Coupling ROMS and WRF using MCT Coupling design and implementation

Coupling ROMS and WRF using MCT Coupling design and implementation

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Coupling ROMS and WRF using MCT

Coupling design and implementation

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

ROMS 2.0

ROMS 2.0 – new versionchanged from F77 to F90/F95explicit interfaces subject to “strong typing”allocation is via dereferenced pointer

structuresparallel framework includes shared- and

distributed- memory paradigms

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

WRF-Weather Research and Forecasting

Designed for:1-10 km horizontal grid resolutionadvanced data assimilation and model physicsboth research and operationsperformance and maintainability

Developed at:NCARNOAA – NCEP/FSL/GFDLEPA – Atmospheric Modeling DivisionUniversity Community

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

WRF – Software design

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

The Coupler

WRF and ROMS are coupled using the Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT) developed at Argonne National Labs

MCT handles the passing of variables between the ocean and atmosphere models, as well as regridding and time averaging

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

The Model Coupling Toolkit Cons

Component model processing element (PE) pool sizes remain constant

Components can exchange only real and integer data as groups of vectors

Pros Any number of components (ocean, atmos, ice, wave

spray, etc) Any decomposition Any number of processors-per component local re-gridding supported by sparse-matrix multiplication The MCT user can supply:

Consistent numbering schemes for grid points Integer ID for each component An MPI communicator for each component Interpolation Matrix Elements

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

Parallel data passing

Each component model in the MCT framework passes the couplerinformation about the decomposition of the data arrays in the form of a Global Segment Map

This allows for parallel data transfer, and the ability to regrid fromthe atmosphere grid to the ocean on local processors.

A sample decomposition, and resulting Global Segment Map is shown in the next slide.

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

GlobalSegMap Examples

Pe_loc start length

0 1 8

1 9 8

2 17 40



1 2 3 45 6 7 89 10 11 12

13 14 15 1617 18 19 20

1 2 3 45 6 7 89 10 11 12

13 14 15 1617 18 19 20

0 1

2 3

Pe_loc start length

0 1 2

0 5 2

0 9 2

1 3 2

1 7 2

1 11 2

2 13 2

2 17 2

3 15 2

3 19 2

Numbering of gridpoints

Processor Decomposition

Total number of segments = 10

Total numberof segments = 3






National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

Coupling through I/O API

WRF I/O API abstracted to allow changing packages (netCDF, HDF5, etc)

passing 2-D fields at the air-sea interface equivalent to file I/O

standard interface allowseasy interchange of componentseasy interchange of variables passed

ROMS changes (all CPP “switches”)new module “mod_io_couple.F”ocean.F subroutinized – takes communicator as

argument, passed to distribute.Fcommunicator pass to distribute.F, MPI initialization

and finalization done by couplerinput file now handles tiling

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

Variables Passed

Oceanic Model




Atmospheric Model

(WRF) SST - Sea Surface Temp

Wind StressQ - heat (short wave and long wave)E - EvaporationP - Precipitation

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

Alpha coupling--The first runs

The initial coupling took a sample test problem from WRFthat integrates the evolution of a supercell. ROMS and WRF were run on the same grid so no sparse-matrix multiplicationwas needed, and the fast dynamics of the 3 hour simulationmeant that ROMS and WRF could be run at similar timestepsizes to eliminate the need for time averaging.

ROMS was given an initial stratification typical of summertimeoff the Florida coast, where supercells have been observed, andwas forced only by the WRF-generated surface winds

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

Initial Model Results

Updraft cells (yellow/white) drovestrong convergent surface winds(white arrows) resulting in strong (2-3 m/s) surface currents.

Surface height (color slice)variations of a half-meter over 20 km were observed, and wavespropagate along the thermocline(shown in blue).

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

Initial Model Results, cont’d

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

Future Work

Currently only SST and Winds are passed between models - other variables need to be passed and implemented into model forcing

Allow models to run on separate grids (regridding with MCT)

Time averaging of fields using MCT accumulator needs to be implemented

Coupling across the TeraGrid (next slide)

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

Coupled Modeling Across the TeraGrid

NCSA IA-32 Cluster (Myrinet)


PSC Alpha Cluster (Quadrics)

WRFWind Stress


In a collaborative effort between the NOAA PMEL and FSL laboratories, NCAR and Argonne, a version of the coupled WRF/ROMS model is being developed in which the ROMS component runs on one TeraGrid machine and the WRF component runs on a second TeraGrid machine. Intra-component communication occurs over, for example, Myrinet or Quadrics while inter-component communication (exchange of boundary conditions) will occur over the TeraGrid fiber-optic backbone. MPICH-G2, a globus-enabled version of MPI will provide the communication library used to implement all communication. The coupled model is divided into components using the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Multi-Program Component Handshaking (MPH) software. Parallel re-gridding of boundary conditions exchanged between the two models will be implemented using the Argonne Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT).

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery


National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery


WRF/ROMS coupling design and implementation using the Model Coupling ToolkitRob Jacob, Dale Haidvogel, Al Hermann, John Michalakes, Christopher Moore Dan Schaffer

WRF and ROMS are coupled using the Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT) developed at Argonne National Laboratory. MCT is a Fortran90 library built on top of MPI with data types and methods that simplify the construction of distributed-memory parallel couplers. The coupler design itself is parallel, avoiding bottlenecks by allowing for parallel exchange of fields between models on different grids, and time averaging over the coupling period. The coupling is wired into the mediation layer in WRF, and into the I/O layer in ROMS.

The initial coupling passes wind-stress from WRF to ROMS and sea surface temperature from ROMS to WRF. Longwave and shortwave heat and evaporation/precipitation will soon be added as variables passed. A simulation is run with WRF creating a supercell, and ROMS integrating the oceanic response. WRF creates the typical “hook-return” convective updraft usually seen in storms that generate supercells, as well as high precipitation and updraft-splitting. The ROMS response shows upwelling/downwelling patterns centered on the supercell updraft location, and oceanic circulation that mimics that of measured oceanic response to offshore supercell storms.

Future work includes developing an API that will allow coupling and I/O using MCT and HDF5, and utilizing this API in both WRF and ROMS, as well as coupling across the TeraGrid using MPICH-G2.

National Computational ScienceModeling Environment for Atmospheric Discovery

MCT Distribution Architecture

Model Coupling Toolkit

Message-Passing Environment Utilities


Low-level MCT classes

High-level MCT classes
