The h~le (.e mef the 'sw curve emine p to tas ut.- gesa S]v ge msha ageim.m NOW IN EIGHTH PLACE Tim Wabigum &tad*l guing U1 the Isis. RALTM ORE'S LATEST DEAL. An iao with th Tweave-Camb Eeogne Why asesm Cmbs aw a p abaages =------a =-*- mse~m NE THING WAS DEF- taitely settled by the ban* bal lange most- Jag at New York tm week-that owre wa no one who regarded the twelve-hab Iangas Sas afailure. In view 01 The limited atteandmen as o-amdes terme bs bees a dispoition k crydowtenewleags and to aiert that th only way to drawe people Is to rebrn to the old eight-dlub angue. Several diagruntled Nev Yok paprs have msd that e Oi leagms lubs were tired at carrying The fear en-=ao6 atias elube and that there would be o greal grief the four clubs wee Iees out. Om paper eves wnt to the length of uing how e thing could be dam-tb Iag e cluba meid r'n and hm am e agan - a sep.r =W UDC. 0* The e w - 1g: d of al e I was tmet -e clubs thes wee in trouble, but the reacity oi New Yerk that was for aid.Thrgf the puri eony of heN ak rnmmger the ted to sign a etreug temn lat fal and noe tey ame beseechag the other clubs, Boston is particr. So e them. They my that the esmeittee as pae treated them outrage esy, while the ge Boston &he plum.. Thea s o .roO&r atshet that wid they were a week team and hagghng with Connor an bardson e Botoa rnmagemet wan Sgetting a dat-cless team together. r whad a lrb-eas tam U sar% with, but wer ot oent and oi Mitad y om . Lomik and mn dueced Kelly so sign for ee years at a bin s1iry. The commtte an yens alply liet mel dub what players it ~ under contract o De- ember & That New York did nothave Stivetta and l insit own halt. No one else is t blame. That they did not have Due Bichardeoe is also their own bWl&. They didn't sign him. Other clubs needed Bouton's -y-citiom - a. Luisville got Tom Brown and PittbUq Charley Farrel. To have given them both to New lork would havemad. these twclube even a poorer attraction than they now are and would hare hurt the receipt. in every leage city. Of course this is threshing over very old and meldy straw, but it is timely in view of the reesntly publihed asertions by New Tork = that the reso the giants are no higher the'vace as be-ause they have nat been treated jaeiy in the migneent of players. It ie a in*-- - facatse in. an eon le. where the club stt-- g has been a disappoint. aammt there has been grismammgsment. Tahe eur sister eity. Thes Van Neimarn started is as captain and ----g-r- and al those who had observed that player's abiMay In charg of the tern IN" ye predicted ailure. From the start he to be sinsed with his lom Good even in Ewtimmere, saw that it was k. Tndoerhores expressed hiself as esisled. Tan Baltres soe showed that he emMl enforce so dicippan-. There were 60s em (one at hoo) who were ear- lein to be bept In my eveut. As a consequenon ummagerial i-pl-u=e amounted I* notl amd -em team was dencralinsed. They g0 to drinhag and their repeated dsleatsmdi am .inderent and sullen. There was good ateial in e tem and a ohead, prop ly supported, could have b oht - sof It Then Vie Prai-m t tried hi head. At lat, whem an ether hepe was In despair they get Ed. nan= from r SAt was e late. ans even if he we e ma far &e pinee, and be not, eml not do anything. gt. as i amother tees. A booh wend eegb the base bun werd wham it was larned that Ten der Ahes indeld was to in- einds Warden, Crooks and Gnma..., and thei em bltter waso captai and namgeg e eluh a,- ,,ashowed whn in New York that hi bad about eettleed his .hi repu tsen, Vs. der Aba has tem1 et Mn wib net stand unsparing d nd to As em as a few gams wee lost them came the Swce, adTmdec AbaecalddSbseh ...=. Thesan.t wsek..h ett.e0. end mamehr shae-aup took plam, and C(echa wins on asce in Bu..hs. ' . The hes been e worst change of all. 7eother play- ese dish Crooks, end there hsam harmony ea geed fellowship in the teim. Creeks disgenti Them there is LoIe1e-red Pid~er was enagd at a hihmbyand greet things were eapeeted ef hibut Cp--- was retane as and wihdivided authorIty a cela imeetable. It came oe te questiem el pitcher. Chapaiad that he and not the espould decide who was So go into the hem. PWmer dm-te-, bet e diecor e emied Ca Naturae Pfefer bhem dis~ed.lhortly efter he a severely hurt n to a bme. De wsihida efnd in hie abesnee e club west So p15c. From leadin em league it ho. gom dews to temth plase, anc It would go houer were is not that two asma aged eambe are bound So loeos m aore gams Pbewre ws unabl So omforee ipie ors em New lochers, and! nttmute pa eamim of good mrnserin h e lub peda verl samm. Tem.too. Pes, seammed eapri 'in hili e showed godemes 6 mJ~L aadm whemnrt de, ththe we, net good em~far Wash i.aht hehasbeen playn Esdein al mete a e iem e pu iat .econd, t.. at ebet, e in right d.,them in eanter ama ne he has get hem heek as second. Of -cn e* ein i ames to team week. That Nes 3lsh ha dime s well ha wonder. .~g h..b.... ...se a ~pe -so tS e are am themy , e -es and inmplapese. As in alle othe club -~s h. be. ena d ..eda ainr....,i fe . 4M eand nshas ruted .....t~f .ok..reewela ...4 ,..hr. w. e. .se esl. Do a ward they were asam The Wbn ese eely other team em geninom sin far er sam. It maaa o p eat e emes Thecha ems E net heed eadMi, ad esimis Iemissk sir m== that is s teho am een am ..t.Tham t. ~qhae me utan emea peenm ktt m em assa me gpeneamat em as emaempnaa ea ammaaa So ham. Of sem.ses isGesad be he ama sml e m Ueie am wenM being soto wow& Vb am or e eas hower ..emd aper MR, ashb ok o whet ala ree i s betw . famd ash olab, W t feam i I e uI t th l..a.rn mit al-y be abvwe per eet OW ihaser daub doa beow 0 per sm, TOO emiers -rs nft a useemiy fttn o 6@4 the Freom ths, th, it ta ipeI t. mat over a dab' U~4'hIs IM a ae, oulitom of severaidesL- -iI-%-dab Thene is. w ean why the tweve hod m an be a If ImaeV s beas eoay and *ulftre Put bhind bDutm Leesevme need =4 be N ---o-I for te.ea . raw she may di m b MaAt. e gain her Sr. mer piee. Niow.amet bane bell writes eebcnewigte Gen farbut thseI pems to in. them aid must be a fteiss me'"hethe theft p is to o..ole the unlucky wight sampging that uumvinliei o or notft et haiwa hot er is s e ko ,ith Idem in mind ta the "samma. lre plh." of distributing players has bean em- dand other awass to equalise eabe have They hse. l'ed t: =o; aft.the dbeeiGoesom han made the dlabs we not wilfig to abide by i. They ae not cotent to improve In tern work bn utetrt in to strengthen week polato w0 perheps dh weknes in more apparent than real. 'er te. a Tnu SraM pointed ot atth time, Tommy Dowd was playing, a fe the recele a better third bees then a h time the local sgamt wa di- .= 16 s ok sad was nting about for Mulvey and Raymoad. Thnsn to a settled poliy an the part at the maangment, the home nine bas been plyng a 4dPo gasSe ly, and be$ been WiningPO. We Wesk of AT* games piyed here lbywon four. The other, the 15 t11 S. Louis game, wan lost b the though erore hele t own. of ....a-- so to be when the dab is playing winning ball. It wil be remembered that changes were made in the wet when the elab vs.plaingwiningball, It will be remma- bre t the e fe fom afm to tenth ~w W history repeat itself? It is to be no. Pittbehrge defeat yesterday the Washing- tens got into eighth plane. Unfortantely they ae not libely to stay there long. Four gamob with foston today and Monday will knock same of the pins from under them. The elbe today rank as follow$: A' ibak.m-I I -I Caese . " . Baltimore ba eaured Striebr whe will play second. Pittbhurg got Swicher frm St. Lo and traded him for Terry, recently eeared fr BrooklyL The Sticher dmg is a good ose on President londer Abe who, the pa few weebs, han given It out what Baltimore underno cir- eumstances could haveeither Crooks or Stricker. While here Presadent Von der Abe wa asked several times to relne Stricher to the Balt- more lub. as it wa badly is need of a second baeman, but A he had but little good feeling for the Oriole ament he aid no. 8tneker is in St. and was telegraphed to yesterday. He win pr a Iohable man to the Eialtianores. Manager Menion yesterdayV said be was as much p.Aed as f he had gotten a gold 05 - . Striter will play second and McGraw be piaced asbort. The letter is an ambitious player and is doing wel. Schock I@ ikely to be transferred to the lhft Seld. An important meeting at the lantern Bas Dull League Is in mea in Syrasee At ye- terday's .s.n the New Havem Club withdrew. Thi action is understood to have been caused by the high mlarise the manag t have been yin and mall attendance at the gaess. At IL10eni usating eth lhge Mana.T" Kasmsch the Syroaase um a Pood tion for the 4r0C Mies t aan elgat league. In m "s . goes throughErie, Pa., will be taken into the league. The qustion of the schedule will also be setlled; and it ft in- tended to -mit two prepotio. to c the .anm-om for a new .ehedan the other to divide the perantages of the retiring clubs among the weaker clabs cc the legae. Pitcher John Healy who we ruleaned by Baltimore recently and who has ae bees et- ting into condition in S. Loums, baa signed a Louiseville -o-a-. ay wi Join 60 Cal- cask July L Jame Galvin has signed a esatre stop for h 8. Laub clab at th rate..f Wsir Broolyn ft but ferty-seve potda behind for r Wanhingbom diduat play yes y bat Ptabrg lust, Wehingbas passed &Zm foe e Dyenr, reeIa.e by Ut. LI, i. liely to go to Ciaamnal. The Clacsmbnow st. mL, ha eedeaed Pitcher Durya and Fider Durhe. Bdst.. ws in hed loeek . Not only is ft beates by the - ine morning gaebutgui steppdteansdg tth = od the feth innng waitWas belie. by the wore of 4 to 2. Brookln ewl managed to tabs a Vem from Tew Yo afer hi been twi ds Sante by it. Itre fr U tern isi to defid t- Pin bat-a who at tepremet time puwtting atr a ....galdto tehe...... et.,f....... New Tosh, which Smelly ---e-alt to the se amark by t r eteyenhrdyi bask agl T.e - i sterda . ae ea Athletic dhab ba rnieysigned Jeeke" Matt KIOh.UsuIwith the Athletiesn Freddyes-king at e..emd ba. men, took in teAh ti-rn--*- pme ft Phldepi Wenaa e plas every day I hs hinsigne to Prads no..d...-eebrote New arem r pa iugb.aiiesl .....ra ...te brm.ea.' -mn air with thema. He han gone to his heam in Lewenl, Mans,, and wil either ge to Tray ea amanage the Lewistem, Me., edab. Lmieoawoyon.wel m. hnf a---- m..e m~m The Weether 5m. nine rpaamty deate Norrb Palm.' mna, Weahe bre.m-'ne *; bit., U, rrem, 6. m is hme.-Dnme, U hits, 4; erress, 12. Dtams amesr am (mi. formed puelerred) d.awing g~es p-as ee --mma-t with Max Wagner, mamer Weat. 'bresfN.KKC. ne Mceel ahee... ., a me e0 gladbell the ether ami emst date the ud et. nmb in byo 21 nie w dmN ttey "Yets and ha eneeI a e. pe b aae tegvter e an eee speebe nwe." rwe thJsDin af itnisw s "iW Iremtet Te aPe. , be=a'se D" ui mm Tha a D...- seeleamedI disy w yh" "basaIke o sem met. And ,eiroi.- Na b£we ~ h ae Daie - mi~ea eteamete fememeea ywm e sy. to a IANY COUNTRY RUNS. 0 Lod. Oys We r.P Tai W e..B . THE TRIP TO 8BRANTON Ner Cftb Rese at Use nwhmbie= Nemot newip-A Uemombie aM. to atiIaere- Peegsed 1a.eie ruis, Squad-Tepte. a seml kamrnet to wh-ma-m. UNS, MANY AND pleesat, are antie- p-d by the Iamber oftie Columbia cycle Ciah" this == under the leadership of CAPt. E. J. Southwick, who was elected at the last meeting of the club. Capt. Southwick, whc - came here several years ago from Albany, N. Y., is not yet thirty year eM. five years ago he began riding a wheel and ha. been an active cyclist ever since. Be- bng one of the pioneer. of the club he has been active In al the deliberations of the club and has held ahaet every odes of importance within the gift of the members, filling the oefices to the eatisotion of the club and to the credit of himsef. In addition to taking an active In- tereet in the af'airs of the club Capt. South- wickis a member of the L. A. W. and has done some good work toward advancing the In- teret ofi thecoming meet. The firt run of the club under the new cap- sins was made last Sunday to Brookville, where the members enjoyed a spring chicken dinner at Mrs. Miflers. The road was in fair con- dition and the boys found it so pleasant at Brookville that they remained there too long and found it nece=ary to return part of the way hamse on the train in order not to get is too late to make their regular Sunday evening Ine "TNNs O'3" NW NoNus. The next two weeks promise to be eventful uem in the history of the Columbia Club. The present club house on New York avenue will be abandoned next week and the new house wil be taken possesdon of on Saturday. The paper- ing is nearly finished and the furniture wiltar- rive next week. The house will be formally N T. otrlwZc. opened June 0 with a lawn , reception a Dodnc, the lawn party to latthree days. In- vitation will be sent to all the L. A. W.membera The ladie. In Mount Pleasant have already promised to take CIO of the lawn y, and the event promise. tomb one that wllbe long remeabered by the club. UrAY RACR TO nALTMxonE. The Columbia reay race will take place Sunday, July 10, belween here and Baltimore. An invitation to the national meet will be carried over to the Chesapeake Wheelmen and the answer will be returned in the afternoon. i1 Is expected, about 3 o-clock. The Chesapeakes will come over here Saturday, July 16, and re- main here during the meet as the juets of the Columbisa. On the night of ther arrival a" well as the following night the club will keep open houe and give the visitors a good thme. TNE BUENA visTA SNORE. The aret open-air smoker of the Columbin ths== was held at Buena Vista Monday night. Nearly M msembers and friends at- teaded and an enjoyable evening was spent a &te pretty river resort. The events of the evening were amusing as well a intereeting, the particular event beina the flat mens bicycle race. The tators A gathered about the track to heavy weighte mount their iron hores and speed over the coure. -Churchil dropped out and Washburn and Thrush were the- only ones to enter. Having paid the five cents entrance fe. the track was cleared, and at the word go tin members of the fat men's club darted from be- neath the wire to ride one-half a mile, but something in the road turned Thrush's wheel to one ide and he measured his lengtl en the track. Washburn elacked up and rode dlowv around the track, a sure winner. but be- fore had gone far Wood wad in the track behind him and the fat man rode faster and fater in front of Wood and only discoverei that he was the victim of Wood's joke when he was handed the 9a and box of cigars at the post. In dIsmonting he met with an accideni end had to walk coein front of aome otheu wheelme= on te return trip on the boat be emarn there was no tailor whom he could em- ploy. Tan canmar. nrers cr.un. Capt. - -a O.cith Capita Ulc,.le Olu lad a deeas or more member. over the Norbeut pike to Aahtos, a dIstance of about twenty meas las Sunday ad the light suite and white hel mats were petyadmsired'by the other wheel m..who. te on.theroad. The ro. -a in eelnt condition and good time wa *the member. returning to the city afteu enoin n exeent din= at Ashlon. Ot teretur rip, .rg...leroad was..ehote and the entrance to hecity was made over tin Math etreet raadvantage being taken of thu two comingl~ withja a ahort distance of the un ad=ani has not announced a run fai tomorrow..nd in te masnce.of .uch....an ..m...m..t man ..t e meber. have no determed= what thywill do about it. Thu for dereito iduty, eca= the ecrth se~ each m-me Is wo-ndein Whthere lea emeon the 14itnsent river vited ged wilbe ade adCap.Mca decline to state whether there are ladies In thu atrcto a the epjtEedhe eth in -tusy te rn, te aembrs avedeeldem to exeaerate him and wIsh hima and hIs party These wiBl be no regular run cf the Cresesn Castury wheehmen tomoerrow for the rem.e amt theirmember. wiRl .be oat of town, geen Them 8kda we an evestfal cue h me- ways then one. live of the member. Umee. 3. 3. Terry, Phi Otterbeek, VIsta Wathim, W. C. Dlavesport and Hug Dough tarted eut te ride a enstery adfeurteeg emere, het net seof them rude the een teyIB the tinee allowed, Using maounted el - ho'" ' ping'to reah Aaht-y bei ....";|'t..m. hey made ,..d... amawer gdin o trhe read net my as from hAbts whom there was n fei bowed by the sodden.doati Hi -omeni bad gies cut asrth p mee, cudtan wseve e a to se nessr sad reed stman. bhIs red meated tesu but he insateneb~e keeh ahead thea Over 0 esem ehsom heguh his hea, ena t e he age uhee en te sedd who Med a a bia" aa be weMt hee mett ha eh he -The g etea es e aI hus M h hoend emO to wedk, but 'bn to - at o 6W 9es ,am gtso*a Oe e to ag e i Mr wee, end ae On wheseew the ilbread bet yen evengpeste a b elb nn to bim, and as akopi do'els. e ehm ese a ni Pa aer a ns e s b hr s am th Wt oase be guess esArlingtems, I=n SOmANtON amS. Everything is in redinss tr e lags e- eerion tonight to i. . V110 Oman. Caurehal, who is id have shar offt eprty, has ooneluded his a hma .a and ft es sionlsts will be esorted to the detby uer easnclub men. The train leaves a 11,Nrr Ward, the rider and raer, will be In the party. He enter the twety-dwe-mles umd rce, as well as sme of the traek rasesd aq possibly do mom faney riding. 5no0NAr. 9o. Wa. Bun of Birmingham, laghad. was in the city tis week %% a pleasnue trip. Ns is the inventor of thbell bearing and rmns a large factory at BirmIngham. With him was Thos. Banders, forema of the factory, and while here they were the guests of Mr. Chas. Overman. Arrangements are eg made to form ls bicycle p e it is he that ix. teen b polimmen will ead the big parade during the meet. 'The ,em who rid are in training under *s dil of Mr. Chms. A. Overman, and some of re experts on the wheel. Lient. SwidellS' Georgetown is one of the oldest and best riders on thefore, and the L. A. W. men hope to - cure his servicee as commander of the police bicycle corps. marly Worming M01a. The question of early morning riding on an empty stomach is being disoussed amkong the wheelmen in all sections of the country, some wheehmen holding that it is a healthful peactie while others believe to the contrary. "We recently had oecmion to warn whesmes against the evils of an early morning ride takes at a time when the stomach was entirely void of food," says wheel paper. "We behievdthsn, and are more covind now, that we were right in declaring that such rides should not be attempted until after the rider had partaken of a glass of coffee, tea or milk and a bit of bread. A writer in a contemporary took exception to our ideas upn this subject and wrote a letter defending racti of riding before eating, saying he had this practice for a num- ber of years without any injury to his health. Whie we do not doubt the truth of our critic's etatemente in regard to hisoal experi- ences, we are not prepared to that one swallow makes a summer or that because one person may ride before eating anything it Isnecessarily advisable for the majority of wheelmen to do so. "Concerni this subject the Irish yliel says:s a ho hany avere day rider., who ogt to knW much etery, wil leave out the important detail of breskasl when main an early start.' We do not advo- cate riding upon a stomach filled with undi- gested food; that, too, is injurious; but we de claim that of two evils it is better to choose the leser one, and it is le dangerous for the rider to go his way with a stomach laden with food than with it devoid of any. Moderation il this, like all things, is the wisest and safest plan to pursue. The early bird is famous only be- cause he catches the worm and breakiaste upon it before he proceeds to any of the more important duties of the day. IAt those whom wisdom causes them to ride when the 'dew is on the lear copy after the feathered songster and partake sparingly of food and drink for theih stomach a sake' and all will be well with them." Collapsed T13e4. In cases where the tire utterly collapsed beyond repair, says a bicycle paper, we noticed an ingenious rider secured a piece of two-incd rope, tapered off each end so that they would overlap neatly and then he secured this impro. vised tire in place by means of tire tape (a mesi excellent thing to carry a large supply of). The rope did not have the resiliency of the pneumatic, but it enabled the rider to use hii machine until he reached a place where his tire could be repaired. Another application of this rope idea was in the case of another rider who secured a piece of rope which exactly or nearl) fitted inside the outer tube. The only diMcult3 we can see in this idea is that in many cases the ressure of inflation is necessary to hold the tire the rim. However, these pointer. are al value to the tourist and will in many cases hell him out of a tight hole. What an L. A. W. Tieket Did. Mr. Will X. Creesy of Concord, N. E., and well known as a character comedian, put his league ticket to rather novel use in Washin ton, D. C., the other day. A reception wa given by President Harrison to mminbers of the American Association for the Advancement ol Science. The requirements for admittance t this swell affair were either a badge the scientific congres or a card of in some scientific society. Mr. Cremy wan to go, and so an idea struck him. He had bib league ticket with him, so it out he marched up to the gatekeeper w a lady ov each arm and presented the ticket, which beas the name of "the only Bassett." "What in the dickens is this?" said the aman at the gate. "My ticket of membership to the L A. W.,' quoth Mr. C. "Is that a scientific society?" "Of course it is," said the wheelban. The gatekeeper looked, smiled and said, "AM right, o in," and the p1o new ciene ad his friensOwent ln=,am dm music, saw the beautiful n the elaborat decorations, the crowd of ere and scientfic people, and at the clos of the reception pase ou -yth am gate. When the man saw the L. A. V. amember ap. proach, he raised his hat, sayn with an appre, dativ smil "Sr take efmy hat to ys The indeenes of lady riders en ellb ran il felt In various ways by the =====er=s'f the other sex, says an exchange. To one it is sooth ing and recreative, ecuaigthe doles fan niente of cycling and eetigthe gua tone of the affair; to another it isan Irtn because "girls never ean go the pace;" h to a rather stout man who was een last later. day on an ordinary a is too big for hbm i was one l =gnxety, for the lady was a herd rider, who sipyruhed uphills, and whal man could felhpyin bngbeatea by a mere girl, even If sewas on asaey The ladles' runs about Bosten ~,dso e ular last year that Capt. deeededan renew them this sason. The SrM ran was ade laut Monday, and as gentlesmen u=a=eosa pnied by alady were not permitted on the raw temen did not foretthese of ths fair uen who are ridse and teewas a large turnout The distance covered was neal thirty-emi mils. The Vihehend (N. J.)Indy Cyollstehave twan ty-nheami bsinte club, ecent rider. too, and alway ready for adola, as h turning out of ineteen a feweea g ,an ed. The ladies are to take e. meset enJne 2. The V.L.C. have jaied th lagas and have the homer of beig the dSi en~~labn the stat,' with mr aid ~ b of he y cn~easoe. be is a Smaais rde and -essnt ban di..the rei..and wiwel amwith zp amsheets with mae s ei, is anesee ~muician and, added to @se,is e ofwemderfulem of enms.. aeni The Hrfr a3yit v .e...niorm..f b.e eh The Illanh-e (3. .) Wheshsm have bidedi to admit ledies tofeft en-=hl PMtS. have eheady Jaimed and a mer eee se Antem-te.a Wheet amof WeTrPh he ine lady mmshaa,_ Tieseia, as kmimda tosbehegthe "L" Ibe s a Im.ns G~ S bt ise TMISEANSREGATTM What h bsting m Areteakbq TEH3 POTOMAC mVB zVEP M4re8so..ed n1mAWa Mwoom..s So AM. Vnm N . 46 A. . Vrame-Nmb resoarsm saemet me m L m ass D ent b-e tse Ominmn laTamng. UM AS SOON AS it boom knownes1 ma three of te lai boat ubs bed a. ap pointed a committee to form a joint cmin for to p f ca. Barring as to fesw bility ofholingafPot. m-e regatta tis year every -man In the three lubs became interested and felt that it was "just the thing"mnwaed to revive the interest here, and when it is de oided that a regatta is possible this year them will come the old-time enthusiasm. It take some timan to work the local clube up to a pitcl of enthusiasm, but when that pitch i reached then look out, for eomething is going t< drop. As we never do anything by halves here, a iret-cless regatta -ma be looked for. We ve better prtne. bere o S, than int great aority of re gatts, advisitin oarsmen are treated with that open-handed hospitality of which few othe cities can boast. We have the choice of two splandid course-the national or lower and &@ upper, the latter beginning near the Three Sim- ters and Suishing nearly opposite the Olnmbia and Potomme boat houses. As I have stated before, this regtta need nel cost so much as to be a tax oanour friend& and the business men who subscribe to the fund Indeed, it need not cost the trouble even of so. Bolting subecriptions, for the resmon that I be. Mere that the six or eight hundred dodars necssay, r oesa thousand dollars. maybe th A. I. fund, and it seem that as we are to hare this regatta as sugete about the time of the 0.A. encampment the matter might be laid before the loca committee having the entertainment of the vim iting veterans in hand and have that committee name the day and have the regatta as one of the attractions and features of the encampment To many thousands of the visitors this would be a great novelty and doubt- less afford them much leser. Having thus the date and attraction al the of the G. A. R. committee the few dollars it would cost would not be missed by it and it would serve the double purpose of helping the clubs to hare a regatta open to all the amateur clubs of the world a at the same time of giving afeature in the list of entertanments which no other city selected for the encampment has ever done. Now, let's workithis up!ode Then, in order to make this regatta tbm gaersuc and show to what extent ou local pe=l are interested in the clubs,have tbe represen tive business and professional meu and others act as the executive and reception and other committees, their instructions and sg tions carried out and the details of th affair worked out by our joint regatta com mittee, the members of which are of course more conversant with the parts of machinery necessary to make a working model, and we will have the biggest regatta this river has era If it is cared to make the affair a source a proft grand stands could be erected and thu many a dollar could be made. TRE Cuaws. As to crew., we have, every reason to expect a large number of entries, because of the ver: low fare at the time from everywhere. Th date wouldn't operate against the number o entries of the regatta, either, as many of ti crews, by reason of the cold, rainy spring aim son, lost nearly a month, and as nearly evaq Crew which lost in the earlier rettas will wan to "get even with somebody," this regatta hen will be just the opportunity they will be lookini for. OPrON O1 NOATrNO MEN. The committee from each of the three club held a meeting last evening at the Potomw boat house to discuss the subject of the regati and the matter was very avorably rimved and considerable interest wn, opinlo Pexpressed tha this above all others was th year in which to hold a Potomme river regatta The committees resenting the three club had no power to a, but were simply to mee and talk over the prospects and report, to thel re tie clubs. tollowae the committees: Columbl A. C.-Mesrs. Alexander Grant, W. Howar Gibson and H. . Wilson; Analol.n Boat Club -Messrs. J. L Robertson. Louis A. Fischer and G. (lerlile WhitingWan from the Potomace Boa Club-essrs. W X Osey, C. L Zap pone and 0. P. Schmidt. Te joint commtie will meet again next week. TEN PATAPOO anATrA. The Patapsco regatta is uppermost in ib minds of at least two Crews on our river. am when each of them have crossed the line as satarday they will know they have ben in taos, for, judigfrom some et the crews the have slnfean intention of enteigani full of good hr raes have.,romised to back.,p to th starting os lah seior eights are th hmoasC~lpperew of the. Y. A.Can t ein heoe..shwn t ''''..d''"iorsrs won the junio race, and soon after tht onath beaingsout thepAtlanes ofd Batuarea th PTomno his citrag ite ofghcar aaid a tracko atht haing In its mae uphaispnerW a-hamerandweight thro an twe reeslerst. Ifhe reweapsbl fogethe aher yearut wilm ethbsto the smen-l----o s boatsad orebThaneal g ere yh Thisremaisto b s nd mashylvdenlsa de thia f Ngte ofe sei o arryh Poxtym of this t, aeInae jungof ihs edwatndret raea thatwil be!......y aio to wtinner eNptues will aod Interand-ew aderhetiht lA Iw ehrsen ueand yanwihalss lenth being d..-12 eoer alai lnte es lengths. .and thebsa sa*I i heabouet the slame nt s a boat'and. bea woudgve on the wei t the eeeai oar Sit ls etis the rcig. engt is nadas tai Qeeaumys ala e ts downmad .arbsi## s an eaessantama m estaboutz esahk meg them the A lsim ofelty mg wil $ ee mo ', bm . & e t ma e ht me fsos En mover e a af move : M IMst m o VbI#un Eadhul sI MWe of ream re IQ O& bereel I Mto VON tes eenO -f o sb i w avn. e e eaNu QClosme" and some fo ase -s e asd by saM go- as w as by -en uey imege rewhe me- a to . s I i he MA ld t I a'dwhen * fo bee2ehed. seatahms a doetrmhe -one lt mits aos t"n. erntrie d he reeived in ofer he C neno f es n - e I eter me who hav eevo warn to ;inbm ear'*e to' beU "lee ar a ons Trn apea. ' rhis Ia ing and if inedmea In the ent weoul bses oft et the seler " whech have ba a attr e s s naowd the the b==fmm tiom of Oarsmen to be hel July 3 M e'~m Terente ay Mr. 1 of tea tin men a h.re aSthme naEh pressted by Mr. Edward Hanke, who her to Increase the interet in "Oprint" This leads right alo up to the taat Slaratoga Wake July a6 and s. A thN umsiddle states and the a State. Iland labor day repoa end thea i Potomac river regatia, and elams these son. The result of the Corne nm- lvama Migh oared race at Itha- did ot urprise many p son. Indeed it was a matter of surprise Cornell's splendid crew did not administer more severe defeat. The great surprise. hoi ever. was dht Pennsylvanis did so wel. Cour ney hem every reason to feel very proud of h Yeceassas coach of the Corinells. Three bi victoriesinsideofone month is a big reoc for any crew. There are many who won like very uch to e the Cornell eight th ntoaegatta, as another race P itC. "chippies" would I very interesting. The fact 1hot the "co-amiesoc" as "broker" coaeem at the other end of l Loug bridge have been stirred up by the Vt pins anthorities under the provisions of wib a known as the "Xushback" aet, giveetheel here some hope that with a coaoerted effort tI beautiful banks of the U Potomac mi sooner or laber be cleared =milar dens as dives. It somewhat s rind me while ma=is a trip up the river one oon a"the p week, to "see what I could see,' to that no hindrance whatever was throe in the way of this nefarious businem., and fra the foat I could very plainly hear the mon enous Callng out of the numbers as they ean along and I suppose that each one of the meant lo tsome unfortunate yomu fellow wh couldn't orto lose what in ti majority of cases are but small earnings. TEE ANALMTA BOAT CLU3. The fact that a Potosee river regatta is ma than likely to be held this years created a ditional interest among the members, and e pecially among the new members, of who many are being enrolled. They are all anxio for seats in gip and shells, and some very got material should be developed from among t] anxious to row. The club is heartily in favt of a regatta and will do everything in its o for its success, but, then, the Analostan'sawa do the "very best," and "mediocre" and "I different" are unknown qualities to them. The junior four for Baltimore is io re ularly and daily getting in more se a there is not a rowing man on this river wi does not hope that this "four" will win. I1 crew is the first sent out of town by the ell for several years and is only another indioawA of the renewed interest in rowing. Perkins, stroke; Chandlee, 3: LAte, Stearns, bow, is the order in which the en for Baltimore is now rowing. FIseher and Bodrique were out in singles so eral times this week. Why don't Rodrique t for the jann sculls? He would make a go one. W. A. XeMenney, Fischer. H. C. McKenni and Stearns, with Crenshaw, coxswain, is t crew that made the gig move quite live several days ago. Benner and Gray are hoeful of getting trim for heats iA a light-weight four. Col. Flowers finds good company in his oam era, and being quite an expert he has a go collection of up-river views. P. Perkins is ansious for a seat in a four the Potomac river regatta. This club had the Art barge party oft season,_and it was given by Mr. XdKemy, Th ursdy evening. The crew was composed Meurs. Fischer, H. C. McKenneyTcbe aith, Crenshaw, Pairo, Posseber and 30 shall, with Mr. McKenney as coxswain. Afte samt ride to the laming, dancing and i b mant were indulged in at the boat ha TM OorMna ATELETEC Cr53. The Junior eight for the middle sates rueg as beginning to be formed, and with th lar number of new men to select froin vory lit difficulty will be experienced in getung teged a good, fast crew. The following juniors would make a go eight, and as they have rowed several times I gethr they are becoming accustomed to th work. They rowed as follows- H IaryA lawis, Weaver Mann, W. L. Rht. Brcka lantyne and Mic~owan, with Hmegang, co swain. The latter is a new aspirat for the c swain's seat, and promises to bea good one. The Intermediste eight is, much to the regi of its remaining few membersbroken v Milson,who started in this wek, to lay on account M bnsiness eagemns. Morr is anxious to row, but is sck, and asden, w has had i great deal of toublewith his leg, wi bit is maid, be compelled to un=roanoti opieaton before it will be in pidworki order. He ought to let some ofthbovs'- it" for him. Asortof a mixtre ofitrdj and Junier "eight" out this week several tial would in time smake a cgrew, If they woe oystick at it. It wasmaeonf~ IoI Des....ur co....i.. The "Torrer' is out regularly with Man a MoGowan and Banneganm ooxsw ad anu bell and Lee,' eagi ept u. It is ago . A number ofthoe mb.inewil go toehe tseoon the S6th Inst. It is too bad th Jam oras cmtemateddid not amaterliasa. wudhave mnade the junior stie merem at. ud is funy at the heat heml and with the re.t o the rowing ..e..er...e, that the intereat om the wateras shown foramer yeags will gradua.ly revive as the fa of e0 regatta here is asued. A Weye armowa unod oeemd . ti abul today es week what a eheabig of th I tope there willbe, and Ihnewet at least a eight, not fromn this city, however, tht wE a knew when the rae ho ver. 'The ehngn tederather the pulgIn et new -m ..ewhas b.eot Ier mse s an t. fadl the dieee,as new the boats ame alougmse being ne dug and twssand u aeessry dse, and as seen as h uufs emit each m, wa wE be demoes, esew wmtakeiemthe egsssel andia be. Rh hepoeesar mea we ase mea I e~shem beeebeath mme me abaege tagem o ste M kb~m - isiniss mt 9e-e : TODA TS SUBURBAN. A Grat OmWa at UU TE STAIR?- AM- JOCKEY. a rst eOt shneremb IF 0010111 sir-r mm IN eenmw . UM Tugin esoewIt a . after T MA urm resul. t fomer tn biey of aelar seu ubsom~np am usei- the s werb - s rw wuberrnethm der Tux anseem Soteehe yrs Er- " after momd .s wa nounety ts duehe st to the reb- bbt d ty of aee O"d- Seeing the vieser, Go tintonre Will ry number thre than a ydow ap, but to the 1oyt s a mom eve.lyt field er ated to t rain fo t the em is of the entriesin this year's lDroelft Hadice thena have been m emenbaly hse *i by th ubra sosniduktes but, asevise remerhed - i thrcolumn poi to the te avagl e1tral a deceptive and tdy alo ome Iable uo-by oundation on whiha to abuild with wm '~e a if absout ow- nhg amoured' hanl for thias year's uuiyxwne Hlsisp wee..n hease pe*- twhen it me to the ofig for the big Ask* be t was d tacefuy beihn a om "b -by- jockey of ble o ary 1n eas hble boy-by ahoam wham trials hode=r ethan veu wotav d 0 vowin's Funddefted winners n e, in 2.07 a fe a y the be t i of the Sb e s f h - ronl ism doubtful the migh -= i mn w d beed wil be alet ond i "M the fast anogh to best his Gold. re. Te shear t bosekd h. co owr e o rb blbe Od rig- singeI or Demme may in=2. , and Ph ime s Le hw01 p aly bem hove doee it Wtweek k. or os. hd tweser any so Pot I Ree- land deeat Peesh ad Rol in 107 a fer e ayv ago whiehe hbot keem for the die- Ounc soae b thiaro's smaiim. He wi g be ridden by aiteslaick andinam of Ow most hoe borge n the tm bhe mos beav- ly named bo.me will probably be Hi e nne, Major Dems and Monoer, a" the nm s will probably be am of those three, or Daeod I- or Peus. m vetier hom, Pet toes, and Lucohee should mime be backedfor *they hove an exoellent chanre. Abm homerm sae not unlikely to be Umelsod Major DHs and Montans. but nothing, aees n a- r cepting the aiNgatoorrme, m uncertain as r home racing.and the wi-nnr ma he a hoe ci not named abo nesh following eeb ives W the probe ws ftormisd thhi wis iand beet tia a,: 1- e. -satift Lamreeas PoetSaor1aS--S WW He ~inn,~lmeahnd a 3imet Lais em of and i ....e....y..... ..... .. a L honat'm ii~nfkr-WU.... - J. A. A. c. Morrinf -It-mgm'e.. Marc Dar oosonsptiwf -7.. W.a Poetry foMi ajo Doy ym eBod-ste Fo~~~ballum 10' Tonomn- DwP Lo yard. Lacsdchemi4 ear.. UsK His Elghne made hi les appees" sm I' ac h mo t oe Pak an Thmlay. The race we a of-furlong dMok and th bet rd that I.is Righnow would rt dav eut Weal the other tom "Jn"re, Wea Jim sor Po- 7 anm being his onl . C.*t orIl letith Te W he offered der Hi mae et m e-mancc Ly the b or the e Ht lokd in Ge@16 but hoeod in der ie ea tye. He wogn eml e and in Lbegi, mh warked euamilefiadwa. R_ excellent pdrne his Weight il nPounds) od onier- arredes..M he In. doubsedly ae good shoe mes t Ome y In whichmmmdt mheoisAthme srsphEmema bedo" e t nt ori ahe bteeding tra msthe om i, Of mld will dom July 2. som Mmosoml onol I, beginning July 4. hMr. 3 C. Hall of hibser dBo Poetyfor his bay Mbyby Wh Bdea ad 06 nts 6 . 14. de grae 6 ta 6. to e rnilet to - C.Dar. hr Vri a cu nty t-aon aPme efor mae AR e dmaa o; khree ay the er in Park. Ten , loh evzaged mmd moi SWill begm the vwerfr on the aemit day. Fie- Wre~ wahs made hasnge. 11- hA , -O %~t 5Alm. J. A. go" K. U011% grim. They an by the m"e edusboaW md~ sirefrom the Aeimnbdom mmL at Morrie am breoding fto on the soeir die. P as wie ad bi wet es Gsemsia at He stumbed o Stabes hosm.e, lSt ho ibemmeverelY. bsE regai mos m b them toheee &un.e wK .I..4d4.ged (femy.. |"s. L. LBeaer's th amesmen-sbestemm me same heoAShatr..nem Aaai dTh emet map. over made y K , a; threyerolden to J ur e rulesd et *Ps adrm Tmene et h ad'P in Te a mee.. aaa. ma e- Thee pede hs me em e. -t WistDanlamaests It aea p. Qioet herh My..~iaiJy er J.J. mr-maanwsm neet ba eenb . U.r.....s..eby Ie as, to toom en aeaestemi. TeOtS. seteye & Weh da e-. In Ko e. oAienemeOutof he u 1mUs Tsie heaeS m.sm teo t hewi em t et act En.ate. p hiss a 4ye~bea h If te he w e im lm wase mse- ame e.. temesebe s iia bebe of a amt~ weim sa m. a s4ma afLmme ~in.S~ bil U"64 W"2060Wo Lad be upsft ant um be 6b - goo s hwi = m mma 6 amant OM NNVOLi~ I.O..........a 3.U....V........ Dram a ....... mm' pm em o ...lmo 4....... smmum .. Dm I ....Tl.............lAth. S.I.......qna .ILAW6 Now *a l~dr hwbooks Mortbinfm. OW gg OWn maoy yous, POWe to amumbeg's ad- -ao 6WA. lb. dom a mmmr. e'-ml.'.d lb. ewt arbqshg roa mm "NONs the vu Bedi pi~w ath ..I.E bmC.. w no lb.. St, lb.ame~atpl sad fmmUwd ab-~ n pk i~o B "a -- - ~ §uod o or emulb ast. lowim = '. Cm p mbin em be" 6orompath -4d -in -w Itamsb va I.me ~ k fintbibiinm-1;k~t rose hi s rme.Un s md amw vrba~y upos tonmt and blid pi... It hake6 paimted 0"t at in s -a -mn a eay "any ale-e.t rcmtebaift W" 4WOE din tae 61, as o livin voamas, As for [aiwo. *,1' and aeemv.- *-as * eammtive o i eha mftem so (Wosmen dowme. However. he mi in mM bawgi be Pmr wit he gwIo or living umm--ott Pooimta. Tc&kvmi.md Tanrm* ban. ftmP mast OMee vay Msne Mwefmhh. E~.r 0)6 POOMLEX So. UL ft A. V. bWEL it vr Wteam to pW~r m laf to We ..) m~m PMDLM S.. nL Dr K. (L PAInTU. Eu-.-- ul "=sMK o. M SI? RWIM --la -OUTO AND SOLVIU. 391L SOm- A.. ~~ E ~ImL.s~ Om~e~a lb Sa ~h I~bbsa

COUNTRY TMISEANSREGATTM SUBURBAN. · the.anm-om for a new.ehedan the othertodividethe perantages of theretiring clubsamongtheweakerclabscc thelegae. PitcherJohn Healy who we ruleanedby

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Page 1: COUNTRY TMISEANSREGATTM SUBURBAN. · the.anm-om for a new.ehedan the othertodividethe perantages of theretiring clubsamongtheweakerclabscc thelegae. PitcherJohn Healy who we ruleanedby

The h~le (.emef the 'sw curveemine p to tas ut.- gesa S]vge msha ageim.m

NOW IN EIGHTH PLACETim Wabigum &tad*l guing U1


An iao with th Tweave-Camb EeogneWhy asesm Cmbs aw a p

abaages =------a =-*- mse~m

NE THINGWAS DEF-taitely settled by theban* bal lange most-Jag at New York tmweek-that owre wano one who regardedthe twelve-hab IangasSas afailure. In view 01

The limited atteandmenas o-amdes terme bsbees a dispoition kcrydowtenewleagsand to aiert that th

only way to drawe people Is to rebrn to theold eight-dlub angue. Several diagruntled NevYok paprs have msd that e Oi leagmslubs were tired at carrying The fear en-=ao6

atias elube and that there would be o grealgrief the four clubs wee Iees out. Om

paper eves wnt to the length of uinghow e thing could be dam-tb Iag e clubameid r'n and hm am e agan - a sep.r=W UDC. 0*

The e w - 1g:dof al e I was tmet -eclubs thes wee in trouble, but the reacity oiNew Yerk that was for aid.Thrgfthe puri eony of heN ak rnmmger the

ted to sign a etreug temn lat fal and noetey ame beseechag the other clubs, Boston isparticr. So e them. They my that the

esmeittee as pae treated them outrageesy, while the ge Boston &he plum.. Thea

s o .roO&r atshet that wid they werea week team and hagghng with Connor

an bardson e Botoa rnmagemet wanSgetting a dat-cless team together.r whad a lrb-eas tam U

sar% with,but wer ot oent and oiMitad y om . Lomik and mn

dueced Kelly so sign for ee years at a bins1iry.The commtte an yens alply liet mel

dub what players it ~ under contract o De-ember & That New York did nothave Stivettaand l insit own halt. No one else is tblame. That they did not have Due Bichardeoeis also theirown bWl&. They didn't sign him.

Other clubs needed Bouton's -y-citiom-a. Luisville got Tom Brown and PittbUq

Charley Farrel. To have given them both toNew lork wouldhavemad. these twclube evena poorer attraction than they now are and wouldhare hurt the receipt. in every leage city.Of course this is threshing over very old and

meldy straw, but it is timely in view of thereesntly publihed asertions by New Tork

= that the reso the giants are no higherthe'vace asbe-ause they have nat been treated

jaeiy in the migneent of players.It ie a in*-- - facatse in. an eon le.

where the club stt-- g has been a disappoint.aammt there has been grismammgsment.Tahe eur sister eity. Thes VanNeimarn started is as captain and ----g-r- andal those who had observed that player's abiMayIn charg of the tern IN" ye predictedailure. From the start he to besinsed with his lom Good even inEwtimmere, saw that it was k.Tndoerhores expressed hiself as esisled.

Tan Baltres soe showed that heemMl enforce so dicippan-. There were60s em (one at hoo) who were ear-

lein to be bept In my eveut. As a consequenonummagerial i-pl-u=e amounted I* notlamd -em team was dencralinsed. They g0to drinhag and their repeated dsleatsmdiam .inderent and sullen. There was good

ateial in e tem and a ohead, proply supported, could have b oht -

sof It Then Vie Prai-m t tried hihead. At lat, whem an ether hepe wasIn despair they get Ed. nan= from rSAt was e late. ans even if he wee ma far &e pinee, and be not, eml

not do anything.gt. as i amother tees.A booh wend

eegb the base bun werd wham it waslarned that Ten der Ahes indeld was to in-einds Warden, Crooks and Gnma..., and theiem bltter waso captai and namgeg e eluha,- ,,ashowed whn in New York thathibad about eettleed his .hi repu

tsen, Vs. der Aba has tem1 etMn wib net stand unsparing d nd to Asem as a few gams wee lost them came the

Swce, adTmdec AbaecalddSbseh...=. Thesan.t wsek..h ett.e0.end mamehr shae-aup took plam, and C(echawins on asce in Bu..hs. ' . The hesbeen e worst change of all. 7eother play-ese dish Crooks, end there hsam harmony eageed fellowship in the teim. Creeks disgenti

Them there is LoIe1e-red Pid~er wasenagd at a hihmbyand greet things were

eapeeted ef hibut Cp--- was retane asand wihdivided authorIty a cela

imeetable. It came oe te questiem elpitcher. Chapaiad that he and not the

espould decide who was So go into thehem. PWmer dm-te-, bet e diecor eemied Ca Naturae Pfefer bhemdis~ed.lhortly efter he a severely hurt

n to abme. De wsihida efnd in hieabesnee e club west So p15c. From leadinem league it ho. gom dews to temth plase, anc

It would go houer were is not that two asmaaged eambe are bound So loeos m aore gamsPbewre ws unabl So omforee ipie ors

em New lochers, and! nttmute paeamim of good mrnserin h e lub peda verlsamm. Tem.too.Pes, seammed eapri

'in hili e showed godemes6 mJ~L aadm whemnrt de,

ththe we, net good em~far Washi.aht hehasbeen playn Esdein al

mete a e iem e pu iat .econd, t..at ebet, e in right d.,them in eanter amane he has get hem heek as second. Of -cne* ein i ames to team week. That Nes3lsh ha dime s well ha wonder.

.~g h..b.... ...se a ~pe-so tS e are am themy , e

-es and inmplapese. As in alle othe club-~s h. be. ena d ..eda ainr....,ife . 4M eandnshas ruted

.....t~f .ok..reewela

...4 ,..hr. w. e. .seesl. Do a ward they were asam

The Wbn ese eely other team em

geninom sin far er sam. Itmaaa o p eat e emes Thecha

ems E net heed eadMi, ad esimisIemissk sir m== that is steho am

een am ..t.Tham t.~qhae me utan emea peenm kttm em assa me gpeneamat em as

emaempnaa ea

ammaaa So ham. Of sem.ses

isGesad be he

ama smlemUeie

am wenM being soto wow& Vb amor e eas hower ..emd aper MR, ashb

ok o whet ala ree i s betw . famdash olab, W t feam i Ie uI t th

l..a.rn mit al-y be abvwe per eet OWihaser daub doa beow 0 per sm, TOOemiers -rs nft a useemiy fttn o 6@4 the

Freom ths, th, it ta ipeI t.mat over a dab' U~4'hIs IM a ae,oulitom of severaidesL- -iI-%-dab

Thene is. w ean why the tweve hodm an be a If ImaeV sbeas eoay and *ulftre Put bhind bDutmLeesevme need =4 be N ---o-I for te.ea .

raw she may di m b MaAt. e gain her Sr.mer piee.Niow.amet bane bell writes eebcnewigte Genfarbut thseI pems to in. them aid

must be a fteiss me'"hethe theft pis to o..ole the unlucky wight sampgingthat uumvinliei o or notft et haiwa


iss e ko

,ith Idem in mind ta the "samma.lre plh." of distributing players has bean em-

dand other awass to equalise eabe haveThey hse. l'ed t:=o; aft.the dbeeiGoesom han

made the dlabs we not wilfig to abide by i.They ae not cotent to improve In tern workbn utetrt in to strengthen week polato w0perheps dh weknes in more apparent thanreal.'er te. a Tnu SraM pointed ot atth

time, Tommy Dowd was playing, a fethe recele a better third bees then ah time the local sgamt wa di-

.= 16 s ok sad was nting aboutfor Mulvey and Raymoad.Thnsn to a settled poliy an the part at the

maangment, the home nine bas been plyng a4dPo gasSe ly, and be$ been WiningPO.We Wesk of AT* games piyed here lbywon

four. The other, the 15 t11 S. Louis game,wan lost b the though erorehele t own. of ....a--so

tobe when the dab is playingwinning ball. It wil be remembered thatchanges were made in the wet when the elab

vs.plaingwiningball, It will be remma-bre t the e fe fom afm to tenth~w W history repeat itself? It is to be

no.Pittbehrge defeat yesterday the Washing-

tens got into eighth plane. Unfortantely theyae not libely to stay there long. Four gamobwith foston today and Monday will knock sameof the pins from under them.

The elbe today rank as follow$:

A' ibak.m-I I -ICaese . " .

Baltimore ba eaured Striebr whe will playsecond. Pittbhurg got Swicher frm St. Loand traded him for Terry, recently eeared frBrooklyL The Sticher dmg is a good ose onPresident londerAbe who, the pa few weebs,han given It out what Baltimore underno cir-eumstances could haveeither Crooks or Stricker.While here Presadent Von der Abe wa askedseveral times to relne Stricher to the Balt-more lub. as it wa badly is need of a secondbaeman, but A he had but little good feelingfor the Oriole ament he aid no.8tneker is in St. and was telegraphed

to yesterday. He win pr a Iohable man tothe Eialtianores. Manager Menion yesterdayVsaid be was as much p.Aed as f he had gottena gold 05 - . Striter will play second andMcGraw be piacedasbort. The letter is anambitious player and is doing wel. Schock I@ikely to be transferred to the lhft Seld.An important meeting at the lantern Bas

Dull League Is in mea in Syrasee At ye-terday's .s.n the New Havem Club withdrew.Thi action is understood to have been causedby the high mlarise the manag thave been

yin and mall attendance at the gaess. AtIL10eni usating eth lhge Mana.T"

Kasmsch the Syroaase um a Poodtion for the 4r0C Mies t aan elgatleague. In m "s . goes throughErie,

Pa., will be taken into the league. The qustionof the schedule will also be setlled; and it ft in-tended to -mit two prepotio. to cthe .anm-om for a new .ehedan theother to divide the perantages of the retiringclubs among the weaker clabs cc the legae.Pitcher John Healy who we ruleaned by

Baltimore recently and who has ae bees et-ting into condition in S. Loums, baa signed aLouiseville -o-a-. ay wi Join 60 Cal-cask July LJame Galvin has signed a esatre stop

for h 8. Laub clab at th rate..f WsirBroolyn ft but ferty-seve potda behind

for rWanhingbom diduat play yes y bat

Ptabrg lust, Wehingbas passed &Zm foee Dyenr, reeIa.e by Ut. LI, i.liely to go to Ciaamnal.TheClacsmbnowst. mL, haeedeaedPitcher Durya and Fider Durhe.Bdst.. ws inhed loeek . Not only

is ft beates by the - ine morninggaebutgui steppdteansdg tth= od the feth innng waitWas belie.by the wore of 4 to 2.Brookln ewl managed to tabs a Vemfrom Tew Yo afer hi been twi dsSante by it. Itre fr U tern isi to defid

t- Pin bat-awho at tepremet time puwtting atr a

....galdto tehe...... et.,f....... NewTosh, which Smelly ---e-alt to the seamark by t r eteyenhrdyi bask agl

T.e - i sterda . ae ea

Athletic dhab ba rnieysigned Jeeke"Matt KIOh.UsuIwith the Athletiesn

Freddyes-king at e..emd ba.men, took in teAh ti-rn--*- pme ft

Phldepi Wenaa e plas every day

I hs hinsigne to Prads

no..d...-eebrote New arem r paiugb.aiiesl .....ra ...te brm.ea.'-mn air with thema. He han gone to his heamin Lewenl, Mans,, and wil either ge to Tray eaamanage the Lewistem, Me., edab.

Lmieoawoyon.wel m. hnf

a---- m..e m~mThe Weether 5m. nine rpaamty deate

Norrb Palm.' mna, Weahe bre.m-'ne*; bit., U, rrem, 6. m is hme.-Dnme, Uhits, 4; erress, 12. Dtams amesr am (mi.formed puelerred) d.awing g~es p-as ee--mma-t with Max Wagner, mamer Weat.'bresfN.KKC.ne Mceel ahee... ., a me e0gladbell the ether ami emstdate theud et. nmb

in byo 21 niew dmN ttey

"Yets and ha eneeI a e. pe b aaetegvter e an eee speebe nwe." rwe

thJsDin af itnisw s "iW IremtetTe aPe. , be=a'se D" ui

mm Tha a D...-

seeleamedI disy w yh"

"basaIke o sem met. And,eiroi.- Na b£we

~ h ae Daie

- mi~ea eteamete fememeea

ywm e sy. to a


Lod. Oys We r.P TaiW e..B .


NerCftb Rese at Use nwhmbie= Nemotnewip-A Uemombie aM. to atiIaere-Peegsed 1a.eie ruis, Squad-Tepte. asemlkamrnet to wh-ma-m.

UNS, MANY ANDpleesat, are antie-p-d by the Iamberoftie Columbia cycleCiah"this== underthe leadership of CAPt.E. J. Southwick, whowas elected at the lastmeeting of the club.Capt. Southwick, whc

- came here several yearsago from Albany, N. Y.,is not yet thirty year

eM. five years ago he began riding a wheeland ha. been an active cyclist ever since. Be-bng one of the pioneer. of the club he has beenactive In al the deliberations of the club andhas held ahaet every odes of importancewithin the gift of the members, filling the oeficesto the eatisotion of the club and to the creditof himsef. In addition to taking an active In-tereet in the af'airs of the club Capt. South-wickis a member of the L. A. W. and has donesome good work toward advancing the In-teret ofithecoming meet.The firt run of the club under the new cap-

sins was made last Sunday to Brookville, wherethe members enjoyed a spring chicken dinnerat Mrs. Miflers. The road was in fair con-dition and the boys found it so pleasant atBrookville that they remained there too longand found it nece=ary to return part of theway hamse on the train in order not to get istoo late to make their regular Sunday evening

Ine "TNNs O'3"NW NoNus.The next two weeks promise to be eventful

uem in the history of the Columbia Club. Thepresent club house on New York avenue will beabandoned next week and the new house wilbe taken possesdon of on Saturday. The paper-ing is nearly finished and the furniture wiltar-rive next week. The house will be formally

N T. otrlwZc.opened June 0 with a lawn , receptionaDodnc, the lawn party to latthree days. In-vitation will be sent to all the L. A.W.memberaThe ladie. In Mount Pleasant have alreadypromised to take CIO of the lawn y, andthe event promise. tomb one that wllbe longremeabered by the club.

UrAY RACR TO nALTMxonE.The Columbia reay race will take place

Sunday, July 10, belween here and Baltimore.An invitation to the national meet will becarried over to the Chesapeake Wheelmen andthe answer will be returned in the afternoon. i1Is expected, about 3 o-clock. The Chesapeakeswill come over here Saturday, July 16, and re-main here during the meet as the juets of theColumbisa. On the night of ther arrival a"well as the following night the club will keepopen houe and give the visitors a good thme.

TNE BUENA visTA SNORE.The aret open-air smoker of the Columbin

ths== was held at Buena Vista Mondaynight. Nearly M msembers and friends at-teaded and an enjoyable evening was spent a&te pretty river resort.The events of the evening were amusing as

well a intereeting, the particular event beinathe flat mens bicycle race. The tators Agathered about the track to heavyweighte mount their iron hores and speedover the coure. -Churchil dropped out andWashburn and Thrush were the- only ones toenter. Having paid the five cents entrance fe.the track was cleared, and at the word go tinmembers of the fat men's club darted from be-neath the wire to ride one-half a mile, butsomething in the road turned Thrush'swheel to one ide and he measured his lengtlen the track. Washburn elacked up and rodedlowv around the track, a sure winner. but be-fore had gone far Wood wad in the trackbehind him and the fat man rode faster andfater in front of Wood and only discovereithat he was the victim of Wood's joke when hewas handed the 9a and box of cigars at thepost. In dIsmonting he met with an accideniend had to walk coein front of aome otheuwheelme= on te return trip on the boat beemarn there was no tailor whom he could em-ploy.

Tan canmar. nrers cr.un.Capt. --aO.cith Capita Ulc,.le Olu

lad a deeas or more member. over the Norbeutpike to Aahtos, a dIstance of about twenty measlas Sunday ad the light suite and white helmats were petyadmsired'by the other wheelm..who. te on.theroad. The ro.-a in eelnt condition and good time wa

*the member. returning to the city afteuenoin n exeent din= at Ashlon. Ot

teretur rip, .rg...leroad was..ehoteand the entrance to hecity was made over tinMath etreet raadvantage being taken of thutwo comingl~ withja a ahort distance of the

unad=ani has not announced a run faitomorrow..nd in te masnce.of .uch....an..m...m..t man ..temeber. have nodetermed= what thywill do about it. Thufor dereito iduty, eca= the ecrth

se~ each m-me Is wo-ndeinWhthere lea emeon the 14itnsent river

vited ged wilbe ade adCap.Mcadecline to state whether there are ladies In thu

atrcto a theepjtEedheethin-tusyte rn, te aembrs avedeeldem

to exeaerate him and wIsh hima and hIs party

These wiBl be no regular run cf the CresesnCastury wheehmen tomoerrow for the rem.eamt theirmember. wiRl .be oat of town, geen

Them 8kda we an evestfal cue hme- ways then one. live of the member.Umee. 3. 3. Terry, Phi Otterbeek, VIstaWathim, W. C. Dlavesport and Hug Dough

tarted eut te ride a enstery adfeurteegemere, het net seof them rude the een

teyIB the tinee allowed, Using maounted el

- ho'"' ping'to reah Aaht-ybei....";|'t..m. hey made ,..d...amawergdin o trhe read net my as

from hAbts whom there was n feibowed by the sodden.doatiHi -omeni bad gies cut asrth pmee, cudtan wseve ea to se nessr sadreed stman. bhIsred meated tesubut heinsateneb~e keeh ahead thea

Over0 esem ehsom heguhhis hea, ena t e he ageuhee en te sedd who Med a a

bia" aa beweMt hee mettha eh he

-The g etea es e

aI hus M h hoend emO

to wedk, but 'bnto - ato 6W9es,am gtso*a Oe e to ag e iMrwee, end ae On

wheseew the ilbread bet yenevengpestea b elb nn to bim, and as akopi

do'els.e ehm ese a niPa aera nse sb hr s am

th Wtoase be

guess esArlingtems,I=n SOmANtON amS.

Everything is in redinss tr e lags e-eerion tonight to i. . V110 Oman.Caurehal, who is id have shar offt eprty,has ooneluded his a hma.a and ft essionlsts will be esorted to the detby uereasnclub men. The train leaves a 11,NrrWard, the rider and raer, will be In theparty. He enter the twety-dwe-mles umdrce, as well as sme of the traekrasesdaqpossibly do mom faney riding.

5no0NAr. 9o.Wa. Bun of Birmingham, laghad. was in

the city tis week %% a pleasnue trip. Ns istheinventor of thbell bearing and rmns a largefactory at BirmIngham. With him was Thos.Banders, forema of the factory, and while herethey were the guests of Mr. Chas. Overman.Arrangements are eg made to form ls

bicycle p e it ishe that ix.teen b polimmen will ead the bigparade during the meet. 'The ,em who ridare in training under *s dil of Mr. Chms.A. Overman, and some of reexperts on the wheel. Lient. SwidellS'Georgetown is one of the oldest and best riderson thefore, and the L. A. W. men hope to -cure his servicee as commander of the policebicycle corps.

marly Worming M01a.The question of early morning riding on an

empty stomach is being disoussed amkong thewheelmen in all sections of the country, somewheehmen holding that it is a healthful peactiewhile others believe to the contrary."We recently had oecmion to warn whesmes

against the evils of an early morning ride takesat a time when the stomach was entirely voidof food," says wheel paper. "Webehievdthsn,and are more covind now, that we wereright in declaring that such rides should not beattempted until after the rider had partaken ofa glass of coffee, tea or milk and a bit of bread.A writer in a contemporary took exception toour ideas upn this subject and wrote a letterdefending racti of riding before eating,saying he had this practice for a num-ber of years without any injury to his health.Whie we do not doubt the truth of our critic'setatemente in regard to hisoal experi-ences, we are not prepared to that oneswallow makes a summer or that because oneperson may ride before eating anything itIsnecessarily advisable for the majority ofwheelmen to do so."Concerni this subject the Irish yliel

says:s a ho hany avereday rider., who ogt to knW much etery,wil leave out the important detail of breskaslwhen main an early start.' We do not advo-cate riding upon a stomach filled with undi-gested food; that, too, is injurious; but we declaim that of two evils it is better to choose theleser one, and it is le dangerous for the riderto go his way with a stomach laden with foodthan with it devoid of any. Moderation ilthis, like all things, is the wisest and safest planto pursue. The early bird is famous only be-cause he catches the worm and breakiasteupon it before he proceeds to any of the moreimportant duties of the day. IAt those whomwisdom causes them to ride when the 'dew is onthe lear copy after the feathered songster andpartake sparingly of food and drink for theihstomach a sake' and all will be well with them."

Collapsed T13e4.In cases where the tire utterly collapsed

beyond repair, says a bicycle paper, we noticedan ingenious rider secured a piece of two-incdrope, tapered off each end so that they wouldoverlap neatly and then he secured this impro.vised tire in place by means of tire tape (a mesiexcellent thing to carry a large supply of). Therope did not have the resiliency of thepneumatic, but it enabled the rider to use hiimachine until he reached a place where his tirecould be repaired. Another application of thisrope idea was in the case of another rider whosecured apiece of rope which exactly or nearl)fitted inside the outer tube. The only diMcult3we can see in this idea is that in many cases theressure of inflation is necessary to hold the tirethe rim. However, these pointer. are al

value to the tourist and will in many cases hellhim out of a tight hole.

What an L. A. W. Tieket Did.Mr. Will X. Creesy of Concord, N. E., and

well known as a character comedian, put hisleague ticket to rather novel use in Washinton, D. C., the other day. A reception wagiven by President Harrison to mminbers of theAmerican Association for the Advancement olScience. The requirements for admittance tthis swell affair were either a badgethe scientific congres or a card ofin some scientific society. Mr. Cremy wanto go, and so an idea struck him. He had bibleague ticket with him, so it out hemarched up to the gatekeeper w a lady oveach arm and presented the ticket, which beasthe name of "the only Bassett.""What in the dickens is this?" said the aman

at the gate."My ticket of membership to theL A. W.,'

quoth Mr. C."Is that a scientific society?""Of course it is," said the wheelban.The gatekeeper looked, smiled and said, "AM

right, o in," and the p1onewciene ad his friensOwent ln=,am dmmusic, saw the beautiful n the elaboratdecorations, the crowd of ere and scientficpeople, and at the clos of the reception pase

ou-ytham gate.When the man saw the L. A. V. amember ap.

proach, he raised his hat, sayn with an appre,dativ smil "Sr take efmy hat to ys

The indeenes of lady riders en ellbran ilfelt In various ways by the =====er=s'f theother sex, says an exchange. To one it is soothing and recreative, ecuaigthe doles fanniente of cycling and eetigthe guatone of the affair; to another it isan Irtnbecause "girls never ean go the pace;" hto a rather stout man who was een last later.day on an ordinary a is too big for hbm iwas one l =gnxety, for the lady was a herdrider, who sipyruhed uphills, and whalman could felhpyin bngbeatea by amere girl, even If sewas on asaeyThe ladles' runs about Bosten ~,dso e

ular last year that Capt. deeededanrenew them this sason. The SrM ran wasade laut Monday, and as gentlesmen u=a=eosapniedbyalady were not permitted on the rawtemen did not foretthese of ths fair uen

who are ridse and teewas a large turnoutThe distance covered was neal thirty-emimils.The Vihehend (N. J.)Indy Cyollstehavetwanty-nheami bsinte club, ecent rider.

too, and alway ready foradola,as hturning out of ineteen a feweea g,an ed. The ladies are to take e.

mesetenJne2. TheV.L.C. havejaiedthlagas and have the homer of beig the dSien~~labnthestat,'

with mr aid ~ bofhey cn~easoe. be isa Smaais

rde and -essnt bandi..the rei..and wiwel amwith zp

amsheets with mae sei, isanesee~muician and, added to @se,is eofwemderfulem of enms.. aeniThe Hrfr a3yit v

.e...niorm..f b.e ehThe Illanh-e (3. .) Wheshsm have bidedi

to admit ledies tofeft en-=hl PMtS.have eheady Jaimed and a mereee se

Antem-te.a Wheetamof WeTrPhhe ine lady mmshaa,_Tieseia, askmimdatosbehegthe"L" Ibes

a Im.nsG~ S bt ise

TMISEANSREGATTMWhat h bsting m Areteakbq


M4re8so..ed n1mAWa Mwoom..s So AM.Vnm N .46 A. . Vrame-Nmb resoarsmsaemet me m L m assD ent b-etse Ominmn laTamng.

UM AS SOON ASit boom knownes1ma three of te laiboat ubs beda. appointed a committee toform a joint cminfor to p f ca.Barring as to feswbility ofholingafPot.m-e regatta tis yearevery -man In the threelubs became interestedand felt that it was"just the thing"mnwaed

to revive the interest here, and when it is deoided that a regatta is possible this year themwill come the old-time enthusiasm. It takesome timan to work the local clube up to a pitclof enthusiasm, but when that pitch i reachedthen look out, for eomething is going t<drop. As we never do anything byhalves here, a iret-cless regatta -mabe looked for. We ve better prtne. bere

oS, than int great aority of regatts, advisitin oarsmen are treated withthat open-handed hospitality of which few othecities can boast. Wehave the choice of twosplandid course-the national or lower and &@upper, the latter beginning near the Three Sim-ters and Suishing nearly opposite the Olnmbiaand Potomme boat houses.As I have statedbefore, this regtta need nel

cost so much as to be a tax oanour friend& andthe business men who subscribe to the fundIndeed, it need not cost the trouble even of so.Bolting subecriptions, for the resmon that I be.Mere that the six or eight hundred dodars

necssay, r oesa thousand dollars. maybeth A. I. fund, and it seem that

as we are to hare this regatta as sugeteabout the time of the 0.A. encampmentthe matter might be laid before the locacommittee having the entertainment of the vimiting veterans in hand and have that committeename the day and have the regatta as one of theattractions and features of the encampmentTo many thousands of the visitors thiswould be a great novelty and doubt-less afford them much leser. Havingthus the date and attraction althe of the G. A. R. committee thefew dollars it would cost would not bemissed by it and it would serve the doublepurpose of helping the clubs to hare a regattaopen to all the amateur clubs of the world aat the same time of givingafeature in the list ofentertanments which no other city selected forthe encampment has ever done. Now, let'sworkithis up!odeThen, in order to make this regatta tbmgaersuc and show to what extent oulocal pe=l are interested in the clubs,have tberepresen tive business and professional meuand others act as the executive and receptionand other committees, their instructions andsg tions carried out and the details of thaffair worked out by our joint regatta committee, the members of which are of coursemore conversant with the parts of machinerynecessary to make a working model, and wewill have the biggest regatta this river has era

If it is cared to make the affair a source aproft grand stands could be erected and thumany a dollar could be made.

TRE Cuaws.As to crew., we have, every reason to expect a

large number of entries, because of the ver:low fare at the time from everywhere. Thdate wouldn't operate against the number oentries of the regatta, either, as many of ticrews, by reason of the cold, rainy spring aimson, lost nearly a month, and as nearly evaqCrew which lost in the earlier rettas will wanto "get even with somebody," this regatta henwill be just the opportunity they will be lookinifor.

OPrONO1 NOATrNO MEN.The committee from each of the three club

held a meeting last evening at the Potomwboat house to discuss the subject of the regatiand the matter was very avorably rimved andconsiderable interest wn, opinloPexpressed tha this above all others was thyear in which to hold a Potomme river regattaThe committees resenting the three clubhad no power to a, but were simply to meeand talk over the prospects and report, to thelre tie clubs.

tollowae the committees: ColumblA. C.-Mesrs. Alexander Grant, W. HowarGibson and H. . Wilson; Analol.n Boat Club-Messrs. J. L Robertson. Louis A. Fischer andG. (lerlile WhitingWan from the Potomace BoaClub-essrs. W X Osey, C. L Zappone and 0. P. Schmidt. Te joint commtiewill meet again next week.

TEN PATAPOO anATrA.The Patapsco regatta is uppermost in ib

minds of at least two Crews on our river. amwhen each of them have crossed the line assatarday they will know they have ben intaos, for, judigfrom some et the crews thehave slnfean intention of enteigani

full of goodhr raeshave.,romised to back.,p to th

starting os lah seior eights are thhmoasC~lpperew of the. Y.A.Can

t einheoe..shwnt''''..d''"iorsrswon the junio race, and soon after tht onath

beaingsout thepAtlanes ofdBatuarea thPTomnohiscitrag ite ofghcaraaida trackoatht haing In its mae

uphaispnerW a-hamerandweight throan twereeslerst. Ifhe reweapsbl fogethe

aher yearut wilm ethbstothesmen-l----osboatsadorebThanealg ere yhThisremaisto b s nd mashylvdenlsa

dethia fNgte ofe sei o arryhPoxtym ofthis t, aeInaejungofihs

edwatndret raea thatwil be!......yaio to wtinner eNptues willaod

Interand-ewaderhetiht lA

Iwehrsen ueand yanwihalss

lenth being d..-12 eoer alai

lnte es lengths. .andthebsa sa*Iiheabouetthe slame nt s aboat'and.bea woudgve

onthewei t the eeeai oar

Sitls etis the rcig. engt isnadas taiQeeaumys

ala e ts downmad .arbsi## s aneaessantama m estaboutzesahkmeg them the A lsim ofelty mg

wil $ ee mo ',bm . &

et ma eht me fsosEn movere a afmove : M

IMstm oVbI#un Eadhul sIMWe of ream re IQ O&

bereel I Mto VON tes eenO

-fosbi w avn.e e

eaNu QClosme" and some

foase -s easd bysaMgo- as w as by -en uey imege rewheme- a to . sI i heMA ld t I

a'dwhen * fo bee2ehed.seatahms a doetrmhe

-one ltmits aos t"n. erntrie dhe reeived in ofer heCnenof es n- e

I eter me who hav eevo

warn to ;inbm ear'*e to'beU

"lee ar a ons Trnapea.' rhisIaing and if inedmea In theent weoul bses

oft et the seler" whech have baaattr e s snaowd thethe b==fmm

tiom of Oarsmen to be helJuly 3 Me'~m Terente ay Mr. 1

of tea tin men a h.re aSthme naEhpressted by Mr. Edward Hanke, who herto Increase the interet in "Oprint"This leads right alo up tothe

taat Slaratoga Wake July a6 and s. A thNumsiddle states and theaState. Iland labor day repoaend thea iPotomac river regatia, and elams theseson.The result of the Corne nm- lvama Mighoared race at Itha- did ot urprise many p

son. Indeed it was a matter of surpriseCornell's splendid crew did not administermore severe defeat. The great surprise. hoiever. was dht Pennsylvanis did so wel. Courney hem every reason to feel very proud of hYeceassas coach of the Corinells. Three bivictoriesinsideofone month is a big reocfor any crew. There are many who wonlike very uch to e the Cornell eightth ntoaegatta, as another race

P itC. "chippies" would Ivery interesting.The fact 1hot the "co-amiesoc" as

"broker" coaeem at the other end of lLoug bridge have been stirred up by the Vtpins anthorities under the provisions of wiba known as the "Xushback" aet, giveetheelhere some hope that with a coaoerted effort tIbeautiful banks of the U Potomac misooner or laber be cleared =milar dens asdives. It somewhat s rind me while ma=isa tripup the river one oona"the pweek, to "see what I could see,' tothat no hindrance whatever was throein the way of this nefarious businem., and frathe foat I could very plainly hear the monenous Callng out of the numbers as they eanalong and I suppose that each one of themeant lo tsome unfortunate yomufellow wh couldn't orto lose what in timajority of cases are but small earnings.

TEE ANALMTA BOAT CLU3.The fact that a Potosee river regatta is ma

than likely to be held this years created aditional interest among the members, and e

pecially among the new members, of whomany are being enrolled. They are all anxiofor seats in gip and shells, and some very gotmaterial should be developed from among t]anxious to row. The club is heartily in favtof a regatta and will do everything in its ofor its success, but, then, the Analostan'sawado the "very best," and "mediocre" and "Idifferent" are unknown qualities to them.The junior four for Baltimore is io re

ularly and daily getting in more se athere is not a rowing man on this river widoes not hope that this "four" will win. I1crew is the first sent out of town by the ellfor several years and is only another indioawAof the renewed interest in rowing.

Perkins, stroke; Chandlee, 3: LAte,Stearns, bow, is the order in which the enfor Baltimore is now rowing.FIseher and Bodrique were out in singles soeral times this week. Why don't Rodrique tfor the jann sculls? He would make a goone.W. A. XeMenney, Fischer. H. C. McKenni

and Stearns, with Crenshaw, coxswain, is tcrew that made the gig move quite liveseveral days ago.Benner and Gray are hoeful of gettingtrim for heats iA a light-weight four.Col. Flowers finds good company in his oam

era, and being quite an expert he has a gocollection of up-river views.P. Perkins is ansious for a seat in a four

the Potomac river regatta.This club had the Art barge party oftseason,_and it was given by Mr. XdKemy,

Thursdy evening. The crew was composedMeurs. Fischer, H. C. McKenneyTcbeaith, Crenshaw, Pairo, Posseber and 30shall, with Mr. McKenney as coxswain. Afte

samt ride to the laming, dancing and ib mant were indulged in at the boat haTM OorMna ATELETEC Cr53.

The Junior eight for the middle sates ruegas beginning to be formed, and with th larnumber of new men to select froin vory litdifficulty will be experienced in getung tegeda good, fast crew.The following juniors would make a goeight, and as they have rowed several times Igethrthey are becoming accustomed to th

work.They rowed as follows- H IaryAlawis, Weaver Mann, W. L. Rht. Brckalantyne and Mic~owan, with Hmegang, coswain. The latter is a new aspirat for the cswain's seat, and promises to bea good one.The Intermediste eight is, much to the regi

of its remaining few membersbroken vMilson,who started in this wek, to layon accountM bnsiness eagemns. Morris anxious to row, but is sck, and asden, whas had i great deal of toublewith his leg,wibit is maid, be compelled to un=roanotiopieaton before it will be in pidworkiorder. Heoughttoletsomeofthbovs'-it" for him. Asortofamixtreofitrdjand Junier "eight" out this week several tialwouldintime smake a cgrew, If they woeoystickat it. Itwasmaeonf~IoI

Des....ur co....i..The "Torrer' is out regularly with Man aMoGowan and Banneganm ooxsw adanu

bell and Lee,'eagi ept u. Itisago. Anumberofthoemb.inewil gotoehe

tseoon the S6th Inst. It is too bad th Jamorascmtemateddid not amaterliasa.wudhave mnade the junior stie meremat.ud isfuny at the heat heml

and with the re.t o the rowing ..e..er...e,that the intereat om the wateras shownforamer yeags will gradua.ly revive as the faof e0 regatta here is asued.

AWeyearmowaunod oeemd . tiabul today es week what a eheabig of th Itope therewillbe, and Ihnewet at leastaeight, not fromn this city, however, thtwEaknew when the rae ho ver. 'The ehngntederather the pulgIn et new -m..ewhas b.eotIer mse s ant.fadl the dieee,as new the boats amealougmsebeingne dug and twssanduaeessrydse,andas seen as huufsemit each m, wa wE be demoes,esewwmtakeiemthe egsssel andia be.

Rhhepoeesar mea wease mea

I e~shembeeebeath mme me

abaege tagemo steMkb~m -isiniss mt 9e-e



a rst eOt shnerembIF0010111sir-rmm IN eenmw

. UMTuginesoewIt



resul. t fomer tnbiey of aelar seu

ubsom~np am

usei- the s werb

- s r w wuberrnethm

der TuxanseemSoteehe yrs Er- " after

momd .s wa nounetyts duehe st to the reb-bbt d ty of aee O"d-Seeing the vieser, Go

tintonre Will ry number thre than aydow ap, but to the 1oyt s a mom eve.lyt

field er ated to t rain fo t the emis of the entriesin this year's lDroelft Hadicethena have been m emenbaly hse *i by

th ubra sosniduktes but, asevise remerhed- i thrcolumn poi to the te avagl

e1tral a deceptive and tdy alo omeIable uo-by oundation on whiha toabuild with wm '~e a if absout ow-

nhg amoured' hanl for thias year'suuiyxwne Hlsisp wee..n hease pe*-

twhen it me to theofig for the big Ask* bet was d tacefuy beihn a om "b -by-

jockey of ble o ary 1neashble boy-byahoam wham trials hode=r

ethan veu wotavd 0 vowin's

Funddefted winners n e, in 2.07 a fe

a y the be t i of the Sb e s f h -ronl ism doubtful the migh -= i mn wd beed wil be alet ond i "M the fast

anogh to best his Gold. re. Te shear

t bosekd h. co owr e o rb blbe Od rig-singeI or Demme may in=2. , and Ph ime

s Le hw01 p aly bem hove doee it Wtweekk. or os. hd tweser any so Pot I Ree-

land deeat Peesh ad Rol in 107 a fer

e ayv ago whiehe hbot keem for the die-Ounc soae b thiaro's smaiim. He wi

g be ridden by aiteslaick andinam ofOw mosthoe borge n the tm bhe mos beav-ly named bo.me willprobably be Hi enne, Major Dems and Monoer, a" the nm

s will probably be am of those three,or DaeodI- or Peus. m vetier hom, Pet toes,

and Lucohee should mime be backedfor*they hove an exoellent chanre. Abm

homerm sae not unlikely to be Umelsod MajorDHs and Montans.but nothing, aees na-

r cepting the aiNgatoorrme, m uncertainasr home racing.and the wi-nnr ma he a hoe

ci not named abo nesh following eeb ivesW the probe ws ftormisd thhi wis

iand beet tia a,:1-e.

-satift Lamreeas PoetSaor1aS--S WW

He ~inn,~lmeahnd a 3imet Laisem

of and i ....e....y..... ..... ..a L honat'm ii~nfkr-WU....

- J. A. A. c. Morrinf -It-mgm'e..

Marc Dar oosonsptiwf -7..

W.a Poetry foMi ajo Doy ym eBod-ste


DwP Lo yard. Lacsdchemi4 ear.. UsKHis Elghne made hi les appees" sm

I' ac h mo t oe Pak an Thmlay.

The racewe a of-furlong dMok and th bet

rd that I.isRighnow would rt dav eutWealthe other tom "Jn"re, Wea Jim sor Po-

7 anm being his onl . C.*t orIlletithTe W he offered der Hi mae et m e-mancc

Ly the b or the e Htlokd in Ge@16 but hoeodin der ie ea tye. He wogn eml e and

in Lbegi, mh warked euamilefiadwa.R_ excellent pdrne his Weight il nPounds)

od onier- arredes..M he In.

doubsedly ae good shoe mes t Ome yIn whichmmmdt mheoisAthme

srsphEmema bedo" e t

nt ori ahe bteeding tra msthe om i,

Of mld will dom July 2. som Mmosoml onolI, beginning July 4.

hMr. 3 C. Hallof hibser dBoPoetyfor his bay Mbyby Wh Bdea ad

06 nts 6 . 14. de grae 6 ta 6.

to e rnilet to - C.Dar. hr Vria

cu nty t-aon aPme efor mae AR e dmaao; khree ay the er

in Park. Ten , loh evzaged mmd moiSWill begm the vwerfr on the aemit day.

Fie- Wre~ wahs made hasnge.

11- hA , -O %~t 5Alm. J. A. go" K. U011%grim. They an by the m"e edusboaW md~sirefromtheAeimnbdom mmL

at Morrieam breoding fto on the soeir die.

P aswie adbi wet es Gsemsiaat He stumbed o Stabes hosm.e, lStho ibemmeverelY. bsE regai mos m b

them toheee&un.ewK .I..4d4.ged (femy.. |"s.

L. LBeaer's th amesmen-sbestemmme same heoAShatr..nem Aaai

dTh emet map. over made y K ,a; threyerolden to J ur e rulesd

et *PsadrmTmeneet h

ad'P in Te a mee.. aaa. ma

e- Thee pede hs me em e.

-t WistDanlamaests It aeap. Qioet herh My..~iaiJy

er J.J. mr-maanwsm neet

ba eenb . U.r.....s..eby Ie

as, to toom en aeaestemi.

TeOtS. seteye & Wehda e-.In Ko e. oAienemeOutof he u 1mUs

Tsie heaeSm.sm teo t hewi em tet act En.ate.

p hiss a4ye~bea h

If te he w e im lm wasemse-

ame e..

temesebe s iia bebe of

a amt~ weim sa m. a s4ma

afLmme ~in.S~ bil U"64W"2060WoLad beupsftant um be6b-goo s hwi = m mma 6 amant

OM NNVOLi~I.O..........a3.U....V........Dram

a ....... mm' pm em o ...lmo4....... smmum .. Dm

I ....Tl.............lAth.

S.I.......qna .ILAW6Now *a l~dr hwbooks Mortbinfm. OWgg OWn maoy yous, POWe to amumbeg's ad--ao 6WA. lb. dom a mmmr. e'-ml.'.d lb.

ewtarbqshgroa mm "NONsthe vuBedipi~wath ..I.E bmC.. wnolb.. St,lb.ame~atpl

sadfmmUwdab-~npk i~o B"a - - -~§uodo oremulb ast. lowim = '. Cm p

mbin em be" 6orompath -4d -in -wItamsb va I.me ~kfintbibiinm-1;k~trose hi s rme.Un s md amw

vrba~y upos tonmt and blid pi... Ithake6 paimted 0"t at in s -a -mn aeay "any ale-e.t rcmtebaift W" 4WOE

din tae 61, as o livin voamas, As

for [aiwo. *,1' and aeemv.- *-as *eammtive o i eha mftem so (Wosmen

dowme. However. he mi in mM bawgi bePmr wit he gwIo or living umm--ott

Pooimta. Tc&kvmi.md Tanrm* ban. ftmPmast OMee vay Msne Mwefmhh. E~.r 0)6



Wteam to pW~r m laf to We..) m~mPMDLM S.. nL Dr K. (L PAInTU.

Eu-.-- ul

"=sMK o. M SI? RWIM




~~ E ~ImL.s~

Om~e~alb Sa ~h I~bbsa