Couplets A CNY ART Competition Primary 6

Couplets A CNY ART Competition Primary 6

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Couplets A CNY ART Competition Primary 6. What is a couplet?. A couplet is a pair of lines in poetry which usually rhymes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CoupletsA CNY ART CompetitionPrimary 6

Page 2: Couplets A CNY ART Competition Primary 6

What is a couplet? A couplet is a pair of lines in poetry which

usually rhymes. A Chinese couplets may be seen on doorways in

Chinese communities worldwide. Couplets displayed as part of the Chinese New Year festival, on the first morning of the New Year, are called chunlian.

The text of the couplets is often traditional and contains hopes for prosperity.

Couplets are read from top to bottom where the first line starts from the right.

Meaning adapted from WIKIPedia

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A Couplet outside SAFRA Yishun McDonalds

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Your class challenge

Create one couplet to represent your class.

Basic materials will be provided for fair entry level: Red-base material and A4 glitter gold foam

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Create a head design based on an animal in the Zodiac sign.

Use the gold glitter foam or any other materials to write in the poem.

Write your class and the meaning of the poem in English

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You may add more designs.

Be as creative as you can.

Your couplet will be showcased during the CNY concert on 8 Feb.

Do pass your couplet to Mr Rahmat by 7 Feb.

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The next few slides are some proposed poem for each class.

You may want to use your own poem.

Have fun and let’s be in pursuit of excellence!

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man men ping an hao yun lai

满 门 平安 好 运来

he jia huan le ying fu gui

合家 欢 乐 迎 富 贵


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wan shi ru yi bu bu gao

万 事 如 意 步步 高

yi fan feng shun nian nian hao

一 帆 风 顺 年年 好


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chun hui da di

春 回 大 地

fu man ren jian

福 满 人 间


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xue hai wu ya qin neng du

学 海 无 涯 勤 能 渡

shu shan wan ren zhi neng pan

书 山 万 仞 志 能 攀


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yi jia he mu yi jia fu

一 家 和 睦 一 家 福

si ji ping an si ji chun

四 季 平 安 四 季 春


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xiao ying ying ci jiu sui

笑 盈 盈 辞 旧 岁

xi zi zi ying xin chun

喜 滋 滋 迎 新 春


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yi yuan fu shi

一 元 复 始

wan xiang geng xin

万 象 更 新


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chun dao fu dao ji xiang dao

春 到 福 到 吉 祥 到

jia he ren he wan shi he

家 和 人 和 万 事 和


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bao zhu yi sheng sheng sheng chu jiu sui

爆 竹 一 声 声 声 除 旧 岁

luo gu xuan tian tian tian bao ping an

锣 鼓 喧 天 天 天 报 平 安
