diet so you don’t feel deprived, eat them as part of your post-workout meal.

Just to be clear we don’t recommend regularly skipping meals to accommodate dessert every night and fit into your macros. Yes the numbers might match up and for flexibility purposes we can certainly work more fun foods into plan but when these foods become a staple in your regular diet then the quality of our physique and fat loss goals will suffer. That’s not what IIFYM is about so be mature about.

DID YOU KNOW?If you know you have a big social event on the weekend, you could “save” some carbs and fats from each meal throughout the week in order to accommodate the big social event for more flexibility!


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PITFALLS TO AVOIDPost-workout (PWO), you need the perfect combination of protein and quickly absorbing carbs in order to shuttle nutrients to your muscles to replenish, refuel, and continue to build muscle. So, use your PWO meal to your advantage here and enjoy that simple carb (read: fast absorbing carb) you’ve been craving, whether it’s a cookie or some candies. Just make sure it fits your macros! Easy as pie.Of course with IIFYM we also have the beauty of unlimited food flexibility so if you know that you have a big social event on the weekend, you can save some carbs and fats from each meal throughout the week in order to accommodate your social event.

DID YOU KNOW?More muscle means a higher resting metabolism, which means more fat burned and leaner and tighter looking body. That’s why Strong Girls never shy away from muscle!


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There is no right way to set your macros because everyone is different and setting macros is a bit of art and science based on your goals and also your lifestyle.

The very first thing to do is set a caloric deficit and you can do that by calculating your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) but to make things easier, you can use our Macros Calculator or a more straight forward calculation of multiplying bodyweight by x10-x13 depending on the client and their goals.

For example if I have a healthy female of average height weighing at 150 lbs. looking to lean out on a more aggressive rate of progress, I would start with multiplying their body weight x11 so total kcal for the day would be 1650 kcal.With the calories established, now we will get into setting up your macros.

The first macro to calculate is protein.In traditional bodybuilding, the “rule” is 1g/lb. but I have found that number doesn’t work for everyone in Real World Fat Loss so I will set protein anywhere from 0.6g/lbs. to 1.2g/lbs. again depending on the client.

For someone with more weight to lose, I would start protein intake lower factoring in current lean muscle mass so a calculation of 1g/lbs. of their projected “after” weight (or close to it) would be my strategy so we can bring that down to as low as 0.6g/lbs. of their current body weight.

In contrast, with someone with who is already fairly lean I would calculate protein in the 1-1.2g/lbs. range.


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FINDING YOUR MACROS & CALORIESWith protein being responsible for lean muscle, I can’t stress enough the importance of setting up these macros first.The next macro to set up is your dietary fats which will fall in the range of 0.25-0.35g/lbs depending on the person, their current level of conditioning and also their goals. It’s important to not set fats too low where it disrupts hormone function because, make no mistake, dietary fats are a crucial part of our diet especially for fat loss.

And of course the last macro to set up is your carbohydrates, and guess what? This is the easy part! Whatever calories we have remaining after calculating your protein and fats is your carbohydrate allotment so this is where we can have a lot of fun with setting up your diet.

Don’t forget that I’ve made it even easier for you with my IIFYM Calculator so you can plug in your information and my calculator will give you a general macro range based on your goals - https://www.coachjvb.com/macro-calculator/

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PLANNING YOUR IIFYM DAYIf you’re new to tracking macros, planning out your day may seem daunting at first, but after doing it a few times it gets a lot easier... and even kind of fun. I mean, who wouldn’t want to indulge in their favorite foods (Chicken fingers and fries or pizza are my favorites!) and still be working towards achieving their fitness goals?!

I look at it as a puzzle where I am trying to figure out what inputs will balance an equation, or in this case a target number of calories, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Before starting IIFYM I recommend creating a 1 week log that tracks what you eat: no need to hit macros or calories. Just eat normally and track your food intake because this will help you become familiar with MyFitnessPal and how to weigh your food.

More so it’s very beneficial to get familiarized with the “ins and outs” of MFP and this can also be an eye opener as to where your extra calories (or under eating) is coming from.

You don’t need to purchase the upgraded version of MFP to track your macros because you can do this easily on your computer or your phone but, as a warning, when tracking your macros on MFP, do NOT adhere to the macros and calories you should be eating from MFP because it’s not very accurate – use the formulas I’ve outlined or the IIFYM calculator to start.

When it comes to IIFYM…

I currently do about 1 to 3 IIFYM days per week, and I usually save them for the weekend. I will usually plan my IIFYM the day before, or the same morning while I drink my morning coffee and before I have eaten anything. In my opinion, the number one key to a successful IIFYM day is planning in advance.


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PLANNING YOUR IIFYM DAYHere is the general process I follow. Imagine that it’s a Saturday morning and I have plans to go out for dinner with friends at the restaurant Kelsey’s that night.

First I would take a look at the online menu of Kelsey’s, which includes nutritional information. I have decided that I would like to have their Chicken Fried Chicken entrée which comes with a side of mashed potatoes and vegetables (total is 760 calories, 37g of protein, 71g of carbohydrate, and 38g of fat). I would first plug this information into my calorie/macro counting app (I like to use My Fitness Pal), as I know that this will be my meal with the highest number of calories and grams of fat of the day and I will therefore have to work around it in order to meet my calorie and macro-nutrient goals for the day.



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PLANNING YOUR IIFYM DAYAfter plugging in my Kelsey’s meal, My Fitness Pal tells me that I have 1,240 calories, 138g of protein, 129g of carbohydrates, and 18g of fat left for my day. Looking at these numbers, the restaurant meal will have used up 68% of my fat allocation for the day, so this is something I will keep in mind for the rest of my meals and snacks. Next, if it is a training day, I would input my PWO meal so that I can ensure I have a sufficient amount of carbohydrates to utilize.



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PLANNING YOUR IIFYM DAYNext, I would plug in my breakfast and lunch, ensuring each meal is a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. I usually keep the portion sizes similar to the meals I have “on plan,” and potentially adjust the portion size downward a bit to account for the fact that the restaurant food I have chosen is likely higher in calories than an “on plan” meal. Similarly, I may also reduce the number of fats or carbohydrates in the particular meal if the restaurant meal is high in carbohydrates or fat (as in this example).

A normal “on plan” lunch might consist of 200 calories worth of chicken breast (approximately 120g), and 90 calories worth of baby potatoes, so to make up for the higher calories of my restaurant meal, I have decreased the portion of carbohydrate slightly to 100g. I have excluded any olive oil I would normally use to account for the fact that my restaurant meal is high in fat, and I have also included some green beans. I have kept the amount of protein the same to ensure that I reach my protein target for the day.

A normal “on plan” breakfast might consist of ¾ cup of egg whites, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, and 1.5 English muffins, so to make up for the higher calories and fat in the restaurant meal I would decrease the size of the meal to ¾ cup egg whites, ½ tablespoon of peanut butter, and 1 English muffin. Again, I have kept the amount of protein the same to ensure that I reach my protein target for the day.

After filling in my 3 main meals for the day, I would review what my remaining calories and macro-nutrients are. In this case, they are 358 calories, 34g protein, 56g carbohydrates, and 1g of fat. I would then use up the remaining calories as snacks, with a focus on high protein, high carb, and low fat foods, given the macro-nutrients that I have left. This final step usually requires a bit of playing around with quantities in order to reach the specific macro-nutrient goal amounts. This is where using an app like My Fitness Pal comes in handy – you can quickly and easily adjust quantities to see how such adjustments change the number of calories and macro-nutrients, and how that compares to your target numbers.

My go-to high protein snacks include Greek yogurt, low fat mozzarella cheese, and protein powder, and my go-to high carbohydrate snacks include fruit, rice cakes, Skinny Pop popcorn, and Kii crisps. In this example, I added celery, Greek yogurt with sweet cherries, 1.5 cups of Skinny Pop popcorn, and a scoop of protein powder to mix with water.







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Totals 1,652 144 56 143 3,930 16 Your Daily Goal 2,000 200 56 175 2,300 81

Remaining 348 56 0 32 -1,630 65


kcal Carbs

g Fat g

Protein g

Sodium mg

Sugar g



rea ast alories kcal

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Pc Blue Menu - Free-run Egg Whites, 0.75 cup 0 0 21 Egg - Egg, 1 large 0 5 6 Oakrun Farm - Whole Wheat English Muffin, 1 English Muffin 24 2 5 Nut's to You Nut Butter Inc. - Smooth Peanut Butter, 0.5 tbs 2 4 2 Add Food Quick Tools 33 26 11 34 566 3


Homemade - Boiled Baby Potatoes, 100 g 17 0 2 Green Giant (Canada) - Valley Selections Whole Green Beans (Mck) 2017.jan.24, 70 gram 5 0 1 Generic - Cooked Chicken Breast., 125 gram 0 5 39 Add Food Quick Tools 310 22 5 42 99 2


Kelsey's - Chicken Fried Chicken, 621 g 71 38 37 Add Food Quick Tools 60 71 38 37 2,920 8

na s

Allmax - Isonatural Protein Powder, 30 g 1 0 27 Quaker (Canada) - White Cheddar Rice Cakes, 3 cake 24 2 3 Add Food Quick Tools 245 25 2 30 345 3

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PLANNING YOUR IIFYM DAYUpon finalizing my food choices, my first goal is to always make sure I am within my calorie allotment, and my second goal is to ensure that my protein goal is met. As your macro-nutrients will very rarely match 100%, it is fine if you are within 5-10% of your target number of grams of fat and carbohydrates, as in the example below. I note that sodium levels are higher than recommended for the day due to the high sodium in the restaurant meal, so I would ensure to drink a sufficient amount of water that day to prevent water retention.



Snacks Allmax - Isonatural Protein Powder, 30 g 110 1 0 27 45 0 Quaker (Canada) - White Cheddar Rice Cakes, 3 cake 135 24 2 3 300 3 Celery, raw, 2 cup chopped 32 6 0 1 162 3 Iso Whey Breezer - Pineapple Punch - Interactive Nutrition, 1 scoop (23g) 80 1 0 20 35 0 Pc - Dark Sweet Cherries Frozen, 100 gram 64 16 0 1 0 13 Liberte - 0% Greek Yogurt Plain, 200 g 114 7 0 19 74 7 Skinny Pop - Popcorn 39 Cal Per Cup, 1.5 cups 60 6 4 1 30 0 Add Food Quick Tools 595 61 6 72 646 26

Totals 1,977 180 59 182 4,201 39 Your Daily Goal 2,000 200 56 175 2,300 81

Remaining 23 20 -3 -7 -1,901 42


kcal Carbs

g Fat g

Protein g

Sodium mg

Sugar g

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UTILIZING IIFYM AT AN UNEXPECTED RESTAURANT OR EVENTAs previously mentioned, I believe the number one key to a successful IIFYM day is planning in advance. However, sometimes life happens and an unexpected meal may come up or you may end up at a restaurant that does not have nutritional information readily available. Below are my tips for these types of scenarios.

When at a restaurant that does not have nutritional information available I would try to choose “simple meals” made of easily identifiable proteins, carbohydrates, and vegetables, versus meals made of many ingredients mixed together (such as lasagna, soup, pasta, etc.).

• For protein, choose items like grilled steak or chicken, steamed fish, sashimi, and shrimp cocktail. Carbohydrate examples would include steamed vegetables, steamed rice, boiled or baked potatoes, and salad (without the dressing, cheese, and croutons).

• Many restaurant meals are known for having high amounts of fat or high calorie sauces, so to avoid this you can request to have your proteins cooked without added oil/butter/sauce. You can also request to have your vegetables or rice steamed, and potatoes boiled or baked. For salads, you can request that there are no dressings, cheese, or croutons, and add vinegar and/or lemon juice on the side to use in place of dressing.

• To determine the portion size of the protein and carbohydrates in your meal so that you can input the meal into your calorie/macro-nutrient tracking app, you can also inquire with your server or use a pocket scale if you are comfortable with that. Some menus may also indicate the weight of the protein, particularly if it is a steak.

• In a worst case scenario, you can “eyeball” your portion size (which becomes easier over time with more experience) or look up a similar item in your calorie/macro-nutrient tracking app. If several different items with varying nutritional information come up in search, I would select the one with the higher caloric value in order to be conservative.

• Remember – there is never any harm in asking your server about your meal or making a special request. Most restaurants are more accommodating than you would think!


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UTILIZING IIFYM AT AN UNEXPECTED RESTAURANT OR EVENTIf an event you did not plan for came up, try your best to select the types of food mentioned above and in portion sizes that best match your remaining macros for the day. For example, if I had consumed the majority of my target number of carbohydrates earlier in the day, I would try to stick with high protein and low carbohydrate foods. If you do not have the ability to control the specific food you are going to eat, just ensure that your portion size is reasonable. You can also quickly do research on your calorie/macronutrient tracking app on the number of calories in the available foods in order to assess what a reasonable portion size would be.

And, of course, you also have the option to utilize a Free Meal if you find yourself in any of the above situations.


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WHAT YOU’LL NEED FOR SUCCESS1- A food scale2 - A food prep day3 - My Fitness Pal app or a notebook

A Food ScaleAny food scale will do as long as it accurately measures grams or oz. for you. The food scale is important for properly weighing food and avoiding “eyeballing,” which can lead to overeating before you know it, and a seemingly unexplained weight loss stalemate or even weight gain.

A Food Prep DayThe best way to start your week, in my opinion, is food prepping on Sundays. It prepares you for the sometimes-chaos of a fast-moving work week by arming yourself with pre-prepared meals. It takes the thought and work out of eating healthfully all week long. I’ve found that when people are tired or run down, nutrition can slip. Give yourself the best head start possible and the best chances at nutritional success by prepping on Sundays.

My Fitness Pal App/NotebookYes, there are some calculations to do when counting macros but I think of it as a fun challenge that allows me much more freedom and satisfaction than a strict meal plan. My Fitness Pal app is a great resource to help you track your macros. The app not only allows you to easily track your carbs, fats, and proteins it also tracks water intake – a much forgotten element of body transformation – as well as exercise. Plus, it takes your progress virtual which adds another fun element to the process. Within the app, you can create your favorite go-to meals and recipes, which makes tracking more seamless. It keeps track of your most frequent meals eaten so you can do simple additions to your day.A notebook handy is also a great way to go about tracking your macros, especially if you just feel more comfortable putting pen to paper. Whatever your method, tracking can be fun – enjoy the transformation process and use whichever strategy makes you most comfortable!


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FAQSQ. What is IIFYM?A. IIFYM, or If It Fits Your Macros, is a flexible approach to dieting which largely diminishes the polarizing idea of “good” and “bad” foods and allows you to fit your diet to taste preferences, your lifestyle, and goals. IIFYM will have you tracking the number of carbs, fats, and proteins and budgeting them throughout your day so that by the end of the day you will have met your macro allotment.

Q. What is a macro?A. A Macro is a carbohydrate, fat, or protein found in food; our body needs all three of these macros in various proportions, depending on our goals, activity level, and other variables. A micro nutrient, on the other hand, is a vitamin or mineral delivered by said macro-nutrients. All three macro-nutrients are required by our body to survive, grow, replenish, and repair. Fats, protein, and carbs all deliver energy (calories) to our bodies in their own ratios. And, of course, calories are what our bodies need to not only survive, but thrive. Each macro-nutrient delivers its own serving of calories: 1g of fat = 9 calories1g of protein = 4 calories1g carbohydrates = 4 calories

Q. When do I know if I can move over from a more individualized plan to IIFYM?A. We suggest that you master the structure of a plan and fully learn the concept of food flexibility, subbing your foods and thoroughly understanding what food falls in each macro-nutrient category before implementing a full IIFYM strategy.


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FAQSQ. What is the easiest way to calculate my macro allotment?A. Refer to “Counting your macros/calories” Chapter and our IIFYM Calculator - https://www.coachjvb.com/macro-calculator/

Q. What do I do if I know I’m going someplace where I can’t predict the macro count of the food I’ll be eating? I.e., a menu is not provided online so I can look beforehand and have a plan going in.A. When at a restaurant that does not have nutritional information available I would try to choose “simple meals” made of easily identifiable proteins, carbohydrates, and vegetables, versus meals made of many ingredients mixed together (such as lasagna, soup, pasta, etc.).

Q. Do I have to be a math wizard to figure out IIFYM?A. No, not at all! It’s simple addition and subtraction – use a calculator to figure out how to fit your macros in for the day. I promise you, it gets easier as you get used to doing it or once you’ve got pre-planned meals you usually eat. Then it’s just a matter of budgeting for unpredictable situations. Use My Fitness Pal app (or macros app of your choosing) to help you know the macro breakdowns of foods along the way.

Q. So, with IIFYM can I eat whatever I want, whenever I want as long as it meets my macros?A. Yes and no. No, this isn’t about going all out on junk food. Yes, there is much more flexibility than a pre-determined, meticulously mapped out plan. It’s critical that you meet your micro nutrient allotments in addition to your macros. Micro nutrients are vitamins and minerals. You get these from healthy, whole foods. IIFYM allows you to go off plan from time to time without going off the rails but it’s not a free for all.


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With Love and Health,