Apps for Windows Phone & Windows Store Course Program, Evaluation, Examination Telerik Software Academy http://academy.telerik.com Apps for Windows Phone & Windows Store

Course Program, Evaluation, Examination Telerik Software Academy Apps for Windows Phone & Windows Store

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Apps for Windows Phone & Windows

StoreCourse Program, Evaluation, Examination

Telerik Software Academyhttp://academy.telerik.com

Apps for Windows Phone & Windows Store


Table of Contents

Apps for Windows Phone & Windows Store

The Trainers Team Exams and Evaluation

Standard Criteria


Resources for the Course

Apps for Windows Phone & Windows Store Course

ProgramTopics and stuff

Apps for Windows Phone & Windows Store

1. Couse Introduction

2. Windows Universal apps overview

3. First Windows Universal app

4. Windows Universal controls

5. Layout in Windows Universal

6. Styles and templates

7. Data-binding

8. Data-binding list controls

9. Dependency properties, attached properties and attached behavior 4

10.Views, custom controls, user controls

11.Application resources

12.Behavior binding


14.Windows Universal apps architecture

15.Pages and navigation in Windows apps

16.App lifecycle

17.Application storage5

Apps for Windows Phone & Windows Store (2)

18.Async programming with C# in Windows apps

19.Working with remote data

20.File system access

21.Device APIs: contacts, geolocation, accelerometer , camera, etc…

22.Gestures: swipe, pinch, tap, long tap, etc…


24.Workshop: Creating a simple game

25.Workshop: Creating a Windows Universal apps


Apps for Windows Phone & Windows Store (3)

The Trainers Team

Trainers Team Doncho Minkov

Senior Technical Trainer@ Telerik Software Academy

Contestant in the Informatics competitions

Experience with Web and Mobile apps

Proficient with JavaScript and .NET Coding WPF, Silverlight and WP

since 2008 Email: doncho.minkov [at]

telerik.com Blog: http://minkov.it

Trainers Team (2)

Evlogi Hristov

Technical Trainer@ Telerik Software Academy

Graduate from the fourth seasonof Telerik Software Academy

Experience with Microsoft SharePoint and cloud technologies

E-mail: evlogi.hristov [at] telerik.com


Evaluation Thank God There Are


Windows Apps: Evaluation

Evaluation components Course project – 75% Homework – 10% Homework evaluation – 5%

3 peer reviews per homework (excellent, OK, bad)

Attendance in class – 10% Bonuses

Forums activity – bonus up to 5%


Pass / Excellence / Fail Criteria

Criteria for pass / pass with excellence / fail Pass with excellence

Very high exam results


High total results

Pass Average total results

Fail Low total results or low exam results 12

Homework Peer Reviews

Everyone will get feedback for their homework

Everyone will give feedback for few random homework submissions Students submit homework

anonymously Please exclude your name from the


For each homework submitted Students evaluate 3 random

homeworks From the same topic, after the

deadline Homework comments are not



Check Your Presence

From now on you should check your presence on the barcode reader 2-3 times a day: In the morning when lectures begin


After lunch break (~13:30)


Course Project The course project will consist of developing a mobile application for Windows Store and Windows Phone You will work in individual teams

Should work with remote data (REST)

Should use device capabilities

Should be innovative and with value

to the end user

More details tomorrow morning


ResourcesWhat We Need in Addition to this

Course Content?

Telerik IntegratedLearning System (TILS)

The Telerik Integrated Learning System (TILS) www.telerikacademy.com

Important resource for all students

Homework submissions

Homework peer reviews

Presence cards with barcode

Reports about your results



Required Software

Software needed for this course:

Windows 8.1 OS

Visual Studio 2013 with Update 2

With installed Windows Phone 8.1 SDK

The development environment and IDE

Microsoft Expressing Blend

The UI builder for XAML apps19


Apps for Windows Phone &

Windows Store


Free Trainings @ Telerik Academy

C# Programming @ Telerik Academy csharpfundamentals.telerik.com

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Telerik Software Academy Forums forums.academy.telerik.com