Cpc 100 Test Guide Enu

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  • 8/13/2019 Cpc 100 Test Guide Enu


  • 8/13/2019 Cpc 100 Test Guide Enu


    Application Note: CPC 100 Test Guide

    OMICRONelectronics GmbH 2005-09-05 2/15

    1 Introduction

    This is a guide to test the CPC 100 unit.

    It helps to make a functional test of the CPC 100 It helps to make a statement that the CPC 100 is within its tolerance limits with a high probability

    It does not help to make an approved statement whether the unit is within its guaranteedtolerance limits this is called calibration

    The CPC 100 test as described in this document does not need very much equipment.

    The CPC 100 calibration as described in the document "Calibration Guide for CPC 100" needs muchmore equipment with the advantage to have verified the tolerance limits.

    If results of the measurements show that the CPC unit is out of the expected limits, the unit must be sentto OMICRON electronics for adjustment and recalibration. It is not possible for the user to performadjustments of a CPC unit. When sending a unit to OMICRON, please attach a copy of the test resultsand send as much background information as possible.

    Warning Only qualified, service trained personnel who are aware of the hazards involved shouldremove or connect wiring to the CPC.

    Measuring high voltages is always hazardous. All CPC terminals (both front and side)must be considered as hazardous whenever inputs in excess of 42V are connected toany terminal.

    Also read the chapter Safety Instructions of the CPC100 reference manual.

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    Application Note: CPC 100 Test Guide

    OMICRONelectronics GmbH 2005-09-05 3/15

    2 Requirements for Calibration Equipment

    2.1 Recommended equipment or equivalent

    2.1.1 CPC 100 accessories

    The CPC 100 standard accessories should be available on site when the test takes place.

    2.1.2 Current Transformer

    Device Type Manufacturer Homepage


    AC current

    KSS 104; 1000:1; 1VA;

    0,2% @ 800A @ 0.5VA

    Measurement points:800A, 400A, 200A

    RITZ Messwandler,



    Any other device can be used as long as the following values can be achieved:

    Imax = 1000A; ratio 1000:1; 50Hz or 60Hz; 1 VA

    Uncertainty < 0,2% @ 800 A< 0,2% @ 400 A

    2.1.3 Power Resistors

    Device Type Manufacturer Homepage

    Power Resistors 220, HS100 (11x)

    2k2, HS10

    ARCOL UK Ltd, CornwallEngland


    Any other device can be used as long as the following values can be achieved:

    Imax = 50mA, R = 2k2/ 10W, uncertainty < 5%, TK < 25 ppm/C

    Imax = 500mA, R = 220/ 100W (1x), uncertainty < 5%, TK < 100 ppm/C

    Imax = 5A, R = 22/ 1000W (10x220/100W), uncertainty < 5%, TK < 100 ppm/C

    Note: Usage of resistors with low temperature drift is recommended to ensure stable readings, althoughthe uncertainty of the power resistors is not of great influence to the measurement. They are only used tocontrol the output current of the CPC high voltage output.

    2.1.4 DC Shunt

    Device Type Manufacturer Homepage

    DC Shunt 500ADC 50mV 0.1%

    L 500-50/01

    Thermovolt AB, Sweden http://www.thermovolt.se

    Any other device can be used as long as the following values can be achieved:

    Imax = 400ADC, R = 0,1m, uncertainty < 0,1% (uncalibrated)

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    Application Note: CPC 100 Test Guide

    OMICRONelectronics GmbH 2005-09-05 4/15

    3 Preparation and Fundamentals

    3.1 Fundamentals

    Disconnect any cables that may be plugged and are not relevant for the desired test.

    3.2 Preparation

    Turn the CPC on. Warm-up time > 25 min

    Power supply: 230V/50Hz or 110V/60Hz

    Ambient temperature: 73F 10F / 23C 5C

    3.3 Used Abbreviations

    Nom:nominal value of the CPC unit

    Res:Used Resistor for a specific test

    Freq:frequency when the test is performed

    MeasCPC:measured value on the CPC display

    MeasErr:calculated measurement error

    TolCPC:Specified CPC tolerance expressed in %

    TolShunt:Tolerance of a used shunt expressed in %

    TolSum:Sum of tolerances of CPC and reference equipment in %

    Ok?:Assessment if the calculated error is within the specified limit

    3.4 Conversion Table

    [ ] [ppm]0,01 100

    0,1 1000

    1 10000

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    OMICRONelectronics GmbH 2005-09-05 5/15

    3.5 CPC QuickCard Controls

    A summary of the QuickCard Controls used in the test procedure. For more detailed information see CPCmanual.

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    Application Note: CPC 100 Test Guide

    OMICRONelectronics GmbH 2005-09-05 6/15

    4 Test Procedure

    4.1 High Voltage Output Magnitude and V1 AC Input

    The 2kVAC of the CPC has the possibility of an internal measurement which is also defined in the CPCspecifications. The output voltage of the CPC is measured using its V1 AC voltage input.

    Warning: Do not exceed a maximum voltage of 300 Vrms. The V1 AC output would be destroyedan a dangerous situation could arise.


    Start up Quick

    Select output range 500V AC first, then 1000V AC and finally 2000V AC and set the output value as

    specified in table in the appendix chapter 5.1 .

    Select Measurement Vout in the first column

    Select Measurment V1 AC in the second column

    Activate the output by pressing the green button

    Read the result Vout and write it to the column MeasCPC Vout

    Read the result V1AC and write it to the column MeasCPC V1AC

    Calculate the Error with




    Assess the result. Test is ok if

    TolSumMeasErr <

    400A DC 800A AC

    2kV AC


    300V AC

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    OMICRONelectronics GmbH 2005-09-05 7/15

    4.2 High Voltage Output Current and I AC Input

    The internal current measurement of the high voltage output is tested by outputting a specific voltage andmeasuring the current flowing over a defined resistance.

    Three different load resistors according to the measurement table in the appendix chapter 5.2 are used,one after each other.

    Warning: There are live threatening voltages during this test! At the shunts this is verydangerous, so please take any precaution that neither the tester nor any passerbycould come into danger. Press the Emergency button when working on the wiring.Obey national security standards too!


    Start up Quick

    Select output range 500V AC, and set the output value to about 100V. Select Measurements: I Outand I AC

    Activate the output by pressing the green button

    Adjust the output voltage to set the current as specified in table in the appendix chapter 5.2 .

    Read the result of IOut and write it to the column MeasCPC IOut

    Read the result of I AC and write it to the column MeasCPC IAC

    Calculate the Error with




    Assess the result. Test is ok if

    TolSumMeasErr <

    Repeat the test using the other resistors

    Note: Especially at the 5A measurement the results drift as the resistor warms up due to thechange of the resistance value. This is normal, press "Keep Result" to keep bothresults at the same time and take the readings.

    400A DC 800A AC

    2kV AC



    100V AC


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    Application Note: CPC 100 Test Guide

    OMICRONelectronics GmbH 2005-09-05 8/15

    4.3 High Current Output 800A AC - Magnitude

    To test the current output a high accuracy current transformer is needed.

    Warning: If the CT's secondary circuit is open when a current is applied to its primary side lifethreatening voltages will occur. Therefore leave the secondary side always shorted orconnected to the I AC output of the CPC.


    Start up Quick

    Select output range 800A AC and set the output value as specified in table in the appendix chapter5.3 .

    Select Measurements IOut and IAC

    Activate the output by pressing the green button

    Read the result of IOut and write it to the column MeasCPC IOut

    Read the result of IAC and write it to the column MeasCPC IAC

    If known add the error of the current transformer at that particular amplitude and enter it to the fieldNomErrTransf. If not known enter 0%.

    Calculate the Error with




    Write the tolerance of the transformer to the column TolTrans

    Add the tolerances of the CPC and the reference CT and write it to the column TolSum

    TolTransIACTolCPCIOutTolCPCTolSum ++=

    Assess the result. Test is ok if

    TolSumMeasErr <

    400A DC 800A AC

    2kV AC



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    OMICRONelectronics GmbH 2005-09-05 9/15

    4.4 High Current Output 400A DC

    To test the current outputs a power DC shunt of 0,1 mis required. By measuring the voltage drop acrossthe shunt the current can be measured indirectly.


    Start up Quick

    Select Output Mode 400A DC first, and set the magnitude as specified in table in the appendixchapter 5.4 .

    Select Measurement: IOut

    Select Measurement: VDC

    Activate the output by pressing the green button

    Read the result of IOut and write it to the column MeasCPC IOut

    Read the result of VDC and write it to the column MeasCPC VDC

    Calculate the current from the voltage measured and write it to the column Calc Current.

    Calculate the Error with




    Add the tolerance of the used Shunt and write the result to the column TolShunt

    Add the tolerances of the CPC and the Shunt and write it to the column TolSum

    TolShuntTolCPCTolSum +=

    Assess the result. Calibration is ok if

    TolSumMeasErr <


    400A DC 800A AC

    2kV AC


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    4.5 Binary Input

    The function of the binary input should be checked.

    4.5.1 Dry Contact Check


    Start up Quick

    Check if the Binary Input does show an open contact symbol:

    Short circuit the binary input

    Check if the Binary Input does show an closed contact symbol:

  • 8/13/2019 Cpc 100 Test Guide Enu


    Ulrich Klapper

    C:\Documents and Settings\ClaFei00\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK47\TestGuide CPC100.doc

    OMICRONelectronics GmbH 2005-09-05

    5 Report CPC100 accuracy check

    These pages can be used as a form, to keep the test results and make an assessment of the CPC 100.

    5.0 Device Identification


    Serial Number



    Performed by


    Next calibration

    5.1 High Voltage Output Magnitude and V1AC Input

    5.1.1 2kV AC Output Range 500V AC, V1 AC Input

    Settings Measurements Toleranc

    Nom Freq MeasCPC Vout MeasCPC V1AC MeasErr TolCPC Vout TolCPC V

    [VAC] [Hz] [VAC] [VAC] [%] [%] [%]

    30 55 1,8 0,2

    150 55 0,4 0,3

    300 55 0,3 0,2

  • 8/13/2019 Cpc 100 Test Guide Enu


  • 8/13/2019 Cpc 100 Test Guide Enu


    Ulrich Klapper

    C:\Documents and Settings\ClaFei00\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK47\TestGuide CPC100.doc

    OMICRONelectronics GmbH 2005-09-05

    5.3 High Current Output 800A AC - Magnitude

    800A AC Output

    Assuming the CT is class 0.1

    Settings Measurements Toleranc

    Nom Freq MeasCPCIOut



    MeasErr TolCPCIOut


    [IAC] [Hz] [IAC] [IAC] [%] [%] [%] [%]

    400 55 0,6 0,4

    800 55 0,4 0,2

    5.4 High Current Outputs 400A DC and V DC Input

    400A DC Output and V DC Input

    Settings Measurements Toleran

    Nom Res Freq Meas CPCIOut

    Meas CPCVDC

    Calc Current Meas Err TolCPCIOut


    [IDC] [m] [Hz] [IDC] [UDC] [IDC] [%] [%] [%]

    200 0,1 - 0,6 1,1

    400 0,1 - 0,5 0,6

  • 8/13/2019 Cpc 100 Test Guide Enu


  • 8/13/2019 Cpc 100 Test Guide Enu


    Ulrich Klapper Application Note: CPC 100 Test Guide

    C:\Documents and Settings\ClaFei00\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK47\TestGuide CPC100.doc

    OMICRONelectronics GmbH 2005-09-05 15/15

    6 Specifications

    Level guaranteed Phase gar.

    Input Range Reading Full Scale @100%10A AC/DC 10A AC 0,1% 0,1% 0,2% 0.20

    1A AC 0,1% 0,1% 0,2% 0.30

    10A DC 0,05% 0,15% 0,2% -

    1A DC 0,05% 0,15% 0,2% -

    V1 AC 300V 0,1% 0,1% 0,2% 0.20

    30V 0,1% 0,1% 0,2% 0.20

    3V 0,2% 0,1% 0,3% 0.20

    300mV 0,3% 0,1% 0,4% 0.20

    V2 AC 3V 0,05% 0,15% 0,2% 0.20

    300mV 0,15% 0,15% 0,3% 0.20

    30mV 0,2% 0,5% 0,7% 0.30

    10V DC 10V 0,05% 0,15% 0,2% -

    1V 0,05% 0,15% 0,2% -100mV 0,1% 0,2% 0,3% -

    10mV 0,1% 0,3% 0,4% -

    Level guaranteed Phase gar.

    Output Range Reading Full Scale @100%800A AC - 0,2% 0,2% 0,4% 0.20

    400A DC - 0,4% 0,1% 0,5% -

    2kV AC 0,2%V 0,1% 0,1% 0,2% 0.20

    1000V 0,1% 0,1% 0,2% 0.30

    0,05%V 0,1% 0,1% 0,2% 0.40

    5A 0,4% 0,1% 0,5% 0.20 0,05%mA 0,1% 0,1% 0,2% 0.20

    Level guaranteed Phase gar.

    Booster Range Reading Full Scale @100%0,2%A - 0,25% 0,25% 0,5% 0.50

    1000A - 0,25% 0,25% 0,5% 0.50

    7 History

    Rev Author Description Tested by Released

    1.0 Ulrich Klapper Initial version MSI 2005-01-20

    1.01 Ulrich Klapper Ritz link corrected and Power Resistors chapterupdated


    1.02 Ulrich Klapper Order information of equipment needed updated - 2005-09-05