22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) This course has been accredited under Part 4.4 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. Accreditation period: 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2023

Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

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Page 1: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)

This course has been accredited under Part 4.4 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.

Accreditation period: 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2023

Page 2: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

© State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training) 2018.

Copyright of this material is reserved to the Crown in the right of the State of Victoria. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia licence (more information is available here). You are free to use, copy and distribute to anyone in its original form as long as you attribute Skills Victoria, Department of Education and Training (DET) as the author, and you license any derivative work you make available under the same licence.


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Page 3: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

Table of contentsSection A: Copyright and course classification information.....................................................1

1. Copyright owner of the course......................................................................................1

2. Address.........................................................................................................................1

3. Type of submission.......................................................................................................1

4. Copyright acknowledgement.........................................................................................1

5. Licensing and franchise.................................................................................................2

6. Course accrediting body................................................................................................2

7. AVETMISS information.................................................................................................2

8. Period of accreditation...................................................................................................2

Section B: Course information.................................................................................................3

1. Nomenclature................................................................................................................3

1.1 Name of the qualification........................................................................................3

1.2 Nominal duration of the course..............................................................................3

2. Vocational or educational outcomes.............................................................................3

2.1 Purpose of the course............................................................................................3

3. Development of the course...........................................................................................3

3.1 Industry/enterprise/ community needs...................................................................3

3.2 Review for reaccreditation....................................................................................10

4. Course outcomes........................................................................................................13

4.1 Qualification level.................................................................................................13

4.2 Employability Skills...............................................................................................15

4.3 Recognition given to the course (if applicable)....................................................15

4.4 Licensing/ regulatory requirements (if applicable)...............................................15

5. Course rules................................................................................................................15

5.1 Course structure...................................................................................................15

5.2 Entry requirements...............................................................................................18

6. Assessment.................................................................................................................19

6.1 Assessment strategy............................................................................................19

6.2 Assessor competencies.......................................................................................20

7. Delivery.......................................................................................................................20

7.1 Delivery modes....................................................................................................20

7.2 Resources............................................................................................................21

8. Pathways and articulation...........................................................................................22

9. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation.............................................................................22

Section C — Units of competency.........................................................................................23

Appendix A: Employability Skills summary..........................................................................160

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Page 4: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

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Page 5: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

Section A: Copyright and course classification information

1. Copyright owner of the course

Copyright of this course is held by the Department of Education and Training, Victoria.

© State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training) 2018.

2. Address Executive Director Engagement, Participation and Inclusion DivisionHigher Education and Skills GroupDepartment of Education and Training (DET)PO Box 4367 MELBOURNE VIC 3001

Organisational contactManager Training Products Higher Education and Skills Group Telephone: (03) 9637 3092 Email: [email protected]

Day-to-day contactCurriculum Maintenance Manager, Building and ConstructionHolmesglen Institute PO Box 42 HOLMESGLEN VIC 3148 Telephone: (03) 9564 1987 Email: [email protected]

3. Type of submission Reaccreditation

4. Copyright acknowledgement

Copyright of the following units of competency from nationally endorsed training packages is administered by the Commonwealth of Australia and can be accessed here.

© Commonwealth of Australia

The following unit of competency:

CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry

is from the CPC Construction Plumbing and Services Training Package.

The following units of competency:

BSBPMG415 Apply project risk management techniques

BSBSMB404 Undertake small business planning

are from the BSB Business Services Training Package.

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Page 6: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

5. Licensing and franchise

Copyright of this material is reserved to the Crown in the right of the State of Victoria.

© State of Victoria (DET) 2018.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia licence available here.

You are free to use, copy and distribute to anyone in its original form as long as you attribute Higher Education and Skills Group, Department of Education and Training as the author and you license any derivative work you make available under the same licence.

Request for other use should be addressed to:

Executive DirectorIndustry Engagement and VET SystemsHigher Education and Skills GroupDepartment of Education and TrainingEmail: [email protected]

Copies of this publication can be downloaded free of charge from the DET website available here.

6. Course accrediting body

Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA)

7. AVETMISS information ANZSCO code – 6 digit Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations

232000 Architects, Designers, Planners and Surveyors

ASCED Code – 4 digit Field of Education

0401 Architecture and Urban Environment

National course code22477VIC

8. Period of accreditation 1 January 2019 – 31 December 2023

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Page 7: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

Section B: Course information

1. Nomenclature Standard 1 AQTF Standards for Accredited Courses

1.1 Name of the qualification Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)

1.2 Nominal duration of the course

2086 hours

2. Vocational or educational outcomes

Standard 1 AQTF Standards for Accredited Courses

2.1 Purpose of the course The 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) provides an accredited training program and vocational outcomes for a person to be employed as a building designer or draftsperson.

On completion of the 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) participants will have the skills and knowledge to design and develop architectural working drawings for the construction of residential, commercial and industrial buildings, thereby enabling them to:

interpret client needs through sketch and design interpret building legislation utilise technology to develop plans and documentation

for construction methods and specifications liaise with building surveyors and builders negotiate with local council understand probable cost comparisons process contract administration.

3. Development of the course

Standards 1 and 2 AQTF Standards for Accredited Courses

3.1 Industry/enterprise/community needs

Background The first Victorian accredited course for this vocation was developed and accredited on 1 January 2009 in response to the reduced capacity of the (then) South Australian curriculum to meet building industry developments within Victoria. Over time, the accredited course has evolved in parallel with industry and societal needs and is now undergoing its third reaccreditation with the VRQA.

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Page 8: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

Graduates of the 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) are likely to be employed as building designers, architectural assistants, building design assistants or architectural draftspersons. They may work in small and large building design, architectural and construction businesses, and apply their skill to residential and non-residential developments. Employment growth is also occurring within niche areas, such as commercial kitchen design.

Graduates may apply for registration to become registered building practitioners by the Victorian Building Authority (VBA), subject to meeting specified criteria. This qualification is the only qualification recognised by the VBA that leads to a registered outcome for this occupation and is cited within the Building Interim Regulations 2017.

Eligibility of the expired accredited course (22268VIC) within the VET Student Loans program implemented in 2017, evidences Federal Government support for the qualification, recognising the vocational outcome as having a high national priority, meeting industry need and aligning with real employment outcomes. It is assumed that Federal Government support for this accredited course will continue.

RegistrationThe VBA requires the attainment of the Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) as the minimum educational requirement for satisfying the knowledge required for registration as a draftsperson within the building design (architectural) category1. Evidence of at least two years of appropriate practical experience must also be demonstrated to satisfy the skill required for registration, as part of the Building Interim Regulations 2017 of Victoria2. At the time of document development, the proposed accredited course will sustain and facilitate a registered outcome for graduates seeking to practice in Victoria.

Community Building safety underpins the National Construction Code (NCC) and is of paramount importance to the community. Building designers have a seminal role in establishing building safety at the initial stage of the building supply chain. The unit VU22459 Design safe buildings is unique to this qualification and has been developed to address the application of safe design principles to control occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety (WHS) risk during building design, construction and use.

1 VBA Practitioner Guide, VBA, Dec 2017 p.3 2 VBA Practitioner Guide, VBA, Dec 2017 p.4

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Page 9: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

An emerging issue and important aspect of building related safety is material substitution compliance and knowledge of how to source information concerning materials performance.

A number of incidents related to material substitution have been cited in recent times that pose serious health and safety risks to the general public.

A Senate inquiry, initiated on 23 June 2015 in response to the Lacrosse apartment fire at Melbourne’s docklands (November 2014), drew attention to the use of combustible non-compliant external cladding and the role it played in contributing to the rapid vertical spread of fire3. Federal and State Governments have responded with a number of initiatives to ensure product and fire related safety issues are appropriately addressed.

The risks associated with material substitution and the use of non-conforming/non-compliant building products are high, and therefore it is vital that students understand how to locate and interpret product compliance information. It was decided to address this expressly as a ‘learning skill’ within the units, VU22457 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of residential buildings and VU22458 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of commercial buildings and as part of ‘required knowledge’ (refer to the nature of construction materials, including emerging technologies, and their effect on performance) within the unit, VU22464 Select construction materials for building projects.

Ministerial queries were received by the Victorian Department of Education and Training in late 2016 in response to a number of incidents reported by the media of deficient ‘protection work’ causing damage to adjoining properties during construction projects. A focused review of this practice was therefore undertaken as part of the reaccreditation process. The project steering committee (PSC) concluded that ‘protection work’ is sufficiently addressed within existing units as part of ‘siting requirements’, and noted that the topic is part of the building surveyor’s role in the planning phase of a construction project.

Limited land supply has intensified competition for residential housing and influenced the use of building design skills toward renovation and multi-storey development. Guidelines, such as the Liveable Housing Guidelines 2012 and the Better Apartment Design Standards 2017, have been introduced to ensure living standards are not compromised. All planning schemes in Victoria were amended regarding minimum standards in March 2017. Relevant units have been amended to include the use of Australian Standards within their respective range statements.

3 Non-confirming building products-interim report: aluminium composite cladding, Economics References Committee, Sep 2017,Ch2, p.5.

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Page 10: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

Industry Over the last five years macro-economic factors, such as low interest rates, subdued wages growth and a rising population have combined to drive expansion of the construction industry and consequent demand for architectural and drafting services.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data reveals the value of non-residential building approvals has trended upwards over the past five years.

Housing Industry Australia (HIA) reported record highs across Australia in 2016 for new home building4. For the first time ever, more apartments were built than houses in the December 2016 quarter.

Latest reports5 suggest the supply of housing is now closer to meeting demand, and that building activity will soften slightly in 2018, in the high rise living space, as a consequence. Overall demand for housing is still expected to remain at elevated levels however, as population growth continues to be buoyed by strong overseas migration.

Building activity related to established dwellings continues to be robust, with the value of renovation investment anticipated to reach $32.5 billion in 20186. This unprecedented building activity, coupled with relatively static enrolment figures, has created significant levels of competition for experienced draftspersons by architectural firms.

Recruitment difficulties have been reported in the states of Victoria and South Australia for architectural draftspersons, particularly for vacancies related to residential design projects7. In April 2017, a national shortage was reported for the related occupation of ‘architect’ (a traditional employer of architectural draftspersons) and added to the Skill Shortage List Australia from 18 August 2017.

The future of the domestic construction industry is strong in the short to medium term, with positive employment projections reported across all ANZSIC construction employment categories for five years to May 20228. The employment category of architectural, building and surveying technicians is expected to rise by 10% to 72,900 during that period9.

4 HIA Media Release, 28 May 2017

5 HIA National Outlook – A quarterly outlook on the housing and renovation industry, Summer Edition 2018.

6 HIA Media Release – Australia’s $31.4 billion home renovations market, 7 Oct 2016.

7 Labour Economics Office Victoria Department of Employment Victoria, Jan 2017 ANZSCO 312111 SA ‘Labour Market Report.


8 2017 Industry Employment Projections – five years to May 2022, Department of Employment.

9 2017 Occupational Projections – five years to May 2022, Department of Employment.

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Page 11: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

As these professions represent the beginning of the supply chain for construction activity, qualified and experienced personnel are required to adequately resource the workforce to avoid project delays and meet industry demand. Due to the supply of domestic graduates not fulfilling current industry demand, the occupation of architectural draftsperson (312111) was added to the Skilled Occupation List 2017-2018 by the Department of Immigration as part of their migrant visa programs.

Qualification reviewA suite of three building design qualifications were first developed within the CPP07 Property Services Training Package (release 9.0) in February 2012, at the Diploma, Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma levels. A fourth qualification at the Certificate IV level was introduced in March 2015, after the Victorian accredited course was developed in June 2014.

At the time of the accredited course development, the Skills Forecast that informs the National Schedule of Projects related to training package development for the property services industry (developed by Artibus Innovation – Skills Service Organisation) did not include the development of a new national qualification for building designers at Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level 6.

Review of the national register on VET in Australia’s website available here, confirms there is no AQF level 6 qualification in building design within the CPP Property Services Training Package (release 5.0) or the CPP07 Property Services Training Package (release 14.5).

The accredited course is the only Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) available in Australia. It is also the only qualification recognised by the VBA that provides the minimum registration requirements to operate as ‘draftsperson (architectural)’ for the State of Victoria.

Target group for the course A diverse range of participants undertake this course, they may include:

qualified tradespeople from related trades in the building and construction industry

existing workers in building design who wish to upgrade their current qualifications or apply for registration to become a registered building practitioner

students who have completed their Victorian Certificate of Education

mature age students seeking career change.

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Page 12: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

Course enrolmentsCourse enrolment data from 2014 to 2017 is displayed in Table 1.

Source: HESG, Department of Education and Training Victoria.

Table 1: Course enrolments

Year Government subsidised enrolments

Fee paying enrolments

Total enrolments

2014 262*1327

129 1718

2015 1261 364 1625

2016 1492 354 1846

2017 1388 325 1713

*Denotes enrolment figures for equivalent (superseded) accredited course, 21953VIC.

Ongoing demand for the course Artibus Innovation projects employment growth of 9% in the five years to 2019 for architectural, building and surveying technicians. As building design represents the beginning of the supply chain for construction activity, qualified and experienced personnel are required to adequately resource the workforce to avoid project delays and meet industry demand. This qualification assists in providing the required labour supply.

Course consultation and validation process PSC members represent the major stakeholders invested in the accredited course (refer to PSC composition). Trainers and assessors of the RTO network group, i.e. the Victorian Advanced Building Studies Network (VABSN) were represented by one PSC member. Building designers in industry were represented through the executive and PSC member from the Building Design Association of Victoria (BDAV). Key individual enterprises also held positions, from regional and metropolitan areas characterising businesses in terms of size, subject area specialty, and geographic region.

Consultation with the group involved:

email and telephone consultation to form the PSC and confirm draft content

a review of the skills and knowledge profile of an architectural draftsperson

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three PSC meetings held on 13 June 2017, 31 October 2017 and a teleconference on the 21 March 2018, to review and evaluate the course structure and content in reference to contemporary architectural drafting practices and the AQTF Standards for Accredited Courses 2007

one workshop with members of the VABSN to confirm draft unit amendments

two meetings with subject matter experts within the VABSN to review relevant draft unit amendments.

Review of course content was circulated via the PSC member representatives (both network and industry) to ensure maximum participation and input to potential course modification. Feedback was evaluated and included, where required.

Desktop reviews of current building and construction industry statistics and related building design research was also undertaken to support the development of the accredited course.

Project steering committeeThe reaccreditation of the course was guided by a PSC comprised of the following members:

Susan Gaylor, Victorian Building Authority Kate Bell, Building Design Association of Victoria Catherine Ciaverella, Victorian Advanced Building Studies

Network Alex Cornall, Cornall Building Design Tim Ellis, GLOW Design Group Geoff Hoare, Graaph Design Rhys Davies, Supernatural Group Jane Clancy, Swinburne University Wayne Ketchen, The Gordon

In attendance:

Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen Institute

Ms Susan Fechner, Project Officer, Building and Construction, Holmesglen Institute

The role of the PSC was to evaluate, confirm and validate the outcomes of the course review. The members also provided technical information throughout the project.

The outcomes of several national units were carefully considered by the PSC with respect to their potential relevance and application to the course context.

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Page 14: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

This course:

does not duplicate, by title or coverage, the outcomes of an endorsed training package qualification

is not a subset of a single training package qualification that could be recognised through one or more statements of attainment or a skill set

does not include units of competency additional to those in a training package qualification that could be recognised through statements of attainment in addition to the qualification

does not comprise units that duplicate units of competency of a training package qualification.

3.2 Review for reaccreditation

Course monitoring and evaluationA mid cycle review of the accredited course was undertaken from March to May 2016 to determine the relevance and currency of its outcomes to industry since reaccreditation in mid 2014. Data considered for analysis included course enrolments and survey responses from key user groups i.e. graduates, trainers and assessors and existing students of the course. A fourth survey was also distributed to industry via the BDAV.

Desktop research of trending information was also considered in the course review process, consisting of industry report evaluation, appraisal of current affairs issues and monitoring of employment advertisement skill needs.

Based on these findings, the PSC considered a number of areas for potential course improvement and determined the following:

the topics of architectural history, communication and negotiation, modular elements/prefabrication and small subdivisions and multi-dwelling development were represented within the curriculum at the appropriate standard and required no change

minor amendments were required to existing/relevant units to emphasise the topics of new building materials, the use of specification writing as a form of risk mitigation, and Building Information Modeling (BIM)

VU21599 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings should be updated to recognise the use of emerging materials and technologies, the application of town planning controls and BIM.

Changes in societal and community need compelled amendment to a range of units. Refer to section 3.1 for details.

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Page 15: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

The issue of introducing a work experience component within the course structure to enhance skill development was discussed at the first PSC meeting. It was unanimously agreed that cementing work experience within the course presented disadvantage to the student cohort.

Transition arrangementsThe 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) replaces and is equivalent to the 22268VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural). There can be no new enrolments in the 22268VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) after 31 December 2018.

Transition arrangements, tabled below (Table 2), map the units from the previous course to units from the current course.

Table 2: Transition arrangements

22268VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)

New course 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)

Comment/ Relationship

Unit code Unit title Unit code Unit title

VU21587 Undertake site survey and analysis to inform design process

VU22454 Undertake site survey and analysis to inform design process


VU21588 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings

VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings


VU21589 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings

VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings


VU21590 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of residential buildings

VU22457 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of residential buildings


VU21591 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of commercial buildings

VU22458 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of commercial buildings


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22268VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)

New course 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)

Comment/ Relationship

Unit code Unit title Unit code Unit title

VU21592 Design safe buildings

VU22459 Design safe buildings


VU21593 Design sustainable buildings

VU22460 Design sustainable buildings


VU21594 Integrate services layout into design documentation

VU22461 Integrate services layout into design documentation


VU21596 Produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings

VU22462 Produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings


VU21597 Produce working drawings for commercial buildings

VU22463 Produce preliminary and working drawings for commercial buildings


VU21598 Select construction materials for building projects

VU22464 Select construction materials for building projects


VU21599 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings

VU22465 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings


VU21600 Integrate digital applications into architectural workflows

VU22466 Integrate digital applications into architectural workflows


VU21601 Present architectural designs

VU22467 Present architectural designs


VU21602 Manage architectural project administration

VU22468 Manage architectural project administration


VU21603 Undertake complex architectural projects

VU22469 Undertake complex architectural projects


CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry

CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry


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Page 17: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

22268VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)

New course 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)

Comment/ Relationship

Unit code Unit title Unit code Unit title

BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning

BSBSMB404 Undertake small business planning


BSBPMG407A Apply risk management techniques

BSBPMG415 Apply project risk management techniques

Not Equivalent

VU21604 Conduct a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment

VU22470 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment

Not Equivalent

VU21605 Apply Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment to the design and construction process

VU22470 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment

Not Equivalent

4. Course outcomes Standards 1, 2, 3 and 4 AQTF Standards for Accredited Courses

4.1 Qualification level Reference: Standards 1, 2 and 3 AQTF Standards for Accredited CoursesThe outcomes of the 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) comply with the criteria of the AQF Advanced Diploma qualification type descriptor as defined by the AQF, Second Edition, January 2013.

KnowledgeGraduates of the 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) will have specialised and integrated technical and theoretical knowledge with depth within one or more fields of work and learning, such as:

demonstrating an understanding of specialised knowledge of structural and construction technology

employing a range of applications required in architectural workflows

applying the principles of sustainability and safety to building design, including the technical knowledge of selecting suitable construction materials.

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Page 18: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

SkillsGraduates of 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) will have a wide range of cognitive and communication skills, and specialised technical, creative or conceptual skills to select and apply methods and technologies to:

identify, analyse, synthesis and act on information from a range of sources, such as the NCC and relevant legislation

transfer specialised skills and knowledge to others, including clients, colleagues, architects and local council employees

formulate responses to complex problems to produce innovative and compliant design outcomes

express ideas and perspectives to promote shared understandings of project design, process and timeline requirements.

Application of skills and knowledgeGraduates of 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) will demonstrate the application of skills and knowledge:

with depth in areas of building legislation in changing residential, commercial and industrial sector contexts

with initiative and judgement in planning, design, technical or management functions related to building design projects

to adapt a range of fundamental construction principles and complex drafting techniques to established and new building design concepts

across a broad range of technical or management functions with accountability for personal outputs and personal and team outcomes within broad parameters, such as communicating and clarifying complex structures and layouts to a range of key stakeholders to gain building permit approval.

Volume of learningThe volume of learning for this qualification is typically 1.5 – 2 years and incorporates structured and unstructured learning activities. Structured activities may include reading text material, completing projects and assignments. Unstructured activities may include research, discussion with trainers and peers and investigating pathway options to independently develop and implement a learning plan appropriate to the achievement of desired learning goals.

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Page 19: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

4.2 Employability Skills Reference: Standard 4 AQTF Standards for Accredited CoursesThis course has been mapped to national Employability Skills. Refer to Appendix A for Employability Skills summary for this qualification.

4.3 Recognition given to the course(if applicable)

Reference: Standard 5 AQTF Standards for Accredited CoursesGraduates seeking to register as a building practitioner and practice as a sole practitioner in Victoria must satisfy the requirements set out by the VBA for the category of Building Design DP-AD (Architectural).

Current registration requirements are available here.

Professional development Participants undertaking this qualification, or part thereof, are expected to continue to develop their professional skills and knowledge through partaking in relevant and contemporary formal/informal training activities. Membership of relevant professional associations could also assist in enhancing professional practice.

4.4 Licensing/ regulatory requirements(if applicable)

Reference: Standard 5 AQTF Standards for Accredited CoursesParticipants who visit a construction site will require a Construction Induction Card (CIC) issued by WorkSafe Victoria.

Further information is available here.

There are no other licensing requirements for this course.

5. Course rules Standards 2, 6, 7 and 9 AQTF Standards for Accredited Courses

5.1 Course structure To be awarded the 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) all 20 units of competency must be achieved.

All units are core to provide a consistent outcome for graduates with skills that allow for broad employment opportunities.

Participants who exit the program without completing all of the required units will receive a statement of attainment identifying those units that they have achieved.

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Unit of competency code

Field of Education code (six-digit)

Unit of competency title Pre-requisite

Nominal hours

Core units

VU22454 040199 Undertake site survey and analysis to inform design process

Nil 40

VU22455 040199 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings

Nil 180

VU22456 040199 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings

Nil 120

VU22457 040199 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of residential buildings

Nil 50

VU22458 040199 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of commercial buildings

Nil 60

VU22459 040199 Design safe buildings Nil 40

VU22460 040199 Design sustainable buildings

Nil 90

VU22461 040199 Integrate services layout into design documentation

Nil 40

VU22462 040199 Produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings

Nil 180

VU22463 040199 Produce preliminary and working drawings for commercial buildings

Nil 180

VU22464 040199 Select construction materials for building projects

Nil 60

VU22465 040199 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings

Nil 200

VU22466 040199 Integrate digital applications into architectural workflows

Nil 240

VU22467 040199 Present architectural designs

Nil 120

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Unit of competency code

Field of Education code (six-digit)

Unit of competency title Pre-requisite

Nominal hours

VU22468 040199 Manage architectural project administration

Nil 60

VU22469 040199 Undertake complex architectural projects

Nil 280

VU22470 040199 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment

Nil 50

CPCCWHS1001 061301 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry

Nil 6

BSBSMB404 080301 Undertake small business planning

Nil 50

BSBPMG415 080315 Apply project risk management techniques

Nil 40

Total nominal hours 2086

5.2 Entry requirements Reference: Standard 9 AQTF Standards for Accredited CoursesThere are no entry requirements for the 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural).

The following is a general guide to the learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy skills of learners aligned to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), details of which can be accessed here.

Applicants for the 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) are best equipped to successfully undertake the qualification if they have a demonstrated capacity in learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy to level 3 of the ACSF. Learners with language, literacy and numeracy skills at lower levels than those suggested will require additional support to successfully undertake the qualification.

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6. Assessment Standards 10 and 12 AQTF Standards for Accredited Courses

6.1 Assessment strategy Reference: Standard 10 AQTF Standards for Accredited CoursesAll assessment, including recognition of prior learning (RPL), must be compliant with the requirements of: Standard 1 of the AQTF: Essential Conditions and

Standards for Initial/Continuing Registration and Guidelines 4.1 and 4.2 of the VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers, OR

the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 (SRTOs), OR

the relevant standards and guidelines for RTOs at the time of assessment.

These standards ensure that the assessment strategies meet the requirement of the course.

Assessment must be consistent with the conditions and method of assessment specified in each unit.

Assessment methods and collection of evidence will involve application of skills and knowledge to building design/drafting workplaces or simulated environments.

All assessment activities will be related to a building design context.

It is recommended that the assessment strategy for the 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) include a range of assessment methods, such as: observation of tasks in real or simulated work

conditions, with questioning to confirm knowledge of building specifications and required documentation

direct questioning research projects practical assessment in the development of a set of

working drawings sketches and digitally generated images for the

presentation of a design concept portfolio of documentation for an architectural project,

including preliminary drawings and design images.

Assessment strategies for imported units from training packages should be consistent with the assessment requirements/evidence guides for the relevant training packages.

While there is no compulsory workplace assessment for the qualification, assessment for the unit VU22470 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment, is required to be conducted ‘on-site’.

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6.2 Assessor competencies

Reference: Standard 12 AQTF Standards for Accredited Courses Assessment must be undertaken by a person or persons in accordance with: Standard 1.4 of the AQTF: Essential Conditions and

Standards for Initial/Continuing Registration and Guideline 3 of the VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers, OR

the SRTOs 2015, OR the relevant standards and guidelines for RTOs at the

time of assessment.

All assessment of units imported from training packages must reflect the requirements for assessors specified in the relevant training packages.

7. Delivery Standards 11 and 12 AQTF Standards for Accredited Courses

7.1 Delivery modes Reference: Standard 11 AQTF Standards for Accredited Courses The course may be offered on a full or part-time basis. Participants should be exposed to real-work environments and examples/case studies where possible. OHS/WHS and environmental factors must be incorporated and reinforced at every opportunity.

Delivery strategies should recognise the nature of the units and the learning styles of the participants. Some units may address common content, therefore integration may be appropriate.

The objective of the course is to develop practical competencies within an industry context. Practical demonstrations in the form of realistic, holistic projects that provide participants with a sense of ‘real-work’ experience are considered most suitable to achieving this aim. Exercises and assignments are also deemed suitable.

Delivery of units of competency may involve a blended delivery mode, including: workshops individual assignments team-based assignments applied learning in the workplace or simulated building

design/drafting environment.

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Learners may be supported through: online (internet, social media, email and telephony) face-to-face conferencing, mentoring and interviews ad hoc arrangements, and regular progress monitoring,

particularly for practical work.

Delivery of units of competency imported from training packages should be contextualised to the building design/drafting environment, whilst ensuring that the delivery guidelines are adhered to.

7.2 Resources Reference: Standard 12 AQTF Standards for Accredited Courses Training must be undertaken by a person or persons in accordance with:

Standard 1.4 of the AQTF: Essential Conditions and Standards for Initial/Continuing Registration and Guideline 3 of the VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers, OR

the SRTOs 2015, OR the relevant standards and guidelines for RTOs at the

time of assessment.

Resources include:

hardware devices, such as: computers scanners digitisers printers/plotters digital projectors/display devices external storage devices workstation platform.

digital software, which could include: BIM and integrated BIM software applications design documentation software graphic development and/or editing software internet and network communication platforms multimedia, animation and rendering software.

basic surveying equipment, including levels hand sketching materials materials for model building internet access relevant legislation as defined in the range statement.

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8. Pathways and articulation

Standard 8 AQTF Standards for Accredited Courses

This qualification comprises three nationally endorsed units of competency from the following training packages: BSB Business Services CPC Construction, Plumbing and Services.

Participants who successfully complete any of these units will gain credit transfer in relation to qualifications that contain them.

There are no formal articulation arrangements in place at the time of accreditation.

9. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation

Standard 13 AQTF Standards for Accredited Courses

The Curriculum Maintenance Manager, Building Industries is responsible for the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the 22477VIC Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural).

Formal course evaluations will be undertaken halfway through the accreditation period.

Any significant changes to the course resulting from course monitoring and evaluation procedures will be reported to the VRQA through a formal amendment process.

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Section C — Units of competency

VU22454 Undertake site survey and analysis to inform design process...............................24

VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings...............................................................................................................................................31

VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings...............................................................................................................................................42

VU22457 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of residential buildings...................53

VU22458 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of commercial buildings.................58

VU22459 Design safe buildings.............................................................................................63

VU22460 Design sustainable buildings..................................................................................71

VU22461 Integrate services layout into design documentation.............................................81

VU22462 Produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings.....................88

VU22463 Produce preliminary and working drawings for commercial buildings...................96

VU22464 Select construction materials for building projects...............................................103

VU22465 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings......................110

VU22466 Integrate digital applications into architectural workflows....................................121

VU22467 Present architectural designs...............................................................................128

VU22468 Manage architectural project administration........................................................134

VU22469 Undertake complex architectural projects............................................................143

VU22470 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment............151

The following is a list of imported units of competency for this course, which can be downloaded from the national register here:

CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry

BSBSMB404 Undertake small business planning

BSBPMG415 Apply project risk management techniques

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VU22454 Undertake site survey and analysis to inform design process

Unit code and title VU22454 Undertake site survey and analysis to inform design process

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to undertake a site survey and a site analysis for residential and commercial building projects.

It includes the use of basic surveying equipment, recording and interpretation of data, and evaluation of, and compliance with relevant legislation.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required by building designers to undertake a basic site survey and a site analysis for building projects within the context of relevant legislation.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Prepare to carry out a measured survey

1.1 Relevant information and documentation is collected prior to undertaking survey.

1.2 On-site occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety (WHS) hazards are identified, controls implemented and appropriate documentation completed, according to workplace safety procedures.

1.3 Levelling equipment is identified and inspected for damage, wear and serviceability.

2 Undertake a site analysis and record site and building information

2.1 Relationship of site to adjoining properties and surrounding environment is identified and recorded to establish the context of the development.

2.2 Physical characteristics and local climate conditions of the site are noted and recorded for consideration in the design of the building.

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VU22454 Undertake site survey and analysis to inform design process


2.3 Field sketches are produced which accurately record site and building elements in plan, elevation and section.

2.4 Field sketch data is transferable to accurate, scaled measured drawing format.

2.5 Digital images of relevant site and building elements are taken, where required, to assist in the development of accurate scaled measured drawings.

3 Measure and record linear distances on-site using basic surveying equipment

3.1 Distances are measured accurately using basic surveying equipment.

3.2 Overall distances are accurately calculated from field data.

4 Interpret and apply data from a site survey to determine horizontal and vertical angles

4.1 Collate site analysis data to determine site features, existing conditions and levels.

4.2 Preliminary levels are determined both horizontal and vertical angles to inform initial design processes.

4.3 Results are recorded according to workplace procedures.

5 Plot contours and cut and fill

5.1 Spot level values are used to interpolate contour lines, which are plotted accurately in plan.

5.2 Cut and fill batters are calculated and accurately plotted in plan and section.

6 Produce measured drawings and documentation for existing conditions

6.1 Measured drawings and site details are developed from site survey and site analysis data.

6.2 Measured drawings and site details are produced to scale, accurately depicting site and building elements, and within accepted time frames and to industry standards.

6.3 Documentation is completed in compliance with the relevant legislation and guidelines.

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VU22454 Undertake site survey and analysis to inform design process


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm requirements and share information with internal and external personnel, where required

read and interpret:o field data/geo digital databaseso reportso site plano land titleo specificationso working drawingso project requirementso organisational procedures

use language and concepts appropriate to industry conventions Written skills to:

accurately record and interpret site measurements and other data to industry standards

produce field sketches Numeracy skills to apply measurements and calculations Problem solving skills to interpret reports, working drawings and specifications Planning and organisational skills to:

collect, organise and analyse information for site analysis prepare equipment for site survey

Technological skills to: complete documentation and calculations use basic survey equipment

Work safely in a design drafting working environment and on a site according to relevant legislation and workplace policies and procedures

Required knowledge: Specifications and capabilities of basic surveying equipment and application Australian Drawing Standards/other industry standards related to the production of

measured drawings Process for the administration and preparation of working drawings, specifications and

other relevant documentation Workplace OHS/WHS procedures and documentation

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VU22454 Undertake site survey and analysis to inform design process


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Relevant information and documentation includes:

planning scheme: environmental heritage

field/geo digital data maps site plan title project requirements organisational procedures.

Occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety (WHS) hazards include:

existing vegetation manual handling surveying equipment underground services uneven ground.

Workplace safety procedures include:

safe work method statement construction induction card hazard identification and control procedures.

Surrounding environment includes:

building levels built form and character of adjacent development heritage characteristics location and height of walls built to the site boundary location and use of adjacent buildings/fenestration and

other features significant trees and vegetation on adjoining properties

and in the public realm street frontage features, such as service poles, street

trees, kerb crossovers, bus stops and other services views, private open spaces and solar access of

neighbouring properties.

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VU22454 Undertake site survey and analysis to inform design process

Physical characteristics include:

access and connection points contours and geotechnical conditions, where appropriate drainage and services existing buildings fences, boundaries and easements noise sources orientation views from the site.

Local climate conditions include:

aspect wind direction topography micro climates.

Basic surveying equipment includes:

dumpy levels tilting level automatic level total stations chains and tapes theodolites Global Positioning System (GPS).

Relevant legislation may include:

Acts and ordinance Regulations NCC series:

Building Code of Australia (BCA), Volume 1 and 2

Plumbing Code of Australia, Volume 3 Australian Standards practice and technical notes.

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VU22454 Undertake site survey and analysis to inform design process


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate building design workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: comply with organisational policies and procedures,

including OHS/WHS undertake a basic site survey and a detailed site analysis

for residential building and/or commercial building projects, in compliance with the applicable local government authority and relevant legislation

produce measured drawings and other documentation detailing site information and building elements as determined by the project requirements, organisational procedures and in compliance with the applicable local government authority.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of essential required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant legislation and guidelines.

Resource implications for assessment include: realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the mandatory

task requirements relevant specifications and documentation, including

land title, site plan, working drawings and specifications measuring and levelling equipment the BCA and relevant Australian Standards.

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VU22454 Undertake site survey and analysis to inform design process

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should:

reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with workplace tasks and job roles

be transferable to other circumstances and environments relate to a number of performances assessed on

different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

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VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings

Unit code and title VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings.

It requires compliance with state legislation and the provisions for Building Code of Australia (BCA) Classes 1 and 10 and relevant Australian Standards as they apply to the structural and construction components of a residential building.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required to apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings, which comply with current legal responsibilities of building designers for construction methods. The outcomes of this unit do not cover the required skills and knowledge for the application of structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings, which are addressed in the unit, VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Apply the legislative requirements for the design of residential buildings

1.1 Relevant state legislation impacting on design and construction is investigated and interpreted for a residential building.

1.2 Relevant sections of the BCA and Australian Standards are researched and applied to the structural and construction principles of residential buildings.

1.3 Local government planning and construction regulations are investigated and interpreted for the design and construction of a residential building.

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VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings


2 Investigate site 2.1 Site is investigated to plan site preparation, which incorporates design intent and statutory requirements.

2.2 Existing site conditions and design and construction elements are analysed to establish site impact on structural elements.

2.3 Termite risk management is assessed and implemented according to the relevant legislation.

2.4 Specifications for footing and slab construction design are specified and recorded in all supporting documentation, in compliance with current standards.

3 Analyse and apply construction techniques and/or methodologies

3.1 Structural systems are analysed and construction methodologies are applied to solve construction system and design issues.

3.2 Structural principles are integrated into the building fabric to accommodate materials and finishes, according to relevant standards and design intent.

3.3 Alternative approaches to the construction of residential buildings are considered to accommodate special conditions and in accordance with relevant standards and design intent.

3.4 Construction sequencing and attendance of trades is identified to ensure efficient building processes.

3.5 Design solutions are developed and sketched and/or documented using performance-based solutions.

4 Specify requirements for framing

4.1 Timber wall, floor and roof framing systems are designed and detailed in accordance with timber framing code and with consultation with engineer, if required.

4.2 Bracing and tie-down system is designed and detailed to meet structural requirements.

4.3 Steel framing systems are identified and detailed in accordance with construction practices.

4.4 Framing requirements, including all fixings and materials are specified and details documented.

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VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings


5 Specify requirements for masonry

5.1 Unreinforced and reinforced masonry systems are identified and detailed for the construction of internal and external walls in compliance with the relevant legislation.

5.2 Details of weatherproofing are indicated to meet relevant Australian Standards.

6 Specify requirements for safety, health and amenity

6.1 Statutory requirements for fire separation are researched and incorporated into design to provide separation and means of escape, in compliance with the relevant legislation.

6.2 Wet area materials and sealing of wall and flooring junctions are specified and details documented.

6.3 Facilities and room heights are designed and documented in accordance with the relevant legislation.

6.4 Opportunities for natural light and ventilation are considered and mechanical air handling systems for heating, cooling and ventilation are selected on the basis of efficiency and performance.

6.5 Sound insulation materials are selected for sound transmission for walls and penetrations and in accordance with the relevant legislation.

6.6 The provisions for safe movement and access, including disabled access, are designed in accordance with the relevant legislation.

6.7 Building insulation levels, glazing requirements and ventilation are analysed to determine energy usage.

7 Specify requirements for finishes and services

7.1 Details for claddings, linings, finishes and coatings are specified in accordance with the relevant legislation.

7.2 Joinery fabrication and installations are selected and details of materials and finishes are documented.

7.3 Provisions for the installation and connection of services are specified in accordance with the relevant legislation.

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VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills:

Communication skills to: enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm

requirements and share information with internal and external personnel, where required

read and interpret:o construction drawings and specificationso state regulatory authority requirementso Australian Standardso relevant sections of the BCAo relevant legislation

use language, terminology and concepts appropriate to industry conventions Written skills to:

accurately document construction specifications prepare documentation to an accepted industry standard document construction specifications to mitigate project risks

Numeracy skills to apply measurements and calculations to construction systems Problem solving skills to:

interpret relevant legislation for the design and construction of a residential building apply construction techniques and methodologies to the intent of the design specify requirements for construction standards and practices select structural members according to project or specification requirements

Initiative and enterprise skills to: combine materials into workable construction systems analyse site conditions to establish specifications resolve construction and design issues with regard to structural systems work with relevant consultants/consultant documentation

Planning and organisational skills to collect, organise and analyse information for: the interpretation of legislation the development of building design and specifications

Technological skills to complete documentation and calculations Self management skills to enable construction specifications to be completed within

designated time frame Teamwork skills during consultation with, and coordination of, internal and external

personnel Work safely in a design drafting working environment and on a site according to

legislation and workplace policies and procedures

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VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings

Required knowledge:

Structural components and construction methodologies and related terminology The application of the principles of construction of residential buildings The characteristics, performance and application of construction materials Working drawings and specifications for the design of residential buildings Effects of legislative requirements for residential buildings on the design approval

process Integration of services in a residential building design Statutory requirements for fire separation Specifications for a residential building providing optimum safety, health and amenity

for users


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Structural and construction principles includes:

construction methods, standards and services in compliance with relevant legislation and design specifications, such as: compatibility of structural elements differential movement effects of deflection effects of shrinkage effects of wind integration of elements and/or systems principles of beams and column design solution of force systems behaviour of structural materials thermal expansion and contraction timber framing design connection details

types and behaviour of loads.

Local government planning and construction regulations includes:

occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety (WHS)

relevant Australian Standards town planning Victorian Code for Residential Development.

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VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings

Site preparation includes: access batter/gradients earthworks and/or cut and fill existing services interpretation of topographical features orientation platforms retaining walls soil classification stormwater surface and subsoil drainage termite risk management trenches.

Existing site conditions and design and construction elements include:

adjacent property building design construction systems integration with building fabric properties of concrete and steel reinforcing set out soil conditions structural adequacy topography.

Relevant legislation may include:

Acts and ordinance Regulations National Construction Code series:

BCA, Volume 1 and 2 Plumbing Code of Australia, Volume 3

Australian Standards practice and technical notes.

Structural systems may include, but are not limited to:

bracing and tie-down columns, beams and lintels composite structures concrete footing and slab systems suspended floors connection methods and systems masonry (solid and cavity) reinforcement types and placement timber floor, wall and roof framing.

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VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings

Structural principles include:

forces loads stresses and strains.

Special conditions include: alpine conditions altitude bushfire hazards cyclone categories local wind loads other conditions relevant to specific local conditions seismic activity.

Timber wall, floor and roof framing includes:

composition of natural and manufactured timber products

connection principles and methodologies floor framing design of floor framing layouts provision for and inclusion of bracing and tie-down and

services roof framing:

connections conventional roofing systems truss design truss layout

stress grading wall framing:

allowance for linings and finishes calculation of sizes configuration of composite timber structures jointing systems wind loads.

Bracing and tie-down includes:

calculation of bracing requirements calculation of tie-down requirements calculation of wind loads creation of bracing schedules in accordance with

accepted industry standards creation of tie-down schedules provision of tie-down requirements and construction

systems selection of suitable bracing to meet requirements and

construction system(s).

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VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings

Steel framing systems include:

basic portal frame cold formed steel framing systems hot rolled steel members, e.g. columns, beams.

Unreinforced and reinforced masonry systems include:

aerated autoclaved concrete articulation blockwork brick or block veneers expansion joints and proprietary items jointing load bearing brickwork non-loading brickwork mortars piers shrinkage ventilation bonding.

Weatherproofing includes: damp proof courses and flashings drainage sub-floor ventilation agricultural drainage waterproof retaining walls ventilation width of cavity.

Statutory requirements for fire separation includes:

class of building concrete, blockwork, brickwork AAC, lightweight

construction, e.g. plasterboard fire resistance levels fire source features fire stairs and isolated stairs housing in bushfire areas according to regional

regulations multi-residential timber-framed construction non-combustible materials paths of travel protection of openings sole occupancy units.

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VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings

Safe movement and access include:

access for maintenance, including: roof access built-in provision of roof hatch ladders walk platforms roof mounted services fall arrest systems

adequate lighting for daily use and emergencies balustrade handrails stair tread nosings stairs construction swimming pool fencing tactile indicators.

Joinery fabrication and installations include:

cupboards kitchen benching window and door frames.

Services include: air-conditioning/climate control communication systems electricity gas mechanical ventilation sewerage and drainage water.

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Page 44: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate building design workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: comply with legislative requirements applicable to the

design of residential buildings apply the principles of structural and construction to the

design of residential buildings in compliance with the applicable local government authority, relevant legislation and the BCA

develop specifications for structural components of a residential building and the requirements for safe and healthy use of the building.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of essential required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant legislation.

Resource implications for assessment include: realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the

mandatory task requirements relevant specifications and documentation, including

land title, site plan, working drawings and specifications and relevant legislation

research resources, including industry-related information.

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Page 45: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should: reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with

workplace tasks and job roles be transferable to other circumstances and environments relate to a number of performances assessed on

different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Assessment methods may include: observation of tasks in real or simulated work conditions,

with questioning to confirm knowledge of construction technology

case study of best practice for a specific building project report detailing recommended performance-based

solutions to a design problem for a residential building.

Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.

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Page 46: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings

Unit code and title VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings.

It requires compliance with state legislation and the provisions for Building Code of Australia (BCA) Classes 2 to 9 and relevant Australian Standards as they apply to the structural and construction components of a commercial building.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required for building designers to apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings and includes compliance with current legal responsibilities of building designers for construction methods. The outcomes of this unit do not cover the required skills and knowledge for the application of structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings, which are addressed in the unit, VU22455 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of residential buildings.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Apply the regulatory requirements for the design of commercial buildings

1.1 Relevant legislation impacting on design and construction is investigated and interpreted for a commercial building.

1.2 Relevant sections of the BCA and Australian Standards are researched and applied to the structural and construction principles of commercial buildings.

1.3 Local government planning and construction regulations are investigated and interpreted for the design and construction of a commercial building.

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VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings


2 Investigate site 2.1 Site features and available services are identified to plan site preparation to inform the design intent and for preparation of documentation.

2.2 Soil engineer’s report is interpreted to determine specifications for footing systems appropriate for foundation design.

2.3 Environmental issues impacting on the site are identified and controlled according to regulatory requirements.

3 Analyse and apply construction techniques and/or methodologies

3.1 Structural systems are analysed and construction methodologies are applied to solve construction system and design issues.

3.2 Structural principles are integrated into the building fabric to accommodate materials and finishes, according to relevant standards and design intent.

3.3 Alternative approaches to the construction of commercial buildings are considered to accommodate special conditions and in accordance with relevant standards and design intent.

3.4 Scope of work and performance requirements are determined and documented according to project requirements.

4 Specify structural requirements

4.1 Timber wall, floor and roof framing systems are designed and detailed in accordance with timber framing code and with consultation with engineer, if required.

4.2 Bracing and tie-down system is designed and detailed to meet structural requirements.

4.3 Steel framing systems are identified and detailed in accordance with construction practices.

4.4 Framing requirements, including all fixings and materials are specified and details documented.

4.5 Unreinforced and reinforced masonry systems are identified and detailed for the construction of internal and external walls in compliance with the relevant legislation.

4.6 Details of weatherproofing are indicated to meet relevant Australian Standards.

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VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings


5 Comply with fire resistance requirements

5.1 Building is designed to maintain structural stability and provide safeguards in the event of fire.

5.2 Specifications for building design comply with statutory requirements for fire separation and relevant legislation.

6 Specify requirements for safety, health and amenity

6.1 Wet area materials and sealing of wall and flooring junctions are specified and details documented.

6.2 Facilities and room heights are designed and documented in accordance with the relevant legislation.

6.3 Opportunities for natural light and ventilation are considered and mechanical air handling systems for heating, cooling and ventilation are selected on the basis of efficiency and performance.

6.4 Sound insulation materials are selected for sound transmission for walls and penetrations and in accordance with the relevant legislation.

6.5 The provisions for safe movement and access are designed in accordance with the relevant legislation.

6.6 Building insulation levels, glazing requirements and ventilation are analysed to determine energy usage.

7 Specify requirements for construction

7.1 Details for claddings, linings, finishes and coatings are specified in accordance with the relevant legislation.

7.2 Joinery fabrication and installations are selected and details of materials and finishes are documented.

7.3 Provisions for the installation and connection of services are specified in accordance with the relevant legislation.

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Page 49: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills:

Communication skills to: enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm

requirements and share information with internal and external personnel, where required

read and interpret:o construction drawings and specificationso state regulatory authority requirementso Australian Standardso relevant sections of the BCAo other relevant legislationo reports prepared by specialised personnel

use language, terminology and concepts appropriate to industry conventions Written skills to:

accurately document construction specifications document construction specifications to mitigate project risks prepare documentation to an accepted industry standard

Numeracy skills to apply measurements and calculations to construction systems Problem solving skills to:

interpret relevant legislation for the design and construction of a commercial building apply construction techniques and methodologies to the intent of the design specify requirements for construction standards and practices select structural members according to project or specification requirements

Initiative and enterprise skills to: combine materials into workable construction systems analyse site conditions to establish specifications resolve construction and design issues with regard to structural systems work with relevant consultants/consultant documentation

Planning and organisational skills to collect, organise and analyse information for: the interpretation of legislation the development of building design and specifications

Technological skills to complete documentation and calculations Self management skills to enable construction specifications to be completed within

designated time frame Teamwork skills during consultation with, and coordination of, internal and external

personnel Work safely in a design drafting working environment and on a site according to

legislation and workplace policies and procedures

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Page 50: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings

Required knowledge: Structural components and construction methodologies and related terminology The principles of construction of commercial buildings The characteristics, performance and application of construction materials Working drawings and specifications for the design of commercial buildings Effects of legislative requirements on the design approval process Integration of services in a building design Statutory requirements for fire separation for commercial buildings Specifications for a commercial building providing optimum safety, health and amenity

for users


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Relevant legislation may include:

Acts and ordinance Regulations National Construction Code series:

BCA, Volume 1 and 2 Plumbing Code of Australia, Volume 3

Australian Standards practice and technical notes.

Structural and construction principles include:

construction methods, standards and services in compliance with relevant legislation and design specifications, such as: compatibility of structural elements differential movement effects of deflection effects of shrinkage effects of wind integration of elements and/or systems principles of beams and column design solution of force systems behaviour of structural materials thermal expansion and contraction timber framing design connection details types and behaviour of loads.

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Page 51: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings

Local government planning and construction regulations include:

occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety (WHS)

relevant Australian Standards town planning.

Site preparation includes: access batter/gradients earthworks and/or cut and fill existing services interpretation of topographical features orientation platforms retaining walls soil classification stormwater surface and subsoil drainage termite risk management trenches.

Footing systems include: bored piers dewatering driven piles ground stabilisation pad and pedestal footings pier and beam raft slabs retaining walls tanking.

Structural systems may include, but is not limited to:

bracing and tie-down columns, beams and lintels composite structures concrete footing and slab systems connection methods and systems masonry (solid and cavity) non-structural systems:

cladding systems which must include environmental components, such as water harvesting and shading/screening devices

reinforcement types and placement suspended floors timber floor, wall and roof framing.

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Page 52: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings

Structural principles include:

forces loads stresses and strains.

Special conditions include:

altitude bushfire hazards local wind loads other conditions relevant to specific local conditions seismic activity.

Scope of work includes: characteristics compatibility dimensions location patterns quantities sizes surfaces type of products/services.

Performance requirements include:

cost detail relating to availability of material heritage factors nominated subcontractors provision of site access/facilities quality assurance standard procedures standards of work work schedules.

Timber wall, floor and roof framing includes:

composition of natural and manufactured timber products connection principles and methodologies floor framing:

design of floor framing layouts provision for and inclusion of bracing and tie-down and

services roof framing:

truss design truss layout conventional roofing systems connections allowance for roofing

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VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings

stress grading wall framing:

wind loads calculation of sizes configuration of composite timber structures jointing systems

allowance for linings and finishes.

Bracing and tie-down includes:

calculation of bracing requirements calculation of tie-down requirements calculation of wind loads creation of bracing schedules in accordance with

accepted industry standards creation of tie-down schedules provision of tie-down requirements and construction

systems selection of suitable bracing to meet requirements and

construction system(s).

Steel framing systems include:

basic portal frame cold formed steel framing systems hot rolled steel members, e.g. columns, beams.

Unreinforced and reinforced masonry systems include:

aerated autoclaved concrete articulation blockwork brick or block veneers expansion joints and proprietary items jointing load bearing brickwork non-loading brickwork mortars piers shrinkage ventilation bonding.

Weatherproofing includes: damp proof courses and flashings drainage ventilation width of cavity.

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Page 54: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings

Safeguards include: design that allows for: avoiding damage to other buildings fire brigade intervention safe evacuation of the building.

Statutory requirements for fire separation include:

fire resistance levels fire source features class of building multi-residential timber-framed construction concrete, blockwork, brickwork AAC, lightweight

construction, e.g. plasterboard protection of openings sole occupancy units paths of travel fire stairs and isolated stairs non-combustible materials housing in bushfire areas according to regional


Safe movement and access include:

access for maintenance, including: roof access built-in provision of roof hatch ladders walk platforms roof mounted services fall arrest systems

adequate lighting for daily use and emergencies balustrade handrails stair tread nosings stairs construction swimming pool fencing tactile indicators.

Joinery fabrication and installations include:

cupboards kitchen benching window and door frames.

Services include: air-conditioning communication systems electricity gas mechanical ventilation sewerage and drainage.

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Page 55: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate building design workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: comply with legislative requirements applicable to the

design of commercial buildings apply the principles of structural and construction to the

design of commercial buildings in compliance with the applicable local government authority, relevant legislation and the BCA

develop specifications for structural components of a commercial building.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of essential required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant legislation.

Resource implications for assessment include: realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the

mandatory task requirements relevant specifications and documentation, including

land title, site plan, working drawings and specifications and relevant legislation

appropriate support materials research resources, including industry-related


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Page 56: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22456 Apply structural and construction technology to the design of commercial buildings

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should: reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with

workplace tasks and job roles be transferable to other circumstances and

environments relate to a number of performances assessed on

different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Assessment methods may include: observation of tasks in real or simulated work

conditions, with questioning to confirm knowledge of construction technology

case study of best practice for a specific building project report detailing recommended performance-based

solutions to a design problem for a residential building.

Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.

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Page 57: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22457 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of residential buildings

Unit code and title VU22457 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of residential buildings

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to access, interpret and apply relevant legislation to the design of residential buildings.

It includes the ability to apply a range of design solutions for residential buildings (Building Code of Australia (BCA) Classes 1 and 10), in compliance with the BCA and make recommendations for alternative solutions, as required. It requires thorough knowledge of the purpose and content of the BCA.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required for building designers to apply relevant legislation to the design of residential buildings and includes compliance with current legal responsibilities of building designers. The outcomes of this unit do not cover the required skills and knowledge for compliance with codes and standards in the design of commercial buildings, which are covered in the unit, VU22458 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of commercial buildings.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Classify buildings 1.1 The nature of a building is determined according to use and arrangement.

1.2 The criteria of the BCA are determined to apply the defined classification.

1.3 BCA requirements for classifications are identified and interpreted.

2 Access and interpret relevant code and other legislative requirements

2.1 Victorian building regulations are referenced in relation to the hierarchy of legislation.

2.2 Relevant performance requirements and provisions are determined from the National Construction Code (NCC) that applies to residential buildings.

2.3 Australian Standards are accessed and interpreted.

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Page 58: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22457 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of residential buildings

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Page 59: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22457 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of residential buildings


3 Analyse and apply a range of solutions to a design problem

3.1 Alternative solutions to a construction or design problem that comply with the requirements of the BCA are discussed and proposed in accordance with company policies and procedures.

3.2 Assessment methods referenced in the BCA are analysed to determine whether a construction or design solution complies with performance requirements or Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) provisions of the BCA.

3.3 Performance-based solutions are identified and documented in accordance with the BCA.

3.4 Relevant documentation is identified and completed according to the requirements of relevant legislation.


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm requirements and share information with internal and external personnel, where required

read and interpret complex documents, including:o relevant legislationo site planso the BCAo specificationso working drawings

use language and concepts appropriate to industry conventions Written skills to document design solutions and other workplace documentation Numeracy skills to apply measurements and calculations Problem solving skills to design concepts and principles in accordance with the BCA,

namely BCA Classes 1 and 10 Planning and organisational skills to collect, organise and analyse information from

relevant legislation Teamwork skills when working with internal and external personnel Technological skills to complete documentation and calculations Learning skills to:

maintain professional currency, memberships and networks source current information regarding materials performance and its application

Work safely in a design drafting working environment and on a site according to legislation and workplace policies and procedures

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Page 60: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22457 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of residential buildings

Required knowledge: Legal responsibilities and obligations of building designers Basic design principles and the behaviour of structures under stress, strain,

compression, bending or combined actions BCA performance hierarchy Definitions and common technical terms or usage specified under general provisions of

the BCA Understanding of the BCA in relation to BCA Classes 1 and 10 Understanding of the BCA in relation to building types, applications and limitations General nature of materials and the effects of performance Relevant Australian Standards and guidelines Relevant legislative and occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety

(WHS) requirements, codes and practices


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Assessment methods include:

specifications and definitions in the BCA for: comparison with DTS provisions evidence of suitability expert judgment verification methods.

Performance requirements include:

performance-based contractual requirements that must be fulfilled by any party

those contained within other legislation applicable to a specific project

those determined to be relevant to a specific project according to the BCA

Relevant legislation may include:

Acts and ordinance Regulations NCC series:

BCA, Volume 1 and 2 Plumbing Code of Australia, Volume 3

Australian Standards practice and technical notes.

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Page 61: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22457 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of residential buildings


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate building design workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: apply organisational policies and procedures, including

OHS/WHS and quality assurance requirements, where applicable

interpret the building hierarchy of legislation and the associated compliance requirements

access, interpret and apply codes, standards and guidelines to the design of a specific residential building project

recommend alternative solutions to a design or construction problem in accordance with relevant legislation.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant legislation.

Resource implications for assessment include: realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the mandatory

task requirements relevant specifications and work instructions the BCA and relevant Australian Standards and


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Page 62: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22457 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of residential buildings

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should: reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with

workplace tasks and job roles be transferable to other circumstances and environments relate to a number of performances assessed on

different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Assessment methods may include: observation of tasks in real or simulated work conditions,

with questioning to confirm knowledge of relevant legislation

written assignment detailing the relevant codes and standards for a specific project

report detailing recommended performance-based solutions to a design problem

drawing documentation and specifications demonstrating compliance with relevant legislation.

Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.

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Page 63: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22458 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of commercial buildings

Unit code and title VU22458 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of commercial buildings

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to access, interpret and apply relevant legislation to the design of commercial buildings.

It includes the ability to apply a range of design solutions to the construction or design of a commercial building (Building Code of Australia (BCA) Classes 2 to 9), including Type B, in compliance with the BCA and make recommendations for alternative solutions as required. It requires thorough knowledge of the purpose and content of the BCA.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required for building designers to apply relevant legislation to the design of commercial buildings and includes compliance with current legal responsibilities of building designers for construction methods. The outcomes of this unit do not cover the required skills and knowledge for compliance with codes and standards in the design of residential buildings, which are covered in the unit, VU22457 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of residential buildings.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Classify buildings 1.1 The nature of a building is determined according to use and arrangement.

1.2 The criteria of the BCA are determined to apply the defined classification.

1.3 BCA requirements for classifications are identified and interpreted.

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VU22458 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of commercial buildings


2 Access and interpret relevant code and other legislative requirements

2.1 Victorian building regulations are referenced in relation to the hierarchy of legislation.

2.2 Relevant performance requirements and provisions are determined from the National Construction Code (NCC) series that apply to commercial buildings.

2.3 Australian Standards are accessed and interpreted.

3 Analyse and apply a range of solutions to a design problem

3.1 Alternative solutions to a construction or design problem that comply with the requirements of the BCA are discussed and proposed in accordance with company policies and procedures.

3.2 Assessment methods referenced in the BCA are analysed to determine whether a construction or design solution complies with performance requirements or Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) provisions of the BCA.

3.3 Performance-based solutions are identified and documented in accordance with the BCA.

3.4 Relevant documentation is identified and completed according to the requirements of relevant legislation.


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm requirements and share information with internal and external personnel, where required

read and interpret complex documents, including:o relevant legislationo site planso the BCAo specificationso working drawings

use language and concepts appropriate to industry conventions Written skills to document design solutions and other workplace documentation Numeracy skills to apply measurements and calculations Problem solving skills to design concepts and principles in accordance with the BCA,

namely BCA Classes 2 to 9

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Page 65: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22458 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of commercial buildings

Planning and organisational skills to collect, organise and analyse information from relevant legislation

Teamwork skills when working with internal and external personnel Technological skills to complete documentation and calculations Learning skills to:

maintain professional currency, memberships and networks source current information regarding materials performance and its application

Work safely in a design drafting working environment and on a site according to legislation and workplace policies and procedures

Required knowledge: Legal responsibilities and obligations of building designers Basic design principles and the behaviour of structures under stress, strain,

compression, bending or combined actions BCA performance hierarchy Definitions and common technical terms or usage specified under general provisions of

the BCA Understanding of the BCA in relation to BCA Classes 2 to 9 Understanding of the BCA in relation to building types, including Type B, applications

and limitations General nature of materials and the effects of performance Relevant Australian Standards and guidelines Relevant legislative and occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety

(WHS) requirements, codes and practices


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Assessment methods include:

specifications and definitions in the BCA for: comparison with DTS provisions evidence of suitability expert judgment verification methods.

Performance requirements include:

performance-based contractual requirements that must be fulfilled by any party

those contained within other legislation applicable to a specific project

those determined to be relevant to a specific project according to the BCA.

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VU22458 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of commercial buildings

Relevant legislation may include:

Acts and ordinance Regulations NCC series:

BCA, Volume 1 and 2 Plumbing Code of Australia, Volume 3

Australian Standards practice and technical notes.


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate building design workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to:

apply organisational policies and procedures, including OHS/WHS and quality assurance requirements, where applicable

interpret the building hierarchy of legislation and the associated compliance requirements

access, interpret and apply codes, standards and guidelines to the design of a specific commercial building project

recommend alternative solutions to a design or construction problem in accordance with relevant legislation.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant legislation.

Resource implications for assessment include: realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the mandatory

task requirements relevant specifications and work instructions the BCA and relevant Australian Standards and


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VU22458 Comply with relevant legislation in the design of commercial buildings

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should: reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with

workplace tasks and job roles be transferable to other circumstances and environments relate to a number of performances assessed on

different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Assessment methods may include: observation of tasks in real or simulated work conditions,

with questioning to confirm knowledge of relevant legislation

written assignment detailing the relevant codes and standards for a specific project

report detailing recommended performance-based solutions to a design problem

drawing documentation and specifications demonstrating compliance with relevant legislation.

Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.

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Page 68: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22459 Design safe buildings

Unit code and title VU22459 Design safe buildings

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to apply safe design principles to control occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety (WHS) risk during the life of a building.

It includes the ability to identify and comply with legal responsibilities and obligations and evaluate OHS/WHS hazards associated with the design, construction and use of a building during its life cycle. Applying safe design principles requires consultation with stakeholders and specialist advisors and the ability to make recommendations for alternative design solutions and incorporate risk controls into the building design and end use.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required for building designers to design safe buildings, which comply with current OHS/WHS legislation and relevant sections of the National Construction Code.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Investigate OHS/WHS requirements in the design process

1.1 Legal responsibilities and obligations of building designers for the safety of end users and beneficiaries are identified to enable the elimination of OHS/WHS hazards and control residual OHS/WHS risk.

1.2 Stakeholders involved in the design and construction process are consulted to determine specific OHS/WHS issues.

1.3 Sources of current information and data of OHS/WHS principles, materials, technology and systems are researched for application in the design and construction process.

1.4 Client is consulted to confirm the needs of those involved in the subsequent life cycle stages of the

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VU22459 Design safe buildings


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VU22459 Design safe buildings


2 Undertake hazard identification and OHS/WHS risk evaluation

2.1 OHS/WHS risks are identified and a risk analysis conducted across the life cycle of the building according to the hierarchy of control.

2.2 OHS/WHS risk controls are selected through a systematic analysis of the likelihood and consequences of exposure to the hazard.

2.3 A process for review of hazard identification and risk control is developed to incorporate potential alterations to design decisions or specifications.

2.4 A residual risk register is established and the information circulated to those involved in the downstream or subsequent life cycle stages.

3 Produce designs to facilitate safe construction, use and maintenance of a building

3.1 Benefits of safe design are identified and communicated to stakeholders.

3.2 Situations are identified where consultation with specialist advisors is required, and their services are utilised, as necessary.

3.3 Client is informed of any high risks in design requirements and alternatives, including design modifications, which are agreed and documented.

3.4 Risk controls are incorporated into design to facilitate the safe use and maintenance of the building in accordance with legislative requirements.

3.5 Relevant documentation is provided to client for the education and training of end users and employees, to ensure safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the building.

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VU22459 Design safe buildings


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm requirements and share information with internal and external personnel, where required

read and interpret:o the Building Code of Australia (BCA)o relevant OHS/WHS legislation and Australian Standardso workplace documentation relating to the safe design of buildingso plans, drawing and specifications

use language and concepts appropriate to industry conventions Written skills to:

produce workplace documentation record data and findings on historical and current information pertaining to

OHS/WHS Problem solving skills to:

identify legal responsibilities and obligations regarding safe design analyse and evaluate data on OHS/WHS hazards, reports and compensation claims negotiate client expectations of OHS/WHS outcomes apply principles of safe design to the life cycle of a building

Planning and organisational skills to collect, organise and analyse information on safe design

Initiative and enterprise skills in: developing practical risk controls recommending alterations to design to improve safety

Teamwork skills when consulting specialist advisors and stakeholders Self management skills in recognising limits of own expertise and seeking the advice of

others, when required Learning skills in maintaining up-to-date knowledge of safe design principles and

changes to legislation Technology skills to produce required documentation Work safely in a design drafting working environment according to legislation and

workplace policies and procedures

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VU22459 Design safe buildings

Required knowledge: Legislative and regulatory requirements for OHS/WHS information, data and

consultation Principles and practices of a systematic approach to risk management Basic principles of anthropometry Direct and indirect influences that impact on OHS/WHS and the environment in the

design and use of a building The hierarchy of control and considerations for deciding between different methods of

control Interdependent relationships between ergonomics and stressors, such as physiological

factors, awkward posture, poor lighting and ventilation and thermal environment Legislative responsibilities of building designers with regard to OHS/WHS at all stages

of design, construction and end use of a building


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Legal responsibilities as stated in:

Australian Standards specified in Conditions of Contracts Occupational Health and Safety Act, Work Health and

Safety Act and Regulations relevant sections of the BCA.

OHS/WHS hazards may include, but are not limited to:

accessing roofs, walkways, stairs for both the users of the building and maintenance personnel

exposure to health hazards from biological materials exposure to occupational violence head injuries inadequate vehicle/pedestrian separation inadequate ventilation of lighting limited access for emergency services limited access to undertake systems of work, including

cleaning and maintenance activities poor siting of buildings or lack of separation between

multiple buildings storage and handling of dangerous goods and

hazardous substances work involving exposure to high energy hazards e.g.

temperature working at height materials used within the construction process.

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VU22459 Design safe buildings

Stakeholders include: all maintenance contractor personnel all visiting personnel to the premises client personnel, employees and agents end user personnel, employees and agents relevant design and construction personnel.

Specific OHS/WHS issues may include:

any hazards that could impact on those involved in the design, construction phase and the end use of the building. In particular, the requirements for all visitors to the construction site to meet current legislative obligations and work site procedures.

Sources of current information and data includes:

Acts, Regulations, codes of practice and Australian Standards

the BCA Commonwealth and state OHS/WHS and other

regulatory bodies, such as the Australian Safety and Compensation Council

industry advisory bodies professional and industry associations research literature.

Subsequent life cycle stages include:

construction design maintenance and servicing supply/installation use.

Risk analysis may include: accessing the effectiveness of existing controls analysing previous compensation claims and hazard

reports defining the range of consequences and the likelihood of

their occurrence determining a level of risk identifying demographic of end user researching industry specific hazards.

The hierarchy of control may include:

eliminating the hazard, and where this is not possible, minimising risk by: substitution isolation engineering controls administrative controls using personal protective equipment (PPE).

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VU22459 Design safe buildings

Risk register may include: an indication of the likelihood of the consequences occurring

possible consequences in terms of injury or damage scenarios or circumstances under which injury or illness

may occur.

High risks may include, but are not limited to:

siting of building(s) or structure(s) high consequence hazards, such as:

temperature pressure health hazards

systems of work, such as: inadequate vehicle/pedestrian access exposure to hazardous substances working at heights

environment, such as inadequate ventilation or lighting incident mitigation, such as:

siting of assembly areas inadequate egress inadequate emergency services access.

Risk controls include: review design brief review written specifications identifying solutions from recognised standards applying risk management techniques discussing design options consultation processes for changes in design.

Relevant documentation includes:

material relating to key design elements, such as: exterior roof and wall materials key mechanical machinery landscaping location of services warranties windows and exterior doors.

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VU22459 Design safe buildings


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate building design drafting workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: comply with legal responsibilities and obligations and

organisational policies and procedures, including OHS/WHS

implement risk management processes for the identification of OHS/WHS hazards and selection of suitable controls

consult with relevant stakeholders to determine safety requirements in the life cycle stages of a building

design a safe building which complies with current legislative requirements for the design, construction and use of a building.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of essential required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant legislation, including the BCA and Australian Standards.

Resource implications for assessment include: realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the mandatory

task requirements relevant legislation, standards and codes relevant specifications and documentation, including

working drawings, specifications and plans appropriate support materials research resources, including OHS/WHS related


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VU22459 Design safe buildings

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should:

reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with workplace tasks and job roles

be transferable to other circumstances and environments relate to a number of performances assessed on

different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Assessment methods may include:

observation of tasks in real or simulated work conditions, with questioning to confirm knowledge of OHS/WHS legislation

case study of best practice for a specific building project development of a risk register for a specific building

project portfolio of design documentation relevant to the safe

design of a building.

Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.

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Page 77: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22460 Design sustainable buildings

Unit code and title VU22460 Design sustainable buildings

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to apply the principles of sustainability to building design.

It includes the application of sustainable practices to minimise negative impacts of the construction process and land use on the environment, incorporate passive design, sustainable water use and energy efficiency into a building design and select suitable materials for the construction of the building. It requires compliance with relevant legislation, Australian Standards and the Building Code of Australia (BCA).

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required for building designers to design sustainable buildings within the context of relevant legislation, the BCA and Australian Standards.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Determine the impacts of building development on the natural environment

1.1 Impacts of building development on surrounding ecosystems are researched to identify the benefits of sound environmental policy.

1.2 Triple Bottom Line approaches are determined for consideration in the designing of buildings.

1.3 Current government and industry responses to Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) are researched and representative organisations for ESD are identified to ascertain current policies and legislation.

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VU22460 Design sustainable buildings


2 Incorporate sustainable criteria into building design

2.1 Location, specific climates and their characteristics are identified and their impact on building design is researched to inform the design.

2.2 Basic principles and integration for building orientation, minimal site impact, thermal mass, insulation, glass exposure and ventilation are determined to maximise integration of sustainable design principles in the design.

2.3 Site influences and sun path are considered to maximise opportunities for passive heating and cooling.

2.4 Passive design principles are incorporated into a design project.

2.5 Sustainable site development practices are included in design specifications.

2.6 Appropriate form of construction is selected and documented according to client brief and specifications.

3 Select sustainable materials

3.1 Characteristics of sustainable materials are identified and analysed to inform material selection.

3.2 Sustainability of a range of building materials is compared and suitable materials are selected for a specific building design in accordance with current legislation and the BCA.

4 Incorporate systems for sustainable water use

4.1 Systems for water collection, storage, use and re-use are incorporated into building design in accordance with relevant legislation and local restrictions.

4.2 Alternative systems for reticulated water and effluent disposal are investigated and described.

4.3 Strategies to prevent run-off are investigated and incorporated into design.

5 Incorporate energy efficiency into building design

5.1 Energy efficient design principles are identified in accordance with current legislation and the BCA.

5.2 Renewable energy sources are researched and integrated into building design and best practice options for energy conservation are recommended.

5.3 Selection and use of energy efficient fittings, appliances and services are determined and included in design specifications.

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VU22460 Design sustainable buildings


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm requirements and share information with internal and external personnel, where required

read and interpret:o the BCAo relevant legislation and Australian Standardso other relevant documentation

research information on sustainable building principles use language and concepts appropriate to industry conventions

Written skills to:

develop recommendations and strategies for sustainable building design document data and findings to industry standards

Teamwork skills to work effectively with clients and other stakeholders

Problem solving skills to:

analyse and evaluate data on construction materials and integrate sustainable and energy efficient systems into building design

determine the potential cost versus benefit of alternative sustainable options

Planning and organisational skills to collect, organise and analyse information on sustainable building practices

Initiative and enterprise skills in interpreting information and developing sustainable design solutions

Learning skills in updating knowledge of sustainable materials and building practices

Technology skills to:

complete documentation and calculations operate computer energy rating systems, where applicable

Work safely in a design drafting working environment according to legislation and workplace policies and procedures

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VU22460 Design sustainable buildings

Required knowledge: Principles of sustainability in building design

Mandatory disclosure

Green star rating system

Building adaptation for catastrophic events responding to climate change

Indoor environmental quality (air quality, thermal comfort, acoustics)

Characteristics of ecosystems

Macro and micro climates

Site topography features

Effects of fossil fuels on the atmosphere

Energy consumption relative to construction processes and building use

Greenhouse gas emissions and ozone depletion theories

Impacts of climate change

Impacts of national strategies on building design

Principles of designing buildings for durability and adaptability

Life cycle assessment principles

Basic principles of cradle-to-grave analysis

Nature of construction materials and effect on performance

R values (overall thermal resistance) for construction material

Software used to predict building performance

Energy auditing principles

Processes for the administration and preparation of documentation

Processes for the development of documentation, such as working drawings and specifications

The BCA Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) energy efficiency provisions

Occupational health and safety (OHS)/Work health and safety (WHS) workplace policies and procedures

Relevant federal, state or territory legislation and local government policy and procedures

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VU22460 Design sustainable buildings


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Triple Bottom Line approaches are:

the impacts on natural and human capital, as well as financial capital. They focus on decision making and reporting which explicitly considers economic, environmental and social performance.

Government and industry responses may include:

Brundtland Report Emissions Trading Green Paper Environmental Management Systems ISO 14000 Standards from International Organization for

Standardization Kyoto Protocol National Greenhouse Response Strategy National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable

Development (NSESD) UN Local Agenda 21 – the Rio Declaration on

Environment and Development Commonwealth, state and local government Acts,

Regulations and development carbon trading codes of practice state environment protection policies.

Organisations include, but are not limited to:

Australian Building Codes Board Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO) Environment Australia Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Green Building Council (GBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Living Building Challenge.

Location specific climates include:

Australian climates influenced by topological and geographical elements

climate zones as classified by the BCA DTS energy efficiency provisions

micro climates in specific locations.

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VU22460 Design sustainable buildings

Site influences include: existing vegetation natural water courses noise orientation prevailing winds topography views.

Sun path includes: shadow angle calculation shadow map diagrams orientation.

Passive design principles include:

natural air flow natural and artificial shading orientation passive cooling passive heating thermal mass.

Sustainable site development practices include:

maintaining appropriate existing vegetation minimal site excavation preservation of natural features recycling stations uninterrupted natural water courses utilisation of existing roads, thoroughfares and utilities water containment techniques and strategies to prevent

run-off rainwater collection and re-use during construction.

Sustainable materials include those which:

are biodegradable are locally manufactured or available on-site are remanufactured, re-usable or recycled can be re-used or recycled do not contain or emit toxic substances do not have a negative impact on the environment during

their production, usage and disposal have a low embodied energy require minimal processing.

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VU22460 Design sustainable buildings

Range of building materials include:

caulks and adhesives concrete doors flooring and floor coverings insulation interior finishes and trim masonry mechanical systems/heating, ventilation and air-

conditioning paintings and coatings plumbing systems and equipment renewable energy components roofing thermal and moisture protection timber, plastics and composites windows and glazing systems.

Water collection, storage, use and re-use includes:

black water systems filter beds bladder storage greywater systems rainwater tanks.

Strategies to prevent run-off includes:

maximising the use of impervious surfaces preservation of existing vegetation water collection.

Energy efficient design principles include:

application and assessment of the BCA performance-based solutions best practice to conserve energy:

appliance usage building location and orientation choice and product performance compliance with legislation pertinent to conserving

energy living practices that maximise benefit

climate conditions: climate zones in Australia specified in the BCA micro climates associated with a specific area

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VU22460 Design sustainable buildings

energy consumption: low energy lighting solar hot water systems star rated appliances window coverings and glazing

energy efficient construction: construction methods durability and adaptability efficient design briefs geography and topography of site location materials used which maximise re-use potential method of application

Building Information Modeling (BIM) star rating systems:

Building Energy Rating Scheme (BERS) computer model

First Rate computer model Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme

(NatHERS) computer model outcomes for building users:

avoiding sick building syndrome workplace productivity measures.

Renewable energy sources include:

biomass energy geothermal energy hydroelectric energy solar energy wind energy co/tri generation sources.

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VU22460 Design sustainable buildings


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate building design workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: apply the principles of sustainable building design in

accordance with current legislation and government policies

evaluate and recommend sustainable materials suitable for the construction of a specific building design in accordance with client brief and specifications

research, evaluate and report on data and findings, make recommendations and develop strategies for the design of sustainable buildings for at least one building development project that complies with the applicable local government authority, relevant legislation and the BCA.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of essential required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or Australian Standards’ requirements.

Resource implications for assessment include: realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the mandatory

task requirements relevant specifications and documentation appropriate support materials research resources, including industry-related


Reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities must be made to assessment processes, where required. This could include access to modified equipment and other physical resources, and the provision of appropriate assessment support.

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VU22460 Design sustainable buildings

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should: reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with

workplace tasks and job roles be transferable to other circumstances and environments relate to a number of performances assessed on

different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Assessment methods may include: observation of tasks in real or simulated work conditions,

with questioning to confirm knowledge required of current sustainable materials and building practices

research and reporting on case studies of best practice sustainable buildings

report on sustainable construction materials portfolio of a range of sustainable construction materials.

Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders, or specialist training staff.

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VU22461 Integrate services layout into design documentation

Unit code and title VU22461 Integrate services layout into design documentation

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to integrate the layout of services and connections into building design documentation for residential (Building Code of Australia (BCA) Classes 1 and 10) and commercial (BCA Classes 2 to 9) buildings.

It includes the knowledge and application of current sustainable and energy efficient practices and appliances and involves consultation with other professionals to obtain agreement on service layout details and specifications. It requires compliance with relevant legislation, Australian Standards and the BCA.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required for building designers to integrate services layout into designs for residential and commercial buildings in consultation with other professionals and finalise documentation in compliance with relevant legislation and the BCA.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Document layouts of water supply and hot water systems

1.1 Water supply, connection and layout are identified and documented for buildings connected to a town supply or a tank storage supply in accordance with the relevant legislation.

1.2 Installation of water services supplying fire hydrants, fire hose reels and fire sprinkler systems and interconnection of water tanks for fire services are identified in accordance with the relevant legislation.

1.3 Details of hot water systems are evaluated and documented according to suitability and energy rating to maximise energy efficiency.

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VU22461 Integrate services layout into design documentation


2 Document sewerage and drainage disposal methods and layouts

2.1 Sewerage connection and layout are determined for connection in accordance with the relevant legislation.

2.2 Disposal of sewerage from fixtures situated below the level of the local authority sewer for both residential and commercial buildings are identified in accordance with the relevant legislation.

2.3 The design and installation of drainage systems are documented in accordance with relevant legislation and stormwater disposal methods are identified.

3 Document methods and layout for ventilation, air-conditioning and fire protection systems

3.1 Methods and layout of mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning systems are evaluated and documented according to energy rating to maximise energy efficiency and optimise indoor environmental quality.

3.2 Systems for natural ventilation are evaluated to determine optimal building performance.

3.3 Methods for smoke hazard management are evaluated and documented according to the relevant legislation.

3.4 Requirements for fire protection systems for various building classifications are evaluated and documented in accordance with the relevant legislation.

4 Document natural and artificial lighting options

4.1 Design considerations for natural lighting are evaluated to determine optimal user comfort in accordance with Australian Standards for lighting levels.

4.2 Artificial lighting and light sources are compared to recommended service luminance in accordance with the relevant legislation.

5 Document electrical and electronic services layout

5.1 Electrical and electronic service systems are evaluated and documented and supply authorities are identified.

5.2 Design and installation of emergency warning systems, emergency lighting and exit signage are evaluated and documented in accordance with the relevant legislation.

5.3 Methods of vertical transportation are evaluated and documented in accordance with the relevant legislation.

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Page 89: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22461 Integrate services layout into design documentation


6 Finalise services layout

6.1 Details of services layout and any required amendments are confirmed with service engineer or other consultants.

6.2 Shop drawings and other relevant documentation are checked and signed off against design specifications.


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

consult with other professionals and negotiate required amendments, as required read and interpret:

o relevant documentation and legislationo the BCAo plans, working drawings and specifications

use language and concepts appropriate to industry conventions, including industry terminology and definitions

use and interpret non-verbal communication

Numeracy skills to apply measurements and basic calculations relating to service installations

Written skills to: accurately document details and specifications of services layout document specifications to mitigate project risks prepare documentation to an accepted industry standard

Teamwork skills to work effectively with clients and other stakeholders

Problem solving skills to: interpret information from plans and drawings identify and resolve typical faults and problems evaluate mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning for energy efficiency apply standards to artificial lighting and light sources

Planning and organising skills to collect, organise and analyse information on services layouts

Initiative and enterprise skills to apply design concepts and principles relating to service installations

Self management skills to enable the completion of work tasks according to timelines and project schedule

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VU22461 Integrate services layout into design documentation

Technology skills to: use relevant computer software produce documentation and calculations

Work safely in a design drafting working environment according to legislation and workplace policies and procedures

Required knowledge: Nature of materials and effect on performance relating to service installations

Working drawings and specifications relating to service installations

A variety of design concepts and principles relating to service installation

Role and responsibilities of building designers relating to services layout

Service installation terminology, definitions, installation methods and hazards in relation to devices and systems using Australian Standards, the BCA and manufacturer’s specifications

Sustainability and energy efficiency principles and practices in relation to services installation


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Water supply includes: a town supply single and two-stage pumping for multi-function connected

services tank storage supply relative to the public water supply and

reservoir heights.

Relevant legislation may include:

Acts and ordinance Regulations National Construction Code series:

BCA, Volume 1 and 2 Plumbing Code of Australia, Volume 3

Australian Standards practice and technical notes.

Details of hot water systems include:

area to be serviced height of installation number of outlets and energy sources available type of occupancy type of system.

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VU22461 Integrate services layout into design documentation

Sewerage connection and layout includes:

local authority sewerage drainage system septic or bio-chemical treatment unit graded or vertical discharge pipes inspection shafts and ORGs.

Mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning includes:

air-conditioning applications air distribution, including mechanical ventilation for car

parks air filtration, including air filters, ducting, main filter types air intake systems fire dampers fume discharge systems smoke control and exhaust systems warm water and cooling towers.

Fire protection systems include:

fire and smoke detectors and alarms fire collars fire hydrants, fire hoses and reels sprinkler systems.

Design considerations for natural lighting includes:

glare reduction low life cycle cost reduced emissions reduced operating costs reflectance of interior surfaces window size and spacing.

Electrical and electronic service systems includes:

categories of cabling and layout of equipment for: data telecommunications lift controls power supplies

service systems safeguards and access for maintenance, repair and extension

telecommunications connection to site and distribution facilities

type of service (emergency power and alternative power sources).

Methods of vertical transportation includes:

escalators hoists lifts pedestrian movers.

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VU22461 Integrate services layout into design documentation


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate design drafting workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: develop documentation which integrates services layout

into the design of a residential or commercial building consult with other professionals to negotiate details of

services layout interpret and comply with relevant legislation.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of essential required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or Australian Standards’ requirements.

Resource implications for assessment include: realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the mandatory

task requirements specifications and documentation for services layout the BCA and relevant Australian Standards research resources, including industry-related information.

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should: reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with

workplace tasks and job roles be transferable to other circumstances and environments relate to a number of performances assessed on different

occasions which reflects the scope of the job role

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VU22461 Integrate services layout into design documentation

Assessment methods may include: observation of tasks in real or simulated work conditions,

with questioning to confirm knowledge of current practices in the layout of services

development of documentation integrating services layout research project on energy efficient heating, ventilation

and air-conditioning systems.

Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.

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Page 94: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22462 Produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings

Unit code and title VU22462 Produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings

Unit descriptor This unit specifies outcomes required to produce two and three-dimensional drawings in accordance with standard industry practice and to a level suitable for building permit approval applications.

It includes the ability to read and interpret plans and specifications and to produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings (Building Code of Australia (BCA) Classes 1 and 10).

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required for building designers to produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings (BCA Classes 1 and 10) within the context of relevant legislation, the BCA and Australian Standards.

The outcomes of this unit do not cover the required skills and knowledge for producing working drawings for commercial buildings, which are covered in the unit, VU22463 Produce preliminary and working drawings for commercial buildings.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Produce preliminary drawings

1.1 Types of preliminary drawings required and key features to be recorded conform to the scope and standard of the job being undertaken.

1.2 Tools and equipment required for producing sketches/drawings are prepared and checked for safety and serviceability.

1.3 Simple two and three-dimensional drawings are created to resolve construction details.

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VU22462 Produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings


2 Read, interpret and articulate plans and specifications for a residential building

2.1 Relevant plans and specifications are identified to develop a set of working drawings.

2.2 Key information is located, interpreted and articulated according to relevant specifications and relevant legislation.

2.3 Advice is sought from client and other stakeholders, when required, to articulate and clarify any issues.

3 Produce preliminary working drawings

3.1 Working drawings for residential buildings are produced using standard drawing conventions and in accordance with current Australian Standards.

3.2 Industry best practice conventions are applied to the production of building drawings.

4 Produce a set of working drawings

4.1 Working drawings are completed to meet architectural conventions and in accordance with the relevant legislation.

4.2 Working drawings are checked with team members for consistency of presentation, cross-referencing and accuracy and to comply with relevant legislation.


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm client needs and share information with team members

read and interpret:o the BCAo relevant legislation and Australian Standardso plans and specificationso other relevant documentation

use language and concepts appropriate to industry conventions use and interpret non-verbal communication

Written skills to produce simple preliminary drawings

Teamwork skills to: work effectively with clients and other stakeholders produce preliminary and working drawings within allocated responsibilities

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VU22462 Produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings

Problem solving skills to interpret information from plans, specifications and client brief to develop required preliminary drawings

Planning and organising skills to produce preliminary and working drawings within an allocated time frame

Initiative and enterprise skills to achieve creative and innovative approaches in the production of drawing tasks

Numeracy skills to apply calculation and measuring techniques

Technological skills to: use computer software to enable production of working drawings complete documentation and calculations

Work safely in a design drafting working environment according to legislation and workplace policies and procedures

Required knowledge: Drafting and drawing protocols

Industry conventions and features, including direction, scale, key, contours, symbols and abbreviations

Processes for the administration and preparation of documentation

Processes for the interpretation of reports, working drawings and specifications

Research methods to locate relevant information

Structural, design and construction principles of buildings

Process for the consideration of a budget constraint

Relevant federal or state legislation and local government policy and procedures, including occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety (WHS) requirements.

Functions and operation of computer software used to produce working drawings

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Page 97: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22462 Produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Types of preliminary drawings include:

floor plans land boundaries and footprint of building/site plans orthographic drawings schematic drawings that show articulation of services sectional views that detail key construction elements.

Key features include: building levels and variations fixtures and fittings services electrical layout wall penetrations (doors/windows) walls.

Plans and specifications include:

plans: set of working drawings construction technology details finishes and specification notes to a standard suitable

for building approval sections relating to main components of construction

information from consultants may include: soil tests shop drawings (steel fabrication) structural engineering drawings survey plans and level plans for construction site costing/preliminary estimates energy rating Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) temporary structures and works.

Relevant legislation may include:

Acts and ordinance Regulations National Construction Code series:

BCA, Volume 1 and 2 Plumbing Code of Australia, Volume 3

Australian Standards practice and technical notes.

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Page 98: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22462 Produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings

Working drawings for residential buildings include:

area analysis BCA Classes 1 and 10 buildings computer-generated or print-based presentations construction and general notes details elevations floor plans location neighbouring buildings plan and specification interpretation projections sections services residential dwellings (elementary or conventional) site plans two and three-dimensional drawings.

Standard drawing conventions include:

appropriate scale graphic symbols lettering line work (line weight/line type) numbering.

Building drawings may apply to:

banks and landscaping base structure – timber and masonry cathedral ceilings certificate of title to land chimney construction complex roof and wall shapes composite construction (e.g. steel and timber) conversion of plans and specifications to architectural and

building detail drawing protocols, including:

abbreviations legends lettering standards numbering paper size scale standard units of measurement symbols

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VU22462 Produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings

electrical connections plan excavation cut and fill flashings and box gutters general plumbing services plan glazing, including bay window construction insulation and sarking internal and external wall claddings joinery land surveyor plans large span timber beams and connections, including glue

laminated beams levels and contours retaining walls roof construction sewerage connection and easement plan soil classification and tests stairs stormwater connection and easement plan timber and masonry upper floor construction wall construction window and door schedules.

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Page 100: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22462 Produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate building design workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to:

comply with OHS/WHS regulations applicable to workplace operations

apply organisational policies and procedures, including quality assurance requirements, where applicable

produce two and three-dimensional drawings for residential building projects

complete working drawings to industry best practice and as determined by the project brief.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or Australian Standards’ requirements.

Resource implications for assessment include:

realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the mandatory task requirements

relevant specifications and work instructions computer facilities and drafting environment with

appropriate levels of illumination and ventilation workplace instructions relating to safe work practices the BCA and relevant Australian Standards research resources, including industry-related systems


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Page 101: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22462 Produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should:

reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with workplace tasks and job roles

be transferable to other circumstances and environments

relate to a number of performances assessed on different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Assessment methods may include:

observation of tasks in real or simulated work conditions, with questioning to confirm knowledge of building specifications and required documentation

practical assessment in the development of a set of working drawings.

Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.

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Page 102: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22463 Produce preliminary and working drawings for commercial buildings

Unit code and title VU22463 Produce preliminary and working drawings for commercial buildings

Unit descriptor This unit specifies outcomes required to produce two and three-dimensional drawings in accordance with standard industry practice and to a level suitable for building permit approval applications.

It includes the ability to read and interpret plans and specifications and to produce preliminary and working drawings for commercial buildings (Building Code of Australia (BCA) Classes 2 to 9).

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required for building designers to produce preliminary and working drawings for commercial buildings (BCA Classes 2 to 9) within the context of relevant legislation, the BCA and Australian Standards.

The outcomes of this unit do not cover the required skills and knowledge for producing working drawings for residential buildings, which are covered in the unit, VU22462 Produce preliminary and working drawings for residential buildings.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Produce preliminary drawings

1.1 Simple two and three-dimensional preliminary drawings are created using architectural drawing conventions and in compliance with relevant legislation.

1.2 Sectional drawings of simple structural elements are created using architectural drawing conventions.

1.3 Essential information is recorded on drawings with symbols and abbreviations according to architectural drawing conventions.

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Page 103: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22463 Produce preliminary and working drawings for commercial buildings


2 Read and interpret plans and specifications for a commercial building

2.1 Relevant plans and specifications are identified to develop a set of working drawings.

2.2 Key information is located, interpreted and articulated according to relevant specifications and relevant legislation.

2.3 Advice is sought from client and other stakeholders, when required, to articulate and clarify any issues.

3 Produce preliminary working drawings

3.1 Requirements and criteria for preliminary working drawings are interpreted according to the scope of the job being undertaken.

3.2 Preliminary working drawings with annotated construction details are completed in accordance with the relevant legislation.

4 Produce a set of working drawings

4.1 Scope of works and time frame for completion of drawings is negotiated and agreed.

4.2 Working drawings are completed to meet architectural conventions and in accordance with the relevant legislation.

4.3 Detailed specifications are included on working drawings and are completed to architectural conventions.

4.4 Working drawings are checked for consistency of presentation, cross-referencing and accuracy and to ensure compliance with relevant legislation.

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Page 104: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22463 Produce preliminary and working drawings for commercial buildings

REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGEThis describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm client needs and share information with team members

read and interpret:o the BCAo plans and specifications o relevant legislation and Australian Standardso other relevant documentationo produce simple preliminary drawings

use language and concepts appropriate to industry conventions use and interpret non-verbal communication

Teamwork skills to: work effectively with clients and other stakeholders negotiate individual work tasks with others

Problem solving skills to interpret information from plans, specifications and client brief Planning and organising skills to produce working drawings within allocated time frame Initiative and enterprise skills to achieve creative and innovative approaches in relevant

drawing tasks Numeracy skills to:

produce drawings for commercial buildings apply calculation and measuring techniques

Technological skills to: use computer software to enable production of working drawings complete documentation and calculations

Work safely in a design drafting working environment according to organisational policies and procedures

Required knowledge: Drafting and drawing protocols Industry conventions for the production of working drawings Processes for the administration and preparation of documentation Processes for the interpretation of reports, working drawings and specifications Relevant federal or state legislation and local government policy and procedures,

including occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety (WHS) requirements

Research methods to locate relevant information Structural, design and construction principles of buildings Process for the consideration of a budget constraint Functions and operation of computer software used to produce working drawings

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Page 105: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22463 Produce preliminary and working drawings for commercial buildings


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Relevant legislation may include:

Acts and ordinance Regulations National Construction Code series:

BCA, Volume 1 and 2 Plumbing Code of Australia, Volume 3

Australian Standards practice and technical notes.

Plans and specifications include:

plans: set of working drawings construction technology details finishes and specification notes to a standard suitable

for building approval sections relating to main components of construction

information from consultants may include: soil tests shop drawings (steel fabrication) structural engineering drawings survey plans and level plans construction site costing/preliminary estimates energy rating Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) temporary structures and works.

Preliminary working drawings include:

area analysis BCA Classes 2 to 9 buildings computer-generated or paper-based presentations construction notes details elevations floor plans general notes location or neighbouring buildings plan and specification interpretation projections sections

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VU22463 Produce preliminary and working drawings for commercial buildings

services site plans two and three-dimensional drawings type ‘B’ and type ‘C’ buildings.

Working drawings applies to:

banks and landscaping base structure – timber and masonry certificate of title to land complex roof and wall shapes composite construction (e.g. steel and timber) conversion of plans and specifications to architectural

and building detail drawing protocols, including:

abbreviations legends lettering standards numbering paper size scale standard units of measurement symbols

electrical connections plan excavation cut and fill flashings and box gutters general plumbing service plan glazing, including window and door schedules insulation and sarking internal and external wall claddings joinery land surveyor plans large span timber beams and connections, including glue

laminated beams levels and contours research journal in accordance with project aims,

comprising: photographs record of site visits sections three-dimensional sketches

roof construction

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VU22463 Produce preliminary and working drawings for commercial buildings

sewerage connection and easement plan soil classification and tests stairs stormwater connection and easements plan timber and masonry upper floor construction wall construction.

EVIDENCE GUIDEThe evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate building design workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: comply with OHS/WHS regulations applicable to

workplace operations apply organisational policies and procedures, including

quality assurance requirements, where applicable produce two and three-dimensional drawings for

commercial buildings (BCA Classes 2 to 9) complete working drawings to industry best practice and

as determined by the project brief.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or Australian Standards’ requirements.

Resource implications for assessment include: realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the mandatory

task requirements relevant specifications and work instructions computer facilities and drafting environment with

appropriate levels of illumination and ventilation workplace instructions relating to safe work practices the BCA and relevant Australian Standards research resources, including industry-related systems


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Page 108: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22463 Produce preliminary and working drawings for commercial buildings

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should: reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with

workplace tasks and job roles be transferable to other circumstances and environments relate to a number of performances assessed on

different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Assessment methods may include: observation of tasks in real or simulated work conditions,

with questioning to confirm knowledge of building specifications and requirements for working drawings

practical assessment in the development of working drawings for commercial buildings.

Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.

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Page 109: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22464 Select construction materials for building projects

Unit code and title VU22464 Select construction materials for building projects

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to evaluate and select a range of suitable construction materials for building projects, taking into account a range of criteria, including physical attributes, cost and sustainability.

It includes the ability to analyse properties and characteristics to determine their suitability for application in the construction of a building. It requires selection of materials that comply with relevant legislation, Australian Standards and the Building Code of Australia (BCA).

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required for building designers to select suitable construction materials for buildings within the context of relevant legislation, the BCA and Australian Standards.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Analyse characteristics of construction materials

1.1 Manufacturing processes of a range of construction materials is researched to establish limitations of practical application.

1.2 Quality standards and performance of materials are investigated for adherence to the relevant legislation and the suitability for types of structures.

1.3 Materials are analysed to determine their application with regard to substructure, fixings, coatings or finishes, specific construction systems, visual effects and compatibility.

1.4 Manufacturing/conversion tolerances are detailed, including ‘building in’ tolerances to determine their impact on material properties.

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Page 110: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22464 Select construction materials for building projects


1.5 New and emerging construction materials are researched to ensure industry best practice and sustainability application.

1.6 Relevant information is recorded in a suitable format for future reference.

2 Evaluate materials for their suitability for building projects

2.1 Materials are investigated to identify their sustainable characteristics to minimise environmental impact.

2.2 Materials are analysed for their thermal and acoustic characteristics to determine appropriate applications in accordance with the relevant legislation.

2.3 Materials are analysed to determine durability, structural integrity and fire resistance to determine appropriate applications in accordance with the relevant legislation.

2.4 Defects, short and long-term degradation, timber preservation and protection of metals are investigated to determine appropriate applications in accordance with the relevant legislation.

2.5 Transportation, on-site storage requirements and handling of materials is investigated to determine their impact on construction methodology and occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety (WHS) level of risk.

3 Recommend suitable materials

3.1 A range of commonly used construction materials is selected, according to their purpose, standard application and manufacturer’s specifications.

3.2 Construction materials and interior finish products are recommended for specific attributes and characteristics in accordance with design specifications.

3.3 Specifications for construction materials are determined and recorded.

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Page 111: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22464 Select construction materials for building projects


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm requirements and share information with internal and external personnel, where required

read and interpret complex documents, including:o the BCAo relevant legislation and Australian Standardso plans, drawings and specifications

use language and concepts appropriate to industry conventions

Written skills to document data and findings to industry standards

Problem solving skills to: identify typical defects in construction materials analyse and evaluate data on construction materials

Planning and organisational skills to collect, organise and analyse information on construction materials

Initiative and enterprise skills in: selecting suitable construction materials, taking into account a range of criteria,

including physical attributes, cost and sustainability applying selection principles relating to performance of materials according to their


Technological skills to complete documentation and calculations

Work safely in a design drafting working environment and on a site according to legislation and workplace policies and procedures

Required knowledge: Manufacturing processes and their effects on the use and application of construction


Structural, thermal, acoustic and visual properties of materials and how these are utilised to achieve a desired outcome and meet specifications and legislative requirements

Durability, weatherability, jointing, thermal expansion, compatibility, connection systems with regard to the application of materials

Systems, processes and methodology used to incorporate materials into a structure

Substructures, jointing systems and fixings required to incorporate materials into a building

Effect of substructures on the use of materials

Effect of transport, handling and storage on materials

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VU22464 Select construction materials for building projects

Principles of designing buildings for durability and adaptability Life cycle assessment principles Nature of construction materials, including emerging technologies, and effect on

performance Environmental impact issues relating to material selection and use R and U values (overall thermal resistance) for construction material Grading process and grade markings used to categorise timber and timber products Relevant sections of the BCA and relevant federal, state or territory legislation Material safety data sheet purpose and content


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Construction materials include, but are not limited to:

adhesives and sealants admixtures cement clay bricks and pavers composite materials, e.g. sandwich panels concrete cast in situ fire rated protective coatings glass metals mortars plaster and plasterboard plastics pre-cast structural concrete components sandstone terracotta and concrete roof tiles timber and timber products engineered timber products.

Relevant legislation may include:

Acts and ordinance Regulations National Construction Code series:

BCA, Volume 1 and 2 Plumbing Code of Australia, Volume 3

Australian Standards practice and technical notes.

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Page 113: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22464 Select construction materials for building projects

Types of structures include: structures with concrete skeleton and slabs structures with steel and metallic column and member

construction structures with timber and other composite material


Sustainable characteristics include:

materials that have minimal packaging high recycled content or recyclability locally produced or sourced low embodied energy low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) low life cycle cost ease of demolition, disassembly,

re-use and disposal materials that are easily cleaned and maintained raw materials sourced with minimal negative

environmental impact.

Thermal and acoustic characteristics include:

combustibility expansion joint requirements fire indices fire resistance and insulation values for composite

materials resonance sound transmission coefficients thermal expansion and contraction thermal resistance (R and U values).

Durability includes: longevity sturdiness weatherability.

Structural integrity includes: compatibility with other materials and/or systems structural properties.

Fire resistance includes: fire resistance levels to meet the BCA.

Defects include: those caused by incorrect placement, installation or application or in naturally occurring materials.

Transportation, on-site storage requirements and handling includes:

carnage or other methods of handling fixing systems on-site quality control on-site handling and storage road transport.

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VU22464 Select construction materials for building projects

Interior finish products include, but are not limited to:

ceramic tiles chipboard laminates MDF board tilt up panel.

Specific attributes and characteristics include:

aesthetics availability cost durability sustainability.


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate design drafting workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: identify, analyse and evaluate the characteristics of

construction materials for their application and sustainability

comply with the requirements of the relevant legislation with regard to the thermal acoustic and fire resistant qualities of construction materials

make recommendations for suitable materials to satisfy construction requirements, aesthetics, cost effectiveness, client brief and the requirements of the relevant legislation.

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VU22464 Select construction materials for building projects

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or Australian Standards’ requirements.

Resource implications for assessment include: realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the

mandatory task requirements relevant specifications and documentation, including

legislative documents and standards appropriate support materials, including current

information and data on the characteristics and use of construction materials

samples of construction materials or examples of material use in situ

research resources, including industry-related information.

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should: reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with

workplace tasks and job roles be transferable to other circumstances and

environments relate to a number of performances assessed on

different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Assessment methods may include: observation of tasks in real or simulated work

conditions, with questioning to confirm the knowledge of sustainable building materials

reinforcing the integration of Employability Skills with workplace tasks and job roles

case studies of best practice in the use of appropriate materials for a building project.

Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.

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VU22465 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings

Unit code and title VU22465 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to apply the theories and principles of design to the design of buildings. It must be applied to both residential buildings (Building Code of Australia (BCA) Classes 1 and 10) and commercial buildings (BCA Classes 2 to 9), of Type B construction.

It requires the ability to research, analyse and evaluate information on the history and elements of architecture and their influence on current practice. It includes developing a design response, which meets the requirements of a project brief, and communicating a final design solution to relevant stakeholders.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required for building designers to apply the principles, theories and emerging trends of design to residential and commercial building projects.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Research the key movements of global architecture

1.1 A range of research techniques is used to source information on the influential periods of global architecture in residential and commercial building design through the works of recognised architects and designers.

1.2 Architectural terminology and language is identified for application in research.

1.3 Emerging residential and commercial design trends are identified and key themes of change explored to inform application in practice

1.4 Own knowledge and understanding of global architecture is developed through review and critical analysis of the influences and features of recognised works and emerging trends.

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VU22465 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings


1.5 The principal characteristics of predominant architectural styles are researched and recorded.

1.6 Impacts of global architecture are analysed for their influence on Australian regional architecture.

2 Determine design principles

2.1 The history and main principles of design theories are researched and examined to inform, compare and contrast with present beliefs, methods and practice.

2.2 Sound and innovative design principles are researched and its application to a tectonic concept is analysed.

2.3 The relationship between art, architecture and nature is explored to determine the application of form, functionality and aesthetics in design.

2.4 The relationship of principles of symmetry, rhythm and symbolism in art and architecture are researched and their application and influence in design is explored with current theories of culture, politics and technology.

3 Apply design principles to the context of a site

3.1 The project brief is analysed to determine client requirements for the design.

3.2 The correlation between human behaviour, function, aesthetics, typology, neighbourhood character and site context is analysed to determine patterns of movement, spatial relationships and visual goals determined by the project brief.

3.3 Circulation patterns/bubble diagrams are developed to illustrate patterns of movement and spatial relationships.

3.4 Social, sustainable and technical factors are integrated in accordance with relevant building and planning regulatory requirements and contextual and site restraints.

3.5 Information of precedent buildings is established to facilitate application to current concept development.

3.6 Town planning controls are analysed and applied to design to comply with local council regulations.

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VU22465 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings


4 Develop and express ideas through freehand sketching

4.1 Principal elements of sketching are identified and explored through visual and sketched studies of built forms and their internal and external features.

4.2 Sketches are produced using a range of media to interpret design solutions and concepts and to illustrate details of construction, structural and aesthetic elements of a design.

4.3 Selected visualisation techniques are used to enhance readability and interpretation and to display a range of material finishes.

4.4 Sketches are produced with accurate proportions and in accordance with project timelines, as required.

5 Resolve and communicate design solutions to a built form

5.1 Architectural theories are evaluated and integrated to a conceptual program.

5.2 Features of comparable building designs are researched to inform the development of a design solution.

5.3 Design theories, concepts and ideas are combined to produce a design solution.

5.4 The elements of human needs, the environment, sustainability and technology are integrated into a concept design.

5.5 A range of alternative responses is developed and reviewed and a final solution is selected for presentation to relevant stakeholders.

5.6 The final design solution is confirmed against the project brief and communicated to relevant stakeholders through appropriate presentation media.

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VU22465 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

enable clear and direct communication, using effective listening and questioning techniques to identify and confirm requirements and share information with relevant stakeholders

communicate a design solution read and interpret:

o design briefso construction drawings and specificationso Australian Standardso relevant sections of the National Construction Code o research material, including architectural literature and relevant texts

use language, terminology and semantics relevant to building design and architecture

Written skills to: document research on the influences of global architecture and design principles produce freehand and enhanced sketches for the interpretation of a design or of

architectural features

Problem solving skills to: apply design theories and ideas to a built form apply design principles within regulatory requirements respond to the challenges of irregular shaped sites

Initiative and enterprise skills to: resolve construction and design issues with regard to structural systems and site

context incorporate functionality and aesthetics into a built form evaluate historical and conventional design principles with modern practices and

methods develop a design response according to the project brief requirements for

stakeholder consideration

Planning and organising skills to: collect, organise and analyse information on:

o world architecture and its principal characteristicso the works of recognised architects and designerso complete design response within allocated time frame

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VU22465 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings

Learning skills in the development of own knowledge and understanding of global architecture and design trends

Technological skills to research and record information

Teamwork skills to consult with client and other stakeholders

Work safely in a design drafting working environment according to legislation and workplace policies and procedures

Required knowledge: Architectural terminology and semantics

Design processes

Research methods to locate relevant information

Influential architects and designers of the 20th and 21st Centuries

Global and Australian architectural styles

Architectural concepts applied to a residential and commercial design solution

Principles of structural and construction technology

Principles of universal design

Basic principles of anthropometrics and ergonomics

Material characteristics and applications

Tectonic themes

Regulatory, contextual and site constraints

Planning concepts

Principles of human behaviour, functionality and aesthetics

Historical and modern design principles

Current and emerging residential and commercial design trends

Modern theories of culture, politics and technology

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VU22465 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Research techniques include:

architectural literature and references desk research Internet interviews photographs and digital images observations of built environment site visits.

Influential periods of global architecture may include, but are not limited to:

Edwardian Georgian Victorian gothic mid-20th Century post modern post-industrial renaissance 21st Century colonial early modern.

Architectural terminology and language includes:

aesthetics allegory classical composition contemporary context culture deconstruction ecology esquisse form genius loci identity metaphor organic

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VU22465 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings

palimpsest phenomenology post-structural primitive regionalism schematic style symbolism tectonic typology zeitgeist.

Emerging residential and commercial design trends may include:

modular structures prefabricated off-site elements low energy rating self-sufficient buildings collaborative/flexible open spaces mixed use space ‘experience’ design planning for technology green design smart glass

Critical analysis may include:

analysing and evaluating critiquing comparing and contrasting beliefs, interpretations and

theories developing criteria for evaluation debating and discussing noting significant similarities and differences reading and listening reflecting.

Influences and features may include:

contemporary theories and concepts distinctive architectural language or element that can

be attributed to a particular designer or architect thinkers and philosophers.

Principal characteristics include:

external internal materials structural systems.

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VU22465 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings

Design principles include: aesthetics balance contrast dominance (emphasis) functionality gradation harmony proportion radiation repetition rhythm scale symmetry unity.

Social, sustainable and technical factors include:

privacy and degrees of transparency inherent flexibility of design (allowing for adaptive re-

use) purpose and meaning to design’s

constructional/structural system or expression.

Principal elements of sketching includes:

proportion scale light, shade texture composition line weight negative and positive space.

Range of media includes: coloured pencils erasers ink markers pastels pencils transferring mediums various paper types water colours.

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VU22465 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings

Visualisation techniques include:

computerised and/or hand rendering techniques burnishing hatching line drawings negative space rubbing scoring stippling tonal rendering.

Material finishes include: natural finishes, e.g. stone, timber, slate, rammed earth, vegetation

non-reflective textured materials used both internally and externally, e.g. carpet, tiles, pavers, brick, rendered surfaces

reflective surfaces, e.g. walls, floors, mirrors, glass, water.

Relevant stakeholders may include:

clients structural engineers building surveyors Victorian Building Authority heating, cooling and air-conditioning consultants local council and other relevant authorities.

Presentation media may include:

Building Information Modeling (BIM) detailed hand drawn or digitally generated drawings freehand sketches.

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VU22465 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate design drafting workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: research and apply knowledge of global architecture,

architects and designers and their influences on modern design theories

apply architectural concepts to a built form develop design solutions which meet the requirements of

the project brief, town planning and regulatory controls one residential design based on BCA Classes 1

and 10and one commercial design based on BCA Classes 2 to 9

of Type B construction communicate design solutions to stakeholders using

presentation media.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of essential required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or Australian Standards’ requirements.

Resource implications for assessment include: realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the mandatory

task requirements relevant specifications and documentation and

legislation images of significant buildings reflecting specific

architectural styles and features research resources, including architectural literature.

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VU22465 Provide design solutions for residential and commercial buildings

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should: reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with

workplace tasks and job roles be transferable to other circumstances and environments relate to a number of performances assessed on

different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Assessment methods may include: practical demonstration of digital production of project

documentation in real or simulated work conditions, with questioning to confirm knowledge of designing objects

submission of project documentation, both physical and digital, that complies with project brief

portfolio of documentation for an architectural project.

Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.

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Page 127: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22466 Integrate digital applications into architectural workflows

Unit code and title VU22466 Integrate digital applications into architectural workflows

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to use a range of digital applications for the production of outputs in architectural workflows. It includes the ability to determine the appropriate digital applications required for specific project outputs and the application of architectural standards and conventions to produce and manage the project. Work is likely to be undertaken with limited supervision and in consultation with team members and external consultants.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required for building designers to produce digital drawings and data for architectural projects using a variety of digital applications.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Determine digital production of architectural workflows

1.1 Productivity advantages are investigated and applied to data management systems, organisational standards and overall practice workflows.

1.2 Individual workflows are established for projects to maximise productivity within given time frames.

1.3 Team strategies are organised to enable collaboration between participants in the project team.

2 Analyse project requirements to determine outputs

2.1 Project brief is evaluated to determine the digital applications, including Building Information Modeling (BIM) based software, and data requirements within the project scope.

2.2 Relevant external stakeholders and internal personnel are identified to plan development of documents according to order of precedence and agreed timelines.

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VU22466 Integrate digital applications into architectural workflows


2.3 Digital security issues are considered and workplace procedures for copyright and privacy are complied with in the communication of documents.

2.4 Hardware requirements are evaluated to determine their limitations and suitability.

2.5 Work is planned to ensure compliance with the National Construction Code (NCC), relevant Australian Standards and other relevant legislation.

3 Select project formats 3.1 Appropriate applications are selected to produce required documentation.

3.2 Digital protocols are determined and created to develop the project documentation according to workplace policy and client requirements.

4 Produce digital data for projects

4.1 File formats and transfer protocols and standards are applied to enable the use of data in chosen applications.

4.2 Object data and component libraries are selected for implementation in project outputs.

4.3 Relevant information is researched from reliable sources to ensure compliance with regulatory building requirements.

5 Produce project outputs 5.1 Digital and physical output methods are selected to ensure compliance with industry standard delivery methods, client and stakeholder requirements.

5.2 Conventions and standards related to layout and print sizing, for both physical and digital outputs, are identified and implemented.

5.3 Digital and physical communication conventions are examined and selected according to their cost effectiveness and sustainability.

5.4 Interim draft output and digital communications is produced to confirm that outputs meet project requirements, and modifications are made, as necessary.

5.5 Final output of project documentation are produced for submission to relevant stakeholders in compliance with regulatory requirements.

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VU22466 Integrate digital applications into architectural workflows


5.6 Outputs are evaluated to ensure compliance with planned project outcomes.

5.7 Investigate and create a range of outputs achievable from identified digital data workflows.


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm requirements and share information with internal and external personnel, where required

engage and interact with digital and electronic distributed information and learning systems

read and interpret:o construction drawings and specificationso state regulatory authority requirements/relevant legislation o Australian Standardso relevant sections of the Building Code of Australiao software manuals

use language, terminology and concepts appropriate to industry conventions Planning and organising skills to:

coordinate workflows according to priorities and agreed timelines meet project milestone requirements confirm outputs meet project requirements

Teamwork skills for collaboration and consultation with both external and internal personnel

Initiative and enterprise skills to: create and/or use object data and component libraries analyse file structures and use them effectively

Self management skills to enable the production of documentation within allocated time frame

Learning skills in self directed approach to updating skills in software use and knowledge of emerging technologies

Technology skills to use software applications suitable for production of documentation required for the project

Numeracy skills to produce required documentation Problem solving skills to determine integration of workflows

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VU22466 Integrate digital applications into architectural workflows

Required knowledge: Functions, operation and management of software programs required for the production

of various stages of project documentation

The application of standards and conventions in the production and management of architectural documentation

Australian and International Standards for BIM data sharing

Purpose and benefits of project outputs to related contexts

Construction and materials technology in the production of architectural documentation

Principles of design and their application

Principles of designing objects and spaces in three-dimensions and their translation into computer-based design methodologies

Organisational quality requirements for the production of digital outputs

Organisational and legislative requirements for documentation in all stages of the building design project

Occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety (WHS) legislation and guidelines relevant to software use

Recognition of file structures

Development and use of file structures

Features of file structures for BIM management


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Team strategies could include:

collaboration amongst practice team members collaboration with external consultants identifying individual roles and responsibilities.

Relevant external stakeholders may include, but not limited to:

structural engineers building surveyors clients Victorian Building Authority heating, cooling and air-conditioning consultants local council and other relevant authorities.

Digital security issues include:

protection of client privacy protection of client and organisation intellectual

property permissions for access to folders and files maintenance of digital storage.

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VU22466 Integrate digital applications into architectural workflows

Hardware requirements include:

devices, such as: scanners digitisers printers/plotters digital projectors/display devices external storage devices workstation platform.

Relevant legislation may include:

Acts and ordinance Regulations NCC series:

BCA, Volume 1 and 2 Plumbing Code of Australia, Volume 3

Australian Standards practice and technical notes.

Appropriate applications could include, but are not limited to:

5D software animation software BIM software design documentation software graphic development and/or editing software internet and network communication platforms multimedia and rendering software.

Digital protocols may vary according to workplace policies but include:

archiving digital back-up platforms production set-up and management.

Transfer protocols include: distributed information systems transfer of data transfer of images data from consultants.

Relevant information includes:

information from Australian websites and publications trade literature.

Digital and physical output methods include, but are not limited to:

email online paper output physical model, e.g. 3D printer or cam device.

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VU22466 Integrate digital applications into architectural workflows

Communication conventions include, but are not limited to:

methods to transfer data through communication services, such as: email/social media file transfer protocol (FTP)/Internet cloud services

etc web client servers.


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate building design workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: apply organisational policies and procedures, including

OHS/WHS and quality assurance requirements, where applicable

comply with copyright and trade practices legislation and organisational privacy and security policies and procedures

produce digitally generated information for an architectural project

collaborate and consult with team members and outside agencies

meet the criteria of the project brief to the required standard and within allocated timelines.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of essential required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant legislation.

Resource implications for assessment include: appropriate computer hardware and software access to architectural conventions, best practice and

workplace procedures the NCC and relevant Australian Standards task sheets, sample drawings and supporting

documentation, as required.

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VU22466 Integrate digital applications into architectural workflows

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should: reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with

workplace tasks and job roles be transferable to other circumstances and

environments relate to a number of performances assessed on

different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Assessment methods may include: practical demonstration of digital production of project

documentation in real or simulated work conditions, with questioning to confirm knowledge of designing objects

submission of project documentation, both physical and digital, that complies with project brief

portfolio of documentation for an architectural project.

Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.

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Page 134: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22467 Present architectural designs

Unit code and title VU22467 Present architectural designs

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to present a design concept for an architectural project. The design could be for a residential (Building Code of Australia (BCA) Classes 1 and 10) or commercial (BCA Classes 2 to 9) building.

It includes reviewing the project brief, developing presentation materials and presenting the final design concept to relevant stakeholders. Materials for presentation could include preliminary drawings, computer generated drawings/images, or models. It requires the ability to effectively clarify or communicate ideas and the design concept to stakeholders.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the skills and knowledge required for building designers to present an architectural design to relevant stakeholders. Work is likely to be under limited or no supervision and in consultation with a variety of stakeholders.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Plan presentation 1.1 The project brief is reviewed to confirm requirements for presentation.

1.2 Suitable presentation format is selected according to project brief, timelines and budgetary limitations.

1.3 Relevant stakeholders are consulted during presentation planning to ensure appropriate format and materials are determined.

1.4 Consultation with team members is undertaken to determine individual responsibilities and time frames in the planning of presentation.

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VU22467 Present architectural designs


2 Produce presentation images and/or models

2.1 Presentation materials and equipment are selected to suit the format and purpose of the presentation and client requirements.

2.2 Final drawings/models are produced for presentation to stakeholders within agreed time frames and to industry standards.

2.3 A range of presentation materials is produced to assist comprehension of final design.

3 Make presentation to client or stakeholder

3.1 Equipment and materials are organised for presentation and team members are briefed on their roles and responsibilities for the presentation, as required.

3.2 Non-verbal and verbal communication techniques are used to secure and maintain the interest of the audience.

3.3 Opportunities are provided for stakeholders to seek clarification on central concepts and ideas, and presentation is adjusted to meet the needs of the audience, if required.

3.4 Key concepts are summarised at strategic points to facilitate understanding.


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm requirements and share information with internal and external personnel, where required

read and interpret:o project briefo architectural documentation

use language, terminology and concepts appropriate to industry conventions Facilitation and presentation skills to communicate design concept to stakeholders Written skills to:

sketch preliminary presentation drawings using a variety of media and different techniques, as required

communicate design ideas and concepts in sketch format prepare documentation to an accepted industry standard

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VU22467 Present architectural designs

Problem solving skills to: identify requirements for presentation according to project brief liaise with stakeholders to plan presentation

Initiative and enterprise skills to: develop presentation that meets client requirements produce presentation materials to industry standard to assist client in understanding

key features of design

Planning and organisational skills to: plan, prepare and facilitate a design presentation complete work within accepted time frames

Technological skills to: complete presentation materials using a variety of computer software operate presentation equipment develop presentation materials

Self management skills to coordinate own responsibilities in planning presentation within designated time frame

Teamwork skills during consultation with, and coordination of, internal and external personnel

Work safely in a design drafting working environment according to legislation and workplace policies and procedures

Required knowledge: Techniques required for sketches/drawings, including:

Colour and its applications Rendering techniques and applications

Relationship between sketching and rendering techniques and the appropriate media

Functions and operation of computer digital editing applications

Presentation methods and techniques

Occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety (WHS) requirements in the development and facilitation of a design presentation

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VU22467 Present architectural designs


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Requirements for presentation includes:

budget documentation presentation materials stakeholders timing.

Presentation materials include:

2D images 3D images animated views models plans and elevations.

Non-verbal and verbal communication techniques include:

body language emotion eye contact facial expression gestures intonation speaking style voice quality, pitch and volume.

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VU22467 Present architectural designs


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate building design workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: liaise with client and external stakeholders in the

development of a design presentation prepare and facilitate a design presentation to industry

standard communicate design ideas and solutions with sketches

and images.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

This unit is to be assessed using industry best practice, safety requirements and environmental constraints relevant to a design drafting workplace.

Assessment of required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or Australian Standards’ requirements.

Resource implications for assessment include: realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the

mandatory task requirements relevant specifications and work instructions access to appropriate computer hardware and software

to enable the production of digital images access to electronic equipment required for the

presentation of design concept workplace instructions relating to safe work practices

and addressing hazards and emergencies.

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VU22467 Present architectural designs

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should: reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with

workplace tasks and job roles be transferable to other circumstances and

environments relate to a number of performances assessed on

different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Assessment methods may include: observation of a design presentation in real or

simulated work conditions, with questioning to confirm knowledge of design presentation techniques and materials

sketches and digitally generated images for the presentation of a design concept

portfolio of sketches and design images models representing design concept for a building


Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.

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Page 140: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22468 Manage architectural project administration

Unit code and title VU22468 Manage architectural project administration

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to manage architectural administration and the development of project documentation. It requires the knowledge of the legislation pertaining to project administration and the ability to comply with the organisational requirements for quality assurance. Work is expected to be undertaken in consultation with both internal personnel and external consultants and with limited supervision.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required for building designers to manage the documentation and administration requirements for architectural projects.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Determine documentation processes

1.1 Schedule of drawings required for approval stages is developed and items included in the contract documentation are determined.

1.2 The process for contract documentation development, including the order of precedence, is determined and the associated legal responsibilities are reviewed.

1.3 The main forms of contracts, their essential components and the process of contract enforcement are reviewed, including the means for dispute resolution.

1.4 Conditions under which a contract can be deemed valid/invalid are determined.

1.5 Organisational systems for recording, storage and retrieval of information are complied with, including processes for privacy and security.

1.6 Procedures for all types of file management, printing and electronic communication are followed in the development of project documentation.

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VU22468 Manage architectural project administration

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VU22468 Manage architectural project administration


2 Determine requirements for approval submission

2.1 Planning scheme provisions are researched to determine state and local planning policies, zones and overlays and other provisions affecting land use and development.

2.2 Types of planning permit and additional approvals are identified and details reviewed according to the requirements of the planning scheme.

2.3 Required documentation is identified for planning approval submission according to local council specifications.

2.4 Stages of approval process are determined according to particular project requirements and recorded for inclusion in project management schedule.

3 Complete a standard contract

3.1 Statutory authorities connected to the project are identified and applicable information is obtained.

3.2 Quality assurance standards and procedures are identified which may impact on building projects and contracts.

3.3 Types of standard architectural/building contracts required for specific stages in the documentation process are identified and the appropriate templates are accessed, including the relevant legislation requirements.

3.4 Standard contract is completed ensuring all information is correct and complies with relevant legislation and organisational quality assurance procedures.

3.5 Basic cost indicators are calculated for a specific building project and invoices are prepared in accordance with organisational procedures.

4 Determine requirements for copyright compliance

4.1 Legal principles for copyright are identified and the implications for designers are analysed.

4.2 Organisational procedures for copyright and protection against plagiarism are identified and all documentation is developed in compliance.

5 Determine requirements for Competition and Consumer Act

5.1 The provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act that impact on design drafting practices are researched. The impacts of these provisions are analysed and the organisational procedure for their management is followed, to ensure compliance with legislation.

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VU22468 Manage architectural project administration


6 Complete a standard specification

6.1 Standard forms of specifications are identified and the limitations are defined with reference to a specific building project.

6.2 Specification is selected and customised as necessary, to suit the building project, in consultation with relevant parties.

6.3 Standard/customised specification for the building project is completed to a professional standard.

7 Complete project management schedule

7.1 Parameters, milestones and benchmarks associated with a building project are identified.

7.2 Project constraints are analysed and strategies are implemented for their management.

7.3 Schedule is produced showing project milestones and various approval stages to ensure effective project management.


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm requirements and share information with internal and external personnel, where required

read and interpret complex documents, including:o relevant legislation, codes and standardso National Construction Codeo planning permit application requirements and other relevant documentation

use language and concepts appropriate to industry conventions

Written skills to: prepare project documentation correspond with external personnel

Numeracy skills to calculate basic cost indicators for a building project

Problem solving skills to: determine appropriate contract to suit an architectural project determine the limitations of standard specifications and justify their selection

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VU22468 Manage architectural project administration

Planning and organising skills to: prepare documentation in readiness for approval stages manage project documentation processes coordinate work with consultants, stakeholders and authorities, as required

Learning skills to: identify impacts of quality assurance standards and procedures identify legal principles of copyright

Self management skills to meet timelines and project schedule

Teamwork skills when working with internal and external personnel

Technological skills to use computers and other office equipment

Work safely in a design drafting working environment and on a site according to legislation and workplace policies and procedures

Required knowledge: Common terminology, definitions, methods, process and procedures used in relation to

a design drafting office

Occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety (WHS) requirements associated with a design drafting office

Basic understanding of legislation and how it relates to architectural services and the building industry, including: Domestic Building Contracts Act Contract Law Competition and Consumer Act copyright building approvals requirements of statutory authorities Occupational Health and Safety Act/Work Health and Safety Act income tax and GST Australian Standards

Professional associations and regulatory bodies, including: Building Designers Association of Victoria Master Builders Association of Australia Australian Institute of Architects Victorian Building Authority Housing Industry Association

Legal liabilities of parties involved in the execution of a building project

Basic cost indicators for a building project

Standard architectural/building contracts and their essential components

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VU22468 Manage architectural project administration

Contract documentation process, including order of precedence and relationships between the documents

Tender process

Legal liabilities of each party within the terms of the contract conditions under which a contract can be deemed valid/invalid

Agencies and the means available in the process of contract enforcement

Means for the resolution of disputes

The principles of project management

Use and implication of specification notes on drawings and the difference between a specification

File transmittal, revision and management of project file

Project management software, where applicable


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Zones include: business commercial industrial mixed use public land residential special purpose.

Overlays include: design and development environmental audit heritage significant landscape.

Types of planning permit includes:

advertising signage business planning construction and/or extension of single or multi-dwellings on a lot industrial planning subdivision planning waiver of car parking.

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VU22468 Manage architectural project administration

Additional approvals include:

building permit environmental licence health approval heritage approval liquor licence waste discharge licence works approval.

Documentation includes, but is not limited to:

A3 plans application form boundary re-establishment survey concept landscape plan copy of title requirements of reference authorities design response plan elevations neighbourhood and site description plan neighbourhood character design response form roof plan sections shadow diagrams site layouts site photographs streetscape elevation written statement.

Quality assurance standards and procedures include:

Australian Standards as they relate to quality assurance

definitions of quality project quality plan quality assurance checklist quality assurance system, such as:

quality management and control quality manual quality procedure and task instruction.

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VU22468 Manage architectural project administration

Standard architectural/building contracts are based on:

availability of builder client need company policy construction time frame level of risk project size.

Documentation process includes:

concept design construction contract documentation design development proposal schematic design working drawings.

Relevant legislation may include:

Acts and ordinance Regulations National Construction Code series:

Building Code of Australia (BCA), Volume 1 and 2 Plumbing Code of Australia, Volume 3

Australian Standards practice and technical notes.

Basic cost indicators include:

cost indicator program costing guide cost table preliminary estimate.

Copyright includes: copyright duration copyright infringement copyright of employees copyright pertaining to the designer being employed as

a subcontractor or secondary consultant copyright relating to the use of documents definitions fees paid to building designers intellectual property licence to utilise documents on the construction site minimising copyright risk patent registered designs trademark.

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VU22468 Manage architectural project administration

Standard forms of specifications include:

contracts estimates plans, elevations, sections and details specification types:

‘natspec’ customised

trade packages.

Project constraints include: budget restrictions client requirements gaps in expertise need for expert consultation relevant authorities relevant project standards time constraints.


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate building design workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: comply with OHS/WHS legislation and its relationship to

the design office and building sites determine requirements for contract legislation, standard

architectural and building contracts, contract documentation processes and legal implications for all parties and liability

comply with copyright and competition and consumer legislation

apply quality assurance principles complete standard contracts and apply specifications

associated with a specific architectural project complete a project management schedule for an

architectural project.

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VU22468 Manage architectural project administration

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or Australian Standards’ requirements.

Resource implications for assessment include: realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the mandatory

task requirements documentation, including quality assurance standards

and procedures and standard contract templates the BCA and relevant Australian Standards and

legislation project management software.

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should: reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with

workplace tasks and job roles be transferable to other circumstances and environments relate to a number of performances assessed on

different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Assessment methods may include: observation of tasks in real or simulated work conditions,

with questioning to confirm the knowledge required to manage project administration

individual/group assignments to research and analyse relevant legislation

projects to develop project schedule for a building project practical exercises to develop documentation for a

building project.

Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.

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Page 150: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22469 Undertake complex architectural projects

Unit code and title VU22469 Undertake complex architectural projects

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to undertake complex architectural projects for residential (Building Code of Australia (BCA) Classes 1 and 10) and/or commercial (BCA Classes 2 to 9) buildings.

It includes consultation with a client to prepare a project brief and the development and presentation of a design concept that meets the requirements of the brief and relevant legislative requirements and codes and standards.

It requires the preparation of all necessary documentation and the development of a critical path management diagram. It requires thorough knowledge of the BCA, relevant Australian Standards and local authority regulatory requirements.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit supports the attainment of the skills and knowledge required for building designers to complete complex architectural projects, which comply with the BCA and other relevant legislation. Work is expected to be undertaken in consultation with other stakeholders and under limited supervision.

It requires the problem solving skills to complete a design/documentation project.


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Determine requirements for the project

1.1 Client is consulted to confirm details of building design to develop the project brief.

1.2 Preliminary analysis of planning and local authority regulations is undertaken to ascertain requirements.

1.3 Feasibility study is performed to determine and document the viability of the project.

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VU22469 Undertake complex architectural projects


1.4 Site analysis and survey are undertaken and a detailed site analysis is prepared for planning permit application.

1.5 Brief is drafted and evaluated against client requirements and submitted to client for confirmation, and any amendments are negotiated.

2 Develop design concept

2.1 Design response is developed in accordance with client brief and presentation drawings/models are produced for client presentation.

2.2 Design concept is presented to client using a variety of presentation materials to assist in understanding key concepts.

2.3 Approval for the final design is obtained from client, and the relevant documentation is finalised for client contract.

3 Finalise design 3.1 The approved design is finalised and reviewed against the budget and the appropriate documentation is developed to adequately communicate the design.

3.2 A preliminary selection of materials and finishes is selected in accordance with project brief.

3.3 Planning application documents are prepared and the client is assisted with lodgement of the Town Planning application and the processes to complete the application and advertising process.

3.4 Consultation is undertaken with local authorities, neighbours and other interested parties, if required.

3.5 Design work to be undertaken by external personnel is coordinated, as required.

3.6 Design concepts for internal spaces, finishes and services are developed and relevant documentation is developed or obtained.

4 Prepare and coordinate documentation development

4.1 Documents are prepared in accordance with workplace procedures to enable the project to be tendered.

4.2 Details of specifications are integrated into documentation, as required.

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VU22469 Undertake complex architectural projects


4.3 Joinery and internal spaces and electrical documents are prepared or facilitated for inclusion into contract set.

4.4 Drainage and landscape documents are prepared or facilitated for inclusion into contract set.

4.5 Work from specialist consultants is coordinated and integrated into architectural documentation.

4.6 Opinion of probable cost is prepared or facilitated and completed documents are checked and submitted for building approval.

5 Prepare a critical path management diagram

5.1 Suitable methods for building procurement are determined according to project brief and organisational procedures.

5.2 Requirements for project supervision are determined to ensure design intent and specifications comply with contract documents and project schedule.

5.3 Stages for the implementation of progress claims, claims for extensions of time and issuing of progress certificates are identified according to the project schedule.

5.4 Stages for the preparation of defect notices and certificates for practical completion and final completion are identified according to the project schedule.

5.5 A critical path management diagram is finalised and confirmed with relevant stakeholders for all stages in the design and construction process.

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VU22469 Undertake complex architectural projects


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm requirements and share information with internal and external personnel, where required

read and interpret:o relevant legislationo Australian Standardso relevant sections of the National Construction Code

use language, terminology and concepts appropriate to industry conventions communicate design concept to client and other stakeholders

Written skills to: sketch preliminary design solutions and presentation drawings using a variety of

media and different techniques, as required prepare documentation to an accepted industry standard

Problem solving skills to: ascertain local regulatory requirements identify key stages of design and construction process coordinate work from consultants into architectural documentation compare tender processes

Initiative and enterprise skills to: develop design solutions that meet client requirements negotiate amendments to the client brief

Planning and organisational skills to: coordinate the team members in the development of documentation liaise with client and stakeholders throughout the project complete work within accepted time frames

Technological skills to: produce presentation materials and contract documentation using a variety of

computer software operate presentation equipment

Self management skills to coordinate own responsibilities and complete tasks according to project schedule

Teamwork skills to: coordinate team members and their work output coordinate work from other consultants.

Work safely in a design drafting working environment and on a site according to legislation and workplace policies and procedures

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VU22469 Undertake complex architectural projects

Required knowledge: Relevant legislation, including:

Building Act Building Regulations Planning and Environment Act Occupational Health and Safety Act/Work Health and Safety Act Domestic Buildings Contracts Act Building and Construction Security of Payment Act Environment Protection Act and Regulations Disability Services Act Health Act and Regulations Heritage Regulations

Relevant sections of the BCA State and local regulatory requirements Legal responsibilities of building designers Sustainable building practices Essential safety measures for buildings Construction materials and finishes Construction and structural principles Design theories and principles Workplace procedures and documentation requirements for building project

administration Digital software used in the production of presentation materials and documentation


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Site analysis includes: local climate conditions physical characteristics relationship of site to adjoining buildings and surrounding


Client requirements include:

allocation of space any limitations that impact on the design budget estimate, including construction, design and

statutory costs construction methodology fittings and furniture

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VU22469 Undertake complex architectural projects

intended site materials and finishes project timelines purpose and function of the proposed building specific fixtures.

Presentation materials include:

2D images 3D images animated views models plans and elevations.

External personnel includes:

electricians engineers heating, ventilation and air-conditioning engineers interior designers landscapers plumbers.

Documents include: project brief.

Specifications include: appliances interior and exterior finishes type, strength and size/quantity of materials workmanship.

Procurement includes: forms of tendering lump sum design and construct cost plus.

Project supervision includes:

administering variations and obtaining client approvals meeting with client, contractors and other stakeholders periodic site visits providing instructions to clarify contract documents providing supplementary details and information reviewing shop drawings and other builder’s


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VU22469 Undertake complex architectural projects


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate building design workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: comply with legislative requirements applicable to the

design of buildings develop a design and documentation for a residential

and/or commercial building in compliance with the relevant legislation

develop a critical path management diagram according to the project schedule

comply with the organisational processes for project administration.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment of essential required knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or Australian Standards’ requirements.

Resource implications for assessment include: realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the mandatory

task requirements relevant specifications and documentation, including

land title, site plan, working drawings and specifications and relevant legislation

appropriate support materials research resources, including industry-related


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Page 157: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22469 Undertake complex architectural projects

Method of assessment Evidence should be gained through a range of methods to ensure valid and reliable assessment and consistency in performance.

Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process, where appropriate, and could be from assessment of the unit alone, through an integrated assessment activity or a combination of both.

Evidence should: reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with

workplace tasks and job roles be transferable to other circumstances and environments relate to a number of performances assessed on

different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Assessment methods may: include observation of tasks in real or simulated work

conditions, with questioning to confirm knowledge of legislative requirements for the design of a residential or commercial building

reinforce the integration of Employability Skills with workplace tasks and job roles

include evidence relating to a number of performances assessed on different occasions which reflects the scope of the job role.

Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training staff.

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VU22470 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment

Unit code and title VU22470 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment

Unit descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to conduct, interpret and apply Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessments to the design and construction of buildings. This includes relevant theoretical knowledge of fire, understanding of the regulatory framework, assessing a location and education of, and consultation with, clients about the benefits of achieving the required fire resistance.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

However, this unit forms part of a minimum qualification requirement for registration with the Victorian Building Authority as a building designer (architectural).

Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills.

Application of the unit This unit is aimed at determining and applying the outcome of a BAL assessment to building design, material selection and construction methods so that buildings better withstand the effects of a bushfire and provide greater protection for occupants and buildings. It involves a methodical, stepped process to determine and assess the bushfire risk of the site and the determination of the BAL using Method 1 (the simplified bushfire risk method from AS 3959).


Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

1 Analyse cause and effect of bushfires

1.1 Requirements relevant to undertaking a BAL assessment are identified and complied with, including occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety (WHS), legislative, organisational and certification requirements.

1.2 Bushfire behaviour is analysed to determine potential impact on buildings and the environment in bushfire-prone areas.

1.3 The impact of topography and weather conditions are analysed to determine the risk of bushfires occurring and potential impact on human life and protection of buildings.

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VU22470 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment


1.4 Sources of combustion are identified to determine how they influence bushfires.

1.5 Stakeholders are consulted and information sources accessed to identify benefits of undertaking a BAL assessment.

1.6 Responsibilities of local, state and national authorities are reviewed to determine their role in minimising the impact of bushfires.

2 Correlate information about site conditions

2.1 Objectives of legislation and standards covering buildings in bushfire-prone areas are reviewed to identify measures to improve performance of buildings when subjected to bushfire attack.

2.2 The location of the site is identified to determine the Fire Danger Index (FDI) for the site.

2.3 Site vegetation classification, vegetation type and exclusions are identified to determine potential contribution to supporting fire progress.

2.4 The distance of vegetation from buildings is measured to determine the level of bushfire risk to the site.

2.5 The slope of the land under the classified vegetation is measured to determine the direct influence on the severity of a bushfire.

3 Determine the BAL for site

3.1 The FDI, vegetation classification and type, distance of vegetation and slope are used to select the BAL applicable to the site.

3.2 The BAL assessment relevant to the site is checked to confirm accuracy.

3.3 The BAL assessment limitations are communicated to client and benefits of achieving required fire resistance is discussed.

3.4 Details of the BAL assessment are documented and reported according to organisational requirements.

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VU22470 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment


4 Interpret relevant bushfire information

4.1 Requirements relevant to applying a BAL assessment in a bushfire-prone area and in a Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) to the design and construction process are identified and complied with, including OHS/WHS.

4.2 Standard definitions associated with bushfires are explained in the context of building design.

4.3 Purpose of applying a BAL assessment is determined to inform design decisions.

4.4 Effects of bushfires on humans and buildings are explained as they relate to each BAL.

4.5 Risks associated with each BAL are analysed to determine impact on building design, materials and construction methods.

5 Integrate bushfire protection requirements into building design and construction

5.1 Building designs and individual design features are analysed to determine their resistance to bushfire and reduce the level of risk to occupants.

5.2 Features and benefits of materials are analysed to determine their suitability for the BAL assessment.

5.3 Design and construction requirements for buildings in bushfire-prone areas reflect the outcomes of the BAL assessment and the Australian Standards.


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Required skills: Communication skills to:

use appropriate communication and interpersonal techniques with colleagues, clients and others

accurately record and report workplace information, and maintain documentation

Comply with legislation, regulations, standards, codes of practice and established safe practices and procedures for undertaking and applying a BAL assessment to the design and construction process

Problem solving skills to: analyse, interpret and integrate information Identify problems and apply appropriate response procedures

Planning and organising skills to prepare resources required for site assessment

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VU22470 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment

Required knowledge: Applicable Commonwealth, state or territory licensing, legislative, regulatory or

certification requirements and codes of practice relevant to the full range of processes for evaluating fire potential and prevention

Organisational and site standards, requirements, policies and procedures for undertaking and applying a BAL assessment to the design and construction process

Purpose and processes associated with undertaking a BAL assessment

Underlying principles for incorporating the outcomes from a BAL assessment into the design and construction process

Principles of cultural diversity and access and equity Environmental protection requirements

Established communication channels and protocols Problem solving techniques

Environmental risks and hazard prevention Procedures for recording, reporting and maintaining workplace records and information

Appropriate mathematical procedures for estimation and measurement


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Occupational health and safety (OHS)/work health and safety (WHS) requirements may include, but are not limited to:

the use of personal protective equipment and clothing safety equipment first aid equipment hazard and risk control appropriate Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) appropriate fitness for the task.

Bushfire behaviour includes:

how bushfires move across different landscapes and vegetation

heat transfer – convection, radiation, conduction ember attack variable weather conditions nature and outcome of fire.

Buildings include: new buildings alterations and additions to existing buildings.

Sources of combustion include, but are not limited to:

those specified in the relevant Australian Standards referred to in the Building Act and its associated codes e.g. National Construction Code (NCC) as applicable, including state and territory variations.

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VU22470 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment

Stakeholders include, but are not limited to:

clients residents in identified high risk areas architects building designers building surveyors builders and land developers local fire authorities community groups regulatory authorities.

Information sources include, but are not limited to:

internet building industry associations fire services local council national and state governments libraries Victorian Building Authority.

Legislation and standards include, but are not limited to:

Building Act/planning scheme and its associated codes e.g. NCC as applicable, including state and territory variations, Victorian building regulations.

Planning scheme AS 1530 Methods for fire tests on building materials,

components and structure AS 1684 Residential timber-framed construction AS 1720 Timber structures-Design methods AS 3837 Method of test for heat and smoke release

rates for materials and products using an oxygen consumption calorimeter

AS 3959 Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas.

Fire Danger Index (FDI): measures the probability of a bushfire starting and includes the rate of spread, intensity and difficulty of suppression according to various combinations of temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and estimate of fuel state.

Vegetation classification as stated in the Australian Standards includes:

forest woodland shrubland scrub mallee/mulga rainforest grassland.

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VU22470 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment

Vegetation type as stated in the Australian Standards includes:

tall woodland open forest low open forest pine plantation woodland open woodland low woodland low open woodland open shrubland closed heath open heath low shrubland closed scrub open scrub tall shrubland tall closed forest closed forest low closed forest low open shrubland hummock grassland closed tussock grassland tussock grassland open tussock sparse open tussock dense sown pasture sown pasture open herbfield sparse open herbfield.

Exclusions include: low threat vegetation and non-vegetated areas refer to AS 3959.

Distance of vegetation: measured horizontally from the edge of the building, including parts of the building without external walls e.g. decking, carport to the edge of the vegetation closest to the building.

Slope refers to: the upslope or downslope of land under the classified vegetation in relation to the building, not the slope between the classified vegetation and the building, refers to the limitations of Method 1 and Method 2 in AS 3959.

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Page 164: Course accreditation document template · Web viewWayne Ketchen, The Gordon In attendance: Ms Teresa Signorello, Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), Building and Construction, Holmesglen

VU22470 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment

Definitions associated with bushfires include, but are not limited to:

BAL FDI Fire Resistance Level (FRL) Flame Zone (FZ) distance of vegetation slope vegetation classification and type.

Effects of bushfires include, but are not limited to:

ember attack radiant heat direct flame contact.


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Overview of assessment This unit could be assessed in the workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment, provided that simulated or project-based assessment techniques replicate building design drafting workplace conditions, materials, activities, responsibilities and procedures.

Holistic or project-based assessment with other related units is recommended.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit

A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: comply with applicable Commonwealth, state or

territory legislative and regulatory requirements and codes of practice, including OHS/WHS, environmental and organisational policies and procedures relevant to undertaking and applying a BAL assessment to the design and construction process

communicate effectively and work safely with others determine the level of bushfire risk by undertaking a

minimum of two separate BAL assessments. Competency must be assessed on actual sites and include different vegetation classifications and site slopes

incorporate the outcomes of one of the BAL assessments conducted into the design and construction of at least one building.

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VU22470 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment

Context of and specific resources for assessment

Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or Australian Standards requirements.

Assessment of essential underpinning knowledge, other than confirmatory questions, will usually be conducted in an off-site context.

Assessment of competency for the conduct and application of BAL assessments must be based on actual sites.

The following resources should be made available to conduct and apply a BAL assessment on an actual site: a range of appropriate sites specifications and work instructions clipboard, pencil and scale rule appropriate measuring instruments magnetic compass and/or Global Positioning System

(GPS) (for remote areas) digital camera Internet access for aerial views e.g. Google maps,

Nearmap AS 3959 Construction of buildings in

bushfire-prone areas Australian Standards Handbook HB 330 Living in

bushfire-prone areas industry practice notes ongoing professional development requirements BAL assessments materials and equipment relevant to applying outcomes

from BAL assessments to the design and construction process.

Method of assessment Assessment must satisfy the Assessment Guidelines of the course and must be undertaken on appropriate sites.

Assessment must be by direct observation of tasks, with questioning on underpinning knowledge and must also reinforce the integration of Employability Skills.

The assessment environment should not disadvantage the candidate.

Assessment practices should take into account any relevant language or cultural issues related to Aboriginality, gender or language backgrounds other than English.

Where the participant has a disability, reasonable adjustment may be applied during assessment.

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VU22470 Conduct, interpret and apply a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment

Language and literacy demands of the assessment task should not be higher than those of the work role.

Assessment methods must confirm consistency and accuracy of performance together with application of underpinning knowledge for two separate BAL assessments and their interpretation and application to the design of at least one building.

Assessment methods must confirm the ability to correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning knowledge.

Assessment methods may include: direct observation in real-work conditions with

questioning to confirm knowledge of relevant theoretical knowledge of fire, bushfire and regulatory requirements

research and report on case studies of a range of: BAL assessments for underpinning knowledge designs incorporating BAL assessments

review of written assignment on benefits of educating and consulting with clients

review of written assignment on bushfire protection requirements in building designs

evaluation of reports on causes and effects of bushfires review of documentation of BAL assessments review of Australian Standards referenced for

incorporation into designs for bushfire resistant construction.

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Appendix A: Employability Skills summary

Qualification code 22477VIC

Qualification title Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)

Qualification descriptor The following table contains a summary of the Employability Skills required for this qualification. The following table should be interpreted in conjunction with the detailed requirements of each unit of competency packaged in this qualification. The Employability Skills facets described here are broad industry requirements that may vary depending on the work context.

Employability Skills Industry/enterprise requirements for this qualification include the following:

Communication that contributes to productive and harmonious relations across employees and customers

Interacting and using appropriate interpersonal techniques with colleagues, clients and others

Liaising with regulatory bodies using specialist technical terms

Reading and interpreting research material, including architectural literature and relevant legislation

Developing drawings, plans, specifications and planning approval documentation

Questioning, listening and interpreting client design needs Accurately recording and reporting workplace information

to industry standard

Teamwork that contributes to productive working relationships and outcomes

Working with clients and building professionals to finalise design concepts

Contributing to team meetings concerning a building brief Coordinating input of expert advice where appropriate Facilitating meetings between clients and teams

Problem solving that contributes to productive outcomes

Negotiating resolutions for planning permit applications Analysing design problems and implementing remedial

solutions Analysing site topography and weather conditions to

determine risk of bushfires occurring and potential risk to buildings and occupants

Interpreting complex calculations relating to building designs’ structural requirements and load effects of force and movement on structural elements

Making recommendations for the selection of emerging materials for building projects

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Initiative and enterprise that contribute to innovative outcomes

Developing and maintaining professional industry networks

Implementing energy conservation strategies and cost saving practices

Comparing historical design principles with modern practice

Integrating safe building practices into the design of a building

Developing effective and compliant quality assurance processes

Planning and organising that contribute to long and short-term strategic planning

Prioritising personal work tasks in accordance with project deliverables

Establishing and maintaining contract administration procedures and frameworks

Monitoring project progress to designated milestones Preparing and facilitating a design presentation

Self management that contributes to employee satisfaction and growth

Networking effectively with architectural professionals Maintaining and developing currency of own professional

practice Producing work within allocated time frames and in

accordance with project schedule Reflecting on and taking responsibility for own

performance Identifying and acting on professional development


Learning that contributes to ongoing improvement and expansion in employee and company operations and outcomes

Participating in regular performance reviews of self and others within the team of work responsibilities and performance

Assisting others to acquire new skills and knowledge to improve team and individual performance

Researching information to maintain up-to-date knowledge of building design practices and materials performance

Technology that contributes to the effective carrying out of tasks

Using simple levelling equipment Operating office equipment, computers and electronic

communication systems Using computer software to develop design solutions and

Building Information Modeling (BIM) requirements

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