Created and Presented by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC An Introduction to Robert’s Rules arliamentary Procedure

Created and Presented by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

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Parliamentary Procedure:. An Introduction to Robert’s Rules. Created and Presented by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC. What is “Parli-Pro”?. Five Principles:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

Created and Presented by:

Steven E RichardsonResidence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

An Introduction to Robert’s RulesParliamentary Procedure:

Page 2: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

What is “Parli-Pro”?The body of rules, ethics, and customs governing meetings and other operations of clubs, organizations, legislative bodies, and other deliberative assemblies

Five Principles:• Order

• Equality

• Justice

• Right of the minority to be heard

• Right of the majority to rule

Page 3: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

Parliamentary Procedure is the right of the ______ to rule!

Page 4: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

“Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is

the least of liberty.”*Henry Martyn Robert*

Page 5: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

Types of Business MeetingsTwo main types:

Regular Meeting

Periodic business meeting

Special Meeting

Separate session held at a different time from that of the regular meeting.Convened only to consider certain, important matters between regular meetings that require urgent action.

Page 6: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

Conduct of BusinessQuorum of Members = Minimum number of members who must be present at the meetings for business to be legally transacted.

This protects against unrepresentative action by a body

Quorum is typically 50% plus one

Page 7: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

A type of meeting held onlyfor a specific matter of

high importance

Page 8: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

____ is the minimum numberof members who must be

present for business to occur

Page 9: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

Conduct of BusinessCall to Order = The presiding officer formally opens the meeting

The presiding officer says: “I call this meeting to order at ____ [time]”

Once a meeting has been called to order, only those who get recognized by the chair are allowed to speak.

Side conversations are not allowed!

Page 10: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

Conduct of BusinessOrder of Business = The initial procedures of a meeting, usually in the form of an agenda or program.

1) Call to Order2) Roll Call/Determination of Quorum3) Reading and Approval of Minutes4) Reports of Officers5) Reports of Committees6) Special Orders7) Unfinished Business8) New Business9) Adjournment

Page 11: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

The order of business ispresented in the form of

an _______

Page 12: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

Conduct of BusinessMotion = A formal proposal by a member for the assembly to take certain action.

Page 13: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

Handling of a Motion

A: “I move that…” B: “I second it!”----------------------------*If no one seconds the motion, the chair must be sure that all have heard it before moving on to other business.

C: “Is there a second to the motion?” “Since there is no second, the motion is not before this meeting.”

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• Two main types: • Placard Vote• Secret Ballot

• For – Against - Abstain

Page 15: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

What type of voting musthappen during elections?

Page 16: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

Presenting Legislation

• Bring legislation to the floor• Motion and Second

• To waive the reading• Motion and Second

• Presentation• Q&A

• Motion and Second (object)• Discussion• Voting

Page 17: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

When you don’t want to hearthe reading of the legislation,you can say “I move to ____

the reading.”

Page 18: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

Suspend the RulesWhen an assembly wishes to do something that it cannot do without violating one or more of its regular rules, it can adopt a motion to Suspend the Rules.

• Only if the proposal is not in conflict with the organization’s bylaws and does not violate the basic right of an individual.

Page 19: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

Recess• A short intermission in an assembly’s proceedings which does not close the

meeting, and after which business will immediately be resumed at exactly the point where it was interrupted.

• May be taken to count ballots, to secure information, to allow for informal consultation, etc.

• “I move that the meeting recess until __”; “I move to recess for __”; “I move to recess until called to order by the chair”

• Must be seconded• Is amendable as to the length of the recess• Requires a majority vote• Chair: “The meeting will come to order”

Page 20: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

____ is the term used to close a meeting.

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Adjourn• To close the meeting

• “I motion to adjourn the meeting”• Must be seconded • Must have a majority vote

• Chair: “If there is no objection, the meeting will now adjourn.” [Pause] “Since there is no objection, the meeting is adjourned.

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After there has been a motionto adjourn a meeting, theremust be a ______ to close

the meeting.

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Point of…• Personal Privilege

• Personal rights of an individual.

• Order• Used to call a violation of the rules to the chairperson.

• Inquiry• Used to ask the chair how to go about doing something properly using

Parliamentary Procedure.

• Clarification• Used when a debater does not understand something and their argument is

usually invalid.

Page 24: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

Point of ______ is used to call a violation of the rules.

Page 25: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

A ____ is a formal proposalto take a certain action.

Page 26: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

When you cannot hear thespeaker, you must wait to

be called on before you say“point of personal privilege.”


Page 27: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

When you cannot hear thespeaker, you must wait to

be called on before you say“point of personal privilege.”


Page 28: Created and Presented  by: Steven E Richardson Residence Housing Association MOCC/NCC

When the presiding officerformally opens the meeting,

this is referred to as a_________________