Creating a Desired Future for Omicron Prime 1 MSOD 616 France Practicum June 2013 Project Manager: Gil Ran Team: Ashley Carson, Antonia Nicols, Elaine Zitner, Brad Wells, Lisa Dean, Nicole Tuma future search | MSOD | 23 june 2013

Creating a Desired Future for Omicron Prime

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future search | MSOD | 23 june 2013. Creating a Desired Future for Omicron Prime. MSOD 616 France Practicum June 2013 Project Manager: Gil Ran Team: Ashley Carson, Antonia Nicols, Elaine Zitner , Brad Wells, Lisa Dean, Nicole Tuma. future search | MSOD | 23 june 2013. {who}. we are. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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C r e a t i n g a D e s i r e d F u t u r e f o r O m i c r o n P r i m e

MSOD 616 France PracticumJune 2013

Project Manager: Gil RanTeam: Ashley Carson, Antonia Nicols,

Elaine Zitner, Brad Wells, Lisa Dean, Nicole Tuma

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D S q u a r e d L e a r n i n g G r o u p

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Learning Objectives

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• Learn about Principles & Purpose of Future Search

• Participate in parts of a Future Search Conference, grounded in our cohort experiences

• Create an action plan based on outcomes of our Future Search exercise

Having some fun!

What are we doing today?

4l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s

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• A Planning Meeting that helps people understand their past and present, and create their desired future

• Diverse participants contribute and experience mutual learning

• Catalyst for voluntary action and follow up

What is Future Search?


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l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s

Source: Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There.

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T h e p r o c e s s

Getting aligned around shared future vision for the group. Create a preferable future – not a probable one.

Build a sense of community by having each person contribute to the stories of the past.

Co-creating ideas and solutions for a desired future state using common themes and mobilizing teams.


Work together to create a graphical presentation of the currentstate, including underlying needs and outstanding issues.




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Source: date of interview, etc.

GR - Need source

Page 7: Creating a Desired Future for Omicron Prime

Ronald Lippitt and Eva Schindler-Rainman

• Groups will work together if the whole system can be in one room and focus on the future, not problems or conflicts.

Eric Trist and Fred Emery• People would accept each other's reality if they could all talk

about the same world and experience that all had the same psychological needs (e.g., for food, shelter, meaning and security.

future search | MSOD | date TBD

Two fundamental theories:

7l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e sSource: www.futuresearch.net

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How does the process work?

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• Part 1 – Focus on Past• Part 2 – Look at Present• Part 3 – Look at Future• Part 4 – Create Action Plan

A Future Search Conference allows a community to complete outstanding issues and invent a desired future:

9t h e p r o c e s s

Optional slide now since we have graphic


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The model would have us:• Describe typical experience for Focus on Past

oGlobal – what has gone on in the external world?

oCommunity – what has gone on in our community?

oPersonal – what has gone on in our personal lives?

• Then we would:oDivide into 3 diverse groups and analyze one of

the 3 topicsoGroups de-brief their analysis

Our diverse view of the world

10t h e p r o c e s s

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• When facilitated between non-interdependent groups (people who do not need each other).

• When focused on issues on which most participants do not wish to act.

• When key actors missing (senior leaders send representatives).

• Allowing too little time for the size of the task.• Overactive/controlling facilitation.

When Future Search Fails:

11l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s

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Source: TBD

NT - Need source

Page 12: Creating a Desired Future for Omicron Prime

Highlights from talks with Dupre & Weisbord

“What (Future Search) conference does, it does it with all types of leaders. You don’t have to be in a leadership role. It gives people an opportunity to step up and say – Here is what I care about, here is what I envision happening. That’s why I love it so much.” John Dupre

“The process is like an accordion – expanding, trying to generate data and then synthesizing it to the important, critical stuff.” John Dupre

Dupre and Weisbord are thought leaders in the Future Search space

12l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s

I won’t be on the

Weisbord call – can

Gil or Brad grab a quote?

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Completing the Past

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o n e : c o m p l e t i o n

Complete the Past.Build a sense of community by having each person contribute to the stories of the past.



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As a framework for today’s Future Search exercise, we will utilize:

• OCAI scores • Photos from previous sessions• Learning and experiences as a cohort

Align on our shared past.

c o m p l e t i n g t h e p a s t

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• What do we want to show?

• How do we want to show it?

What do our Omicron Prime OCAI Scores say about us?

Sample for discussion

c o m p l e t i n g t h e p a s t

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Photos from Previous Sessions

c o m p l e t i n g t h e p a s t

GR to complete

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Learning and experiences from the cohort

c o m p l e t i n g t h e p a s t

For discussion – do we want to include and if so




Yammer Posts

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Align on the Present

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t w o : a l i g n m e n t

Align on Present.Work together to create a graphical presentation of the current state, including underlying needs and outstanding issues.



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i d e n t i f y i n g o u r s h a r e d r e a l i t y

Topic for Discussion


For discussion – What is our


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• Create Picture BoardsoCreate your vision of Present day in our cohort

- What is going on today, right now?- What are you proud of?- What are you sorry about?

oUse the tools available

• Expo / Each table talks about their vision, draws images

• Regroup cohort to discuss critical themes

a l i g n o n p r e s e n t

Identify our current reality


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VISUALIZE the present…

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Create the Future

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t h r e e : c r e a t i o n

Create the Future.Getting aligned around shared future vision for the group. Create a preferable future – not a probable one.

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Using the OCAI reports:• Create preferable future (not a probable

one)oDare to daydream about our future togetheroDream BIGoBe creative

• Each group presents future scenario, focusing on one idea

Daydreaming the Future

26c r e a t i n g t h e f u t u r e

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What is YOUR dream for the new Omicron Prime Group Experience?

what you imagine for the fu-turewhat inspires youwhat you desire and hope forwhat you valuewhat you feel deeply aboutconnected to your personal story

Dreams are…

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c r e a t i n g t h e f u t u r eSource: O:XD

Page 28: Creating a Desired Future for Omicron Prime


A couple of pointers…

• Future-focused• Inspirational• Clear and focused• Aligned with culture

and values• Conveys state of be-

ing• Emotional• Unimagined

• Easily achievable• Easily measurable• Goals and objectives• Short-term oriented• Series of projects• Tasks• Detailed

A good vision is not:A good vision is:

c r e a t i n g t h e f u t u r e

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Source: O:XD

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Let’s Begin…

1. Daydream individually

2. Write 2-3 key ideas – 1 to 2 words – on index cards (2 each)

3. Break into quads and discuss

4. Present “Daydreams” to the larger cohort

c r e a t i n g t h e f u t u r e

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What did we create?

c r e a t i n g t h e f u t u r e

Wordle is placeholder

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Design an Action Plan

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f o u r : d e s i g n

Design Action Plan.Co-creating ideas and solutions for a desired future state using common themes and mobilizing teams.



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• Identify themes

• Brainstorm action itemso What steps do you want to take right now

• Develop Action Plano Whato How will we measure successo Due Date

• Assign to volunteers

33d e s i g n i n g a p l a n

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Source: Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There.

Designing an Action Plan

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Designing an Action Plan

Image: Sauk Valley Community College

d e s i g n i n g a p l a n

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GR – charts? Need source


d e s i g n i n g a p l a n

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Title TBD

Source: TBD

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Wrap Up

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Around the table: Discuss…

• How did you feel about what you heard?• What surprised you?• What concerned you?• What are the challenges you see?• How would you overcome them?

What could a shared vision look like?

Let’s Wrap Up…

a c r e a t e d f u t u r e

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So What?

• One word check-out to describe experience

Experience debrief

38a c r e a t e d f u t u r e

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Slides for referencefuture search | MSOD | 23 june 2013

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41B e g i n n i n g t h e

J o u r n e y

What does the Omicron Prime cohort mean to you?

Who are we for each other?

What is the difference Omicron Prime makes for the field of OD?

What could the future of Omicron Prime look like?

Break out into teams to illustrate your dreams. Each team to share dreams. Describe using pictures, words on flip


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The Process




l e a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e s

Getting aligned around shared future vision for Omicron Prime

Understanding a group’s past, underlying needs, challenges, and currentstate

Co-creating ideas and innovative solutions for a desired future state

Testing out new ideas to get feedback through rapid iteration

Bringing things together and agreeing on how to go forward

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f o u r : p r o t o t y p e

Prototype is the testing stage for new ideas where we mock-up the new experience with basic, everyday materials and processes. We can do trial runs, listen to feedback, then tweak, discard, reinvent and refine the design until we arrive at a better solution.

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44f o c u s o n t h e p a s t

Sample exercise: Please introduce someone else using 2 affirming words

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Step 1: Get related as a community

Page 45: Creating a Desired Future for Omicron Prime


What is your most memorable group experience?

• Where was it?

• Why was it so special?

• What did you see,

hear, feel?

• How did you feel?

• What was the highlight

of the experience?

• How did you share

about it afterwards?

• My dream vision for

Omicron Prime is..

DREAM CARD DREAM CARDWhat is your most memorable group experience?

• Where was it?

• Why was it so


• What did you see,

hear, feel?

• How did you feel?

• What was the

highlight of the


• How did you share

about it afterwards?

• My dream vision of

Omicron Prime is…

future search | MSOD | date TBD