Courtship & Marriage of Asian Country

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  • 8/10/2019 Courtship & Marriage of Asian Country


    Courtship and Marriage in China

    China is a multinational country with 56 ethnic groups. According to

    the 1991 census, 92 per cent of Chinas population is made up of Han

    people. The Dai ethnic group is one of the 55 minority groups making up theremaining 8 per cent of China's population.

    The minority groups have many distinctive features such as different

    styles of architecture, colorful ornaments and costumes, traditional folk

    songs and dances, and marriage customs.

    Jinghong is situated in Xishuangbanna in Yunnanc province in south-

    west China. In Xishuangbanna there are more than ten minority groups,

    including the Dai people. There are a number of different groups of Dai

    people. Three of these are the Han Dai, the Flower Belt Dai and the Jinuo


    The Dai people, like other groups in China, have fascinating marriage

    customs quite distinct from the majority of the population. Especially during

    festivals, the Dai practice a variety of traditional courtship activities such

    asthrowing embroidered bags,countryside fairsandvisiting girls.

    Visiting girlsis an ancient courtship tradition for young men and

    women which takes place during the agricultural slack season. When all the

    lights in the stilt houses have gone out, bonfires are made outside the

    village. Dai women sit around the fire, softly turning their spinning wheels.

    Silently, groups of young men, usually draped in red blankets, approach

    tovisitthe young women, playing guitars or other musical instruments as

    they walk around them. Finally, when they have taken a fancy to one of the

    women, they slowly walk nearer. If a woman also takes a liking to the man,

    she will take out a small stool from under her long skirt and invite him to sit

    down beside her. As soon as the man sits down, he wraps the woman up in

    his red blanket, and a heart-to-heart talk begins.

    Courtship activities may be conducted at any place in any form. For

    instance, a young man who goes up a mountain will sing folk songs to

    express his interest if he meets a woman who attracts him.

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    JOINING hands over a running streamlet was a favorite mode of

    Plighting Troths in former times. There is a pretty meaning in this. A modern

    poet has well expressed the sentiment in these words:

    "Like the waters at our feet, which never cease to flow,

    Constant love I crave from thee thro' life, for weal or woe."

    One of the most popular love-tokens of a bygone day was the Gimmal

    Ring, a name derived from the Latin gemellus, joined, because the ring was

    composed of two separate bands fitting into each other with little teeth; thus

    allowing them to be divided at a betrothal, and put together again when the

    betrothed parties approached the hymeneal altar. Such a ring was devised

    to take the place of the Broken Coin, which among the Franks was the usualtoken of the conclusion of a bargain. When lovers plighted their troths in this

    way, the separated halves were always invested with mystic qualities in

    virtue of the vows of constancy exchanged over them. Sometimes the coin

    remained proof against breakage, and was merely bent; in which case a hole

    was bored through it, and one or the other of the parties wore it round the

    neck on a piece of ribbon, as a sort of talisman capable of warding off

    disease and evil spirits. In this we trace the origin of the popular idea that a

    coin with a hole in it is lucky. Many allusions to "Bowed Money" occur in the

    works of the old dramatists.

    It would seem that a Lock of Hair naturally suggested itself to the

    minds of men and women as a love token. But this was not the original

    meaning of the interchange of such a cherished treasure. In ancient times,

    whenever a person of distinction was taken prisoner in war, or held to

    ransom while on his travels, his relations were usually apprised of his

    captivity by the receipt of a lock of his hair.

    The Nuptial Kiss at the Altar is all that remains to us of an ancient

    ceremony which always preceded the actual Marriage Service by a longer or

    shorter period, according to circumstances. This was the Espousals, or

    Solemn Betrothal. Generally speaking, the gift of a betrothal ring by the

    bridegroom-elect to the bride-elect was considered sufficiently binding; but

    in an age when it was the custom to invite the blessing of the Church upon

    all the more serious transactions of life, public espousals were, taking the

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    population all round, matters of everyday occurrence. Besides, it often

    happened that a love-sick swain was not sufficiently endowed with this

    world's goods to give his future wife anything more substantial than an

    espousal kiss. When this was the case, he naturally wished all his

    acquaintance to bear witness to the fact that the young lady was solemnlyengaged to him, and that he meant to carry out his intention of marrying her

    at the earliest opportunity. It was this espousal kiss, before witnesses, which

    marked the difference between a sentimental compact, and one of a purely

    mundane character. The mere joining of hands following words of promise

    sufficed to ratify all ordinary bargains; but when the contractors joined lips

    as well as hands, they breathed into each other the breath of life, and their

    spiritual union was complete. Yet the kiss and joining of hands was only part

    of the espousal ceremony. Like the modern Jews, the betrothed pair went

    through a ceremonial which differed only from the actual Marriage Service in

    that their mutual promises therein were expressed in the future tense

    instead of in the present. In conclusion, they pledged each other in a cup of

    wine, as do the Jews and the Russians at the present day. This pledging

    each other in wine, it should be observed, is nothing more than a survival of

    the once universal custom of parties drinking together in ratification of a


  • 8/10/2019 Courtship & Marriage of Asian Country


    Courtship and Marriage in Korea

    Recent days in Korea, there are many different ways of courtship and

    marriage. They, Koreans, accept the ways from all around the world, but

    there are also some rules that is not changed yet.

    First of all, a usual course of courtship is here. A man says I love you

    and gives a ring or necklace to a woman with an event. If a woman accepts

    that courtship, they tell their parents. They get an appointment and will

    meet two families. After meeting, they decide marriage. There is not any

    fixed period or ways of courtship. Therefore, there are various ways in

    courtship. Man sometimes uses candles, call event companies, or be helped

    their friends, etc for giving her a jewel for success courtship.

    There are various ways of marriage in Korea. Generally, they marry

    the way that western people do. A bride wears a wedding dress, a husband

    wears tuxedo. However, recent days, people challenge another ways of

    marriage. They marry in water, in the sky, anywhere inside or outside. They

    sometimes take Choson Dynasty generations marriage way. Not changed

    one is that after marriage, a man and wife go on a honeymoon.

    In Korea, it keeps springing up new ways of courtship and marriage.

    With some not changed rules, they create more impressive and fun ways.

    They usually review the old and learning the new. That is the modern way of

    Korean courtship and marriage.

  • 8/10/2019 Courtship & Marriage of Asian Country


    Courtship and Marriage in Taiwan

    Courtship.The typical courtship began in church or at a family

    celebration. While in the past parents often chose their childrens spouses

    with an eye to increasing the familys wealth or landholdings, by the midnineteenth century most young people, and many parents, believed that

    men and women should marry for love. This romantic idea of love based on

    mutual attraction was reinforced by sentimental poetry and short stories in

    magazines such as theLadiesRepositoryand Godeys Ladys

    Book.Permission from parents was still important, but young people often

    followed their own inclinations, even in the South, where parents still

    exercised greater control over their childrens lives. Most young people

    frowned on flirtations. The notion that someone wouldmake up toa

    person of the opposite sex without serious intentions of marriage wasconsideredfast,not to say disreputable. Although this rule applied to both

    men and women, criticism of the female flirt was sharper.

    Engagement and Marriage.Long engagements were common; it

    was not considered proper for a young couple to marry until the man could

    support his wife in a decent home and until the bride had collected her bridal

    clothes and established her trousseau, which included such important items

    as bedding, linens, curtains, and kitchen-ware. Engagements could be

    broken off for several reasons, usually misunderstandings, jealousies, or the

    discovery that ones partner was not compatible. Before 1860 the typical

    couple was married at the brides home in the presence of immediate family

    members and a few close friends. During the 1860s and 1870s middle-class

    weddings became more elaborate. The brides family often sent engraved

    invitations to a wide range of relatives and acquaintances. Church weddings

    became more common because the typical family parlor could not hold all

    the guests, and weddings were often followed by lavish receptions. Many

    middle-class brides who could afford to do so wore flowing white gowns and

    veils, a style that originated with wealthy women in the 1830s. American

    brides and grooms married somewhat later than their European

    counterparts. By 1860 most Americans were in their early to mid twenties

    when they married, with the average age somewhat lower in the South.

    Slave women married in their late teens and began their child-bearing years

    around the age of nineteen.

  • 8/10/2019 Courtship & Marriage of Asian Country


    Courtship and Marriage in Singapore

    Courtship is a period that is essential for building a successful

    relationship and maintaining it for years to come. It serves as the time when

    two individuals decide if a future together is possible or not. It also offers

    them an opportunity to build the much needed trust and love for their

    relationship. While there is no rigid guide that defines the necessary steps

    you must take during the courtship, but here are a few tips will make this

    time more favourable and memorable for the two of you.

    Understand your partners life and lifestyle

    Courtship is not just about love songs, romantic cards, a fortune spent

    on flowers or gifts. It is a time to get to know the person who is going to

    become your life partner. Share your likes and dislikes, hobbies andinterests with each other. Learn about each others lifestyle. Take time to

    learn things that make your better-half happy, and consider doing them

    together. For instance, if your would-be enjoys watching cricket, then you

    can make plans to watch an upcoming match together over some good food

    and drinks.

    Contrast and Comparison of the Asian Countries

    The largest continent, Asia is 17,500,000 square miles in area, almost

    twice the size of N. America. You haven't revealed how you partitioned but I

    choose this partition (I'll justify too).

    1. West Asia,

    2. South & South East Asia,

    3. Central Asia,

    4. East Asia,

    5. North Asia.

    1. West Asia : It is largely desert, being the extension of the Great Sahara

    from the Atlantic some 5000 km to west. It contrasts this way from other

    regions, but compares with Central Asia in this matter. The only two

    significant rivers are - Euphrates & Tigris. The region is home to Islam & has

    largest deposits of Petroleum & natural gas. Birth place of main Semitic

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    religions (Judaism, Christianity & Islam) though Christianity ceased to be

    predominantly Asian but became European. It has most contacts with

    Central Asia - ethnic, religious & linguistic. It is known (in old Geography

    texts) as 'land of 5 seas' - Arabian Sea (with Persian Gulf), Red Sea,

    Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea &Caspian Sea that is a land-locked salt waterbody. It has one of the three major Asian peninsulas, Arabia that is also

    world's largest.

    Broadly it has 3 Cultures - Arab, Persian & Turkish (which is more


    Countries are- Yemen, Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon,

    Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia & Georgia.

    2. South & SE Asia : It is the region of the other two Asian southern

    peninsulas - Deccan (India) & SE Asia. These two regions with Monsoonclimates, large stretches of Tropical Rain-forests (but systematically

    decimated now) and many rivers - Mekong, Salween, Irrawady, Ganga-

    Brahmaputra, Godavari, Narmada, Krishna, Mahanadi, Sindhu ('Indus'is

    more popular). Singapore almost touches Equator or else none of mainland

    Asia comes near it. But the vast Sunda archipelago with 5 great Islands and

    3000 more of all sizes straddles Equator. South Asia is separated from rest

    of Asia by the lofty 'Himalayas' system of mountain ranges.

    It contrasts with West Asia & Central Asia in being very wet (but for

    Thar desert part in the North West of India-Pakistan).

    Countries -Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, SriLanka, Burma, Thailand,

    Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Philippines, PauaNuGini, Cambodia,

    Laos & Vietnam. The island nation 'Maldives' can be considered a part.

    Recently Afghanistan was admitted into South Asian Assn. for regional Co-

    operation tagging it with South Asia.

    3. Central Asia : Starting with Eastern shore of Caspian Sea, it is all desert

    (Karakum, Kyzilkum in Turkmenistan/Uzbekistan), semi desert or steppes

    and (predictably) with vast resources of oil & gas. There are two great inland

    rivers - Amu Darya & Syr Darya (Darya means river) emptying into a fast

    drying inland sea, "Aral Sea". Mountain ranges Pamir knot of mountains,

    Hindukush, Kunlun, Altay, Tien Shan give a dry alpine climate in mid

    latitudes. A depression below sea level is situated in the midst of these

    ('Tarim' basin).

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    The people are Turkic (not Turkish of Turkey) and all Muslims.

    Geographically Mongolia (of Mongols), Xinjiang & Tibet (Buddhist), the

    highest plateau (average at 16000') which are parts of China are considered

    part of the region.

    Countries: Kazakhistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan,

    Afghanistan, Xinjian & Tibet regions & Mongolia.

    4. East Asia: It has the 'China climate' (Koppen classification) and like South

    Asia is fertile and also outlier islands like Japan (Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu

    & Shikoku are main), Taiwan, Ryu-kyu chain.

    China is a vast with mighty rivers like Yangtze kiang, Hwang Ho and with

    Amur forming border of Northern Asia. People are all of Mongol stock


    Countries - China, Koreas, Japan, Taiwan.

    5. Northern Asia: This 'quarter of Asia' is Russia; 'Siberia' starting on West at

    Urals extending to Kamchatka peninsula till Bering straits. Much of its Arctic

    coasts is covered up in 'permafrost' that never is seen melting. There are 3

    great rivers Ob, Yenisei & Lena flowing north into Arctic Sea, with mouths

    into the sea clogged with snow retaining water upstream except in Summer.

    Country : Russia (3/4 of it).

    Amongst the 5 contrasts abound and without much to compare.

    Diversity in Asia in landforms, People, Cultures and climatic zones and even

    topography (elevations) is extreme compared to any other continent. It is

    difficult to typecast and say 'Asian'; it is futile.

    General observation of these asian countries about their courtship

    and marriage.

    Often, aFilipino male suitor expresses his interest to a woman in a

    discreet and friendly manner in order to avoid being perceived as very

    "presumptuous or aggressive" or arrogant. Culturally, another gentlemanly

    way of seeking the attention of a woman is not to be done by the admirer by

    approaching her in the street to casually ask for her address or telephone

    number. Although having a series of friendlydates is the normal starting

    point in theFilipino way of courting, this may also begin through the process

    of "teasing", a process of "pairing off" a potential teenage or adult couple.
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    The teasing is done by peers or friends of the couple being matched. The

    teasing practice assists in discerning the actual feelings of the male and the

    female involved. Traditionally, aFilipino woman is "shy and secretive" about

    her feelings for a suitor. On the other hand, theFilipino man fears rejection

    by a woman and would like to avoid losing face and embarrassment. Thisteasing phase actually helps in circumventing such an embarrassing

    predicament because formal courtship has not yet officially started.

    Furthermore, this "testing phase" also helps a man who could be "torpe",

    aFilipino term for a suitor who is shy, "stupid", and feels cowardly, and is

    innocent and nave in how to court a woman. However, this type of admirer

    could overcome his shyness and naivety by asking for the help of a "human

    bridge", typically a mutual friend of both the suitor and the admired, or a

    close friend of both families. The "human bridge" acts as the suitor's

    communicator. Through this "human-bridge", the bachelor can also ask

    permission to visit the woman at home from the bachelorette's father. As a

    norm, the couple will not be left alone with each other during this first home

    visit, because formal introductions to family members are done, which may

    be performed by the "human bridge". Informal conversation also takes


    During this preliminary evaluation period, the Filipino woman will

    either deny her feelings (or the absence of feelings for the suitor) and avoids

    her admirer, or does notbecome angry because of the teasing and

    encourages the suitor instead. The suitor stops the courtship if he is quitesure that the woman does not reciprocate. But once the female encourages

    the suitor to continue, the "teasing stage" comes to a close and a "serious

    stage" of Philippine courtship begins. It is within this stage where the couple

    engages in a series of group dates,chaperoned dates,or private dates. The

    couple later on decides to come out into the open and reveals the status of

    their relationship to family members, relatives, and friends. The serious

    suitor orboyfriend visits the family of the woman he admires/courts

    orgirlfriend in order to formally introduce himself, particularly to the lady's

    parents. Bringing gifts orpasalubon(which may include flowers, with cards,or letters, and the like) is also typical. Courting a woman in the Philippines is

    described as a courtship that also includes courting the woman's family. The

    actual boyfriend-girlfriend relationship may also result from such formal

    visits. In the past, particularly in a rural courtship setting, a Filipino man,

    accompanied by friends, would engage inserenading the woman he adores
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    at night. This serenading practice was an influence adopted by the Filipinos

    from theSpaniards.

    During the courtship process, a traditional Filipina is expected to play

    "hard to get", to act as if not interested, to be notflirty,and show utmost

    restraint, modesty, shyness, good upbringing, be well-mannered, demure,and reserved despite having great feelings for her admirer; a behavior

    culturally considered appropriate while being courted. This behavior serves

    as a tool in measuring the admirer's sincerity and seriousness. The woman

    can also have as many suitors, from which she could choose the man that

    she finally would want to date. Dating couples are expected to be

    conservative and not perform public displays of affection for each other.

    Traditionally, some courtship may last a number of years before the Filipino

    woman accepts her suitor as a boyfriend. Conservativeness, together with

    repressing emotions and affection, was inherited by the Filipino woman fromthe colonial period under the Spaniards, a characteristic referred to as

    the Maria Claraattitude.

    After the girlfriend-boyfriend stage, engagement, and marriage

    follows. With regards to the engagement and pre-marriage stages, Filipino

    tradition dictates that the man and his parents perform

    thepamamanhikaorpamanhikan(literally, aTagalog word that means "to

    go up the stairs of the house" of the girlfriend and her

    parents;pamamanhikanis known as tampaor danonto theIlocanos,

    aspasagulito thePalaweos, and as kapamalaito theMaranaos). This iswhere and when the man and his parent's formally ask the lady's hand and

    blessings from her parents in order tomarry. This is when the formal

    introduction of the man's parents and woman's parents happens. Apart from

    presents, the Cebuano version of thepamamanhikanincludes bringing in

    musicians. After setting the date of the wedding and the dowry, the couple is

    considered officially engaged. The dowry, as a norm in the Philippines, is

    provided by the grooms family.For the Filipino people, marriage is a union

    of two families, not just of two persons. Therefore, marrying well "enhances

    the good name" of both families.
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    Submitted by: Allyssa Joie O. Doton


    Submitted to: Mrs. Joanna B. Jose
