Coursera Assignment Examples Week 1_040814

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  • 8/20/2019 Coursera Assignment Examples Week 1_040814


    Week 1 Assignment: Starting Total Leadership

    This document provides examples of responses to the questions asked in the Week 1 Assignment:

    Starting Total Leadership. These examples are provided as a guide to demonstrate what an

    excellent response looks like. They were all composed by Wharton students (some of whom were

    in our Executive MBA program, called “WEMBA”). They each gave permission for their responses

    to be shared with future students.

    1.A Alumni Reflections

    This exercise helps you understand more of what our course is about, from the perspective of

    people who have taken it. Please view at least two of the Reflections videos on the TLTV Network

    page of our Total Leadership Web site. Then write a comment about each of these two video clips

    (in a short paragraph for each) describing what you learned from listening to these alumni

    speaking about their experience.

    Please note that on the Reflections channel there are two kinds of videos: Reflections (from Basile

    through Winters) and Q&A (starting with "Changes in Alignment?"). Please view two of the

    Reflections videos, not the Q&A videos.

    Example 1

    Deika Morrison - Deika describes that as Wharton students we feel like getting to CEO is the

    “end game,” but upon reaching this high perch we discover “there’s nothing there.” As an

    achievement-oriented person, I am constantly seeking to overcome successively more

    difficult challenges. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment but must quickly find a new

    “mountain to climb” or I feel stagnant. What Deika describes is consistent with my

    experience, in that there may not be anything at the top of the mountain other than a

     fleeting, selfish moment. She advises that Total Leadership helped her appreciate the

    importance of the “means” of travelling through life rather than just the looking to the

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    “end.” I hope to gain a similar reorientation through the course, so that I can be more

    settled in how I am living my life in each moment instead of racing to the finish line.

    Kirk Brown - Based on his experience, Kirk relates his observation that ineffective leaders

    weren’t clear in their personal visions. He describes the importance of understanding where

    you’re headed before you can expect others to follow you. I feel that I hold a wi de variety of

    interests, passions, and observations of activities that I’m good at and enjoy doing. My

    experiences at Wharton have yielded a wealth of fresh insights, through countless courses

    and interpersonal challenges. What I haven’t yet done is method ically establish order to

    these thoughts and feelings, while at the same time considering my broader life priorities,

    such as my family. Making sense of who I am and matching this understanding to

    opportunities and choices in the external environment has often felt overwhelming. At the

    same time, I can attest that living without a clear vision has been unbelievably taxing. Kirk

    has helped me see that defining my vision now is vital to establishing stability and purpose

    in my life while enabling me to begin exercising true leadership. My vision today doesn’t

    have to be perfect; I need to start somewhere and I can always revise and update it


    Example 2

    Deika Morrison Clip. A few comments from Deika that resonated with me include:

    “There is no course that the requirement is you.”  

    “This course is has been transformational in all domains.”  

    Deika’s clip was inspirational and eye-opening with regard to the “transformational”

     journey to come. It certainly feels more real now. I feel that I am just scratching at the

    surface of some really powerful and life changing decisions and opportunities but not sure

    how to dig in and go about establishing a solid plan of action (or framework) to proceed

     forward. It feels very easy to continue putting off improvements in myself given how busy I

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    am …but this will only intensify over time.  NOW is the time to invest in my commitment to

    this class in order to achieve the desired outcomes. I am open to improvement.

    Deika’s comments also reinforced my concern that I am not doing a good job

    communicating with those who matter around me. NOW is the time to force myself to look

    inward and better engage the key stakeholders around me.

    Kirk Brown Clip - I was intrigued by the “tools, approaches and skill sets needed to ext ract

    knowledge and deliverable from key stakeholders” that Kirk talked about vis-à-vis how to

    influence those around us. This is an area where I feel that I can greatly improve. I was

    also taken by his comment about the importance of vision and understanding where going

    before trying to lead people. Through the course, he came to realize that a lot of the people

    he didn’t respect don’t have a vision of where they’re going.   I feel that I may be in a similar

     position now with a co-worker and look forward to learning more about this in class.

    The importance of stakeholder dialogues also resonated with me. As I am reflecting and

    writing responses to the first set of exercises, I am realizing more and more that my

    communications with some (if not all) of the key stakeholders in my life has just scratched

    the surface and there is likely serious room for improvement here that could have powerful

    consequences. For example, I am not sure that I have ever asked or been told by the

     partners’ at my firm what their expectations are of me? I know very clearly what I expect of

    myself and communicate this to them but sense that there could be a major misalignment

    here. I look forward to learning more.

    Finally, Kirk’s comment about “continuing to experiment” also hit home. Right now, I feel

    somewhat restless. I am at Wharton to create change and opportunity. The last eight

    years professionally have felt somewhat stagnant, and I feel a strong desire to be further

    challenged and achieve more. I am agitating for a new direction and need to further reflect

    here and better clarify this feeling.

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    Example 3

    Rich Cisek - I think Rich’s comments are so common amongst so many of us with the same

    way we live our lives and the types of people that are very driven to do something

    different. One comment that struck out to me was how he had reflected on his life and his

     professional accomplishments. Rich noted that despite all of the grand achievements that

    he had made towards his organization and work circle, it didn’t mean much in the grand

    scheme of things with his life. I feel the same way. I use my wife as a litmus test for

    this. As a younger man, I had the unique opportunity (more like mandatory suggestion) to

    attend the US Army’s elite Ranger school.  A 62-day “fun filled” experience that is deemed

    the Army’s “premier leadership school”.  More like it was 62 days of hunger, sleep

    deprivation, carrying heavy loads on our back, and leading others under the most extreme

    conditions ending with 30 lbs of weight loss and a small piece of cloth on your shoulder that

    cost $0.50 at the store. The day I graduated was one of the happiest days of my life. When

    I explained this to my wife when we were dating, she shrugged her shoulders and asked

    me, “So why did you do this if it was so terrible?”.  I asked myself the same question and

    what it actually equated to in my life. Since t hen, I’ve tried to live my life in parallel like Rich

    talks about, pushing myself to the extreme and never accepting defeat or failure as a final


    Deika Morrison - Great perspectives- it’s not about the results.  Deika’s comments are about

    how I work and how I live life. It’s about the process of getting there that make the results

    so much worth while. I wouldn’t have come to Wharton and much less the EMBA program

    unless I wanted to experience a challenge, push myself to the limits, learn about myself, and

    start a different path. I think Deika was trying to say that she just wasn’t comfortable or

    understood herself. That’s what I want to get out of this.  Like with my comments above on

    Ranger school, the experience helped me learn about myself, my leadership style, and what

    I didn’t want to become.  I think the process is just as (if not more) important to this course

    than the actual outcomes.

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    1.B Goals

    As you are about to embark on your journey through our course, please describe, in a paragraph

    or two, (a) what led you to sign up for it and (b) what you hope to gain from it. Take a few

    moments to let your responses come to mind, then record your thoughts.

    Example 1

    One of the main reasons I came to business school and to Wharton specifically was for its

    leadership programs as well as the immense opportunities to deepen my sense of self-

    awareness, values and priorities. I have benefitted deeply from my experience to date with

    the Ventures Program, both as a participant and Venture Fellow, as well as the Leadership

    Development & Coaching Program (LDCP). I view Total Leadership as a way to take these

    experiences to the next level and apply them directly to each facet of my life. The holistic

    nature of TL is really incredible, as it will not only touch all parts of my life but also integrate

    them in a beneficial way. Prior to getting started with TL, I didn’t fully consider the ways in

    which I could realize synergies across various domains and this is one of the things I’m most

    looking forward to in the class.

    I hope to emerge from TL with a greater sense of purpose and the ability to continuously

    achieve “four way wins” even as I undergo significant changes l ike starting a new career

     path or beginning a significant relationship. I would like to be able to use TL principles to

    improve productivity and satisfaction for myself and others in my life –  e.g., to foster

    greater morale and cohesiveness with teams and employees. Overall, I aim to become more

    comfortable with seeing all aspects of my life as symbiotic elements that can and should

    coexist in harmony and also intend to take steps to ensure that I am living my life in a way

    that aligns with what is most important to me.

    Example 2

     After 16 months in the WEMBA program, I have observed that my formula for prioritizing

    my time, energy, and commitment has had a concerning impact on important areas of my

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    life. I entered Wharton with a wealth of motivation to resolve an ongoing dilemma

    regarding what I wanted to do in my career. Through the program’s intense demands and

    my motivated approach to classes, I have gained the comprehensive learning experience I

    had been seeking, building skills and relationships while deriving valuable new insights on

    my career possibilities. During this period, I have been relentlessly motivated on a daily

    basis to complete my schoolwork, in order to gain significant value from my classes but also

    to generate free time to spend with my wife and 2-year old daughter. When I’m not in

    Philadelphia, I am home for dinner in the evenings and I read my daughter bedtime stories

    each night before putting her to bed. I feel actively involved as a father but at the same

    time I am not nearly as emotionally available to my wife as I wish, and this bothers me.

     Aside from school and my immediate family, I have completely pushed aside other vital

    activities, such as keeping in touch with my parents, siblings, and friends, performing

    necessary housework, and getting enough sleep. I have withdrawn from my previous

    community service activities. My attention to schoolwork has often severely limited my

    availability to even my wife and daughter, such as on a recent vacation with my side of the

     family when I spent the majority of time at the library working on five concurrent, time-

    consuming assignments while my wife and daughter were with my parents and siblings. I

    have been performing considerable amounts of schoolwork at my job, which I feel guiltyabout at times. I rationalize it by ensuring that I am adequately fulfilling my work

    responsibilities, by delegating development opportunities to my staff, and by recognizing

    that my company is investing in my education so that I will deliver much greater

    contributions in the future. Within my company, I have recently accepted a new job that will

    begin in four months time and offers an appealing opportunity to impact the firm’s financial

    strategy and planning processes. This will change the paradigm for me, as I will no longer

    be able to complete homework on the job, and, knowing myself, I will seek to start my new position with a motivated and detail-oriented approach.

    While WEMBA will end next year, my wife and I are concerned that a new, revitalized

    career will merely replace the time and energy requirements of Wharton. Given that my

    approach to school has involved neglecting many important activities and relationships, I

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    must derive a new orientation. I want to be a present and engaged husband, father, son,

    and friend but at the same time I desire a rewarding and productive career path. I am

    drawn to the Total Leadership program as a means of learning to bridge the gap between

    where I’ve been, as a focused but single-minded student, to where I hope to go, as an active

    and engaged member in each key area of my life. I feel that there’s currently an ongoing

    battle for “me” between home and school, and my new job poses a new potentially

    competing priority. Instead of living with confusing tradeoffs, I am ready to engage in a

     process of clarifying what is most important to me and questioning the ways I have been

    spending my time and energy. With this new understanding, I want to devise new solutions

    that enable me to set aside the potential tradeoffs in favor of a whole, sustainable view of

    the future. I am particularly looking to break new, more emotionally deep ground with my

    wife, so that I can feel more connected, clarify a shared vision, and adopt new, more

    supportive behaviors that can be sustainably incorporated into my daily routine. Finally, I

    want to look further ahead and clarify where I’m headed in my life, so that I can better

    enjoy the journey and align my efforts in the right direction.

    Example 3

    I have alluded to some of my goals above, but to summarize it all, I want to use an

    extended analogy to Tiger Woods' golf swing. His swing is grounded in basic fundamentals.

    It is pure. Yet, every few years he re-tools his swing completely and gets even better. For

    me, I believe that the tools I have now are adequate, and they have helped me achieve

    many things. However, I realize the need to periodically and frequently re-tool my arsenal

    to become even better and more effective. To do so, I seek solid coaching from the

    professor and my peers.

    Specifically, I want to add the following tools to my arsenal: i) the ability to effectively rally

    people in support of my goals; ii) the ability to focus all of my energies and activities on the

    cohesive life-time goal(s) I will have identified; and iii) to be able to better receive advice

    and be more comfortable in experimenting with productive approaches to constantly

    improve myself.

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    1.C Skills

    This exercise helps you focus on the skills you most want to develop in our course. First, please

    view the one-page skills assessment tool at the Total Leadership Web site, here.  Then, please

    choose the two or three skills from the list of 18 that you would most like to focus on as you go

    through our course. In a sentence, please explain why each of these two or three skills is important

    to you.

    Example 1

    Skill #1 –  I make choices about how to spend my time and energy that match what I really

    care about. 

    I end up spending a lot of time on relatively-less-important tasks. I can do a better job of

     prioritizing and focusing on “progress, not perfection” to free up time for priorities in my

    “self” and “home” arenas. 

    Skill #2 –  I tell stories of the key events that have shaped my values in a way that makes me

    closer to others. 

    I would like to gain this skill and use it purposefully as part of my leadership style. I don’t

    consider myself to have a natural knack for story-telling, but I’m hoping I can improve

    through practice. 

    Skill #3 –  I communicate with people important to me about expectations we have of each

    other, and I make sure these expectations are clear. 

    I could improve many relationships quite a bit by better understanding expectations. It has

    never occurred to me to explore expectations in personal relationships, even though I know

     from professional experience that satisfaction depends on expectations. 

    Skill #4 –  I look for creative solutions to conflicts to help meet my goals in the different parts

    of life rather than sacrificing one part for another.

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    In the past I have tended to take a rigid approach to prioritizing my commitments –  work at

    the expense of personal or family time, for example –  and I would love to reframe my

    commitments as “both/and” instead of “either/or.”  

    Example 2

    I hold myself accountable for doing what is most important to me in my life (Being real). I

    think my biggest issue in this space is that I get lost in the day-to-day deliverables in my life

    and find myself constantly working on whatever is urgent at that time. I think part of the

     problem is that I have not fully taken stock of what my priorities in life are, and having

    defined this, I need to hold myself to those priorities on an ongoing basis. 

    I am able to create boundaries between the different parts of my life to help me meet

    important needs and goals (Being whole). I do not think that I am effective in this space at

    all; I frequently put other aspects of my life on hold to complete deliverables in other areas

    that may not be as important. Being able to better integrate different areas of my life, or at

    a minimum to hold myself as responsible for commitments to others or myself in non-work

    areas would be a huge win for me. 

    Example 3

    I seek creative solutions to conflicts to meet goals in different parts of life rather than

    sacrificing one part for another - I frequently feel as though parts of my life come into direct

    conflict with one another and I often prioritize one by completely ignoring another. The

    most common is example is the conflict between my physical health (exercise, eating well)

    and my social life, both because there does not always seem to be enough time to do both

    and because going out (and drinking alcohol) causes me to feel physically unhealthy.

    I use skills and contacts from different parts of my life to help meet goals in other parts of

    my life - I feel that I have become a much better "leader" at work and school, where I have

    been focused on developing my weaknesses (e.g., becoming a better listener and more

     flexible/collaborative). It's disappointing to me that I often revert back to old bad habits

    when interacting with family or friends.