CPBC Council Agenda 22 Feb 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 CPBC Council Agenda 22 Feb 2011




    Book 4 - 2010/2011

    Council Enquiries Ann Horgan, Ext. 2413

    Agendas and Minutes can be viewed at www.castlepoint.gov.uk

    Copies are available in larger print & audio format upon request

    Produced by Civic Governance & Law Castle Point Borough Council

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    Council Offices, Kiln Road,Thundersley, Benfleet,Essex SS7 1TF.Tel. No: 01268 882200Fax No: 01268 882455

    David Marchant LLB (Hons) BSc (Hons) CEng FICE FCMIChief ExecutiveA SPECIALMEETING OF THE COUNCIL of the Borough of Castle Point will be heldin the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Kiln Road, Thundersley, on TUESDAY, 22ndFEBRUARY 2011 at 7.30 p.m., and all Members of the Council, listed below, arehereby summoned to attend to transact the undermentioned business.Councillors D.T. Cross (The Worshipful the Mayor), Mrs J.E.E. Govier,(Deputy Mayor),

    J. Anderson, L.J. Barrett, D.A. Blackwell, C.N. Brunt , P.M. Burch, Mrs P.A. Challis,A.R. Cole, W.J.C. Dick, B. Dixie, Mrs B. Egan, E. Egan, Mrs P.D. Freeman, Mrs W.Goodwin, P.C. Greig, N.R. Harvey, R.C. Howard, Mrs A.M. Iles, Mrs E.J. Isaacs, G.I.Isaacs, Mrs.J.King, N.E. Ladzrie ;Mrs J. Liddiard, P.J. May,J.A.Payne, Mrs.J.Payne, A.Partridge, C.G. Riley, W.K.Sharp, A.G.Sheldon,T.F. Skipp, N.G. Smith, J.A. Stanley,M.J.A. Tucker, A.C.Walter, Mrs L. Wass, Mrs G. Watson, N. Watson, Mrs A.R. Woodand B.S. Wood.

    Chief Executive


    PART I(Business to be taken in public)

    1. Apologies for absence2. Members Interests3. Policy Framework and Budget Setting for 2011/2012

    This Special Meeting of the Council has been scheduled to determine the budgetrequirement and the level of Council Tax for 2011/2012. A report is attached.

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    22nd February 2011


    Policy Framework and Budget Setting for 2011/12

    Cabinet Member:

    Councillor Stanley Corporate Policy, Resources andPerformance

    1. Purpose of Report This report supplements the report to Cabinet earlier this evening.2. Links to Councils priorities and objectives2.1 The approval of the Councils Policy Framework and Budget Setting report for

    2011/12 supports the corporate priority of Improving the Council.2.2 Sound and strategic financial management is key to ensuring that resources are

    available to support the Councils priorities and improve services. This report isdesigned to provide Members with the latest information on the future cost ofspending plans and levels of resources to assist them in monitoring performance

    and making those key decisions.3. RecommendationsImplementation of Council policies and related spending plans1. That the Council notes the on-going and one-off cashable savings summarised

    in tables 4.1 & 4.2.

    2. That the Council note and approve the service reductions set on in table 4.3.

    3. That the Council approve the 10% reduction in all Members allowances, with theexception of the Mayors allowance, for the years 2011/12 and 2012/13 asindicated in table 4.3.

    4. That the Council notes the proposed Efficiency work programme (service

    reviews) to be undertaken during the period 2010/11 to 2015/16 shown in table4.4.

    5. That the Council approves the funding of priority projects as set out in table 9.1.

    6. That subject to recommendations 1 to 5 above, the revenue spending plans for

    2010/11 (revised) and 2011/12, set out in section 9, tables 9.2 (summary) andtables 9.3 to 9.7 of the accompanying report, are approved.

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    Capital spending plans and prudential indicators7. That the capital spending plan described in section 10 of the accompanying

    report (tables 10.2 to 10.3) is approved in respect of 2010/11 (revised) and2011/12.

    8. That as set out in section 10 (paragraph 37) of the accompanying report, the

    1.5m limit approved for affordable housing projects to be expended by the endof March 2012, is re-affirmed.

    9. That it is noted that as stated in paragraph 23 of section 10 of the accompanying

    report, net external borrowing did not exceed the capital financing requirement in2009/10 and based on current plans and proposals is not expected to in thecurrent or future financial years.

    10. That the Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2011/12 as set out in

    section 11 of the accompanying report is approved.11. That as required by section 3 of the Local Government Act 2003 and the

    Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities, the following PrudentialIndicators are approved as set out in the appropriate sections of theaccompanying report:

    Prudential Indicator Reference tosections 10, 11 and12 of accompanying


    Capital expenditure Tables 10.2 and 10.3

    Ratio of financing costs to net revenue stream Table 10.4

    Capital financing requirement Table 10.5

    Authorised limit for external debt Table 10.6

    Operational boundary for external debt Table 10.7

    Incremental impact of capital investment Table 10.8

    Upper and lower limits for the maturity structure of

    fixed rate borrowing

    Table 11.2

    Upper limits of fixed and variable interest rateexposures

    Table 11.3

    Upper and lower limits for principal sums investedfor more than one year

    Tables 12.1 and 12.2

    12. That the Statement of Minimum Revenue Provision for 2011/12, as stated inparagraphs 31 to 33 of section 10 of the accompanying report is approved.

    13. That no new capital proposals are allowed until:

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    the proposal has been evaluated in accordance with all relevantevaluation criteria;

    the Cabinet has confirmed affordability and compliance with the PrudentialCode for Capital Finance in Local Authorities;

    the Cabinet has considered and approved details of the proposal.14. That the Investment Strategy for 2011/12 as set out in section 12 of the

    accompanying report is approved.Statutory report of the Head of Resources15. That as required by section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003, the report of

    the Head of Resources set out in section 15 of the accompanying report inrespect of robustness of the estimates is noted.

    16. That as required by section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003, the report ofthe Head of Resources set out in section 8 of the accompanying report in respectof the adequacy of proposed financial reserves is noted.

    Statutory calculations in respect of the budget requirement and Council Tax asrequired by the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (the Act)17. That as set out in section 5 of the accompanying report it is noted that acting

    under delegated authority and in consultation with the Cabinet Memberresponsible for Resources, Policy and Performance the Head of Resources hascalculated a tax base of 32,056 being the amount T required by section 33 of the

    Act.18. That as set out in section 14 of the accompanying report the sum of 66,276,233

    is calculated as the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates forthe items specified in section 32(2) of the Act.

    19. That as set out in section 14 of the accompanying report the sum of 53,254,400

    is calculated as the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates forthe items specified in section 32(3) of the Act.

    20. That as set out in section 14 of the accompanying report the sum of 13,021,833

    is calculated as the amount by which the aggregate of the sums calculated undersection 32(2) exceeds the aggregate of the sums calculated under section 32(3)and is therefore the budget requirement as required by section 32(4) of the Act,being the amount R required by section 33 of the Act.

    21. That as set out in section 6 and 16 of the accompanying report the sum of

    4,901,206 is noted as the aggregate of the amounts receivable by the Councilby way of Government support (Revenue Support Grant plus contribution fromthe National Non-Domestic Rates pool) and is therefore calculated as theamount P as required by section 33 of the Act and that as set out in section 7 of

    the accompanying report it is increasedby the sum of 145,046, being theamount calculated in accordance with section 33(3) of the Act as the CollectionFund balance.

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    22. That as set out in section 16 of the accompanying report the sum of 237.88 is

    calculated as the average amount of Council Tax for properties in valuation bandD (including Canvey Island Town Council), as required by section 33(1) of theAct.

    23. That as set out in section 16 of the accompanying report the sum of 229.59 iscalculated as the amount of Council Tax for properties in valuation band D(excluding Canvey Island Town Council), as required by section 34(2) of the Act.

    24. That as set out in section 16 of the accompanying report the sum of 250.20 iscalculated as the amount of Council Tax for properties in valuation band D(including Canvey Island Town Council), as required by section 34(3) of the Act.

    25. That as set out in section 16 of the accompanying report the following are

    calculated as the amounts of Council Tax as required by section 36(1) of the Actfor each of the following categories of dwellings:

    Band Council Tax

    Including TownCouncil

    Council TaxExcluding Town


    A 166.80 153.06

    B 194.60 178.57

    C 222.40 204.08

    D 250.20 229.59

    E 305.80 280.61

    F 361.40 331.63

    G 417.00 382.65

    H 500.40 459.18

    26. That it is noted that a meeting of Essex County Council due to be held on 22

    February 2011 will consider precept proposals submitted by the County CouncilCabinet, that if approved, will result in the following amounts in precepts issuedto the Council as required by section 40 of the Act for each of the followingcategories of dwellings:

    Band Council Tax

    A 724.50B 845.25C 966.00D 1,086.75E 1,328.25F 1,569.75G 1,811.25H 2,173.50

    27. That it is noted that a meeting of Essex Police Authority due to be held on 14

    February 2011 will consider precept proposals, that if approved will result in thefollowing amounts in precepts issued to the Council as required by section 40 ofthe Act for each of the following categories of dwellings:

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    Band Council Tax

    A 88.08

    B 102.76

    C 117.44

    D 132.12E 161.48

    F 190.84

    G 220.20

    H 264.24

    28. That it is noted that a meeting of Essex Fire Authority due to be held on 9February 2011 will consider precept proposals, that if approved will result in thefollowing amounts in precepts issued to the Council as required by section 40 ofthe Act for each of the following categories of dwellings:

    Band Council Tax

    A 44.28B 51.66C 59.04D 66.42E 81.18F 95.94G 110.70H 132.84

    29. That, as required by section 30 of the Act, the Council sets the following amounts

    of Council Tax by adding its own calculated amounts to those stated by EssexCounty Council, Essex Police Authority and Essex Fire Authority for each of thefollowing categories of dwellings (subject to confirmation):

    Band Council TaxIncluding

    Town Council

    Council TaxExcluding

    Town Council

    A 1,023.66 1,009.92B 1,194.27 1,178.24C 1,364.88 1,346.56

    D 1,535.49 1,514.88E 1,876.71 1,851.52F 2,217.93 2,188.16G 2,559.15 2,524.80H 3,070.98 3,029.76

    Resolution required.

    4. Background4.1 At the Cabinet meeting held earlier this evening, the Cabinet considered the

    report on the Policy Framework and Budget Setting for 2011/12. The Cabinetrecommended that Special Council resolve recommendations 1 to 29 as set outin the report.

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    5. Corporate Implications5.1 The Council must make certain statutory calculations in relation to the budget

    requirement and Council Tax for 2011/12. These are set out in full in PolicyFramework and Budget Setting report.

    The corporate implications are as set out in the report presented to Cabinetearlier this evening.

    6. Conclusion6.1 Council should consider and resolve the recommendations previously submitted

    to Cabinet numbered 1 to 29 (above). This will complete the budget process for2011/12.

    Background Papers:

    Financial Planning Strategy for the period 2010/11 to 2014/15.

    Annual Investment Strategy for 2010/11.

    Report of the Head of Resources to Cabinet 14/9/10 Budget and PolicyFramework for 2011/12.

    Report of the Head of Resources to Cabinet 15/2/11 Policy Framework andBudget Setting for 2011/12.

    Equality Impact Assessments for items listed in table 4.3 of the PolicyFramework and Budget Setting report for 2011/12.

    Report Author: Chris Mills Head of Resources, Section 151 Officer

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