Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015

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  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    Contents1ac................................................................................................................... 4

    FYI on What the Plan Does....................................................................................16

    Inherency Extensions............................................................................................ 17

    INH: Need to !date the "a# in di$ital a$e......................................................1%

    &ol'ency Extensions..............................................................................................()

    &*"+,,-: "a# is Indeter/inate.........................................................................(1

    &*"+,,Co0rt &ho0ld econcile Fo0rth -/end/ent.............................................((

    &*"+,,-: oll2ac3Won5t e Enorced...............................................................(8

    &*"+9Exec0ti'e Will Co/!ly.............................................................................(

    &*"+,,&ol'ency: "o#er Co0rts #ill ollo#...........................................................(6

    &*"+,,&ol'ency: he Plan #ill &no#2all.............................................................(%

    &*"+,,&ol'ency: &0!re/e Co0rt Decisions are ;odeled...................................(cant intr0sion on !ri'acy........................................86

    DE;,,Fo0rth -/end/ent ?ey to De/ocracy.....................................................87

    DE;9De/ocracy @ood Extensions...................................................................4)

    DE;9De/ocracy @ood Extensions9Existential is3........................................48

    DE;,,De/ocracy @ood Extensions9Po'erty -dd,*n........................................44DE;9-: Peo!le A0st sho0ldn5t 0se the internet...............................................4

    Internet -d'anta$e Extensions............................................................................. 46

    IN: Internet I/!act Extensions........................................................................47

    IN: Internet is in tro02le no#........................................................................... 4%

    I/!erial Presidency -d'anta$e Extensions...........................................................4cation is Extra,o!ical...........................................................7%

    Disad -ns#ers................................................................................................7nd the KtradeoK o !ri'acy or con'enience K#orth#hileK or co/e to acce!t this

    Kdi/in0tion o !ri'acyK as Kine'ita2le.KL n87G0stice &calia on the other hand noted that Lthisa!!roach is ill,s0ited to the di$ital a$e in #hich !eo!le re'eal a $reat deal o

    inor/ation a2o0t the/sel'es to third !arties in the co0rse o carryin$ o0t /0ndanetas3s.L n8% he t#o dierin$ o!inions exe/!liy the !02licKs standin$ on s0r'eillance in the (1st cent0ry.


    The $nited %tates %u&reme Court should recalibrate the Fourth

    Amendment test in 'at( v) $nited %tates for domestic internet

    surveillance to allow what a &erson see*s to &reserve as

    &rivate, even in an area accessible to the &ublic, may be

    constitutionally &rotected)

    Observation : %olvencyThe &lan te+t solves and Courts are *ey to &rotecting &rivacy

    rights over the internet:

    -2d0l/aAeed Alhogbani, !1"G.D. Candidate he Catholic ni'ersity o-/erica ()16 Co//"a# Cons!ect0s @*IN@ D-?: &C-CHIN@ HE &F-CE*F @*+EN;EN &+EI""-NCEJ -ccessed 6(8()1 r#$

    he a!!lication o the Fo0rth -/end/ent to Internet s0r'eillance has ex!anded the$o'ern/entKs a2ility to cond0ct 0nreasona2le searches. he $o'ern/entKs !o#er isc0rrently 0nchec3ed and /0st 2e recali2rated . n178he Co0rtKs inter!retation in?atO that the Fo0rth -/end/ent !rotects !eo!le not !laces and that !eo!le ha'ea Lreasona2le ex!ectation o !ri'acyL has 2eco/e irrele'ant d0e to the ad'ances intechnolo$y. n174 nderstandin$ that the Internet is in theory a !lace #here content o#s and renders nearly e'erythin$ onthe Internet inca!a2le o !rotection 0nder the Fo0rth -/end/ent. n17 Instead o ado!tin$ a narro#inter!retation le$islat0res need toa!!ly the 2roader rationale 2ehind the Fo0rth-/end/ent #hich reasons LM#hat a !erson 3no#in$ly ex!oses to the !02lic e'enin hisMher o#n ho/e or oce is not a s02Aect o Fo0rth -/end/ent !rotection.0t #hat heMshe see3s to !reser'e as !ri'ate e'en in an area accessi2le to the

  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    !02lic /ay 2e constit0tionally !rotected.Ln176he Co0rt /0st 2etter !rotect #hata !erson see3s to !reser'e as !ri'ate . n177

    Courts are *ey to chec* the e+ecutive branch with the Fourth

    Amendmentself-restraint and Congress fail:

    i/othy Casey, !!.-ssociate Proessor o "a# Case Western eser'eni'ersity &chool o "a# I@H& -ND E;EDIE&: Electronic &0r'eillance and thei$ht o e &ec0reJ C Da'is "a# e'ie# "exisNexis -ccessed 6(()1 r#$

    he co0rts /0st 2e /ore !roacti'e in their role in li/itin$ the reach o theexec0ti'e 2ranch. oth the Pen e$ister Decisions and the N&- Cases !resentedFo0rth -/end/ent iss0es in a context that s0$$est a $reater role or the co0rts . Inthe traditional conce!tion o the ad'ersarial syste/ the co0rt !lays the role o ne0tral ar2iter decidin$ only the iss0es ra/ed 2ythe !arties 2ased on the e'idence !ro'ided 2y the !arties. n(76 Ho#e'er in the constit0tional context and !artic0larly in thecontext o ex !arte !roceedin$s the co0rts /0st !rotect the 0nre!resented interests o the Peo!le. Co0rts sho0ld ass0/e theadditional o2li$ation o ass0rin$ that the $o'ern/ent does not reach 0rther than !er/itted 2y the Fo0rth -/end/ent and therele'ant stat0tory str0ct0re. I co0rts are not co/orta2le acce!tin$ this role and /any /ay not 2e then they sho0ld reely ex!lorealternati'e /eas0res to ens0re the re!resentation o the interests o the Peo!le. he Pen e$ister Decisions s0$$est one i//ediateMQ1)8( re/edial /eas0re. n(77 Co//enda2ly a e# co0rts a!!ointed a/ici to 2rie the !osition o!!osed to the $o'ern/ent.

    n(7% he a!!oint/ent o co0nsel to re!resent the interests o the Peo!le #o0ld identiy the se!arate interests o the collecti'e

    !eo!le and #o0ld enco0ra$e a /ore thoro0$h liti$ation o the iss0es 2eore the co0rts. Fro/ an instit0tional !ers!ecti'e co0rts/0st acce!t their role o enorcin$ the Constit0tion a$ainst the exec0ti'e 2ranch 2ya!!lyin$ $reater scr0tiny to exec0ti'e clai/s o a0thority. he N&- Cases !resent the co0rts #ithan o!!ort0nity to re'isit the dic0lt iss0e o the state secrets !ri'ile$e. -s disc0ssed earlier the a!!lication o the state secrets!ri'ile$e sho0ld 2e s02Aect to a 2alancin$ test #here the si$ni>cance o the interests at sta3e in the la#s0it are airly #ei$hed in thedeter/ination o #hether the !ri'ile$e a!!lies. he !ri'ile$e itsel rests on the !ro!osition that so/e interests s0ch as nationalsec0rity are s0!erior to other ty!es o interests s0ch as the indi'id0al clai/s in a la#s0it. Ho#e'er #here the interest asserted inthe la#s0it is not a clai/ or 2reach o contract 20t a clai/ or 2reach o the Constit0tion the a!!lication o the !ri'ile$e sho0ld not2e ta3en li$htly. he dic0lty in a!!ortionin$ !ro!er #ei$ht to the interests !rotected 2y the Fo0rth -/end/ent ste/s ro/ the0se o the lan$0a$e in the reasona2le ex!ectation o !ri'acy test. eclai/in$ the lan$0a$e o the Fo0rth -/end/ent i/!lies adierent role or the co0rts 2eca0se the ori$inal lan$0a$e denotes a ri$ht rather than an ex!ectation. -n ex!ression o the interests!rotected 2y the Fo0rth -/end/ent as a ri$ht rather than as an ex!ectation necessarily entails a hi$her de$ree o in'ol'e/ent or

    the co0rts. I #e ex!ect to restore si$ni>cance to the !ro/ise o the Fo0rth -/end/ent

    #e /0st enco0ra$e co0rts to a2andon the reasona2le ex!ectation o !ri'acy test.We cannot reasona2ly ex!ect the exec0ti'e 2ranch to li/it itsel nor can #e ex!ect

    the le$islati'e 2ranch to s0ccess0lly restrain the exec0ti'e. he Constit0tionKsori$inal !ro/ise to the Peo!le o a ri$ht to 2e sec0re cannot s0r'i'e #itho0t arene#ed co//it/ent and 'i$ilance ro/ the co0rts.

    Advantage 1: /emocracy

    0overnment surveillance of the internet ris*s a &olice state

    the internet is a critical threshold:

    -2d0l/aAeed Alhogbani, !1"G.D. Candidate he Catholic ni'ersity o-/erica ()16 Co//"a# Cons!ect0s @*IN@ D-?: &C-CHIN@ HE &F-CE*F @*+EN;EN &+EI""-NCEJ -ccessed 6(8()1 r#$

    @o'ern/ent s!yin$ is not a ne# !heno/enonR it has 2een an on$oin$ c0sto/ since the earliest or/s o

    $o'ern/ent. n1(he N&-Ks s!yin$ !ro$ra/ constrains one o h0/anityKs /osti/!ortant in'entions the Internet . n18he nited &tates $o'ern/ent crossed a

    threshold that $rants access to li/itless a/o0nts o inor/ation. n14hey areo'erste!!in$ constit0tional 2o0ndaries n1 and raisin$ the !ossi2ility o a !olice

  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    state. n16 y ad'ocatin$ that s0r'eillance is necessary or national sec0rity the $o'ern/ent !ro'ides anincenti'e or citiOens to 2y!ass the s0r'eillance. n17 -nony/ity is an i/!ortant 'irt0e o the Internet anddestroyin$ it ca0ses /ore har/ than $ood. n1% "e$islators /0st reexa/ine c0rrent le$islation rede>ne #hat

    constit0tes a reasona2le search and 2alance national sec0rity #ith an indi'id0alKs ri$ht to !ri'acy. Co0rts /0streconcile MQ471 /odern technolo$y #ith the .&. Constit0tion.;oreo'er the A0diciary /0st0l>ll their constit0tional 0nction 2y 3ee!in$ the exec0ti'e 2ranch in chec3.

    And now is *ey: several democracies worldwide are

    bac*sliding away from democracy:

    Sla 0res*ovits 48()1Central E0ro!ean ni'ersity 0da!est heHollo#in$ and ac3slidin$ o De/ocracy in East Central E0ro!eJhtt!:!oliticalscience.ce0.ed0sites!oliticalscience.ce0.h0>lesattach/ente'ent1118$res3o'itshollo#in$and2ac3slidin$ode/ocracy,$lo2al!olicy()1.!d -ccessed6(4()1 r#$

    Foc0sin$ on ten East Central E0ro!ean /e/2er states o the E0ro!ean nion thisessay ex!lores t#o /aAor challen$es to the T0ality and solidity o their

    de/ocracies. he >rst o these reers to the $eneral E0ro!ean !ro2le/ o declinin$!o!0lar in'ol'e/ent in !olitics ter/ed hollo#in$ o de/ocracy ;air ())6.hesecond challen$e is ca!t0red 2y the ter/ 2ac3slidin$ #hich s0$$estsdesta2iliOation or e'en a re'ersal in the direction o de/ocratic de'elo!/ent.ac3slidin$ is 0s0ally traced to the radicaliOation o siOea2le $ro0!s #ithin the re/ainin$ acti'e citiOenry and the#ea3enin$ loyalty o !olitical elites to de/ocratic !rinci!les. While the lon$,ter/ !rocess o hollo#in$ o de/ocracy

    is less s!ectac0lar the ne#s on 2ac3slidin$ oten /a3e it to the headlines.oday analysts and the$eneral !02lic are alar/ed 2y the reT0ent disr0!ti'e !rotests a$ainst 0ne/!loy/ent!o'erty and 0ncertainty ste//in$ ro/ a0sterity and the occasional re/ar3a2le sho#in$ oradical i$ht,#in$ and other anti,syste/ !arties at elections. In se'eral co0ntries othe re$ion es!ecially those hard hit 2y the $lo2al >nancial crisis and the @reat ecession $o'ern/entsha'e also atte/!ted to $ain control o'er ree /edia and other instit0tions ode/ocratic chec3s and 2alances as #ell as o'er the acti'ity o ci'il societyor$aniOations.

    /emocrati(ation solves multi&le e+istential ris*s to our


    enny #eiser 111()!2social anthro!olo$ist at "i'er!ool Gohn ;ooresni'ersity ? Existential ris3 and de/ocratic !eaceJhtt! -ccessed 71)()1 r#$

    In recent years h0/an3ind has 2eco/e a#are o a n0/2er o $lo2al and existentialris3s that !otentially threaten o0r s0r'i'al. hese nat0ral and /an,/ade ris3s co/!rise cos/ic

    disasters 'olcanic s0!er,er0!tions and cli/atic disr0!tion on the one hand andn0clear #arare technolo$ical catastro!hes and 0lly,ed$ed 2ioterroris/ on theother. In order to sec0re the 0t0re o ci'ilisation #e are challen$ed to reco$nise and #ard o these lo#,!ro2a2ility 20t !otentially destr0cti'e haOards. - ne# de2ate is $ainin$ /o/ent0/ a2o0t ho# 2est to achie'e asec0re 0t0re or o0r !lanetary ci'ilisation. he rise o neo,catastro!his/ he !erce!tion that disorder rather thanhar/ony held s#ay in the solar syste/ $rad0ally 2e$an to e/er$e d0rin$ the ()th Cent0ry. he traditional conce!to an essentially 2eni$n 0ni'erse #as re!laced 2y that o an 0n!redicta2le cos/os !0nct0ated 2y $lo2alcatastro!hes. he e/er$ence o scienti>c neo,catastro!his/ s0raced as a corollary o the s!ace a$e. -rtistKsi/!ression o asteroid i/!act. I/a$e: -FP@etty here can 2e little do02t that #e are li'in$ in an a$e o a!ocaly!tican$st and alar/ I/a$es o i/!act craters sent 2ac3 2y s!ace /issions in the 1

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    /ar3ed i/!act,co'ered s0race o /any !lanets. -t the sa/e ti/e the identi>cation o hy!er,'elocity i/!actcraters on the Earth and e/!irical e'idence o hal a doOen /ass extinction e'ents $enerated a ne# 'ie# o o0r!lanet as a 0nda/entally haOardo0s and catastro!hic !lace in s!ace. ;ore recently !redictions o lar$e,scaledisasters and societal 0!hea'al as a res0lt o catastro!hic cli/ate chan$e as #ell as $ro#in$ a!!rehension a2o0ti/!endin$ 2ioterroris/ and n0clear #arare ha'e 2eco/e al/ost ro0tine iss0es o international concern. here can2e little do02t that #e are li'in$ in an a$e o a!ocaly!tic an$st and alar/. he existential ris3 !aradox -t the core otodayKs collecti'e anxieties lies #hat I call the existential ris3 !aradox. -s ad'ances in science /edical research$enetics and technolo$y are acceleratin$ h0/an '0lnera2ility to $lo2al haOards s0ch as cos/ic i/!acts nat0ral

    disasters a/ine and !ande/ics has si$ni>cantly decreased. &i/0ltaneo0sly the !rolieration ode/ocratic li2eralis/and ree /ar3et econo/ies aro0nd the #orld has dra/atically

    c0rtailed the death toll associated #ith nat0ral disasters and diseases. - recent st0dycon>r/s that the ann0al !ercenta$e o !eo!le 3illed 2y nat0ral disasters has decreased tenold in the last 4) years

    in s!ite o the act that the a'era$e ann0al n0/2er o recorded disasters increased >'eold. E'idently o!en andtechnolo$ical societies are 2eco/in$ increasin$ly resilient to the eects o nat0raldisasters. ?ari ;arie Nor$aard ead a 'ie# o the !sycholo$y o cli/ate sce!ticis/ ro/ & scholar ?ariNor$aard Inside the cli/ate ostrich Yet the 'ery sa/e technolo$ies that are ser'in$ 0s to analyse !redict and!re'ent !otential disasters ha'e reached s0ch a le'el o so!histication and !otency that their /is0se can transor/'ital s0r'i'al tools into destr0cti'e orces th0s 2eco/in$ existential ris3s in their o#n ri$ht. he n0clear de'ice that/ay !rotect 0s ro/ a de'astatin$ asteroid i/!act can also 2e e/!loyed or 2elli$erent !0r!oses. @eneticen$ineerin$ that oers the !ros!ect o in>nite ood s0!!lies or the #orldKs $ro#in$ !o!0lation can 2e t0rned into#ea!ons o 2ioterroris/. -nd #itho0t the $lo2al 0tilisation o ossil 0els #e #o0ld lac3 all tra!!in$s o /odernci'ilisation and social !ro$ress. Yet ossil 0els are re$arded as dan$ero0s reso0rces that are #idely 2la/ed orecono/ic tensions #ars and catastro!hic cli/ate chan$e. Existential ris3 !erce!tion here see/s to 2e so/ecorrelation 2et#een /edia ex!os0re and existential ris3 !erce!tion. he /ore !eo!le see hear or read a2o0t theris3s o Near Earth *2Aect NE* i/!acts n0clear terroris/ or $lo2al cli/ate catastro!hes the /ore concernedthey ha'e 2eco/e. he /ere /ention o catastro!hic ris3s re$ardless o its lo# !ro2a2ility is eno0$h to /a3e thedan$er /ore 0r$ent th0s increasin$ !02lic esti/ates o dan$er. &cientists #ho e'al0ate ris3s are oten torn2et#een e/!loyin$ le'el,headed ris3 co//0nication and the te/!tation to o'erstate !otential dan$er. &0n2atherC ;edia called on Kcli/ate !ornK Chaotic #orld o cli/ate tr0th he inclination to a/!liy a !ossi2le ris3 is onlytoo 0nderstanda2le. Personal 2iases as #ell as $rants and 0ndin$ !ress0res are considera2le /oti'atin$ actors tohy!e a !ro2a2le haOardR Rn /any cases 0ndin$ is allocated on the 2asis o intense lo22yin$. his in t0rn cante/!t researchers to a$$ressi'ely !ro/ote their s!eci>c Ldan$er #arnin$L 'ia the /ass /edia. ehind /anyalar/s l0r3 'ested interests o research instit0tions ca/!ai$n $ro0!s !olitical !arties charities 20sinesses or thene#s /edia all o #ho/ 'ie or attention in0ence and 0ndin$ in a relentless #ar o #ords. Proessional ris3analysts disa!!ro'e o s0ch scare tactics and !oint o0t that the detri/ental aects o a!ocaly!tic,so0ndin$ alar/s

    and the rise o collecti'e anxieties are /0ch costlier than $enerally !res0/ed. Whether indi'id0als re$ardexistential ris3s as a serio0s and !ressin$ threat or a re/ote and lon$,ter/ ris3 oten de!ends on their!sycholo$ical traits. No2ody has a!!reciated this con0ndr0/ !erha!s 2etter than &ir Winston Ch0rchill #hoa/o0sly said: L-n o!ti/ist sees an o!!ort0nity in e'ery cala/ityR a !essi/ist sees a cala/ity in e'eryo!!ort0nity.L Doo/sday ar$0/ent In recent years leadin$ scientists in the ? s0ch as randon Carter &te!henHa#3in$ and &ir ;artin ees ha'e ad'anced the so,called Doo/sday -r$0/ent a cos/olo$ical theory in #hich$lo2al catastro!hes d0e to lo#,!ro2a2ility /e$a,disasters !lay a considera2le role. his s!ec0lati'e theory/aintains that scienti>c ris3 assess/ents ha'e syste/atically 0nderesti/ated existential haOards. Hence the!ro2a2ility is $ro#in$ that h0/an3ind #ill 2e #i!ed o0t in the near 0t0re. I 2elie'e that the !ro!hets o doo/

    incl0din$ those !redictin$ cli/ate doo/ are #ron$ Ne'ertheless there are /any $ood andco/!ellin$ reasons #hy h0/an extinction is not !redeter/ined or 0na'oida2le.-ccordin$ to a /ore o!ti/istic 'ie# o the 0t0re all existential ris3s can 2e tac3led eli/inated or si$ni>cantlyred0ced thro0$h the a!!lication o h0/an in$en0ity hy!er,technolo$ies and $lo2al de/ocratisation. Fro/ thiscon>dent !ers!ecti'e o e/er$ent ris3 red0ction the resilience o ci'ilisation is no lon$er restricted 2y the

    constraints o h0/an 2iolo$y. Instead it is !ro$ressi'ely shielded a$ainst nat0ral and /an,/ade disasters 2y hy!er,co/!lex de'ices and inor/ation,cr0nchin$ technolo$ies that !otentially co/!rise 2o0ndless technolo$icalsol0tions to existential ris3s. C0rrent ad'ances in de'elo!in$ an eecti'e !lanetary deence syste/ or exa/!le#ill e'ent0ally lead to a !rotecti'e shield that can sae$0ard lie on the Earth ro/ disastro0s NE* i/!acts. hesocietal res!onse to the cos/ic i/!act haOard is a !ri/e exa/!le o ho# technolo$y can 0lti/ately eli/inate anexistential ris3 ro/ the list o conte/!orary concerns. - technolo$y,2ased res!onse to cli/ate chan$e i/!acts iseT0ally easi2le and eT0ally ca!a2le o sol'in$ the !ro2le/. @lo2al de/ocracy as a sol0tion 0t #hile /ost nat0ralextinction ris3s can 2e entirely eli/inated 2y technolo$ical >xes no s0ch clean,c0t sol0tions are a'aila2le or the

    inherent !otential threats !osed 2y s0!er,technolo$ies. -ter all the !rinci!al threat to o0r lon$,ter/s0r'i'al is the desta2ilisin$ and destr0cti'e 'iolence co//itted 2y extre/ist $ro0!s

  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    and a0thoritarian re$i/es. Here the sol0tion can only 2e !olitical and c0lt0ral. Enola @ay. I/a$e: @ettyEecti'e de/ocracy /ay !re'ent /an,/ade catastro!hes Fort0nately there is co/!ellin$ e'idencethat the $lo2al ascent o de/ocratic li2eralis/ is directly correlated #ith a stee!

    red0ction o ar/ed conicts . - recent N re!ort o0nd that the total n0/2er o #arsand ci'il conicts has declined 2y 4)U since the end o the Cold War #hile the a'era$e

    n0/2er o deaths !er conict has dro!!ed dra/atically ro/ 87))) in 1eld o de/ocratic !eace research the $ro#in$ n0/2er o de/ocracies is theore/ost reason or the !aci>cation o /any international conicts. De/ocraciesha'e ne'er $one to #ar a$ainst each other as de/ocratic states ado!t co/!ro/isesol0tions to 2oth internal and external !ro2le/s. -s 0dol!h G 0//el one o the #orldKs /oste/inent !eace researchers has stated: LIn de/ocracy #e ha'e a c0re or #ar and a #ay o/ini/isin$ !olitical 'iolence $enocide and /ass /0rder.L *n 2alance thereore I 2elie'ethat the !ro!hets o doo/ incl0din$ those !redictin$ cli/ate doo/ are #ron$. -d/ittedly there is no $0aranteethat #e can a'oid /aAor /ayhe/ and disr0!tion d0rin$ o0r ris3y transition to 2eco/e a hy!er,technolo$ical ty!e 1ci'ilisation. E'en so societal e'ol0tion has no# reached a le'el o co/!lexity that renders the !ro2a2ility o h0/ans0r'i'al /0ch hi$her than at any hitherto sta$e o history.

    /evelo&ing standards for surveillance restores trust indemocratic government:

    ;orton H. 3al&erin 7()1"&enior ad'isor *!en &ociety Fo0ndations I &!yYo0 &!y: "i/itin$ @o'ern/ent &0r'eillance o Pri'ate CitiOensJhtt!:###.h0n$ton!,h,hal!erini,s!y,yo0,s!y,li/itin$,$o'ern/ent,s0r'eillanceV2V(6a2leinor/ation. he $0idelines sho0ld !ro'ide or eecti'e o'ersi$ht o the intelli$ence acti'ity consistent #itheach co0ntryKs traditions and !ro'ide or the ri$ht o redress or anyone i/!ro!erly s0r'eilled.he s0ccess0lne$otiation o s0ch standards #ill $o a lon$ #ay to restore the tr0st o de/ocratic$o'ern/ents in each otherand o their citiOens in their $o'ern/ents and intelli$ence ser'ices.

    And the Fourth Amendment is *ey: it is the most vital element

    of democracy:

    Iaconeta 14Christine 8(1 oo3 e'ie#: ;ore Essential han E'er: he Fo0rth-/end/ent in the #enty,>rst Cent0ry. -/erican -ssociation o "a# "i2raries.Proessor Iaconeta is a /e/2er o the Caliornia ar and an acti'e /e/2er o the-/erican -ssociation o "a# "i2raries --"" "a# "i2rarians o Ne# En$land""NE and NE""C*. &he has ser'ed on n0/ero0s co//ittees and has heldleadershi! !ositions in these or$aniOations. C0rrently she is the Chair o the-cade/ic "a# "i2raries &!ecial Interest &ection -"",&I& o --"" --""5s lar$est
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    s!ecial interest section #ith 1()) /e/2ers. htt!:###.aallnet.or$lo$ss!ectr0/,2lo$47(%).ht/l "Donn

    he Fo0rth -/end/ent to the nited &tates Constit0tion !rohi2its 0nreasona2le searches and seiO0res reT0irin$ a>ndin$ o !ro2a2le ca0se 2eore a search can ta3e !lace. he a/end/ent allo#s or $o'ern/ental in'asion o!ri'acy 20t it also reT0ires that it 2e A0sti>ed and that the $o'ern/ent 2e held acco0nta2le or its actions.&ee/in$ly strai$htor#ard #hen ori$inally drated 2y o0r Fo0ndin$ Fathers technolo$ical ad'ances chan$es in

    !olice #or3 and threats to national sec0rity ha'e had a !roo0nd eect on the Co0rt5s Fo0rth -/end/entA0ris!r0dence. In More Essential Than Ever: The Fourth Amendment in the Twenty-frst Century, a0thor &te!hen G.&ch0lhoer ta3es the reader thro0$h a concise retellin$ o Fo0rth -/end/ent A0ris!r0dence ho!in$ to reconcilethe historically held 2elie that $o'ern/ental intr0sions into the !02lic5s !ri'ate /atters cannot 2e allo#ed in a reesocietyR e'en #hen so doin$ /y lead to the increased ris3 o dan$er and har/ to the !02lic. -ccordin$ly ;r.

    &ch0lhoer ar$0es that the !rotections !ro'ided 2y the Fo0rth -/end/ent as it #as ori$inallyconcei'ed can 2e sho0ld 2e and /0st 2e adhered in today5s /odern society. - !erson5s ri$ht to!ri'acy and the ri$ht to 2e sec0re in their !ersons ho0ses !a!ers and eects JM1 is thatessential to de/ocracy .-ter an introd0ction that o0tlines the o0r /yths that 0el s3e!ticis/ a2o0t theFo0rth -/end/entM(the a0thor 2e$ins in Cha!ter #o 2y disc0ssin$ the historical tenets o the Fo0rth-/end/ent o0tlinin$ the Fra/ers stron$ly held 2elie that 0nconstrained $o'ern/ental discretion cannot 2eallo#ed and that A0dicial o'ersi$ht is needed to !re'ent i/!ro!er $o'ern/ental actions. In this cha!ter ;r.&ch0lhoer ar$0es that the !resent day co0rts sho0ld oc0s on the !rinci!les and 'al0es laid o0t 2y the Co0rt in

    early Fo0rth -/end/ent A0ris!r0dence #hen decidin$ cases rather than relyin$ on a strict adherence to thes!eci>c r0les esta2lished 2y the Co0rt5s Fo0rth -/end/ent A0ris!r0dence. he a0thor calls this ada!ti'e

    ori$inalis/.JM8his conce!t is ex!lored 0rther in Cha!ter 8 as #ell as in the next cha!ter #here he exa/inesthe chan$in$ nat0re o e'eryday !olice #or3. In 2oth o these cha!ters the a0thor disc0sses the exce!tions to theFo0rth -/end/ent that #ere necessitated 2y the nat0re o ille$al acti'ity and the need or the !olice to !rotect the!02lic ro/ cri/inal acti'ity #hile still adherin$ to the s!irit o the Fo0rth -/end/ent. he a0thor contin0es todisc0ss the need or exi2ility in Cha!ter #hen he disc0sses ad/inistrati'e searches those searches that ta3e!lace o0tside the real/ o traditional !olice #or3. In these s!ecial circ0/stances or exa/!le searches done toins0re !02lic health and saety the Co0rt has relaxed the traditional #arrant and !ro2a2le ca0se reT0ire/ents.-ltho0$h this allo#s or exi2ility the a0thor ar$0es that this threatens the traditional notions o !ri'acy reT0irin$the need or $o'ern/ental acco0nta2ility and o'ersi$ht. -$ain the a0thor is callin$ or exi2ility #hile stillreco$niOin$ the need or actions that !ro/ote the Fo0rth -/end/ents ori$inal ideals.In Cha!ter 6 the a0thorexa/ines the !ri'acy i/!lications res0ltin$ ro/ the de'elo!/ent o /odern technolo$ies incl0din$ the eect#ireta!!in$ electronic ea'esdro!!in$ and increased access to !ersonal inor/ation has had on o0r Fo0rth-/end/ent A0ris!r0dence. Cha!ter 7 loo3s at national sec0rity and ho# the e'ents o

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    to /any other A0d$es in /odern de/ocracies shinin$ exa/!les o constit0tionaltho0$ht and constit0tional action.Ln1)He also noted that Lthe nited &tates is the richestand dee!est so0rce o constit0tionalis/ in $eneral and o A0dicial re'ie# in!artic0lar.L n11F0rther he ac3no#led$ed LWe orei$n A0rists all loo3 to de'elo!/ents in thenited &tates as a so0rce o ins!iration.L n1(

    Advantage : The Internet

    The lac* of legal &rotections to chec* internet surveillance

    leads to a chilling e6ect and &revents the develo&ment of an

    o&en internet:

    Ge7arvis 617()14sta #riter I ear the chillin$ eect o N&- s0r'eillance onthe o!en internetJhtt!:###.the$$,eect,nsa,s0r'eillance,internet -ccessed 6(4()1 r#$

    I ear the collateral da/a$e the N&-Ks s!yin$ 'ia technolo$y #ill do to that technolo$y.he essential !ro2le/ is not

    the internet or internet co/!anies or e'en the s!ies. he real !ro2le/ is the la#and #hat it does not !re'ent the -/erican $o'ern/ent ro/ doin$ #ith technolo$yand ho# it does not !rotect the !rinci!les 0!on #hich this nation #as o0nded.he da/a$e to the net and itsreedo/s #ill ta3e /any or/s: 0sers /ay co/e to distr0st the net or

    co//0nication sharin$ and stora$e 2eca0se they no# ear X #ith ca0se X that the$o'ern/ent #ill 2e s!yin$ on the/ #hether or not they are the o2Aect o thats0r'eillance.International 0sers X !ro!erly concerned that they are aorded e'en less !rotection than -/ericans X /ay ditch-/erican !lator/s. he E0ro!ean nion and other national $o'ern/ents #hich already #ere threatenin$ la#s tar$etin$ &technolo$y co/!anies #ill #or3 harder to 3ee! their citiOensK data a#ay ro/ the &. echnolo$ists /ay >nd it necessary to 20ild in

    so /any !rotections so /0ch encry!tion and ca0tion that the o!enness that is a 3ey 'al0e o the net 2eco/es lost. I #etr0st the net less #ill #e 0se it less Will it 2eco/e less o an en$ine or inno'ation

    and econo/ic de'elo!/ent Will it 2e a di/inished tool or s!eech and asse/2ly a/on$ citiOens I $o'ern/ents0se this e'ent as an exc0se to exercise /ore o'ersi$ht and control o'er the net #ill that not then in t0rn red0ce citiOensK tr0st inthe net and their reedo/ 0sin$ it @o'ern/ents !resent the/sel'es as the !rotector o o0r !ri'acy 20t as the N&- storyde/onstrates $o'ern/ents !resent the $reatest threat to o0r !ri'acy as they ha'e the /eans 2oth to s0r'eil 0s and to 0se o0rinor/ation a$ainst 0s. -nd note #ell that $o'ern/entsK relationshi! #ith the net is necessarily in0enced 2y the netKs disr0!ti'eorce on $o'ern/ent: #itness the internetKs 0se in or$aniOin$ !rotests a$ainst $o'ern/ents in 0r3ey raOil E$y!t 0nisia Iranand /ore nations 2y the day. IsnKt a #ea3ened controlled distr0sted net in $o'ern/entsK interests -d'ertise/ent &o ar /0ch othe ne$ati'e co'era$e and e/otion in this story ha'e centered on the technolo$y co/!anies alle$ed 2y Ed#ard &no#denKs lea3edPo#erPoint slides to ha'e coo!erated #ith the N&-. he Washin$ton Post has yet to correct its contention that the N&- and FI areLta!!in$ directlyL into the ser'ers o internet co/!anies tho0$h that si/!listic characteriOation has 2een so0ndly denied 2y @oo$leFace2oo3 and others. he -ssociated Press has $i'en a /ore n0anced and sensi2le inter!retation o the slides ex!lainin$ thatso/e Pris/ data is the !rod0ct o #arrants ser'ed on those co/!anies !rod0cin$ data ro/ their ser'ers that is deli'ered 2y >letranser or disc in @oo$leKs case and so/e is the res0lt o a!!arent #holesale ea'esdro!!in$ on internet >2re. hat ta!!in$ intothe netKs 0ll o# o co//0nications is ar /ore tro02lin$ e'en than the & $o'ern/entKs secret #arrants. For a sa''y descri!tion oho# that can occ0r listen to sec0rity ex!ert &te'e @i2sonKs !odcast. IK'e yet to hear internet 2and#idth !ro'iders "e'el8 +eriOonet al T0estioned as internet ser'ice co/!anies ha'e 2een a2o0t #hether and ho# they are coo!eratin$ #ith the s!ies. hat is anext !hase o this story. What the N&- is doin$ /ay 2e le$al /ade so 2y the Patriot -ct. 0t e'en on Fox Ne#s re$0lar contri20tor

    -ndre# Na!olitano has T0estioned #hether its actions and this la# are constit0tional. hat is the 3ey T0estion Ed#ard &no#den andco/!any no# !0t 2eore 0s: #hat !rinci!les are 2ein$ 'iolated or 0!held 2y the $o'ern/entKs actions hat is the disc0ssion #e/0st ha'e. I see these core !rinci!les at sta3e. First !ri'acy: in the nited &tates >rst,class letters and !arcels are !rotected ro/search and seiO0re exce!t 2y #arrant. hat sho0ld 2e the case 20t is not or any !ri'ate co//0nication 0sin$ any technolo$y:other classes o /ail e/ail internet tele!hony #itter direct /essa$e or /eans yet to 2e in'ented. &econd the 2alance o!o#ers: the N&- is o'erseen 2y a secret co0rt and $a$$ed le$islators. h0s sa'e or &no#denKs lea3in$ #e the !eo!le are excl0dedro/ the inor/ation #e need and the o!!ort0nity #e deser'e to 3ee! o0r re!resentati'es and a$ents in chec3. - third !rinci!leridin$ ato! these is trans!arency: the notion that $o'ern/ent sho0ld 2e trans!arent 2y dea0lt and secret 2y necessity and thereare necessary secrets. oday $o'ern/ent is secret 2y dea0lt and trans!arent 2y orce #hether ro/ #histle2lo#ers and

    Ao0rnalists. When $o'ern/ent threatens to tort0re the #histle2lo#ers and !rosec0te the Ao0rnalists #ho share inor/ation #ith 0sthen that !0ts a chill on s!eech and a cho3e on the trans!arency citiOens de!end 0!on to ass0re their ri$hts and /onitor their$o'ern/ents. he >rst t#o are !rinci!les enshrined in the & constit0tion: in the o0rth a/end/ent that $0arantees reedo/ ro/0nreasona2le searches and seiO0resR and in the str0ct0re o -/erican $o'ern/ent itsel. he third is a !rinci!le #hose 'al0e I ha'e
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    learned ro/ the net and the !o#er it $i'es any citiOen to s!ea3 !02liclyR to >nd or$aniOe or Aoin a !02licR and 0lti/ately to choose

    #hat is !02lic and #hat is not.he N&-Ks actions and the la#s that ena2le the/ X as #ell asso/e occasionally o'er2lo#n conAect0re aro0nd this X threaten to di/inish the

    !o#er and reedo/ o the net . I #orry that the da/a$e is done.

    The chilling e6ect is real and s&reading: websites are shutting

    down for fear of 8%A surveillance:

    ;athe# Ingram %()()14sta #riter hro0$h a PI&; dar3ly: Fear o N&-s0r'eillance is ha'in$ a chillin$ eect on the o!en #e2Jhtt!s:$i$ao/.co/()18)%()thro0$h,a,!ris/,dar3ly,ear,o,nsa,s0r'eillance,is,ha'in$,a,chillin$,eect,on,the,o!en,#e2 -ccessed 6(4()1 r#$

    G0st a e# #ee3s a$o the sec0re e/ail ser'ice "a'a2it 9 #hichEd#ard &no#den 0sed#hile corres!ondin$ #ith @0ardian #riter @lenn @reen#ald a2o0t N&- lea3s ironically 9 sh0t do#n 2eca0seo the o0nder5s concern a2o0t $o'ern/ent s0r'eillance as did ello# e/ail!ro'ider &ilent Circle. No# the #ell,res!ected le$al disc0ssion or0/ @ro3la# hasdone the sa/e dri'en 2y #hat its o0nder has called the orced ex!os0reJ o N&-s0r'eillance. Ho# /any /ore #e2 ser'ices do #e ha'e to lose 2eore N&- chillin$eects 2eco/e a serio0s drain on the internet #e all ta3e or $ranted In his note a2o0tthe clos0re o his sec0re e/ail ser'ice "a'a2it o0nder "adar "e'ison said that i #e 3ne# #hat he 3no#s a2o0t thesec0rity o the $lo2al e/ail syste/ #e #o0ldn5t 0se e/ail at all. Pa/ela Gones the o0nder o @ro3la# said in hero#n clos0re notice that this #arnin$ started to $na# a#ay at her and >nally she co0ldn5t sto/ach r0nnin$ her #e2or0/ and e/ail list any lon$er 2eca0se o a ear that its entire contents #ere a'aila2le to the N&-. he si/!letr0th is no /atter ho# $ood the /oti'es /i$ht 2e or collectin$ and screenin$ e'erythin$ #e say to one anotherand no /atter ho# clean5 #e all are o0rsel'es ro/ the stand!oint o the screeners I don5t 3no# ho# to 0nction ins0ch an at/os!here.J &aety in the r0le o la# Not so /0ch !ri'acy s!yin$ eye in co/!0ter Not only did Gonessay that she co0ldn5t contin0e r0nnin$ @ro3la# 2eca0se o the ear o s0r'eillance es!ecially since she has readersand s02scri2ers aro0nd the #orld and s0r'eillance o non,.&. citiOens is e'en easier than it is #ith .&. residents20t she said the rise o the sec0rity state act0ally see/ed to contradict so/e o the reasons she started the@ro3la# ser'ice in the >rst !lace or at least to conict #ith the/ and that /ade it e'en /ore dic0lt to contin0e.-s she !0t it: I lo'ed doin$ @ro3la# and I 2elie'e #e really /ade a si$ni>cant contri20tion. 0t e'en that t0rns o0t

    to 2e less than #e tho0$ht or less than I ho!ed or any#ay. ;y ho!e #as al#ays to sho# yo0 that there is 2ea0tyand saety in the r0le o la# that ci'iliOation act0ally de!ends on it. Ho# T0aint.J &o/e o those #ho ha'e 2eenco//entin$ on Gones and her decision see/ to eel she is o'er,reactin$. 0t is she he PI&; doc0/ents ands02seT0ent re'elations a2o0t ho# /0ch o o0r online 2eha'ior is 2ein$ ca!t0red 9 either or i//ediates0r'eillance or stored in so/e data2ase or 0t0re analysis 9 are eno0$h to /a3e e'en the 2i$$est $o'ern/ents0!!orter thin3 t#ice not to /ention incidents li3e the detention o @lenn @reen#ald5s !artner at a ritish air!ort

    and the seiO0re o his 2elon$in$s. Who #ill decide to sh0t do#n next Ho# /0ch o #hat #e 'al0ea2o0t the internet is in Aeo!ardy 2eca0se o the sheer scale o the s0r'eillance thatis $oin$ on all aro0nd 0s It5s one thin$ to lose a sec0re e/ail ser'ice or a le$al disc0ssion or0/ 20t ho#lon$ 0ntil other /ore /ainstrea/ ser'ices are aected -nd it doesn5t ha'e to 2e o0tri$ht sh0tdo#ns or clos0res 9

    A0st a series o restrictions or the $rad0al decline in 0sa$e 2y 0sers #ho are ri$htly concerned a2o0t theinor/ation they are !0ttin$ online or the di$ital coo3ie cr0/2s they are lea'in$ 2ehind the/. -s Gones !oints o0t

    the c0/0lati'e eect o a /0ltit0de o decisions li3e hers co0ld ha'e s02stantial

    re!erc0ssions or internet co/!anies and in act ha'e already done so as #ell as the di$italecono/y as a #hole.Ho# /any !eo!le #ill #ant to 0se an e co//erce sol0tion li3e Face2oo3 is said to 2ela0nchin$ i they 3no# e'ery transaction #ill 2e indexed and trac3ed 2y the $o'ern/ent or the N&- hat5s A0st oneexa/!le. -s Gones !0ts it: ;y !ersonal decision is to $et o o the Internet to the de$ree it5s !ossi2le. I5/ A0st anordinary !erson. 0t I really 3no# ater all /y research and so/e serio0s thin3in$ thin$s thro0$h that I can5t stayonline !ersonally #itho0t losin$ /y h0/annessZ i e'eryone did that lea! o the Internet the #orld5s econo/y#o0ld colla!se I s0!!ose. I can5t really ho!e or that. 0t or /e the Internet is o'er.J
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    The internet solves multi&le scenarios for e+tinction:

    Da'id 9agleman 11ndsits hi$hest ex!ression in the internet. I !ro!ose that there are six #ays in #hich the nethas 'astly red0ced the threat o societal colla!se. E!ide/ics can 2e deected 2y tele!resence*ne o o0r /ore dire !ros!ects or colla!se is an inectio0s,disease e!ide/ic. +iral and2acterial e!ide/ics !reci!itated the all o the @olden -$e o -thens the o/an E/!ire and /ost o the e/!ires o

    the Nati'e -/ericans.he internet can 2e o0r 3ey to s0r'i'al 2eca0se the a2ility to #or3tele!resently can inhi2it /icro2ial trans/ission 2y red0cin$ h0/an,to,h0/ancontact. In the ace o an other#ise de'astatin$ e!ide/ic 20sinesses can 3ee! s0!!ly chains r0nnin$ #ith the/axi/0/ n0/2er o e/!loyees #or3in$ ro/ ho/e. his can red0ce host density 2elo# the ti!!in$ !oint reT0iredor an e!ide/ic. I #e are #ell !re!ared #hen an e!ide/ic arri'es #e can 0idly shit into a sel,T0arantinedsociety in #hich /icro2es ail d0e to host scarcity. Whate'er the social ills o isolation they are #orse or the

    /icro2es than or 0s. he internet #ill !redict nat0ral disasters We are #itnessin$ the do#nall oslo# central control in the /edia: ne#s stories are increasin$ly 2eco/in$ 0ser,$enerated nets o 0!,to,the,/in0teinor/ation. D0rin$ the recent Caliornia #ild>res locals #ent to the + stations to learn #hether theirnei$h2o0rhoods #ere in dan$er. 0t the ne#s stations a!!eared /ost concerned #ith the ate o cele2rity/ansions so Caliornians chan$ed their tac3: they 0!loaded $eota$$ed /o2ile,!hone !ict0res 0!dated Face2oo3

    stat0ses and t#eeted. he 2alance ti!!ed: the internet carried ne#s a2o0t the >re /ore T0ic3lyand acc0rately than any ne#s station co0ld.In this $rass,roots decentralised sche/e there #eree/2edded re!orters on e'ery 2loc3 and the ne#s shoc3#a'e 3e!t ahead o the >re.his head start co0ld!ro'ide the extra ho0rs that sa'e 0s.I the Po/!eiians had had the internet in 7c5s net#or3ed ts0na/i,#arnin$ syste/ &o0th,East -sia #o0ld loo3 T0ite dierent today. Disco'eries areretained and shared Historically critical inor/ation has reT0ired constant redisco'ery. Collections o learnin$ ,,ro/ the li2rary at -lexandria to the entire ;inoan ci'ilisation ,, ha'e allen to the 2on>res o in'aders or the#rec3in$ 2all o nat0ral disaster. ?no#led$e is hard #on 20t easily lost. -nd inor/ation that s0r'i'es oten doesnot s!read. Consider s/all!ox inoc0lation: this #as 0nder #ay in India China and -rica cent0ries 2eore it /ade its#ay to E0ro!e. y the ti/e the idea reached North -/erica nati'e ci'ilisations #ho needed it had alreadycolla!sed. he net sol'ed the !ro2le/. Ne# disco'eries catch on i//ediatelyR inor/ation s!reads #idely. In this#ay societies can o!ti/ally ratchet 0! 0sin$ the latest 2ric3s o 3no#led$e in their orti>cation a$ainst ris3.

    yranny is /iti$ated Censorshi! o ideas #as a a/iliar s!ectre in the last cent0ry #ith state,a!!ro'ed ne#so0tlets r0lin$ the !ress air#a'es and co!yin$ /achines in the && o/ania C02a China IraT and else#here. In/any cases s0ch as "ysen3o5s a$ric0lt0ral des!otis/ in the && it directly contri20ted to the colla!se o thenation. Historically a /ore s0ccess0l strate$y has 2een to conront ree s!eech #ith ree s!eech ,, and the internetallo#s this in a nat0ral #ay. It de/ocratises the o# o inor/ation 2y oerin$ access to the ne#s!a!ers o the#orld the !hoto$ra!hers o e'ery nation the 2lo$$ers o e'ery !olitical stri!e. &o/e !osts are 0ll o doctorin$ anddishonesty #hereas others stri'e or inde!endence and i/!artiality ,, 20t all are a'aila2le to 0s to sit thro0$h.@i'en the atte/!ts 2y so/e $o'ern/ents to 20ild >re#alls it5s clear that this 2ene>t o the net reT0ires constant'i$ilance. H0/an ca!ital is 'astly increased Cro#dso0rcin$ 2rin$s !eo!le to$ether to sol'e !ro2le/s. Yet ar e#er

    than one !er cent o the #orld5s !o!0lation is in'ol'ed. We need ex!and h0/an ca!ital. ;ost o the#orld not ha'e access to the ed0cation aorded a s/all /inority. For e'ery -l2ertEinstein Yo,Yo ;a or arac3 *2a/a #ho has ed0cational o!!ort0nities 0nco0nta2le othersdo not. his sT0anderin$ o talent translates into red0ced econo/ic o0t!0t and as/aller !ool o !ro2le/ sol'ers. he net o!ens the $ates ed0cation to anyone #ith a co/!0ter. -/oti'ated teen any#here on the !lanet can #al3 thro0$h the #orld5s 3no#led$e ,, ro/ the #e2s o Wi3i!edia to

    the c0rric0l0/ o ;I5s *!enCo0rseWare.he ne# h0/an ca!ital #ill ser'e 0s #ell #hen #e
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    conront existential threats #e5'e ne'er i/a$ined 2eore. Ener$y ex!endit0re is red0ced&ocietal colla!se can oten 2e 0nderstood in ter/s o an ener$y 20d$et: #hen ener$y s!end o0t#ei$hs ener$yret0rn colla!se ens0es. his has ta3en the or/ o deorestation or soil erosionR c0rrently the #orry in'ol'es ossil,0el de!letion. he internet addresses the ener$y !ro2le/ #ith a nat0ral ease. Consider the /assi'e ener$ysa'in$s inherent in the shit ro/ !a!er to electrons ,, as seen in the transition ro/ the !ost to e/ail. Eco//ercered0ces the need to dri'e lon$ distances to !0rchase !rod0cts. Deli'ery tr0c3s are /ore eco,riendly thanindi'id0als dri'in$ aro0nd not least 2eca0se o ti$ht !ac3a$in$ and o!ti/isation al$orith/s or dri'in$ ro0tes. *

    co0rse there are ener$y costs to the 2an3s o co/!0ters that 0nder!in the internet ,, 20t these costs are less thanthe #ood coal and oil that #o0ld 2e ex!ended or the sa/e T0antity o inor/ation o#. he tan$le o e'ents that

    tri$$ers societal colla!se can 2e co/!lex and there are se'eral threats the net does not address. 0t 'astnet#or3ed co//0nication can 2e an antidote to se'eral o the /ost deadlydiseases threatenin$ ci'ilisation. he next ti/e yo0r co#or3er la/ents internet addiction the 2analityo t#eetin$ or the decline o ace,to,ace con'ersation yo0 /ay #ant to s0$$est that the net /ay A0st 2e thetechnolo$y that sa'es 0s.

    The internet is *ey to the economy:

    @a2riela 0on(ale(

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    (ecome much more difficult for the .nited /tates- It "ould reuire a much larger militar% presence than it does no"- 8n the one hand, it might (ecome necessar% for

    the .nited /tates to reinstate the draft >"hich "ould possi(l% meet "ith *iolent resistance from draftees, as it did during the ?ietnam War@- 8n the other hand,

    America+s all3*olunteer arm% might find it had more than enough *olunteers "ith the national unemplo%ment rate in e:cess of '7 percent- he arm% might ha*e to (e

    emplo%ed to keep order at home, gi*en that mass unemplo%ment "ould ine*ita(l% lead to a sharp spike in crime- 8nl% after the Middle East oil "as secured "ould the

    countr% kno" ho" much more of its glo(al militar% presence it could afford to maintain- If international trade had (roken do"n, "ould there (e an% reason for the

    .nited /tates to keep a militar% presence in Asia "hen there "as no o(*ious "a% to finance that presence In a glo(al depression, the .nited /tates+allies in

    Asia "ouldmost likel%(e un"illingor una(le to finance America+s militar% (asesthere or to pa% for the upkeep of the .-/- $acificfleet- !or "ould the .nited /tates ha*e the strength to force them to pa% for .-/- protection- Retreat from Asia might (ecome una*oida(le- And Europe What "ould

    a cost;(enefit anal%sis conclude a(out the "isdom of the .nited /tates maintaining militar% (ases there What *alued added does Europe pro*ide to the .nited

    /tates !ecessit% ma% mean Europe "ill ha*e to defend itself- /hould a !e" 0reat Depression put an end to the $a: Americana, the "orld

    "ould (ecome a much more dangerous place- When the 0reat Depression (egan, apan "as the rising industrial po"er in Asia- It in*adedManchuria in &=& and conuered much of the rest of Asia in the earl% &7s- Would China, Asia+s ne" rising po"er, (eha*e the same "a% in the e*ent of a ne"

    glo(al economic collapse $ossi(l%- China is the onl% nuclear po"er in Asia east of India >other than !orth orea, "hich is largel% a Chinese satellite state@- 9o"e*er,

    in this disaster scenario, it is not certain that China "ould sur*i*e in its current configuration- Its econom% "ould (e in ruins- Most of its factories and (anks "ould (e

    closed- .nemplo%ment could e:ceed =7 percent- here "ould most likel% (e star*ation (oth in the cities and in the countr%side- he Communist $art% could lose its

    grip on po"er, in "hich case the countr% could (reak apart, as it has numerous times in the past- It "as less than &77 %ears ago that China+s pro*inces, ruled (%

    "arlords, "ere at "ar "ith one another- .nited or di*ided, China+s nuclear arsenal "ould make it Asia+s undisputed superpo"er if the .nited /tates "ere to "ithdra"

    from the region- From orea and apan in the !orth to !e" ealand in the /outh to Burma in the West, all of Asia "ould (e at China+s merc%- And

    hungeramong China+s population of &-= (illion people could necessitate territorial e:pansioninto /outheast Asia- In fact, the centralgo*ernment might not (e a(le to pre*ent mass migration south"ard, e*en if it "anted to- In Europe, se*ere economic hardship "ould re*i*e the centuries3old struggle

    (et"een the left and the right- During the &=7s, the Fascists mo*ement arose and imposed a police state on most of Western Europe- In the East, the /o*iet .nion had

    (ecome a communist police state e*en earlier- he far right and the far left of the political spectrum con*erge in totalitarianism- It is difficult to Gudge "hether

    Europe+s democratic institutions "ould hold up (etter this time that the% did last time- England had an empire during the 0reat Depression- !o" it onl% has (anks- In

    a se*ere "orld"ide depression, the countr%

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    ti/e the exec0ti'e 2ranchKs a0thority in this area has 2een $reatly ex!andedollo#in$ ll its constit0tional 0nction 2y ser'in$ as a chec3

    on the a0thority o the exec0ti'e and le$islati'e 2ranches.n(4% he FI&- co0rt has ailed torestrain the !o#er o intelli$ence a$encies o'er the !ast t#o decades. For exa/!le the FI&- co0rt a!!ro'ed ()edL 876 o the 417 20siness record #arrants or ()11 and ()1(. n(1 It can 2e reasona2lyinerred that the /odi>cations 2y the co0rt sho# that the FI&- co0rt is doin$ e'erythin$ it can to a!!ro'e #arrantsor the N&- 2eca0se the co0rt does not reAect the/ co/!letely.

    The &residencys &owers are massively e+&anding now and

    Congress isnt &roviding a chec* on them:

    F.H. =uc*ley-!ril !1"is Fo0ndation Proessor at the @eor$e ;ason ni'ersity &chool o "a# and a0thor

    o he *nce and F0t0re ?in$: he ise o Cro#n @o'ern/ent in -/erica HE *NCE -ND FE [email protected]!:s!ectator.or$articles%18% once,and,0t0re,3in$ )6(81 clA

    Gutzon Borglum knew what he was doing when he picked the site for the future Mount Rushmore. The areas 1.6 billion!earoldgranite is thought to erode onl! a single inch e"er! ten millennia. Barring a detonation at the hands of our #ihadist foes$ the faces of%ashington$ &efferson$ 'incoln$ and Tedd! Roose"elt will still look serenel! down at future "isitors of (outh )akotas Black *illswhen the +merica of the twentieth centur! is as remote as we are from the pharaoh whom built the first p!ramid. ,f onl! our

    -onstitution had been car"ed out of the same sturd! material. -/erican li2erty has not 2een erodin$ so /0ch as cr0/2lin$a#ay these last >'e years. Increasin$ly 20rdenso/e and intr0si'e le$islation !ersec0tion and so/eti/es!rosec0tion o !olitical ene/ies 2y the exec0ti'e 2ranch a s#ellin$ national de2t:,ts been a bad few !ears$ to sa! the

    least. But the biggest threat tothe bedrock of our freedom is the presidenc!itself$ the crown go"ernment of thealmight! chief eecuti"e #hich is co/!letely at odds #ith the re!02lican !rinci!les o o0r Fo0nders. For$et #hat yo0rhi$h,school ci'ics teacher told yo0: &ince o0r o0ndin$ -/erica has act0ally had three dierent constit0tions. he>rst the one that the Fra/ers $a'e 0s esta2lished con$ressional $o'ern/ent: he Ho0se o e!resentati'es'otin$ 2y state #o0ld al/ost al#ays choose the !resident and the exec0ti'e 2ranch #as exceedin$ly lean9

    star'ed e'en. hen #e had so,called Gac3sonian de/ocracy: he !resident chosen 2y the !eo!le enAoyed thele$iti/acy o the only !erson elected 2y the nation as a #hole. his #as the constit0tion o se!aration o !o#ers in#hich the le$islati'e and exec0ti'e 2ranches shared the res!onsi2ility or $o'ernin$ and in #hich a stron$

    !resident /i$ht 2e orced to 2end 2eore an i/!laca2le Con$ress.%e now li"e under a third constitution$one that enshrines an allpowerful eecuti"e. The president has slipped off the pett!$ outdated constraints of the

    past. *e makes and unmakes lawsand spends trillions of dollars without the consent of Con$ress.E'en the $ra'est o decisions$ whether to commit our countr! to war$ he makes alone. *is abilit!to reward friends and punish enemies eceeds an!thing we"e seen before. *e is rex quondam$ rex futurus/the once and future

    king. +nd all of this seems irre"ersible.he arc o -/erican $o'ern/ent has 2ent ro/ /onarch to /onarch ro/@eor$e III to *2a/a. o 2e s0re I5/ not the >rst !erson to detect a #hi o royal !er0/e a/id the e\0'i0/ o o0rexec0ti'e 2ranch. "i2erals s0ch as -rth0r ;. &chlesin$er Gr. #ho drooled o'er Gac3 ?ennedy 20t excoriated ichardNixon ha'e al#ays 2een T0ic3 to decry exec0ti'e o'erreach 2y e!02lican !residents e'en as they cele2rated the

    assertion o !residential !o#er #hen their ello# sle!t at 16)) Pennsyl'ania -'en0e. -nd indeed$ the role of the

    president has been epanding$ and that of -ongress receding$ for man! !ears now. But we"e seen a clearmo"e recentl! toward a new conception of our nations highest office$ and of go"ernment itself.he !resident no# enAoys the!o#er to /a3e la#. Ne'er /ind that this is inconsistent #ith the se!aration o !o#ers that -rticle I &ection 1 o theConstit0tion s!eci>es that -ll le$islati'e Po#ers herein $ranted shall 2e 'ested in a Con$ress o the nited &tates.J*ne /i$ht ha'e ex!ected the s!ea3er o the Ho0se or the leaders o the &enate to deend their do/ain. hey ha'enot. In actCon$ress has done /ore than A0st T0ietly acT0iesce to its o#n o2solescence. It has aided and a2ettedthe ex!ansion o !residential !o#erb! drafting ma#or legislation in the most general terms$ allowing the details to be penciledin b! federal agencies under eecuti"e super"ision.his can 2e seen as a $rant to the !resident o le$islati'e !o#ers there$al !rero$ati'e the Fra/ers so eared.
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    $nrestrained &residential &owers ris* nuclear war:FO>>9%T9>, .5 ay !roessor ] Hastin$s Colle$e o the "a# ni'ersity ] ni'ersity o Caliornia and or/erDean o "a# &chool ] +ander2ilt 0lane and Cornell @eor$e Washin$ton "a# e'ie# -0$0st 1nally asserted its chec3in$ and 2alancin$ d0ties in relation to the /a3in$ o!residential #ars. Con$ress declared in section (a that its !0r!ose #as to 0l>ll the intent o the ra/ers o theConstit0tion o the nited &tates and ins0re that the collecti'e A0d$/ent o 2oth the Con$ress and the President #illa!!ly to the introd0ction o nited &tates -r/ed Forces into hostilities or into sit0ations #here i//inentin'ol'e/ent in hostilities is clearly indicated 2y the circ0/stances and to the contin0ed 0se o s0ch orces inhostilities or in s0ch sit0ations. he la# also stated in section 8 that Mthe President in e'ery !ossi2le instance shallcons0lt #ith Con$ress 2eore introd0cin$ nited &tates -r/ed Forces into hostilities or into sit0ations #herei//inent in'ol'e/ent in hostilities is clearly indicated. . . .*ther li/itations not essential to this disc0ssion are also!ro'ided. he intent o the la# is clear. Con$ress 0ndertoo3 to chec3 the President at least 2y !rior cons0ltation inany exec0ti'e action that /i$ht lead to hostilities and #ar. MQ168% President Nixon #ho initially 'etoed theresol0tion clai/ed that it #as an 0nconstit0tional restriction on his !o#ers as Exec0ti'e and Co//ander in Chie othe /ilitary. His s0ccessors ha'e ta3en a si/ilar 'ie#. E'en so so/e o the/ ha'e at ti/es co/!lied #ith the la#2y !rior cons0ltation #ith re!resentati'es o Con$ress 20t o2edience to the la# has 2een 0ncertain and a s02Aecto contin0in$ contro'ersy 2et#een Con$ress and the President. *rdinarily the iss0e o the constit0tionality o a la##o0ld 2e decided 2y the &0!re/e Co0rt. 0t des!ite a series o cases in #hich s0ch a decision has 2een so0$htthe &0!re/e Co0rt has re0sed to settle the contro'ersy. he 0s0al $ro0nd or s0ch a re0sal is that a L!oliticalT0estionL is in'ol'ed. he r0le is #ell esta2lished that the ederal A0diciary #ill decide only LA0sticia2leLcontro'ersies. LPolitical T0estionsL are not LA0sticia2le.L Ho#e'er the standards esta2lished 2y the &0!re/e Co0rtin 1rst /ade 2y President MQ168ed 2y the le$islat0res or con'entions o three,o0rths o thestates. Des!ite the dic0lty the Constit0tion has 2een a/ended t#enty,six ti/es. -/end/ent can 2e done #hena !ro2le/ is so i/!ortant that it aro0ses the attention and concern o a !re!onderant /aAority o the -/erican!eo!le. 0t the !eo!le /0st 2e /ade a#are o the !ro2le/. It is hardly necessary to 2ela2or the relati'ei/!ortance o the control o n0clear #arare. - constit0tional a/end/ent /ay 2e indeed the a!!ro!riate /ethod.

  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    0t the /ost dic0lt iss0e re/ains. What sho0ld the a/end/ent !ro'ide Ho# can the !ro2le/ 2e sol'eds!eci>cally he Constit0tion in section % o -rticle I sti!0lates that LMthe Con$ress shall ha'e !o#er . . . o declareWar. . . .L he idea see/s to 2e that only these /any re!resentati'es o the !eo!le reectin$ the !02lic #ill sho0ld!ossess the !o#er to co//it the li'es and the ort0nes o the nation to #arare. his a!!roach /a3es /0ch /oresense in a de/ocratic re!02lic than entr0stin$ the decision to one !erson e'en tho0$h he /ay 2e desi$nated theLCo//ander in ChieL o the /ilitary orces. His !o#er is to co//and the #ar ater the !eo!le thro0$h theirre!resentati'es ha'e /ade the 2asic choice to s02/it the/sel'es and their children to #ar. here is a rec0rrin$rele'ation o a !aranoia o !o#er thro0$ho0t h0/an history that has i/!elled one leader ater another to dra# their!eo!le into #ars #hich in hindsi$ht #ere oolish 0nnecessary and in so/e instances do#nri$ht insane.Whate'er /ay 2e the !sycholo$ical in0ences that dri'e the sin$le decision/a3er to these irrational co//it/entso the li'es and ort0nes o others the act re/ains that the 2eha'ior is a !redicta2le one in any $o'ern/ent thatdoes not !ro'ide an eecti'e chec3 and 2alance a$ainst 0ncontrolled !o#er in the hands o one h0/an. We

    nat0rally li3e to thin3 that o0r leaders are a2o'e s0ch irrational 2eha'ior. E'ent0ally ho#e'er h0/an nat0re#ith all its #ea3ness asserts itsel #hate'er the settin$. -t least that is the e'idence thatex!erience and history $i'e 0s e'en in o0r o#n relati'ely 2eni$n society #here the Exec0ti'e is s02Aect to the r0le

    o la#. MQ164) +ietna/ and other /ore recent en$a$e/ents sho# that it can ha!!enand has ha!!ened here. 0t the Ln0clear oot2allL,,the o/ino0s L2lac3 2a$L ,,re/ains in thesole !ossession o the President. -nd /ost i/!ortant his decision to la0nch an0clear /issile #o0ld 2e in act i not in la# a declaration o n0clear #ar one#hich the nation and indeed h0/anity in $eneral !ro2a2ly #o0ld 2e 0na2le to


  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    FYI on What the Plan DoesIn the status ?uo, email users have no e+&ectation of &rivacy

    in the to@from addresses of messages or I# addresses of

    websites they visitthe &lan would change that:

    -2d0l/aAeed Alhogbani, !1"G.D. Candidate he Catholic ni'ersity o-/erica ()16 Co//"a# Cons!ect0s @*IN@ D-?: &C-CHIN@ HE &F-CE*F @*+EN;EN &+EI""-NCEJ -ccessed 6(8()1 r#$

    y nat0re the Internet is a !02lic net#or3. n(14 hereore anyti/e so/eone 0sesit they are 3no#in$ly ex!osin$ inor/ation to the !02lic. n(1 Co0rts ha'econsistently held that senders and reci!ients o standard /ail ha'e no reasona2leex!ectation o !ri'acy #ith res!ect to inor/ation L!0t on the o0tside o /ail2eca0se that inor/ation is 'ol0ntarily trans/itted to third !arties.L n(16 &i/ilarlyLe,/ail and Internet 0sers ha'e no ex!ectation o !ri'acy in the toro/ addresseso their /essa$es or the IP addresses o the #e2sites they 'isit.L n(17 - +eriOon

    c0sto/er has no reasona2le ex!ectation o !ri'acy 2eca0se they are $i'in$ their IPaddress 'ol0ntarily to +eriOon. n(1%

    =ul* collection of Internet metadata does not currently

    constitute a search under the meaning of the Fourth


    -2d0l/aAeed Alhogbani, !1"G.D. Candidate he Catholic ni'ersity o-/erica ()16 Co//"a# Cons!ect0s @*IN@ D-?: &C-CHIN@ HE &F-CE*F @*+EN;EN &+EI""-NCEJ -ccessed 6(8()1 r#$

    he N&- asserts that the identi>ers are li/ited to identiyin$ !ersons associated #ith orei$n terrorist or$aniOationsand sho0ld 2e allo#ed 2eca0se it is 'ital to N&-Ks co0nterterroris/ /ission. n1

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    Inherency 9+tensions

  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    I83: 8eed to $&date the aw in digital ageFourth Amendment inter&retations must be u&dated to the

    digital age:

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    ;ason C. Clutter, !1"National &ec0rity and Pri'acy Co0nsel to the National-ssociation o Cri/inal Deense "a#yers D*@& D*NE& -ND DEFEND-N&: HEF*H -;END;EN IN HE DI@I-" -@E J @eor$e ;ason "a# e'ie#"exisNexis -ccessed 6(4()1 r#$-s technolo$y e'ol'es and ex!ectations oindi'id0al !ri'acy /or!h so too /0st the la#. nort0nately Con$ress is ailin$ to 3ee! 0!

    #ith technolo$ical ad'ances and the co0rts are orced to reer to o0r o0ndin$ doc0/ent or$0idance on the $o'ern/entKs 0se o ne# technolo$ies.he Fo0rth -/end/ent !rotectsL!ersons ho0ses !a!ers and eects a$ainst 0nreasona2le searches and seiO0res.L n1 We 3no# that a /anKs

    ho/e is his castle and one o the /ost !ri'ate and !rotected s!aces 0nder the la#. 0t #hat !rotection docitiOens ha'e ro/ intr0sion 2y electronic de'ices and other Lenhanced searchin$technolo$iesL that can see s/ell and hear thro0$h #alls and trac3 oneKs !hysicallocation and electronic co//0nications Can la# enorce/ent 0se thesetechnolo$ies a$ainst 0s o0tside o o0r ho/eshe la# is al#ays a 2it stic3ier #hen #e ste!o0tside o the ho/e and into L!02lic.L

  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    %olvency 9+tensions

  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    %OB--AT: aw is Indeterminate--D 9+tend our solvency evidencerecalibrating the "th

    amendment &rovides better guidance to future courts than the

    current 'at( test)

    --D >eclaiming the language of the "thamendment &rovidesgreater clarity and guidance:

    i/othy Casey, !!.-ssociate Proessor o "a# Case Western eser'eni'ersity &chool o "a# I@H& -ND E;EDIE&: Electronic &0r'eillance and thei$ht o e &ec0reJ C Da'is "a# e'ie# "exisNexis -ccessed 6(()1 r#$

    he increased ca!acity or electronic s0r'eillance and the need to e/!loy ne#technolo$ies reT0ire a critical reassess/ent o the existin$ le$al str0ct0re. In essence itis ti/e or another !aradi$/ shit. n17 We /0st a2andon ?atOKs reasona2le ex!ectation o !ri'acy and ado!tlan$0a$e that acc0rately reects the si$ni>cance o the interests !rotected 2y the Fo0rth -/end/ent. heinterests that co0rts since ?atO ha'e descri2ed in ter/s o a reasona2le ex!ectation o !ri'acy sho0ld 2e ex!ressedin ter/s o !ersonal sec0rity and the ri$ht to 2e sec0re. -t >rst 2l0sh it /ay a!!ear that re!lacin$ the reasona2le

    ex!ectation o !ri'acy #ith the ri$ht to 2e sec0re is /erely a $a/e o se/antics 20t the 0se o s!eci>clan$0a$e is i/!ortant and reclai/in$ the lan$0a$e o sec0rity #ill !ro'ide $reater

    clarity and $0idance in o0r analysis o Fo0rth -/end/ent iss0es.n1%

    --D =rea*ing away from the reasonable e+&ectation of &rivacy

    standard in 'at( generates legal clarity:

    i/othy Casey, !!.-ssociate Proessor o "a# Case Western eser'eni'ersity &chool o "a# I@H& -ND E;EDIE&: Electronic &0r'eillance and thei$ht o e &ec0reJ C Da'is "a# e'ie# "exisNexis -ccessed 6(()1 r#$

    - clean 2rea3 ro/ the reasona2le ex!ectation o !ri'acy standard #ill $enerate

    clarity 2y 1 red0cin$ the 2l0rrin$ eecto a reliance on a nor/ati'e standard ( ado!tin$ aconce!tion o Fo0rth -/end/ent !rotection ro/ $o'ern/ental intr0sion thatco/!orts #ith the realities o /odern technolo$yand 8 lin$0istically se!aratin$ the dierentnotions o !ri'acy in o0r c0rrent le$al lexicon.

    --D Courts will follow &recedentthey feel an overwhelming

    obligation to do so:

    Fallon, !!!ro. o Constit0tional "a# ] Har'ard Har'ard "a# e'ie#-!ril ()) 11% Har'. ". e'. 17%7R "exis

    hro0$ho0t constit0tional history &0!re/e Co0rt G0stices ha'e ass0/ed #ith near

    0nani/ity that they are le$ally a0thoriOed and so/eti/es 2o0nd to ollo#

    !recedents so/eti/es even when !rior cases #ere the/sel'es erroneo0s at theti/e o their decision. n14< Indeed I 3no# o no G0stice in the history o the&0!re/e Co0rt #ho has !ersistently T0estioned MQ1%(( !recedent,2ased

    decision/a3in$ . n1) E'en leadin$ constit0tional ori$inalists , those #ho /aintain thatco0rts other#ise o0$ht to decide cases in accordance #ith the ori$inal 0nderstandin$ n11 ,ha'e acce!ted

  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    the a0thority o A0dicial !recedent incl0din$ !ast decisions that co0ld notthe/sel'es 2e A0sti>ed 0nder ori$inalist !rinci!les. n1(

  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    %OB--Court %hould >econcile Fourth Amendment--D Courts should reconcile the Fourth Amendment with

    modern technology:

    -2d0l/aAeed Alhogbani, !1"G.D. Candidate he Catholic ni'ersity o

    -/erica ()16 Co//"a# Cons!ect0s @*IN@ D-?: &C-CHIN@ HE &F-CE*F @*+EN;EN &+EI""-NCEJ -ccessed 6(8()1 r#$

    ;odern co0rts see3 a !ro!er a!!lication o the Fo0rth -/end/ent ada!ted to/odern technolo$y. n(nd a !ro!ersol0tion.his is a2o0t acco0nta2ility. he Constit0tion is so/ethin$ K#e the !eo!leK !laced on the $o'ern/ent.n(

  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    %OB--AT: >ollbac*@Eont =e 9nforced--D 8o rollbac*: three reasons:

    %chacter, 155-ssistant Proessor o "a# ni'ersity o Wisconsin "a#&chool -IC"E: ;E-DE;*C-CY: HE CH-N@IN@ &CE *F

    "E@II;-CY IN &-*Y INEPE-I*NJ Har'ard "a# e'ie# G-N-Ylexis -ccessed (1%()18 r#$

    E'en i so/e o the stron$est cynicis/ a2o0t le$islati'e 2eha'ior and /oti'ation is o'erstated se'eral as!ects o

    the !l0ralist !rocess ne'ertheless s0$$est that stat0tory o'erride cannot c0re all that ails theessentialist /odel. First le$islat0res are reT0ently too 20sy o'erextended or

    inert to res!ond to an o2Aectiona2le A0dicial inter!retation. n4 Indeed there is littlereason to 2elie'e that le$islators syste/atically /onitor A0dicial inter!retations ostat0tes. n &econd MQ6)6 stat0tory o'erride is an i/!erect s02stit0te and

    contro'ersial as a nor/ati'e /atter 2eca0se the c0rrent le$islat0re /ay ha'e

    dierent !reerences ro/ the enactin$ le$islat0re.n6hird e'en #hen le$islators

    do res!ond to a !artic0lar A0dicial inter!retation the !rocess does not necessarilyend . he ne# stat0te /i$ht reT0ire inter!retation and the !rocess /ay si/!lycontin0e. n7

    --D %tri*e down e6orts in Congress failcant get enough

    Congressional su&&ort to stri*e down Court decisions:

    "a#rence =aum, !!4 De!art/ent o Political &cience *hio &tateni'ersity

    Mhe &0!re/e Co0rt in -/erican PoliticsJhtt!:arAo0rnals.ann0alre'ie#s.or$doi


  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    --D Other branches will com&lyfear of &ublic bac*lash


    cFarland, !!.Ne# Yor3 ni'ersity -nn0al &0r'ey o -/erican "a#editor ;ichael Ne# Yor3 ni'ersity -nn0al &0r'ey o -/erican "a#LDeri'ati'e CitiOenshi!: Its History Constit0tional Fo0ndation -nd

    Constit0tional "i/itationsL 68 N.Y.. -nn. &0r'. -/. ". 467 ln accessed(1%()18 r#$

    he idea that co0rts sho0ld decline re'ie# 2eca0se they do not #ant their decisions to 2e i$nored 2y the !olitical

    2ranches is /is$0ided.Con$ress #o0ld rarely ris3 the !02lic 2ac3lash that #o0ld co/e#ith i$norin$ a &0!re/e Co0rt directi'e. n(4) President Nixon or exa/!le #o0ld ha'eo0nd it all 20t i/!ossi2le to re0se to !ro'ide Con$ress #ith his *'al *ce ta!es .n(41 edish e'en ar$0es that co0rts $ain ro/ challen$in$ the !olitical 2ranches. n(4( Co0rts and es!ecially the&0!re/e Co0rt are 'ie#ed as the >nal ar2iters o the Constit0tion and !02lic s0!!ort #ill reT0ently 2e on theirside i they choose to challen$e Con$ress or the exec0ti'e. n(48 h0s the instit0tional reasons or $rantin$deerence to Con$ress !ro'ide little s0!!ort or the !lenary !o#er doctrine.

    --D #oliticians will enforce the counter&lantheyll act if the

    statute is gone away for all time:

    Treanor %&erling 54Willia/ , Pro "a# at Fordha/. @ene , De!0ty-ssistant to President or Econo/ic Policy. P*&PECI+E *+E"IN@ -ND HEE+I+-" *F LNC*N&II*N-"L &-E&J Col0/2ia "a# e'ie# Dec ndin$ o 0nconstit0tionality altersthe #ay in #hich they s!end their !olitical ca!ital. -s a res0lt rather than see3 to re!eal a stat0te that a!!ears to 2e or all!ractical !0r!oses a n0llity they de'ote their !olitical reso0rces to other , /ore clearly conseT0ential , /atters. e'i'al in s0ch circ0/stancescan !rod0ce a res0lt contrary to #hat the !olitical !rocess #o0ld ha'e !rod0ced in the a2sence o the initial A0dicial decision.

  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    %OB9+ecutive Eill Com&ly--D 9+ecutive will com&ly with %u&reme Court decisions:

    *DD &. #$>/$, !!"6(

  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    %OB--%olvency: ower Courts will follow---D /oesnt matter if lower courts dont follow--the &lan is

    modeled and solves for democracies in other nations: thats

    the 'rotos(yns*i !5 evidence)

    --D 7udges almost always follow the courts leadmulti&lereasons:

    "a#rence =aum, !!4De!art/ent o Political &cience *hio &tateni'ersity G0ne Mhe &0!re/e Co0rt in -/erican PoliticsJhtt!:arAo0rnals.ann0alre'ie#s.or$doi0ll1).1146ann0re'.!olisci.6.1(1

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    %OB--%olvency: The #lan will %nowball--D 90A #>9C9/98T% %8OE=A:

    Tsai, !!-ssistant Pro. o "a# ] ni'ersity o *re$on &chool o "a#()!o2ert Io#a "a# e'ie# ;arch ())R

  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    %OB--%olvency: %u&reme Court /ecisions are

    odeled--D 9+tend our 'rotos(yns*i !5 evidenceother democracies

    model the %u&reme Court decisions)

    --D %u&reme Court decisions are modeled:

    "& *E* =A>>O%O, !1Proessor o Constit0tional "a# io deGaneiro &tate ni'ersity &!rin$ ()1( oston Colle$e International andCo/!arati'e "a# e'ie# 8 .C. IntKl ` Co/!. ". e'. 881 "N HEE


    In recent years constit0tional and s0!re/e co0rts all o'er the #orld ha'e 2e$0nen$a$in$ in a $ro#in$ constit0tional dialo$0en%% in'ol'in$ /0t0al citation andacade/ic interchan$e n%< in !02lic or0/s li3e the +enice Co//ission. ncant

    role /odels or these ne# de/ocracies. n

  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    %olvency: Court Creates %ocial Change--D #lessy and other race based decisions &rove: the stam& of

    a&&roval from the %u&reme Court has &owerful societal


    assiter, !!-ssistant Proessor o History ni'ersity o ;ichi$an;ichi$an "a# e'ie# ;ay ()) 1)8 ;ich. ". e'. 14)1

    ?lar/an lar$ely s02stantiates his clai/ that the Plessy Co0rtKs ci'il ri$hts decisions re!resented L!la0si2leinter!retations o con'entional le$al so0rcesL and acc0rate reections o #hite !02lic o!inion and thereore thecorollary that Lthese r0lin$s #ere not 2latant n0lli>cations o !ost,Ci'il War constit0tional a/end/ents desi$ned tosec0re racial eT0alityL !. r/ his 2roader thesis a2o0t the /ini/al eect o

    the Plessy,era decisions on the !ath o history.?lar/anKs 2elie in A0dicial /ini/alis/ do#n!laysthe i/!ort o ha'in$ the instit0tion o the &0!re/e Co0rt , and not A0st so0thern'i$ilantes or !olitical de/a$o$0es or e'en Pro$ressi'e,era reor/ers , extend theederal $o'ern/entKs sta/! o constit0tional a!!ro'al to a or/al le$al syste/ thato!erated on the 2asis o the syste/atic racial s02ordination o -rican -/ericans.MQ1411 LGi/ Cro# le$islation #as $enerally /ore sy/2olic than 0nctionalL accordin$ to ?lar/an 2eca0se L#hite

    s0!re/acy de!ended less on la# than on entrenched social /ores 2ac3ed 2y econo/ic !o#er and the threat andreality o 'iolenceL !. %(. 0t s0rely it is not si/!ly a coincidence that a relati'ely sta2le racial order /ar3ed theo0r decades 2et#een the t0rn o the t#entieth cent0ry and the 2e$innin$ o World War II the sa/e era d0rin$#hich the Plessy Co0rtKs 'alidation o le$al se$re$ation and 2lac3 disranchise/ent re/ained o!erati'e. Nor is itincidental that s02stantial 2lac3 acti'is/ and corres!ondin$ #hite 'iolence /ar3ed the 0id and 0nsettled racialcli/ate that existed d0rin$ the decades 2eore the &0!re/e Co0rtKs endorse/ent o se$re$ation anddisranchise/ent in the late 1%

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    --D Court decisions &roduce massive societal ri&&le e6ects:

    =rown v) =oard of education &roves:

    Gea(ell, !!"!roessor o la# ] C"- ()!" &te!hen +ander2ilt "a#e'ie# No'e/2er ())4 7 +and. ". e'. 1

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    /emocracy Advantage 9+tensions

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    /9--AT: Other invasions of &rivacy e+ist--D 9+tend our Alhogbani evidence from the 1acthe internet

    is a crucial threshold that grants access to limitless amounts of


    --D 9+tend our Iaconeta evidencethe Fourth Amendment is*ey to democracymeaning their other rights violations dont


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    /9--%tatus Huo is a signicant intrusion on

    &rivacy--D Current balancing test is out of whac*it is a signicant

    intrusion on &rivacy rights:

    -2d0l/aAeed Alhogbani, !1"G.D. Candidate he Catholic ni'ersity o-/erica ()16 Co//"a# Cons!ect0s @*IN@ D-?: &C-CHIN@ HE &F-CE*F @*+EN;EN &+EI""-NCEJ -ccessed 6(8()1 r#$

    he N&- asserts that the c0rrent $o'ern/ent s0r'eillance sche/e is a s!ecial case2eca0se national sec0rity is at sta3e and the !ro$ra/ is !art o a co0nter,terroris/eort. n((6 hereore the N&- /0st !ro'ide a co/!ellin$ case and LMit is o2'io0sand 0nar$0a2le that no $o'ern/ental interest is /ore co/!ellin$ than the sec0rityo the nation.L n((7 he $o'ern/ent /0st 2alance indi'id0al ri$hts a$ainst thei//ediacy o the threat and the ecacy o the N&-Ks s0r'eillance MQ4cant intr0sion on !ri'acy

    ri$hts.--D >eliance on warrantless searches in the digital age has

    massively increased:

    ;ason C. Clutter, !1"National &ec0rity and Pri'acy Co0nsel to the National-ssociation o Cri/inal Deense "a#yers D*@& D*NE& -ND DEFEND-N&: HEF*H -;END;EN IN HE DI@I-" -@E J @eor$e ;ason "a# e'ie#"exisNexis -ccessed 6(4()1 r#$

    he !02licKs reliance on technolo$y has reached ne# hei$hts. oday one has adic0lt ti/e 0nctionin$ in society #itho0t the 0se o technolo$y li3e e,/ail -;sand s/art!hones. -t the sa/e ti/e la# enorce/entKs reliance on technolo$y to cond0ct cri/inalin'esti$ations is $ro#in$ at an ex!onential rate #itho0t adeT0ate and standardiOed sae$0ards in !lace to re$0late

    the $o'ern/entKs 0se o s0ch technolo$y. Fro/ do$ snis to do/estic s0r'eillance drones ro/yo0r ront !orch to the o!en road #arrantless searches are 2ein$ cond0cted e'ery


  • 7/25/2019 Courts Affirmative - SDI 2015


    /9--Fourth Amendment 'ey to /emocracy--D "thAmendment essential to democracyCrowley@!14Don "a# and Politics oo3 e'ie#J. &!onsored 2y the "a# andCo0rts &ection o the -/erican Political &cience -ssociation.e'ie#: ;*E

    E&&ENI-" H-N E+E: HE F*H -;END;EN IN HE WENY,FI& CENY.De!art/ent o Political &cience Proessor ni'ersity o Idaho #ith an e/!hasis in!ri'acy la#. htt!:###.l!,essential,than,e'er,"Donn

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    his is a 'ery $ood and reada2le 2oo3 and a 'ery 0se0l addition to *xord5s Inaliena2le i$hts series. &te!hen&ch0lhoer the o2ert ;c?ay Proessor o "a# at Ne# Yor3 ni'ersity s3ill0lly co/2ines an historical o'er'ie# othe !0r!oses and 0nctions o the Fo0rth -/end/ent #ith a reasona2ly li'ely acco0nt o ho# the .& &0!re/eCo0rt has steadily a2andoned /any o the core !rinci!les e/2edded in the Fo0rth -/end/ent. his o co0rse isnot a ne# story and or those #ho ha'e ollo#ed the Co0rt5s a!!roach to the Fo0rth -/end/ent and &ch0lhoercertainly isn5t ad'ancin$ an ar$0/ent that hasn5t 2een 'oiced 2eore. Indeed G0stice rennan !roclai/ed in 1rst o2tained a #arrant. he irony here is that i it is not necessary to $et a#arrant 2ased on !ro2a2le ca0se then #hy #o0ld $o'ern/ent ocials e'er $et one. It #o0ld al#ays 2e easier toa'oid o2tainin$ a #arrant and si/!ly ar$0e later that a search #as reasona2le.J *ne ans#er #o0ld 2e that #hat/a3es a search reasona2leJ is o2tainin$ a #arrant 2ased 0!on !ro2a2le ca0se. While the Co0rt has ne'er >r/lyadhered to that !osition the ty!ical ans#er to this !0OOle has 2een to ar$0e that the $eneral r0le is to o2tain#arrants 2ased 0!on !ro2a2le ca0se #hile ac3no#led$in$ that so/eti/es it isn5t reasona2le to insist on a #arrant.*r as G0stice &te#art !0t it in at! searches cond0cted o0tside the A0dicial !rocess #itho0t !rior a!!ro'al 2y

    A0d$e or /a$istrate are !er se 0nreasona2le 0nder the Fo0rth -/end/ent X s02Aect only to a e# s!eci>callyesta2lished and #ell,delineated exce!tionsJ at! v. U.S 1nd nice cha!ters on the Co0rt5s a!!lication o theFo0rth -/end/ent in !02lic !laces ad/inistrati'e searches #ireta!!in$ ea'esdro!!in$ in the inor/ation a$eand iss0es related to national sec0rity. &ch0lhoer5s disc0ssion o all o these iss0es is ti/ely and !ers0asi'e. I#o0ld not hesitate to assi$n any o these cha!ters or indeed the entire 2oo3 or /y ci'il li2erties co0rse.&ch0lhoer5s acco0nt o the /anner in #hich the Co0rt has ailed to res!ond to iss0es related to the ne#

    inor/ation a$e is !artic0larly co/!ellin$) 3e strongly critici(es the Courts

    increasingly narrow and largely undened notion of what

    constitutes a Jlegitimate e+&ectation of &rivacyK in this

    technological era) It has been far too easy for the Court to

    &ronounce that one has a Jlesser e+&ectation of &rivacyK in a MQ(84!artic0lar settin$. &ch0lhoer/an notes that in the Co0rt5s 'ie# #hat #e t0rn o'er to third !arty actors doesn5t

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    #arrant any !rotection at all since an indi'id0al has chosen to re'eal this inor/ation to others !.1(6. He ar$0esthat to treat inor/ation con'eyed to a tr0sted inter/ediary 0nder !ro/ise o con>dentiality as i it had 2een!osted on a !02lic 2ill2oard is to /a3e nonsense o0t o the Fo0rth -/end/ent.J !.1(7. In a #orld #here!artici!ation thro0$h co//0nication technolo$ies is 'irt0ally reT0ired i one is to 2e a 0ll !artici!ant in ci'il societythe Co0rt see/s to 2e sayin$ that the !rice o ad/ission is to $i'e 0! any notion o !ri'acy. -s &ch0lhoer notesthe Fo0rth -/end/ent sho0ld 2e seen as !rotectin$ these third !arty transactions X not as irrele'ant to the/.

    JThe Fourth amendment was designed to nurture and su&&ort

    civic life, not to &rovide an alternative to itK &)14D)

    --D Fourth Amendment *ey to democracy:

    ;or$an Cloud, !!Charles Ho#ard Candler Proessor o "a# E/oryni'ersity E @*"DE@ ;EE& HE C*N&II*N: HE, &PE;E C*

    ECHN*"*@Y -ND HE F*H -;END;ENJ "exisNexis -ccessed 7%()1r#$

    Finally and /ost i/!ortantly it sho0ld en0nciate an ex!ansi'e 'al0e,2ased theory o thesco!e o the Fo0rth -/end/ent and its role in !reser'in$ !ri'acy and li2erty,,#itho0t #hich o0r de/ocracy cannot s0r'i'e . &0ch a theory ani/ated the Co0rtKs /ost i/!ortant

    decisions inter!retin$ this !art o the constit0tional text 0ntil it conronted technolo$ical s0r'eillance or the >rstti/e in *l/stead. his ex!ansi'e 'ie# o constit0tional li2erty #as the i/!et0s or ?atO altho0$h s02seT0entdecisions ha'e o2literated that ele/ent o the decision. G0stice &caliaKs o!inion in ?yllo s0$$ests that the Co0rt/i$ht 2e ready to try to reclai/ this essential ele/ent o o0r constit0tional herita$e 2y re!lacin$ the !resentLcon'ol0ted syste/ o achie'in$ a 2asic tas3L #ith a Ltechnolo$ical MQ) tres!assL theory. ;ay they s0cceed inthe eort.

    --D All Americans benet from the "thAmendment- Absence of

    the "thAmendment has a chilling e6ect

    %chulhofer 1 &te!hen ;ore Essential than E'er: he Fo0rth -/end/ent inthe #enty First Cent0ryJ. *xord ni'ersity Press. !a$e 14. &ch0lhoer is theo2ert . ;c?ay Proessor o "a# at Ne# Yor3 ni'ersity.

    -ny la# a2idin$ citiOen #ho eels in any #ay o0t o ste! #ith the social or !oliticalesta2lish/ent readily 0nderstands this need or a 20er, or !rotection a$ainst0nrestricted $o'ern/ent scr0tiny. 0t those #ho !lace the/sel'es sT0arely in the/ainstrea/ 2ene>t !ersonally as #ell. he $reat /aAority o -/ericans #ant to li'ein a 'i2rant di'erse society #here a #ide ran$e o 'ie#s can 2e ex!ressed #herene# ideas can 2e ex!lored. Nearly e'ery -/erican e'en the /ost con'entional#ants to li'e in a de/ocracy ater all. &o all o 0s need the 4th -/end/ent : #hen

    0nrestricted search and s0r'eillance !o#ers chill s!eech and reli$ion inhi2it $ossi!and da/!en creati'ity they 0nder/ine !olitics and i/!o'erish social lie ore'eryone.

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    /9/emocracy 0ood 9+tensions--D /emocracy &romotion *ey to &reventing inevitable


    /iamond, 155senior research ello# at Hoo'er Instit0tion 5

    "arry "romotin# $emo%ra%y in the &''(s: A%tors and )nstruments, )ssues and)m*eratives, - e!ort to the Carne$ie Co//ission on Pre'entin$ Deadly ConictDece/2er 1

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    Gosh0a ;0ra'chi3 Pa!er !resented 2eore the NPECI@CC &0//er Fac0lty &e/inarLDe/ocracy and N0clear PeaceL htt!:###.n!ec,#e2.or$&ylla20s;0ra'chi3.!d

    he $reatest i/!et0s or #orld !eace ,, and !erorce o n0clear !eace ,, is thes!read o de/ocracyIn a a/o0s article and s02seT0ent 2oo3 Francis F030ya/a ar$0ed that de/ocracyKs extension #as leadin$ toLthe end o history.L y this he /eant the concl0sion o /anKs T0est or the ri$ht social order 20t he also /eant the Ldi/in0tion o the li3elihood o lar$e,scale conict 2et#een states.L1 F030ya/aKs !hrase #as intentionally !ro'ocati'e e'en ton$0e,in,chee3 20t he #as !ointin$ to t#o do#n,to,earth

    historical o2ser'ations: that de/ocracies are /ore !eace0l than other 3inds o $o'ern/entand thatthe #orld is $ro#in$ /ore de/ocratic. Neither !oint has $one 0nchallen$ed. *nly a e# decades a$o as distin$0ished an o2ser'er o internationalrelations as @eor$e ?ennan /ade a clai/ T0ite contrary to the >rst o these assertions. De/ocracies he said #ere slo# to an$er 20t once aro0sed Lade/ocracy Z >$hts in an$er Z to the 2itter end.L( ?ennanKs 'ie# #as stron$ly in0enced 2y the !olicy o L0nconditional s0rrenderL !0rs0ed in World WarII. 0t s02seT0ent ex!erience s0ch as the ne$otiated settle/ents -/erica so0$ht in ?orea and +ietna/ !ro'ed hi/ #ron$. De/ocracies are not onlyslo# to an$er 20t also T0ic3 to co/!ro/ise. -nd to or$i'e. Not#ithstandin$ the insistence on 0nconditional s0rrender -/erica treated Ga!an and that!art o @er/any that it occ0!ied #ith extraordinary $enerosity. In recent years a 20r$eonin$ literat0re has disc0ssed the !eace0lness o de/ocracies.

    Indeed the !ro!osition that de/ocracies do not $o to #ar #ith one another has2een descri2ed 2y one !olitical scientist as 2ein$ Las close as anythin$ #e ha'e toan e/!irical la# in international relations .L8 &o/e o those #ho >nd enth0sias/ or de/ocracy o!0ttin$ ha'echallen$ed this !ro!osition 20t their challen$es ha'e only ser'ed as e/!irical tests that ha'e con>r/ed its ro20stness. For exa/!le the acade/ic Pa0l@ottried and the col0/nist,t0rned,!olitician Patric3 G. 0chanan ha'e 2oth instanced de/ocratic En$landKs declaration o #ar a$ainst de/ocratic Finlandd0rin$ World War II.4

    --D /emocracy solves all scenarios for conLict escalation

    3al&erin 11

    ;orton senior ad'isor to the *!en &ociety Instit0te and co,a0thor o heDe/ocracy -d'anta$ehtt!:###.orei$n!'entionalV#isdo/!a$eB)11

    For there is one thin$ the neocons $et ri$ht: -s I ar$0e in he De/ocracy-d'anta$e de/ocratic $o'ern/ents are /ore li3ely than a0tocratic re$i/es toen$a$e in cond0ct that ad'ances .&. interests and a'oids sit0ations that !ose athreat to !eace and sec0rity. De/ocratic states are /ore li3ely to de'elo! and to

    a'oid famines and economic colla&se. hey are also less li3ely to 2eco/e ailedstates or s0er a ci'il #ar. De/ocratic states are also /ore li3ely to coo!erate indealin$ #ith sec0rity iss0es s0ch as terrorism and &roliferation o #ea!ons o/ass destr0ction.

    --D /emocracy is *ey to environmental &rotection

    7anic*e 5M

    ;artin Ganic3e Proessor o Co/!arati'e Policy and Head o the esearch nit orEn'iron/ental Policy at the Free ni'ersity o erlin 1

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    an i/!ortant reso0rce or the s0ccess0l or/0lation and i/!le /entation o$reen5 !olicy. Critical roles or science and the /edia can also in this res!ect 2eas i/!ortant as ci'il ri$hts or a co/!etiti'e !arty syste/.

    --D 9nvironmental &rotection *ey to human survival:

    &0/0d0 Ata&attu, !!M"ect0rer -dA0nct Fac0lty ni'ersity o Wisconsin,

    ;adison "a# &chool Willia/ and ;ary En'iron/ental "a# and Policy e'ie#"exisNexis -ccessed 71)()1 r#$

    he e'ents o Dece/2er ())4 in &o0th -sia reinorced the !ro!osition that a li'a2leen'iron/ent is necessary or h0/an s0r'i'al. - nat0ral disaster o 0n!recedented!ro!ortions the ts0na/i in the Indian *cean 3illed a!!roxi/ately (%)))) !eo!leand dis!laced /illions /ore in ele'en co0ntries stretchin$ ro/ MQ(77 Indonesia to&o/alia. n(1 &ri "an3a #as a/on$ the hardest hit. -ltho0$h this #as a nat0raldisaster the /essa$e is clear,one sho0ld not 0nderesti/ate the i/!ortance o therelationshi! 2et#een h0/an 2ein$s and the en'iron/ent. H0/an 2ein$s de!end0!on the en'iron/ent or their daily needs #hich incl0de #ater ood and shelter.-s the recent catastro!he sho#ed h0/an3indKs 'ery s0r'i'al de!ends 0!onen'iron/ental actors. Nat0ral disasters also ha'e an ad'erse i/!act on theen'iron/ent altho0$h it is 0nli3ely they can 2e a'oided alto$ether. While h0/an2ein$s can a$$ra'ate nat0ral disasters h0/ans ha'e created /any en'iron/entalcrises and $lo2al en'iron/ental !ro2le/s s0ch as the $reenho0se eect n(( andthe de!letion o the oOone layer.

    --D /emocracy is *ey to &revent the s&read of AI/%


    ;orton Hal!erin et al &enior +ice President o the Center or -/erican Pro$ress andDirector o the *!en &ociety Policy Center ()) he De/ocracy -d'anta$e !. 4(

    - si/ilar !attern is a!!arently e'ol'in$ #ith re$ards to HI+ and -ID&. -ltho0$hthe lac3 o relia2le data /a3es >r/ co/!arisons !re/at0re a sna!shot o thes!read o this disease s0$$ests a contin0ation o the !attern o de/ocraticres!onsi'eness to h0/an needs a/on$ de'elo!in$ co0ntriessee a2le (.8. Ine'ery inco/e cate$ory considered de/ocracies !ost s02stan tially lo#eresti/ated !ercenta$es o ad0lts #ho are HI+ !ositi'e. @i'en the sin$0lari/!ortance o !02lic a#areness or the slo#in$ o this hi$hly conta $io0s 'ir0sthis res0lt is not s0r!risin$. -nd these >$0res do not actor in the !res0/ed$reater acc0racy o re!ortin$ in de/ocracies. -ltho0$h certain de/ocraciesha'e 2een serio0sly challen$ed 2y HI+-ID& or exa/!le ots#ana theo!enness that is enco0ra$ed 0nder de/ocratic $o'ern/ents is a distinct

    ad'anta$e or !02lic health eorts

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    /9/emocracy 0ood 9+tensions9+istential >is*--D /emocracies solve for human survival:Cheema aguire, 1@@14 &ha22ir Chee/a Princi!al -d'iser and Pro$ra//eDirector Di'ision or P02lic Econo/ics and P02lic -d/inistration nited Nations

    De!art/ent o Econo/ic and "inda ;a$0ire &ocial -airs and E'al0ation &!ecialistnited Nations De'elo!/ent Pro$ra//ehtt!:0n!an1.0n.or$intradoc$ro0!s!02lic