Committee for On 1 st A group for th is comprise the accoungroup’s form or suggesti organization the revision Generally attitude tow standards ha have been r into the sco applicable a Having t 6 Ca The res examination 2014. From 2013, a to qualified fo and 4 as re indicates so Registra examination March. The take place accordance the registra committee Accounti Licensing the Registry of A CR No. 37 R April 2014, th he revision o ed of 3 mem ting professi mation, the C ions from ns back in N n direction speaking, wards a comp as been posi raised such a ope with wh as well as the taken into co andida sults for ro ns 2013 we m the two rou otal of 6 ca or registratio egistered acc ome statistics ation for ro ns 2014 was e actual exa between 2 with the ex ation period will respecti Yea 201 201 201 ing Professio Examinatio uditors and Acco RAC B 7 – April 2 0 evisio Wo he CRAC fo of Auditing S mbers, all re ion of Maca CRAC has re 4 professio November 20 of the Audi the accoun plete revision itive, althoug as considerin hich the stan eir transitory onsideration ates Q ound II of ere announc unds of exam andidates ha on (2 as reg countants). T s over the pas ound I of s open betw aminations a 24 May an xamination re has ended, t ively draft b ar Num RegisAudi 13 32 12 29 1 1 14 on’s Workin on News ountants BULLE 014 n for A orking ormed a work Standards, wh ecommended ao. Prior to eceived opin onal accoun 13 in relatio iting Standa nting indust n of the audi gh several iss ng or research dards should provisions. all opinions Qualifie f the licen ed in Febru minations hel ave successf gistered audi The table be st 3 years. the licen ween 10 and are scheduled nd 7 June. egulations, o the examina both provisio mber of Can tered itors Re Acc 2 9 4 ng Group 1 ETIN Auditin g Grou king hich d by the nions nting on to ards. try’s iting sues hing d be and sug step whi inte Chi stan dra pub Sta carr whi wor the rece the effi ed for nsing uary ld in fully itors elow nsing d 21 d to . In once ation onal and pro nec the adm the exa 10 pick exa CR exa the ndidates egistered countants 146 123 138 N ng Sta p Form ggestions, the p of the rev ich includes ernational org inese and Po ndards and t ft administr blic consulta ndards is th rying out of ich is closel rk. Hence, th working g eiving opini accounting iciency of the Regis d final lists o ovide any m cessary) with provisiona mitted to sit t final list amination fe days from th k up thei amination re RAC website. Please visit amination up CRAC offic Qualified f Registered Auditors 2 5 1 andard med e CRAC pla vision work to negotiate ganization fo ortuguese tra to make nec rative regula ations amon e set of stan correspondin ly related th he CRAC hop group could ions and su g industry, e Auditing St stration f candidates, issing docum hin 10 days al list; su the examinat of candidat es (200 Pata he publicatio ir exam a egulations a the CRAC pdates. For e ce during offi for Registra d Registe Account 4 6 7 (N ds: ans to move of Auditing e with the co or the acquis anslations of cessary ame ation as w ng others. T ndards that r ng practices he accountin opes that the act as a uggestions d thereby enh tandards’ rev n in 20 , and candida ments or ce from the pu ubsequently, tions (names tes) ought acas per sub on of the fina admission are availabl C website r enquiries, pl ice hours. ation ered tants April 2014 Not for sale) e to the next g Standards, orresponding ition of both f appropriate endments, to well as give The Auditing regulates the by auditors, ng industry’ s formation of channel for irectly from hancing the vision work. 013 ates ought to ertificates (if ublication of candidates s appeared in to pay the bject) within al list, and to cards. The e from the egularly for ease contact t , g h e o e g e , s f r m e o f f s n e n o e e r t

CRAC B ULLE TIN - dsf.gov.mo146 123 138 g Sta p Form gestions, the of the rev ch includes rnational org nese and Po dards and t ft administr lic consulta ndards is th ying out of ch

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Page 1: CRAC B ULLE TIN - dsf.gov.mo146 123 138 g Sta p Form gestions, the of the rev ch includes rnational org nese and Po dards and t ft administr lic consulta ndards is th ying out of ch

Committee for t

On 1st Agroup for this comprisethe accountgroup’s formor suggestiorganizationthe revisionGenerally attitude towstandards hahave been rinto the scoapplicable a

Having t

6 CaThe res

examination2014. From2013, a toqualified foand 4 as reindicates so

RegistraexaminationMarch. Thetake place accordance the registracommittee



the Registry of A

CRNo. 37


April 2014, thhe revision oed of 3 memting professimation, the Cions from ns back in Nn direction speaking,

wards a compas been posiraised such aope with whas well as the

taken into co

andidasults for rons 2013 we

m the two rouotal of 6 caor registratioegistered accome statistics

ation for rons 2014 wase actual exa

between 2with the ex

ation period will respecti





ing Professio


uditors and Acco

RAC B7 – April 20

evisio Wo

he CRAC foof Auditing Smbers, all reion of MacaCRAC has re4 professio

November 20of the Audithe accoun

plete revisionitive, althougas considerinhich the staneir transitory


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on’s Workin

on News



n for Aorkingormed a workStandards, whecommendedao. Prior to eceived opinonal accoun13 in relatioiting Standa

nting industn of the audigh several issng or researchdards should provisions.

all opinions

Qualifief the licened in Febru

minations helave successfgistered audiThe table best 3 years.

f the licenween 10 andare schedulednd 7 June.egulations, othe examinaboth provisio

mber of Can

tered itors





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egistered countants






ng Stap Form

ggestions, thep of the revich includes ernational orginese and Pondards and tft administr

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working geiving opini

accountingiciency of the

Regisd final lists oovide any mcessary) with

provisionamitted to sit t

final list amination fedays from thk up thei

amination reRAC website.

Please visit amination up

CRAC offic

Qualified f







e CRAC plavision work

to negotiateganization foortuguese trato make necrative regulaations amone set of stancorrespondin

ly related thhe CRAC hopgroup could ions and sug industry, e Auditing St

strationf candidates,issing docum

hin 10 days al list; suthe examinatof candidates (200 Patahe publicatioir exam aegulations a

the CRACpdates. For ece during offi

for Registra

d RegisteAccount







ans to moveof Auditing

e with the coor the acquisanslations ofcessary ameation as w

ng others. Tndards that rng practices

he accountinopes that the

act as a uggestions d

thereby enhtandards’ rev

n in 20, and candidaments or cefrom the pu

ubsequently, tions (namestes) ought acas per sub

on of the finaadmission are availabl

C website renquiries, plfice hours.


ered tants

        April 2014

Not for sale)

e to the nextg Standards,orrespondingition of both

f appropriateendments, to

well as giveThe Auditingregulates theby auditors,

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013ates ought toertificates (ifublication of

candidatess appeared into pay the

bject) withinal list, and tocards. Thee from the

egularly forease contact

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g h e o e g e , s f r

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o f f s n e n o e e

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Page 2: CRAC B ULLE TIN - dsf.gov.mo146 123 138 g Sta p Form gestions, the of the rev ch includes rnational org nese and Po dards and t ft administr lic consulta ndards is th ying out of ch

Committee for t

The PeoAccountantExaminationexaminationMacao on refer to the people whothese examiof AuditorsAssociation(the registraan explanatMei, Vice-Union of Aof Macau wpresented thfor attentionon tacklingsummary of

Age RestrFu

In accorRepublic ofUniform ExKong SARForeigners,year’s exammeans of gito certain p


13th Sep

14th Sep


the Registry of A

ople’s Repubs Uniform ns) is once n venue for13 and 14 Stable below

o are interesinations, the s and Acco

ns of Professation authorittory seminar Chairman, B

Associations was the key his year’s ren as well asg these exf her speech.

rictions on ll Eliminat

rdance with of China Cexamination 2

R, Macao S there are minations: piving answerpersons: pers

on Dates, Ti


ptember 2014

ptember 2014

d CPA Exam

uditors and Acco


lic of China Examinationagain sched

r its professSeptember tfor details. I

sted in learnCommittee

ountants andional Accouty of Macao)on 21st Mar

Board of Dof Professionspeaker at t

egistration pr shared her ams. The

Pen and P

tion Startin

the Regulaertified Pub2014 for ResSAR, Taiwa

new rules pen and pars would onsons born on

ime and For












planatoland CCertified Pu

n (a.k.a. CICduled to holdsional phasehis year. PleIn order to alning more ab

for the Regid the Unionntants of Ma) have co-horch. Ms. Lei

Directors of nal Accountthe seminar, rocess and nown experiefollowing i

aper Formng 2016

tion of Peoplic Accountasidents of H

an Region regarding

aper formatly be applicn or before



11:00 A

15:30 Fi


~19:30 E

~11:30 A





~19:30 Ta


ory SeCPA Ex

ublic CPA d an e in ease llow bout istry n of acau

osted Iun the

tants and

notes ence is a


ple’s tants

Hong and this

t as able 31st


31 preonlcomquaprinassigettbe vexa

infoRegCer(wwBurCRUniof M859



inancial and


Economic Law


Corporate S



Taxation Law



cember 1967y choose this

ar. Meanwhians of givin15, and woul

Time Fl This year’s March to 2

vious years.ine pre-reg

mplete thealification innt out the igned periodting preparedvery importa

amination tim Please refer

ormation regulation is avrtified Pww.cicpa.orgreau’s webs

RAC section.ion of AssocMacau (Tel 299 5350) dur


d Cost






r on ations 7 registerings option, a ruile, the pen

ng answers wd be elimina

ow of Regis

online pre-r25 April, w. Once candgistration, te confirman person, pay

exam admids. Hence, ad for the exaant for candidme flow.

r to the Regegarding thevailable from

Public Ag.cn), or fromsite (www.d. For enquirciations of P2835 6856) oing office ho


Closed booOnly cacertain critof providinpaper form Electronic question psheets to submitted v Pen-and-papapers to computer; to be answwhile subjeanswered o


g to sit the eule that did nn and paperwould only rated starting 2

stration Pr

registration iwhich is eardidates havethey wouldation of ay examinatiission card apart from raminations, idates to take

gulation above CICPA e

m the ChineseAccountants’ m the Financdsf.gov.mo), ries, please

Professional or the CRAC



ok, electroniandidates teria have thng answers in


format: papers and

be providvia computer

aper format: be proviobjective q

wered via cective question paper.

        April 2014

examinationsnot exist lastr format asremain until2016.


s open fromrlier than ine completedd have to

registrationon fees and

within therevising andt would also

e notes of the

ve for moreexams. Thee Institute of

websitecial Services

under thecontact the

AccountantsC office (Tel

c format. meeting

he option n pen and

both answer

ded and r

question ided via questions computer, ons to be

s t s l

m n d o n d e d o e

e e f e s e e s l

Page 3: CRAC B ULLE TIN - dsf.gov.mo146 123 138 g Sta p Form gestions, the of the rev ch includes rnational org nese and Po dards and t ft administr lic consulta ndards is th ying out of ch

Committee for t


The Int(IFAC) relein Decembconjunctionprofessionathose operaengagementStandard o(Revised) –Financial S

The IF

Assurance updated anAssurance E(Revised) –Audits or Informationassurance en


engagementabout the example, topossible fut


(Source: 1.Entities, IFSeparate AQuality CoProfession

Foreworbusiness lastandards unature of thReporting Accounting large-sized influence Financial primarily aentities (SMto draft a sethe Internatand the CAccountantregarding thunified set oCRAC Bull



the Registry of A

New Guide o

ternational Feased the Guber 2013. n with CPAl accountanating in SMts in comp

on Review E– Engagem



FAC’s InteStandards B

nd enhanced Engagement

– AssuranceReviews

n, which angagements.

000 (Revisedts, ranging freffectivenes

o assurance oture engagem

s There

. IFAC’s SupFAC PolicyAudit Standontrol ManDevelopme

rd (editor’s anguage, andusually exist e enterprises

Standards Standards

entities or enpublic intReporting

applicable tMEs). Hence,et of auditingtional FederaChinese Inss (CICPA) his topic, anof auditing sletin, we sha

st Developm

tion of Stand

uditors and Acco

on Review

Federation uide to RevieThe guide,

A Canada, nts in pracMPs, in conpliance withEngagement

ment to Rev

000 (Revised

ernational Board (IAAS

Internationts (ISAE), ti

e Engagemenof Histor

ddress a b.

d) covers a from assurancss of internon sustainabments addre

e a NeSt

pport for Siy Position Mdards for Snual for Sment Report A

note): Acd correspond

depending s. For instanc

(FRS) ware mainly

ntities of speterest; wh

Standards to small-an, accordinglyg standards fation of Accotitute of Chave expres

nd supportedstandards. In all take a loo

ment in Inter




of Accountew Engagem developedaims to h

ctice, especinducting revh Internatiots (ISRE) 2view Histor


Auditing SB) releasednal Standarditled ISAE 3nts Other Trical Finanbroad range

wide varietyce on statemnal control, ility reports

essing integr

eed Fotandaringle Set of March 2012

Small-and-Mmall-Sized AAugust 2012ccounting isding accounon the scale

ce, the Finanwithin Macy applicableecific nature ereas Gen

(GFRS) nd-medium-siy, is it necesfor SMEs? Bountants (IFA

Certified Pussed their vd the idea of

this issue ofk at the anal

rnational Sta



tants ments d in help ially view onal 2400 rical



and d an d on 3000 Than ncial e of

y of ments

for and



releameInteEng(Reare wwtandassu

r a Sinrds for

f Auditing St2; 2. Resea

Medium-SizeAccounting 2)s a

nting e or

ncial cao’s e to that

neral are

ized sary

Both AC)

ublic view f an f the lysis



andards of


To help derstanding oludes: illustrracts from ctitioners’ ciciently impecklists and fticular requividual revie The guide is


orting. The smited assuran

dance designse two levels It is worthease of ISAendments to ernational gagementsevised) as we

available ww.ifac.org/p


ngle Ser SMEstandards: A

arch on Whed Entities Firms (tran

d suggestionould you have to inform u

An Audi

It is IFAC’snvey a messat: the auditot the financim material mmplexity, or dited. One ociated withves the pubancial stat


practitionersof ISRE 240rative examthe standar

considerationplement the forms that cauirements aew engageme

s available frublications-r

standard covnce engagened to help rs of assuranc

noticing tAE 3000 (Re


among othell as the ame

from theublications-r


et of As?

Audits of Smether It Is and to Ena

nslated title

ns from theve any comm


it: One ConAssura

s view that age to usersr has obtainial statementmisstatement

type of thconsistent

h the word ablic interest ements to


s develop 00 (Revised

mples alongsrd, practicaln and tips

standard, an be adaptedand circuments and juris

rom the IFACresources/gu

vers both reaements, andreaders bettece.

that, accompRevised) are ing standardsrk for

hers. The Iendments ree IFAC resources/int



mall-and-MeNecessary act a Sepa


hese two ormment on thi

nsistent Leance

the word as of financianed reasonabnts, as a whots, regardlesshe entity tha

level ofaudit is impt by allowino have a

        April 2014

a deeperd), the guideide relevantl points foron how toas well as

d to meet themstances ofsdictions.

C website atuide-review-

asonable andd introducesr understand

panying theconforming

s such as theAssurance

ISAE 3000ferred abovewebsite at



edium-Sizedto Enact a

arate Set ofAccounting

rganizations.s topic, feel

vel of

audit shouldal statementsle assuranceole, are frees of the size,at has beenf assuranceportant, as itng users ofa common

r e t r o s e f


d s d

e g e e 0 e t

d a f g

. l

d s e e ,

n e t f n

Page 4: CRAC B ULLE TIN - dsf.gov.mo146 123 138 g Sta p Form gestions, the of the rev ch includes rnational org nese and Po dards and t ft administr lic consulta ndards is th ying out of ch

Committee for t

understandiminimizing between diaudit, and thabsence ofassociated wadd costs tresources toassurance bthe reliabilitrisk on the without unassociated waudit shouldof assurancfinancial sta

The CICobjective large-and-mentities arebecome ‘neprovide reassurance systematic sin accordanassurance lthe audit prwith only different set


IFAC poin conductprofessionathe objectivconsideratioconducting,audit. The (ISAs) acknnot be relevaudit, in wapplicable. procedure wof a requireto depart frothen requireorder to achIFAC also pwhere an enISA 600, SpFinancial Componentaudit of an S

CICPA: can be spliobjectives ofor all typestandards mevaluate munderstandisurrounding

the Registry of A

ing about ththe diffe

ifferent grouhe objective f one conswith the worto users, as o understaneing given aty of the finaother, if use

nderstandingwith the word not be ass

ce as this isatements.

CPA has a sand qualit

medium-sizede identical, either this neasonable a

can only set of audit pnce with auevels wouldrocedures arparts of aut of auditing

Auditingossess Gene

oints out thatting the aul judgment. ves to be aons for th, documenti

Internationnowledge thvant in the cwhich caseIn exceptio

would be inefement, the auom a relevaned to conduhieve the aimpoints out thntire standarpecial ConsiStatements

t Auditors) mSME).

the requiremit into two cof an audit, wes of entitiesmay requirematerial miing the entg environme

uditors and Acco

heir reliabilierences in ups of whatof undertaki

sistent levelrd audit wouthey would ding the dif

and then asseancial statemers chose to

g the levelrd audit. Theociated with likely to c

similar viewty requiremd entities aotherwise thor that’. An

assurance, abe obtain

procedures thuditing stan

d be impossire carried ouudit standard


g Standarderal Applic

t: each auditudit the audAuditing staachieved anhe auditor ing, and renal Standardhat some reqcircumstancee that requonal cases wffective in ac

uditor may junt requiremenuct alternativm of that reqhat: there migrd will not bderations – A(including

may not be

ments of aucategories: owhich is apps. For instane auditors tisstatement tity being aent, to design


ty. It assistsunderstand

t constitutesing an audit. l of assurald, on one haneed to dev

fferences in ess the impacments; and/or

make decisil of assuraerefore, the wh any other lconfuse users

wpoint: the ament for band small-sihe audit wo

n audit oughand reason

ned throughhat is carrieddards. Identible to obtaiut in accordads or, worse

ds: ability

t is different ditor must andards focusnd the essen

in planneporting on ds on Audiquirements ms of a particirement is

where a specchieving the udge it necesnt; the audito

ve procedurequirement. Aght be situatbe relevant (Audits of Gr

the work relevant for

diting standone is the bplicable to aunce, the audito identify

risks throaudited and n and carry


s in ding s an The

ance and, vote

the ct on

add ions ance word evel s of

audit both ized ould ht to nable h a d out tical in if ance e, a

and use

s on ntial ning,

the iting may

cular not

cific aim sary or is

es in Also, tions (e.g. roup

of r an

dards basic udits iting and

ough d its




the difflowresuare audtechimpsati


propriate med proper auuirement of

sic proceduforming auduired to forying their egory impondatory perf

d, instead, it dit proceduren performinis allows grediting standall-directed aunditions surroample, standndatorily reqts/compliancuations for all-sized enernal controlernal controbstantive proaluation.

How t

IFAC has udress issues us on serv

ention given tance, recogplicable to enditing and A

AC’s standaividuals with SME aundards, the ues specific ndards incluitled Consideeir design en

oportionate wity; the IAndards (e.g. gagements (Inancial Stateer than an a

derstanding adits of SMEdance titled all-and Med

The CICPA auditing

ficulties: 1. Aw and generaulting in loss

required toditing standhnical resouplement audisfy standard


easures in orudit evidena risk-based

ure of an dits for smalllow these

audit engoses fewer formance of is usually co

res or elemng certain speater flexibilards, and alludit procedurounding the edard on risquire the aude tests, but carrying o

ntities that , auditors ma

ols and, insocedures in

to Satisfy N

undertaken npertaining t

ving the puto the practi

gnizing that ntities of all

Assurance Stard-setting th familiaritudits; in deIAASB give

to SME aude a sectierations Spenables them with the size

AASB suite Internationa

ISRE) 2400, ments) that cudit; to suppand efficients, IFAC hasGuide of Usium-sized En


Audit fees folly not sufficses being mao be performdards; 2. Surces and thditing standads’ requireme


rder to obtance. This id audit, whic

audit, anll-sized entitbasic objec

gagements. requiremen

certain audionditions for

ments of copecific auditlity in the aplows auditor

ures based onentity being sk responseditor to carryt instead, spout control t lack com

may choose nstead, opt

n response

Needs of SM

numerous into SME au

ublic interesical needs ofauditing st

l sizes, the Itandards Boa

body) alsty or directeveloping tes due consaudits. In ation, where ecific to Smato be appliee and comp

of standaral Standard Engagemencover assuraport SMPs atly applying s issued impsing ISAs in ntities.

s that SMPs,primarily

or small-sizedcient to coveade if audit emed in accoSMEs do nhus lack thards, makingents.

        April 2014

ain adequateis the corech is also thend auditorsties are alsoctives when

The othernts on thet proceduresr performingonsiderations

procedures.pplication ofrs to design

n the specificaudited. For

e does noty out controlpecified two

tests. Formprehensiveot to rely onto rely onto risks of


nitiatives todits, with a

st and withf SMEs. Fortandards areInternationalard (IAASB,so includest experiencehe auditingsideration toaddition, the

applicable,ller Entities.

ed in mannerlexity of an

rds includeson Review

nts to Reviewance servicesand others in

ISAs to theplementationthe Audit of

in applyingface two

d entities areer audit costsengagementsordance withnot possess

he ability tog it hard to

e e e s o n r e s g s . f n c r t l o r e n n f

o a h r e l , s e g o e , . r n s

w w s n e n f

g o e s, s h s o o

Page 5: CRAC B ULLE TIN - dsf.gov.mo146 123 138 g Sta p Form gestions, the of the rev ch includes rnational org nese and Po dards and t ft administr lic consulta ndards is th ying out of ch

Committee for t

Hence, tfollowing mthe possibiaudits and, financial stcosts to rereduce burdirect SMPnon-auditinadopted to eperformed practice competitionas a whole quality iimplementaas to assureEnhance SMthe auditingdrafted theWorking Paof Small-Siz

N In the f

Finance (Missued 7 nestandards, Enterprises Accounting PresentationStandards foAccounting ConsolidateStandards fArrangemenEnterprises and AccounDisclosure o

These 7

enterprises standards fooverseas limplement t

It is le

maintain tInternationaStandards a(kjs.mof.gov

In additi

for ExtinguInstrumentsTreatments force the da



the Registry of A

the CICPA pmeasures as ility of exem

instead, usetatements, orplace auditsdens on enPs into brog areas. Meaensure mandmore solidlenvironmen

n, and improvon one handinspections, ation of audie the qualityMPs technicg standards.e Guidelinesapers for Audzed Entities

MOF IssNew Accoufirst semeste

MOF) of Mainewly establis

including ANo.39 – Standards

n of Financfor Enterpris

Standards ed Financiafor Enterprints, Acco

No.2 – Lonting Standaof Interests i

7 Standards that fall witor enterpriseisted compthese even ea

earnt that ththeir contial Financial are availablv.cn/zhengw

ion, the MOuishing Finans and C

on 17th Maay following

SB PublisheDisclosu

onal Develop

uditors and Acco

proposes the primary solumpting micres reviews, r other meths. This mayntities while oadening itsanwhile, meadatory audit ey, in order nt, combve the profesd, while stric

promotesiting standary of audits oal abilities i. In 2008, s for the dits of Finan(translated t

sues Variounting Stand

er of 2014, nland China hed or revieAccounting Fair Valuefor Enterp

cial Statemees No.9 – Em

for Enterpal Statemenises No.40 –ounting Song-term Equrds for Enten Other Enti

shall be apthin the scopes starting 1st

panies are arlier.

he MOF’s inuous conReporting S

le from thewuxinxi/zheng

OF also publncial Liabili

Correspondinarch 2014, w

its publishm

es Exposurure Initiativ

pments in A


adoption ofutions: 1. Stro-entities fcompilation

hods of cheay, on one ha

also gradus businessesasures have bengagementsto regulate

bat low-pssion’s fee lectly carryings the frds by SMPson the otherin implementhe CICPA Preparation

ncial Statemtitle) to enha

us dard the Ministryhas respectiv

ewed accounStandards

e Measuremprises No.3

ents, Accounmployee Beneprises No.33nts, Accoun– Joint Ven

Standards uity Investm

erprises No.4ities.

pplicable tope of account July 2014, encouraged

new Standnvergence wStandards. The MOF webgcefabu).

lished the Rities with Eqng Accounwhich came ment.

e Draft: ve



f the tudy from ns of aper and,

ually s in been s are

the price evels g out firm s so r; 2.

nting has

n of ments


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For more its by the IFApective



In March 2ndards Boart of DisclosuInternationa

esentation ofmment until rted the Di

veral projectsfinancial infoe of several ssclosure Initi The Exposrifying amenconcerns ex

d disclosure able to us

ancial statemrify the mateich specific lance sheetuirements f

btotals in thderstandabilitnsidered by aich the notes The CRAC rking grouptements, andrking group

bsequently pembers from erested partiir views reglcome to con

available ww.ifrs.org/Cments-to-IASraft-and-Com



of auditing entities, a

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slation workUsing InterAudits of S

as third editmall-and M

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2014, the Inrd (IASB) ure Initiativeal Accountinf Financial 23rd July 20

isclosure Ins aimed at imformation. Thshort-term prative.

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has joined p on pres

d will later sup, wherebyprovide feethe account

es wishing garding IASBntact the CRA

from Current-ProjeS-1/ED-Marcmment-letters


standards dand plans tght of the n

the CICPAk for the thirrnational StSmall-and Mition of Guid

Medium-Sizedbe publishethem serve

regarding CICPA, plea

websites resources/sin-and-medium


nternational published p

e, proposing ang Standards

Statements,014. In 2013

nitiative, a mproving thhe proposal rojects under

proposes nAS 1 to addrout existing ts and to ent when pre

proposed arements in IA

n the income e disaggregn entity shots, and empmparability

hen deciding ed among oth

the AOSSGsentation oubmit sugge

y the AOSedback to

nting professto commentB’s ExposurAC. The Expthe IASBects/IASB-Prch-2014/Pags.aspx).

        April 2014

during auditso have the

new auditingA has alsord edition oftandards on

Medium-Sizedde to Qualityd Practices,ed, and the

as training

the originalse visit their



Accountingproposals asamendmentss (IAS) 1 –, for public3, the IASBpackage of

he disclosureresults fromr the IASB’s

narrow-focusress some ofpresentation

nsure entitiesparing theiramendmentsAS 1, clarifystatement orgated, addould presentphasizes that

should bethe order in


G’s technicalof financialstions to the

SSG wouldthe IASB.

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B websiterojects/Amees/Exposure

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Committee for t

As oregistere


FinanThe CR

Certified Aabove-titledApproximatthe seminar

The semthe accountincluding In32 and IASReporting Sseminar th

The anregistered a31st Decembthe OfficialII)

The CRAParagraph Committee Accountants


the Registry of A

of 31st Marcd with the C

ncial InRAC and theAccountants (d seminar tely 150 peo


minar startedting framewonternational S 39, as welStandards (Ihen moved

nnual list oauditors and

mber 2013 hal Gazette of

AC prepared1 Article 8

for the Rs. The list


Tel Fax E-mailWebsit


uditors and Acco

h 2014, the nCommittee fo

nstrume Associatio(ACCA) hav

on 20th ople have reg

d off with a ork of financAccounting ll as InternaIFRS) 7 an

d on to i

of registereregistered a

as already bef the MSAR.

d the list in a8 of the ReRegistry of

is sorted b

mittee for ss : 1/F, C

No. 3: (853: (853

l : crac@te : http:




Stnumber of rer the Registr


ments: Ron of Charteve co-hosted

March 20gistered to att

presentationcial instrumeStandard (I

ational Finand IFRS 9. ntroducing

Annud audit firccountants aeen publishe(B.O.#3, Se

accordance wegulation of f Auditors by the year

the RegisCentro de Re30, Rua da S

3) 8599 53433) 2838 [email protected]://www.dsf.


itorial Co



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d Auditorsd Accountand Audit Firm


d the 014. tend

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2013istration andctitioners, th

ditors or acmicile; and 2

name of dresses.

The list is alwww.dsf.gov

uditors anDirecção dos


rds Hotlin300 

ns are We


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and Med measurem

liabilities. inancial assedeposits, imecognition olities, the iatments for m and interesinstructor usillustrate hi

e a better undesponding pr

d is comprisehe list inclccountants 2. For audit the firms

so available v.mo.

nd AccounServiços de




tants and audfollows:

easurement for fina

For the ets, the instrmpairment oof financial ainstructor emodificationst free loanssed real life is teaching, aderstanding rovisions in

ed of 2 partsludes the nand their

t firms, the and their

from the CR

ntants Finanças

        April 2014

dit firms

mentancial assets

accountingructor talkedof financial

assets. As forxplored the

n of terms in. It is worthcase studies

allowing theand grasp ofpractice.

: 1. For soleame of theprofessionallist includesheadquarter

RAC website

s g d l r e n h s e f

e e l s r
