'rHEUNION STAND Has a. larger circulation than any other Wee kly Newspaper blished in Uion Co. unty. VOL. XXIV. NO. 36 . WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N . j., FRIDAY, MARCI-l 11), 191W. $1.50 Per Y cur. : - -=- - -==�- -==- :scHOOL B OAR DS' R EP O R T. K EMOYAL SALE A. c. FITCH IS APPOINT E D MINSTRELS HONOR DIR[CJOR MR. M[R HilL IS =A= SCHEUER'S MARKET 190 BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD, N. dWE ARE GOING TO MOVE from our present store to our new quarters No. II7-II9 Broad Street and to celebrate the event we are giving a ROUSING SALE OF SPECIALS. PRICES CUTS heretofore unheard of. WE CIVE 8. & H. CREEN TRADINC STAMPS SALE FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MGNDAY 1111\"CIIICyer & �lt)ei''S Orlltllllnle1l Sugar 5cts. 1�. rn1u•y Pl'lnu• Hlb Hnnl'flng Pnl'li Le� or Cnnnd1L llutL·tn Average Allel1dance Nlnetg·Fin onRSEER Of THE P OOR . - _ Lawrence Bogert Toasled and He Defeats His Opponent, J. A. c+1"1"" ot Rl gat •·� rre.n •r� Feasted at Dinner at Golf Per Cent Malnlalned for the Pasl Yr. Sldl SIWI�. Cl b H . A, 0, Fitch WllK ſtPIIOilltOil OVOI'Moor U ouse, of tho Poor to fUooo c rl At·thur , l•'lng, roslyuml, ut tho roulnr moothl of thu BUO&ET S&HllY INCRSED .. l -------- Oontmou Oouuoll Moudny night, Tho HEARS THE SHOW AGAIN. Dennis �g Convincin� Ma· lorllu or 85. --.- REGULAR TICKET WINS HANDILY. 1 P A II yot.o on hiH nplntmcut st r 4. 0 rovl�• lor Slnkll Fund-Proפsl ons �losqrH, Alllock, Hohonstolu, SohmiU Pror. Smllh Sings "Trans-Mag.NII+Can·Bam· Pearsall, Losee and Stern, All Chosen- Under �onslderallon lor Increased sud Mnlsbury or•sing. . Mr. Alllouk, It IH •nit!, hml11 cnmlldntc Facllllle&. of hiM own while Mc•sr�. Hohmltt, 'l' ho u mnml ru 1 1nrt of t1111 nl of �ln lsbnry t uu l HohonRtnln •tom! o�t for l�ducutlon, iH, in pm·t, n� fol low H :-- H ownr l lnunin. In tho " llftoon At prosout thoro i� nu cnrolhu ont of min ute " rece ss tho qnostton wus ull 1170 Hcholnrs . 1'ho uttoutlnllt l for tlw trMIII out n11d Mr. �'itr.lt 's ol tlctlou JIUHt. four or flvu ymu·.� hns JJO on nhove wns sccnre . l by tho mulnr•mnont. of till' llo:!i;, ' l'hi' HhOWK intorflKt 011 th o par t R lllj o rity, o f p npilsnmlnpproc intlon of tlw n cotlof As si sta n t �'Ire Ohio( Willinm J<ulluy rogulnr nttondnncn 011 tho 1mrt of tendered bl� re•inutioua• tlril•tJr ot' tho JIIU'cn\s ruul n msitlcrublu tlcgr o o of fl r o orse . · BtHl " momher of tho l!'lro g tl l w ulth , 'l1o nvcrngo u t tcndiiCO Do r t ui e 1 1 t; hi� re•ig111•tiou wns nc· l o �'cb, 1st, •1f this yunr iH 9G%. T h ii lA cop b y tho Uonucil wlthont eommont n 11nin ovor onr J•roYious g record �ft•,Kelloy'� action in rc�lgning from t .n l dug us thr ungh th o wor.< t Jl a rl of 'the th o' departmo nt now settles the matter winter. of hi< nllcgcd misnduct nt t.he Cnslno ' l'lwrc llt'o :m t:lnsscs divide< \ 11s fol- a nd ho will not b o bronght up 011 lows : two ltiudorgnrtou clnRsos occu jiY· ch a rge o f dorchotion of duty. Oluurnmu in nro o m in the tmrish houso o f tho Afl l e ck o f tbo Sp ccilliCommittco on right Prcsbylerit•n Uhnrch, ono in the morn- of -w n y for tb o Nort11 �actio n trunk llno i11g null tlto otl1cr in t h o llfternꝏu. sower, t'tutl tllnt' tlw riH of Will' ' l' l n·po primnry olnsscs occ u pyin g r m s ha 1 l b o on socured. After some little in MrH, Cox's house 011 Broad street. dottlilR hn1•o been m·rtmgctl this worl< [rive priumry nnel uno gran nunr c l asH will bo uuel crlllkon, 'hom has boon n i n tho Prospect. street schꝏl. Soven 1 le mn nd for sewer in tho �action of tho )) l 'imnry nntl ono grnmme l m;� i n the i owu no r t h of Dey n\•onuo for mnny Lincoln chꝏl. Seven gmmnr I IUtl y o11r s , b ut ch·cnutstnnceslmvo J ll li"Ontccl four high school c!nHSos in tho Wash- th o C oun cil fIU building it. Wori< of ingtou School. Un the completion ef se cu r i ng r i g ht of wny wns begnn nenrly the new building, clas ses will bo forme•! !\; y e ar ngo 1111d h11s just now been sot· Oam-U.AI.J.Ty "-Guesl ol �onor Makes Over 400 Voles Cast-The Result a Speech, And There 's Fun. '!'il lnombcr• of tho Golf Oluh Min- strel 't·oupo nulflo their St.nr Molotly nlalccr, Mr, r,nwrenro Bogert, feel S glnofnl liM + school boy on IL frolic by gh•in him hmtm clnn at a banquet, aturclny night, Snrt·oumlml by a woup of bi� 111111 littlo stnrR, whlclt shout• In thcilittln corners, thl gnililing Htur wns charmed by tho wnsic uf his own inspiration. In fnct the MinRtrol Show was rc- ntml for lr. Jlogc1t's edification, whilo I'CIIl Africuus l "'"Ee:l nrountl thu otl!bii'R +1111 rt!freshmelltH nml 11 JIOot of thoir rnce pluycrl uml · sung 119pulnr uo�ro songs of his owu compoitiou. Professor Chris. Smith, tho unthor of "Cousin n inc "1111tl (�ny it IJnielc or it will sonml nlwmnplimoubu·y) "Tmns- Mng-Nif-1-Cnu-Bnm-Dnm-U-a J. 1-'l'y," ! lrositleel ut thu piuno, uud nmde him- self genemlly useful. But when bo nttemptml to sing" You're in tho Uight Ohnrch, hut in tho Wrong Pow," Joo Shcrmuu wus compelloel to show him how, while Bill ilogert gt1ve hiR Uncle wrcnco ll few lesons 111 the nrt of conduc t ing. a Surprise t o Many. 'l'hc rognlm· IIOlllitwo� fm· the c•t- f lultl llnni'tl of litluentioll · wor o oloctml L.v n eon1•inoing mnjnrily 111 tho nnllnlll school llllmtiuH, '!1UCfidny night. 1ho opposition l lllcd t6a votus, 11s ugainst 2-18 polictl by the regulnrs, Tho lmllot wns not so lnrgu 11s "'' expected but 41 t \'otus wcr1) cnst. Enrl A. !errill, lljninst whom l.hu opsition coutnrutl its light, easily do- fcutml his opponent, ;) . AuEtiu Dennis. �Ir. +1urrill WILH high lllllll ou his ticket, Leigh �I, Pctu·snli, who IIS unoppos ed, cxceptc•l. Thu totnl vot.o for Mr. nler- rill wng 2U4, ILIIfl i'or Mr. Douuis1 163, u. mujorit.y ot fll. · hu complete ruHult of the oloction is ns follows : 'l'rustuels for threo year. : Morrill, 21H ; Pearsall, 238 plus 160, tot11l 1108; Losee, 23i; Dennis, IOfl; Leo, 152, Tt·ustoe for one yen'r: Steru; 21} : nickoraou, I i. Leo recoivd two nne! Dounisllvo Yotes for trnsteo f or ooo your ; Diclccrson receil·ud two vot<1s for tho three yenr term. 'l'ho result of tho election was some-. rolioviug Lincoln, l'rospoct, and Wash- tied, Roast Pork Mutton Chops iugtou building�. 'l'he districts f rom W hon this sower ts built, tho l�mbrne which these pupil< will bo tllkou will- C r ont and C l ark street citi•.ens will h ave to be olctermiuml ncconling t o th� be su ppli ed with sowugo twcmumocln- All the song• were Rung, nnd some now ones, nnd Oimrlio Halsteml told tho "Skip n Drty " story on George Omt- tcurlou iu 11 wny tbnt polished off nil the dross of nntiqnity, 'l'ile soloists, who llt nt tile left wing of tho big tnble, nd nil their pllmphm·l;nlill with them, but �listnh E1Idlo Proudfit forgot his wig, Tho guest of honor sat on tho right of President Floyd, ami ncnr hi1+ were whnt of It surprise. �[r. Merrill'• op- ponents hn1l bceu proclicti ng his ·defeat but within tho-past few tlnys the tifle lml beou turning iu hiH fnvor. His frifmtls wuro coundont thnt hu woultl wiu, but did not believe thnt ho would h nve so lnrge n maJority . numbor of p upils encb building will tl ou s. J. S . A, Wittke and ot.hers 'ti- Tho meut.in wus voicl of nuy how Of bitteess. Willirun E. Tuttle, Jr:. presided, .Tnh u M. C. Mar.b· noted a� oustodinu of the bnllot box, and iwcommodatc. In th o early fttl l . "B tio md th e CouJJCil to lmvo this Rtller fouwl our clllsses, es!>ecinlly ii.' .the e x t .ea ctl frum Newton Pineo to' Law rmnnmr grnc es, o crowdml for �Cbtureu ſt\'euue. The l' cqum;t, wns L*e· fort or gꝏl work, nn the. p�rt· of fe lt o the spcciul committee. 'l'ho teacher or SchOlar, therefot·e�· · /. -- :Hnme�.partieH requested t.hat Newton Rfl'llllgOiitun(��ideiiCC S��rywher�- 'PII lce ;'ꝏ oxtoudcd to CO ! llleCt ·with --;;,,IO r�l, .�nl d ·.' · mude'. u�,.r,� . '�'Uc�. v o �n e , nt d d :�t ! b i i 1�•t i r :::u�e;s :! t . · �4�:�=�!lhesc·clnMMefso t b Rt inoro ca t · of ul · trai� t:ol�eel'to the ! C · ·�'�0�· Hams . Ch J'ck e n Oranges iug mul iudivitlnul work could bo done. · · Com111il eeide to stnrt onlimmces for A Ln Bogert iuclmling the Gernum J. B. Fr11uk tho Board for the ycnr was ren by Presirlout. McDougall nud uunuimou;ly nppmvcd. Undtw this m-urrtlllelllont, conditions 1 tile improvement of Clark street between Frietl Potatoes. 131 C '" fm· nro far from normal, untl teachers, e�· Brood nut\ Not•tbnvcuucs with macadam After 'rnnlc pnrrelllmd sung "Roses 11 C 15 C 25 C pc.,inlly t.ltoso holding clnsses in dotnch· JlUI'cmeut nod bluestone gutters; to hn1e Bling Dreams of Yon " with nn mtor- ' 01! buildings, ltnl'o hnd unnstutl ditllcul· bluestouo sielownlks lnirl on both sides po!nliou ou Onions by .Toe Shermnu, 21� lh lb ties to surmotult. nud nro to be com- of Downer street, between Unioi1 uvo- Bill Bogert lmtl cnutionetl his cotuttry U mentletl for their Jlntiencc nnd faithfnl- nuoU11 1l Scotch Plttins rontl, nud to im- usins nbout tnkiug plenty of shoes, . o. fully schools fiml it ux1rlient 'prove Hnrriso11 nveune with mncmlam Hun nu Pete Hamlnll hflfl explainml to ' to havo 1\1 1 nunssigned tcncltor f o r C ery IIIHI reset tho curbing. Prof. Smith bow his bnnels cnmo to be After tho rcncling of the rert, I r, Luigh M. enr�all took the oor nml renrl a rculnr which hnd been dis- tributee! nbout tho town on 'nesday momiug, Tho cil'oulnr wns n Rlnp at t.ho regular nominees, ami ono nm- gruph exciteno little utll"crsecommout. It rends: "Shnll our system of cduon- t iou be oue of fulls nud fancies, or shall it be built upon bulworlcs of oducationnl UytboSLI'IJlq · HiX or so\"en touchers to go around gtv- Actiou upoullle tux buelget for 1000, white insitlc-n song which the Pio- J\·fll')' Jlnlfbushel pnclmgc .Shredded Wheat H. 0. nt• Ct•eui n of Potatoes Soap a lb. can lJ pounds E. OriLJ 111\1. HCllled Beets Peaches Nuts Oats 510�· 25e .foe 2 3 e 10 Green Stam ps 10 Green Slamps Wi th 3 poum lnrge with hu·go ling Prunes Salt 10 Green Slamps II'ILh 1-lh. pkg. Tapioca 10 Green Stamps with :llh�. FHIIt!Y Rice Z O e 1 0 e J O e 2 0 e 10 Green Slamps 10 Green Slamps 80 Green Stamps 70 Green Stamps with ti · ll•. Ot·ocl> with 1111. with l lh. �·em tum wlt,h lb, cnn 11relll. 9 c 'i GTir 4� ing nssistnnco when ncedeel to backward 011 sewer for Wnshiugtou street u111I for l'essor tluly npproprintcd,fm· nso in his llllils und helping tlloso who hni'O the improoment of. Elm street, wns tlo- business-, George 1 nylor nncl Bob reccutly come into tho srstem who nrc ferred ui1til the next meeting. Perry hnd had their fliug nt tho Oltl . U. uuncnnintCII with the work, to flu•! protest wns recoil· ml from tho l'irst S, A nml 11 Love Imlinu, .Toe themsclvcH nml get properly fltterl into B1Lptist Chu r ch ngninst the notion tnltcn Sherman hntl ropentctl his popular ditty their classes. In onr 11rCSOtt system, by conucil in grautiug u licouse for n on churches nml pews, nri Snm Cnn- pnpils who nrc fitted to mlvnuce clo not hotel iu tho vicinity of tho trolley junniu.ghnm nu Erl 'Fnullmur lmrl done hnl"c to wuit until tlw eml of the term t ion. Tho 11rotcst was onlmccl Ille. some vocal stnnts, whilo ponco Gules, ns wns formerly tho case, but hrc ncl· -•- ------- .Tack Faile d .Timmie Dolld performcrl llncud ns mpi•lly ns their scholarship C St a ndard Oil £o•paay n ron! Virginia Hoo Down, Pt·csideut null nmilnble room in the upper gc Eighteeu renrs ngo supplied West - Floycl tPJIOd for ortlor nnd introduced will permit. flcl with keroKeno oil for t. he fow the guest of ho nor ns the priuoipnl nml Otu• sohool Jms · beeu selected by the street lnmp.• that wero scntteretl only spcnlwr of tho evcniug. Stnte Bonrd of Education ns 1111 obser- titronglt tho nllnge. Most people Director Bogert was rccei\'etl witlt stnbility nnd ''lllUC? " . l'tioll school to which students fmm the carried lanterns wheu they wore Couliuud 0+ pag• 1. Coutim".t ou pagt Normnl School at ' renton nre sent, mul compolled t o be o ut at ni g ht . West - = = = = === === == = = = == == = === The circular mge the election of "The People's 'ficlcct.": J. A. Dennis, L. M. Penrs111l, W. J. Leo uml Gco. B. Dickerson, lr, Pearsall snit! tbnt his nnme uppenred on tho cironlnr wit�ont his knowledge or consent, .aucl that Ita tlesiretl to repntlinte the sentiments expressed. _II the cnmlintcs on "Tlie People's Ticket" cmphnticnlly denied imowlcclge of its nutho1·, snirl that they nrc nssiguc(l to cortniu clussos under tho field growing? ---�--------�------- ---------· --superl'ision of our own teachers to ob- m: PEAHSAJ.t. COliPANY. Want to �"oy Yourself O'N•"ghts sor•·e the Wkiug iu t10 class rꝏm awl to do intlividunl work, thereby belpiug MOONEY'S HORSE RUNS AWAY scholllrs most nccdiug such help, l<ecp· ' -GO TO- ing t.hem up to grade. 'I' he sending or such pupils from tho Normlll College to l ell Slandlng,lt Slarts on Tare up Prospecl our EChool is quito complimout to out· Street, b ul Is caught system uml iH ol' grcnt Usistnnco to ou1· pupils. 1'he State pnyH 5; to th o W. . Dloouoy'R tlolivory horse mn tmwhor, snpenisiug the work of suc h nwny nt 2 o'cloclt Saturday afternoon, Normnl sllulents, 'l'hehorsow sd>·ivou by.Tm · ryl lnrke,who 'l'ho budget which we submit this year lof t the horse oml· - ' bnggy, standing Ill will give US a uct incrense of $125,011 the corner of North +0IIUC 1111<1 Prospect over present sulal"ie• utul two n ell' street Before tho lncl conld cntch him, tm1chers which 1\re imperutivo . . 'fhe the horse wns tlnshing np Prospect in�roduction of sowing this ye11r luiS street nt brenk-neck spectl, 'l'he horse filled + long felt wnnt ntul is proviug muup Pro s pect street to Dudley very po1mlnr with the girls. We Imve 11 where he turned townrds Clark street. cry efllcieut tencher from the l'l"lltt .Tohn Simon, employed by .1. W. Oory, Institute of Brool<lyn, who tenchqs • aw the horse coming, oml grnbbed th o grnmmnr class girls one dny t t week nn1 l bridle ol' tho' running horse nnd sꝏn "Rpeoial high schꝏl clllss after hours to stopped it. No tlnmnge wn.• done. winch llbont 3 como bnck one day n wek. no IIJipliecl for.this clnss, but nil could not be cnred for nut! convenient. bourR conJcl not be nrru.ngcd, nnd one ntlitionnllcsson per w�ek i• gil·cu by gdo tenchers in tho gmmnr school. 'l'ho exhibit of tho work of these classes, together with tho work of the IInnnl 'l'miulng class, will found in the lower hull, and you will be am(ll, rc- Get Acquai n ted wi th the Sta n ley Oval Scheme The· Westfield . �CAS IN 0�( Pol and Billiard Tables, Reading Room, Bowling Alleys-All the Comforts and Amuse- ments of a City Club. ' ' pllirl by nu iuspectiou of sl\nte. 70 Green Slamps 40 Green Stamps 20 Green Stamps 20 Green Stamps Onr bndgel wh i c h w� bnve prepnr etl with 1-\b, P•·emhu n with 1.11; .Tnvn& �Iin ' ""' lb:l•rem, Jocv11 will• llh.Jnm .�JJoclm nml for which we will a sk you to vote --M. Atlelnide Pursels, of Philadei- ,' .. �·T c ff c ff e for Hchꝏl purses this yellr is slightly I phia willmldross meetiugs ill Westfloltl Need Any Fence ,or Arbors 'or Trellises 1 0o/0 011 our ndml indebtedness of l i n our state with markerl ncceptnuce, sag nud that lnst rt life time, 'fho unchor •t is tho "" h 1 post thllt ·tnlll<es tho stay pu� fence. , , Wo mnke on·, $1120. or $56,00, In . comparison and we ho פ give era warm we· mcntlll cuh·nucc �ntcs nml 11·nu tmh11g•. Hrnrl ror · · · \ with other town• of n like size our ox- c o one here. The meetings will der cntnlognc. · ' ;: .... ·:. \ :·'\.' .• 5 O ea . C 3 C o . 5 ff ee C . 2 o 7 ee ' C Z o 5 e . C , 1:::��:!�. �:.�,;;n��:::�::� i �:g8�l�l�e t ;�;, n ꝏ��;: r : :� �: s Wealsomalmirouorwire fence. 'ho Idl that wm!t 110nse per Pll l >il will compllre ver y the nnspioc• of the Womnu's Ohristinu . -·• . v . . . oor :P . t Iron Worl<o, 12 North Awenne, Gwn,.'.n:'i.:•;: ,., ... 1 're'mperauC Uuion. Plu.cc of .meeting · . .. _,:., · r; .-r•'.'J.:.: !·'i� }.:� Co·rtiwurl 0+ p�g.· ;. and subjects will be announced l11ter, •••••••••••••••··��·I · .: · : · · :

County Stand… · 'rHEUNION STAND Has a. larger circulation than any other Weekly Newspaper Published in Un:ion Co.unty. VOL. XXIV. NO. 36 . WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY

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Page 1: County Stand… · 'rHEUNION STAND Has a. larger circulation than any other Weekly Newspaper Published in Un:ion Co.unty. VOL. XXIV. NO. 36 . WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY

'rHEUNION STAND Has a. larger circulation than any other Weekly Newspaper Published in Un:ion Co.unty.

VOL. XXIV. NO. 36 . WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY, MARCI-l 11), 191W. $1.50 Per Y cur.

=::--=- - ;:-==�-- ==::- :.ltscHOOL BOARDS' REPORT. K EMOYAL SALE




WE ARE GOING TO MOVE from our present store to our new quarters No. II7-II9 Broad Street and to celebrate the event we are giving a ROUSING SALE OF SPECIALS. PRICES CUTS heretofore unheard of.




Sugar 5cts. 1�.

rn1u•y Pl'lnu• Hlb Hnnl'flng Pnl'li Le� or Cnnnd1L llutL·tn

Average Allel1dance Nlnetg·Fin onRSEER Of THE POOR. -

_ Lawrence Bogert Toasled and He Defeats His Opponent, J. A. c111"1"" IQortt Rlgat ot •·� rre.n •orr� Feasted at Dinner at Golf Per Cent Malnlalned for

the Pasl Year. Sldl SIWI�. Cl b H

. A, 0, Fitch WllK ftPIIOilltOil OVOI'Moor U ouse,

of tho Poor to fUooocrl At·thur I!, l•'lngJI, roslyuml, ut tho roj!ulnr moothll! of thu BUO&ET Sli&HllY INCREJSED .. l -------- Oontmou Oouuoll Moudny night, Tho


Dennis �g Convincin� Ma·


1 P A II yot.o on hiH nppolntmcut stood r. to 4. 0 rovl�• lor Slnkllll Fund-Propesl ons �losqrH, Alllock, Hohonstolu, SohmiU Pror. Smllh Sings "Trans-Mag.NII+Can·Bam· Pearsall, Losee and Stern, All Chosen-

Under �onslderallon lor Increased sud Mnlsbury or•posing. . Mr. Alllouk, It IH •nit!, hml11 cnmlldntc

Facllllle&. of hiM own while Mc•sr�. Hohmltt,

'l'ho umnml ru11nrt of t1111 Bounl of �lnlsbnry tuul HohonRtnln •tom! o�t for l�ducutlon, iH, in pm·t, n� followH :-- Hownr•l lllnunin&�. In tho " llftoon

At prosout thoro i� nu cnrolhuont of minute" recess tho qnostton wus ull 1170 Hcholnrs. 1'ho uttoutlnlltlll for tlw tllrMIII'd out n11d Mr. �'itr.lt 's oltlctlou JIUHt. four or flvu ymu·.� hns JJOon nhove wns sccnre.l by tho mulnr•mnont. of till'

llo:!i;, 'l'hi' HhOWK intorflKt 011 tho part Rllljority, of pnpilsnmlnpprocintlon of tlwncotlof .· Assistant �'Ire Ohio( Willinm J<ulluy

rogulnr nttondnncn 011 tho 1mrt of tendered bl� re•i��:nutioua• tlril•tJr ot' tho JIIU'cn\s ruul n "'msitlcrublu tlcgroo of flro jlorse. ·BtHl " mom her of tho l!'lro gootl lwulth, 'l'l1o nvcrngo uttcndiiiiCO Dopartuie11t; hi� re•ig111•tiou wns nc· lo �'cb, 1st, •1f this yunr iH 9G%. Thii lA copied by tho Uonucil wlthont eommont n 11nin ovor onr J•roYious good record �ft•;',Kelloy'� action in rc�lgning from t.nldug us thrungh tho wor.<t Jlarl of 'the tho'departmont now settles the matter winter. of hi< nllcgcd misconduct nt t.he Cnslno

'l'lwrc llt'o :m t:lnsscs divide<\ 11s fol- fire and ho will not bo bronght up 011 lows: two ltiudorgnrtou clnRsos occujiY· charge of dorchotion of duty. Oluurnmu in�: nroom in the tmrish houso of tho Aflleck of tbo SpccilliCommittco on right Prcsbylerit•n Uhnrch, ono in the morn- of-wny for tbo Nort11 �action trunk llno i11g null tlto otl1cr in tho llfternoou. sower, rnpot'tutl tllnt' tlw rii!H of Will' 'l'ln·po primnry olnsscs occupying rooms ha1l boon socured. After some little in MrH, Cox's house 011 Broad street. dottlilR hn1•o been m·rtmgctl this worl< [rive priumry nnel uno grannunr clasH will bo uuelcrlllkon, '!'hom has boon n in tho Prospect. street school. Soven 1lemnnd for sewer in tho �action of tho ))l'imn.ry nntl ono grnmmm· elm;� in the iowu north of DmUey n\•onuo for mnny Lincoln f:'chool. Seven grnmmnr IIUtl yo11rs, but ch·cnutstnnceslmvo Jll'lli"Ontccl four high school c!nHSos in tho Wash- tho Council fi"OIU building it. Wori< of ingtou School. Upon the completion ef securing right of wny wns begnn nenrly the new building, classes will bo forme•! !\;year ngo 1111d h11s just now been sot·

Oam-U.AI.J.Ty "-Guesl ol �onor Makes Over 400 Voles Cast-The Result a Speech, And There's Fun.

'!'ill' lnombcr• of tho Golf Oluh Min­strel 'l't·oupo nulflo their St.nr Molotly nlalccr, Mr, r,nwrenro Bogert, feel liS glnofnl liM 11 school boy on IL frolic by gh•ing- him hmtm• clnn at a banquet, :Saturclny night, Snrt·oumlml by a woup of bi� 111111 littlo stnrR, whlclt shout• In thcit· littln corners, thl gnililing Htur wns charmed by tho wnsic uf his own inspiration.

In fnct the MinRtrol Show was rc­pontml for l\lr. Jlogc1t's edification, whilo I'CIIl Africuus l"'"Ee:l nrountl thu otl!bii'R 111111 rt!freshmelltH nml 11 JIOot of thoir rnce pluycrl uml · sung 119pulnr uo�ro songs of his owu compor,itiou. Professor Chris. Smith, tho unthor of "Cousin n 1\Iinc "1111tl (�ny it IJ.nielc or it will sonml nlwmnplimoubu·y) "Tmns­Mng-Nif-1-Cnu-Bnm-Dnm-U-a J. 1-'l'y," !lrositleel ut thu piuno, uud nmde him­self genemlly useful. But when bo nttemptml t.o sing" You're in tho Uight Ohnrch, hut in tho Wrong Pow," Joo Shcrmuu wus compelloel to show him how, while Bill ilogert gt1ve hiR Uncle Lnwrcnco ll few le•sons 111 the nrt of conducting.

a Surprise to Many. 'l'hc rognlm· IIOlllitwo� fm· the \Vc•t­

flultl llnni'tl of litluentioll · woro oloctml L.v n eon1•inoing mnjnrily 111 tho nnllnlll school llllmtiuH, '!1UCfidny night. 'l1ho opposition l)flllcd t6a votus, 11s ugainst 2-18 polictl by the regulnrs, Tho lmllot wns not so lnrgu 11s "''"' expected but 41 t \'otus wcr1) cnst.

Enrl A. ll!errill, llj.lninst whom l.hu opposition coutnrutl its light, easily do­fcutml his opponent, ;) . AuEtiu Dennis. �Ir. 111urrill WILH high lllllll ou his ticket, Leigh �I, Pctu·snli, who \VIIS unopposed , cxceptc•l. Thu totnl vot.o for Mr. nler­rill wng 2U4, ILIIfl i'or Mr. Douuis1 163, u. mujorit.y ot fll. ·

'l'hu complete ruHult of the oloction is ns follows : 'l'rustuels for threo year. : Morrill, 21H ; Pearsall, 238 plus 160, tot11l 1108; Losee, 23i; Dennis, IOfl; Leo, 152, Tt·ustoe for one yen'r: Steru; 2:!1} : nickoraou, I i:l. Leo recoiv('d two nne! Dounisllvo Yotes for trnsteo for ooo your ; Diclccrson receil·ud two vot<1s for tho three yenr term.

'l'ho result of tho election was some-.

rolioviug Lincoln, l'rospoct, and Wash- tied,

Roast Pork Mutton Chops iugtou building�. 'l'he districts from Whon this sower ts built, tho l�mbrne which these pupil< will bo tllkou will- Crmroont and Clark street citi•.ens will have to be olctermiuml ncconling to th� be supplied with sowugo twcmumocln­

All the song• were Rung, nnd some now ones, nnd Oimrlio Halsteml told tho "Skip n Drty " story on George Omt­tcurlou iu 11 wny tbnt polish ed off nil the dross of nntiqnity, 'l'ile soloists, who f'llt nt tile left wing of tho big tnble, lind nil their pllmphm·l;nlill with them, but �listnh E1Idlo Proudfit forgot his wig, Tho guest of honor sat on tho right of President Floyd, ami ncnr hi111 were

whnt of It surprise. �[r. Merrill'• op­ponents hn1l bceu proclicti ng his ·defeat but within tho-past few tlnys the tifle l.Jml beou turning iu hiH fnvor. His frifmtls wuro coundont thnt hu woultl wiu, but did not believe thnt ho would hn ve so lnrge n maJority . ., numbor of pupils encb building will t.lous. J. S. A, Wittke and ot.hers pl'ti-

Tho meut.ing: wus voicl of nuy :-how Of bitterness. Willirun E. Tuttle, Jr:. presided, .Tnh u M. C. Mar.b· noted a� oustodinu of the bnllot box, and

iwcommodatc. In tho early fttll . II"B tiomd the CouJJCil to lmvo this Rtll\"er fouwl our clllsses, es!>ecinlly ii.' .the ext.earlctl frum Newton Pineo to' Law G"rmnnmr grnc�es, too crowdml for �Cbtu� reu'* ft\'euue. The l'cqum;t, wns L*e· fort or gool work, npon the. p�rt· of fel'l'� to the spcciul committee. 'l'ho teacher or SchOlar, therefot·e�· ·1\/. -re- :Hnme�.partieH requested t.hat Newton Rfl'llllgOiitun(��iimdeiiCC�S��rywher�- 'PIIlce;'oo oxtoudcd to CO!llleCt ·with 1----.;.�-:-��--..;.;,��-:-----��;-,.r-.;.;...-����� liY,;,I!J.l,IIIO red�p!l, .�nld·.'be · mude'. u�,.r,�.'�'J1!Uc�. !'vo�ne, llntdd:�t�!

b�ii1�•�ti�r:oq::u�e;s:!t�.· �4����;;rl�:����:r=��!��� lhesc·clnMMefl"so tbRt inoro cat·oful ·trail\� t:ol�rreel'to the Uilll(! C ·

� ·�'·'8'��0�· Hams .

ChJ'cken Oranges iug mul iudivitlnul work could bo done. · · Com111il tleeidetl to stnrt onlimmces for A Ln Bogert iuclmling the Gernum

J. B. Fr11uk

tho Board for the ycnr was rent! by

Presirlout. McDougall nud uunuimou;ly nppmvcd.

Undtw this m-urrtlllf!elllont, conditions 1 tile improvement of Clark street between Frietl Potatoes. 131 C '" fm· nro far from normal, untl teachers, e�· Brood nut\ Not•tbnvcuucs with macadam After l!'rnnlc :Spnrrelllmd sung "Roses 11 C 15 C 25 C pc.,inlly t.ltoso holding clnsses in dotnch· JlUI'cmeut nod bluestone gutters; to hn1•e Bling Dreams of Yon " with nn mtor-

' 01! buildings, ltnl'o hnd unnstutl ditllcul· bluestouo sielownlks lnirl on both sides po!nliou ou Onions by .Toe Shermnu, 21� lh lb ties to surmotult. nud nro to be com- of Downer street, between Unioi1 uvo- Bill Bogert lmtl cnutionetl his cotuttry U mentletl for their Jlntiencc nnd faithfnl- nuoU11 1l Scotch Plttins rontl, nud to im- cousins nbout tnkiug plenty of shoes, .

!loss. ;\fully schools fiml it ux1>erlient 'prove Hnrriso11 nveune with mncmlam Hun nurl Pete Hamlnll hflfl explainml to ' to havo 1\11 nunssigned tcncltor for C\"ery IIIHI reset tho curbing. Prof. Smith bow his bnnels cnmo to be

After tho rcncling of the report, IIIr, Luigh M. l'enr�all took the lloor nml renrl a eirculnr which hnd been dis­tributee! nbout tho town on 'l'nesday momiug, Tho cil'oulnr wns n Rlnp at t.ho regular nominees, ami ono llnm­gruph excitetlno little utll"crsecommout. It rends: "Shnll our system of cduon­tiou be oue of fulls nud fancies, or shall it be built upon bulworlcs of oducationnl

UytboSLI'IJlq · HiX or so\"en touchers to go around gtv- Actiou upoullle tux buelget for 1000, white insitlc-n song which the Pio­


Jlnlfbushel pnclmgc

. Shredded Wheat

H. 0. nt• Ct•euin of Potatoes Soap

a lb. can lJ pounds E\'llj). OriLJlU 111\.1. HCllled

Beets Peaches Nuts Oats 5109��· 25e .foe 23e 10 Green Stamps 10 Green Slamps With 3 poumb:; lnrge with hu·go ling

Prunes Salt

10 Green Slamps II'ILh 1-lh. pkg.


10 Green Stamps with :llh�. FHIIt!Y


ZOe 10e JOe 20e 10 Green Slamps 10 Green Slamps 80 Green Stamps 70 Green Stamps

with ti·ll•. Ot·ocl> with 1111. with l lh. �·em tum wlt,h l·lb, cnn 11relll.

25 c 'ilf GTir 45��

ing nssistnnco when ncedeel to backward 011 sewer for Wnshiugtou street u111I for l'essor tluly npproprintcd,.fm· nso in his ll!lllils und helping tlloso who hni'O t.he impro\"oment of. Elm street, wns tlo- business-, George 1 nylor nncl Bob reccutly come into tho srstem who nrc ferred ui1til the next meeting. Perry hnd had their fliug nt tho Oltl . U. uunc1J.nnintCII with the work, to flu•! .A protest wns recoil·ml from tho l'irst S, A nml 11 Love Lorn Imlinu, .Toe themsclvcH nml get properly fltterl into B1Lptist Chu rch ngninst the notion tnltcn Sherman hntl ropentctl his popular ditty their classes. In onr 11rCSOttti system, by conucil in grautiug u licouse for n on churches nml pews, nricl Snm Cnn­pnpils who nrc fitted to mlvnuce clo not hotel iu tho vicinity of tho trolley june· niu.ghnm nut! Erl 'Fnullmur lmrl done hnl"c to wuit until tlw eml of the term tion. Tho 11rotcst was onlmccl Ill ell. some vocal stnnts, whilo 1:\ponco Gules, ns wns formerly tho case, but hrc ncl·

- •- ------- .Tack Faile ::llld .Timmie Dolld performcrl l'llncud ns mpi•lly ns their scholarship Clit Standard Oil £o•paay n ron! Virginia Hoo Down, Pt·csideut null nmilnble room in the upper grntlc Eighteeu renrs ngo supplied West- Floycl tiiPJIOd for ortlor nnd introduced will permit. flclcl with keroKeno oil for t.he fow the guest of honor ns the priuoipnl nml

Otu• sohool Jms · beeu selected by the street lnmp.• that wero scntteretl only spcnlwr of tho evcniug. Stnte Bonrd of Education ns 1111 obser- titronglt tho nllnge. Most people Director Bogert was rccei\'etl witlt

stnbility nnd ''lllUC? " .

l'lltioll school to which students fmm the carried lanterns wheu they wore Couliuu<'d 011 pag• 1. Coutim".t ou pagt 1· Normnl School at 'I' renton nre sent, mul com polled to be out at night. West- "'==--===========�============""":"'

The circular mge<l the election of

"The People's 'ficlcct.": J. A. Dennis, L. M. Penrs111l, W. J. Leo uml Gco. B. Dickerson, l!olr, Pearsall snit! tbnt his nnme uppenred on tho cironlnr wit�ont his knowledge or consent, .aucl that Ita tlesiretl to repntlinte the sentiments expressed. _-\II the cnmlitlntcs on "Tlie

People's Ticket" cmphnticnlly denied imowlcclge of its nutho1·, snirl that they

nrc nssiguc(l to cortniu clussos under tho field growing? !"!' ---�--------�------·-- ----------·· ---·--:;:-superl'ision of our own teachers to ob- 'I'm: PEAHSAJ.t. COliPANY. Want to En�"oy Yourself O'N•"ghts '· sor•·e the WDI'kiug iu t.l10 class room awl to do intlividunl work, thereby belpiug MOONEY'S HORSE RUNS AWAY scholllrs most nccdiug such help, l<ecp· '

-GO TO-ing t.hem up to grade. 'I' he sending or such pupils from tho Normlll College to lell Slandlng,lt Slarts on Tare up Prospecl our EChool is quito(\ complimout to out·

Street, bul Is caught system uml iH ol' grcnt Ullsistnnco to ou1· pupils. 1'he State pnyH $;!5;00 to tho W. \V. Dloouoy'R tlolivory horse mn tmwhor, snpenisiug the work of such nwny nt 2 o'cloclt Saturday afternoon, Normnl sllulents, 'l'hehorsowllsd>·ivou by.Tm·ryllnrke,who

'l'ho budget which we submit this year loft the horse oml·-'bnggy, standing Ill

will give US a uct incrense of $12;'5,011 the corner of North 11\'0IIUC 1111<1 Prospect

over present sulal"ie• utul two nell' street Before tho lncl conld cntch him, tm1chers which 1\re imperutivo .. 'fhe the horse wns tlnshing np Prospect in�roduction of sowing this ye11r luiS street nt brenk-neck spectl, 'l'he horse filled 11 long felt wnnt ntul is proviug muup Prospect street to Dudley very po1mlnr with the girls. We Imve 11 where he turned townrds Clark street. \"cry efllcieut tencher from the l'l"lltt .Tohn Simon, employed by .1. W. Oory, Institute of Brool<lyn, who tenchqs •aw the horse coming, oml grnbbed tho grnmmnr class girls one dny tt week nn1l bridle ol' tho' running horse nnd soon "Rpeoial high school clllss after hours to stopped it. No tlnmnge wn.• done. winch llbont 3ii como bnck one day n we�k. no IIJipliecl for.this clnss, but nil could not be cnred for nut! convenient.

bourR conJcl not be nrru.ngcd, nnd one ncltlitionnllcsson per w�ek i• gil·cu by grndo tenchers in tho grnmmnr school. 'l'ho exhibit of tho work of these classes, together with tho work of the l\IIInnnl 'l'miulng class, will be found in the lower hull, and you will be am(ll,l" rc-

Get Acquainted with

the Stanley Oval


The· Westfield

. �CAS IN 0�( Po�l and Billiard Tables, Reading Room, Bowling

Alleys-All the Comforts and Amuse­

ments of a City Club.

:;-., '


pllirl by nu iuspect.iou of sl\nte. 70 Green Slamps 40 Green Stamps 20 Green Stamps 20 Green Stamps Onr bndgel which w� bnve prepnretl ----with 1-\b, P•·emhun with 1.11; .Tnvn& �Iodin '""' l·lb:l•rem, Jocv11 will• llh.Jnm .�JJoclm nml for which we will ask you to vote --Mrs. Atlelnide Pursels, of Philadei- ,' .. J�_�·:-;::-�

T c ff c ff e for Hchool purposes this yellr is slightly I phia willmldross meetiugs ill Westfloltl Need Any Fence ,or Arbors 'or Trellises 1 0o/0 011 our bondml indebtedness of l in our state with markerl ncceptnuce, sag nud that lnst rt life time, 'fho unchor po•t is tho ""

h 1 post thllt ·tnlll<es tho stay pu� fence., ,Wo mnke ornn·, • $112000.00 or $5600,00, In .comparison and we hope to give era warm we·

mcntlll cuh·nucc �ntcs nml 11·nu tmh11g•. Hrnrl ror · · · \ with other town• of n like size our ox- coone here. The meetings will be lltlder cntnlognc.

· ' ;:.' .... ·:. \ :·'\.'


5 Oea .C 3Co



C. 2o7ee 'C Z



C , 1:::���:!���. ��:.�,fu;;n�����:::�::�i�:g8�l�l�e t�;���;,

noo����;:r::���:s�!��� Wealsomalmirouorwire fence. 'l'ho Idncl that wm!t

110nse per Plll>il will compllre very the nnspioc• of the Womnu's Ohristinu . -·• . v . . . Aaollor :P ... t Iron Worl<o, 12 North Awenne, Garwnuu,.'.n:'iol.:•;: ,., ... 1 're'mperauCr; Uuion. Plu.cc of .meeting · ... _,:., ·r; .-r•'..'J.:.:t/!·'i;J� }�:.:�

Co·rtiwurl 011 p�g.· ;. and subjects will be announced l11ter, il••llilli••••••••••••••••··���·�� rrr:im• tsiUf¥1 I ·.: ·:· ·:

Page 2: County Stand… · 'rHEUNION STAND Has a. larger circulation than any other Weekly Newspaper Published in Un:ion Co.unty. VOL. XXIV. NO. 36 . WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY


! 80015 RfCENrlf ADDED 10 IHE I wmmlO FBEE PUBliC liBURf. I �"J'i'J<•JI'J:I.r:�; \;ell;, z.r ••. II•>UlM>•· 1 A tr,:nthu u11 thiii{Jr,r, luU•frtarCivu, fJi'' 1 Ott'Uinu, t11lft.t UU11 UUUIU•.•IIICI1t lJf t\l! I foru•• of nUtOJmoMI••· t'in .. huu<lrO!'d

ll�.trJtbu. nn•l tlia�tollll•, �h·ln� e"oD• tial detall.oo or ooDHru�liou �ud manr lwj>OMant (>OlD!• of •ueet:l•ful operation

A. �an Can Sleep o' "lghtS Results Count

Since it's organization,

payments amounting

to over 160 rlillion Dol­

lars have been made to

policy-holders and ben­

eficiarie.5- by

' ot the rmrloGJ 111''" ol mOlar carriagt� drlrtn bT m11m, JllliiOIIuund •lectrieil,.,

O!•CRATIO!I, I'Aitll ASil ltf.P.\IK OF ACT<•li<JBI!.�··

when he hns the knowledge that the property he has worked so hard to obtain is protected against loss.

-� \\'1!1'� ASU W!IBIIEI'OJIP.rl OJ• 11111 At'l'>IIIJhJl.&,

Come In




A defective title may cost you all the savings you have put into your home.

.\lUTEL'lllJOTORIST. Pwberlou. Kzrc!IES Bou.r.n Co�secrtos�. Pem·

bmon. PraetiCIIlartlelet relatln11 to waW· back.� aud rauge boi lers.

PLt:llaisu ·'�l• Hor�r. On.us.UJB PRO'l!LEll�.

O\'er, Fi�Dlity Trust Company, �ric! of article.. for practiCHl plomoors.

Chapter on bot water sopplr systents.

THE CAllE OF Til£ Hot'SE.


The Prudential A Yolnme of suggestions to hon.>eholders, teuaut! and othef' !or the ecooomlcal an d eft'icienl ct1re and repe.ir of <lwelll ng houses.

in guaranteeing this title, pro· tects you against any such .loss,

Pnzsc-rPr.&;; Ol' HEATrxo.-Willlnm G. Snow, American So<:ietr of �echan· ieal Engineer;, Comprebensire and practical .

The cost is low.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;tl H&AT!SG AS!J \'EliTILATlli!l-Hobbarr!.

rolfl� KIDNEY CURl Cures Backache ;icew��k::!


:a� ��d11�����;J�


Corrects r!welliug baiLie.'! and other buildings; Irregularities witu comp lete practical lnstroctlou in

Do not risk havine the mechanical detai ls, operation a nd

Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not Bright's Disease care of modern hentiug and reutilatiug

b d h h f d' · N d' · d or Diabetes plants.

eyon t e reac o me tcme. o me tcme can o more. CAnPE�"IliYAxnJoz�·&nY.--Towusend.

T Mill 0 a I e' s ph a r mac y. A IVOrking manna) of approred Ameri ·

ca n practi ce iu the selection o f lumber, framing of buildi ng; auda llied branches

Nervous Prostration

in the art of carpentry constructio n. )IODERS 0ARPEliTRY AliD Bt:ILD!liG.

-Sy lrester. Contaius series of con· reuieut mo'.!eru . floor p l11u.q, approve d methods of stair bnildiug; etc.

u Work, .... THE ....



Information cbee:fnlly f0Itli5hoo by

Paul Q. Olivtr,

T��cg��At���F�!:!� ��i�����i QD OOnd and JDQrt�u.:c, and ha.s mort·

J.Ai;f:!'t for Ealr;:, prlDctpa\ 8nd 1nt'.!rt::>.t b'113t'· aZitf:<"�, n�!Ung th'= inrestor 5 per c�nt 'fl"itbout carEt as ro. tax�. fnsorance, He

OFFICERS: )_'C'DBEW ).!cJ .. tA..S • • • • • Prestdtnt H&OBOE P. RIJST � Vice Pr�. an1l Coun.'"t'l RICHARD ,J, 5r.OL1' • .1S • • • • Trea.'IUTez' ;t:;:� �: �!���;s .. . . -. Tdi�tJ!J��J B. H.. JL\'l'TESOS • • A.I!Sistant TrHU�-ure

I\epr�oSP.nting The Guarantee �ortgage and Title Insura nce Company BANK BUII.-CING


H.!RDWOOD Fr.oons.-Odell . Illes· trated mauna) of approved me thods of layiug and finishing hardwood floors.

"I suffered SO with Ne"rvous 20Tll CE:>TURY BRICKLAYER'S .!liD · ll.!..<o:;'s ASS!ST.!.�T -Hodllsou. Series

Prostration that I thought there f · u exbaUSttve instructions i n laying was no use trying to get wel( A fonndlltions, copying, piers, chimneys, friend recommended Dr. ?.Hies' �tone steps, etc.

Nen·ine, and 1although skeptical CoxcRETEs, CEl!E!I'T, !>lORTARS,

:--------------------------_, ! at first, I soon found myself re· PLASTERS A�;o STucco.-Hodgsou. How

coycring, and am to-day ·w�ell." to use an d how to prepare them. Col· lection of every·day examples showing



BUILDER. Prospect l'treet,

·westfield, New Jerse) Estimates Cheerfully Fur­


I THE SlEEPING SICKNESS '\ WHICH MEANS DEATH How many rell.ders 'bave heard or thl.e

terrible disease? It prenlls Jn that

I far-away country-Africa-especlall1 the Congo district. It Is caused by the bite of the tsetse fir. When !t bites a person, tbe sleeping symptoms begin and finally the sufferer sleeps untll death occurs.

?.IRS. D. I. JONJ;S, · arches , retaining walls, buttresses, etc. 58oo Broadway, Clevelan1'}J, STEEL SQUARES. - Hodgson. Practical Much sickness is of nei"(OUS treatise on the steel square and its

ongm. It's the nen•cs ihat ,everyday RSe,'- giving uew .. methods of ,.

make the heart force· the l)!ood sh�rteniug work aud . iui:reasiug accu­racy of workmnu.

thtough .-the Yeins, ·the lungs PAP&n·HA!'IOEn's COliPAlizos. _ Ar· take in oxygen, the stoma�h di-,. rowsmitb. Iucludiug preparatory work gest food, the li�·er secrete" bile . d' t . .

.•s �In per pa1�ttng ani cornice testing,

and the kidnevs 11Iter the blood. tmtmg, steuctl work, replacing sash Ii any of thes� organs are weak, cords and wiuclow pnn es nnd etc. it is the fault of the nerves Hous& PAiliTiso.-Snbin. Book for through which' they get their. bousebol<ler-iuoludes glazing, , pa.per­strcngth . Dr. Miles' Ncn·inc. is · bangi ng and whitewashing ..

T Doors, T . Sashes, L

* 'Coal, Contra.o;t this wlth the peaceful,

balm; sleep of health. Is there any· thing more wearing than to lie awake at nlght, tossing about, n ervous, wltb cold feet, hot bead and mercy knows what else ? Short of letting the tsetse fly blte us •,.e would do almost any­lltlng for relief. How can we pre· \'ent Jt? Mr. George Ha)'es of l:nlon Cit;·, Fa., writes : "I had 'lost my appetlte, was all run-down, could not sleep nights. I bad tried e\'ery­thlng without relief. Vl n ol was rec­ommended, and to my surprise, It helped me at once; ga,·e me a splendid ar.pe:Jte, and nnw I sleep soundly."

a spec ific for the nerves, It ··.CYCLOPEDIA OF PA!liT!SCl,- Arm·

soothes the irritation and assists strong. Contains nsefnl nud. l'alunbhi in the generation of nerl'e force. • information °0 all ktuds of house, sigu

Therefore you can hardly miss,: nnd carriage pnlntiug vnruisuing , etc.

it if you take Dr. 1liles' Nervine' THE lluzr.nzso EsmL\ron.-Arthur.

when sick • . Get a bottle from: · . E>"IDIATI�·u FnAliE ASD .BRICK Hous&s.-Hodgsou. Practical trentise

your druggist. Take. it all ac-: on estiwntiug cost of labor, materin!s, cordin g to directions, and if it! construction of frnme ancl lirick.houses,

does not benefit he will return: stllbles, barns, etc. 8 Lumber,

Distinctive Leather Goods

Our showin� of Leather H•nd Bags, Purses, Card Cases, etc., was never so complete as this season.

: Distinctiveness- is the rule throughout the entire line. Prices are as lnylting as the collection.

What Vinol did for �lr. Hayes, It will do for e,·ery run·down, nervous and 0\'erv:orked person who cannot sleep

YINOL is wld in Westfield by Geo, W, Frutchey, Druggist.


your money, MOD&llli Ji;ST!l!ATOR . ASD COSTRAC· 'ron's Gum& FOR Prnqixo AJ.r. BIJILD· ERS WORK.


Dumb·Eell Hurled at Rlferee McCutcbeon.­locals Defeated.

Rahway H igh School showe<l "mu clt· crism," in the gnmc las� Hntttrdny niter� DOOlt nt Rultwnr, when they defeated tho Loxllll High Scc,hool team by :JS·2i.


M.!�·.-Fngau. These ·clear, thoughtful papers dealing with importnnts sul!jeots as to.the responsibility and management of ratlrcad.' ha vo attracted wide aneu· tion ll!l they have appeared in the At· !ant i c Monthly.

LETTEitS FIIOll A WORKlliOl!Ali, Stclzel. Letters writtea from the ex· perieuces of au American mecbauio a�d his viewpoint on the labor prol!lem. His opinions nrc inte r esting null i nstrnc· ti\'C.

An I ndeotructible Color.

R Jrlasons' 0 . ,''

s. .Sterling .Silver

This week we call particular attention to our dispby of Col·

�o come .

here for all sporting goorls tf yon WL'h to lmy the •t�ndnrl arti· cl•.• at rock bottom prices . We have built np an euviable reputation for

)lr. McCntobeon refereed the first hn lf half, and nmpirml tbo second half clur· lug which n dumb-hell wns thrown at him by oue of the Rubway spectntors. 'rho dumb-bell which fell short of the mark, landed at Mr. McCutcheon's feet. The Westfieldors thnt were p res· ent say that this was not unexpected, 118 hissing, yelling and sarcn.•tic remarkK, were coutinnally coming frntn the Huh· way people. Many other High Schools of this conntv report similar treatment

The indestructible !\oral •�lor Is Yel· low. You cannot cYen with sulphur­ous acld fumes, destroy ll. Take a hearteasc nnd trr. You will consume the purple llnt easlly enough but the yellow wlll be en permanende for all your filthy fumes.

and measures will be taken, (if these h

South Ave. and Spring. St.,. · · . onlal Stl:rling. Silver ln the ·'·dainty Paul Revere pattern,

�oth In Individual pieces and in ·complete service.

Watch for our window dis· play on Frid•v.

"At the Clock Corner." �·HAR.. TDEGAN

UP-TO-DATE GOODS RUCh as boxing gloyes, lenni.• rack­ets, gcolf clubs polo sticks, skates: fishing tackle, parlor games, croqnet sets,

.•leds, base, bnskct aud foot ualls,

tcnm" balls, golf baiL•, etc. Have wa named what yon want? Then come nud get it,


!LI!tions coutinne) to prohibit Rahway I dm;l,t ����own h


High School from entcriug in the know what ou� O�l;n tm

e tlwlsest of us IJulon Con t Athl t' Le · o ves are, and

. n ! .e zc ngue. One whether some of the actions of which thmg

. to the�r credtt •• that oue o! the . we are the proudest wUJ not sur·prlse

players apolog�zed to lllr. llltCutcheon. us when we trace them, as we shall The l ine ,np. one day, to their source.-Thnckeray. RA!IWAYH, S. WESTFIELD If. I'!,

Davis (Ayres) R. F. E. BnEh Silvers L. F. H. lrl'iug Ritchie C. Dclutonr

Ala., Poor Pittsburg!

·.NEWARK STATros•n &: N•w•n•Ar·""• :::::::::::::: WESTFIELD NEW JEI!SEV

· L ndon R. G. Sisserson Gehrluu L. G. Brown

It does seem as If everytblng but good luck has struck Pittsburg these last rew years-and jealous outsiders Bay. that if good luck should appear In their midst · Plttsburgers couldn't recognize lt.-Harper's Weeklv.

. ·.How can nny person risk takiug some ; unknown cough remedy when Foley's

. :·Honey and Tnr costs them uo mora? It "is ·a safe remedy, contrtim no hnrmful 'CdrDRS, ·· ancl core s · the most obstiunte . cO!!RhR nnd colds. Why experiment '.with, yonrhr.nlth? Insi•tupon h1wilrg · . .'t�e ""euniue Foluy'H Honoy nml 'fnr. •jold ur 11ll drugglus.


_______ (Parker,)· Simple Remedy For La Grippe .

The digestive orr;nns of <lomcstic au· i mals differ a.� widely a.� their use· and

Ln Grippe coughs nre dangerous Ill! Yon c annot improve npouuntnre b'lt

purposes; for tl•i� renSQn no Uonditionr,r t�oy �requcntly develop in pneumonia yon can , Wlsist Nature. Fairfield's

cnll be so compounded Ill! to hn.c> much boley s Honey and Tar not only RtopM Blood . . Tonlo a n<) Egg Producer for

vn�ne I! feel to more thnn one kiud of the cough hat !>cal• nnd strengthens poultry only, is Natures first assistant

nmmnl The FUJrfielrt Bloo!l Tonics are the ln nt:s fiO that Do s�rions results nPerl providing· poultry ·with an· thnt the'

sept,mte prcpara\ions-n <'Om pomul for be feared. T�e gen ntne Foley's Honey need for rapid growth and developmen[

r.ndr kind of animal . . Sol<lnnrler wr it-���� Tar contnllls uo hnrm fnl d rugs nnd I Ie keeps poultry free !rom disea•e and

ten gu nrnutee by Potrlcl: Trnruor. l as tnrL!<!lluw pnc!mge ..

Refu>e substi-.m�lces •troug firm fleslt. Sold under

J lutes. .,olrl by al l druggists. i wratten gnnruutee by Pntrielt Trnynor.

Tel • . 92 ·

How's This ? J We offer One Hnndre� Dollar• Re·

word for any Clll<e of Clltarrh that can­not be cn red by Hnll's Catarrh Cnre.

F. J. OHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have· known

F. �· Ob�ney for the last lii. years, nnd b�lt.eve lum perfectly honorable in nil business transactions and financially ably.to carry out ·any obligations mode byh1s Hrm.

WALDING, KINNAN � MARVIS, WholesBla Drnggiste, Toledo, .O. Holl 's Catarrh Oure �� taken inter.

nally, actitrg directly upon the blood Bnd mucous snrfnces of. the system Testimoo�nls sent !ree, Price ?ftc. pe� bo,t tle. Sold by nil Drullgists.

�nke Hall's Family Pi ll• for canst!· patton.

Everythmg tmta/ly• totmd ����I�· Hm dware Store.

ROYAL GRANITE STEEL WAJW. is absolutely· safe.


layle . H1rdw1re , ;

Page 3: County Stand… · 'rHEUNION STAND Has a. larger circulation than any other Weekly Newspaper Published in Un:ion Co.unty. VOL. XXIV. NO. 36 . WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY

cog���r�J���!.�;?t����l· ��;,;!::� �:����H�1:t\���� Olft'rlng $500 tn $:,,l1Utl lmmi'Unt!l!, Mtmht HNJOnu nnd rourlh l\fmlllllV of manit muuU1. .Boule llllllilln�e. 1-�hn unit Hrmul �tr1mt�. Wllllum T. 'J'uwlllt•r, ·lltl Huunnlt. R\'L!IIIW, Uhlt!f Utmger, }'nd K. Wtnlt•l', n l•'il'�t Ht.l'llt!t_ ltcmmlillK �t'Cl't!ttll"f·

�,IRJ;J�EHC�tea���IJ �, t!����tl�o�!i!u:A�1!!���Ul::j e�acb month , nt � p. m., .In Arl!nltttlll Hull. .fmtiL."'� S. Hn ... tlllJ.�!l, 1�1 WL>Htllt•lct A\'tt,, Ul·�unt ; H. U . Htmfunl, ;!,ill Dmll£J)' A\'UillW, Collcutul' ; Ueorge W. Peele, t12tl l!'tn;t titreut, �l'f.tutllry.


l9i-Suuunit avo11ue mul Park street. 3·1z-Corncr Highlanol un<l Mountain

Avenues. 499-E\m stteet anrl Kimbull avcnuo. o79-Broacl nncl Mitlclosex streets. U39 -Camborlaucl St. und South Avo. 78S-Coruor Olnrk an<l Ohnrles SIH. liii:J-Fire Department bouse. 119-Coruer of North nml Fourth ;he· ,. _ n.uea,.

After sending in nn nlnrm stand near tbo call box until nrri val of opparntus.

Display of Fashionable Millinery, Dresses, Tailored ·

Gowns, Coats, Evening Wraps, Waists, Girls' Suits

. and Dresses, Infants, . Wear, Ne.ckwear, Gloves,

Hosi�ry, Footwear, Boy�' Clothing, Silks, Dress Stuffs, Cotton Fabrics,

Laces and Trimmings Brilliant and Interesting Shows in These and Other ,Departments, to Which All Are Invited


..�a�t.te & Co., Broad, New·and Halsey Sts.,,New_ark :;;�:;�:l� ��,;;;��·Office MR. MERRILL IS RE·ElECTEO.

[ Otltorwi;��������:;l; ����}�.::::,�::�-�E. WH. M. TOWNI.EY, Guneru.l Delivery nnd ' r'rho S'ro\XHAHil desires tllut 110 ill· C(m/imud frmll pag.· I·

0\"[-;Tf::lt COCI\T.Alt,S ..\ J�o\ BOOEHT, Specinl, ·Piquant, Sp.cy,

llADISIIE�- OJ .. IVES. I SCHOOL BOARDS' REPORl " [ Coll/illu•d from page , _ : �·��'::/:fK�1tll�i.TEU, �!11illng Ulerk. Couliuurd from pa�r f , 1 jnstiou b e 11011" to l\lr. l'ayne: .The •e- cheers untl n tonst ·US he greeted his

��'h.��;rn?.g��IJ.I���������Y �lc"''"n�"r. I l I l I . I t t I !tl ' p ort tltnt !Jo wns responsible for the uuderstnrlios. He sni<l t.hnt Ito felt

SOUl' ,\ LA BOGERT. · Rose�;· Onion� noel 'l'hiugs.


FriEitl ht Proudfoot's Fllt. fnvornbly nud is much less than mnny tmvns Owing to tho conft1sed coucli· . tion of our Stnle's finances, we do not know nt this .. timo what nppropl'intiou thri Stnte will nllow us for school pur; posos, ll'hich will maim it necessnry to cull "'.specinl meeling of the citizen� · at which timo we will again present onr lmelget ·nml · ru;k for npproltl'intions to coyer snme for the comiug yenr. WO do this nt tho· suggestion of 1\lr. 0. ,T,' Bnxter,' · Stnto· · Superintondeut, whose 'sngl{estion is being , follower! by the school districts very genornlly,

City Carriers .Tnt!ob Sm•t•, .Ta·., ·No. I. Ueorge A. t!hlrk, No.2. PllillJ) 1':. Winter, No, a. 'fholi. ;\1. S. Wull�, Nn, ·1, lle1-cy a. De Long, No. ii. Ofl1ce Hours

Open ra·om 'in. m, to 'i o'clock, p. m. HilllartlnyN 1111UI t! o'clock, p. Ill. llolltltlY:I r rom 'i' to lU o'clocl,, u. m., nml from Zi to 'i o'cluck, p, m. l�urrlcJ•�· whulow opon fronl »:flO to 11:30 jl. m.

Mall• Received lo'rom �·cw York, Enst, south nnd Soutln\'C!it., opeu (Ol' dcHvel'j' o.t 7:�}[), 8:2ii u. m., 3;J!i nud li:lli p. m. \\'1\)' mail from F..n.ston, 8:!!l a. m., U:r.o I'· Ill.

Malls C lose Fnt New York, Pbilndelplllu, the Not•tllcnHt, ficm�h nml Sollthl\'est nt i:-&0, 10:40 u. m.1 :.!:110

U.l��o::�a�;l�id, J�tu�ton Rnrl \\'A)' stntlons nt 'i:40 1\. m. and ·I:!IU p. m.

Mountainside P. o. .\rrlre nt 7:110 n. m. nnd 4::10 Jl. 111. ll�part tlt H:ao n. m. aud u:oo p. m.

Free Delivery . Carriers tlrst dell vel')' cornmenct!."l l\t 8 :nu n. rn.

" Hecoml .. . " " :J:lJO p. m.

NEW dERSEY CENTRAL. Trains leave Westfield

FREE PUOI.IC I.IDilARY, Oor�er Broad �nd Elmer streets. Open

every afternoon from 3 P, 111. te 6 P; Ill. except Wednesday nml ltO!idnys; 11lso on Moudny, 'Vednesdny, Friday and Satur­day evenings from 7:30 P. Dl to 0:30 P. l!,, except when thu•e evenings fnll ou holicl�tys. .

tnt me not ung II' tn .ever o e o W 1 writi11g of the circulur issued on tho · I' · w 1 J J 1 overjoyed nt tho conlinlity of his recop· tis pub lCIIIIOII, II ter � • ,oe< OIIOUIIC· IIJOI'IIiiiU of tho SChool eJection hUll .\ ' " 1 · 'd " tion. · It wns tho hawiost moment ill oil It as " dirty, 11m 8111 some very gniuml such general credence that we ·· �'IJ,ET JIIGXON A J,.\· DOGEllT. ' · t tJ · bo t th his life ; there lmd 1101'er been nuytJting .

ttncomphmen nry nngs n n e un- felt jnstilleel in IL'Idng hun either to quito, equal to it during his yonrs ·0r ''�ll_si�f!�Sn\l�c. known who set�t i: on;.. 1

. 1 . clouy m· conllrm it. As lllr , Payne did 0,pe.rienoe ill conducting 'musical outer· OHHll.l:. FI!IED.Pirr.ITOES. :,. GREEN P�;;g_ 'Il'ho author o

\ t to ct�cu ar ts

r ette



tgt• not deny the report, we macle reference tJtimnents. He t.hnnkcel tho mom bors; . . :�,\L ... '; ;.J ;(. r,;. "'··.1Lri�i.1i. nne co· cov�r. ' rejl<lro wns cu r 1 • to it in co11nection with his nnmo in tho ., I ,. 1 one nne! nil, fot· their flue expression. of Drcss.ilig b. �;.t. hoBt.m.ci.h. l\Ir. Jonathan Pay no of t 10 �·ourt 1 1101vs story of the election. 'fhe nbol'o w d 1 1 'tt 't WI nsl cd to nppmcintion, .unl oxprossml ·,, elcsiru to . 0,1)i�!IBERT· ciitiEsE . .

I nr ,

htm wt'1t "11"1 1 .p teu_d

. ' letter is pt·inte<l in justice to hun. 'fhc assist them whouovm· his sen•ices were .P�.rflt�.· •. .. el b. Y· Pl• .. illi.e's.s. tbt.·i.es: . • t eny t o rePQr , r, nyno �n1 : general public can clrnw its own ncede<l . " Y?�'d bettor go loo� mt<:� thc rtt· 1 0011clusions.�Eil ] D" t B t ' l..al " t' . llOASTEil �lt.Ab!<ERS .(' �;A: noimnT. 1

mom·. _.. - · ----tree or oger . �me •us sell nneuts .l'erry,.Rno1;lolph'alid ·some others.·

., Will yon dcuy it 1 , ; were expresseol i11 n veroo which ho . UAFE :.om

" No, I wm1't eleny or 11fllrm it. Go 1. A Letter From W. J. Lee. olfcrod ns his Toast to tho Golf Olnb: . . . . T h e 'fonst was l{reetecl with cheering. Blncltns lite troupe . . loolc into the rnmour." fJditor Slalldar.l : It is ns follows : . ---·----

Mnjor Wt�lter K. W lte�tle� plnced t.he I take tliis me11ns of expressing " Henltlt nnd qoo<l Fortu11c withe M L S t L t M · C opposlliou tlcltet lu nomumtton , MnJor my tltanlcs to nil those who voted for me '· through Hfo yon• go ; . r, 81 UCCOSSOr 0 a e· r. Oger. \�bentley s�i<l that he luul .nothing to do II ut tho school meoti11g last 11ight. I ex· '!'rue frie11els rom· portion, nnd noi'Ol' Walter .T. Lee h ns sttcceodee1 : to th'o 1\'lth t·�1� et r�ular, �ml rlul not know tend to

.tho gentlemen electeel my henrt.r 11 foe, renl estate nnrt . iusnrnucc bnsiuess for-

alJOttt tt unttl he \IllS l�anded �ue .on , congrntlations, Filt�d'�h!hJ31Jj,i11ks nnd more power merly conclucteel by .Tohn .T. Coget•, mul

the street. He pincer! Ill nommat1o�t , I wish to deny emphatic�lly nll know· Ancl Joy bo the Gaddy ntteucling sillce Mr. Cogol''s f�ttnl illness, umlm· mou whom it wa� felt wore �otter qnnh- Jotlgo of the cirenlnr letter put out heutl- you nll. " the Jlrm nnme of Coger ,'1:; l�ec'. Mr. flee! to serve. on tho school hoa1'l thnu ed by Mr. Pearsnll's mnuu '" au npilur· l!'or tho snol'iflce which l\Irs. Bogert Leo h!h< been nctivo in tho rlcvolopme�ot,. those that were there, nnd he urged

I ent emlorsm·. I cannot �peak in too hncl mn!le iu foregoiug the JtlenJnre of of Weo�tlielel Uenl Estate for mnuy years their election on belmlf of thnsrl whom strong comlemnntion of nny Httch means hor husband'• socict.y tlnriug his many �tnd hns a w11lo nud intimnte ltnowlotlgo he represented. I to aceomplish an mul, nights 111\'ay from home, clrilli11g the of the town's llenl�y mlmutnges . tuul

Suiter Stort'" Clnrk, former presitlont. . Very truly, troupe, the membm·s wero rleoply grato· neml•. 'l'he busiuoss will now · eomo of tho BoM<l of Educntion, plnccrl the ; w .ILTEn ,T. r.1:�. t'nl, and us rm expression or their grnt,i· Ullller his sole elirection nnel mnu�ge· regular ticket in uoiuinatinn., He sniel l ---· -·- tuele two largo boltquots Wt•re orclel'cd meut. thnt he felt t.lmt no npologiosor cxplaun· ! sent to het·, �h·. Bogert nct.i11g ns ens- 'l'h•: business was cstnbliohe<l' by lions wcro ucccssnry . . He conltl spm�l< l t� Memory Of the Late J. J. Coger. torlitm , 'fho ftowers hurl grncocl tho Me�m. Coger llnrl Dilts some ten ycnrs for two of the uon�lllL'C", 1\h·. 1\!errtll l· At t.lto numtnl 'school meeting, •rues· tnble, a ltd worc to be n gentle reminder I ngo, It. is 0110 of .tho largest of.its ldnrl an<l Mr. Peursall wtth whom he lmd . clay night the following resolutions in to Mr.. Bogert of t.he occnsiou nml its in Wcstficlrl, nncl hns n promising workeel on tho Board, aucl 'hu lmow of / memory �f the Into ,Johit .T. Coger Dis- nssoeiations. ' futuro. thoit' nbility to fnlfll thoi• obligntious. i tl'ict Olerk of tho Botml for t.;velve After tho diunm·, Prof, Smith outer- -----·--

thnt the1r 1'0Ptllatton WIIM convtucntg " As citir.ells of \Vcsttlold we Broadway hit.•, nnrl Ito mnde Pete Hnn· GEO�GE J. C�UTJENOEN HURT. Of 1\ir. I:osce nucl .Mr. Stcru, h? s�lrl, I years, wore aelopted : tnined tho boys with some of his latest

eviclcuco of their worth. desire, on t.his public occnsion , dnll promise to sl!ml him n copy of the I

If n I!YillllRsium could be hnd iu con­llcr.tion wit.h onr school system to be I ,;upurl'isod by onr tenchers, we fool tlint it, i1·ould bl! n. splendid thing, not only !'or tho towu, but for the schook With· some slight nlterntiou" nt tlto Wnshi;,g. •. ton · Building_ tt gymunsinm could lie lmilrl n11rl oqnippe<l nt tho �enr at ·" · cost' of about $400li.oo: During the yenr the Bonrrl granted tho use of chupel nucl'. pr01•itletl ll onge in the form of r1 net so thnt the bnll ·conld not stl'ilto ·t.he wnll !'ot• uso of the lntpils in playing · basltet· ball: Gnmcs botweon class�s uro plnyecl clail):, nuel occasiounlly gnmes with· ueighbori11g schools It� ou Wnsltingtoit•s .. Birtlulny· there wns n nmlch game be-· twuou tho Hirls of our High School aml' · thoso of New Bmuswick High. The, nlfnirs of tlto hnGlmt bull team are Jnrgc- · ly in tho bands'of the pupil• who have nppointocl mt atlvisory board which riots · "" committee ou sehoul projlerty nnd bas proveu very eft'ective.

Second Assembly �ance Aprll 14. 'The PQlls openeel nt 8:20 unci closeel nt. l to recor<l our profonml sorrow Princeton Rong,-" 1'1tnt's What M11lces

0:20. 'l'ho voting '��· dono voryquiotly, nt ��� el��!���r ;����� ·�;0°0!':-';:.el a Nigger's Jinml White Iusioll!. " The Piece of Kindling Wood Flies Back Striking

nnd moBI .of tho mttzens h111l left tho the community ns cleric of tlw Professor declares that he'll mnlte tltnt The oommit.teo in chnrge of the As-hull before tho result wna announcael. I Honrol of Education, perform- song the talk of Now York . .'Tho Pro- Him In t�e fge. .sembly DllnC<'s Ions se1lectod We<lnedtlny , i11g his cluties with rnre con- fcssor is ns black ns tho non of spmles, - George '1'. Oruttcnden Is co11tlnerl to evening, Apt·i! J-1, to hold thoir second:

I scientionsne>s nml tirlelit.y. 11 , · " I 1 1 · 1

• b t 1 1 1 'Tl · ,A Letter From Mr. Payne. He wnM n goool citizen, 1111 a snpt1u' cli<l ins" c o ' us · mn • - n his home on Highlouu lll"enne ns t. to rn- e mwo. ns is to be '"'u••quermle· nnd ·

honorable mnn, aml a faithful he hill! 1111 eye for tho ml\iu chmwo, first suit of n puiuful inj�ry to his right. oyc the,1• preclicl butter 1'eRnU.s t.ltnu tlmt. of , _ ,1 South Broacl st., 'Vestfleld,

.N . • J., 1 ropresentntiv� of tho intere�ts !nit and all the time. ' Mnstaineel while ohOJlping woorl, Mon- t.he tlr>t dn11ce which JII"OVecl ltsolf to be . 1 Jllnrch 17, 1900. o£the peopl� lll the office winch 1.'hosc prescnt were : \V. R: Dnl'i� • . E day. A piece of tho spm woool strnck n splmuli<l success. ' ·

. · r · •r tb E lt'l r of the S'l'ANDARD he so wortlnly filled. " F I' d 1 1 0 �' H 1 t d '" F '! C I II t I 1 --. ---·--· -· o e t O \Yustfleld , N, ,T. In his death, �e feel that the "' . •1111 o p t, . .,, a s .en , '' . • " r. rutt,mr en over ' "' elllJl e, n111 Dear 1\lr. Hoffman :- cause of .�ducatton has lost 11 Dutry, W . • J. Bogert, .Jr., E. H. Frmllt· nero.« tho JlUilil of his oyes. His injury Mrs. Tremaine's St. Patrick Luncheon.

B�lieviug tlmt the STANJ?.IJ!D .wants elc�ot.c<i ft t�nd mul. earnest SR,P· 11or, E. B. Proudfit, 0. M. Onn11inghnm, it is sni<l w i ll 11ot permrutont.ty ofT eel; t h bot! fnir 81111 nccurntc m tl>l stnte- potter, Uts devotton to the m- H. Uaod_nll , P. Unnclnll, Floyd Oooper, 1 t.lte sight of the. opt.ic:, ultlmngh Ito w ill ! lilt:•· H. B. 1'romninc ,hold 11 St. , 1 �el�K 11�t 8Jo11o M to the subject ·milt- leresis of tho pnbho s�hools- of F. Philipson, J. , B. 'Vtlsou, John Pen- · huvo to be c�trcfnl i u his usn of it for 'I Pntrtc:t hmchcon nt her !tome o. n We.st. , '. t�r th�rcof,· but also 88 to tumtcs use<! ill , . Westfiel�l sh�nld bo ·��ucenttve I fi 1 1 1 connection therewith, I might 811y, , aml msp�rat1o11 to

.alL ehcon, J. R. Counoly, . George B. 'fn,V· somo time. His couelition is t'OJIOrtert to !' e t tLVIIIIM ast Wodnesrlay aftei·noou '

rel�ttive to . yonr remurks to �ue at tho '\\ e•tflohl, N, J., Marcil 16, 100�. lor, A. R. Whitmn11, A. D. Tuttln, W. I be v!!ry much illl(11'0VOel to-rlny. . . in houm· of Mrs. 'l'enflelrl ' ami 1\Irs • .

School ll!r.oi.ing 'luescllly evonlllg, . tlmt - Jo]. Tuttle, ,Jr , Lawrence Bogert .Tosepb j ·---- • Collin" of Pelham Mnnor, New .York, , Hoarse conglts and stnft'y colds tbnt respondeu.co r:ourse 111 gnossmg and . Frnuk Spttrrell, R, E. Perry, E. D. Fole!' � J\ulney Itet!tecly mll cu!'e nii.Y I '�rtlt g!'em�m honor of the rlay, while.

yonr iuformnnt hnel b,etter tal�o II em·· CASTOR lA :ihermnn, Jr., .Tohn Bnrr, O. R. Swancy, l , . . . i 'fl.to tullle .wn.• b�nnt.ifnlly. ,clecorated 1 '

nllrtny d�velop into puenmon;a over night guNs �·:;��i, howel·cr, that. yotll' source 1 F 1 and Ohildre Floyd, W. Henry, A. B. Smith, Donnlrl cnso or kldney or blndder tr�u�lo tbnt •• I )HJtlell Shnmror.lts wore tho favor�. • 'l' e qntckly cnre<l by Foley 's Honey nnrl of i!.formation is •o reliable thnt you or IDfaut . D. · Fnile, A . • T. Worth , H. N. Tnlhnt., Freel , not. beyond th,, reno!• of merlll:mo. On res : 1'hn'" l'�'''"''"t. !""""· M:·•. H. rook, ·Mrs;·:

�r, nml it . soothes ittftnmmeel' mem· mnst refer to mo in your Jmper, !'" Hj.rl I Jh8 'Kind · ·Yoa. HBYI AIWBJI IDUgld. Ungerer, ,Jnmes Dodd, VnuDylte ruul l bnclmch� uud it·rcgt�lnriti.ce tl

.mt.ir neg- : TL w. w.ulwiu, :•lr•· u. M. 'l'reruuine, , -

hrancs, henls ·thll hmgs, 1111,1 expels t.hiJ , cuonglt ill jnstieo to mo t.o ti

pn��������:,.ri� · · ,d � � � •.1\Jnnvllle nu d HobPrt V. HotTman . ·. lecteel nngllt l'esntt. tn Brtghl s <l'"P.USP or M ,.,.. 1-:. p1·. ,1111fir, )Irs. Merrtll; 1\lld 1 olt� front'the sy.•tcm. ::!old IJy nil elru�:- le�tcr in �L�:;"',�:���.n cl:���;� to 11;111w. l Bears the �� 1 'fltis wns the menu·:- rlinbotos. Soltl by Rli tlrnggist,, 1 Mr,, t:t1u ;"'""' , . · ., J:::, ;: .... :

g 1, i, : . 1

,.e erumm · , Signatu� of _ . - . � . , . '<:��;:;i·>i·�l���{�(�.

Page 4: County Stand… · 'rHEUNION STAND Has a. larger circulation than any other Weekly Newspaper Published in Un:ion Co.unty. VOL. XXIV. NO. 36 . WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY


·� A ���A�II IIU oLOIN<Io Wutrlrllo N, J,

lnttrlll 1\t Um l1•11tt lli!IIHI 1\t w.uluiU, New J-naur, tUt "'�utul·oh�" tn"th•r·

look n� tho cloolc . 'l'hu rPplltnthm NEWS Of THE CHURC.JES ol our lwnorud Mn)'UI' 11 1 1 11 ( 'IJIIIJIJII

n I

I� nt stnlco. Jo'lrtcun mlnutr• 111'1Y Bapllsl Church. fOJli'C�IJill UOO "�'Cilll tJ.c to �J i·, ,\fc• Morllhlll 1\'llr•hll• lit 1 0 1 10• 'J'h1• pno• Adoo, IJIII In \IK It I'L'J>I'l'rit•l l lH ti ll' t�1·, 1 1111·, !), ,J, (Jrc•t�llll''""' wlll t'''l•cll 'h. c i iKtllllCI! ol it l 1�0tJ J'c•i!L l'll\'t'l't'd 1 1,\' l:!ubj1•t•t, " 'J'Iu• tJluart1•r uf Olu·l•llnu t:hluf tJ'Ncll'H hluu con(� wbllu u\11' �ll .. lou•. '' �l r;, II. II. Mhldluclltc'h

'l'uwn l•'ntlWI'H nl'll llnlcl1nl{ rit'Cl't•\ w\11 ����� Ill thl• M'vlco, In th" •w••· ulu11, ,J, Jo'rnuk ll11rlt11, lltntu l:lnpnrln·

We pa)' 4/i. Interest on )'Our Savings

:'« .' ... ' !1,

�;:;:;�.�t� ' "'"" Branches,

I - ,

111118CIUI'1'10S . l , DII 1'1·:1& \'t:,\lt


Hr�nt:h OUh:t p, N. 50nMEN,

7�4 Uro•d St,, New•rk, N, J , Adnrtl.ollnl«' lll\tu11 Jo'urn�}u"t on AJI!JIIo�atlrtn

Collfilh , tQnclulll of thu Anti·Snlno'il [,Ufil/110 will Wu rihnll novct• attend �'0\lllCII 'fJOIIk on th11 wul'll ur thu ''''""""'

HCHslonK unlcH.; wo Cli'O rcconcllctl to IOuu1luy llohCMol nt "'"'n. W. A. l >nuq•· tho IJol iiiC tlml , In tho lnii!IUIIIIO or NO)'. Htt(>lll'lllli•ll•ll•nl. Stovo Jlrodlo ' 1 jf h111tcs Is jlllos," Prnyur me••lfllll llll Wc•cluo;cln)' 11lght

I I 11 111 JII'OJIIII'utl to fnru l"h 11t11111 f # 111111 �poolflcnlluiiH, nlho Jlor;ounl f I HUJIUI'VIHiun fOI' liii.Y ltlnil or uulltl. ' .oli IUK from tho uo�y llttlu cnlln�u to f " thu IIIIIJ!IIIIlcuut llli\IIKicoiJ i for : I lmnlllug IJIIIII'IUI'Ko lllllollu hnllcllng

Westfield Trust ! �;;,;:i,�'"::"'""""·� l ' Waller B. Pierson, " llclln'"cr,

The I'UbU.b..t t•>"•rr l'rlllny 1>1 1 I "

' 1 , lo e , nt H o'cloclt III I'IJnrllu nt tl111 JIIIHtor. tllll l ulL 11011'•1\•l nyK 11 O no 1111 1 At tJ1o 1m 11nnl hu•lnoMH IIHHlthll( of tho• measure tlmo by mlnutc8, but by I.olltllo•' Alcl lluclt•l;r, which \I'M huhl lu miles ." In such n Crnmo ol lnlml tho ohnr�h pnrll)i'� 'l'hnrdclny nftcrnoou , wo nro Jll'opnrcd to stL 1111tl slt nnd tlto followhiiC olllcu•·• woro oleoto<l for �it nnd slt nrtcr tho j[n)'OI' nn· tho cumlng your: l'rcsl<lont, Mrd. A.

II' l'lno•o•, Nlm YOIIK · J••t i�J,Il:-�\t. llorvnll &: Scutltlor' '

CompanY :�:::·:::·..:. fbc Stand3rd Publish ing Concern, I nc

JIOJit;ll'r \', 1101'1·',,1 .\S, J·:dltor, FIIIDIIY, MAIICil w, 10011. I I I I nr I I 1•'. Cirelli!' Vlco·l'r�shlont, Mr�. Wllltur

nounccs the n·1111 nr teen 111 Ill! 0 Dny1 'l'rc�snrer, Mu, Alex. Hnut; line· r�cc�s . " rotnry, Mrs, Dt•lltrlcu ll. Kounoy,

CongregaUonal c�urch. •rj,n rc"tllt of tl1e scllool election Sunday to::lo "' m. regnlnr morulur;

c " �·r�lco. Sermon by Dr. Snmuol ),, THE SCHOOL ELECTION.

'fuesdny night is another Cl'ldcncc Loomis. 1 2 m. SmulnySchool, Olnssc•

of 11 desire on the pnrt of thn elti- for nll. Aclnlt Oluss which welcome

zt·n� of Westfiel<l to let well enough older nwmbcr•. Hegulnr mcutlug of

nlone. The opponents of tho rcgu· thu y • P. S. 0· !�. nt 7. p, 111, , Wcducsdny, H I'• m. Mid-wcelt prnycr

lnr ticlwt were men well qualified mnotlug. for the ofllce which they sought, but this nlone \\'OS not sufficient of

Holg Trlnlly Church. �tnss will be saicl it1 Holy Trinity

itself to warrant n chnnge of ntlmin· ChnTch ou Stuulnynt 8:30nnd 1 0:00 n.m. istrntion. Messrs. �fr.rrell, Penr· Stm<lay School at 3 p, m.

Assets Over $850,000.00.

Be Informed About Life Insurance

J. WARREN BRO� (8UCOI'RHOr (II \Vuloh Jlrothu ... ),

Awnings and Window Sh1dea nt uvm·y dt"Mcrl)llhm fnr HturtlH 111111 hotliCII

Canopies for Wecldlnl{a and ltecepiJIII llSTIMATIJS CHilllltFULLY QIYEN

••a llrood !It, P. 0. !lox oM Wollllotj FIRI , LIFE ACCIDINT BURCLARY



If you want to Hell or rent your propen1 :. scu us. ..

snll, L<lsee 11nd Stern will give their Services will be helcl at 8 p, m. every 11 MINUTES IS MILES." be,;t efforts to the woi·k entrusted 'l'uooduy aiHl Fl'iclny evening rlurlug

Then you wi l l know that the New York Life ranks h igh

.. DORY ALL II. ICUDDIR ' lo them. Nothing more could be Lout. , Really we must beg to differ with

:;the accomplished �Ir . William G. nsked, nud nothing less shall be Melhod lsl Episcopal Church. ':1\!cAdoo, nlthomth to nmny he has expected . �Icssrs. ;\[errill lind Tho pnstor, Rol', A. IV. Hayes, D, D., , 'some very convincing evidence to Pears11ll hn1•c dono faithful service will ocouJ•l' tho pulpit in tha . 'First j;>rove his assertion that "distance in the pnst. , There is no renson for �!othorllst Church on Sunday uext.both

,now-a-days is mensured by m inutes believing thnt they will be found mol'lllug nml e�eui11g. 1\I(Iruingthemo, • · 1 f t ' [ , " 'l'he Climnx o f Christina r\ttnlninont."

.lmd not by miles." But the fact wnntmg Ill t 10 u urc. ·• cSSl'S. Evening theme, " Alplm nud Omegn." is that, in· the light of precedent Stern lln<l Losee nre compnrntil•ely Sunday School at noou.

·· '

:·his statement will not stand th� new men in this field, but Lhcy on· �.'Tho PctStor 11'111 spe11k also at the

, :�cid test of analysis. We ha1·e ter upon their task \rith o. kecn liP· Itnl!au Mission nt 4 o'clock.

•'ev�ry respect for il!r. McAdoo's preciaHon of its possibilities nn'd Tho boys' meeting ns usnBl on Snn·

· 'fine judgm. en. t, dauntless energy, respons'ibilitics. ' . clny C\'Cuiug at O:SO o'cloclt in tbo The Life Insurance Agency of wm: Edgar Reeve ., It · t b 't I tl . t ehnrch parlors. Subject, " Whnt Christ

: ,'icind creative genius. He lms solved , 15 • 0 .e. rcgre, :c. m . some Gun Do In the Life n Boy." Lender , }the problem ,of . transportation by unthmlong citizen or Citizens should Hnymond Brniuerrl. All ttie ,boys of

, ·:iliis complete �ystem of tunneling, bnve . Judulged ilL \'itupemtion far the town nrc urged to nttcu'd this livelr J

Tel. 61 Cortlandt. 115 Broadway, New York.

. ';,Towering :;ky-scmpers, mighty lhe grntillcntion of a personal pr�d� moeling. · ·

' ')�h;ers, the impenetrable de1vs · ond judice. It · is child's plny to call " Facing Our Record," is the subject ������.!'-���������������������

: ·dnmps of New York Hnrbor n.r.e '.n. o. tin.mcs bit)t at . trickery ' ' !nlls ' ' for the E_rm:o�·tb Lengue: meeti�g ou

· ,,

, 1 1' · · , , ' , , . · Sundny evemug nt se\'oll o'clock, ;Lend- �

. : ;lerious obstacles in the way of ,his. nn�l .fonmes. , ond . the ,hke filld er ll!iss Knthryu Edwards. . i ,,�ccoinplishtiients. He is n . \l'im�d pin'ticulnrly when �ducntioiml 'ques- Class, meeting tonight at eight o'oloolr

. : in rapid' transit exploration !mil tions nrc involved. · Tho mnn who Lender J. S. A. Wittlto. , � ·· -:�:� J A discovery. , . . ' . .. . . was responsible for the printing nnd . Bi�lo St�rl.f Olnss oujTuesdny,e!e�lhtg �

· ,, , ' , ,.,. , ·'' ' .,, 'uisttibutio1l · of tho circulnr ,,�hi�h �t mgbt 0 oloc.k, Lender 0. H. �blrll8 � -· • ;' But-;-anrl ,we llpproach.tthe sub� ' , . , .. , , ' ' ' ' ' . ' . •' ' , " . Pmycr mcetmg Oil Weducs<lllf ·e�e- . ' 0 I "l·�'l!.:f::�i_� '

, ject cci:utiously:.::.�rr: ,;�IcAdob';'h� purported Jo, have the endon;cmen�· i1iug' 'n�' cigtit o'Ciact<:"' �·i•e "p118t..;.';vin · ·


Pl&infial� made too Sl\'cepfilg ad�clarntion'. of Mess•·s; Lee, Pearsall, Dickerson be i ll chnrgo. ' ·





He 'ahould lmve C!efin'eci; hisl tefins imd Dennis, ought· to 11pologize Jo · ' Presbyterla�Jbuicb: , OPENING DISPLAY , so ns to bring them n•lthili ; th� mi· those gentlemen for so grossly nii

.s- S p bl' 1 •

· · , , ,, · · . 1 f . · Uli'DAY: . u 1c wars np 11t IO!JO nud

dmtnnding of <those ' who ,' nrc !'eprcsentmg � le nc.ts. If the author . 8 �: Ill. . 'l'ho }>astor, Rev, .Wm. I.r- 0 F T H E . . fnmilinr with tl;e· corril�lOl). practice .IS pleased wtth Ius ., work, he ca�1 whi Stcnus, D. D., wm 1,rench nt

of lcgislntbrs. : , ;• · ; :, · · l·eflcct, nnd.we hope to his disCOill_. '.both · seniccs. ' Strnugers nlways APPnovED STY •.> In b.is case .. ; . t.hc·:�rrcl'i· ,is. }>�rcloti: fort, thnt his circuhr ' very mnl�r- ,:,relcomo: . . •.· . , ; . � L ES ' ' · · , , ' · ,- , illlly inorenscd the mujoriLy, o(tho ,y-B�ble;: �chci?l , at .� ,loon. An nduit

. able, and none slmll� t11kc: him. oo: R 1 •r· I· t·· , .•. y : , . ,:,! Dtblo.Olnss 15 cou clnotecl by Dr.:J, J ,verc)y:t�tnsk:{;)firr:\ licX!loo is n: egu ar lC \C • ,: . . : : <

. Savitz : ,:; · , ' '

• • ·srRING ftND SUM' M�R specialist1;2:i)[IiKr\\;i���:;�c� :catlid ·,lot ··l'o 'the Board of Edmintimi is ci.;t: , : ,7 p! �. :; Y?iliig'pooi11e's mectin







. �.: forgive'' 'Iiiu'& � ; ;ril�f�;c �l:d �erta' tended the. best wishes of .WcsUleld . . :S_nbjeot; .' ' 'J:he Wioket.Gnte," �ra ):;����������m��;;;j� ::��:i:i��:��F,�i�l �E�;;:g]�g;�:�E: M I L L I N E R Y , :statelnent of its piquiincy nntl force: and mny )11e , Doye· of Pence " .' : service,Iell,by the pnsto... .: · ,

' ;: '. :ifiir!'Oiic;�Cioo l{�d kiio,\;i\ the' leg� hoycr bemgnly , over , the heuds .of Fmo.w ' S: is:p. m; 'Fifth entertain; ·, i·: isl!ilil'e tnethod /of •,,;ci��ermi�ing th(Jse li·e!HntcntioilC<I though some- . o f . Men's P,lnb, ,Cotirse. Rev. Put- TUESDAY, WEDNESDA\' and THURSDAY

Btm 51., 'VBSTFIBLD, 56 Pint St., N. Y, 'l't:r,r.t•IIONEs: 2-HJO .Tohu, New York, :..'00 Wl:'Htflvld, \

John L. Miller, . l!!lANI'L"A UY ••LU.l\IUIN«i,·

Steam, Hot Wnter nud Hot Air Heattn Tin Hoofing, etc.


211 Prospect Street. W81tftold Tclcuhonc 278.

Foley's Honey nncl Tnr cures coughs qulcltly, strcugtheus the lungs nnd et· p�ls colds. Get tho !;Cimino in a yellow pnclmgo. Soh! by nil dl'llggists.


HOUSES···All Improvemeob· $3,500 to $9,0QO,

Tel. 216 W.


W 11rOSJlect S{, ' ',0

the best is always the cheapest was never more truthfully applied than to Fish, Oysters ancl other sea food. We offer the best that can possibly be ob­tained, Fresh Shad ancl Chitken Halibut are parti•u� larly nice · just now,


114 Broad Slreet. .. tiine, which is a standril:tLin '�II tip1cs, niisgl!fdeil citizens who choose nnm Cmly�;),, G� s I \\'ill lectiue I � March Twenty-third, fourth and fifth

· · · I ' II d · ' d ' ·· ' 1 ' · · to st�·ie themseii•es reformers 011 " Roma�}'nn\l Greek Cities Enst 1 , · · . . : . . ·proper y contro .. e . ; nn.\'1\',Ci :disd- . , .· , : : , · of the ,Tordnn." ·. , Mtcroopt1can illus 1 , · G. BURT CLARK, Mit•

· · plincd !lill:,•dispecising J�odies,' ;'lie trntions. . . \ �; I · . ,YOU ARE C<lRDIALLY I •would nevcr: li:ttl'o:in�cle ;}lt\lll)��.the / jND STILL THE P�OPLE RULE:

· ' •' · ' · '> , . '.;; · , INVITED TELEPHONE 282.

stil.teincnt, ·· .accordilig :•Yfo:' ''which ):j; slial(the People Ruie ,01. Be . • . . St.J Pa,ui'(Cbu�th) . . " ' ·

- ������������ · ·.· etnndord it' is �cndcrccl niL';::��t� Hulc.d. .''. is the tail end oHhe Sky7 Dnily Le�cton. : s9r;:ic'ci5�'�t :4 p.: m IN TO INSPECT STANDARD BUIUII[; · tendnnce �t � cotiricilni�nio " �esii�n roeket sehti.up on the morning .of �.fc<1uesd<lY� �;£t"·);;�"�!!'l'�mt�y ,scr: 1 •:, · & VESTMENTS � ·

'would have convh{cecl hi�·;· : \VI]y: the school election. 0 It SOllildS lii,e ,;:,�.�s�:;�;;inilii·��ilr'�-0 ��;:u��e; o;: Counell lo Give Serious Co�slderallol II ' ,during a ·� F,Hteen Miri�to � ',Rec,'Css ' ' Tlu3 �ecrlcss One,' • fromOmnhri:; F. Feuti:iu';'. Pli;'o:·;oi �letucile{1 N J No bellor inveslment can be made !han through a modern BUILDING d

;, :Mo�dny, th� : Night Squ�cl ,or;.'th� ·Ncbrnskn . U. s: A:; but ,i;c IU'e COil- ,Stl�in�r'R' ,'' O�tlcJil�ibn,•; 'siinilitr. to I ' LOAN ASSOCIATION . . Jj ,.,. ,.,. .,. .

a� Mr. Tllompson's ProposiUon. :': .'\Vestfield p�lice fot·ce ';: actu,�li.)T. fitlmit that htl 1vas 110t (1j nny ·.· wu�. th,nt:;of'. lllSt ::s;�ni'(�,\vftF,bo'. smig J)y St: 1 : ' The. A S SOCIA TlON helps one by laking their money and thai 1 lh 'rho mmubcrs of the Westueld C<lm·

· · walked fift · 'I '1'1 · , " 't , · 'bl · , · ' Pn.!1! s.P.h.n .. rc.h.: ... Bo.f ,C . . hio. ir, nssistcc\ by and Investing il in the best and ale t 1 '11 • • ' 0 0 ers, mon Counoc'l ·,,.,·11 111altc tottr 'of tle,

'. : . . · . . e. en·. ,

ml �s;·.,': : ns .wn. s no .. I:e,.spo.nst e fo .. r .. i.ts g.y1o,.�tion.s. i l.b . .. \•.i.ng' · . ·

· , · · , s • o a · secunhes' ·" J' _,. f t f k 11 AI · · · 11'0" 811�1.: ,bo:s;�}�9"1 Nci�i· ;york. The FIRST MORTG G

roads, to-morrow afternoon, nncl in con\ · a

. en , o ,s I :' . n19St ,n�y: h��lthy been ' COlll'inccd by , three ,]ot�bl� clnto. of: �his.: servico ; ls'''\Ve!luesday A: ES ON REAL ESTATE e t' · u th' 1 • t de ·

mgbt squad Ill nny�p�to-AnJq t'l,ll'n occasions that 1 1 'l'he' ,People Do. Aprll .7, .n"f! ,ndmi,ss,i?n \1·m bo by nuln' If you feel !bat lh< amount of money you have at present is not far • · ����:��r�"�nilrl::1;·�:h'i��11\,��a��� 0;.�

can and.does do the same ·, thing on ' Rule . ' ' · · be�ocr"compiitnet!tn�j · tickets issuetl to . · eno�gh to warranl yoy to commence building, star! a savings account al once � fored to tho Town for Town Hull pnr·� any regular mectmg ' )1ight..:.nnri nrlults ��lly,- Owiug to the grent tlo

talcang one or more shares and in a short time you will have enou h y posllS. Mr. 'l'hompsou htiS a�reed to: , , II

. , mnud fo t l th l . loan you the balance lo buy or buc'ld a HOME .. g ' so we can . sonlctimes specials " do .' it. on eoustablts an

'd Uoluntcns

. r.sen s all< ' 0 lllllteil Cll[lRUity - .,. JA make nil tho necessary ulterntious and ':;

, speciaL meeting nights:' . Dista;lce, of the edifice, ladie� nml gentlemen of Th M t l .B '(d' d L additions to his building so us to make.�

' Eleven yenrs ngo cared for our vii· t?e town who wish' to obtain these. . e u ua Ul lng an oan Association. it Rnitablo for llSO for the Town. Jle'"

· , . therefore, may be meusuretl by lnge policing nml firo protection. tickets are a:! vised kindly to write (not .11 1 dl d , , will:Iease tho builcling to:tbo 'l'own, foi i "miimtes and. not by miles, 11ccord- Of ,course tho town wns J'ust n b•by telephone) immediately to the Rcotor,

we g • Y a VIse nod holp you, Our plan Is easilv expla•'ned .. ,. � , d'

� ' "' .,.. .,1200 per,year,for tl10 first five ytiBrs,an. /

, ing to 1\Ir. Adoo, but' nccording to theu, despite it's over·ll·hnudro(l· -·� FREDERICK S. TAGGART etoOO per yenr for tho next five years. , ,

. ' some very •reputable authorities, yean nge. Thora were tromps and ' Senretary, Mr. Thompson's proposition hill! uel ...

I I Minutes IS ' l\liles." lienee the hoboes nml petty thieves galore. llnt lhe Audit ol lhe Town Accounls. with the gcuerul npprovnl of the cit\zei!J ·'.

fallacy of 1\Ir, �IcAdoo's nssertion . :��:;WestHelcl is growing lil<o n The r�yort of the Andit Compnny of F I R E ,I

IIUd the Council is 11iving it miflll! �

He bns not enlightened os, nnd he THE PEAI!SAI.L CmiPANY 0 New Ym·k was snbmittcd to tbe West· F I R E ! ' F I R E ' . , ' considerl1tion. 'rhe tour of inspection;,

might have lead t field Common Council, Momluy niglit, nave )'Oil ever thought of It! Not to hn,·e n los� Is b ' . ' ' ' is the first step on t.ltll part of Oouilclh;

us ns rny . rrhe report is ' the most tboronsh 1\Ud co�s



Ny to


AI out


,Dl lun·e



Nilflliet.cl w





B��!I�L·I.gYIIoo,�,·,. 'c'p'lotllllil{l_l�sllrnn�c looking to negotiations fm• a lense of th� ·�

We nre glad to bavc the Westlleld NOTICE. compr11honsivc ever propnrcd iu couuec , p�opert.y, , ·_;,

Common Council set us right; nnrl McMahon , the Grocer, has removed to tiou '!ith the town's 11ccomlls. It giveti , ' '•

we hasten to right Mr. �IcAdoo. corner Drone! nncl Prospect Streets, n tabulated survey of the receipts and nre nhRolntely Orcpronr, nnd b)' using them r . b Board of, Chosen Freoi10ld�rs, ' ·;:',{ What's the use, anywny, of being Store formorly occnpie<l by Bercy & Co, expenditures of public funds, nut! lllnkes �f�� ����·�1� ��0���:!�\�'�,.j'j, ··�rnh� • • we .��k�0:\; •• :111�1�gg��:t �,��l��·. Yf'"'''elr nualnst nil Union Couuty, . , ,,

some importn t t' f n1 cou•t 11leucslng Rllll m·iL'itJO nu:l c�£11����o�:�r"e'''1''1•11nt,•,crt to get IIJl an extert0,? Pi!�le�i1nrtac,c,�111nn1 d Eliznbeth, N. J., ?tlnrub 6, JOOIJ, :1:: •o Dl'ce l'n the obacrvatlce of· llntl' · , n sugges Ions or belter·. " n on oul•tl' rnme conscrolctloo \\' •• T I

, . '·

. ·pqu'ated lind obsolet\e st•ntlnrds or Get Acqu!l�nted ing tho methode of some of the dcpnrt s· TAND

. AR' D

' '· e dellvcJ' nnywhei'O o:'t·wh.ml it nbmy concerlu :- d r �· '

. " 11U mcuts. Tho report will bo publislio!l in 1 CONCRETE, STONE. CO lnw� '; 1N���e J.��;.n ��:�t ��d of ; m . . easuring time, distance, etc., par- Wl'th the '

full iu the Annual Report of tl1e •r01.. . Chose F 1 1 1 th 1zed to ·

.. n OFFitE : 820 Eliznbeth Avenuo Elc'znbotl L . , u reo 10 • era are nu or. · · '

ticularly when a subversion of the of Westfield. FACTORY 1•0 • 1 D Phm pnrchnsc and. •roct markers �t tbe'<,

S ani 0 al , : • ·124 First Avonue Rosell� L D 10 541i·W., Eliznbet.h. graves of <lend soldiers, srulol'll ·�d .

, orillinal can do injury to no one, t ey V Scheme -.- - --' · · ' Phouo 74-e .•. Roselle, marines, interred in nny cemetery 1�;;,

,and places us all squarely on the Get J F 1 Unlou Conuty, who mny have ..en'" '.: -- ------ -- · ran ' llurkc, the Snperiuteu<leut the conutr,y in nny . wllr since c86J, Illld .. :

.' Side of veracity. As for 1\Ir. :Me- -At tbe i\Iouutaiusicle •cl•ool meetiug Acqu . t d 'th (/f the, �llti.Saloon 0 Lengue, of New tempornuce in imposic been honorllbly <lisehnrged therefrolB. ',-::,;

' ' A�oo;: he can easily square 0 himself Tuesday night, w. H. Breese, ivns chos- ' altnhe� . . WI Jersey, , . . to spcnk lll the �'irst Baptist mouetl to I 0 0 ' >g nrray nucl sum- Blanks mny bo ln«l'on application; bY•')

'.· .. \) .. rJ.th n.·.l,l br<ind m. incled lcgislat.ors by en tr�steo for th.ree years nt.ld Joseph H.

, Church llundny night, �It. Burko is olo t 118 md ' soJno of tho mo�t Ullllt of kiu, to the Jloar<l of Ob01eu:i

, · : , ,

· . . W " . 11 k E quon spenker� in tho luncl No Freeholders, or to Genernl J. Mnoilif)il�;

' .' ·defining'his terms, a m inute 'being · Edwards, Jr., for one year. The S ' I we uo\vu nat nud West liS n fear· clonbt B lnrgo umnber of tho ,:1', ' Drake , Supervisor, Eliinbeth, N,'J, .· · ,::··,::

' 0 GO·secolids by the clock.

bonrcl DOW stands, Edwnrtl B. ,Lning, tan ey Oval lesa J�ader and nn eloqnout ant! foroefnl of Westfield will wnnt "' 17.�ns .J. HlmVJo:!l DOANE, . < , ' ·,':)

, .. , , . · . ' , , W. H. Breese nuc! J. H. ,W. Edwitrcls. S h '' ,, , B\"''\kor, At the henring on the locl\1 Bnrlte has to sn

t�henr what Mr. ,JOEEPII PERRY, · ·. 'i ! , .A�,·}or. om·selvcs, 1\'P. refuse to ,Jr. ' c eme option bill before the committee in !lay night. A CY,OI� ·t.h�s ��tes�iou.Sun· I .JoHN N OADY, 0 • ' :iJ

' ; ,;: >. i-"'� ;' ' ' ' , ' . , ' ,'!'renton, be marRltRIIcd the frienrls r tent! 1 t II orrhal lll l llnllun cs CX· 0JrAliKF.S .T. JENSEN, •''',':''·''''

' .,, , ·.:}_;.,,.' ·

.,. : · · 0 01 0 II , JOIIS U. STEPIIANo..,j;,;�.;:'} . ' . . . ColD"'. ,. ,,!:;'{�

Page 5: County Stand… · 'rHEUNION STAND Has a. larger circulation than any other Weekly Newspaper Published in Un:ion Co.unty. VOL. XXIV. NO. 36 . WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY


No. 3. I t iHsueN i nterest bcnri nJ,\' " Certiticntc11 of Dcposi.t ' ' puynhlc on dcmund or n t 11 stipulntcd time. Su.:h certi ficntcs nrc 11 kind of receipt for money depot�· itcd, hut may he used l ike a certified check. I f one wishes t o send money awny 1lfld 'tins no clu:ck­in!.\' account 11 ccrti fic11te .,f deposit serves the pur­pose tlf 11 check.

The Peoples National Bank of Westfield A grow ing and progressi\•c institution .

PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. --Thn Ach•nnco Olub wlll muot At tho

rt•Kloluncu of 1\lr•. V. 0. HnrtlH tonight.

================================ IUSIIEIS PDIIJEIS.

ICIIIIHHIISII IJII, IM 1111 11111 jtOI' gulltlll I D gullun fm· 1111 on111·H. A Hlllllhll'"• :l i D I£1U1111' Kt.l't•<>l.. 'l'11i, �1-lo.

AIIIII I I 'I'IIO'I' 1\uhiiiHIIII 1!1111 giVu !lin V!'ry it!IKI. ftl' fiiHll'll<'tJuu i t )'Oil 111'11 mill· ttttllltlnt l nl{ lmlhllitf{, ''"'' ldtul ul' plunH ti"Hiretl. I IIU<n• IIH Hnnlh nvunu .. , WoHI.· lhlltl.

I!Willl'l' HI X'l'l-I�N n111l h"l' 11101 lil'l' nro ICIUI"rnlly gm<l juclguH nl llllll onn fou­tiorlllry. 01\'11 t.hum II UhtUHJO to IIIHIII 11111'H, 1111!1 nolo• thn Alllil"" ylln'll win I'm• Jr.. 'l'huru wuH u Unw whon you woru prott.y gouurou11 lu bringing " box of cnncly to n cortnin glrl i ll11t now tl111t

hor ho11nut.'H " hit olrl-fn�hilliiPtl yon'l'll forgotton · t.hu I!IHJ!I hnhlt I Nov�•· too luto to llllll!d, '!'nlco bon1n u ho• of 011r rlollclouH Bon·BonH o1' Ut�rmuoiH, ' un<l bring hnolr hurHmll"" "" of yiii'II,-Now Yorlt Cnntly J{ltnhou.

\VII liN yon uro golng to movu or stm·o your fnrulturo ctlll on 11. Willoughby .� :,Ions. 'l'huy cnn't bo bent. 'l'ule· J>llllllll I 1·1-J, Ollll'o IIH North nl'lllll1e.

'J'rwm,ormts-Hu.lt. Mltcltornl, Homo· thing �hut mrn;t rul iHh IIOW mul thou ­when thuy uru Kootl. '!'rUtllllOrtl'K nro

There ar� many inlport­ant questio'ns to be consid­ered in connection · with the purchase of Real Estate.

Our Services are !Yours For the Asking.

The Westfield Real Estate C�mpany goo< I nutl l'nt. und ttnu. Eggs nre withlu OmC!e• ; aal-lh:J Broad Street

t - 1:;;10U:-iALJI:-Oht•n(t, 'l'wo Hl"ll!Uul·lmml mill t,;.,w::�;;:'f-1:.,�:/,,frt'' ""'"11"""· 111'"kllll''l local News lllaul Pea�e Gl Wnllleld and

MIKK 11<11111 Mny .Tohmton o! Hllrrlso.u Avouuo I• viHitiu�; frleuolH In Highwood, 001111 . ronch now ; we moun tho Ktrictly ft·osh

kincl : tho other lrinrl yon <lou'l wnut to £. 8. F, R.\NOOLPH, General Jlanaaer

; '·

\VH?.!1�t::.�fM,�c�����,\1����:!r;r;;;��'tly Jntllc for

lit•u, lo', ,loJm�on, L'()ll. ltli�N'l'-l''lnt. i11 Ahlmtt. Um\ lillK u'cr � i11mlt. H. U, blnVny, llfll North U\'t UU J, !�OH HA I� I'} OH lU�NT-f..ttt•gn honP.to1 · t � J'(l£1111!-1, nit ltuJU'O\'t•lllenbl,.lntlll N. Lncku I <JiiU'It Htl·t•ut.

\V A�'l'gD-A )Jositltlll fm· �Oilt'l'nl ltonst I'll. rn��:��� :��r ��l..2'�� Ji�l:���!:'f�\j�r,�.����.d I.J o�;�;�n�t!������·�?g��t, �������. ,:���:s,',:��:��Y: )llu"'�f':ol iU!Il JHOI�t:y. IJIInll·ld l'U\\'UI'tl iC rutm·nt'l to WI N. Hroucl St ..

·.L 0�J�?,1l���!.11t1t'·���{��!l����t,N,���ll�l��t'\����. �ultttbl., rl!wurtl to Jlndt•J'. H. StrulllJtrd. � ") /'!) will huy u flue HIJ111ll'l�· Chlolwrhw .����!mln�S:no, �oO!l ciH11lition. Atldrt"!Ji

Ros����1������"1I����J)P0l'ttlllity to visit

FOR·.�Af�fi'..-::O:-�ici.·Jiloor .MnUrc.'i.'l, � ft, 6fn $llt, l';{�{�;.ff�:�\J�fiAl.ut)�'�{i�,.J:,t.tlu \l!'etl. Pl'icl FUU SAI...I�-A hnnm, JllflUh'tJ OOtl Summit

A,·u. nrA. F.:. Dt'Cker.

}-,O��,��r����'!r�\����;,·1��o�::1)��!�,����������\�:�� front, I'UK, covcrccl cnnd1, lilirury, t1tlllt•, de·. .Al·m finn Do lion Jl111Wh b<lwl t'USI�, HHI !kmul St.

F0!ft�t���l�r!' t�:i���111i�:,�;:�f:.� 'JW� Ei���·��:on

FOR SALE ! 1 0 room House--:t!l mod-

1:rn improvement�. la 1·gc barn--fine loclllion . $8.800 HERBERT L I ABRAMS Tel. 135-L. Pearsall Building

Mrs. Dr. R. Heinecke Grnclnnto Cbiropoclisl

�lnssago ll!nuicttriug

Orders tnlceu for Pntfs nud Switches, Millie of Lndio•' own Hnir.

lis Suburbs ... ·Oiher Items

el lnleresl. -Tho thirteenth Annual Meeting of

tho now ,Jorsoy aflll t.ho P< n !lsy h•nnitl Library Assoolations is in Rossion nt. Mlantio Oity,

--lli�� Btlstnlotto, Mrs. Swnclmmor , au1t MIHs Linsloy , tenohol'.i in llomor­vlllo lltlll Unritan 1'\sitetl mu public $Chool ; this weolt.

-Mr. llllll M1·R. Aubrey Hmith, of Now York, wero thll iiUOsts of her brother, Uoburt W. Hnr<lou, of North IVOUUO, last SnlllillY.

-Mr. 1\llll Mr.<. Herbert Woleh g-nvu a •'hou·O wnmriug" 11t their Now homo ou tho Boulevnrrl, Momlny night. Over 100 guests wera presuut.

-lit-. H11rrisou W. Gln<hviu, of Kim­ball uvouuo hns rocontly boon takou o�ick with ptonmiuo poi:oiOttirtg nud is ttll· lor tho care of Dr Sinclnlr.

-�Iiss Bolio Tit!imy continued ltor

music lCcture on Boethoovoi'1's dymphouy in C. Mino! lust Frillny, this cimo nuyalysituz the third movement.

--�fiss Fiomnco hul<l the olosin� 11 Gormau ' 1 o f her dn.ucing clasR a wook 1go 1'uesdny, Murch 9. �!iss Edith May Ghulwiu nnd ){onneth Wilcox led, A. largo >Uulieuee 11ttom\ml.

--Misse� Gi\bertsou, O'Connor, Fiu­lllyson1·· Deve•u�ted;-:ttnd · FnulkueiJ·Ht\l·· lout teacher> in tho Trenton Nol'llml 3ohool 11ro cloing thoir ohsorv11t10n wo•·lc in mtr public schooL� this mouth.

-Dr, Frnnlc Wlll'llclre, formot•)y of this plnco, who ho\s taken up the pmc­tioe of Jtis brothor-iu-lnw, I he lute Dr. Rufus Whltohond, of Elizabeth, visited trieurls in Wcstllcl<l, lllomlay.

-'l'ho goal townrcis which Supot·in­tondent H. [,, Russell, of tho lllothodist 5undny School h11s been worldng- for <Omo time past WtLS rooohetl last Sunday when tho nttonclnnco wns nuuounce<l to be UOO.

-Staiucr's " Orucifi.�ion " will bo <nng .by tho EO,\' Choir of Bt. Pnul's l�piscopnl Ohurch, 'Voducslln.y cvoniug April 7. Sents !nay bo secured, upou wl'itton roqnc•t, from the Rev. Sycluoy Jro8s.

-Uov. Drs. William I. Stoaus 1111<l Addison W. Hoyc• nttoucicci tim moot­ing of Methodist miuistm·s ut New Yorl< �Ioucllly, at which the Han. Burke Cockran doll\'ored n mn�tot•ly orntion on \Vnshiugton autl J,iucoln.

Miss .r. '1' . 'l'u!Jby, of lllghhuul nvenue, hn• boon clcctml tre11surur of tho Colloge Scttlcmuuts AH;ocintlou.

Member• of the Needle Work guile! will fiml 1\ i11rgo variety of nrticlos suit· nble for rlouation• eu tho center table•

ronch. You onnuot rench them hero ; ��=::::;;;;;:;;:::::�::::::::::::: wo !lou 't. hu I'O them. How nrc yon olf for cnuuod goods ? J,et us sonrl you out n trial order fl'om om· llll'ge stock of fino pnckctl fruit null vogctnble;,

nt. SchncforK · F011 SA !,B-one thousnncl loml• of st.ouo, nll sizes, H. Willon�hby. 'l'ho Now York Lnolic• und (Jt•utle­

mun's 'l'ailoriug Co. , hAs opeucrl n tnil· );IOIIAOil-O'Dourwll llro�hor•nro uow orlug '"tiLhliHhllluut ill the Westflulcl e<tnippocl to tnlce gools ou storngo.

run nuil<liug. Seu ndv . 011 1,.1gu eigh t. Goorl nccomuto<lntlous, gootl care, rea· smmblo JlriceH. Olllce, of\ Elm Stroot. 'fol. 2811-.T. M1·, Uaymmu\ 8ttunots, •tntlon ngont

nt Ledguwootl on Ute New .Tursey Cen­trnl Uuilroml, visited his uncle, lllr. Now is the time to manure your Stmnets, of Onmborlnml street, lnst floll"er Leds nud lnwn•. Call Oil II.

W01tnesclay. Willoughlty. --�frs. H. W. Gl<tcllvin and her Do�'·t· forget R. ll. French & Son

daughter l\1iss Annette Glndwiu lenve kee)l n fnll li11e of furniture nnd do tbo I toduy for Smith Collogo, North. Hamp· best upholstming. Phone 211-L. n ton, i\lass., where 1\llss Gludwiu will Elm street. p1•obably uuroll as a stu<lent, next fall. --·----

-'l'he �lnuunl 'fraiumg ami Sewh1g Get Supervisors, of the RtLhway Schools llllcl

Acqum'nted wa'th I lllr. l1rnumf<1ltor, tho tenchor of ll!tnlllal 'l'rniniug at Roselle, inspected our L school exhibit iu ruununl trnining this lne week.

Stanley Oval --Miss Alice Knight null 1\liss Edith Pnlmnr, or �'ttllll'oo<l l;nrl ll little scare Sch lust 'l'llOSdll.f llftel'llOOil when l\liSR eme Knight's pouy c"rt. turned over, thrmv­iug both g-irls to tho gmuucl at tho cor: Pirland·Newhall Concert a Success.

We represent the following big wall pnJlor houses :

Ricboll'll 'fhlbnut · Haury Eosoh Co. llobort GmvoA Co. Syracuse Wnll Paper Co.

;\lfretl Pcnts K�tickorboolcer Wall Paper Co. Rolmt. Grifllu ,Jnneway & Carpoutor nud others.

Why SJlOIHl your tiruo walltin� nil oYer New York to these house� when you car1 Heo the Hnmo putterus ut your comfort ut our flhow room m· we will •ellll them to your homo.

Interior Decorators Welch Bros. Inc. ZOS Broad St. WESTFIELD, N. J.

Two Choice Lots 6ox175 Right in the heart of the best section of Westfield .

Lawrence Avenue, near Dudley. .lust sold five lots adjoining for inl'estment. House

will be started on oi1e th is month, another this summer. Cash or terms.

Wm. S. Welch & Son, Tel. t6s 205 Broad St •

um· of Prospect and Eroarl streets 'rho Poll'laml-Nowhall Oolilpnuy, mnle �!iss Pulnull' was •not lmrt but llfiss nud imoRR qnnrtet.te, provecl their talent Knight- i� under tho care of Dr. Har-: .t!l. bo of U!le nature, In their concert at rison , ns her wrist pl\ine<l her severely.' tho �rst M. E. Church laRt e\'oning.

Have You Seen It? --'rho All Shw Jlascball Oluh, of this 'l'hey ontertninetl a !urge mulience with

plaee 'held a meeting lust Sulldlly aftor- their vocal nu<l instrnmentnl sclcrtiotiH. noon 11t l ho home of Manager ltobert Quick �;:,;·11 profits. See Eho1' ou North I\ Venne. Pinus for the umuiug seusuu were 1li�mnsse£1 nud games will be I>lllyoil with other fnst tenms of tho ecmuty thiH smumer. 1'ho phtyel'R on this tOam nt·o nil crnc1cerjacks nucl it is tho genernl opinion thnt thoy will win " nuijority of t.ho gumcs plllycrl this senson .

-'l'he rogulnr monthly meeting of tho Sunshine Society will Ito holcl nt tho rosldenco of �[t·s. G. B. Dicl<er.on on Dudley avenue uuxt Wmlnosclny llt 3 p. m. J,mUes of nil denominntious llro co!llinlly welcome. 1'he Goiclou Gleams of Glnclnuss, tllo Children's Sunshine Auxi\111ry, meet ovury Fridt\y afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. L. Brush on Sum­mit ll\'CIIIlc alii\ nre rloing H(tlemlid worl<.

Schemer's a<lv. ou pugc one. ·-�-

Faculty Wins Bl Baskel&all. �'ivo men tonchoo·s in town <lefente<l

tho locnl Higl1 School bnsl<et-bnll tctnn by the score of 34-20 yestel'liny nftor· noon nt the Wn•hington Scho··l court. Mr,\ Gorden of Rosello rofe>·ecd tll\l game, tho first half of which left. the score q-11 in favor of " 'l'he Fncult.y." The line np-

FACUI,TV Starry Nesbit

Rt. Fcl. Lt. F<l.

Sprlngstencl Centre ll!c Cnteheou llt. Gel. life Laughlill Lt; Gel.

Wt Pll¥t4 BAll tbm.

\V. H. S. H. J3ush

R. Chert•y R. Brown C. Taylor

F. Trnyuor

The English. t�a room in the new Westfield Inn� It is open from 3 p. m . to 11 p. m. Dining room is open from 7 : 30 'to 7: 30. Prices are reasonable. Table d' hote or a Ia carte. Spleildid accommoda­tions for guests. Rooms all newly refitted and dec­orated. I nspection invited.

" Young Man. Buy Westfield Real Estate ,

But Remember These Points =

Buy below the market value.

Buy in a restricted neighborhood.

Buy where the improvements are. I

Buy where the title to every lot is guaranteed. Buy if you can only have $ 1 0.00.

before the other fellow gets the lot you . \ ·' have had your ey'e . 0 11 . ·_. �

I' Phone 2J9 n li8 Brwu! St. Westfleltl, N. ��

-Chnrles Ring Foster, .Jr., nnived llt tho horne of his JliU'cnts, Prof. nml Jllrs. Chnrles lL 11o.<tcr , of Bttlt.irnoro, �1<1. Charles .l�. hns rosolvml lo follow Lho example of his fnthor anci he an I. 0. S. boy, n s IULs his oldor brother.

-Hcrllcrt L. Abrams, hll> 'soltl for Ernest P. Burri t.t a lot au tho Boulovanl to Mr . • J111l�on Millm·; tho property oo· cnpiml Ly Ohnrlos Cricl<cnborgcl on Broad street to William H. Abbot, of l'lllinflelcl. '!'his ngeucy ltns lon-.ml for Mrs. Laura H. Bnr<lwell, l1er Encli<l av• enuo propc•·ty oocupiecl hy Mr. l�atb· horne to M. B. Cauda, of Ne\V York: fot· R J. Whitehead, 215 Ross Pineo, to Alfrerl M. Best, of FlcLtbush , Brooldyu ; for W. P. 'l'nttle, ,Jr., Kim1Jnll nvcm10 property to F. H. Whitlock; for Jllrs, C, i\[, Atkinson, of Brooklyn, Kimbnll av· enne propertv, to :r.rrs. Ill. r,: Bell; for \V. H. Dnvics, Cnrlctou Uoncl property, to 11. C. Pole.

1'wolvo years ngo there wore bn<e bnlls flying thi'Dngh tho spnoe where •n·o now tho wiutlows of benutifnl homes on Hnrrisou Avenne. No one then imagined so few years could witness so r:ro11t n chango In thnt neighborhom\. . Wostfiolc\ ls Buy but not ' un til you hav� made a careful

Get Acquainted with ·

the Stanley Oval

Scheme ---·---

--After lmving been " around the world" with Uncle Sam's Navy, Elec­trleiau So.muel Smith, of the U. 8. S. Virginia, a former Westfield boy, visited fric11ds in town ln�t week on n Jenve of absence from duty ot Newpert News, Where the Virgiuio. is stationed.

--About ilfty friend� helped 1\lr. ami Mrs. Arthur N. Pierson to colobrnto the tenth auuiversar.v of their wedding nt tl�oir home on Euclid avcuuo, Satnrdoy Oi!;ht. 'l'he oocasion was Jutulo memor­

. Bblo by a'cliuuer.

--William .�rchbol<l hns .olcl his house in Embree Crescent to �It-. Omig, who is

'umlriug oxt.eusiYc nltoratiom;. 1\11'.

A•·cbbold bas movcol unm· the golf club for the �ummer month• chnin� which time ho intends t.o oruct n house on Pt•ospect street near DmllBy m·omuo.





M�'ReH 23, 24, 25, 1909

Your Land-Lord Receives -Formor Govcruer E. C. Stokes nnd Dr, J, ,J, Savitz ml<lresserl the Oitizons' LMgue of Ro>elle on Tl1nr•day evening, from you, if you pay SZO per month rent from the t,ime Governor Stoltes spoke on "Nelv Jeraoy vou are 25 years olll to 60, the sum of $8,400 wh1ch, Rtltl the Eclncntionnl World" nucl Dr. with interest at 5 per cent compoun<}ed annually Savitz on "I..ocnl OomlitioM In the Pub· amounts to the enormous sum of $2s.OIIO. 'fhis s�m lie Schools. won lei bui lcl ant! furnish a number of homes, winch . ll-Mrs. l\lortin Sclmaderlteek of Enst yatl, .Mr . Renter, are 1\oing for vo�r Land-Lord. Why 5th street, Plo.infield, hncl au epileptic fit not pay rent to yourself ? We wlll lencl you the money In au oa•t bonn<l Mnln Line trolley last to builcl or buy a home on the MONTHLYPAY¥ENT �Teclnes<lay night ntB:Ja. She bllCIImo PLAN. Just like pay.ing rent. Apply for pa_rtlculars 1 nt llnobreo Cresent nnrl tho cnr \VIIS Westf•'eld Bu•"ldm" g & Loan ·Assoc•'ati'o·. D lnn•riO!l to t.ho Police Hcadqnnrtcrs Whore Dr. Laird wa� 'ummonc1l to nt· d 0 888 · tc11•l th� cmc. I . Incorporate �fc: .J I • ·



THE STATE FEDERATION. •rhe B�nrtl of �ole! its regnlnr

moutltly mooting lnst night. A goodly nnmbor were prcso11t nncl mnuy mnlter&i of iutor'ost wol'e tlit«mHsed.

1'he Bonr<l decided to join the " New Jersey Fedorutiou " composml of Eoardg of 'l'rntle, Civic Associations am\ •rnx· pnyer> As•ocintious hi Northern Now Jeraey, lootliug townnl ll llnitecl etfort to �cop New .T�rtl<lY to the front.

'fhe lloartl listoned to a roport hy its Presideu< '011 11 rocout oonferonco be­tween 11 comutitteo of tho Bonrd nut! the Centr"l Hnilroncl ofllcinls, '!'he railroml is iinprossod with tho growtb nncl im· pcrtonco of tho towu nucl tha lni-11" nnmber of commuters no1v hero, They promiS<l 11ttcutiou tu Wcstfleld's ncetls liB soon as po•si�lo. .

Mr. McGroih of tho New York Herlilcl, wns present witlf a proposition that tho IITSt Jlllll'C of the r�nl estnte sec· tlou of the Hcrnl!l for lllnrch 28th be taken to nclvertiso Westfield. Tho nmt· ter wns referrecl to the Publicity Com· mittee of tile Boord.

Harry B. Udell, tho Recording Score· tnry, resigned because of lack of ti me to rlevole to tlw work, nwl the resiguntinn WIL� acceptml wit.h rt--lgret. ' 1

A nnmbm· �·�r 11ew membm·s wcro ·

elected, "

comparison with lots in 'the�

WESTFIELD HIGHLANDS Wm. S. Welch & Son, Agents.

IF the Main Telephone is downstairs, an Extension Telephone upstairs will add

greally to the usefulness and convenience of the service. Upstairs or downstairs� a tele­

phone will be close at hand and the-necessity J of stair climbing eliminated. ·. · -

Incoming and outgoing night :rne8sajles are often emergency . or highly important calls. An Extension Telephone upstairs in, or near, the sleeping apartmenr will save niuch time and add greatly to your comfort and protection. The additional expense .j! !li�i trlfting . .;i �· �ii.Q� -less than two cents a day In · connec­tion with a residence contract.

Call our Local Offi�e for full lnformatloa • . •

Page 6: County Stand… · 'rHEUNION STAND Has a. larger circulation than any other Weekly Newspaper Published in Un:ion Co.unty. VOL. XXIV. NO. 36 . WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY

'I'll<' iol•nl J l l�h :<nliml l(h•l• llvo •h·· � font•• I tho Jlntt lu lllgh lichnul lm�lM· j llllli ll'lllll llf I•:JJZIIUI'th Uy tllll HOOI'l' nf' , tifi . . IJ hl't �!uudny nftol'llunu ut thu lucnl

II lull l<<•lwul Utlil l't. �lr. U, �prlugHteiUl J'oi\ll'on<l tlu• l i i'HI hnl f which II'IIA l•lnyo<l 111111111' gh·l•' l'nh·H ! I I I I I h•ft t! IU HOUI'tl nl

J� . . Q Ill fiii'Or of \\'t••tllchl. '!'ho HUUUIHI

Stnart Spring - _._ .....

------.---.-.··�-- .. �-:-�-·::;:.. .

Cloth.es For Men of Taste

f ___ :;;,;.:.,:.:.:,;:,.:.;,.:,::,::.;;::.,:::__,;_ _________ .• , hnl f which wn• pln)'u<l unrlor hoy'> mlcs, 1\'IIH l'llfL'i'l'Ctl by �IIHH �!, Null, ol Bllznhc•t h , ���-- 1'\iulth; Ht, io'rl. ol

Accot·ding to the cnlendnr, next Stwdny is the f-irst dny 'of Spring, But cnlendnr Ol' no cnlendnr it'sSpi'i t)gin enrnes.t thrnughout <JU I' store.

The rnnge of styles nnd fnbrics;frpm which to choose, i n 0111' N e\V Spring Clothes forJY;letl


,<l,•f ciiJil� "��.;n()!ns never been gr�nter·� 11 lltate-

New Jersey's Greatest Mail · Order Organiza. tion.

L. BAMBERGER & CO., N E:.liiLKRK, N . J .

J.i m , ··-


Coal! Lumber, Building Materials, Mouldings and Kindling \Vood, Fertilizer�

tror Lawr�, Carden and Field,

. Office and Yard--Central Ave., near R. R. Cl'ossing, Westfield Orders by :Mail Will Receive Prompt Attention .


R. F. Hohenstein Deals in Flour, Feed, Grain , Hay · and Straw, Shavings and Peat Moss, Harness, . Blankets and General Horse_ Equipment:; and a full line of all Poultry Supplies;

. Prospect Street, Westfie ld Telephone con nection.

llnt tlu lll'o wn• force< I tu Htop · pinyin� n• Hilt• wn• nn l lio \'or�o�o of fnlutluu Gl1lii)'B Hnssoll of Wc•lllulrl lllgb Schou 1llnyml lu her plnco. 'l'ho lluc 1111 : BATT!� !1, S. Smith Ht. Fe!, Polhml Lt. �'cl, JonoH Centro Frouuum Ut, G<l, West Lt. Gd ,

1\'J�HTI'IRJ.U Jl, � B. M, Glndwli M. llnuco K. Ponolleou ,T, Tlco lll 'l'!oil

This For You. Thorn I< on ly · one Wcty to obtnlu n

olont• Trnnspnrcnt IUtrl flawless Com plmdou ; massngo treutmcut mnkos tlu flo•h flnbby, tho so-cnllorl bectuty orcnu<> coutailllng oiley or other greasy snb· stnuces, fill up tho pores of tho sldu, preventing til em from dnlllg their worl; properly, nurl nl�o Induce the I!I'OWtil of n fino fuzzy hnir on tho fnoo. Ir yon would hnm n fnco entirely free from Pimples, Blotches, EcY.onm, Bh1ck·hcu•ls nurl ldudrml cliscnsos of the sldn, get thu follow!11g t•rcscrJption put 1111 ntnny reli· nble Drug Store nntl your h·oublcs will soon be 0\'Cr.

Olearola one·hnlf ounce, Ether o11e ounce, Alcohol so•cn ounces. Mi•. !lhnl1e well nnd npply to the fncc night and morning nllowiug it to remain nt lenst tou minute•, .the longer, tho quicl<er results you will have. _ In cxt'rome cnses npply fottr or five times doily. .


"'!'he tllmy powdor cleposlts on the fnce mi1y be wiped off 'nfter a rensounblo tlino. Do ·not nse n11y son[!; ·lnstend wnah tho fuco with ontmilnl nnrl n 1i tto orris root tierl up in n cheese oloth bng, nnd no matter how bnd YOIIr fnco is, or \l'hnt the cnuse mny hnve been, thi• will surely cure it Tho prescriptioi1 is J>er­fectlr harmless RU<l cnu be used ou tho most delicate •kin.

Eranch Mills News. . -

Charles W. SchooiiOI'en loti the C. E.

ment full of menntng.,, , >)��.·: .•• : - -., • '• ·. '. > ':··. �, "'' . ,.,,\"'�.·:,.· ·,_c:;'� �:.-;.'.;:�-�� '·:;.:· >' .• ,· M;'& .B\ styJ,ej;:�;.j�l�i'�lt\�:�j, tau \ 11,,�t �e con.fu�ed ,with. ordinary ready-

to-wenr clpthes; th�y;nre!dtfferen . here ts n dtstmcttve n tr of refinement abou't the in fJ-i'ndln'nri(S';Hre,wenrer, ns n'fn�hionnble dresser.

, , · ., ," ·-:.��.:.::; i.:.:�·'f:e.'�·.·;:r,•}ft�·�;��hj�(:��'\At'&t;·;0J·;:.'���,'ff11� 1/.f .,_ ·-:· ·· " ·_ �·-: · '· ·: . He'reYare,i5t}•lesiZfallric�'tii'rid 'piices, in Su its nnd Overcoats, to satisfy ' ">: �-�· · · ·.,:\:�:, • . •· ,,,'0-ff'.f/�t�fl�� -:r\_.",f ·:-;.�.:�!l->.:·t\·�·- .o1o-�·. : · ; ; ·' ·

. • t

the taste of e\•ery ll'lari . Jrotn'the most conservnttve to the mrJst rachcul. Spring'St1ii�F6�e"r�d�t� n;1d Rllincoats, $12 to $30.

" ': .• _ ·' , , .. :-, . • _:_i)'<.·\ ·:- = . . '· : · :

'Boys'- 2-Piece · Suits, $5 Jrcw 'stOI'e�, intlectl, provitlo equnlly smort and hnndsomo Clothing for youngsters.

We're I'Cndy with n complete showing of l�oys' Spring Suits, in nil tho now st.yles nnd fub1•ics, nt nttmctivc prices. But this Spcciul Ofl'ering nt S5 is pnrticulnrlv Inviting. Jus� in Limo fm· )�aster, too. 'l'hcy 'm Suits you'd pny S7.1i0 for in most stores.


.Men's Sample Oxfords· $5. $6, $7 and ti. s· . 'I: $8 Values at . Ue � ·

This Snlc begim totlny with 1t rush . 'fhnt's thc· USt!lll result o(nn M.\V. ·H. ­Shoo Sit! c.· These nro High Gmtlo S•unplc Spring Oxford� nnd Shoes. Were

. 111ndo

by_n promineut mnnufucturer to retni! ot $5, SG, S7 nntl ss; 'l'hc1;e nre nbouL 800 pnirs to choose from, i n n. wide nssortment"'of styles' mid !anthers: · · · ·.·

In:qaest J}pe of rJ?ead)l-to- 71'ear.

.. 807-813 Broad Street. Newark.

meeting Sundny aft�ruoon , . � , , . �Irs: Charles .Pierson is slowly - im· Give Your " New :· House Number. � A GAS . RANGE proving. _ _ __ , _ _ . ,.��i'" .; , .. T. R. W�nd, of tho .waml Dit:ectory Miss Lilliltn \\'oodrulf, ·of Sprillgiielrl; ,Comlln\•Y; 1s now mnltmg _n cnuvl\.'18 of

h 1s been visiting 'Iuir sister,_ Jiir{1V. ·th.\_Town to nscertnin the correct m1m· THing. -,'. , •. . ' : _; _ _ ;·,. :11�-�,of the houses. �[r, Wnud is pnr·

�Irs. Putzier hns recovered from ��� .ti;ilJnrl_y nn:dons thnt citizens.


nttnclt of ri 0 _- . __ . . _ : .:·_


_ ;· : : ;,,: :l•.1�n .wtth the now numbers 111 orrlcr . g pp ' - . ·_·. · ,', ·

- . .o· • -'!;\ thnt tlie 'fonth Aununl Directory, which :\11ss Mnrslmll of Milburn, spent St\!1' �\l•'nnio issuccl iu Mny shall bo correct in dnv nt Mrs. Clifforcl.·'JO�<l�nlf's.;· : '', '�!1 'e.\;crv pnrticlllnr. •

�Ir; and Mrs. B. 1"· _Bull � spent_ ���g� !dt�;�;; - . •.-· ...:______....-�

Is Something that· every Householder should 1'1 0 DIRT, HEA:T O'R 7-t S H E S

5 1 4.0 0 to $28.Q !> The Cranford Ga.s Light Co.



� rtl�i·�:_;;::.�

il��;!:-.����:�··. ·;}:_,:� rUt/ ; . ·-· Advertised Letters.

· Hnurlrerls o(tests'mnrle.l>yjwomilient ;-;:7Dr, Alexnurler A. Kellogg, 106 w_est ;-:---------:-;--'------�----:--'---_:__:__ ___ �;,: duirylne;i h�v.i ;;pm�ed 'tb-nt ! Friliilcl;hi :m_�· �trect i Mr•. Frank Ynnnmnn ; 1\Ir Bloocl{T�iiio"''for:''olittleif,''vill •:';iiisuro :ifohn·u:Jtimy ; Roger McFtulclon ; llfr.

healthy;• robtistii.cnl\oes• wlien - fecr c01vs .E_. Apgnr ; 'l'homns I-I. Clnrlt ; Mlss _N. luriug pregliiu�cy;· , Fed rcgi1lnrly nu<l E. Smith ; :lllr. Brodrncr . throe �nnrttirs of nu hom,-bcforo.mlll�: ;, _Fm·eign.,-Grisnnto Michiele d' il1g, · F,lh'fields .'Blood : Tonic for Cnttlo srippo ; Mistri tlntgi Scalio, will l;omove· nu _�r!ic· tnste nnrl odo� --. .- , -·--

from niilk nnd crcnm. Solei under - writ· S · Sh f ' ten Guurnntee by Patrick Trnyuor, . �-e -a_e er I

The . N. Y. Ladies' and Gents' Tai loring Co., 2z9 BROAD .sTREET :


·- EYimi-�·•inw lWII . '.riU; l!'.I�E'.r.

We k11ow it will interest you. Therefore we take tl�is NOR'l'H , AVENUE . means to inform you of the .. opening of our Ladies' and

Gents' Tailoring Display of New Styles for the Spring and Summer season, where we are-:ready . to accept orders ·,vith· or wjthout your goods at reasonable prices we also do

Clea�ing, Scoll_riilg, . Pre�.sing, · _ . Dyeing and: Altering.

New �Spring Line of Lawns, Linens, . Crept Neatly done: Fancy Cleaning_ . a Specialty. Hoping ·

("!. th d p · · L you will call in our place and investigate our style.s,. and BOARDING AND LIVERY ST .. 0 an erstan awn. prices, we remain, Also. Full Line of Ladies' a"nd Chi ld�ens' , Respectfully · yours, Hose.

-AT-lhe N. Y. Ladies' and Gent's Tailoring Go.

· �. A. P I KE R�-S, _ 1:10 'DHOAD · STREET. _'\VE'"'TF:J:ELJ>, N • .J .

····---·�§·��* �tablished 1860; . .

Tel. 59. � W. W. CONNOLY CO. ii.

TJ11dertakers and �mbalmers �: '>::: :}�J�Q\VARD N. BROWN, Manager

·. ;r ,:: . t ':·;.·�-��"'-1i.:, .. ·', :; : . ' ' . : . . Q�nce:Bim· .StrCl,!t. •

· ··

Wes�field N . J ·--����-.��,,�;.s?E����Jf.* . '�:,;· ; . 1-_;;t·;', ·,":t,._. • · ,:r : �· .:- . • : . . · · ·. ,' · '- • ·· · · . '·l• 'r, ··; , ; �/ · � : \ . , . , ... ; . ·.� ·" • · . .

' '• \ . ; .. ... .

·; /·

: , ! •

Telephone,in �he hotel. -

-·-··-· - ------- -----·- - --.. --:----.. ·- : :- -

Page 7: County Stand… · 'rHEUNION STAND Has a. larger circulation than any other Weekly Newspaper Published in Un:ion Co.unty. VOL. XXIV. NO. 36 . WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY

· -:-:·�::..:--==-···-· ·-··� .. ····--�� TH� UNION COUNTY STANDARD. FlliOAY, MARCH 1 9, 1 909 . 7


••J Speat the WlblfJie Day at W .f\NAMAIIER'S''

Standard's Chac"·ers , , bur11 r•,�ultml .�, .. �,��IH,�(I)�I. �cr�����,,U�HI;,II:t)l�,���::;:�:::::::::::::::::; 1 Amurlmll uud lhlhhiKtoln of lln�Klu , · t lulnl( fell' flfHI, Jliucn, It IH tn hn 1'0•

•rho spenkor ball 110tnc to Now 'fork, lor ��� hnportnnt dQy's

ahopplng, ami her friend wn� nnttlmlly tntorcRtcd In knowing where

abo hall been. "r found cv�rythhiJt I wanted there ," she continued; "1md cv�rythlnJI IVll� HO lntcrcstlnll' that I couldn't Jtct away. Lunch tlrno came before I knew It; su I wen1 1111 10 thu '1'e1t Room, nnd ilidn'l lcavc the atorc nil tiny,"

'l'hnt has nhvayu been the feeling d cuatomcra who como to

w1111ntnakcr's. They like tl1e utor� ; they 11rc delt�htctl with Its merchandise; they nrc grntlfled with fiUrchuscs; they nrc entertained; THEY ALWAYS FJ�gL AT HOM�.

FOULARD SILKS Guaranteed Not to Spot With Water

'Ihese handsome new Foulardu have other merit�. besides being water·spot-prool. They we1c wovcu specially lor the Wanamaker

Store, in exclusive designs-excepting the standard polka dols­whlch r1ill no/ be found <l:�cwf1ere. 'lou wlll nlso sec here colorings which the manufacturers hnvc dyed srJecially Cor us. New eOccts are

shown in the arrangement of dots ami in various patterns, including £outache designs.

23 inches wide, SSe a yard 24 inches wide, in a heavier 'quality, $1 a yard

Also in the Wan�makcr Watcr-5pot-prool Silks are the following groups :

Black Japn11ese Habutal, dyed In Lyons, France; lhcy wilt not spot with rr.11er, nor change color from peropiratlou, 27 In, wide, SOc lo $1.50 yd,

Bladt Swics Hubuta.i Si1ks1 heavier lllan lhc hpnnesc we11vcs1 but just os soft. They nrc dyed In the yarn arul •·lll nol •pot wilh wnlcr or discolor from ptrspiration.

23 inches wide, SSe n yar�. 26 illcl1es wide, $1.25 a yntd. 25 inchea wide, $1 a yard. 36 Inches wide, $1.50 a yard.

24·inch Mousseline l'inlshed Rough Pongee Sulllng, In colors-lhe only 10u�h slUt suiting made that will not spot with water, In some color or another. $1 n yard. S:tk Store, First Uoor, Old Building.

Some Wanamaker u Exclusives .. Ia Mea's Spring BATS

All of them brand-new ; none of them to be had anywhere else b New York but Wanamaker's :

LINCOLN-BENNETT HATS lor every occasion-Derbies, �3.50 nnd $�-the latter in black, gray, tans. "Cullinan" Soft Hats, $3.50. · Silk Hats, SS-E:tster styles.

London C�ps, for golf, motor or steamer, S2 and $3. Paris Derbies, very good looking, $3.50. New 'l'yrolbn Hats, including tl;c "ORTLER," $3, $3.50 and $5.

Main floor, New Building.

Me�·s Medium�weight Underwear

and Chess Column llflltlllll lfmt. Mnt•Hhull WIIN 111111hlu to , tukn JNII'I; 111 tl111 umtoh. l�lltml by lhrfu� H. Urtlll ll.


Orm1t lutul'nNI IH 1111111lfllHIUII lu thu Allllln· •\lllnl'lilllll htiiiNIIIh'nrHity un�ln IIIUtuh ll'hluh lllliliH lllllllll IIHIIOI'I'Ill\' , l'l11y from I II IH Hhln will hu I!OIIIIuotucl 11C.ntre." from AliiXIIIHiul' l lull, l'rlncutuu, unci

Vlll'lnUou No, r., IIH Jlhlyud hy W. K, will 111'11111 nt H 11. 111. '1'11!1 Atnurl 111111 ll11rlwrnullhiKt ,J, Wyllln, 1 1 -Jrt, ���- JIIU,I'III'H nr11 : �'II'Ht holll'cl, J.ouiH ,J , Ill, H - 1 1 , 2�-17, IB-JH, J ll- 10, 10-10, Wolll', or Unlumhlu ; Huuuwl hou•·c l , :U-B, ·I-t t , 17-14, 1 1 -Jr., �H-:14, Wm . II. llnuhuH, ul' PniiiiH)'IVIIuln 1 7-1 1 , �fi -UU, (thiN IIIUYO fnriiiK tho thlnJ IIOIII'Cl , N, '1\ \Vhlt.tllkt�r, ol' l'tlllll• Vllrlilt.lnu, thn truuk 111111111 luovu bolllll sylvnnl11 ; fmu·th l�lnrol , J,, Wnltm· 'lil-�11. 'l'ho movo IH 1utvltmhlo ouly lu 81oJihnuH, or l'rlucuton ; llfl.h hmt·cl , II, t.l10 iiiiiii)H of 1111 CXJ111l't., IIH It IH 1111t. to lllumhm·g, uf (.)nlnm lthl i Hlxth houul, lnvolYtl Whlt" In n very crltlual omllllll·l W. W. l'n•·•hl11y, of Hnl'l'llrtl, .1 . W. 1 1 - 1 8, �� -�0, ifl - 1 11, 110-�U, 2-7, (R} AloXIIIIIhlr o! l'rhi!:lltllll, iH HllbMtlt.uto, ila -US, .'1 1 - 1 7, II-III, 14-101 IH-2111 (R 'tho IIIIIIIIIH af t.IIU Blll!lioh playurH IJunutlfnl l•llly,) 27-18, 111 -�11, 211-111, roJtrf!��utlng O.dor1l mul lJ11mhrhlNu tr.-u.J, :lR-111, 0-��. 18-tr., 1 1 - 18, will bu IIIIIJmnlt:ml nt- nJKllllllg ur piny. a�-Jr., 1:1-22, i!a-IH, 24-28, 18-14, [,nHt. )'0111' thn ,\mnrh!RIIH Willi loy II �H-11�, :m-2r;, 112-28, :!li-�1. 2�-2-1, nnrrow mnrgtu. 21 - 17, 24-111, l ti-10, 111 -tr., 10-7, , Problom Nn, ?8. 11-10, 1 � - 7. 11i-l l , 7-3, (uot 7-2, for Blouk : K n11 K;, Kt. on Kll�, ll on 1 - 11, 2-11, r.-2 1 ,) 1 1-lr., 11-7. Dmwn, Qlt7, P• o11 KJ, K ll7, Q6 om1 QB4. but only by tho most llRrnful plnylug on Whlt.u : K 011 Ql38, Q on K8, It on IVhlto'• p11rl. QKt, Kt.K 011 Kltz unci QBG, IlK on Ks

(II) 22 - 1 7, 11-111, (b) 20-ill, 111-22, ruul KU7, P nn Q2, 1 211 -17, (n) 10 - 2�, 27-20, 12-111, 14 - Whltn In ph1y ami motu iu thrco ro, 7 - 14, 17-10, 19 - 24, 20-16, 18-23, moYeH. r5-u, 1�- 19, 10 -7, 3-10, u-8, Solution : ro-1;, )Z-28, (to provunt 24-2'lo nml _Whito, to holtl tho fnnr men until tho ldng I· Kt to Kill con get to thom,) 2 1-27, 8-), 27--32, 2. Q to KR;, ok J-K, 12--27, 8--r r , 1 ;-·· 18, 27--21 , 31- 3· Q to H, mnto 26, 27--Jo, 16--14, (>-tJ, 28--19, \)"-18. 1 . --­

Drawn. 2. QxKP ck (b) .T. Smith vs, R. Mnrtlns. ln>t.cad l· ll or Kt, mote.<

of 20-16, 118 nbove, Jl[r, lllnrllus tJinyed J , ---14-1o nnd lost tliUR : 14--1o, 1 3--22, 2· Kt to Kt;, cl< 26-17, 7--14, 17--10, 12--16, (very 3· QxP, mates clever,) 20--1 1 , r 8--23, 27--18, 1 5-22, 1. ---25--18, 6--22, 21·-1 7, 5-9, (to -prevent 2. Kt to Kt;, ck whitu getting to 10 uud KO posbiul( his ]• It to QKts, mote man nt 11 into the king row,) 32--28, Problem No, 79·

Hinck. 1. KxKt 2. K 1110\'eS

t . K to Q4 2, Any move

1. Bxlt 2. K to Q4

1. P to QB5 2 . r< to Q4

IQ--2], 28--24, 23--27, 14··-IQ, 27-JZ• Blaclt : K Oil Q;, Ps 011 K4, Q4, QICt; IQ-1;, (19-16 would lnwe prolonged and QR6. tbo gnme, which i'll!lR here by 1-6). White : K ou Ql\2, Q on QU6, Kt ou thus,-·IQ-16, 32-28, 16-12, 28-24, Kl\5, B 011 Klt6, P.< oll KR3, QKt3 ami 1 1-8, 24-19, 8-4, 19-1 5, 4-8, Q-ll• Ql\;, 1 7-14, 1 3-17, 1 4-9, 17-21, 9-5, ·White to piny nml mute in three 2 1 -25, 31 -27• 25 - Jo, 27-24, 30-26, mov�•. 24-20, 26-23, 20-16, 23-18, 16-1 1 , 1 5-19. B wins.

BLAOK library Note.

For tl1e purpose of iucrcasiugpructiclil usefulness of tho Public Library, nu<1 to r�aob to a wider circle of readers, ;. Technical Section has been udded iu which will bo found books nud mngn· zines relating to business 111111 to various trades, About 30 volumes have nlrencly been Jlurchnscd 111111 11s many more will probtlbiy be mlder1 within the uoxt two weeks .

Moll or 'l'elea�hmae Ct rclerH t•a·omJttly I'll led ALL GOODS DELI VEIIED F Rt:t: O F l:H A il fi E . . SAMP I. I\� ON A P PLICATIOJII .

$ 1 0 SUITS The coats are l i ned throughout with a rich S[tti n . We hu1·e a complete l i ne of sizes in all the following colors : Rose, resed:1 , gray, black, hlue and green.

The snits are absolutely ne\v, havin O' left the tailor's hands but a few days ago. We had them


to sell at $15 .00 but to add to our prestige as Newark's Best Cloak and Suit Dept, we sell them at

Lingerie Dresses-A iiO.OO Revelation

\Yh:lt would our grandmothers of a decade ago have saul tf they were shown dresses like these we are to sell to-m.or�ow and told their price ? What would · she have saul If. she were told th is would be so within the ,lives of her grandchildren ? Impossible ! -the mak1ng of dresses has progressed as other arts have and these creations of beautiful gowns, which woulcl have taken weeks some years ago, are now within the meaus of most e\•eryone.

. They are made of soft, beautiful, clinging lin­

gene and have rnws and rows of laces embroideries and tuckings. · Should we say the pric� was $10.00 yon wou ld consider it reasonable ; should we say $7.50 you would very l ikely buy, hut you 5 SO can buy them here to-morrow at . . . . . ": . . . . •

TH E D A V I D S T R A U S C O. NElrlJlRK. N . J, +

The parlic�:lar ::ncl precise sort nnd weight of Undemear that mosl men w!ll \"lear from now on :mtil the . warm weather comes. Two splendid, \Vell-rnade_ Wanamal;cr. grades, that we cany.in stock -all the year long__: Natural color merino ; neatly trimmed and finished, accurately si!ed-Shirts and Drawel"!l, Sl and 81.50 n garment.

. 'the trustees or the librarinu will be gh;rl to ;eceivc any Ruggestions which will !10 helpful in mnkiug this section .......................... ..

Main fioor, Nc1v Building.

JOBN WANAMAKER Fol'Jfler/JI A. T. Stewart lit G., New York BroaJwoy, Fourth Ave. Eighth (o Ten!h S!1<el


In the " Standard ,

llU important part of tho librnrr , 'l'ho responsivoneRS of tho pnhlie to

WHI'I'E End . Play.

ench incre11se in tho l ibrnry facilities hns ngniu been owphnzisecl by tho

! mnrlmrl inorensc in tho number of bo�ks : callctl for, nud <1f new curt! holders, Prololem No. So, by J .· H . . Cosh . • j following tho·incrcnse in tho open hours. Block : mc1i ou 21 rmd JJ; king on ro. i

____ ·--- . White : men on: 19,. 22 anclz3. White to move 111111 draw, 11 MARATHON FIVE DEFEATS Solution : 19-24. I0-15· 24-:28. 1 5 - 18, 22-26, ; WESTFIElD H. s. 34-21. (II) rS-271 2�-;32, · 3 1-25, p- 23, . (b) '

22-17, 23-18,' 17- 1 1 , : 18-14. · Drn\Vn. i (n) 3 1--22, z8--32,• 18-27,. 32_23, nnd i 'I.' he Mnrntbon A, A. bnskotball tcnm

the position is tho snme'118 above. , .,. •lofented the local High B�l10ol live

. by

(b) zr--IJ, "'23-:"26, 22.,.-18, 26--zz, tho sr.ore of 34-21, last Fruloy evemug

Prawn. Very nent. j lit · tho Onsino. �rr, Spriustellll, who Problmn

'No. S r . , · refereed the first holf collcrl piny nt

A rccont gnme between Messrs. ! s.:ao. During tho twenty (20) minutes, Whitnk�r nnd Green resulted in 11 'llnno wos token out for Martel, Ht, F<l., " trade," which left tiVo of white's men nn1l for clenning the floor of tho rem· 111 pri.v, 80 thnt B!nck seomcrl to have 11 : nnntR ?� an electric light broken bv tho l�:::::::::::::::::::::::::;! l "ure win, Yet white won. : ball. Ihe etHl of the first hnlf left

'l'he position aftor t.he " trnfle " i the Mnruthou's in tbu lear! by l .!-8, wns : i l\Ir, Heinecke t·eferccd the second hnlf

Our Warerooms are fu l l of We l l

M a d e a n d N eatly Ceel&n�d

C e l l and See O u r Stock.

We have confidence in our ability to please.

Powlison &. Jones, . U,O•liU E. FRONT ST .. PLAlNFJELJll,


Black : men on 5 nnd 28, king 011 3 1, l during which the light H iglt School White : 111011 on IJ nml 2u, kmg on 1 , ; team mode so""' brillinnt ploys ngainst White to movo nml win, ! t.boir henvy opponents. The continuo!

i ;veiling was so great that 1\lr, Hoiucoke i hnrl to nsk the spcotntors to stop, as the

The lntcrnntiounl motuh nt St. Peters- ! plnyors were unable to heor the ref· CHESS.

------------- ! erce's \Vhistle. The two opposing

BICK GIVES OUT ' Westfield tenm• nnuto the gnmo ex· ft : • ; ceedingly Interesting ourl exciting to

• --- I the largest crowd of locnl eutbu•insts Plenty or Westrleld Readers Have ThiS EX· i that ever n�semblecl to '"" II game here.

plriiDCI, \ W. IJ, 8. ' ltAI\ATI!OS,

I E. Bush Ut. Ft!. A, Murtel Yon tax the kidneys -overwork them . lt. Ohen·y Lt. Fd. Dnllns . They oon't. keep up tho contimu1l G. Delatour Centre Roll\nd

strnin · · ! W. SisRei'SOit lit. Gd. 0. 'l'icc ' _,. _ , , - I H. l'nrlter Lt. tid. Mnson . �Ito baek giVes . ont-tt ncheK nnd I Don't be bnshfnl, c:ontc out null sec •........................... pa

Ums.; bl

. t . · · I an o<ciliug gnme to-night nt tho Cnsino. rml\ry tron os so 111. · 1 . . I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�J Don't wnit·.Jonge�- take Doou's-Kid· The .�e-.oud gmt�e of the serres .w1tb






Pills. , tho H1gh Sohool 1s snro to be " goo•!


Westfield . people tell ' yon bow they j becnuse ,Ute H. s- :liOjS ".nYc bee�· riled J b D. · 1 g- El t W j' up by detent 1md It won t be thmr fault o n 1m er, .> m.er stree , est· , . . 1 II. ld N J " F t' I 1f t.hoy lose. Dnumng WI I follow gomo e , , , , says: . or some une 1 sutfered (rom kidney trouble and thong it I as "'"" �---·----

I used aevera� well. known remedies,· I ,. A Religious Aulhor's Statement failed to obtnm rehef, My back was · , ' very pninfnl, I !1ad frequent h'adnches Rev. Joseph H. Fesperman, Snhsbnry, and my general health became much N. C. , -W�IO is the anthm· of se\'eml ron down. r nlso consnlt"d 0 phy•icinn book•, wntes : -. " For several years I bot his ,medicines failed to bunefit we. wns afllicted with_ kidney trouhl• nud

I There were nlso other symptoms which last winter .. I was sudile�ly stricken with

showed that my. kidneys were disorder· ! n severe pnm In .my ku1ucys nnd wns T&U:PHONit tJ5·J. ed and when Doan's Kidney Pills were confined to.�ed e1ght dnys nnnb�e to got

r--:------------------------�. , brought to my attention, I procured Il l u� without �··lstllliOO, . :M� nrme COil• CEMETERY GROUNDS N o. 4 8 E L M S T R E E T.

ltox at Frutchey's Pharmacy. They j tnmerl II tluek white sed1m�nt n!1d I Veterinarians agree that tbree out • gnve me snob prompt relief tllnt I con· I plll!scd samo frequently day an•l mgltt.

" My ·three yelll' old boy was badly of every five horses have.worms aud that 1 tinned until cured. - 1 I commence•! tnkh�g Foley's Kidney

•ti)lllted, hncl a high fever and wnsln .thoul!llnds of horses die every year from I I oonuot IIRY enoo�eb in favor of I Uemedy, muHhe l'l1111 grodn�lly abnted

L__aw fnl cou1'.1tion, · I gave· him two this oouse, Fairfield's Blood Tonio and Doau's Killney Pills." nud finnlly.c!!ll8ed nnd my nrme becnme

r""' 1 of Foley'• Orin Lunti d tb Be lator forho1'!003 dnstroys .nud re· For BRie by all dealers. Prico oOcents. normal, I · cheerfully recommend Fo­r,xt IDo.ruing the fev:r was ;.�r..ud .. : mo:s 11u varieties of -wor�• ·.withont 1. Fo.•ter·Milburn Oo.,· B�tfolo, No\'I"·York, , ley's ;"ldu.ey_

Remody." 8nld by_ 111! : (;1 entnely \\ ell, Foley's Oilno Lam- injury to the nninml, punfy!Ug ' the ROle ogont• for the Umtet1 StateR. I druggist•. . -- - ·I te ave1 IIi; life.'' A. Wolkush, blood nnd lncreosing vitnlii·Y· Sqld un· l Jtemembut· the ttame-Donn '•--oud l' -•-:- · _

lmer, Wi,, Sold by all druggists, . dor written goarnntce by PAtrick Trny , take no other. See · Shaefer's . adv. on page 8. nor. ·

ernest Wlh:ox. Theo. A. Pope Alexander Hunt, Wilcox & Pope, P • 1 d 0 1 GARPENTERS &. BU ILDERS, lin er an · . ,•cora or.

42 & 44 Cumberland St. Latest desi(;n in Wall paper al· Tel. t39•J. ways on hand.

Westfield , N. J, Estimntes Oheerfnlly Furnisher!.

Jobbing Promptly Attond�d to

Elm and Quimby Streets,

j Weatflel4, N, J. Tel. 97•W,

-The Kind You Have Always Bousht

Bears the s· ture � .


· · In ·

.Usa ' ··/

For Over Thirty: Year,.

�CASlORil · Exact Copy of·w·rapPer. � ..... . lwmu•�Nn.'wi�w�e...; . ,· .. . - ·;·

. ·! "":'"·"' -· • . . ·-�� - -- .... -�- ... .... . _;..._;.._


Page 8: County Stand… · 'rHEUNION STAND Has a. larger circulation than any other Weekly Newspaper Published in Un:ion Co.unty. VOL. XXIV. NO. 36 . WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY

·. :· ·. · - . . ·.·, .' .· ... ·

.. · �;��;r�.t�-7�M���r:1�: .. ; ·· ·'' . .· . : ·--. THE UNION COUNTY 'S'!'A.N DARD; FRIDAY, MARCH 1 9, 1 909.


tor tbe txrtonten of taebtolt · . . · , · , , '%s .

a ta SjJt'rile <.torsets

B C/ D models represen.t the latest Pnris crentions- nnd nre,offered in a wide vnriety of st�Jes;nnd n�odels

ndnpted to tll'ery type nnd figure. E1•ery pair is exactly made, handsomely trimmed nnd dnultllt , fi mshed, nnd meets all the demands of f11shion, comfort and henlth, nnd nre in high favor with well-groomed women,

who fully understar1d the supreme importnnce of preserving 11 graceful figure und cnrringe. \<Ve hm•e illustrated a fel\- of the most representntil'e styles, but we shmild be pleased to show you many ndditionnl styles when you visit our Corset Department.

Stille 1-lo, t 50. Bntiste sill< edge trimmed , hoso supporters front and eido, for short 9SC wnisted nud slim figures ·

!!il\liC 'lllo , 1 82, Bnstlto, high bust, hoso supporters front nml sides, Inca tri1nmod, fot• y�nug ln.dles nucl very 9SC · shm figures . . . . . . . . . . . ,

!!it)JIC 'lllo. IIH , . Bnstiste, silk eclgo trimmed, hose supporters front nne! �Illes, for mccl· .t\S' C ium nml stout figures, . , 'P.

. ttbe memo u Self 1Retmdng , , · �orset '

. ' .

:!il)llc 'Ro. 517, Bnsti•t, low bust, long wnist, long bnol<, don­blo boned, hose snpporterR front

��::r:!'���·. ���, ����� $1.50

is econ�n�icaL ' .... One pair nt $3 will outlast three ordinary cors.ets at $1 each, and it wi ll hold its shape until · it is worn: out. ; . ;TJimisands of stout women who .have fancied that they· must have their corsets made to

. . ·. prqe�; :are;,;(�o}v , sa\•ing more . tha� half their money·, and enjoying great�r comfort, by · �,wearing th�;Jai11·ousfamom Nemo " £-Reducing '.' Corset. · • : :·," $3.00 :'.';(].;;·.· . . ,, ' (';U . · • , • i ;---'--'---:-'---c--'--'---c->:··---,--'--'---�_;_

Corset Covers from 25c to $1 .2 ·

The ���velty,;�f ,:the . . season is the col6re_ci .Ii9���!9;§��<:J��,tHe,.sgoWn . . , 'fie · have'every.fs,hade'in stb�k+-navy;'gre);,. suede, pinki1·iGop�l�hagen blue; sky . blue; Butgci'ndY,� red;·;rHunter green · pongee; tan'arid 'b!-'own;· · · ' '

35c anti 50c pet· pair ·

:american 1·tosie.r� - . - -.- ,,� · • ::.· -.�. ,-_·, .Y

A l�igl�-grade l ine, tnUde · i� _·,g�3.ze \

lisle, silk lisle and silk. · ;

· An . , line of staple and .

. "muslin under-garments. :They ar� .better in quality, more �laborate in �ork­manship,and more striking than they have been for many se�sons

�ombination Gartnents

· ·

Skirts from

St!c to $5.00

from 9Sc up

.. : .·?t:;.: o:0���f 25c to 9HC'> ·

J . . - - -. . ·.P�r pai'r).:.

: ., �:

Gowns from SOc to $2.98 ·

1Sroab · Street c9.'rev.���?i�� �est


* .\ I'll\\' 111'11 n! l lc{l lcll'lfll, hrijlhi< I'III'I IILJ'-IIIlJtruuhlbJn Ill 1 1 llilllll!l•, 'J'h11�u U11• Hhruwcl htl'oMtclt• 01: Ktlouulnlnr Khuuicl " t•l11lr llilllll I hu j 1111111 " fell' hlu 111111 ttttlnlc tn'Otlt, Um•u thuy 111'11 :

tht�o�l lt•·M� 1 ''''!l•••t•ly, ur'''' n j01f.' llt\'11.'4l llwnt.f •lUI' llln��tL MIIIIKU\tu• fut'r'f!tlllt ;•r.ti4t•:ll!l


l;� \'II IIlii til K It pjUIJ/1 Jun)c tun ti!JIIHIIr\'lll.l\lt�oyt lf! Jifl""lftiJI•

A thl't�lll,lf( ltlut, TOXIrn, In t.hn \'Clt'l'i I'IIJihtl' or 'vu .. tflnlcl, ),1'111'11 lnlltiUnu lllld Ill' cu lllltl �� WI I Hlii!Ul( rtn• t HeM. •

A mudt!l'll hmt"'' wtlh nil hutn'u\'t•nwntH 111111 �o�l�>lllll lwnt nn nn norn \'lnt -hna·u, ra·ult· trm.m, otc�J Num• Ll'ulh•J' lltltl Jli 1111111111� Wnl1c tn Hint fJII,

A JO·room JumHcl 11 tl(t•tn·Lhu·mlnnln11 In n\·t•J'V 'mrttnulnr In t1111 1UH\' 'ror ��w�·�,:::l�� �f"i!�W�u ,;��'S1rWt{;���) ���i�Willtt�H.ih H Hl!flt hm IK lncllmUh•tt or

A plot; 100&100 ln 'l'nrrnco Pnrlr. lliJlh, hnnlthy nml �ott•ntul vluw.

*Others nrc for tho homo soolcor- IlOilO the less stJ1rs, how. over-with sploucllcl ]lrospcotlvo prollts nncl l10me BAIIBfM, tlou for tunlly youl'll l

?'•J'OOJII homm, ltXti'II Jnr!lO Jut, fruit. t!tC1 �11000, 7·rnotn hou�o�n, nll hllJli'OVf!ttJnnlR, $J


8·1'tJOJil ht•UHc, ull lmprm·muon!H, good nelgb1Jorhoc)c11 ,4,000, 8·t•cmtu hott!h,, nll lmprovmnoniHi Jn urJ\\' sootlon, $O,oou. :: taunlly hmuw (11 tump}1 $ti,OOO,

* lloro m·o rL row or our choicest

8 ruums, nil Jrupt'O\'Ctnoni&, �15 1��·ontltly. 10 romn'l, nll tmpr0\'o1Jivnts,·. $m tllfllltbly. 10 room�, J111'ge lo� 1\�Jd 1!1\rn, $MJ 111ontlll,r. . �, . 2 unw B·room hott!WM, nll fmpro\�tmJOnts nnd luuulsotnfJIY 1lPt1• · · m•nh>tl, In the 'l'�!trnco Pn.rlr Ht."�ltlou, JJ5 (JUclt monthlh · '' · · ' · • ·, .,. <

Wu h�1·e mnuv othar houses,' lmllcliug lots null l'outnis : IIIlO sercrnl fino farm pt·oposltious.

J Lr Por the fnthor of tho fcnnlly or, tho commuter-tho belt

!lrO)lOSition over olt'orccl in Aucidollt nncl Health Insnranco by a . l'clinble compnuy, .

Coger & Lee " Flatiron BulldlniC"



HUTGtiiNSON '& to give the

people of Westfield GOODS THAT STAND the

c · Gillies Sovereign, T 0

p F E 6

38c. per pound Gillies Good Health,

35c. per pound · 6 Gill ies Blended, Wbite l�ose, 3ZC. per pound

:• Gillies· White House, A Wbite · Hoqse, ·

35c. per pound

Our Cooking Department, in charge of Miss French : cakes, crullers and h'otne�made ·bre�lr . Sole agents for

The Royal Scarlet . •• ""H"" ··" And for the famoi.1s

Wt�fchung Spring \\'a�er . c {

HUTC .. ttlNSON & . . . · ,· . - .


'TEL. ai11 •

' ; · .,�.�. :-�.M�· r�.=

ll�l�ar�t•�'n�W�e�Il�es�,�f�or�m�o�r �M�o�y�or�I�-�A�l�o�s· .=· I�I�11�11t�, =J�r= • •

�p;lo�a�sa�.n�it�l:y�o�;��t.o�r-=· =�T�Ii=.=�·-::::.:;.,;· ·:' ; .;'�;;�,;,:·;::. ::::::. :;;;:� £cs::!:•. £lsttnf. at4 Wells .

. ,of• WC<Jtfield, wns the gusst of local tained a fow friends · nt bis home 00 0 - e m_ustc �npervisors, of :·l]uioii ' ·.· ,....Mrs. C. · S. Pnrkcr, of Olnrk street ' · n�t · " years. �go form eel n.n import. The Westfield l•i'n

friends, Wedncsdny. Ross P. lnce, Tnes•lav eve•'••' na, . ounty nrc Ill seSSI\)ll at Eliz'lbeth.:.tod .. · .. : .. "', Y. : .is v.islting friends' in Brooklyn.

. pnrt of tho· spceiflcntiom for nll oyoued to· the public· . . . · " Did y 11 new homes iu We ttl Jd · 1 1 · · '

. Re· � SydOJIV Oro"" pr I l t 'l F . fi l l - . on ever ' gnro ho .. "'.·.:.m

. .. • u. c. h . . -. 1\liss .. Knte Van,\lsty!Je, of Ole! . . · . . . · .

s e ' .t c on•t �lruty peoplo v•'••'ted - ' . .. one me " ., te - • .nr e ' Foster, or Acaclemy Pine> money yon C ld' b I . , • . . . , seem possible thnt th' I t . . . .

Trinity . Episcop'l�l Chnroh Omufor�. hus nccmpted R po•ition with the order; ' at Sch'OII snves

y �avi nlf�onr OhntilRJU, N. Y., wns n recent visitor nt - onlv · siiteen JCRl'R II IS � r�: of hns. been.· remodeled .

·: Wed�esday nisbt, People• Nntlonnl Bunk, ol West.flelcl. . · enrcrs. r.u t •cir.adv, mi the bom�· of Mr. und · �irs . J 11 hns · · · · . . · · 1!0• . os eld Tbo Inn is rnn· pngn. one.

;,�·\.���iit.D�:;:ll, . i ;, . . . . • · •. ·, , . . . grow;,;E PF..\RsAr,i, ColrP���- �h�e�n��;���:o·'cl·'.·

·�';;.'J•_:y .. ', " oiAe•o