DIY live a little #001 belostandfind.wordpress.com SHOES ARE BORING, WEAR SNEAKERS “I am not such a big fan of asking people to pose” CREATIVE SESSION AT ACTA

Creative Industry #inhci Leonie Klinkenberg 436592

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DIY l i v e a l i t t l e # 0 0 1

b e lo s ta n d f i n d . w o r d p r e s s . co m


“I am not such a big fan of asking people to pose”


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DIY. I am pretty sure that the first things to pop to mind when seeing these three letters are the amateur ‘handy-‘men, mediocre postcard crafting and many way-too-complicated (as if anyone would succeed in this) Pinterest suggestions. However, that is not at all what this is about. This is about creating something. Ranging from marketing concepts to a happy home and from the perfect photograph to the writing of a blog.

For me, DIY is about creating not just about anything, but about the creation of a new, improved version of yourself. Because, let’s face it, if you do not design your own life, someone else will do it for you.


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5 CV

8 Seminar Report

SnapshotPhotographer Maria Cavali

12 Blog

20 CrossmediaConverse

21 Transmedia3FM Serious Request

22 Guest lectures

24 Multiverse

28 Communication plan

30 WOM Light festival

34 Backstage; Printscreens

36 Sources





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HobbiesDancing, reading, painting, organising (dinner-) parties, cinema, social happenings.

Certificates- Hospitality diploma ‘Social Hygiene’. - In possession of Cambridge University CPE-levels.

EducationAug. 2010 – now; HBO Leisure Management, InHolland University of applied Sciences Diemen

Aug. 2006 -Feb. 2008; HBO Leisure Management, InHolland University of applied Sciences Diemen (studied 1,5 years)

Aug. 2005 – June 2006; HBO Communication, HES Amsterdam (studied 1 year)

Sept. 1999 -June 2005; Secondary education, HAVO, SG Lelystad (VMBO-tl & HAVO CM diploma’s)

Skills Languages Understanding Writing SpeakingDutch Native Native NativeEnglish Fluent Fluent FluentGerman Good Good GoodFrench Basic Basic BasicSpanish Basic Basic Basic

Computer skills Good knowledge of Microsoft Office and the Internet. Basic experience with SPSS, Photoshop and InDesign.

Skills Good communication skills, high customer service providing skills, both individual-and team player, leadership abilities, eager to learn, social, representative and friendly.

Professional Experience February 2013 – now; TOBACCO Theatre, AmsterdamPartyleader for a wide range of events. Tasks consist of steering service staff during the build up, the running time and the break-down of events as well as being contact person for external parties such as the client and the catering company. August 2013 – January 2014; TOBACCO Theatre, AmsterdamIntern for the operational department. Arranging/organising (corporate)events; quotations, confirmations, scenario plannings and contact with clients.

May 2006 – September 2012; Yip Company B.V., Amsterdam; Started off as a part-time waitress/bartender, after leaving school I worked fulltime as a ‘shift leader’. Promotion in October 2008 made me the mana gement assistant/personal assistant of the C.E.O.. Since September 2010 back as a part-time waitress/bartender due to studies.

June 2005 – Aug. 2005; NH Amsterdam Centre Hotel, Amsterdam; Worked in the housekeeping department.

June, July and August of 2001, 2003 and 2004; CheckPoint Charlie, Lelystad; Worked as a waitress.

Personal information Leonie KlinkenbergPlatanenweg 14-II, 1091 KS, Amsterdam +3120 7555063 / +31643163932 [email protected] Date of birth: Dec. 19th, 1986 Place of birth: Naarden, The Netherlands Nationality: Dutch Sex: Female

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After attending several try-outs and previews of the Rocking up Life show, I decided to invest in more motivation and inspiration by attending

THE great Rocking up Life show. Report

Rocking up Life is founded by Thijs Lindhout and Sydney Brouwer. They are, although they strongly detest the word, so-called entertrainers. One day they found themselves at a seminar on personal leadership and what they experienced there changed their lives. Witnessing a man on stage who was able to keep his audience on the edge of their seats for days in a row made them want to be able to do the same. They started reading and reading and reading and attending seminars, learning just about everything there is to know about personal leadership, happiness and personal development. They combined this information with a high dose of enthusiasm, energy and positivity and there it was; Rocking up Life was born.

My first encounter with these two in-spirational guys was through one of my close friends, who just happens to be the sister of one half of Rocking up Life. She invited me to one of their try-outs in Utrecht. At the time, I was going through a rather bumpy stage of my life. Attending this seminar was an absolute eye-opener for me. It made me realise just how much we are the only ones who are in control of our own lives. Afterwards I felt like I could actu-ally, un-earthed as it sounds, re-create myself.

On January 25th 2014, The Great Rock-ing up Life show took place in Utrecht. Based on the shows I attended before, my expectations were mixed. On one hand I had very high expectations as I already considered the try-outs to be

inspiring and motivating. On the other hand; what else were these guys go-ing to tell me? Is there really more than what I have heard so far? I was a bit sceptic, but they proved me wrong on this one.

The Great Rocking up Life show start-ed off with some aspects that I remem-bered from previous times. Although I had already heard these stories and done these assignments, I still very much enjoyed it and it still motivated me the same way it did the first time. After the first break, new points were introduced. The show became more concrete and truly offered stepping stones, guidelines and tips & tools to make practical changes to the things we can not or do not want to accept in our lives.

The grand finale of this seminar was a practical circle of reciprocity. All participants were given post-its on which they had to write down what they needed. This could be anything, from advice on how to deal with a work situation, to guitar lessons or tutor-ing. These post-its were then spread around the room for everyone to read and see where they could help out one of the oth-ers. What a way to end such an inspiring day!

Rocking Up Life!25 jan. 2014

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Koper: Leonie KlinkenbergGeldig op: 25 jan. 2014Locatie: Seats2Meet Amersfoort, AmersfoortAdres: Stationsplein 49Tijd: 10:00 - 18:00Prijs: € 39,00Type: Rocking Up Life! Persoonlijke uitnodiging


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Rocking Up Life!25 jan. 2014

e-ticketZonder ticket is de toegang niet gegarandeerd.De barcode is uniek. Kopiëren is zinloos.

Aankomende evenementen

Geen aanstaande evenementen.



Koper: Leonie KlinkenbergGeldig op: 25 jan. 2014Locatie: Seats2Meet Amersfoort, AmersfoortAdres: Stationsplein 49Tijd: 10:00 - 18:00Prijs: € 39,00Type: Rocking Up Life! Persoonlijke uitnodiging


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[email protected].

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I have always had an admiration on the verge of jealousy for people with one true passion. Although there are many things I like doing, some of which I am actually good at, there is not one to which I could be truly devoted. Even though I envy those who do have such a passion, I also find it highly inspiring. There are a number of people in my environment that are passionately devoted to their career or hobby. One of them is Maria.



Age: 28Hometown: VilniusOccupation: Photographer

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Maria, when did you start photograph and how did you make the first steps towards this?

When I was sixteen yeas old I started to photo-graph more as a hobby. First step which made me think about photographer’s career was my internship in Amsterdam, during which I met many successful artists. In my home country, Lithuania, being an artist does mean more of a social status rather then an occupation. Meeting these great examples encouraged me to think about photographer’s career as an achievable goal rather then an unreachable dream. I was making little steps back and forth, be-ing a photographer was always scary and not supported by my family, which was naturally stopping from making a decision to become a full time photographer. The main step was made April 10th 2011, then I quit my sales job in UAE and decided to work as a photographer full time. Have you always known that this is what you wanted to do?

Well, I was not allowed to know it in my coun-try, so since I started independent life abroad,I guess. Photography is the only activity that makes me involved 120%, the one I love, am in love with and will stay married to forever.

Are there the difficulties you encounter in your occupation? Aspects like money, people, etc.?

I had to take a three days a week job, to be able survive as a starting photographer. It was diffi-cult to spend so much time just to make money when I was always feeling that this is something I shouldn’t be doing at the moment… I have now been working as a full time photographer for two months only and it feels great! I am the happi-est person in a world. Unusual is that you have to trust life only and you never know how much money you will earn a month, but it’s wort it!

What kind of projects do you enjoy most? Is there one specific project which you would call your most ‘favourite’ ever?

I enjoy social artistic projects, the ones which engage people to think “out of the box” and see life from a different perspective. I am working on a project with handicapped people at the moment, it is really inspiring, makes me a bet-ter person and naturally makes me value my life and time more.

Are there projects you do or did which you actu-ally do not really enjoy? Necessary evils to bring in money for instance?

sometimes people give me a picture from a magazine, buy the same clothes and ask me to do exactly the same picture. It feels unnatural and uninspiring to me, I like to create picture myself, not copy it, but they are clients, so I do what they ask and always add my ideas on top, which most of the time have more value after-wards.

What inspires you and why?

True moments in life and people. I love tak-ing portraits, real moments in people eyes, it’s fragile, innocent, real, unrepeatable. I think you have to live your life fully and then the magic of photography just happens, the moments come by itself.

Do you live by a motto/life-quote, like ‘carpe diem’?

Be better then I am, do things that scare me and keep on doing what I am doing.

“I am not such a big fan of asking people to pose”

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I realise that this sounds rather ‘feet off the ground – head in the clouds’. And it is. Up to a reasonable level though. I realised that only when I felt ‘lost’, I started to find out where I was heading and questioning myself whether this is the right direction.

My name is Leonie. I am a student, an employee, a girlfriend, a daughter and a sister. I love the sun, don’t like the rain, detest strong wind. I envy people with a passion, a dream but they inspire me at the very same time. I am learning to express my creativity and to ask myself questions that I did not use to want to know the answer to.

Thank you for reading. This blog covers inspiration and frustration, irritation and realisation, creation and self-innovation. Please comment and question as much as you like.


Be lost and find.


b e lo s ta n d f i n d . w o r d p r e s s . co m

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And I am not talking about that friendly lady at the hotel reception that calls you at 06.15h so you won’t miss your flight. No. I am talking about a wake-up call in life. That moment when something happens that changes the way you see your surroundings, that moment when someone says something that makes you want to change the way you approach things, or possibly even the way you live your life.

Recently I have experienced several wake-up calls, which has been part of the reasons to start BelostandFind. One of these wake-up calls happened during a seminar which I attended a few months ago, ‘Fuck Conformity! Kickstart the rest of your life’. The focus of this seminar was, as the name suggests, on how we live life according to conformity and on the ‘consequences’ this brings. One of the two gentlemen hosting this seminar spoke about the Top 5 Deathbed Regrets. Bronnie Ware, an Australian nurse who took care of patients during the last 12 weeks of their lifes, came across many deathbed regrets and put together this top 5 based on her own experiences.

Sitting in that room and hearing this list was a strange experience. I suddenly realised that the majority of this list sounded just a bit too familiar.

That was when I decided I was going to have to make a change. Which is good, in fact great, but somehow a bit scary as well. I have been doing things a certain way for years, knowing there was something off, but unable to pinpoint what. And there it was; conformity.

This is the end of a beginning, beginning of an end, the start of something good.


posted on: May 15, 2014






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posted on: May 23, 2014

All whistling along yet? Good! As I said in my previous entry, I have experienced some things that lead to the experience of my wake up call. I decided to try to do things differently, better.One of the aspects which I instantly identified as aspects that were in need of some ‘attitude adjustment’ was the balance between negativity and positivity.Before I continue, let me be honest with you and tell you that I am stubborn, stroppy, a controlfreak and an enormous stress-head (or as we say in Dutch, a stress-chicken). I have always been fully aware of these wonderful aspects of my personality and over the last years I have even come to realise that these characteristics have a rather large influence on how I live my life.I have given myself the assignment to be more critical when it comes to internal negativity. Whenever a situation occurs where I have to let something go or leave something up to someone else, the control-freak in me starts panicking. Before, I used to along with this, put my foot down and basically do everything I could to prevent having to let go. Nowadays, I ask myself a simple question;

Let me tell you this; it takes some hell of a situation to make the answer to this question sound the least bit valid!In all honesty, I have not suddenly become serene or zen or however you might want to call it. I am still stubborn and even thinking about things going wrong can still put me in a state that is far from calm. But rationalising the situation does put things in perspective.

My entire life I have been planning ahead, not until the next summer, but preferably 5, 10, 15 years ahead. In detail I knew what I wanted to do, how I was going to do that, where it would take me and how great that all would be. Circumstances change, people change, everything changes and suddenly my plan would be way off. So here too, what is the worst that could happen if I just don’t have a concrete plan?

“What is the worst that could happen?”

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posted on: September 8, 2013

Although it has been said that friends are the family you actually get to pick yourself, we all still have people around us of which we are not sure why they are in our social circle.

Friendships start and develop for various reasons; mutual interests or friends, common enemies, lack of better options and so on. Some friendships are for life, some seem for life and some are doomed to fail.

At a certain point in life, we have to realise that although we are used to having this person in our friendship circle, it is not bringing us any good. These are friendships that drain energy rather than give energy. Friendships can change, simply because people do.Day-to-day life has a limited amount of hours and physically and mentally we have a limited amount of energy. Because of these limitations, we have to choose carefully how we spend this time and energy. Based on personal experiences, I have identified a number of types of social contacts. I started writing about this, but then I realised that this post would become a book rather than a blog entry.

When I was a little girl, I knew what my future was going to look like:

After finishing high school at 18, I will go to college. After college at 22, I will start working as some important person at some fancy company and make a lot of money, I will find a guy (preferably also with a lot of money) and we will buy a big house and have fancy cars. At 26 we will have our first baby and at 28 the second. We will go on luxurious holidays at least twice a year, buy whatever we want and live happily ever after.

So. I am 26, still (or again) studying, making a wee bit of money on the side and this summer, my boyfriend, dog and I are going camping. We’ll see by then what I’ll be doing when we come home.

For the record; I am so terribly happy that things did not go as planned.

“It is rather unpleasant to find out that people can

stop caring.”

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I have encountered some situations regarding friendships quite recently which made me realise how much things can change. How much people can change and how much that can confuse, hurt or affect you. It is rather unpleasant to find out that people simply can stop caring.

Obviously I have changed as well. One of these changes is that I refuse to continue to put energy into someone just for the sake of putting energy into someone. I have been a pleaser for ages and it has not brought me any good. Although… it brought me the skills to now see that sometimes, for some reason, something is just simply over.

I encourage everybody to take a moment to think about their social circle in a critical way. The ‘elimination’ of contacts that drain energy, gives you more energy to invest in those contacts that give you energy, that make you happy.

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“The WORK you do while you procrastinate is probably the WORK you should be doing for the rest of your life.”

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Cross media is a strategy which uses different types of media to spread a message. This could simply be the combination of television commercials and newspapers advertisements, but it can be made much more extensive by including social media channels and physical actions.

This article will cover a success story in which cross media was implemented successfully and had an amazing effect.

Shoes are boring. Wear sneakers.

Cross WHAT?!

This is the title of a campaign launched by creativity studio Amplify for Converse. The launch took place in East-London and was divided over two stages.

This Converse campaign consisted of both online and offline communication and ‘magically’ created conversation with fans.

STAGE 1The campaign started off with out-of-home advertisement such as billboards, shop shutters and bespoke commissioned street art. All of these with catchy lines such as ‘Shoes follow directions. Sneakers get lost.’, ‘Shoes wouldn’t. Sneakers definitely would.’ and ‘Shoes keep it clean. Sneakers get dirty.’.

STAGE 2In the second stage of this campaign, interactive elements were added to the communication tools. This stage of the campaign contained a series of live events and public actions (giant bubble wrap hopscotch walkways stations, portable truck sound system, open air parties).

Throughout the process of this campaign, commercial videos were broadcasted and uploaded on social media channels such as YouTube and Facebook. Originally the intention of these videos was a one-way communication mean. However, fans got inspired and started uploading their own videos, all in line with the ‘Shoes are boring. Wear sneakers.’ message. This resulted in Converse creating a contest on the uploading of the best video.

OfflinePostersShuttersPhysical partiesStreet art


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s to r y t e l l i n g
















€ 7



€ 13



€ 12



€ 8



YIELDSerious Request

2010 2011 2012 2013

3 f m s e r i o u s r e q u e s t

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As an aspiring event manager, attending the guest lecture given by Fritha Knudsen was very inspiring.

I had already heard about her and what she does as she works together with Martijn and Rene (Red Line Project) with whom I had already been in contact for some time because of their business. To meet her in person and hear how she goes about her projects was very interesting. I can not even begin to imagine the pressure and required multitasking on projects of such extreme scales. The story that stuck in my head most was the one about the storm. During this event, Fritha had to make a snap decision about whether or not an event should continue as it took place in a large

tent and a storm was forecasted. She decided, just in time, to cancel the event and evacuate all the guests with buses. Only minutes after, the storm struck and the tent collapsed. If she had not handled the situation the way she did, it would not have been a pretty sight.

Although stories like these could actually scare people, it only motivated me more. The pressure, the stress, the being-everywhere-at-the-same-time… Gosh, I love it!


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The sole fact that this session was held in a different environment made this a great day! Nice bonuses were the lovely sunshine and the cool ‘snack bus’ in ACTA’s front yard.

Not sure of what to expect, I started this day with and open mind and open arms. It turned out to be a very productive and versatile day! Besides the inspirational guest speakers, it was also a valuable contribution to the projects. Brainstorm sessions were held in the sun, with guidance and support of professionals from the creative industry. It was a great experience to brainstorm about project issues in a different manner.

The tool provided to improve the brainstorm session was a box with cards. These cards all had different images on them, which served as a basis to derive ideas from. The images were very diverse which caused for a large variety of new ideas.

At the end of the day, all groups pitched their ideas/concepts, which enabled everyone to see what the rest had been doing during the day.

During the creative sessions at ACTA, one of the guest speakers was Marta Pisco. Her project is one that I will probably remember forever.

In order to break set social statuses, Marta invented the Green Monster. She dresses up in a Green Monster suit, which looks most like a green version of cookie monster, and heads on to the streets.



Being in this suit, nobody knows whether she is a man or a woman, black or with, young or old, rich or poor. All people see is a Green Monster approaching them. They actually connect with the Monster, even though the project also ran in countries where men will never ever connect with a woman on the streets like that.

I found it fascinating how she went about this project. Being interested in social levels in different cultures, I think that Marta has found a great way to show that these levels are basically pointless.

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The Multiverse, developed by Pine and Korn, covers and describes eight realms which create experiences on various levels interchanging time, space and matter.

This article explains each of these realms and clarifies these using clear and known examples.

RealityReality concerns the here and now. It is the realm that we all know best, actual time, space and matter. Example; a walk in the park.

Physical virtualityFirst you dream it, then you build it. Physical virtuality concerns the realisa-tion of virtual happenings in a physical place. The creation part takes place in a virtual setting whereas the realisation is a physical experience. Well-known examples are co-creation by Nike, where consumers could create their custom sneakers online which were then produced and delivered to their homes.

Augmented realityThis realm concerns the use of digitals tools to augment the way we perceive and experience reality. It is about adding an additional layer to enhance, extent, edit or amend a physical experience. A popular example is the ap-plication Layar. Layar provides consumers with information about places or objects, based on what they cover with the camera of their smartphone.

Warped realityWarped reality concerns actual matter and space but plays with time. Expe-riences takes place physically but re-enact a different time. Live action role playing games (LARPs) are a clear example of this realm. During a LARP, participants step into the shoes of fictional creatures or knights in shining armour. Participants play together, at a physical location, yet immerse them-selves 100% in a different time.

Mirrored virtualitySynchronising reality and virtuality, this realm absorbs the real world into the virtual. It creates a virtual experience that represents reality. A well-known ex-ample of mirrored virtuality is Nike+, which virtually registeres athletic accom-plishments based on what the equipment in the consumer’s shoe registeres in reality.


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Augmented virtualityAugmented virtuality takes material substance to alter, enhance, control or amend the way con-sumers experience the virtual world. This realm concerns matter, yet no time and no space. Kinect has implemented this realm perfectly by developing a virtual game program in which, via a camera, the body functions as a controller.

Alternate realityAlternate reality uses the actual world as a playground but adds various layers and levels to this world. It creates an alternate view of the physical environment consumers find them selves in. A fascinating exampled revolved around the launch of HALO2. Members of a gaming community became involved in a massive game via the website ilovebees.com. At first this appeared to just be spam, however, then the first trailer came out in which the XboX website was, for only a split second, replaced by ilovebees.com. What followed was a series of challenges, assignments and tricks, which participants had to follow and obey in order to find out who was behind ilovebees.com and, with that, to find out what the link was between the bees and HALO2.

VirtualityThis realm concerns no time, no space and no matter. It allows the crafting of the most imaginative of experiences, it immerses the mind in ways that free consumers from the constraints of time, space and matter. An example of this final realm is Second Life, an online platform where consum-ers can (re-)create an entire existence, from birth to love life and from career path to character.

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When it comes to social media, I would most definitely describe myself to be a lurker (or observer). The only online platforms on which I could say I am active are LinkedIn as I do consider it to be important to create a wide and versatile professional network, especially at this stage of my studies, and Pinterest.

communicationOn Pinterest I am pretty active. I maintain several boards and can spend hours in a row going through inspirational quotes, funny e-cards and new ideas for home decoration or tattoo’s. If already anything happens on my Facebook account, it means that I am tagged in someone else’s post or photo. I have tried Twitter, but it is simply not for me as I do not see any added value for me as the individual that I am.

The way I profile myself on social media differs per channel. On LinkedIn, my tone is professional and I would never upload anything without connection to my job or aspirations. Channels such as Facebook or Pinterest do show another side of me. On these forms of social media, I open up more and show more of my social and informal side.

Overall, I like to think that I do profile myself as the person I truly am. Everything is honest and open.

Log in; once a weekPosting; rarelyStatus; lurker

Log in; once a weekPosting; rarelyStatus; lurker



Active since 21-03-2008

Active since 12-11-2012

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communication 222




Personal brandFACEBOOK









Log in; rarelyPosting; as good as neverStatus; lurker

Log in; rarelyPosting; as good as neverStatus; lurker



Active since December 2010

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AMSTERDAM LIGHT FESTIVALThe Amsterdam Light Festival is an initiative by Frans van Konijnenburg. He believes that the city of Amsterdam is wonderful and lively in the summer, yet dark, boring and unattractive during the winter. This is how the idea for this festival came to life; to bring some light into the darkness of Amsterdam’s winter. The festival starts off in December and lasts for several weeks during which light-artworks are to be seen throughout the city centre.

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Towards the end of the festival, an interactive element is added; Light my Ride. This event takes place in the evening and invites locals and tourists to decorate themselves, their bikes, boards or skates and to participate in a tour through the city centre, passing several of the artworks.

LIGHT MY LIFELight my Life is an online WOM action. Via social media channels, both locals and tourists are asked the question ‘What lights up your life?’. Pictures, videos and stories can be uploaded to social media by everyone who wants to participate. It is then up to the participant to make sure that they get as many likes, shares, retweets or repins as possible. Obviously, this contest is not limited to decorated bikes. Anything can light up someones life, the sight of a puppy dog, a fresh dive into the Amstel, or the feeling one can get from finishing a thor-ough cleaning session. After several weeks, whoever has managed to become most popular on social media, is claimed the so-called ‘winner’. This person will win a bike, decorated with lights, and will get to drive at the very front of the Light my Ride tour, flanked by the Friday Night Skaters.

SUCCESS FACTORSThis campaign is not limited to actual lights and therefore attracts a wider audience. Social media has shown the world that people are keen to share emotions with the rest of us, online. Combining these two elements could make for a success. Co-creation, participation and competition are popular ways of engaging an audience. Since participants have to ‘stalk’ their online friends for likes, shares, etc., they are involved in the competition and are creating WOM at the same time.

FAILURE FACTORSIt could of course happen that this campaign is not actually success-ful due to several possible reasons. People could be tired of these upload and share contests, or could not be bothered enough to ac-tually take time to think and photograph that what lights up their life. This could then even -worst case scenario- result in negative publicity for the Amsterdam Light Festival.


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