Crime genre By Luke Tanner

Crime Genre

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Crime genre

By Luke Tanner

Page 2: Crime Genre

Characterization Crime fiction is the literary genre that fictionalises crimes, their detection, criminals and their motives. It is

usually distinguished from mainstream fiction.Characterization in 7- the representation of the detectives are strange because summerset is an African

American who is seen as wise, he has no life outside the job he's got OCD he has no attachments and normally the African American detective is normally portrayed a corrupt and is not really seen as a senior. Mills is the hot head and normally the white cop is seen as the senior and the smart one who solves al crimes but not in sevens case, mills is a impatient hot head who rushes everything and he relies on summerset, normally it’s the other way around. John doe is the villain or antae hero who believes people should die for their seven sins but he's so messed up in the head he thinks he's doing gods work even though he's a killer like most villains in the crime genre he has a gimmick which is the seven sins and he's really religious.

Characterization in L.A confidential- there are many characters but the main three are so different and they all work together, they were all different and at the start hated each other, by the end of the film they ended up working together this show within crime the hero's will end up working together

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Setting/ Mise-en-scene When applied to the cinema, mise-en-scène refers to everything that appears before the camera and its arrangemen composition, sets, props, actors, costumes, sounds, and lighting. The “mise-en-scène”, along with the cinematography and editing of a film, influence the verisimilitude of a film in the eyes of its viewers.

Mise- en- scene are key in crime films like props i.e. guns, cars, cigarettes and other things that associate with crime and darkness.The setting will mainly be a big city like in seven and LA confidential they are based in big city's.

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Costume/ props the costumes in both films are the same for all the cops/ detectives they wear a drably hat a long coat, smart shoes and suits. Even though they are different films it shows the significant of a crime genre. Also the pros are the same for both films this is also significant for the crime genre, like the guns, cigarettes, their detective badges. This tells and shows us even though that the films are different the main and simple things are the same.

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Music/ sound I can say one of the most recognizable and most predictable sound in a crime genre is a gun shot, this is a diegetic sound, things like cars, radio, screams, these are all diegetic sounds within a crime film. Non- diegetic sound within a crime genre are things like music in a chase scene etc… this is sound that we can hear and the actors cant. These two sound set the scene and more importantly the mood for the film, this will make the viewer have mixed feelings and that’s good for the film to do because it plants a seed into a viewers mind of what might happen.

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Narrative structure Narrative structure, a literary element, is generally described as the structural framework that underlies the order and manner in which a narrative is presented to a reader, listener, or viewer. The narrative text structures are the plot and the setting.