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  • 7/24/2019 credit 21016


    Today is Tuesday, February 09, 2016

    ublic of the PhilippinesREME COURTila

    ST I!ISI"#

    No. 74231 April 10, 1987

    RAZON J. VZCON!E, petitioner,

    ERME!ATE APPE""ATE COURT # PEOP"E O$ T%E P%"PPNES, respondents%

    RVASA, J.:

    a'on (% !i'conde has appealed as contrary to la) and the e$idence, the ecision of the &ourt of *ppeals 1affir+in her con$iction of the cri+e of estafabt of First Instance of Ri'al -ue'on &ity .ranch, in &ri+inal &ase #o% -/ 6%

    onde and Pilar *% Paulayan )ere chared in the Trial &ourt )ith +isappropriation and con$ersion of an 3/carat dia+ond rin belonin to r% Maryas in an infor+ation )hich a$ers that they4

    5 5 5 )ilfully, unla)fully and feloniously, )ith intent of ain and )ith unfaithfulness andor abuse of confidence, defraud7ed8 M*R:"; (% Pudice of the offended party, inafore+entioned a+ount of P3,000%00, Philippine currency% 2

    r trial both accused )ere con$icted and each sentenced to ser$e an indeter+inate prison ter+ of fro+ eiht 738 years, four 78 +onths and one 718 d108 years and t)o 728 +onths ofprision mayor, )ith the accessory penalties pro$ided by la), and >ointly and se$erally to inde+nify the offended paof P,000%00 for the unaccounted balance of the $alue of the rin )ith leal interest fro+ *pril 22, 19, the further su+ of P?0,000%00 as and for aes and the su+ of P10,000%00 for attorney@s fees% 3

    accused appealed to the &ourt of *ppeals, but as Pilar *% Paulayan had e$aded pro+ulation of sentence in the Trial &ourt and had appealed on

    uh counsel the *ppellate &ourt $acated her appeal as ineffectual% 4"n !i'conde@s part, the &ourt of *ppeals affir+ed the >ud+ent of thurt in all respects eAcept the penalty of i+prison+ent, )hich it increased to a ter+ of fro+ ten 7108 years and one 718 day of pryorto t)el$e 7128 years ten 7108 +onths and t)enty/one 7218 days of reclusion temporal.* +otion for reconsideration )as denconde thereafter filed the present petition for re$ie) on certiorari% &

    uired to co++ent on the petition, the Solicitor Ceneral, despite ha$in arued for affir+ance of !i'conde@s con$iction in the &ourt of *ppeals, no)++ends that she be acBuitted, but nonetheless held ci$illy liable to the co+plainant in the su+ of P,000%00 7the unaccounted balance of the $aluas found by the Trial &ourt8 D 5 5 5 or )hate$er portion thereof )hich re+ains unpaid% 5 5 5 '

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    + the record and the findins of the courts belo), it appears that so+eti+e in the f irst )ee= of *pril, 19, the co+plainant, r% Marylon (% Perlas, caappellant !i'conde, a lon/ti+e friend and for+er hih school class+ate, as=in her to sen Perlas@ 3/carat dia+ond rin% Shortly after)ards, Perlas$ered the rin to !i'conde to be sold on co++ission for P 3,000%00% !i'conde sined a receipt for the rin% 7

    ut a )ee= and a half later, !i'conde returned the rin to Perlas, )ho had as=ed for it because she needed to sho) it to a cousin Eo)e$er, !i'conde

    )ards called on Perlas at the latter@s ho+e, )ith another lady, Pilar *% Paulayan, )ho clai+ed to ha$e a Dsure buyerD for the rin% 8Perlas )as initant to do so, but she e$entually parted )ith the rin so that it could be eAa+ined pri$ately by Paulayan@s buyer )hen the late her a postdated chec= for the price 7P 3,000%008 and, toether )ith !i'conde, sined a receipt prepared by Perlas% This recple@s

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    the sale of one 718 solo 3 carat dia+ond rin, )hite, double cut, brilliant cut )+ultiple brilliantitos, i$en to Mrs% Pilar Pauland Mrs% &ora'on de (esus !i'conde on 22 *pril 19, to be sold on co++ission basis for eihty/ fi$e thousand pesos7P3,000%008%

    Recei$ed also o)ner@s duplicate copies of T&T #os% ?90, ?909, ?910, )hich )ill be returned upon deli$ery of there+ainin balance of the proceeds of the sale of said dia+ond rin for eihty fi$e thousand pesos 7P3,000%008%

    This receipt is bein issued )ithout pre>udice to leal action%

    -ue'on &ity, Philippines

    May 19

    7Sd%8 Marylon (% Perlas

    ra% Marylon (% Perlas


    7Sd%8 Pilar *% Paulayan

    Pilar *% Paulayan

    7Sd%8 &ora'on (% !i'conde

    &ora'on !i'conde 13

    onde and Paulayan ha$in alleedly reneed on a pro+ise to co+plete pay+ent for the rin on the $ery neAt day, Perlas filed )ith the -ue'on &ital@s office a co+plaint aainst the+ for estafaThis not)ithstandin, Paulayan stin paid Perlas $arious su+s totallin P2,000%00 )hich, toether )00%00 earlier paid, left a balance of P,000%00 still o)in% 14

    the Trial &ourt and the &ourt of *ppeals found istilln these facts sufficient sho)in that !i'conde and Paulayan had assu+ed a >oint aency in fa$

    as for the sale of the latter@s rin, )hich rendered the+ cri+inally liable, upon failure to return the rin or deli$er its areed $alue, under *rt% ?1, parRe$ised Penal &ode, for defraudation co++itted D 5 5 5 )ith unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence 5 5 5 by +isappropriatin or con$ertin, to the pre>her, 5 5 5 personal property recei$ed in trust or on co++ission, or under any other obliation in$ol$in the duty to +a=e deli$ery of or to return the sahe Solicitor Ceneral fallin bac=, as already stated, fro+ an earlier stance, disarees and sub+its in his &o++ent that the appellant cannot be con$stafaunder a correct interpretation of the t)o principal eAhibits of the prosecution, the receipts

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    essary% *t the least, she +ust be sho)n to ha$e acted in concert and conspiracy )ith Paulayan, either in obtainin possession of the rin, or in undturn the sa+e or deli$ery its $alue, or in the +isappropriation or con$ersion of the sa+e%

    , the infor+ation chares conspiracy bet)een !i'conde and Paulayan, but no adeBuate proof thereof has been presented% It is of course true that f of conspiracy is not essential to con$ict an alleed conspirator, and that conspiracy +ay be established by e$idence of acts done in pursuance of a+on unla)ful purpose% 17Eere, ho)e$er, the circu+stances fro+ )hich a reasonable inference of conspiracy +iht arise, such as the fact that !i'conde and the

    plainant )ere friends of lon standin and for+er class+ates, that it )as !i'conde )ho introduced Paulayan to Perlas, that !i'conde )as present on the t)o occasionn )as entrusted to Paulayan and )hen part pay+ent of P,000%00 )as +ade, and that she sined the receipts,

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    1 In &*/C%R% #o% 2?/&RH Mendo'a, ponente, *la+pay and .orro+eo, ((%

    2 Record, pp% 1/2%

    ? Record, pp% 620/629%

    Rollo, 7&*/C%R% #o% 2?/&R8, pp% 62/6?%

    Rollo, 7&*/C%R% #o% 2?/&R8, pp% 61/?%

    6 Rollo, pp% 96/10?%

    Rollo, 7&*/C%R% #o% 2?/&R8, p% 6?%

    3 Rollo, 7&*/C%R% #o% 2?/&R8, p% 621%

    9 Rollo, pp% 6/6H Record, pp% 11/12%

    10 Rollo, %d.H

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    ublic of the PhilippinesREME COURTila


    No. 1'482 $*r-r/ 1, 1922

    T%, E"" # COMPAN, "T!.,plaintiff/appellant,

    P%"PPNE NATONA" AN,defendant/appellee%

    s ' (a)rence and *)ald *. elp# for J. (acson for appellee.

    EET, J.:

    action )as brouht by Messrs% S+ith, .ell J &o%, :td%, to reco$er a su+ of +oney of the defendant, the Philippine #ational .an=, as da+aes for itccept deli$ery of certain +achinery )hich had been ordered fro+ the plaintiff by one F%M% Earden, and for the purchase price of )hich the ban= hadated itself in the +anner stated belo)% *fter the hearin the trial >ude absol$ed the defendant, and the plaintiff appealed%

    pears that in the +onth of *pril, 1913, one Fred M% Earden, bein desirous of obtainin eiht eApellers adopted to the eAtraction of coconut oil, apph, eApellers throuh this house% .y the contract sined for this purpose bet)een said Earden and S+ith, .ell J &o%, on *pril 2, 1913, the latter Dso

    den eiht 738 *nderson eApellers, end/dri$e, latest +odel, for the price of P30,000, to be paid on deli$ery% It )as understood that these eApellers )ouufactured in the ;nited StatesH and it )as stipulated that ship+ent )ould be +ade fro+ the ;nited States in the +onth of February or March of the e%

    der to assure the pro+pt pay+ent of the price upon deli$ery, an arrane+ent )as +ade bet)een Earden and the Philippine #ational .an= )herebr bound itself to S+ith, .ell J &o% for the pay+ent of the contract price, accordin to the ter+s of the follo)in letter dated *pril 2, 1913, )hich )asessed by the ban= to the latter fir+4

    Messrs% SMITE, .

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    ntiff@s sales +anaer, and one (% &% &o)per, )ho acco+panied Earden on the +ission to et the order chaned% In addition to this it appears that thee eApeller represents an i+pro$e+ent o$er the end/dri$e and is of a ne)er typeH and upon the occasion +entioned, Earden eAhibited to the +anaesrs% S+ith, .ell J &o%, a cataloue fro+ the *nderson factory sho)in this fact, as eAplanatory of his chane in the order%

    uly 2, 1919, S+ith, .ell J &o% infor+ed both Earden and the ban= that the eApellers had arri$ed% Shortly thereafter Earden, ha$in eAa+ined thehinery in the plaintiff@s bodea, ad$ised the ban= that the eApellers )ere not as ordered% ;pon this, the ban= naturally refused to accept and pay for

    hinery, and the plaintiff disposed of the+ to the best ad$antae in the Manila +ar=et at a price )hich )as belo) the price at )hich Earden had arethe+%

    round upon )hich the defense is chiefly rested is that the eApellers tendered by the plaintiff )ere Dside/dri$eD instead of Dend/dri$eD eApellers, and port of this contention Earden )as produced by the defendant as a )itness, and he denied that the order for eApellers had been chaned upon hisuctions% *s )e ha$e already stated, this contention is untenableH and )e do not hesitate to find upon the proof before us that the order )as chanedden@s reBuest% For the rest, it is sho)n that the eApellers tendered by the plaintiff )ere ne) *nderson eApellers, in all respect in first/class )or=in or

    e liht of these facts the riht of the plaintiff to reco$er is clear% The contract by )hich the ban= obliated itself is both in for+ and effect an independerta=in on the part of the ban= directly to the plaintiffH and inas+uch as the plaintiff had co+piled, or offered to co+ply, )ith the ter+s of said contra= is bound by its pro+ise to pay the purchase price% The consideration for this pro+ise is to be found in the credit eAtended to Earden by the plaintiffact that the plaintiff, relyin upon the ban=@s pro+ise, has one to the eApense of brinin to these Islands the eApellers )hich Earden had ordered%

    undeniable that the contract sued on had its oriin and eAplanation in the contract bet)een Earden and the plaintiff, and the ban= of course obliate

    y for the purpose of assurin the pay+ent of the purchase price of the eApellers to the plaintiff% .ut this does not +a=e the ban= subsidiary liable asrds the contract )hich is the sub>ect of this suit% Its obliation to the plaintiff is direct and independent% Moreo$er, the debt +ust be considered a liBu, in the sense intended in article 132 of the &i$il &odeH and the action is no) +aintainable by the plaintiff directly aainst the ban= )ithout reard totion of Earden%

    is point the thouht +ay possibly suested itself that if the $ie) abo$e indicated is correct, and the ban= is to be considered strictly in the liht of apendent pro+isor, a conseBuence )ould be that Earden had no authority to chane the order fro+ end/dri$e to side/dri$e eApellersH in other )ords= should be held to be obliated accordin to the ter+s of the order as it stood )hen the ban= entered into the underta=in )hich is the sub>ect of thn reard, ho)e$er, to the situation as all parties understood it, )e are of opinion that the act of Earden in chanin the order could not affect the li

    defendant ban=, especially since the specification in the ban=@s letter calls for Dne)D *nderson eApellers and the chane +ade )as rather in furtheraspecification than pre>udicial to it% The real purpose of the ban=, as all parties )ere )ell a)are, )as to supply its credit to enable Earden to obtain thellers ordered by hi+self, and for his purpose, and it )ould tend to frustrate the intention of the parties to hold that Earden had no authority to chanr to the eAtent stated%

    obser$e that in the second a+ended co+plaint of March 3, 1920, )hich )as the first co+plaint in )hich the plaintiff sinified his election to clai+

    aes for breach of contract the da+aes are alleed to ha$e been in the su+ of P26,??9%, upon )hich it is as=ed that interest be allo)ed at thfro+ the date of this co+plaint% ;pon eAa+inin the se$eral ite+s )hich o to co+pose the da+aes, as indicated in the state+ent, ect / *rellano :a) Foundation