Cravaack - Clipbook

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  • 8/2/2019 Cravaack - Clipbook


  • 8/2/2019 Cravaack - Clipbook


    Budget Issues

    Impact of the Republican Budget on Medicare

    According to the Energy and Commerce Committee, Ryans budget affected CongressmanCravaacks district in the following ways:

    Increase prescription drug costs for9,200 Medicare beneficiaries in the district who enter the PartD donut hole, forcing them to pay an extra $90 million for drugs over the next decade.

    Eliminate new preventive care benefits for125,000 Medicare beneficiaries in the district.

    Deny 450,000 individuals age 54 and younger in the district access to Medicares guaranteedbenefits.

    Increase the out-of-pocket costs of health coverage by over $6,000 per year in 2022 and by almost$12,000 per year in 2032 for the 112,000 individuals in the district who are between the ages of44 and 54.

    Require the 112,000 individuals in the district between the ages of 44 and 54 to save an additional$26.2 billion for their retirement an average of$182,000 to $287,000 per individual to pay forthe increased cost of health coverage over their lifetimes. Younger residents of the district will haveto save even higher amounts to cover their additional medical costs.

    Raise the Medicare eligibility age by at least one year to age 66 or more for59,000 individuals inthe district who are age 44 to 49 and by two years to age 67 for342,000 individuals in the districtwho are age 43 or younger. [Committee on Energy and Commerce, June 2011]

    Wanted to Go Back to 2006 Spending Levels

    In a January 2011 interview, Cravaack said he would like to go one step further from the general proposals coming fromRepublicans, saying I think they want to go back to 2008 levels. I think we should go back to 2006 levels. The interviewerthen reiterated that that would be a 40 percent cut and Cravaack said, Yeah, so. The reason why is that the governmentworked just fine at 2006 levels. [Minnesota Public Radio, 1/24/11]

    Voted in Support of Federal NASCAR Sponsorships

    In February 2011, Cravaack voted in favor of maintaining funding for the Pentagons NASCAR sponsorships. The amendmentwould have cut tens of millions of dollars for military NASCAR sponsorships. [Minneapolis Star Tribune,2/25/11]

    Voted in Favor of the Alternate Joint Strike Fighter

    In February 2011, Cravaack voted in favor of funding a second, $450 million engine for the F-35 joint strike fighter.

    The F-35 fighter engine was opposed by the Pentagon yet Cravaack argued that a second engine could savemoney. He said, "When you have a sole-source provider, that's when you get the $500 bolt and the $900toilet seat."

    The amendment was defeated by a vote of 233-198. [Minneapolis Star Tribune,2/25/11]

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    Said He Wants to Avoid a Government Shutdown

    In February 2011, Cravaack said he hoped Congress would avoid a government shutdown but, first, cuts must be made to helpbring down the federal governments debt. He said hell face a tough decision when Congress votes on whether lawmakersshould raise the national debt ceiling saying he would be receptive to a proposal if government cuts were part of it. [Brainerd

    Dispatch, 2/24/11]

    Isanti to Reach out to Cravaack

    After a Highway 65 Pedestrian Overpass project was put on hold awaiting funding verification in the city of Isanti, the CityEngineer said he would reach out to Cravaack for the shortfall of roughly $140,000, which was supposed to be funded in 2010by former congressman Oberstar, but that bill failed. [Isanti-Chisago County Star,2/22/11]

    Floor Speech: Said Institute of Peaces Goals Should Be Accomplished Somewhere Else

    In February 2011 on the House floor, Cravaack explained his amendment to the House GOPs continuing resolution that wouldeliminate funding for the U.S. Institute of Peace saying that unnecessary and repetitive programs like the U.S. Institute ofPeace should be ridded.

    He continued, Make no mistake, I believe that the institutes goals are also important and they are honorable. Who among usdoes not wish for peace, both for ourselves and for future generations of Americans? But given our current fiscal constraints, Icannot justify spending over $42 million to pay for an organization whose role could be fulfilled by existing Departments,agencies, or nonprofit organizations, many of which do not depend on the Federal Government for funding. [Cravaack FloorRemarks on Weiner Amendment to HR 1, 2/16/11]

    Said He Knew His District Would Feel the Affects of Budget Cuts

    In March 2011, Cravaack said he knew there would be projects cut in his district as a result of budget changes. He said, "Imean you can't have $14.1 trillion in debt and start doing the cutting [and] savings that we're trying to do and not havesomething affected. [Minnesota Public Radio,3/17/11]

    Voted for Budget Cut that Put North American Wetlands Conservation Act in Jeopardy

    In April 2011, the Grand Forks Herald reported that Cravaack voted for a budget cut that will put the North AmericanWetlands Conservation Act one of the most successful wetland conservation programs of all time in jeopardy. Theprogram has created more than 8,500 jobs and generated more than $200 million. [Grand Forks Herald,4/3/11]

    Advocated for Cuts to Department of Education and Other Federal Departments

    In April 2011, after telling students during a visit to a district school that he was flabbergasted by the said of the federalbuildings in the Washington, D.C., Cravaack griped of the salary of those federal workers.

    He said, The average salary in the Department of Education is $103,000. Whats happening is, the money that should be goingto our kids in the classroom, is heading up to Washington D.C. and our very large federal government. My feeling is we shouldshrink the Department of Education and make sure that money thats going to Washington D.C. and gets down to our teachers

    and classrooms. [Pine Journal,4/21/11]

    Schools Superintendent Puzzled by Cravaacks Proposal

    The schools superintendent said he was unaware of legislation that would actually shift that Washington DCinfrastruction money to the schools or states.

    He added that about 12 percent of the schools revenue came from the federal government. [Pine Journal,4/21/11]

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    Cravaack Told Student to Work Harder to Go to School

    After one student at the school said she would be able to go to college to study pre-med because she had receivedTRiO funds to assist her financially.

    Cravaack then told the student his wife came from a family with little money and worked three jobs to put herselfthrough school. He said, You can work and you can work hard. When you get your degree, you can be very proudbecause you worked harder than some of the other people to get that degree. [Pine Journal,4/21/11]

    MinnPost: Cravaack Says More Cuts Needed in Federal Budget

    At a 2011 Bemidji Republican Banquet held at Bemidji High School, Cravaack told the attendees that he wanted to advancethe line and start making cuts in an over-reaching budget while calling current federal spending unsustainable and reckless.[,5/09/11]

    Called Sequestration Draconian and Accredited His Vote against the Debt Ceiling Compromise to a Fear of Defense


    In January 2012, Cravaack told a news anchor that he believed the cuts made in the Budget Control Act (the

    final debt ceiling compromise establishing the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to negotiate theadditional $1.5 trillion in cuts) were draconian and he didnt vote for the legislation or the very reasonthat I was afraid that we would have close to one trillion in cuts over the next decade coming out of ournational defense. Being a 24-year vet, being a retired Navy captain, I can see these cuts being verydraconian to the point that we cant defend the country. Weve always gone with a 2 theatre concept,meaning that we would be able to fight in 2 theatres if anything should happen. Right now, we wouldbasically be able to do a 1 theatre war and then cross your fingers and hope nothing else happens.[LeftFreedomRingBlog, 1/09/12; CBS Minnesota,1/09/12]

    Business and Consumer Issues

    Said Small Business is the Key to Economic Recovery

    In March 2012, Cravaack told reporters small businesses would be the key to economic recovery in the 8th District. [PrincetonUnion-Eagle,3/08/12]

    Claimed Obama Wants to Tax Small Business

    According to the Princeton Union-Eagle, Cravaack said As the President comes out and says hes going to tax therich, its the small business owner who is taking the hit. The guy making $250,000 a year. [Princeton Union-Eagle,3/08/12]

    Campaign and Campaign Finance Issues

    Said He Did Not Come to Washington to Be Reelected

    In July 2011, Cravaack told the Los Angeles Times, I did not come here to get reelected. [Los Angeles Times,7/13/11]

    Cravaack Announced His Re-Election to the Eighth Congressional District while Simultaneously Announcing His Family

    Would Be Relocating to New Hampshire

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    On July 16, Cravaack announced he was setting up his reelection campaign sooner than expected and that his wife and childrenwill be moving to New Hampshire, where theyll purchase a home, though hell continue to live in the 8th CongressionalDistrict and move to North Branch. [Duluth News Tribune,7/16/11]

    Cravaack gets a big welcome from NH Democrats- Minnesota Public Radio 7/18/11

    Cravaack to move family to New Hampshire, risks alienating voters- Minnesota Independent

    7/18/11 New Hampshire Democrats poke fun at Cravaack move-Minneapolis Star Tribune 7/18/11

    News over the weekend that freshman Congressman Chip Cravaack is moving his family to NewHampshire has Democrats there making jokes -Minn Post 7/19/11

    Claimed Move to New Hampshire Will Not Affect Interactions with Constituents

    In July 2011, Cravaack said his familys move to New Hampshire and his promise to spend Sundays with them in NewHampshire will not affect how he interacts with constituents.

    He told a reporter, Ive always taken Sundays off to be with my family. I have to be a father and a husband first. People arentgoing to vote [against] because of thatI think people will judge me by my actions. They will see me in the district just as

    much. Im going all over. Things havent changed. Its just that Ive got to take care of my family in the process. I just hopepeople will judge me by actions. Thats the biggest thing. [Minneapolis Post,7/20/11]

    Cravaack: I Did Not Come Here to Get Re-Elected.

    In the midst of July 2011 debt limit negotiations, Cravaack said, I did not come here to get re-elected." [Star Tribune,7/16/11]

    Claimed He Was OK Not Getting Re-electedMight Just Be a Two-Year Tour

    In July 2011, Cravaack said, If I tell people the truth and dont get re-elected, thats OK. To do nothing would be a derelictionof duty. Despite his familys move to New Hampshire, he said, Hopefully, people will judge me by my actions. Theyregoing to see Im still in the district. He added his wife reminds him of the importance of his family, She reminds meroutinely: Hey, bud, this might just be a two-year tour. So Id better keep my day job. [Star Tribune, 7/25/11]

    Claimed He Was Number Two on Democrats Hit List

    In June 2011, Cravaack said he was number two on the list of Democrats targets in the next election. He did not give detailsabout the list or the origin of his information. In response to an anti-GOP ad run in New Yorks special election tyingRepublicans to anti-Medicare policies, he said, Thats the kind of campaign we can expect the liberal social interests to wageagainst first-term Republican Members of Congress, and Im high on their list. In fact, Im #2. Not #2 in Minnesota, but #2 inthe entire nation. [Star Tribune,6/6/11]

    Received $2,000 Contribution from Romneys PAC

    In March 2011, Cravaack received a $2,000 donation from the Mitt Romneys Free and Strong America

    PAC. [Politico,3/10/11]

    Declined to Fundraise for NRCC

    Cravaack said he declined to sign a contract with the National Republican Congressional Committee committing to goals forfundraising. Im a big boy here, and I know what I need to do. [,4/01/11]

    Received Contributions from Bachmann PAC

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    In September, 2011 Cravaack also received a $5,000 contribution from Michele Bachmanns MICHELE PAC as well as herfundraising lists. [Minnesota Independent, 9/19/11]

    AAN Held a Fundraiser with Paulsen in Support of Cravaack

    In September of 2011, American Action Network, the PAC held by former Sen. Norm Coleman, and Rep. Erik Paulsen co-

    hosted a fundraiser for Cravaacks re-election campaign.

    Earlier this year CREW had requested and IRS investigation into AAN alleging that the group had spent more money thanwhat a 501c4 is allowed to spend in elections. [Minnesota Independent, 9/19/11]

    Note: Cravaack did not attend the fundraiser but was northern MN touring wildfires

    Debt Ceiling

    Said Debt Ceiling Raise Must Come with Cuts

    In July 2011, Cravaack said of the debt ceiling, Im not blanketly against raising it. But it has to come with cuts. [StarTribune, 7/25/11]

    Hinted that He Would Oppose a Debt Ceiling Increase

    In July 2011, Cravaack said, I came to Washington for a reason to cut spending so that future generations are not saddledwith debtIts up to the president and Secretary Geithner to decide what bills get paid. [Alaska Dispatch,7/15/11]

    Said McConnell Plan Was at Least an Option and Politically Smart

    Of Senator Mitch McConnells proposal to raise the debt ceiling, Cravaack said, "It's an option if nothing else works.Politically, it's smart, even if policy-wise it doesn't fix the country's problems." [Star Tribune, 7/13/11]

    Would Have to See Debt and Spending Cuts before Debt Ceiling Vote

    In May 2011, Cravaack held a town hall meeting where he voiced his concerns about the vote to raise the debt ceiling. He saidhe would have to see sustainable, long-term debt and spending cuts before making a decision on whether to support theincrease and compared the USs future to that of Greece, Portugal, Italy and Ireland.

    We hit the debt ceiling. The caution light has now gone off, he said. [Brainerd Dispatch, 5/16/11]

    Said Taxes Were Not Going to Solve the Debt Crisis

    In a May 2011 town hall meeting, Cravaack said the debt crisis could not be fixed by increasing taxes and blamedWashingtons spending for the problem.

    He said, We cant tax enough to get this under control. Its not that we are taxed too little. Its that Washington spends way

    too much. [Brainerd Dispatch, 5/16/11]

    Supported Raising Debt Ceiling with Immediate Spending Cuts

    In June 2011, Cravaack said he would vote to raise the debt ceiling if the deal included immediate spending cuts andmechanismsto curb future spending. [, 6/22/11]

    Cravaack on Deficit: We May Go the Way of Iceland

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    During an interview with Minnesota Public Radio, Cravaack was skeptical of raising the federal debt limit for fear that he thatthe federal deficit is growing out of control.

    Cravaack said, If we don't watch what we're doing, we will go by the way of Iceland. Our stock market will crash, ourcurrency will be devalued to zero if we continue on this path. [Minnesota Public Radio, 1/25/11]

    Claimed Not Raising Debt Ceiling Would Have No Ramifications

    Cravaack did not feel there would be an economic fall out if the US did not raise the debt ceiling. He said that's nottrue regarding criticism that the U.S. could default on its loans.

    We'll have revenues coming in. There will be a time period that we can play with but this is extremely serious whatwe're about to do. People may say that we'll lose our AAA bond rating. That may be true but if we raise the debt limitabove our GDP we won't have to worry about our AAA bond rating anyway because we become less of a firm type ofrisk to investors. he said. [Minnesota Public Radio, 1/25/11]

    Proposed Cuts to Medicare and Social Security

    In proposing ways to lower debt, Cravaack said that you have to look at cuts to Social Security and Medicare to helpthe deficit. He said that that people over the age of 55 won't see any cuts in benefits but he said there are ways that

    people under that age could see some changes to their benefits.

    We can stair step it down, tier it down. That's one of the things that you can take a look at. I'm not saying that's themodel but this is something that we have to take a look at but we have to protect the promises that we made at thesame time, he said. [Minnesota Public Radio, 1/25/11]

    Said No Vote on Boehner Plan Was Because It Did Not Include a BBA

    In July 2011, Cravaack said he planned to vote no on the Boehner debt plan. He said, We held the line. One of the big things Iwanted to get in there was that we have a solid way forward for the next generation on a way to start lowering the [debt] downagain a balanced budget amendment. [, 7/29/11]

    Said Debt Ceiling Bill Did Not Go Far Enough

    In an August 2011 op-ed, Cravaack wrote, While I commend the leadership for its efforts, the bill did not address our nationscritical fiscal needs, including savings to projected budget levels, enforceable spending controls and a vote on a balancedbudget amendment to the Constitution before the second tranche of debt-limit increase. [Duluth News Tribune, Op-Ed,8/03/11]

    Vote Against Boehner Debt Ceiling Bill Endangered Political Future

    In July 2011, the Star Tribune reported Cravaacks political future was in danger over his vote against the Boehner debt dealthat included many provisions he urged Republican leadership to include, including a balanced budget amendment.

    He said the balanced budget amendment in the bill was too easily eradicated and said the bill included no long-term deficitreduction. The leadership was displeased with Cravaack and, when he was asked how badly bruised he had been by the

    leadership, said, I wont take off my shirt, lets put it that way. [Star Tribune,7/29/11]

    Fundraised Off of No Vote on Debt Ceiling and Being Attacked by Both Sides of the Aisle

    In July 2011, Cravaacks reelection campaign sent a fundraising email entitled On My Own about Cravaacks decision tovote no on the Speakers bill to raise the debt ceiling. Cravvack wrote, So now, I'm in a bit of a pickle. Big Labor UnionBosses,, and other liberal special interests are increasing their attacks against me. Meanwhile the Republicanestablishment in Washington isn't happy that I stood on principle. The email calls for supporters to raise $25,000 in a week.[Minnesota Public Radio,7/30/11]

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    District Issues

    Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport Commission Criticized Cravaack for His Absence

    In November 2011, commissioners of the Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport said of Cravaacks involvement in replacing DeltaAirlines, who previously pulled their operations out of the airport, Hes been very absent in this whole process. Onecommissioner complained that Cravaack nor his office attended an informational meeting in September either. [BrainerdDispatch, 11/01/11]

    Airport Disappointed in Cravaacks Absence on Delta Airline Issue

    In November 2011, Steve Sievek, an airport manager in Cravaacks district stated that he was disappointed with Cravaackscomplete lack of action during Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport Committees negotiations as it dealt with replacing DeltaAirlines.

    One commissioner said, Hes been very absent in the whole process. The commissioner also pointed out that neitherCravaack nor anyone representing his office had earlier appeared at an airport commission meeting which was attended bythose from Senator Amy Klobuchar and Senator Al Frankens offices.

    A spokesman for Cravaack said Cravaack is not authorized to actively participate in the replacement process [] he continuesto monitor this situation closely. [Brainerd Dispatch, 11/01/11]

    Eighth District Plane Plant Acquired by Chinese Company

    In March 2011, China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Co., based in Zhuhai, China, announced it willbuy 100 percent of Duluth-based Cirrus Industries. Cirrus CEO said an agreement was made with theChinese company to keep the 400 Duluth jobs in Duluth and the 70 Grand Forks jobs in Grand Forks, N.D.

    Cravaack, R-Minn., said he wanted to meet with representatives from Cirrus and the executive director ofthe U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission to discuss the employment and security

    implications of the offer. He said, My first priority is to make sure those jobs stay in the Eighth District.[Duluth News Tribune, 3/01/11]

    Cravaack Led a Closed Door Meeting with PolyMet Officials to Claim He Will Advocate for Mines Funding

    In March 2011, Cravaack called regulators, state legislators, and mining company officials for a closed-doormeeting on expediting the proposed PolyMet copper mine project even though residents and environmental groupshave been critical of the project.

    Cravaack made it clear that he wants the project to start construction and production as soon as possible, and hisgoal at the closed-door meeting was to facilitate some action. [Duluth News Tribune, 3/05/11]

    Refused to Allow Press, Environmental Groups

    Cravaack said the meeting was closed to reporters and the public to allow PolyMet officials to speak freely about theirplans. He called the session a "bipartisan effort" to facilitate mining's future in northern Minnesota.

    Environmental groups were not invited to the meeting, but Cravaack said their concerns were represented by tribalofficials who attended. [Duluth News Tribune, 3/05/11]

    Wrote to Geithner Asking to Stop Sale of Cirrus Industries

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    In March 2011, Cravaack wrote a letter to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who is responsible for looking into sales ofcompanies to foreign corporations, asking the federal committee to block the sale of Duluth-based Cirrus Industries to ChinaAviation Industry Aircraft Co. citing the access of a foreign country to sensitive American aircraft technology, includingadvanced turbo-fan engine technology that has so far eluded the Chinese, according to Cravaack, and the loss of Americanjobs. [Duluth News Tribune, 3/25/11]

    Cirrus CEO: Cravaack Is Completely Wrong on the FactsCirrus CEO Brent Wouters called Cravaacks move a political stunt after the two had even met a month beforediscussing the sale. He said on Cravaack, They are completely wrong on the facts. I am flabbergasted by thecompletely wrong logic and by what his motivations are. [Duluth News Tribune,3/25/11]

    Cravaack Incorrectly Cited the Loss of Technology that Remains Nonexistent

    Cravaack claimed Cirrus has a carbon composite materials fabrication platform and other technology that could helpChina develop high-altitude, unmanned aerial vehicles and be applicable in cruise missiles.

    Wouters responded, Funny part of it is, we dont have the technology either. We dont have carbon technology.[Duluth News Tribune, 3/25/11]

    Cirrus Will Lose Jobs If Cravaack Gets His Way

    Cirrus CEO Brent Wouters said that if the sale to China Aviation Industry Aircraft Co. does not happen, The jobs wecurrently have run the risk of going away entirely. He said the companys best option was to sell. [Duluth NewsTribune, 3/25/11]

    Did Not Hold Any Town Halls during April/Easter Recess

    During the month of April, during Easter Recess, Cravaack did not hold any in-person town halls in his home district. [WestCentral Tribune, 5/05/11]

    Not a Fan of Northern Light Project

    In May 2011, a new Minnesota railway system, named the Northern Light Project, was awarded $5 million in federal passenger

    rail funding. The line was planned to connect Duluth to downtown Minneapolis and cost an estimated $990 million to build.According to Minnesota Public Radio, The project was a favorite of former Eighth District Rep. James Oberstar, but hissuccessor, Republican freshman Rep. Chip Cravaack, has not expressed the same level of support for Northern Lights. [MPRNews,5/9/11]

    Admitted Unemployment Increased during His Time in Office and American People Have Little Confidence

    In an August 2011 op-ed, Cravaack wrote, Unemployment is at 9.2 percent, higher than when I took office in January...TheAmerican people have little confidence that things are moving in the right direction, and I share those concerns. [Duluth NewsTribune, Op-Ed, 8/03/11]Introduced Bill to Exempt Boondoggle Bridge from Environmental Restrictions

    In July 2011, the House heard testimony on exempting the St. Croix Bridge from environmental restrictions; the bill to do thatwas sponsored by Bachmann and cosponsored by Duffy, Kind, and Cravaack. Sens. Klobuchar, Franken, and Kohl are also infavor of the bridge. Environmental groups strongly oppose the legislation and call it a boondoggle. [Stillwater Patch,7/28/11]

    Pine Journal: Cravaack Meets Critics, Supports at Airport Town Hall

    An email containing the article is saved on the drive. [Pine Journal, 8/25/11]

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    WDIO: Protests Prompt Surprise Promise from Rep. Chip Cravaack

    A PDF is saved on thedrive[WDIO,8/23/11]

    Duluth News Tribune: Cravaack to hold town-hall meeting in Duluth

    [Duluth News Tribune, 8/23/11]

    MPR News: Cravaack takes flak for town hall accessibility, avoiding

    A PDF is saved on the drive [MPR News,8/23/11]

    Fox 9 News: Protest at $10,000 Republican Golf Outing in Wayzata.

    A PDF is saved on the drive. [Fox 9 News, 8/17/11]

    Fox 21 News: Rep. Cravaack Visits Duluth Entrepreneurs, Denies Town Hall Meeting

    A PDF is saved on the drive. [Fox 21 News, 8/11/11]

    Fox 21 News: Rep. Cravaack Visits Duluth Entrepreneurs, Denies Town Hall Meeting

    Dozens of ralliers shouted outside a Duluth labor temple, 'Where's Chip?' on Thursday afternoon. That's U.S. RepresentativeChip Cravaack (R-Minnesota) who has yet to hold a town hall style meeting in Duluth: the largest city in his district. I'm leadto believe that he might think it would get too contentious, one rally attendee said. Right now, I don't think [our] voices areheard, fellow rallier Mike Kuitu said. [] But, demonstrators, many in labor, say they want an audience. I'm out of work asare a lot of my brothers and sisters in the building trades. I'm a heavy equipment operator, Kuitu said. [Fox 21 News,8/11/11]

    Fox 9 News: Protest at $10,000 Republican Golf Outing in Wayzata.

    Hundreds of protesters showed up at a $10,000 per ticket golf outing in Wayzata, Minnesota on Wednesday that featuredHouse Speaker John Boehner and two Minnesota congressmen. [] Mark Ambroe was recently laid off from his book-keeping

    job at a small business, and he said he joined nearly 200 others to criticize the Republican Party for focusing more onprotecting the rich than on creating and preserving jobs. [] I think the tea party has hijacked the Republican Party, said oneprotestor. [Fox 9 News, 8/17/11]

    WDIO: Protests Prompt Surprise Promise from Rep. Chip Cravaack

    A meeting between Congressman Chip Cravaack and businesspeople in Duluth Tuesday, didn't go as smoothly as planned.Chanting from protestors and supporters outside Grandma's Restaurant in Canal Park, interrupted the meeting inside,prompting a surprise promise from the federal lawmaker. He offered to hold a town hall meeting at the airport on Wednesdayafternoon. [] He needs input from all sectors of the district, and duluth is certainly an important one that he's neglecting,David Reisenweber said, a protestor. [] Protestors said it's not enough. Sure he's had town halls like in Deer River, but whatabout Duluth? We're the largest city in his district and he doesn't come, Heather Yun said, another protestor. [WDIO,8/23/11]

    Duluth News Tribune: Cravaack to hold town-hall meeting in Duluth

    U.S. Rep. Chip Cravaack will hold a hastily called town hall forum at Duluth International Airport on Wednesday afternoon.[] On Tuesday, labor and other DFL-leaning leaders picketed a Cravaack luncheon at Grandmas Saloon and Grill in CanalPark in Duluth, where Cravaack was speaking to members of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, whichendorsed Cravaack. Opponents said Cravaack, R-North Branch, was ignoring regular Duluthians in favor of talking only tosupporters or in other towns where crowds may be more conservative. They noted that Cravaack had talked to several businessgroups in the Duluth area recently and met with wealthy Republican donors last week in a Wayzata, Minn., fundraiser.[Duluth News Tribune, 8/23/11]

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    MPR News: Cravaack takes flak for town hall accessibility, avoiding

    Responding to growing criticism that he has avoided his district's largest population and media center, U.S. Rep. ChipCravaack announced today that he will host an open town hall meeting Wednesday at the Duluth airport. [] Cravaackrelented after encountering a group of about 50 protestors waiting in the rain [] The protestors chanted "jobs, not cuts." Buttheir main demand was for an open and free public meeting in Duluth. [] During the August recess, Cravaack has repeatedlytaken heat for refusing to hold a free and open-to-all meeting in Duluth. Critics have accused him of only allowing so-called"Pay-Per-View" events, where access is controlled and may require payment. [MPR News,8/23/11]

    Avoided Holding Town Halls, Then Charged Constituents to Meet with Him

    In August 2011, after failing to schedule a town hall in Duluth and telling his constituents that he would do [his] best to get toDuluth when [he] can, Cravaack told the angry protesters outside his Duluth $10-per-plate luncheon with the NationalFederation of Independent Businesses to arrive at the airport the next day for an impromptu town hall meeting. He claimed thathis schedule had opened up. [NPR, 8/25/11]

    Banned Posters and Brochures from His Duluth Town Hall

    In August 2011 at his hastily-scheduled Duluth town hall, Cravaack and his staff placed a ban on posters. One woman who had

    brought a poster reading, I miss Jim and Cravaack is bad for Minnesota, had her poster taken from her. Many attendees didwear political t-shirts.

    Cravaack staff members also stopped attendees from passing out brochures. [Pine Journal,8/25/11]

    Note: Article no longer available online but is saved on drive.

    Hastily-Held Duluth Town Hall Resulted in a Packed House

    In August 2011, after avoiding facing his Duluth constituents, Cravaack finally held a hastily-called town hall at DuluthInternational Airport which was heavily attended by more than 200 people. The packed house offered both praise and shouts ofanger. [Pine Journal, 8/25/11]

    Note: The DCCC does have video footage of this event and it is saved on the drive. Also, this article is no longer available onlinebut is saved on drive.

    Responded to Constituent Saying that Everyone, Including the Wealthy, Needed to Address the Federal Budget Together

    In August 2011 at his hastily-scheduled Duluth town hall, after saying that the federal budget is going to be tough, but sayingthat we can do it together, an audience member asked if Cravaack meant the wealthy too, to which he responded,Everybody, maam. [Pine Journal, 8/25/11]

    Note: Article no longer available online but is saved on drive.

    Explained Familys Move to New Hampshire

    On CBS Minnesota in January 2012, Cravaack said, Its not too unlike being an airline pilot and also beinga military reservist. I was gone for 16 days a month flying for the airlines and then Id come home, switchuniforms, go out and do active duty in the Navy for four or five days, come back home again, a lot of timesswitch uniforms and head back out again. This is what my wife and I have been through since weve beenmarried. So, were kind of used to this lifestyle, but I had to support my wife. My wife wasshe does verywell as what she does. Shes a career woman. We tried for her to commute back and forth the east coast, itjust didnt work. Our kids suffered for that. So, we said, you know what, were parents first, our children

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    come first, and were going to do whats in the best interest of our children. [LeftFreedomRingBlog,1/09/12;CBS Minnesota, beginning at 4:30, 1/09/12]

    In March 2012, Cravaack told reporters that he and his wife purchased a home in New Hampshire because, according to thePrinceton Union-Eagle, juggling his and his wifes travel schedules was taking a toll on their children and they needed theregular care of a parent. [Princeton Union-Eagle, 3/08/12]

    Urged to Hold More Town Hall Meetings

    In February 2012, the North East Area Labor Council called on Cravaack to hold more town hall meetings during thePresidents Day Congressional recess. [Northlands News Center, 2/15/12]

    Refused to Release Records Showing Number of Days he Spent in District

    In February 2012, the Duluth News Tribune asked Cravaacks staff for records showing how many days the Congressmember has spent in the district since his move, but the office declined to provide them. [Duluth News Tribune,2/23/12]

    Spokesperson Defended Cravaacks Residency

    In response to seven simultaneous rallies held in February 2012 protesting Cravaacks absenteeism from his district, aCravaack spokesman said Its unfortunate that some still cling to these disingenuous political attacks Chip lives in NorthBranch, and managing time away from his family is no easy undertaking. If people cant understand the sacrifice Chip made asa husband and a father, then there's not a lot more they're going to see eye-to-eye on. [WDIO,2/22/12]

    Explained Familys Dual Residency

    In March 2012, Cravaack told a town hall that his family purchased a home in New Hampshire so that his wife, who works inBoston, can be with the children during the week. However, he maintains that his primary residence is in North Branch.Cravaack pointed out that when people were recently protesting his dual residency they gave out his North Branch address.Even his opponents know where he lives, Cravaack said. [Mesabi Daily News, 03/05/12]

    Cravaack Failed to Make Plans for a Congressional Office in Northland.

    In January 2011, Cravaack had only made plans to set up offices in North Branch, MN and Washington, D.C. Former U.S.Rep. Jim Oberstar had four offices: Brainerd, Duluth, North Branch and Chisholm. [Fox 21 News, 1/13/11]

    Opened Third District Office in Duluth

    In March 2011, Cravaack announced that he would open one additional office in Duluth. [Duluth News and Tribune, 3/16/11]

    Office Received More Than Hundreds of Calls after President Obama Urged Constituents Call Their Congressperson

    After President Obama told Americans to contact their congressperson in support of a balanced approach to raising the debtceiling in July 2011, Cravaacks office received over 800 messages from constituents in the first two days of the week, whichwas more than they usually receive over the course of a week. [MinnPost, 7/26/11]

    Economic and Financial Issues

    Non-Commital on Twelve Cent Transaction Cap on Debit Card Transactions

    In May 2011 after meeting with several Minneapolis service station owners, Cravaack remained non committal on a previouslyenacted 12 cents per transactions cap on debit card transactions.

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    Proponents of the rule argue that the cap at 12 cents helps small business whereas the average used to be 44 cents pertransaction and the high cost made debit card transactions difficult on small business. Opponents of the rule argue the rulehurts small community banks who will struggle when forced to charge only 12 cents per transaction. [Star Tribune,5/14/2011]

    Lobbied by Commercial Banks in First Quarter of 2011

    During the first quarter of 2011, Cravaack took $10,000 from commercial banks. [Open Secrets, accessed 6/1/2011]

    Said the U.S. Is Greece, In Essence

    At a January 2012 town hall meeting in Park Rapids, Cravaack told the crowd the ratio of U.S. debtcompared to GDP continues to increase and commented, We are Greece, in essence, as far as debt to GDPratio. Its a spending problem. Washington, DC has a spending problem.

    Cravaack furthered his claim, saying that, essentially, we will be our own demise. [Park Rapid Enterprise,1/11/12]

    Supported Bill to Give American Steel Government Projects

    In March 2012, Cravaack supported a bill that calls for American steel to be used in government supported projects. Accordingto Cravaack, American steel is placed on a level playing field as a result of the bill. [Northlands News Center,03/02/12]

    Education Issues

    Wanted Government to Get out of the Classroom

    In February 2011, Cravaack said he was not a fan of mandatory federal testing and he would like to see the federal governmentget out of the classroom. He said the local school district should be the most important element in education. [BrainerdDispatch, 2/24/11]

    Students Protested Cravaacks Vote to Cripple Pell Grants

    In March 2011, University of Minnesota students, employees, and Duluth City Council members sharply criticized Cravaackfor supporting a bill that would cut Pell Grants by $5.7 billion, or 15 percent. Thirty percent of UMD students receive PellGrants according to the UMD College Democrats Chairman. Jeff Anderson, a Duluth City Council member, said, It seems(Cravaack) might choose to reconsider the values hes representing for the people of Northeastern Minnesota. He mightsupport a spending plan that hurts most people less, and some corporations and billionaires a tiny bit more.

    Cravaacks office responded in a statement claiming he did not vote to cut funding for Pell Grants, Funding for the Pell Grantprogram has nearly tripled over just the last five years, due in part to money provided in the temporary stimulus bill. Thecontinuing resolution passed in the House several weeks ago stops the completely unsustainable explosion in funding for thisprogram by maintaining the 2010 levels. We simply dont have the ability to continue to increase funding year after year whenthe federal government is currently borrowing 40 cents of every dollar it spends. [Duluth News Tribune, 3/04/11]Argued Pell Grants Raise College Tuition for Normal People

    In August 2011, Cravaack met with constituents in Duluth after facing criticism for avoiding the Democrat-heavy city and toldattendees that Pell grants drive up the costs of college tuition.

    He said, Pell grants have increased the last four years by 139 percent. Dollar for dollar, as the Pell grants increase, so doesnormal tuition on normal people, [Think Progress,8/26/11]

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    Energy Issues

    Issued His Support for the Keystone XL Pipeline

    In December 2011, Cravaack wrote an op-ed issuing his support for the Keystone XL Pipeline saying, This project is good forMinnesotans. It is good for the American worker. Cravaack also called the pipeline, the largest and most shovel-readyproject in the country. [Duluth News Tribune,12/14/11]

    Said He Would Support a Renewable Energy Jobs and Tax Credits

    When asked if he would support renewable energy jobs and tax credits, Cravaack said he would, saying, If it can pay foritself, Im all for it. To be honest, Id like to see the oil fields opened up. [Pine Journal, 8/25/11]

    Note: Article no longer available online but is saved on drive.

    Claimed Gas Prices Climbed 95% Under Obama

    In March 2012, Cravaack claimed that Under President Obamas energy policy, the price of gasoline has shot up 95 percent.

    [Duluth News Tribune, 3/14/12]

    Environmental Issues

    Northlanders Did Not Support Votes to Curb EPA Authority

    The Natural Resources Defense Council released a poll showing a substantial majority in northern Minnesota and Wisconsinsupport EPA efforts to regulate carbon. Cravaack and Duffy voted for an amendment to strip the EPA of its authority toregulate carbon emissions, but 67% of Cravaacks constituents and 62% of Duffys said they opposed those votes. Republicanssaid the polls questions were prejudicial. [Duluth News Tribune,2/23/11]

    Voted for Budget Cut that Put North American Wetlands Conservation Act in Jeopardy

    In April 2011, the Grand Forks Herald reported that Cravaack voted for a budget cut that will put the North AmericanWetlands Conservation Act one of the most successful wetland conservation programs of all time in jeopardy. Theprogram has created more than 8,500 jobs and generated more than $200 million. [Grand Forks Herald,4/3/11]

    Voted for Bill to Reduce the Forest Services Wildland Fire Management by $200 Million

    In March of 2011, Cravaack voted for an amendment which read, Sec. 281. Notwithstanding section 101, amounts areprovided for Department of Agriculture--Forest Service--Wildland Fire Management at a rate for operations of$2,097,387,000:Provided, That of the unobligated balances available under such heading in division A of Public Law 111-88and prior appropriation Acts, $200,000,000 is rescinded. [THOMAS, 3/01/11]

    Ethics IssuesHit for Leasing Luxury SUV with Taxpayer Money by House Majority PAC

    In June 2011, House Majority PAC released a television ad citing Cravaacks vote to end Medicare and also for his $1,700 carlease of a luxury SUV. [CNN, 6/23/11]

    Law Firm Claimed Cravaack Campaign Owed Large Sum for Legal Services

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    In July 2011, J.C. Neu & Associates, a New Jersey law firm, filed a claim against Cravaacks campaign for failing to reimbursethe firm for acting as general counsel to the campaign. The campaign reported a $32,250 claim to the FEC and characterizedthe amount as disputed. The matter is expected to go before the New Jersey Arbitration Board. Jeff Neu, the foundingattorney of J.C. Neu & Associates, is the brother-in-law of former Cravaack campaign manager Anne Neu. [Duluth NewsTribune, 7/26/11]

    Traveled to Israel with Homeland Security Committee

    In March 2011, Cravaack traveled to Israel with members of the House Armed Services Committee. The total cost ofCravaacks trip was $6,783.76. The total includes the $895.81 for his per diem and $5,887.95 for transportation. [OfficialForeign Travel Report, 5/23/11]

    Politico: GOP Freshmen Spend Big on Cars, PR

    [Politico, 6/08/11]

    Charged Taxpayers $1,000 a Month for Brand New SUV

    Cravaack spent $1,700 on a lease for a 2011 Chevrolet Equinox AWD in March 2011. His office said that initial purchasing

    costs increased the March payment. The lease will cost taxpayers approximately $1,000 a month for the term of the lease.[Politico, 6/08/11]

    Cravaack Hired Washington Insider to Chief of Staff Position

    In January 2011, Cravaack announced his new Chief of Staff, Michael Tomberlin, who has more than a decade of Washingtonexperience. Tomberlin previously was chief of staff for Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tex., and has worked for the Republican StudyCommittee and the Office of the House Majority Leader, according to LegiStorm. [Center for Public Integrity, 1/14/11]

    Former Campaign Manager Named SD Republican Party Executive Director

    In May 2011, Cravaacks former campaign manager and a former strategist for the Minnesota Republican Party was named theexecutive director of the South Dakota Republican Party, officials in that state told the Associated Press late Tuesday.


    FEC-2011 Second Quarter Analysis

    Contributions of Note:

    Air Line Pilots Assoc PAC Gave $3,500 This Quarter. On June 30, Cravaack received $3,500 from theAir Line Pilots Association PAC for a total of $6,000 for the year. [Cravaack for Congress, 2011 JulyQuarterly FEC Report, Filed 7/15/11]

    Air Transportation Association of America PAC Gave Nearly $300 This Quarter. On May 26,

    Cravaack received $ 283.39 from the Air Transportation Association of AmericaPAC. [Cravaack forCongress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 7/15/11]

    Aircraft Owners And Pilots Association PAC Gave $1,000 This Quarter. On June 24, Cravaackreceived $1,000 from Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association PAC for a total of $2,000 for the year.[Cravaack for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 7/15/11]

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    Alaska Air Group PAC Gave $1,000 This Quarter. On June 6, Cravaack received $1,000 from theAlaska Air Group PAC. [Cravaack for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 7/15/11]

    American Airlines PAC Gave $1,000 This Quarter. On June 30, Cravaack received $1,000 from theAmerican Airlines PAC. [Cravaack for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 7/15/11]

    American Road & Transportation Builders PAC Gave $1,000 This Quarter. From April 1 to June 30,Cravaack received $1,000 from the American Road & Transportation Builders PAC.

    Association of American Railroads PAC Gave $1,000 This Quarter. On June 30, Cravaack received$1,000 from the Association of American Railroads PAC. [Cravaack for Congress, 2011 July QuarterlyFEC Report, Filed 7/15/11]

    BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY RAILPAC PAC Gave $4,000 This Quarter. On June 30, Cravaackreceived $4,000 from the BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY RAILPACPAC and a total of $5,000 for the year.[Cravaack for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 7/15/11]

    Boeing Company PAC Gave $1,000 This Quarter. On June 24, Cravaack received $1,000 from theBoeing Company PAC and a total of $2,000 for the year. [Cravaack for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FECReport, Filed 7/15/11]

    Delta Air Lines PAC Gave $2,000 This Quarter. On June 6, Cravaack received $2,000 from the Delta AirLines PAC. [Cravaack for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 7/15/11]

    FAA Managers Association PAC Gave $1,000 This Quarter. On June 6, Cravaack received $1,000 fromthe FAA Managers Association PAC. [Cravaack for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed7/15/11]

    Illinois Central Railroad Co PAC Gave $500 This Quarter. On June 30, Cravaack received $500 fromthe Illinois Central Railroad Co PAC. [Cravaack for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed7/15/11]

    Jetblue PAC Gave $500 This Quarter. On June 30, Cravaack received $500 from Jetblue PAC. [Cravaackfor Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 7/15/11]

    National Air Transportation PAC Gave $1,000 This Quarter. On June 30, Cravaack received $1,000from National Air Transportation PAC. [Cravaack for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed7/15/11]

    Southwest Airlines Freedom Fund Gave $1,000 This Quarter. On June 6, Cravaack received $1,000from Southwest Airlines Freedom Fund. [Cravaack for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed7/15/11]

    Lockheed Martin Corporation PAC Gave $1,000 This Quarter. On June 14, Lockheed Martin CorpPAC gave $1,000. [Cravaack for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 7/15/11]


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    Michele PAC Gave $2,500 This Quarter. On June 30, Michele Bachmanns Michele PAC gave Cravaack$2,500 for a grand total of $5,000 all year. [Cravaack for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed7/15/11]

    Expenditures of Note:

    Spent over $16,000 on Fundraising Consultants in Period of Three Months. From April 1 to June 30,Cravaack paid Purcell Consulting LLC in Minnesota $16,294 for fundraising consulting. [Cravaack forCongress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 7/15/11]

    Spent Nearly $20K on Direct Mail in Period of Three Months. From April 2 to June 30, Cravaack paidthree different entities for direct mail totaling $19,414.38. Cravaack paid Steve Brown Direct MarketingLLC of Truckee, CA Direct Mail $11,316.12; Pinnacle Direct Inc. in Stillwater, MN a total of $7,656.74;and Yvonne Louise Ekholm contributed $441.52 in kind for campaign mailings. Additionally, Cravaackpaid $861 for printing fees to TK Loney & Son Printing in St. Paul, MN. [Cravaack for Congress, 2011 July

    Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 7/15/11]

    Cravaacks office spent $33,588 on 2Q Travel$20K More Than Previous Quarter. In the first quarterof 2011, he had spent only $10,640.27.

    Paying over $1,000 Per Month on an Automobile Lease. For each month from March through June,Cravaack paid $1,008.22 to GMAC/Ally Payment Processing for an automobile lease. [Statement ofDisbursements of the House 2Q 2011, 6/30/11]

    Voted for Bill to Cap Congressional Car Leases at $1,000. In July 2011, Cravaack sent acongressional e-newsletter boasting of his vote in support of the Legislative Branch Appropriationsbill (HR 2551). Ironically, included in HR 2551 was an amendment that prevented members ofCongress from spending more than $1,000 per month on vehicle leases. Rep. Hanna said of hisamendment, I believe the majority of this body and most Americans can agree that $1,000 dollarsper month for a car is more than reasonableWe do not need to be spending taxpayer dollarsleasing luxury vehicles. And, certainly not during these tough economic times." [,7/22/11; Congressman Chip Cravaack E-Newsletter, 7/22/11]

    Office Said the Lease Would Cost about $1,000 Per Month after Initial Fees. In March,Cravaack had begun a lease on a four-wheel drive Chevy Equinox. According to a Cravaackspokesman, the initial $1,700 cost included a series of lease start-up fees. He estimated that the carwould cost about $1,000 every month for the remainder of the lease. Out of the several dozenlawmakers who lease cars using federal money, only seven besides Cravaack make monthlypayments of $1,000 or more on a single vehicle lease. [, 6/09/11]

    Leasing a Car Was Supposed to Minimize Staff Reimbursements. A spokesman said leasing thevehicle would eventually cost the Cravaack camp less than it would if the office reimbursed eachindividual staff member for mileage. [, 6/09/11]

    There were five instances of private auto mileage reimbursements made to staff membersfor a total of $279.69 in staff reimbursements. However

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    Spent over $11,000 on Travel Subsistence Expenses. In addition to other charges that weredelineated as gasoline, meals, taxi/parking/tolls and lodging, Cravaacks office spent $11,611.82 ontravel subsistence. The House Administration Committee ambiguously defines travelsubsistence as reimbursement for subsistence expenses, not exceeding the high cost limit of the

    Executive Branch Per Diem rates, incurred while on travel, including charges for lodging andmeals.

    From April 30 to May 20, Cravaacks office put a $5,078.40 charge for travel subsistenceon its Citibank credit card.

    From March 20 to May 23, Cravaacks office put a $4,191.00 charge for travel subsistenceon its Citibank credit card.

    From April 30 to May 25, Cravaacks office put a $2,051.27 charge for travel subsistenceon its Citibank credit card.

    On February 28, Cravaacks office put a $247.70 charge for travel subsistence on itsCitibank credit card.

    From May 3 to the 19th, Cravaacks office put a $444.44 charge for miscellaneous travel

    on its Citibank credit card. On March 26, Cravaacks office put a $43.45 charge for miscellaneous travel on its

    Citibank credit card.

    Spent over $13,000 on Commercial Transportation on Offices Credit Card. From April 1 to June30, there were 35 instances of Cravaacks office charging for commercial transportation on its Citibankcredit card. The office spent $13,668 on said travel. [Statement of Disbursements of the House 2Q 2011,6/30/11]

    Paying over $2,000 Per Month in District on Office Rent. Per month, Cravaack pays $1,600, $400 and$160 in rent for each of his three district offices in North Branch, Duluth and Brainerd for a total of

    $6,490.66 in rent during a three month period. [Statement of Disbursements of the House 2Q 2011, 6/30/11]

    Spent $1,055 for Office Decorations and Furniture. From April 1 to June 30, Cravaacks office spent$12,276 in habitation expenses, which can include office decorations and furniture. According to theHouse Administration Committee, habitation expenses include minor, minimal expenses incurred fordecorating offices (pictures, welcome mats, etc.). [Statement of Disbursements of the House 2Q 2011,6/30/11; Statement of Disbursements FAQs, accessed 8/31/11]

    Spent Nearly $20,000 on Office Supplies and Materials. From April 1 to June 30, Cravaack spent$19,952.47 on office supplies and materials, including a $13,990 charge for publications and referencematerialsperhaps to keep up to date on whats going on in Minnesota considering hell be spending time

    in New Hampshire? [Statement of Disbursements of the House 2Q 2011,6/30/11]

    Reported to Not Spend Official Money on Bottled Water

    In February 2011, Roll Call reported that Cravaack was one of 16 Members of Congress to forgo the use ofbottled water in their offices in favor of filtration systems noting that Congress spent about $860,000 a yearon bottled water. [Roll Call, 2/09/11]

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    Spent Over $170 on Bottled Water

    During the first half of 2011, Cravaack spent $172.95 on bottled water according to his officialoffice disbursements:

    Service Date Payee Amount

    01/19/11-01/31/11 Culligan $17.78

    02/01/11-03/31/11 Culligan $105.08

    02/01/11-03/31/11 Culligan -$105.08

    03/02/11-03/25/11 Culligan $44.90

    04/19/11-05/31/11 Culligan $44.90

    06/01/11 Brian Gordon $20.47

    05/02/11-05/25/11 Culligan $44.90

    Total $172.95[Statement of Disbursements of the House,1/01/11-3/31/11;4/01/11-6/30/11]

    FEC-2011 Third Quarter Analysis

    Spent $1,500 on Fundraiser in Minneapolis. In July 2011, Cravaack spent $1499.25 on a fundraising food and beverage at theMinneapolis Club in Minneapolis.

    Attorneys Still Disputing Cravaacks $32K Lack of Payment. Cravaacks outstanding $32,550.30 debt is still being disputedby Jeff Neu. This was reported last quarter Jeff Neu of J.C. Neu and Associates in New Jersey are seeking reimbursement forproviding legal services. Neu said he provided general counsel to Cravaacks campaign and is owed compensation.

    Cravaack received $4,000 from airline political action committees:

    Allied Pilots Association PAC On September 30, Cravaack received $1,000 from the Allied Pilots Association PAC.

    American Airlines PAC On September 30, Cravaack received $1,000 from the American Airlines PAC.

    Boeing Company PAC Donated $1,000. On September 30, Cravaack received $1,000 from Boeing Company PAC.

    Southwest Airlines Pilots Association PAC Donated $1,000. On September 15, Cravaack received $1,000 fromSouthwest Airlines Pilots Association PAC.

    Received $5,000 from Eric Cantors PAC. On September 30, Cravaack received $5,000 from theEvery Republican is CrucialPAC, Eric Cantors leadership PAC.

    Received $2,500 from Fellow MN Republican. On September 30, Cravaack received $2,500 from theFreedom and Security

    PAC, John Klines leadership PAC.

    Received $2,500 from Jeb Hensarlings PAC. On September 30, Cravaack received $2,500 from theJobs Economy andBudget Fund, Jeb Hensarlings leadership PAC.

    Received $2,500 from Kevin McCarthys PAC. On September 29, Cravaack received $2,500 from theMajority CommitteePAC, Kevin McCarthys leadership PAC.

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    Received $2,500 from John Micas PAC. On September 26, Cravaack received $2,500 from theMajority In Congress PAC,John Micas leadership PAC.

    Received $1,000 from Greg Waldens PAC. On September 30, Cravaack received $1,000 from theNew Pioneers PAC.

    Received $2,500 from Paul Ryans PAC. On September 30, Cravaack received $2,500 from theProsperity PAC.

    Received $5,000 from Boehners PAC. On September 30, Cravaack received $5,000 from the the Freedom Project, JohnBoehners leadership PAC.

    Received $9,000 from the Tim Griffin. On September 23, Cravaack received $9,000 from the Security for America Fund II,Tim Griffins leadership PAC.

    Foreign Policy Issues Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea

    Will Travel to Israel for Homeland Security Committee

    In March 2011, Cravaack will travel to Israel on a joint fact-finding delegation along with the Homeland Security Committee.Details of the trip would not be released. A staffer divulged that the delegation also may stop in Pakistan. [Duluth News

    Tribune, 3/17/11]

    Proposed Eliminating the Institute of Peace

    During the February 2011 continuing resolution debate, Cravaack proposed a complete elimination of the $42 million infunding for the US Institute of Peace, the organization aimed at reducing conflicts around the world. [Minnesota Public Radio,2/14/11]

    Floor Speech: Said Institute of Peaces Goals Should Be Accomplished Somewhere Else

    In February 2011 on the House floor, Cravaack explained his amendment to the House GOPs continuing resolution that wouldeliminate funding for the U.S. Institute of Peace saying that unnecessary and repetitive programs like the U.S. Institute ofPeace should be ridded.

    He continued, Make no mistake, I believe that the institutes goals are also important and they are honorable. Who among usdoes not wish for peace, both for ourselves and for future generations of Americans? But given our current fiscal constraints, Icannot justify spending over $42 million to pay for an organization whose role could be fulfilled by existing Departments,agencies, or nonprofit organizations, many of which do not depend on the Federal Government for funding. [Cravaack FloorRemarks on Weiner Amendment to HR 1, 2/16/11]

    Called for Troops to Be Brought Home

    In March 2012, Cravaack told a town hall that he believed it was time for the troops in Afghanistan to come home. On that Iagree with the president, he told the Mesabi Daily News. [Mesabi Daily News, 03/05/12]

    Said China is Not Our Friend

    In March 2012, Cravaack told a town hall that China is not our friend. Cravaack claimed 30% of foreign owned USsovereign debt is owned by China. He quoted Admiral Michael Mullen, who was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from2007 to 2011, to emphasize the danger of the debt. [Mullen] said the greatest national security threat is (our) debt, Cravaacksaid. [Mesabi Daily News,3/05/12]

    Thought Iran Was on the Path to Build a Nuclear Weapon

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    In March 2012, Cravaack told reporters that he believed Iran had made the decision to build a nuclear weapon and was on thepath to accomplishing that goal. I think that they are on a positive path to building a nuclear weapon and when they can buildthat nuclear weapon, they will build it, Cravaack said. [Minnesota Public Radio,3/08/12]

    Health Care Issues

    Offered His Own Proposals to Health Care Reform

    In January 2011, Cravaack wrote an op-ed in the Duluth News Tribune, and offered his alternatives for reform of health care.He said he supported allowing a pool for small businesses and individuals to purchase health plans and across state lines. Healso supported allowing individuals to take health care plans from job to job. [Duluth News Tribune, 1/19/11]

    Accidentally Voted against Defunding Health Care Reform

    In February 2011, Cravaack said he accidentally voted against a Republican amendment to strip funding from health carereform. He said he thought he hit yes, But I guess I hit no." [Minneapolis Star Tribune, 2/25/11]

    Pushed for Greater Minnesota Health Plan Scrutiny

    In February 2012, the Minnesota state legislature held a hearing on the state health plans management of Medicaid patients.After the hearing, Cravaack and Bachmann sent a letter to Republican state legislators highlighting their concern that the statewas paying too much to private health plans to cover Medicaid patients. The letter goes on to strongly encourage theMinnesota Legislature to pass legislation requiring an independent third-party audit of the entire program, with an emphasison linking claims and patient data. [Star Tribune,2/15/12]

    Homeland Security Issues

    Defended Anti-Muslim Statements

    In July 2011, Cravaack defended his attacks on the Council on Islamic-American Relations and said, I did my homework. Heclaimed as a congressman, Its just like being in the military. I want to protect the United States for the next generation, justlike my father did for me, and his father did for him. [Star Tribune,7/25/11]

    Was Reading (and Proudly Displaying) Books about Domestic Terrorism

    During the interview with the Star Tribune, Cravaack has two books about Islam and terrorism at his desk: Sharia:The Threat to America and The Terrorist Next Door. [Star Tribune,7/25/11]

    Asked What if Our Pilots Had Been Armed on 9/11?

    Cravaack defended a program of arming flight deck officers of commercial planes by rhetorically asking What if our pilotshad been armed on 9/11? He also claimed that the Federal Flight Deck Officer program only cost the federal government $15per flight. [Daily Caller, 2/27/12]

    Immigration and Border Issues

    Supported Border Controls Expansion of Authority, Cited Terrorists and Drug Smugglers

    In March 2012, Cravaack told a town hall that he supported the extension of Border Controls authority to 100 miles within theborder as primarily a means to combat drug smugglers, but that terrorists are using the same routes. [Mesabi Daily News,03/05/12]

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    Labor and Working Family Issues

    Claimed He Supported Unions, Stood Up to Leadership

    In an August 2011 op-ed, Cravaack wrote, In my short time in Congress, I have stood firm on labor issues affecting manycommunities in Northeastern Minnesota. On at least three occasions, I voted against my partys attempts to weaken Davis-Bacon laws that would have directly affected union members and their families. [Duluth News Tribune, Op-Ed,8/03/11]

    Was Not in Attendance during President Obamas Unveiling of the American Jobs Act

    In September 2011, Cravaack reportedly was not in attendance at the joint session of Congress in whichPresident Obama unveiled the American Jobs Act but was instead watching the speech with his staff in hisoffice.

    He said he regretted the fuss his absence caused and that there was no malice in there at all. He said hewas receiving input from his team in real time. He said he was withholding an opinion on the jobs bill untilthe Congressional Budget Office released its cost summary. [,9/13/11]

    Said He Stands with Unions

    In January 2012, Cravaack said that despite conflicts between Republicans and unions, he stands by labor. He said, Ive got apretty strong union background. Ive been laid off. Ive been on strike. I lost 10 years of seniority at the stroke of a pen. (Unionmembers) are conservative people. They believe in paying their bills. They work hard. They want a better life for theirchildren. We probably agree on 80 percent of the issues. [Duluth News Tribune,1/15/12]

    LGBT Issues

    Said He Did Not Support Repealing the Defense of Marriage Act

    In August 2011 at his hastily-scheduled Duluth town hall, Cravaack said he did not support repealing the federal Defense ofMarriage Act.

    He said he believed marriage could only be between a man and a woman. [Pine Journal,8/25/11]

    Note: Article no longer available online but is saved on drive.

    Other Issues

    Identified as a Conservative Independent

    In July 2011, Cravaack said he considered himself a conservative independent. [Star Tribune, 7/25/11]

    Implied He Wanted to Reward the Rich
