93 Macs Street PO Box 110 Creswick Vic 3363 Phone: (03) 5345 2012 Fax: (03) 5345 1224 Email: [email protected] Website: www.creswicknorthps.vic.gov.au Creswick North Primary School is committed to Child Safety (Ministerial Order No. 870) and takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the safety of our students is paramount. Creswick North Primary School Persistence Respect Initiative Determination Excellence Newsletter No. 3 21st February, 2019 Principal Report This week we had the MARC Van visit for the first me in 2019. Our new MARC Van teacher, Ms Kathy Norton did some great acvies with the students and they also had the opportunity to borrow some books. Please make sure the books are returned in two weeksme so that the students can then borrow some new books. Last Friday we introduced our new school leaders and Junior School Council (JSC) members at Assembly. The grade 5s will have a number of roles and responsibilies this year, and our JSC will meet for the first me soon to work out what fundraisers and other acvies they will be doing throughout the year. Each Tuesday we receive our Japanese lessons via Video Conferencing with Peta Sensei from Trawalla PS. The students are loving learning a new language and pracse a lot at school. This week we had a couple of special visitors to view these Japanese sessions— Ms Chrisne Bozin (Regional Languages Coordinator) and Ms Traci Robbins (Regional Virtual Learning Coordinator). Chrisne also bought out five new iPads for our school to help support these VC Japanese lessons. Wow! Thank-you! Matthew Reyntjes (Acting Principal) Important Dates FishCare Yr 3-5 Tuesday 26th Feb-School Wednesday 27th Feb-St Georges, Creswick Golf Day Sunday 3rd March, RACV Goldfields Resort Trivia Night Wednesday 6th March 7-9pm Labour Day Holiday—no school Monday 11th March Our 2019 Junior School Council Mackenzie, Kaylee, Luca, Amelia and Castro.

Creswick North Primary School

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93 Macs Street PO Box 110 Creswick Vic 3363 Phone: (03) 5345 2012 Fax: (03) 5345 1224 Email: [email protected] Website: www.creswicknorthps.vic.gov.au

Creswick North Primary School is committed to Child Safety (Ministerial Order No. 870) and takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the safety of our students is paramount.

Creswick North Primary School Persistence Respect Initiative Determination Excellence

Newsletter No. 3 21st February, 2019

Principal Report

This week we had the MARC Van visit for the first time in 2019. Our new MARC Van teacher, Ms Kathy Norton did some great activities with the students and they also had the opportunity to borrow some books. Please make sure the books are returned in two weeks’ time so that the students can then borrow some new books. Last Friday we introduced our new school leaders and Junior School Council (JSC) members at Assembly. The grade 5s will have a number of roles and responsibilities this year, and our JSC will meet for the first time soon to work out what fundraisers and other activities they will be doing throughout the year. Each Tuesday we receive our Japanese lessons via Video Conferencing with Peta Sensei from Trawalla PS. The students are loving learning a new language and practise a lot at school. This week we had a couple of special visitors to view these Japanese sessions— Ms Christine Bozin (Regional Languages Coordinator) and Ms Traci Robbins (Regional Virtual Learning Coordinator). Christine also bought out five new iPads for our school to help support these VC Japanese lessons. Wow! Thank-you! Matthew Reyntjes (Acting Principal)

Important Dates FishCare Yr 3-5 Tuesday 26th Feb-School Wednesday 27th Feb-St Georges, Creswick Golf Day Sunday 3rd March, RACV Goldfields Resort Trivia Night Wednesday 6th March 7-9pm Labour Day Holiday—no school Monday 11th March

Our 2019 Junior School Council Mackenzie, Kaylee, Luca, Amelia

and Castro.

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2019 School Leaders— Jackson, Nathan, Mackenzie and Reed (absent)

Having fun riding our bikes around the oval

Scooters in the undercover area


Getting some new iPads for our VC Japanese lessons

Page 3: Creswick North Primary School

Year F/1 Classroom

Congratulations to Cooper —This weeks Star of the Week!

The Foundation/1 students have been enjoying a Smiling Minds (mindfulness) session after lunch each day. This helps them to focus and relax following the extended lunch play. Smiling Minds is available online for any parent who may wish to utilise the program. They have also been moving and freezing this past few weeks — ask your child to give you a demo! (Move & Freeze, YouTube) - they’re pretty good! We’ve been working on number patterns and letter recognition, and the children have enjoyed making Itty Bitty Books relating to our letter of the day.

Mrs Kirby returns next week and I have to say I have enjoyed getting to know the brilliant group of kids who make up F-1. They are all bound for something special!

Deb Turner.

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Year 2/3 Classroom The past fortnight has gone by very quickly. In Mathematics, students have been working on place value and basic number facts. In English, we began looking at narratives and how they are structured. We completed the first ‘Big Write’ yesterday. Our daily routine sees students rotate through five literacy and numeracy activities in each session. Our integrated studies unit saw students complete their ‘All About Me Books’, posters and biographies. They are on display in our room so feel free to pop in and have a look. The class is really enjoying Japanese and learning lots. I am looking forward to seeing parents and carers tonight and next Tuesday. Have a great fortnight!

Mr M

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Year 4/5/6 Classroom What a great job our class did at assembly last week with their first performance for the year. Despite some nerves, everyone remembered their role and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We have been busily learning all about animal adaptations and habitats in Science. The skinks in the front garden of our school have provided some realistic discussion around these topics. After plenty of research, students have been able to draw their own food web for the skink. Next week is the Fishcare Program and this is always a popular excursion! Hopefully after learning all about the fine art of fishing, everyone will manage to catch a fish. We have begun a class novel called ‘Wonder’ in class today. It is all about a young boy who was born with a facial deformity and the difficulties he has at school with bullying and self-confidence. We anticipate many class discussions around kindness, bullying, judgement, feelings, emotions, empathy and much more. After finishing the novel, we will watch the movie and we are sure this will be enjoyed by all. Yesterday was our first ‘Big Write’. Thank you to everyone who discussed the topic at home prior to yesterday. It really makes a difference in all students’ ability to get started straight away and enrich their writing experience with many ideas. Fluency will be a major focus in reading for the remainder of the term. Often when children begin reading silently, they can lose the skill of reading fluently when reading aloud. Poetry is a great way to practice fluency and there are many funny poems that children enjoy on the Ken Nesbitt poetry site https://www.poetry4kids.com/. Regards Katrina Baulch and Virginia McLennan

Can You Read This Fluently??

A B C D. E F G? H! I J K! L M N O? P Q R S. T U! V W X? Y Z.

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Breakfast Club – Wednesdays and Fridays 8.30pm Multi Purpose Room

Our School is supported by Foodbank, who supply us with Cheerios, Vita Brits, Fruit, Baked Beans, Oats and Muesli. Our wonderful sponsors Creswick Country Bakery supply us with bread, and our school chooks (sometimes) come to the party with eggs—yum. Volunteers are needed to help run breakfast - setting up, cooking toast and scrambling some eggs and clean up. Please contact Miranda if you can help

School Banking has started again. This year join the Dollarmites as they find their way to the

Underwater Savings Superhero Headquarters. Make 10 School Banking Deposits to redeem one of the

awesome Future Savers Rewards. Our School Banking day is Wednesdays.

Second-hand School Uniforms We have a small number of second hand uniforms for sale, a bargain at

$2 per piece. Available during breakfast club or contact Miranda. Donations of clean uniforms including bags gratefully received.

Foundation Students Rest Day As from Thursday 31st January, 2019 Foundation students will attend school from 9.00a.m. to 3.30p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday is a rest day. As from Monday 4th March students will then start full week (5 days per week) **Could all children in Foundation/1 have a spare set of clothes to leave in their classroom tub please.

School Council

School Council Members: Nominations closed on Wednesday 20th February for School Council positions. These are being collated and results will be published soon. Fundraising *Our Golf Day is on 3rd March - 4 person Ambrose event at RACV Goldfields Resort - get your teams in soon for a great day out. *Trivia Night Wednesday 6th March *Shopping Trip—date in August TBC. Miranda Chalmers—School Council President

SUN SMART Creswick North Primary School is a registered Sun Smart school. It is school policy that

hats must be worn when children, parents and staff are undertaking outdoor activities in Terms 1 and 4. If children do not have a hat at school, they will be restricted in participating in outdoor activities. This means, NO HAT - NO PLAY! Parents are asked to remind children of this requirement and make sure they bring a hat to school each day.

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Creswick North Primary School - Quality Education In A Caring Environment

On’s Thai Take-Away Tel. 5345 2990

85 Clunes Road, Creswick

at Flemo’s Available 7 days - Hot or Cold



BAKERY 61a Albert Street, Creswick

FLEMO’S Mixed Business, Sub News

& Take-Away 85 Clunes Road, Creswick Phone: 5345 2990 OPEN & 7 DAYS A WEEK

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1 Assembly

2 3

4 5 6 7 Newsletter


9 10

11 12 13 School



14 Prep Photos

15 Assembly

16 17

18 Marc Van

19 Taste Fundraiser

20 Big Write

21 Newsletter Parent-Staff Interviews


23 24

25 26 Parent-Staff Interviews Fishcare—3-6


Fishcare 3-6

28 Sporting Schools Begins

February 2019