Creating a Roadmap for Success in the 21st Century Strategic Planning Process for MSSU Fall 2009

Creating a Roadmap for Success in the 21st Century

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Creating a Roadmap for Success in the 21st Century . Strategic Planning Process for MSSU Fall 2009. 1998 HLC Self-Study . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Creating a Roadmap for Success in the 21st Century

Creating a Roadmap for Success in the 21st Century

Strategic Planning Process for MSSUFall 2009

Page 2: Creating a Roadmap for Success in the 21st Century

1998 HLC Self-Study • Previous strategic plan was titled Strategic Issues, Strategies, and Goals

for the 21st Century identified six overarching issues that should be addressed by the college as it began to implement an international approach to education. – The entire campus community should focus on student satisfaction and needs. – The primary focus should be on teaching and learning. – The institution needs to ensure that it has a high quality curriculum that meets

the needs of its students and their employers. – The institution must become more marketing oriented. – MSSC needs to fully implement and take advantage of the distinctiveness of the

international mission. – Recognizing scarce resources and increased demands for accountability, the

college should continue to stress efficiency of operation while recognizing that it may need to be more selective in some of its initiatives.


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2008 HLC Peer-Review Team Comments• “The campus has no comprehensive strategic plan and no process in place to

develop a plan. – The planning culture on campus is restricted to specific offices or programs that have

developed a plan in isolation of the rest of the campus. – Data to support institutional planning is limited and is often generated by individual offices

without a uniform definition of variables. – Additionally, discussion with faculty and administrators indicate that data analysis is

conducted in isolation and that a number of offices do not rely on data to guide decision making.

– Without a strategic plan and a culture of data driven decisions, the campus is unable to systematically respond to the evolving environment in higher education.”

• “The budgeting process is completed in the absence of a strategic plan and in isolation. – Unit budgets are determined without consideration of re-allocation opportunities or

unique budgeting needs. – Given the historically limited budget levels, enrollment declines, and the funding reduction in

2001, the absence of a plan to establish funding priorities seriously jeopardizes the ability of the university to shape its future.

• It was noted that the net assets of the University have declined each of the past 2 years. This decline is particularly troubling in the absence of a strategic plan.”

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2008 HLC Peer-Review Team Comments• Although the team recommended that the institution be granted a 10-year

continued-accreditation status with HLC, it also required that a focused visit be conducted in spring 2011 to review the status of institution-wide strategic planning and the institution’s system of shared governance.

Chapter 1: Overview of the UniversityChapter 2: Strategic Plan

Development and ImplementationChapter 3: Institutional Shared

GovernanceChapter 4: HLC Assessment Academy

ProjectsChapter 5: ConclusionsAppendix

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Steering Committee Goals Underway• To create a greater sense of ownership and promote the accomplishment

of the Missouri Southern State University mission, values, goals, and plans. • To identify and respond to the most fundamental issues facing the

university. • To identify external trends and forces that are likely to effect the

organization and its mission. • To implement a broad-based and highly-participatory process. • To require a candid examination of critical issues by key participants in

order to develop common understanding and to build a commitment to the implementation of the plan.

• To be action oriented and stress the importance of developing plans for implementing strategies.

• To improve and reinforce the University’s system of shared governance by reviewing and updating related policies and procedures.


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Steering Committee Goals to be Addressed

• To ensure that the institution’s resource base supports its educational programs and its plans for maintaining and strengthening their quality.

• To address the subjective question of purpose and the often competing values that influence mission and strategies.

• To be politically realistic by taking into account the concerns and preferences of both internal and external stakeholders.

• To focus on developing and implementing strategies now in order to position the university favorably for the future.


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Strategic Planning Benchmarks• http://www.nsuok.edu/strategicplan/index.html

– Outlines Northeastern Oklahoma State planning priority to enhance, clarify, and simplify the original mission, vision and values statements.

• http://www.govst.edu/uploadedFiles/strategy2015/strategy_2015.pdf– Governor’s State University Strategic Plan (Junior, Senior, and Graduate

program university)

• http://www.missouriwestern.edu/StrategicPlan/stratplan.pdf– Missouri Western State University Strategic Plan

• http://www.ucmo.edu/sprc/– http://www.ucmo.edu/about/mission/documents/strategicplan


– Central Missouri State University Strategic Plan

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This Strategic Plan

Will Not:• Stop global warming• Fix the national debt• Improve the local weather• Fix the state budget• Change the climate on

campus• Fix MSSU’s financial


Will:• Give direction to

– Help change the climate on campus

– Help direct available resources– Identify areas of focus for

development activity– Give structure to the hard

work of developing specific tactical plans to reach objectives and move toward fulfilling goals.

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The Time Frame: 3 Years

What is in the future?

Expected State Cuts

@ 6%Strategic Planning

2010 - 2011Year One

Loss of Fed Stimulus $

Money falls like manna

from heavenNO!


2011 - 2012Year Two

2012 - 2013Year Three

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Retreat Process

1. Evaluate the first map.2. Display for strategic planning retreat group.

1. Evaluate and discuss2. Breakout into discussion groups to discuss issues

3. Reconvene to discuss new map. 1. Evaluate and discuss2. Breakout into discussion groups to discuss issues

4. Start with step 3 again.

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Mission Clarification

Mission StatementMissouri Southern State University is a state-supported, comprehensive university offering programs leading to undergraduate and selective graduate degrees. The University has a statewide mission in international education granted to MSSU by special legislation. Central to that mission is the strong commitment to international education, to the liberal arts, to professional and pre-professional programs, and to the complementary relationship that must exist between liberal and professional education in order to prepare individuals for success in careers and lifelong learning.

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Mission ClarificationMSSU Mission Statement Values

Vision International EducationMissouri Southern State University will be recognized as a leader in offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs that foster the total education of each student. In order to remain loyal to the trust given to the University by the people of the State of Missouri, Missouri Southern State University will:

The University desires to prepare its students to understand world affairs, international issues, and other cultures as seen through their history, geography, language, literature, philosophy, economics, and politics. Knowledge and understanding of other cultures of the world also promote better understanding of our own valuable cultural diversity.

fulfill its mission and objectives in an honorable and ethical manner;

Liberal Arts Education

periodically review its mission in light of contemporary changes in society and in the needs of the people of Missouri;

The University commits to a liberal arts education that is reflected in a comprehensive program of general education requirements for all students to ensure that they have a breadth of educational experiences which will enable them to develop communication and critical thinking skills and to acquire and apply aesthetic, contemporary, civic, international, historical, mathematical, scientific, and value-oriented perspectives.

continually assess the effectiveness of its programs in order to ensure their quality and integrity.

Teaching and Learning

The University emphasizes quality teaching and learning as the most important attributes of the institution, complemented by scholarly and creative expression.Community ServiceThe University is dedicated to responding to the needs of the Southwest Missouri region as well as serving as the intellectual, creative, and cultural center of the area.Success?

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Map #1Team 5.3: Academic Affairs Team 5.1: Business Affairs

Success? Promoting Undergraduate Academic Quality (success?) Opportunity1: Resource Usage

Teaching and Learning

Goal 1: Emphasize quality teaching and learning as the most important attributes of the institution. Success?

To promote the student experience (success?), Southern engages in effective stewardship of resources.

Assess Goal 2: Utilize comprehensive university information to facilitate a data driven decision making model.

Goal 1: Southern will enhance, manage and maintain financial resources to accomplish strategic objectives.

Promoting Quality Graduate Programs Assess Goal 2: Southern will ensure that both existing and new programs are either cost or mission justified.

Teaching and Learning & Community Service

Goal 1: Provide graduate programs to meet the needs of the region.


Goal 3: Southern will value and respect employees by providing resources to recruit, hire, support and retain qualified faculty and staff.

International Education Goal 4: Southern will allocate resources to meet the future needs of technology, facility infrastructure and maintenance.


Goal 1: Provide an international perspective for students, faculty and the community to prepare them for successful roles in a culturally diverse world.

Team 5.5: Enrollment Management Team 5.2: Student AffairsGoal 1: Increase the enrollment of new students by 3% each year for the next five years Success?

Goal: Provide quality programs that promote student success

Success? Goal 2: Improve student success. Ethical Goal: Promote a culture that values employees

Leader Goal 3: Enhance the image of MSSU. Assess Goal: Commit to provide excellence in student services

Team 5.6: Shared Governance

EthicalTo ensure appropriate governing bodies engage in thorough and meaningful deliberations within a framework that provides for timely, educated decisions in support of the greater good of the University.

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Map 1a:Academic Affairs Business Affairs Student Affairs

MSSU Will Promote Student Success

Opportunity1: Resource Usage

Goal: Provide quality programs that promote student success Shared Governance

Enrollment Management

Goal 1: Emphasize quality teaching and learning as the most important attributes of the institution.

To promote the student success, Southern will engage in effective stewardship of resources.

Goal: Commit to provide excellence in student services

To ensure appropriate governing bodies engage in thorough and meaningful deliberations within a framework that provides for timely, educated decisions in support of the greater good of the University.

Goal 1: Increase the enrollment of new students by 3% each year for the next five years

Goal 2: Utilize comprehensive university information to facilitate a data driven decision making model.

Goal 1: Southern will enhance, manage and maintain financial resources to accomplish strategic objectives.

Goal: Promote a culture that values employees

Objectives: Review, and adjust where appropriate, organizational structures and processes to respond to a changing environment.

Goal 2: Improve student success.

Goal 1: Provide quality graduate programs to meet the needs of the region.

Goal 2: Southern will ensure that both existing and new programs are either cost or mission justified.

Recognize and value the different levels of authority, responsibility, and expertise within the University community.

Goal 3: Enhance the image of MSSU.

Goal 1: Provide an international perspective for students, faculty and the community to prepare them for successful roles in a culturally diverse world.

Goal 3: Southern will value and respect employees by providing resources to recruit, hire, support and retain qualified faculty and staff.

Utilize the collective intelligence of the University community through genuine, inclusive deliberations in the decision-making process.


Goal 4: Southern will allocate resources to meet the future needs of technology, facility infrastructure and maintenance.

Encourage open dialogue and candid communications to create an atmosphere in which constituents may speak freely.

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What is Missing?

• Student Success– The University provides support services and programs

that contribute to the academic success, personal growth, and career development of its students so that they may realize their potential as both individuals and prepared, responsible members of society.

• Community Service:– Regional Economic Development– METS – regional, state, federal concerns– KCUMB – Impacts Economic Development and METS

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What is the Charge?• Review the linkage between the mission, vision, values, and goals.• Discuss the change in wording substitution for success in both AA

and BA.• Determine the role of enrollment management and shared

governance.• Review Map 1a to determine what is super-ordinate and sub-

ordinate (goals vs objectives).• Review the other stated goals for each area to be sure your agree

with Map 1a (are some stated objectives tactics, or tactics objectives).

• What goal(s) should be identified for economic impact?– What objectives are related to this goal?

• What is the final list of goals that are super-ordinate?

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Clarified MissionMissouri Southern State University

Mission Statement

Missouri Southern State University is a state-supported, comprehensive university offering programs leading to undergraduate and graduate degrees. Central to our mission is a strong commitment to international education, liberal arts, professional and pre-professional programs, and the complementary relationship that must exist among them to prepare individuals for success in careers and lifelong learning.

Vision Missouri Southern State University will be recognized as a leader in offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs that foster the total education of each student. In order to remain loyal to the trust given to the University by the people of the State of Missouri, Missouri Southern State University will:

fulfill its mission and objectives in an honorable and ethical manner; periodically review its mission in light of contemporary changes in society and in the needs of

the people of Missouri and our communities; continually assess the effectiveness of its programs in order to ensure their quality and


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Mission ValuesValues

•International Education– The University prepares its students to be global citizens in fulfillment of its statewide

mandate. •Liberal Arts Education– The University commits to a comprehensive program of general education

requirements for all students.•Teaching and Learning– The University provides exemplary teaching and learning as supported by scholarship

and creative expression.•Student Success– The University commits to the academic, personal and career success of its students.

•Community Service– The University leads the intellectual, creative, cultural, and economic advancement of

our communities.

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Once We Decide On Our Strategic Plan:

International Aspect of

the MissionObj 1 Obj 2 Obj 3 Obj 4 Obj 5 Obj 6

Tactic 1

Tactic 2

Tactic 3


Individual objectives and tactics set by International Task Force ReportKPI:

Tactic 2

Tactic 3

Tactical Step 1

Tactical Step 2

Tactical Step 3

Tactical Step 4

Person Responsible

Tactical Step KPI

Due Date

Tactic 1

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MSSU Goal 1: Ensure quality academic programs to achieve student success.

(Liberal Arts Education, Teaching and Learning, Student Success)

• Objective 1.1: Provide undergraduate programs to meet the needs of our communities

• Objective 1.2: Provide graduate programs to meet the needs of our communities

• Objective 1.3: Sustain and increase institutional and program accreditation.

• Objective 1.4: Expand and enhance learning opportunities through distance education.

• Objective 1.5: Pursue and support High Impact learning experiences.

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MSSU Goal 2: Ensure a total University Experience through quality services and programs.

(Liberal Arts Education, Teaching and Learning, Student Success)

• Objective 2.1: Commitment to excellence in academic advising.

• Objective 2.2: Build programs to support students’ success and academic progression.

• Objective 2.3: Provide a distinctive Honors Program that recognizes and promotes academic excellence.

• Objective 2.4: Increase student engagement.

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MSSU Goal 3: Ensure an international perspective for our communities to foster success in a culturally diverse world.

(International Education)

• Objective 3.1: Sustain and create programs which ensure a global perspective for students.

• Objective 3.2: Sustain and create programs which ensure a global perspective for our campus community.

• Objective 3.3: Provide international opportunities to promote a global perspective for our external communities.

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MSSU Goal 4: Promote effective stewardship of resources to support the University’s mission. (Supports: all aspects)

• Objective 4.1: Ensure that existing and new programs are either cost or mission justified.

• Objective 4.2: Allocate resources to meet the future needs of technology, facility infrastructure and maintenance.

• Objective 4.3: Ensure human resources fulfill the mission of the university.

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MSSU Goal 5: Promote a culture that values all members of our campus communities. (Supports: all aspects)

• Objective 5.1: Recruit, hire, support and retain qualified employees.

• Objective 5.2: Engage in meaningful deliberations in a framework of shared governance.

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Goal 6: Promote the intellectual, economic, cultural, and creative development of our communities.

(Community Service)

• Objective 6.1: Promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs and professional development opportunities to satisfy regional workforce demand.

• Objective 6.2: Promote the intellectual development of our communities.

• Objective 6.3: Promote the economic development of our communities.

• Objective 6.4: Promote the cultural and creative development of our communities.

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MSSU Strategic Planning MatrixParties: Dean of Graduate and

Lifelong Learning Dean’s & Department heads

RolesHonors Director International

program director and International


Vice President for Student Affairs

MSSU Goal 1: Ensure quality academic programs to achieve student success.

Objective 1.1: Provide undergraduate programs to meet the needs of our communities

Identify plan for future needsDevelop advisory/funding


Support area 5A

Objective 1.2: Provide graduate programs to meet the needs of our communities

Coordinate programs and faculty

Develop graduate and professional studies dean’s position.

Identify plan for future needs

Objective 1.3: Sustain and increase institutional and program accreditation.

Need framework for sustainable accredited program evaluation.

Objective 1.4: Expand and enhance learning opportunities through distance education.

Coordinate programs and faculty

Implement master faculty model.

Objective 1.5: Pursue and support High Impact learning experiences.

Evaluate class and program pedagogies

High impact learning through travel seminars and semesters abroad

Identify and develop additional high impact learning opportunities

MSSU Goal 2: Ensure a total University Experience through quality services and programs.

Objective 2.1: Commitment to excellence in academic advising.

Work on model for online and graduate model.

Work on model for freshman/sophomore/ departmental advising model.

Work with departments to identify honors advisors

Develop and publicize effective campus-wide advising model

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Issue: Need to have training facility in order to maintain safety levels and meet accreditation standards.

Objective: Have training facility built.

Strategic Action


Support/ Resources


Responsible Party

Others Participat


Target Completion Date

Method of Measurem



Have plan for facility

City Engineer& AccountantsFire depart. Team

Dennis AaronAlKevin

September 1, 2005

Finalized Report

In process

Obtain city funding

City Public InformationFire dept. public information

Don MikeMikeMkie

July 1, 2006 Council action on funding


Action Steps: 1.1.1

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Need To Develop Gantt Chart