Crashing Through the Energy Barrier Final for DS-2

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  • 8/14/2019 Crashing Through the Energy Barrier Final for DS-2



    A discussion on the emergence of a dynamic new energy

    source from dark energy

    By Rosemary Ainslie 1-2010

    Opinion is divided on the causes of Global Warming.

    The question is whether this is entirely the result of carbon

    dioxide being spewed into the atmosphere from our

    profligate energy demands, or whether it is some cyclical

    occurrence that has more to do with solar rhythms. Theconsensus, however, is that our manufacture and use of

    energy is somewhat less than responsible. And the alarming

    effects of Global Warming have precipitated a thinly

    disguised global hysteria. These concerns were articulated

    at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

    Change that was concluded in mid December 2009. The

    mandate endorsed the general requirements of the KyotoAccord with detailed proposals for implementation at this

    accords expiry in 2012.

    This convention was held in Copenhagen which,

    through a curious quirk of coincidence, was also the birth

    place of modern physics. Here, in 1941 Bohr and

    Heisenberg formulated the principles of quantum

    mechanics which, in turn, has systematically enabled the

    unravelling of the structure of the atom and its particles. In

    effect the expanding knowledge of quantum mechanics

    introduced those very same modern technologies that,

    today, are widely exploited in the manufacture of energy.

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    And while, at the time, the event was newsworthy, it did

    not carry the banner headlines afforded to the UNFCCC.

    The year is now 2010 and our need for clean and green

    energy dominates our attentions. And this is the more so aswe learn of the fragilities associated with Natures need for

    balance to ensure some continuity of our species.

    Doomsayers abound and even the more moderate amongst

    us are aware of that nervous inner reference which speaks

    to possible annihilation of our entire species. It is seen as a

    kind of Armageddon where the affront comes not so much

    from an international assault but from some unstoppable

    turbulence within Nature herself.

    It is perhaps, as a consequence of this concern that a

    fringe group of experimentalists have come into their own

    and they use the vehicle of the Internet to test new forms of

    energy. This is not a minor event, hidden within some small

    chapter of Google. Rather it is a fast growing movement

    spearheaded by some extraordinary talents in appliedelectrical engineering. And its growth seems exponential.

    Some of the larger forums that are dedicated to these

    discussions are Energetic Forum and Over Unity. Others

    includeFree Energy, Rex Research, ZP Energy, and on and

    on. The dot-com list is long and growing; and the

    discussion threads varied and well subscribed. And the

    readership of these topics is also growing at pace. So much

    so that the forums have become a required advertising

    medium and, in some instances very evidently and

    profitably so. And the contributors to those threads, the

    experimentalists themselves, take pride in the quality of

    their presentations, the accuracy of their measurements and

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    the effectiveness of their devices to reduce pollution or to

    enhance efficiency. The overriding theme, the need to

    explore new energy and new ways of applying this energy.

    But this, in turn brings ones focus back to those Laws

    of Physics which tell us that we can never get more energy

    out of an energy supply source than was first put in. It is

    widely understood in the same context as what goes up

    must come down, what goes in must come out. The

    battery that supplies our starter motors cannot give more

    energy than is available in the battery. The plug that feeds

    power to our lights cannot give us more energy than the power available from that plug. And so it goes. These

    principles are known as Thermodynamic Laws and they

    constrain a maximum efficiency in the delivery of energy

    to 1. For this reason its known as an equivalence

    principle and its been a rule that has been tried and tested

    since its inception when Sir Isaac Newton uncovered the

    gravitational force at the turn of the 18th

    Century. This wassubsequently expanded to include the forces from induction

    and then the nuclear forces themselves. Always there is a

    required conservation of energy and as always, there is this

    restriction, this constrained value in the exchange of

    energy, which is evident - - everywhere.

    Or is it? Ten years prior to the Copenhagen

    Convention, that historical meeting of the minds, that well

    publicised confrontation between the charismatic Bohr and

    the less than engaging Heisenberg, was the first quiet

    announcement of yet another force. A full decade in

    advance of the birth of quantum principles was the certain

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    evidence of a new force both proposed and located. It was

    first called hidden matter and subsequently defined as dark

    energy from dark matter. And it is now conservatively

    proposed that this energy and its variously-proposed particles make up 96% of the entire universe. And

    notwithstanding the search for this force, a search that has

    now spanned four generations, no one has ever seen or

    identified the particle that is understood to be the

    foundation upon which visible matter rests. It is only

    known by default. The fact is that according to

    mainstreams knowledge of physical laws, our galaxies

    should, by rights, be systematically unravelling. Somethingextraneous to those galaxies is also holding their star

    structures together. This is also variously referred to as

    zero point energy or the God particle and is measured

    through the art of gravitational lensing. It is thought to

    permeate the universe in considerable abundance. It is

    entirely invisible to light. It responds to gravity. But in all

    other ways its properties can only be determined by a bestguess exercise that our scientists themselves find less than

    satisfactory. Consensus on its overarching description is

    that its particle does not fall within the standard model.

    And no textbook description of the particle is possible

    because, quite simply, and notwithstanding extraordinary

    efforts to do so, no one has ever seen it.

    But there is absolute consensus on one thing. If the

    source of this energy could be located, if the particle could,

    indeed, be identified, then it promises an abundance of

    energy that will more than satisfy the urgent demands of

    our mushrooming energy requirements. Perhaps it is a

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    response to this challenge to discover or uncover this

    energy that motivates those myriad threads in those

    manifold Open Source Energy forums. Or perhaps it is

    simply the desperate, last and earnest reach of a minorityinterest to salvage humanity from its own excesses. But

    whatever it is that initiated this obsessive interest, it is now

    fuelled by constantly growing claims that this energy can,

    indeed, be accessed. The energy barriers that were

    determined by that equivalence principle appear to be

    crashing down with monotonous regularity. And many such

    claims seem to show a signature transient spike, an

    unusually large momentary voltage level induced across avariety of components in inductive switching circuitry. The

    configuration of the circuits are as varied as the objectives.

    But the constant theme is that whether it is heat or motion

    that is required it is readily available and at a cost that has

    blown the energy barrier into history together with those

    rigid paradigms established by our mainstream scientists

    and articulated in their Thermodynamic Laws.

    A little over a decade ago this author developed a

    magnetic field model using the atypical tools of dialectic

    reasoning. While such is usually applied to philosophical

    questions the application here was tested against observed

    physical realities and were seen to conform to such. But

    more to the point, the developed model was also able to

    reconcile the mass/size ratio of the proton to the electron.

    The underlying proposal is that composites of a

    superluminal magnetic dipole may comprise all visible

    matter. But it is the conclusions to that model which is the

    subject of this exercise rather than the model itself. It points

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    to the fact that the thing that binds our galaxies, that new

    and dark force, is the same thing that binds all atomic

    structures into three dimensional objects. In other words

    everything that has a three dimensional property, bricks,stones, electric kettles, even the very ground of the earth, is

    bound by fields of these particles that are referred to as

    zipons. And the departure from mainstream thinking is

    precisely that the atomic value of the atom remains

    untouched in this exchange of energy, in this binding of

    matter. The actual exchange of energy, be it thermal or

    kinetic, is managed by these particles in their interaction

    with atomic energy levels which in turn also comprise theirown fields of zipons. The binding fields are seen to be

    extraneous to the atomic structure itself.

    If these proposals are fundamentally correct then their

    implications are profound. In effect the proposal is that

    measurable mass has an energy quotient that is not in its

    particles, those electrons and protons that we can and domeasure, but is actually in these fields of zipons that remain

    outside the scope of our measuring instruments. It can only

    been seen or measured when some applied imbalance alters

    these fields and induces it to move outside that bound

    condition. Then a chain reaction sets up a cascading series

    of imbalances while these fields readjust and, in some

    instances, entirely unravel that bound state. The result can

    vary between a mild and evident fatigue in that structure,

    all the way to a total atomic disassociation from its bound

    condition. It can result in a break in the filament of a light

    or in a heap of ash from burnt wood. And conversely, and

    without that applied potential difference, the field is in a

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    state of balance. And then the atoms that it binds are in a

    state of comparative rest. In this more quiet form the field

    holds its position albeit that it continues to orbit.

    It is proposed that the velocity of the particle in its

    orbit is the reason that the field remains invisible. It moves

    at superluminal speeds and light itself cannot find it. But

    break those symmetries and one can either see or feel the

    heat off its broken and cascading strings of zipons. Or we

    can use and measure the voltage which then induces a

    current flow. The model also proposes that the mass of the

    zipon carries both a kinetic and a thermal property both ofwhich can vary. In a field it becomes cold and fast and

    small. Outside the field it becomes hot and slow and big.

    And the two manifestations are in a direct and inverse

    proportional relationship to each other. But energy itself,

    the thing that moves through space and in time, the thing

    that varies the position and properties of the amalgams that

    it binds, the thing that manifests as a flame to impart heator as a voltage to impart current flow, those things are also

    proposed to be the source of all the energy that we use. The

    questions then remaining is how true to observed realities

    are these proposals? And what changes are introduced

    regarding any new insights into the exchange of energy?

    Heres the thing. It means that inductive components

    in electrical circuitry, anything that can experience an

    induced voltage, is also able to generate its own energy.

    This thesis suggests that the filament in a light bulb is able

    to generate as much energy as was fed to it by the plug

    source. The element in an electric kettle can give back the

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    same amount of energy that was delivered to it to make it

    hot. And this energy is dynamic. It can be as great or

    greater than the amount of energy first supplied to it and it

    only depends on the mass of that component to determinethe amount of energy that it is able to regenerate and on the

    rate of the switch to determine the number of times it can

    perform this cycle of regeneration. And in this way, and

    always with the proviso that some switching system is

    applied to give it a chance the model proposes that this

    energy is useable, or better yet, reusable. It refunds the fund

    of energy first applied and suggests that the cost of energy

    is then the difference between what was first given andwhat was then put back. Within the approved system of

    recycling all things, it is suggested that energy itself can be

    recycled. And the model proposes that this is done by and

    with courtesy from these very fields of invisible matter.

    And then to the second question. How accurate are

    these claims? Here opinion has been divided. The trainingwithin academia has traditionally denied the possibility of

    breaching these thermodynamic constraints. This tradition

    is long and well grounded in evidence. Switching circuits

    are well known. All varieties of applications have been

    tried and tested. And always results conform to the

    required parameters of these equivalence principles.

    However, a breach of these laws, as it applies to this model,

    was proved in an experiment detailed and published in the

    October edition of Quantum Magazine, in 2002, written by

    this author in collaboration with Brian Buckley. Every

    effort was first made to get this published in a reviewed

    journal so that the information could get academic

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    attention. But those efforts were unsuccessful. The

    published claim indicated a co-efficient of performance in

    excess of 17. In other words the amount of energy

    delivered by the battery supply source used, was exceeded17 times by the amount of energy dissipated at the load.

    This co-efficient of performance is generally referred to as

    COP and in this instance it is COP>17. It was an

    extraordinary claim but it faded from a minor flurry of

    South African media attention, probably because there was

    no academic comment. The publication was subsequently

    also posted on the Internet at Various Open SourceEnergy forums then picked up on the information and their

    evident desire to replicate the experiment was then

    communicated to this author.

    Which is where these forums experimentalists come

    into their own. Glen Lettenmaier, also known by his avatar

    as FuzzyTomCat, was the first to successfully replicatethe test detailed in that original quantum paper. He was

    given the use of a Tektronix TDS3054C Digital Phosphor

    Oscilloscope, which is state of the art measuring

    equipment. Then through a series of well documented tests

    he studied the required parameters to realise the gain using

    the same experimental apparatus that was detailed in that

    earlier paper. What he uncovered, largely due to the

    sophistication of that measuring equipment, was that there

    was a signature harmonic waveform required to establish

    the gains. It appears that the circuit is able to establish a

    preferred aperiodic oscillating condition that holds, within

    it, a signature pattern. This can be pictured as a swing that

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    pushes in one way and is then pushed back in the opposite

    direction. Then at a certain precise speed the swing will

    move in both directions, the forward thrust giving enough

    energy to secure the backward thrust. Then a short periodor a wobble where that harmonious pattern is lost and

    then again, the cycle is repeated. Subject only to the

    evidence of that harmonic the actual cost of energy

    expended by the battery appears to be zero. But because the

    harmonic pulses are intermittently lost, the actual

    expenditure is slightly greater than zero. But always, when

    properly tuned to resonance, it is less than the amount of

    energy that is dissipated at the load. The ratio here isCOP>4 when one takes only the heat at the resistor into

    account. If all the heat evident throughout the circuit is also

    taken into account, then the value is more in the region of

    COP>9, or thereby. In other words, the claim in the

    original Ainslie / Buckley document was validated and the

    particular requirement for the over-unity performance

    definitively exposed.

    It is important to give some explanation for the fact

    that this effect has been overlooked by mainstream science

    and for so long. In point of fact the real miracle is that this

    condition was found at all. In the first instance applied

    switching applications are designed to hold a frequency.

    Any condition of aperiodicity, any evidence of a chaotic

    waveform, would systematically be factored out of the

    application as being corruptive to the objects of that

    application. There are papers written on how to reduce this

    chaos. Historically all such conditions were considered less

    than satisfactory. It has never been encouraged. And

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    consequently nor has this innate advantage ever been seen

    nor studied.

    The implications of this are extraordinary. It points tothe real possibility that if the circuit were sufficiently finely

    turned so that the resonating frequency could always

    include that harmonic, then the indications are that energy

    can be delivered by a supply source at absolutely no cost

    from that supply. Yet this is not a perpetual motion

    claim. The battery will lose mass to evaporation. The plates

    will be corrupted over time. The battery supplying the

    signal source will lose voltage. And the bound condition ofthe resistive element itself may systematically degrade. But

    thats pocket change. The cost of supplying energy through

    this technology remains seductive and promising and, in

    truth, seems to answer the overriding need for an

    inexhaustible supply of energy at a cost that Nature herself

    can afford. Which is good news indeed.

    However there are certain hurdles that need to be

    crossed before this technology passes through to the

    production lines and enters the world as a usable

    technology. There is a radiated RF (radio frequency)

    component in that resonance that will need proper shielding

    in some applications. There is the need to develop circuitry

    that is better able to maintain the signature harmonic. The

    optimised shape and size of the various resistors need to be

    tested. Different inductive and resistive materials need to

    be considered. And all this will take a great deal of

    research and with it, research funding. Traditionally such

    funding is channelled to universities, technical institutions

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    and privately owned laboratories. This funding is usually

    supplied by companies with a vested interest in exploiting

    the technology and/or securing patent rights. But theres a

    caveat to investment. This is that the research itself is notthat unrealistic, that exotic, that it flies in the face of

    thermodynamic principles. And this is the very point at

    which this application falls on its knees and dies. These

    claims are indeed, that far out and that bazaar. No self-

    respecting researcher will endorse such a study, nor a self-

    respecting investor fund its research, unless and until the

    claim has been published and closely scrutinised by a broad

    range of academics.

    So, for this technology to move forward, publication

    in an academic medium is required. It must be understood

    that there are two reputable sources of publication that,

    between them, control the publication of virtually all

    academic papers written in English. The first is the

    Institute of Electrical Technologies, (IET) which is theEuropean arm and its sister body across the Atlantic being

    The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers,

    (IEEE). Between them they hold significant control over

    nearly all academic paper submissions of this type. The

    first application was submitted to the IET in January 2009.

    This was rejected out of hand and was not even submitted

    for review. The second was submitted shortly thereafter to

    the IEEE. The editor here was evidently prepared to look to

    the experimental evidence and the paper was submitted for

    review but summarily rejected probably by consensus

    vote from the reviewers themselves.

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    But by now the replication exercise on one of those

    many Open Source forums had taken off. This was on a thread named COP 17 heater /

    Rosemary Ainslie. The readership of that thread is in thethousands per day. And the postings have evolved to

    evidence multiple replications. There are many

    experimentalists who have done some variation of that

    initial Quantum test as it is referred to. Two such players

    are Aaron Murakami and Glen Lettenmaier. But it was

    Lettenmaier who pipped everyone to the finish line with the

    accurate and transparent evidence of the required and

    unequivocal evidence of heat being dissipated at theresistive load at a cost that was singularly less than that

    being supplied by the battery. His experimental aptitudes

    were exemplary and his data and multiple YouTube

    video demonstrations together with live streaming

    broadcast of the actual waveforms was done without any

    editing of the facts. This therefore proved that the circuit

    was able to regenerate usable energy. More to the point,the measurements relating to that supply source was

    determined by state of the art measuring equipment.

    As a consequence of these efforts some of those

    members decided to rally together, to collaborate and

    submit an Open Source paper to the IEEE. This is possibly

    a first of its kind, and is intended to confront those same

    academic editors with the evidence of this new data based

    on these carefully recorded tests. In evaluating the strength

    of a thesis it is required that there is some experimental

    proof and that the experiment itself is replicable. In other

    words, a claim is never substantiated unless and until the

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    conditions of that claim can be tested and replicated and

    proved. Then indeed the thesis may have merit. Here the

    initial test was designed to prove that the circuit

    components themselves were capable of producingregenerated energy. This first submission carried with it

    the accreditation and endorsement of BP (South Africa),

    SASOL (SA, who also offered a bursary award for its

    advancement), ABB Research (North Carolina, USA) and

    others. But the circuit was actually Replicated only by

    ABB Research, the others being Verifications of the

    existing built circuit. The Open Source replications proved

    that the first tests were not an anomalous result from somefreak, co-incidental and haphazard assemblage of

    experimental apparatus that produced a one-off effect.

    And this is the point. That entire replication exercise is

    usually and traditionally advanced within our academic

    institutions who, in turn, are alerted to these technological

    breakthroughs courtesy of the publication of papers in those

    journals. But failure to publish prevented those sameacademics from knowing about this claim let alone testing

    it. In effect, Open Source had filled the gap that had been

    closed by a handful of editors and/or reviewers who

    pontificated that, on the basis of probability, the

    experimental evidence presented in that initial paper, was


    Some talented members of the Open Source

    community collaborated in this publication, including this

    author, Harvey Gramm, Glen Lettenmaier, Ashtweth

    Palise, Andrew Gardner, Donovan Martin and Steve

    Windisch. Each contributor brought their own expertise

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    into the exercise. And this time the paper has not been

    rejected but rather has been referred to a different journal

    with a different emphasis. It has been deemed to more

    appropriate to the journal devoted to renewable energyrather than power generation. Which may be good news.

    The hope is that this recommendation was well considered.

    Meanwhile the technological breakthroughs are happening

    at pace. The latest feat is by Michael John Nunnerley who

    has done a live broadcast of his own circuit variation of

    these principles that shows the battery recharging over a 17

    hour period while systematically running a compact

    florescent lamp which is burning something in the region of11 watts.

    All of which points to unequivocal evidence of over

    unity results that challenging claim that goes to the throat

    of our Thermodynamic Laws and calls to question its

    applicability to the dark energy that the thesis claims as its

    source. But to get this argument to mainstream, to thoseacademics who between them can evaluate the evidence in

    that paper, it first needs to get through that rigid editorial

    process. The hope is that, should that process fail, should

    the sheer lack of credibility in the reviewers prove to be an

    insuperable barrier to publication, then this article and

    others like it can alert our public to these facts. Indeed the

    good news is that energy is available and it is inexpensive

    and it is clean and green. It will put paid to our dependency

    on both utility supply sources and oil. It may thereby cause

    a certain amount of social upheaval as the broader

    populations rid themselves of their dependency on

    traditional energy supply sources. But the good news is that

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    energy usage will be freed from the pollutant excesses that

    have resulted from so many years and so many generations

    of abuse. Nature herself will get a much deserved break.

    And, whatever the causes of global warming, our ownculpabilities will then no longer be at question.