CRIMINALISTICS Dr. Ariel C. Manlusoc 0937-2772366 WHAT IS MY GOAL? TOP PASSED FAILED It takes a lot of (3P) PROPER PREPARATION, PERSPIRATION & PERSEVERANCE What Do I Want in Life? How much does this mean to me? Am I willing to sacrifice something? How determine am I to pursue my dream? Remember: ACE Technique 1. Analysis of the question 2. Comparison between the question and the choices 3. Eliminate or exclude the detractors . Don’t leave your common sense AT HOME!!! Question: The word forensic means _____. Choices: Consisting of Key & Detractors. a. forum b. market place C. public discussion d. legal The word Forensic was derived from the Latin word “Forum” which means a market place, a place where people gather for purposes of public discussion. What is a magnified photograph of small object obtained by attaching a camera to the ocular of a compound microscope to show its minute details? a. Photomicrography b. Photomacrography c. Photomicrograph d. Photomacrograph e. Microphotograph N.B. “the issue is the photograph and not the process” Sample Questions: 1. The word Criminology was originally derived from what word ? a. Criminologia c. Italian b. Criminologie d. French From What Italian word does the word Criminology was derived?

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CRIMINALISTICSDr. Ariel C. Manlusoc0937-2772366

WHAT IS MY GOAL? TOP PASSED FAILED It takes a lot of (3P) PROPER PREPARATION, PERSPIRATION & PERSEVERANCE What Do I Want in Life? How much does this mean to me? Am I willing to sacrifice something? How determine am I to pursue my dream? Remember:

ACE Technique1. Analysis of the question2. Comparison between the question and the choices3. Eliminate or exclude the detractors .Don’t leave your common sense AT HOME!!!

Question:The word forensic means _____.

Choices: Consisting of Key & Detractors.a. forumb. market placeC. public discussiond. legal

The word Forensic was derived from the Latin word “Forum” which means a market place, a place where people gather for purposes of public discussion.What is a magnified photograph of small object obtained by attaching a camera to the ocular of a compound microscope to show its minute details?

a. Photomicrographyb. Photomacrographyc. Photomicrographd. Photomacrographe. Microphotograph

N.B. “the issue is the photograph and not the process”Sample Questions:

1. The word Criminology was originally derived from what word?a. Criminologia c. Italianb. Criminologie d. French

From What Italian word does the word Criminology was derived?1885 – (Italian) Criminologia1887 – (French) CriminologieWho is the Italian Criminologist who used the term “Criminologia”.2. What kind of prisoner is sentenced to serve 3 years and one day?

a. Municipal prisoner c. City Prisonerb. Provincial Prisoner d. District Prisoner

e. Insular Prisoner

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Municipal Prisoner = 1 day to 6 months.Provincial Prisoner = 6 months & 1 day to 3 years.City Prisoner = 1 day to 3 yearsNational Prisoner = 3 years and 1 day & above.3. It is an act or omission punishable by special penal laws?

a. crime c. offenseb. felony d. infraction

e. misdemeanor4. A metallic or non-metallic ball propel from a firearm?

a. Bulletb. Slugc. Shotd. Missilee. Projectile

Bullet = a projectile propel from a small arms.Slug or shot = other name for bullet, a police term and a term used in shotgun projectile.Missile = a projectile fired from artillery.5. Known as the Access Devices Act of 1998, concerning the illegal use of one’s credit cards etc.

a. R.A. 8484 c. R.A. 9372b. R.A. 9208 d. R.A.9514

R.A. 9208 – Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003R.A. 9372 – Human Security Act Note: R.A.’s are arranged numerically. Those laws numbered 9,000 are laws passed year 2000 and above.6. What is the magnified photograph of small object obtained by attaching a camera to the ocular of a compound microscope?

a. Photomacrographb. Photomicrographc. Photomacrographyd. Photomicrographye. microphotography

Case: X and Y are husband and wife, X has a mistress Ms. Z , to whom he has a son (S), a 3 days old infant. 7. What crime is committed by X, if he would kill his illegitimate son (S)?

a. Homicideb. Murderc. Parricided. Infanticide

8. What If Y killed S?9. What if it is the Father of X who killed S?10. What crime is committed if the son is less than 3 days old?

Forensic Science = refers to the application of various sciences to law or administration of justice. It is the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to a legal system.

Forensic = was derived from the Latin word “Forum” which means a market place, a place where people gathered for public discussion.

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Criminalistics = is a profession or a field of forensic science that deals with recognition, collection, preservation and examination of physical evidence for the administration of justice.

Fields of Criminalistics Dactyloscopy = science of fingerprint Identification and classification. Forensic Photography = the application of the principle of photography in discovering truth. Forensic Odontology = the scientific identification by means of dental record. Forensic Ballistics = the science of F/A identification by means of the ammunition fired from

them. Forensic Entomology = study of role or importance of insects in the crime investigation. Forensic Chemistry = the application of the principle of chemistry in relation to the

administration of justice. ( Physical and Chemical composition of matters) Forensic Anthropology = the scientific method of identification by means of skeletal remains. Questioned Document = scientific analysis of documents which is under scrutiny. Forensic Toxicology = the application of the principle of toxicology (study of poison) in

discovering truth concerning suspicious death in a person. Forensic Microbiology Forensic Serology Forensic Zoology Forensic Biology Personal Identification

= a system of recognizing and identifying a particular person based on his/her characteristics as differentiate from others.1. A system of identification which was used earlier than the fingerprint system, made by measuring various bony structure of human body. Developed by Alphonse Bertillion.

a. Portrait Parle c. Tattoob. Anthropometry d. Photography

Note: Portrait Parle, Tattoo and photography did not served the purpose of identification using bone measurement.2. Is the distance of recognition in broad daylight of a person who is almost a stranger.

a. 100 yards c. 16-17 yardsb. 25 yards d. 10-13 yards

100 yards = never seen even once16 – 17 yards = moonlight10 -13 yards = starlight.3. Is the basic principle involve in personal Identification which states that the greater the number of similarity or difference the greater the probability for the identity or non identity to be conclusive.

a. Law of individuality b. Law of multiplicity of evidence c. Law of infallibility d. Law of constancy

a, c, and d are principles of fingerprint identification.4. Which of the following personal Identification is not easy to change?

a. Hair c. Speechb. Dress d. personal pharapernalia

5. It is considered to be one of the most infallible means of Identification?a. DNA fingerprinting c. Dactyloscopyb. Fingerprint Identification d. Photography

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DNA fingerprinting = the most indispensable science.6. Identification of person can be done either by Comparison or by____?

a. exclusion c. examinationb. experimentation d. inclusion

General methods of Identification: Comparison and Elimination or Exclusion.7. What system of Identification best used in case of burned body?

a. Fingerprint c. Skeletal Identificationb. Odontology d. Photography

DNA FingerprintingForensic Odontology= dental identificationForensic Anthropology = skeletal identification ***In dactylography, the production on some smooth surfaces of the design formed by the ridge on the inside of the joint of the finger or thumb is called? – Fingerprint.

8. What is the first conviction in the Philippine Case which gives recognition to the science of fingerprint?a. People Vs. Medina (10 points)b. Miranda Vs. Arizona c. People Vs. Jennings d. West Case

Minimum points of similarity: 8 pointsPeople vs. Jennings (U.S. case) (14 points)West case = defeats the Anthropometry System9. Known as the Father of Modern Fingerprint, whose system of classification was spread in almost all English speaking country.

a. Juan Vucitich c. Sir Edward Richard Henryb. Francis Galton d. William Herschel

Juan Vucetich = his system of classification was accepted by Spanish Speaking Countries.Francis Galton = undertook the first definitive study and classification of F.P., statistical study to prove uniqueness of F.P. and wrote the book “Finger Prints”.William Herschel = first application of F.P. for identification and developed Chiroscopy.10. Is the person who discover the two main layer of the friction skin (Epidermis and Dermis) and to whom one of the thin layer of the friction skin was named.

a. Herman Welcker c. Marcelo Malpigheb. Nehemiah Grew d. Dr. Henry Faulds

Herman Welcker = proved the principle of permanency by printing is palm twice with a lapse of 41 years.Nehemiah Grew = the first to wrote a treaty on the study of ridges and sweat poresDr. Henry Faulds = a surgeon who gives value to latent prints. 11. Who is that new Mexico Geologist who adopted the first individual use of fingerprints in August 8, 1882, by using his own thumb mark as a protection to prevent tampering with the pay order he issued?

a. Sgt John Kenneth Ferrierb. Capt James Parkec. Gilbert Thompsond. Dr. Henry P. De Forest

Dr. Henry P. De Forest =Utilized the first Municipal Civil use of fingerprint for Criminal Registration.Capt. James L. Parke = Advocate the first state and penal use of fingerprint adopted in SingSing prisonSgt. John Kenneth Ferrier = First fingerprint instructor at St. Louis Police Dept. Missouri.

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12. Who is the person known for being the U.S. public enemy number one, who attempt to destroy his friction by applying a corrosive acid? a. Robert James Pitts c. Roscoe Pitts b. John Dillenger d. John AugustusRobert James Pitts = used surgery to destroy his friction ridges. Known as the Man without fingerprint. Also known by the name Roscoe Pitts.13. What is the scientific study of the prints of the soles of the feet?

a. Poroscopy c. Podoscopyb. Chiroscopy d. Dactyloscopy

Chiroscopy – ( Greek word “ Cheir” – a hand, “Skopien” –to examine) study of the prints of the palms of the hand.

Podoscopy – ( Greek word “Podo” – the foot, and Skopien – to the study of the footprints. Poroscopy – (Greek word “poros” – a pare, and “Skopien” – to examine) study of the

arrangement of the sweat pores.14. What is the science of fingerprint identification

a. Dactyloscopy c. Dactylomancyb. Dactylography d. Dactylo-analysis

Dactyloscopy – (derived from the Latin words Dactyl = finger and Skopien – to study or examine) is the practical application of the science of fingerprints. (Classification & Identification)

Dactylography – is the scientific study of fingerprint as a means of identification. Dactylomancy – is the scientific study of fingerprint for purposes of personality interpretation.

15. The word finger was derived from the Latin word _________ which means finger.a. dermis c. digitusb. dactyl d. skopien

Dactyloscopy =derived from Latin word “dactyl” and “skopien”Polydactyl = born with more than the regular number of fingers.Macrodactyl = enlarged finger.Microdactyl = reduced/small finger.Ectodactyl = missing finger at birth.Syndactyl = side fussion of the finger.16. The principle in fingerprint study that states that fingerprint cannot be forged. Fingerprint is a reliable and a positive means of identification.

a. principle of infallibilityb. principle of permanencyc. principle of individuality d. Principle of Constancy

Notes: Permanency & constancy are just the same.Dogmatic Principles of F.P. Identification1. Individuality = based on Statistical probability that no two persons have the same fingerprint. (1:64,000,000,000 – Francis Galton).2. Infallibility = reliable, positive, not easy to be forged.3. Permanency/Constancy = F.P. is unchangeable. (Herman Welcker)17. What is the main layer of the epidermis, which covers the surface on which ridges are visible?

a. dermis c. stratum corneoumb. stratum mucusom d. sanguinal stratum

Friction Skin/Papillary skin/ Epidermal skin1. Epidermis =outer layer2. Dermis =inner layer

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Epidermis is divided into: stratum corneum and stratum mucosum.Five (5) thin layers of the epidermis: Corneous, Transparent, Malphigian, granucar & generating18. Friction skin (Epidermal skin/ Papillary skin) may be damage permanently when which of its layer was damage?

a. dermis c. dermal papillaeb. epidermis d. generating layer

19. How deep is the cut in order to produced permanent scar?a. more than 1 cm c. 1 mb. more than 1mm d. 1dm

2nd degree burn = might cause damage.3rd degree burn = the most painful.20. Is that appears as tiny black line with white dots (called pores) in an inked finger impression?

a. sweat pores c. furrowsb. ridges d. sweat duct

21. What are the depressed portions or canal structure of the friction skin (found between ridges).a. pores c. indentionsb. furrows d. duct

Component parts of Friction skin 1. Ridge Surface

a. Ridges = elevated portion/hill like/black-lines.b. Furrows = depressed portion/canal-like/ white space.

2. Sweat Pores= tiny/small openings/ tiny white dots.3. Sweat Duct = passage way of sweat.4. Sweat Glands= the producer of sweat.

22. How many standard fingerprint patterns are there? (types)a. three b. two c. eight d. nine

***In fingerprint probe, there are three (3) groups of pattern they are Arch , Whorl & Loops. Three (3) Groups /Families

23. What pattern type has the ridges that enter on one side of the pattern and flow to the other side with a rise in the center?

a. loop c. tented archb. plain arch d. exceptional arch

Arch (5%) = Two types (2): plain (A) and tented arch (T) --- (a) uptrust, (b) angle, and (c) Incomplete loop type.

= no ridge count.Loop (60%)= Two types :radial and ulnar loop.

= core, dellta, a sufficient recurve, at least 1 ridge count.Whorl (35%)= Four types (4) plain whorl (W), central pocket loop whorl (C), double loop whorl (D) and accidental whorl (X).

= two or more deltas and at least one circuiting ridge.24. What type of a pattern possesses an angle, an uptrust, or two of the three basic characteristics of the loop?

a. Plain arch c. central pocket loopb. tented arch d. accidental whorl

25. In order for a pattern to be considered as loop it should have _______ridge count.a. 1 b. at least 1 c. 2 d. 3

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26. What type of a pattern has two deltas in which at least one ridges makes a turn through one complete circuit?a. arch b. accidental whorl c. loop d. whorl27. What is the type of a pattern in which the looping or slanting ridges flows towards the little finger?

a. loop b. radial loop c. ulnar loop d. tented arch

Radial loop (radius bone) = towards the thumb.Ulnar loop (ulna bone) = towards the little finger.28. The diagonal sign / in the right hand is ________.

a. radial c. tentedb. ulnar d. plain loop

29. What type of a pattern consisting of two ore more deltas, one or more ridge forming a complete circuitry and when an imaginary line is drawn from left delta to right delta it touches or cross the circuiting ridge/s considered as the most common type of whorl.a. plain whorl c. central pocket loop whorlb. double loop whorl d. accidental whorlPlain Whorl = lines from left to right delta cross/touch at least one circuiting ridge.Central pocket loop whorl = lines from left to right delta does not cross/touch at least one circuiting ridge.Double loop whorl = two separate loop/shoulders.

****One of the elements of a double loop is the presence of two loop formations is this correct? – (a) no, (b) often times (c)Yes (d) none of theseAccidental whorl = combination of two patterns, except with plain arch.30. In an accidental whorl type of pattern, what pattern is not included in the combination?

a. ulnar loop b. plain whorl c. tented arch d. plain arch

31. The core and delta are also termed as __?a. inner terminus c. outer terminusb. focal point d. pattern area

Fingerprint Terminus/Focal PointsCore – inner terminus (The proximate center of the fingerprint pattern usually found on loop and whorl)Delta – outer terminus32. Is a point along a ridge formation, which is found in front or near the center of the diverging typelines.

a. core c. island ridgeb. delta d. convergence

33. What is the rule where there are two or more possible bifurcation deltas which conform to the definition of delta?a. the one nearest the core should be chosenb. the one away from the core should be countedc. the one which does not open towards the core is countedd. the one towards the core should be countedThe one nearest to the core is chosen --- YES or NO

Basic types of ridges: ridge dot, ending ridge, bifurcation and short ridge. Convergence = two separate ridges that meets at certain point. (meeting of two separate

ridges). Divergence = two ridges that spreads apart. (Spreading of two separate ridges)

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Bifurcation = single ridge that splits into two or more forming a Y-shape. Enclosure = a single ridge that splits into two ridges and meets to form the original ridge.

***In fingerprint pattern, it refers to an end point of a ridge or a ridge with abrupt ending is what kind of ridge –(a)Ending,(b) curving,(c) sudden,(d) looping34. When a ridge bifurcates, sending two ridges across the imaginary line, how is it counted?

a. one b. two c. three d. Six35. What is that spreading of two ridges that previously running side by side?

a. bifurcation c. convergenceb. divergence d. enclosure

36. What kind of a ridge resembles a dot, fragment or a period?a. lake c. ending ridge b. island ridge d. incipient ridge

Other term for dot is -- Island37. What ridge divides itself into or more branches that meets (converge at a certain point) to form the original figure?

a. bifurcation c. island ridge b. lake ridge d. convergence

Lake/Enclosure/Eyelet38. What type of a ridge is that which curves back to the direction from which it started.

a. diverging ridge c. recurving ridgeb. converging ridge d. bifurcation

39. Is a point along the recurving ridge in which the ridge curves inward.a. sufficient recurve c. appendageb. obstruction ridge d. shoulder of loop

40. Is a short horizontal ridge found inside a recurving ridge which has spoiled the inner line of flow from the inner delta to the center of the pattern. This is also found in the second type of central pocket loop.

a. bar c. uptrust b. appendage d. obstruction

Appendage – is a short ridge found at the top or summit of a recurve. Rod or Bar – is a short of long ridge found inside the recurve and directed towards the core or

parallel to the recurve. Uptrust = a horizontal ridge that makes a sufficient rise at the center.

41. Is the type of pattern in which the course is traced the line flow below the right delta and there are three intervening ridge. a. meeting whorl c. outer whorl b. inner whorl d. central pocket loop whorlMeeting whorl = there are two or less intervening ridge/s.Inner whorl = with three (3) intervening ridge and the tracing flows above/inside the right delta.In ridge tracing, it is established by two focal points, that is from left delta to right delta. Correct? (a)never (b) possible (c) yes (d) no42. A ridge that is so thin or fine compare to other regular ridge which is not included as a ridge count even if it has been cross by the imaginary line.

a. ending ridge c. incipient ridgeb. intervening ridge d. enclosure

43. What is that ridge that divides into two ridges and which resembles a fork structurea. divergence c. convergenceb. bifurcation d. enclosure

44. Ridge forms in the person’s fingers and feet during its infants stage which usually starts:

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a. 3rd to 4th months of the fetus lifeb. 4th to 5th months of the fetus lifec. 5th to 6th months of the fetus lifed. 5th to 6th months before birth3rd to 4th months of the fetus life or 5th to 6ht months before birth.Epidermis = temporary destructionDermis = permanent destruction

cut of more than 1mm = permanent scar. 45. Is the process of counting the ridges which intervene between the delta and core of a loop? a. ridge tracing c. ridge counting b. ridge tracking d. ridge summing Ridge tracing = between tracing ridge and right delta. Intervening ridge = ridges between tracing ridge and right delta. Ridge count = ridges between delta and core.

46. What fingers are rolled towards the body in taking a rolled impression?a. both little finger c. both thumb fingerb. all finger except thumb d. both index finger Types of fingerprint impression on the FP Card (ten prints of ----suspect)

Rolled impression = taken individually by rolling the finger from the tip to the end of the first joint. Used for classification purposes.

Plain Impression = taken simultaneously by simply pressing the ten fingers. It serves as guide or reference in checking the rolled impression.

47. Is an instrument used for the spreading of the fingerprint ink to the slab?a. Fingerprint brush c. Fingerprint lifting tapes

b. Fingerprint roller d. fingerprint cardFingerprint card =where F.P. is recorded (8”X8”)Strip card = used for recording post-mortem fingerprint.Latent Print Transfer card = used for recording and preserving latent print.Ink slab = metal/glass plate where ink is spread. If not properly cleaned after its use, it will produced --- blurred fingerprint.48. Is the process of placing the letter symbols under each pattern as the results of the interpretation of all ten fingers.a. classification formula b. reference classification (additional classification formula)c. blocking out

d. fingerprint identification 49. Is the symbol used to represent a plain arch.

a. T b. A c. P d. WPlain Arch = ATented Arch = TRadial Loop (LH = \ and RH = / )Ulnar Loop (LH = / and RH = \ )Plain Whorl = WCentral Pocket Loop Whorl = CDouble Loop Whorl = DAccidental Whorl = X

X = is a universal symbol.

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50. Is the division in the classification formula which is always represented by numerical value depending upon a whorl pattern appearing in each finger. a. primary b. key c. final d. MajorPrimary div. = derived from the sum of the numerator and denominator plus the pre-established fraction of 1/1. 51. In assigning a number value to whorl pattern, what finger should be given a value of 4 when a whorl pattern appears therein:a. left little finger and right thumb b. right thumb and left little fingerc. right little finger and left thumbd. left thumb and right52. If all the fingers in the right hand are whorls and all the fingers of the left hand are loops, what will be the primary division?

a. 25/29 b. 29/25 c. 24/28 d. 28/24 P = 1/1 + the sum of N/D = 25/29 2 4 6 8 10 (fingers) 16 8 0 0 0 = 24 16 8 4 0 0= 28 1 3 5 7 9 (fingers)

53. What patterns are included in the secondary division in deriving the small letter category.a. ulnar loop, plain arch and tented arch b. radial loop, ulnar and archc. radial, plain arch and tented arch d. radial, ulnar, plain archSecondary div. = combination of Capital Letters (index fingers) and small letters (from T, M, R, and L fingers = r,a,t).

54. What would be the secondary divisions if all the right hand fingers are radial loops while all the left hand fingers are tented arches.

a. 3Rr b. rR3r c. R3r d. R4r 3Tt tT3t T3t T4t Secondary div. = combination of Capital Letters (index fingers) and small letters (from T, M, R,

and L fingers = r,a,t).55. What is the interpretation for a ridge count on the left index that reaches 8.

a. exceptional c. radial loopb. inner loop d. outer loop

Sub-secondary = derived by ridge counting loop and ridge tracing whorl appearing in the Index, Middle and Ring fingers.Loops = Inner (I) or Outer (0)

Index (9), Middle (10), and Ring (13) Whorls = Meeting (M), Inner (I), and Outer (O)Arches = Dash (-)56. In interpreting a loop pattern, what is the numerical value of S in the left hand?

a. 1 to 11 c. 1 to 17b. 18 to 22 d. 12 to 16

Major Div. = derived from both thumb fingers.Loops = R. C. = S, M, LWhorls = R.T. = M,O,I Arches = Dash (-)

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57. In a loop pattern, when the number of the ridges on the left thumb is 17 or more, it constitutes as:a. exceptional c. isolationb. alteration d. Conditional

** in major division, the right thumb is the numerator & the left thumb is the denominator --- YES58. In ridge counting a plain whorl or central pocket loop whorl in the little finger it is derived by:a. getting the ridge count of the top loop (double loop whorl) b. treating it as ulnar loopc. getting the least ridge count (accidental whorl) d. getting the delta opposite each hand59. What division in the classification formula is derived from both little finger and is place at the extreme right of the classification formula.

a. key b. final c. major d. secondary60. The key division is the division in the classification which is located at the extreme left of the classification formula and it is taken by getting the ridge count of _______?

a. loop pattern c. first loopb. first radial loop d. first whorl

Key div = derived from the ridge count of the First Loop, EXCEPT the little finger.= If there were no loops, get the ridge count of the First Whorl. = Only numerator.

61. In case of a missing digits or an amputated finger, what will be the classification of said missing finger?a. The same as the corresponding digit of the other handb. Plain whorl with meeting tracing c. Mutilated finger d. NoneOne finger is missing/amputated = interpreted as the same as the corresponding digit of the other hand.Both are amputated or missing = plain whorl with meeting tracing.If all fingers are missing/amputated the formula:FPC = M 32 W MMM

M 32 W MMM62. Prints found at the scene of the crime.

a. suspected printsb. molded prints c. latent prints d. prints made by contamination with colored substance.

63. Prints which were left in the place accidentally or unconsciously?a. chance prints c. fragmentary printsb. smudge prints d. latent prints

Latent prints1. visible (molded prints or made by contamination with colored substance)2. Invisible = made from sweat.

64. What method of developing latent prints in paper is best to be used being easy to apply and less destructive to the paper.

a. iodine fuming c. ninhydrin methodb. silver nitrate methodd. dusting method

Dusting = traditional/simplest method of developing prints in the crime scene.

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65. What kind of a filter should a photographer use to improve the contrast of a latent fingerprint impression dusted with black powder on a green background?

a. yellow filter c. red filterb. green filter d. blue filter

66. What kind of a filter should a photographer use to improve the contrast of a latent fingerprint impression dusted with gray powder on a yellow background?

a. yellow filter b. green filter c. red filter d. violet filter Opposite Colors: Blue – Orange Green – Red Yellow – Violet

67. The identification of two impression can be established primarily through:a. formation of different types of patternb. formation of the two terminusc. unexplained similarity of ridgesd. similarity of ridge characteristics in their relative positions(a and b are used for classification)*** If the fingerprint pattern are not identical, there is no basis for :

(a) Acceptable conclusion © comparison(b) Subscription d. authentic findings

68. Is a card used in recording and preserving developed latent print?a. Fingerprint lifting tapesb. Evidence Identification tags c. Fingerprint transfer card d. Post-mortem fingerprint equipment

69. In case of split thumb, which should be classified? a. get the smaller one B. get the outer one C. get the bigger one D. get the inner one

70. In case of wounded finger, how should fingerprint be taken?a. Just take the subject fingerprint.b. don’t print said finger and left the rolled impression box empty.c. don’t print the finger and write in the box wounded71. What modern method of developing print is best use when all conventional methods becomes ineffective?

a. iodine fuming c. ninhydrin methodb. laser method d. dusting method

72. Prints made by blood, dust or dirt or other coloring substances:a. visible prints c. invisible printsb. chance prints d. fragmentary prints

73. In filing classified fingerprint card what should be the first attempt to be made:a. primary numeratorb. secondary numerator c. primary denominatord. secondary denominator

74. What division of the classification formula is left blank if all fingers are amputated.a. Mayor and key c. key and finalb. Key and primary d. final and major

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75. Is the term applied to cases of missing or cut finger?a. Mutilated finger c. Amputated fingerb. Fragmentary finger d. Deformities

76. What will be the primary Division if all fingers are missing or cut.a. 1/1 c. 31/31b. 32/32 d. 16/16

77. Reagents commonly used in liquid method are the following, except __________. a. silver nitrate c. victoria blue e. none b. ninhydrin d. tetra methyl benzidine

78. What type of latent print which is made from blood, dust or dirt? a. Chance prints b. Semi-visible c. Visible prints d. Fragmentary

***In fingerprint probe, which of the following are key points of fingerprint search: (a) desk table near the entrance & exit (b) safes appliance, (c) doors, windows, panel, (d) all of these

79. Which is not a process of developing using the ninhydrin method? a. Immersion b. Spraying c. Dusting d. Brushing

80. Once the latent print has been visualized, it must be preserved by_______. a. developing the latent print b. lifting the impression c. photography d. brushing it

FORENSIC PHOTOGRAPHY= it is the application of the principles of photography to law or administration of justice.Police photography = the application of photography to police work. Also known in its old usage as black and white photography.Forensic PhotographyPhotography was derived from two (2) Greek words:Phos or photos = lightGraphia = to draw or Graph = writing1. The word Photography was coined by _____.a. John F. W. Herschelb. Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre (Daguerreo typec. Henry Fox Talbot (Talo or Calo type)d. Leonardo Da Venci2. What is considered as the utmost used of photography in police work?

a. Identification c. Preservationb. Record purpose d. Court presentation

Personal Identification = first used of photography in police work.Mugging = the process of taking photograph of suspect.3. Is an electromagnetic energy which travels with the speed of 186, 000 miles per second

a. light b. energy c. rays d. radiationRays = characterized the direction of light travel. Usually used interchangeably with light.Radiation = is the process by which heat is tranfered through electromagnetic wave.4. The theory of light which states that it is produced as an energy made by action of some small particles such as electron and protons.a. Wave theory c. Corpuscular theory

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b. Modified wave theory d. spectrum theory 5. Light travels in a form of a wave according to wave theory of Huygens. What is that unit of light wavelength which is express in ten millionth part of a millimeter.

a. Millimicron c. Nanometerb. Angstrom d. Micron

Millimicron / Nanometer = one millionth part of mm.Micron = equivalent to one thousand part of millimicron. 6. Is the action of light when passing a transparent object.

a. Absorbed c. reflectedb. transmitted d. refracted

RAT Law Reflected = bouncing of light.Absorbed = light that is block by the surface where it falls such as black cloth (opaque)Transmitted = light that passed through usually in a transparent object such as plain glass.Refracted =light that bends.7. It is characterized as the bending of light.

a. reflection c. refractionb. dispersion d. defraction

Defraction = lights fall around the object.Dispersion = the spread of light as it bends forming the light spectrum.Light Spectrum = the spreading of light beam (white light) into light of varying wavelength.8. In Photographing the scene of the crime, what view should be used in order to show the best feature of the nature of the crime scene?

a. medium c. close-up b. general d. extreme close-up

General View – location of the crime scene. Mid –(view) (range) – 8 or 10 feet from the victim. Show the nature of the crime. Close–up view – five (5) feet or less from the subject/object, show the details of the crime.

***In what instances that a beat patrolman has to hurriedly take photographs of the crime scene and no longer wait for official photographer– vehicular accidentCrime scene photographs are admissible as evidence in court; it should be taken from _________.(GENERAL TO SPECIFIC)It should be the faithful reproduction of the original.Purpose of crime scene photography: Factual replica of the crime.Photographs are valuable in crime investigation for it provides enforcers an easier work in court _____?

a. Testimony c. appearanceb. function d. scheduling

9. Is the condition of the sunlight where object in an open space cast a transparent or bluish shadow.a. bright light c. dull sunlightb. hazy sunlight d. none of these

Dull sunlight = thick clouds covers the sun, no shadow will be produced.Hazy sunlight = thin clouds covers the sun.Bright sunlight = clear sky, well defined shadow, glossy object.10. An artificial light source which contains in its tube certain powders capable of illuminating with some support from small amount of electricity. It is commonly used in the house or commercial establishment.

a. Incandescent lamp c. fluorescence lamp

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b. photo flood lamp d. flash bulbSources of light 1. Natural light source such as sunlight, starlight, lightning etc.2. Artificial /Man-made light (short duration and long continuous) Flash bulb, Incandescent lamp, Fluorescent lamp, spotlight or reflectorized light.11. Light in which there wavelength are either too short or too long to excite the retina of the human eye?

a. visible c. invisibleb. natural d. artificial or man-made

Visible light = (from 400 to 700 millimicron)Invisible light = (X-ray, ultra-violet light, and Infra-red light etc.)12. What color will be produced by the combination of a red and blue color?

a. magenta c. yellow b. cyan d. Green

Primary colors == Blue, Green and Red Blue + Green = cyanGreen + Red = yellowBlue + Red = magentaSecondary = cyan, yellow and magenta13. How many photographic rays are there?

a. three b. five c. four d. nine14. What photographic rays have the longest wavelength?

a. infra-red c.ultra-violet b. visible rays d. x-rays

X-ray (roentgen rays) = .01 to 30 millimicron.Ultra-violet light (black light) =30 to 400 mill.Visible light = 400 to 700 millimicron.Infra-red (heat rays) = 700 to 1000 millimicron15. Is a type of an artificial light which makes sympathetic inks visible?

a. ultra-violet c. infra-redb. transparent light d. oblique light

16. What determine the amount of light a flash unit will yield at a given distance?a. luminescence b. wattage

c. guide number d. light meterLight meter = an accessory of a camera which measures the amount of reflected light.17. Laser light is also referred to as ______?

a. ultra-violet c. visible b. coherent d. Heat

Concurrent = light that is scattered.Light Amplified by stimulating emission of radiation. (LASER)18. Hologram refers to a :a. 1 dimensional image in a film.b. 2- dimensional image in a filmc. 3 – dimensional image in a filmd. 4 – dimensional image in a film3D –image (length, height and width)19. Sidelight photography is usually done to show ________in a questioned document.

A. Stamped out writing C. Watermarks

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B. Faded writing D. ErasuresDirect light = support photographing.Oblique light = from one side at a very low angle.Side light = from one side.Transmitted light =from the back/bottom. Used for water markings examination.20. Specifically, the camera is needed in photography to_________.

a. record the imageb. . Exclude all unwanted and unnecessary lights c. makes the image visibled. makes the image permanent

21. How many parts does a camera generally has, with all other parts treated as accessories?a. five c. six b. four d. Three

22. What lens system of the camera reflects the light passing the lens and mirror making the image possible to be viewed from the viewfinder.

a. pentaprism c. condenserb. shutter d. filter

Condenser = is that part of the enlarger that ensures even illumination of the light to the negative.

Filter = is a piece of plastic or glass used to subtract or control light passing through it. 23. Is that part of the camera which controls the passage of light reaching the sensitized material? It compared to the eyelid of the human eye.

a. lens c. shutterb. lens opening d. film plane

24. Is that part of the camera which provides a means of determining the extent of the area coverage of a given lens.

a. lens c. view finderb. shutter d. pentaprism

25. Is a camera accessory designed to fix the camera focus and avoid its unusual movement during the process of photographing?

a. cable release c. standb. tripod d. camera strap

Cable release = attached to the shutter release.Tripod = a three-leg stand designed to fix the camera focus.B-shutter = manually controlled shutter to allow more light to pass through.26. What problem is usually encountered by a photographer in using a flash unit?

a. neutral density c. synchronization b prospective d. Parallax

Synchronization = timing between the shutter and the flash.Parallax = omission of an object. Image viewed in the view finder is not exactly produce in the photograph.27. To readily determine the degree of magnification of a subject in a photograph ________ should be place beside the subject.

A. Ruler C. rangefinderB. Scale bed D. Gray-scale

28. Why must the taking of photographs from an unusual camera position in crime photography be avoided?a. it distorts the focus

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b. it distorts the perspective c. it distorts the magnification d. it distorts the texture29. What type of a camera is ideal to police photography?a. view finder type c. single lens reflex (SLR)b. twin lens reflex (TLR)d. press/view cameraSLR = is an interchangeable lens type of camera.View finder = simplest /cheapestTLR = one lens for focusing/ one for forming.View or Press = biggest and expensive.Polaroid camera= camera with instant photograph.30. What type of a film has the longest range of sensitivity in the electromagnetic spectrum called?a. orthochromatic film c. blue-sensitive filmb. panchromatic film d. infra-red filmFilm = is a sheet of celluloid or glass coated with an emulsion of silver halides suspended in gelatine which retains on invisible image when exposed to light.Black & White Film =“ortho” or “pan”Colored (negative type—color or reversal -- chrome)31. What emulsion speed indicator is express in an arithmetic form?

a. ISO b. DIN c. ASA d. GNPASA – American Standard Association10, 20, 30 , 40 , 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1000DIN - Deutche Industre Normen3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36ISO = International Standard Organization.32. Assuming all conditions will be the same, which film gives the finest of grains?

a. ASA 1000 b. ASA 100 c. ASA 200 d. ASA 400Film speed/emulsion speed = the higher the number the more sensitive or faster the film.Finest grains = the lower the number the finer the grains.33. In Police Photography, what is the ideal weight for enlarging paper?

a. double weight c. medium weightb. single weight d. light weight

For ordinary photographing = single weight, #2, silver bromide, white and glossy.34. What photo paper is ideal to be used in a normal exposed film?

a. # 1 b. # 3 c. # 2 d. # 4# 0 for extremely overexposed and # 1 for overexposed# 3, #4 and #5 are for underexposed35. What photo paper according to its chemical content is best suited for police photography?

a. Chloride paper c. Chloro-bromideb. Bromide paper d. Iodide paper

Chloride paper = for contact printing.Note: in the absence of bromide paper, chlorobromide will do. 36. A convex lens is capable of?

a. reducing the objectb. making the object appear hairy c. enlarging the object d. reducing the size of the picture

Convex = thicker at the center.

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(positive/converging lens)Concave = thinner at the center.(negative/diverging lens)37. Zoom lens is composed of?a. Positive lens c. negative lensb. a and c d. none38. Is a lens defect which unable for the lens to focus both horizontal and vertical lines in a plane at the same time

a. Coma c. Distortionb. Astigmatism d. Chromatic aberration

Coma / lateral aberration = straight line becomes blurred.Distortion = a defect not in blurredness but in shape. (barrel/pinchusion)Chromatic aberration = defects in color.39. What type of a lens is used in a simplest and cheapest type of a camera? a. rapid rectillinear lens c. meniscus lens b. anastigmat lens d. achromatic lens

e. Apochromatic lensMeniscus = no correctionRapid rectillinear = corrected from distortion.Anastigmat = corrected from astigmatismAchromatic = corrected from chromatic aberration.40. What kind of diaphragm opening should a photographer used in order to get a wider depth of field?

a. wider c. shorter b. smaller d. Longer

F-Number = focal length/diameter of the whole lens f 2.8, f -4, f-5.6, f-8, f-11, f-16The lower the F- number the bigger the lens opening.41. What lens has a variable focal length?

a. wide angle lens c. telephotolensb. normal focus lens d. zoom lens

Wide angle/short focus = less than 35mm focal length. Increase the area coverage but reduce the size of the object.

Normal/medium focus = based on human vision. (more than 35mm but not more than two times the diagonal half of the negative).

Telephoto/long focus = reduced the area coverage but enlarged the size of the object.42. A type of a lens that would make an object to be exaggeratedly closes to the photographer and is ideal in stake out surveillance photography.

a. short focus lens c. telephoto lens b. normal focus lens d. wide angle lens43. What is the range of distance from the nearest object to the farthest object that is sharp when the lens is set or focused at a particular distance?

a. focal length c. depth of field b. hyperfocal distance d. Focusing

44. The determining factor of the size of an image as well as the area of coverage of a given camera lens is the?

a. focal length c. Diaphragm openingb. hyper-focal distance d. Depth of field

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Focal length = is the distance from the optic center of the lens to film plane once the lens is focus in an infinite position.

Focal distance = distance from the camera lens to the nearest object. Hyperfocal distance = the nearest distance between the optic center of the lens to the nearest

object that would give the maximum depth of field.45. When one uses a Photographic filter in taking a photograph, he is actually __________light rays or color from the light to reach the film.

a. adding b. multiplying c. subtracting d. Dividing46. A filter used in photographing fingerprints on a shiny or highly polished surfaced because it reduces or eliminates glare is known as:

A. Neutral density C. ColorB. Polarizing D. Contrast filter

47. Is the light condition where object in an open space cast a deep and uniform shadow. a. Bright sunlight b. Dull sunlight c. Hazy sunlight d. dark sunlight

48. If the basic exposure for a given film in bright sunlight is l/125, f11, the exposure setting at dull sunlight would be?

a. 1/125 f4 c. 1/125 f8 b. 1/125 f5.6 d. 1/125 f16

BS = 1/125 , f-11HS= 1/125 , f-8DS = 1/125 , f-5.649. The part of enlarger that will assure the even illumination of the negative when enlarging is the:

A. Lamp house C. CondenserB. Bellows D. Focusing speed

50. What is the recommended size of photographic evidence?a. 5 x 7 inches b. Passport sizec. 2 x 2 inches d. 4 x 8 inches51. What is the usual time of fixing of a negative or a photograph?a. five to six minutesb. ten to fifteen twelvec. one to one and half minutes d. twenty to thirty minutes5- 6 minutes = Developing time for D-761 – 1 ½ minutes = developing time for dektol52. Is the reducers or the developing agents.a. Elon, Hydroquinone c. sodium sulfateb. sodium carbonate d. potassium bromideSodium sulfate = preservativePotasium alum/ Potassium bromide = hardener.53. The need for long and continuous washing in water of a negative or finished print is to remove the presence of___________ because its presence will result to the early fading.

A. Sodium sulfite C. Acetic acidB. Potassium alum D. Hypo

Sodium thiosulfate (Hypo) = the fixing or dissolving agent. Acetic acid = neutralizer

54. Error in the processing step like overdevelopment could be remedied by the used of a:A. reducer c. Bleacher

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b. intensifier d. stain removerUnderdeveloped = intensifier.Stained = stain remover53. What is that process of eliminating unwanted portions of a negative during enlarging process?

a. dodging c. burning-in b. vignetting d. Cropping

Cropping = omitting an object.Burning –in =additional exposure on the desired portion of a negative.Vignetting = gradual fading of the image towards the side. 55. What is the functions of the boric acid and acetic acids in the fixer?

a. as preservative c. as hardener b. as neutralizer d. as dissolving agentPreservative = sodium sulfate Neutralizer = acetic acid/boric acid Hardener = potassium alum/potassium bromide.56. The chemical that will dissolve all the unexposed and undeveloped silver halides after development is the?

a. acetic acid c. hypo b. sodium sulfate d. potassium alum

57. What shutter speed will freeze a moving object? a. B-shutter b. Slow shutter c. Fast shutter d. moderate shutter Fast shutter = freeze a moving object. B-shutter = used when taking photograph at night or when the source of light is low. Used

together with cable release and tripod. 58. How much light will the combination of 1/125, f-4 has compare to 1/250, f-5.6.

a. equal b. 2 times c. four times d. 6 times 1/125, f -4 = 1/250, f-5.6 59. That part of the camera responsible for transmitting the light to form the image (Image

forming device). a. Light tight box b. shutter c. Lens d. view finder 60. It is the process of taking a magnified (enlarged) photograph of small object obtained by

attaching an extended tube lens to a camera.a. Photomicrography b. Photomacrography c. Microphotography d. Photomacrograph

61. Is a magnified photograph of small object obtained by attaching a camera to the ocular of a compound microscope.

Photomicrography b. Microphotograph c. Photomicrograph d. Photomacrograph Photomicrography and photomacrography are process. Photomacrograph = is an enlarged photograph. Microphotograph = is a reduced photograph. making big object small. 62. Is that part of the sensitized which is sensitive to light. a. emulsion b. Anti halation c. base d. coating Anti halation = designed to prevent further reflexes by absorbing excess light. 63. Is that substance present in the emulsion surface of the film or photo paper which is

sensitive to light. a. silver nitrate b. silver halides

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c. silver chloride d. silver bromide 64. Taking photograph in back lighting will produce what image? a. Good image b. Bad image c. fare image d. better image ** what is required in front lighting** 65. What is meant by total take? a. photograph the crime scene in all angles. b. Photograph only important evidence. c. Photograph the crime scene d. Photograph the body of the crime.

In photography, to a mechanic it is a screw driver and to your photographer is what?a. handcuff b. firearm c. filter d. cameraBallistics = science of the motion of projectile.Derived from Greek word “Ballo” & “Ballein”, meaning to throw.Forensic Ballistics= it is the science of firearms identification by means of an ammunition fired from them.Ballistic engineer = people in police laboratory whose concern is weapons and projectile. Usually referred to as Ballistician.1. The word forensic means _______?a. Forum b. public discussionc. market place d. In connection with administration of justiceThe word forensic was derived from the Latin word “forum” meaning a “market place”, a place where people gathered for public discussion.2. The person accredited as successful inventor of gun powder.

a. Horace smithb. Alexander John Forsythc. Berthhold Schwartz d. Col Calvin H. Goddard

Roger Bacon (1242 AD) wrote a literary article which turns out to be the original formula of black powder.Calvin H. Goddard = father of modern ballistics.Horace Smith= founder of Smith and Wesson company.3. It is the science of mobility of the projectile.

a. forensic ballistics c. applied physicsb. ballistics d. applied science

4. Is that branch of ballistics which treats of the motion of the projectile while it is in its flight? a. Interior b. terminal c. exterior d. forensicInterior = before leaving the gun muzzle/ Breech-muzzle.Exterior = upon leaving the gun muzzle/ before reaching the target.Terminal = upon reaching/hitting the target.**In firearm identification, what is that branch of ballistics which deals with the effects of the impact of the projectile to the target. – Terminal ballistics.*** Forensic ballistics also deals with the study of the motion of projectiles or bullets in ? (a) flight (b) laboratory room (c) Danger of being adulterated (d) Rusty condition *** In firearms probe, there are only (4) possible findings – Positive, negative, insufficient & no determination.

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5. Is a Greek word from which the word “ballistics” was derived which means “to throw”a. Ballistics c. Ballein or ballob. Catapult d. Ballista

Ballista = is a gigantic catapult (Roman war machine) designed to throw stone to the enemy.6. It refers to the motion of the projectile once it enters a rifled barrel of a gun.

a. Direct c. Transnationalb. Rotatory d. Twist

Direct = forward movement.Rotatory = twist of the bullet either to the R or L.Translational = change in the motion of the bullet.7. What initiates the combustion of the gunpowder in a shell.

a. hammer c. trigger b. primer d. flash hole

Trigger = release the hammer.Hammer = push the firing pin.Firing pin = hits the primer.Primer = imparts ignition to the gun powderFlash hole = where the primer imparts ignition to the gun powder.8. Is the rearward reaction of the firearm in relation to the forward movement of the bullet upon firing?

a. percussion action c. back fireb. recoil d. ricochet

Percussion action = is the ignition of the priming mixture.Jump = upward reaction of the gun.9. Is the stillness or the steadiness of the bullet in flight? (Straight travel in flight)

a. key hole shot c. yaw b. ricochet d. gyroscopic actionRecochet =bouncing of bullet as a result of not penetrating or hitting a hard object.Yaw = unstable rotation motion of bullet. Key hole shot = thumbling of bullet in flight hitting the target sideways.10. The actual pattern or curve path of the bullet in flight.

a. curve c. gyroscopic actionb. trajectory d. drop of bullet

11. Is the rate of speed of the bullet per unit of time, expressed in ft/sec?a. muzzle velocity c. muzzle blast b. velocity d. Trajectory

Muzzle blast = noise or sound generated at the muzzle point.Muzzle velocity = the speed at which the bullet leaves the muzzle.

12. It is the distance at which the gunner has the control of shot. Where the bullet travel straight.a. Maximum range c. Maximum effective rangeb. Accurate range d. Effective range

Range = imaginary straight distance between muzzle and the target.Effective range = distance where bullet is lethal.Maximum effective range = farther distance where bullet is still lethal.Maximum range= farthest possible distance of travel.13. Is the size of the bullet grouping on the target?

a. Terminal penetration c. Terminal accuracyb. Terminal trajectory d. Muzzle velocity

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14. What type of a firearm propels a projectile with more than one inch diameter?a. small arms c. artillery b. machine gun d. Cannon

Artillery =more than one inchSmall Arms = less than one inch

Machine gun = automatic/continuous firing.Shoulder arm = carry/fired with the aid of the shoulder. (Rifle/carbine/shotgun/musket)Hand gun = can be fired in one hand.

15. A type of a firearm in which the mechanism is so arranged that makes it capable of continuous firing in a single press of a trigger and while the trigger is press.a. machine gun c. sub-machine gun (SMG)b. grease gun d. shoulder armSMG and grease gun are the same.16. What type of a firearm is designed to propel a projectile by means of compressed air or strong string?

a. air rifle c. Springfield armory b. carbine d. musket

17. A type of a firearm which propels a number of lead pellets in one charge to a smooth bore barrel.

a. rifle c. machine gun b. shotgun d. Musket

Smooth bore = without riflinga. musket =muzzle loading/ancient weaponb. shotgun = breech loading/a number of lead pellets.

Rifled bore = with riflinga. rifleb. carbine = short barrel rifle (less than 22”)

18. What type of a firearm is commonly used by cavalry. (riding a horse)a. carbine c. pistol b. revolver d. rifle

Revolver = ideal for horse riding. 19. What type of a hand firearm has a rotating cylinder that serves as the magazine and which successively places cartridge into position for firing.

a. pistol c. rifle b. revolver d. Carbine

20. A type of a firearm in which pressure upon the trigger will both cock and release the hammer.a. single action c. single shotb. double action d. repeating arms

Single action =requires manual cocking.21. What type of a firearm contains rifling (land and grooves) only a few inch from the muzzle point?

a. cylinder type c. rifled bore b. choke d. Paradox

Cylinder type = equal diameterChoke type = reducing diameterParadox = with rifling a few inch from the muzzle point.22. What type of a firearm is fed by chamber?

a. single shot F/A c. bolt actionb. slid action d. repeating arms

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23. Generally applied to all home made gun, just as the one used by juvenile delinquent in United States.a. zip gun c. freakish gun b. grease gun d. paltik

24. A copper jacketed type of a bullet is usually fired from a:a. rifle b. pistol c. revolver d. pistol and revolver

Freakish gun = a tool in which F/A mechanism is attached.Paltik = the counter part of zip gun in the Phils.25. Known as the smallest pistol in the world.

a. Colibre c. senorita b. cal 22 d. Kolibre

26. Is that part of a firearm which houses all the other parts.a. housing c. frameb. casing d. chamber

27. The mechanism of a firearm which withdraws the empty shells from the chamber?a. Ejector c. Extractorb. Firing pin d. Extractor pin

Extractor = causes the empty shell to be withdrawn/pull out from the chamber.Ejector = causes the empty shell to be thrown out of the firearm.28. In case that cartridge case are found at the scene of firing it only means that_____firearm was used.

a. single shot c. bold action b. automatic d. double action29. What is that condition in firing at which the cartridge took several seconds before it discharged upon firing? (delayed in the discharged of the cartridge).

a. mis-fire c. hang fire b. backfire d. Backshot

Misfire = failure to discharged.Hangfire = delay in the discharged of firearm.30. What is the steel block that closes the rear of the bore against the force of the charge?

a. breechface c. breechblock b. hammer d. chamber

Breechface = the flat surface where the base of the shell comes in contact when fired.Chamber = part of the f/a where cartridge is placed when ready to be fired.31. Type of primer consisting of two flash hole or vent.

a. Berdan c. Batteryb. Boxer d. none

Boxer=one flash hole; Battery= shotgun primer.32. Father of percussion ignition.

a. Alexander John Forsythb. Roger Baconc. Bethold Schwartzd. Veillie

Veillie = developed smokeless powder for rifle.

33. Primers are used for igniting the propellant charge by means of a blow from the firing pin on the primer cup producing flames that passes through the:a. Anvil c. Vent/ flash holeb. Paper disc d. Primer cup

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Anvil = solid metallic support.Paper disc= thin foil/animal skin which protect the priming mixture from moist.Primer cup = gilding metal cup which holds the priming mixture.34. Is a complete unfired unit consisting of bullet, primer, gun powder and shell:

a. ammunition c. shotgun cartridgeb. cartridge d. missile

Ammunition =loaded shell.Shotgun cartridge = consists of pellet, gunpowder, primer, shell and wads.35. Is that type of ammunition which does not have bullet used in film-making:

a. dummy c. drillb. blank d. live

Kinds of ammunitionDummy = fake used as model.Blank = without bullet. Used in film making.Drill = without gun powder. Used for training purpose such as practice loading and unloading.Live = the complete cartridge.

As used in firearm probe, there are four (4) classes of cartridge according to type of firearms used and these are revolver, pistol cartridge, rifle cartridges and what? –shotgun 36. Is the type of cartridge with a rim diameter which is smaller than the diameter of the body of the cartridge?

a. Belted type c. Rimlessb. Rebated d. Rimmed type

Rimmed type = Rim diameter is greater than the body diameter.Rimless = Rim diameter is equal to the body diameter.Belted = with protruding metal around its body. Used in high power gun such as machine gun.37. Is the type of cartridge in which is the priming mixture is not found at the cavity rim of the cartridge case?

a. Pin fire c. Center fireb. Rimmed type d. Rim fire

Pin-fire = with built in pin. (obsolete)Rim-fire = priming mixture is located at the cavity rim.Center –fire = there is a primer cup located at the center.38. A 12 gauge shotgun has an equivalent diameter of:

a. .730” b. .729” c. .726” d. .724”Smallest shotgun caliber = .410 cal./gauge.39. European made firearm are usually referred in millimeter in determining calibers, when you talk of 9mm you are referring to?

a. .40 cal c. .45 cal b. .357 cal d. .30 cal

40. A metallic or non-metallic cylindrical ball propel from a firearm.a. bullet b. slug c. projectile d. missile

Projectile = metallic and non metallic ball propel from a firearm.Bullet = projectile usually fired from small arms.Slug =other term/police term for bullet.Shot = also referred to as slug/commonly used in shotgun.Missile = used for artillery.

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41. A type of a bullet designed to be fired at night which emits a bright flame at its base and usually colored red-tip.

a. armor piercing c. tracerb. incendiary d. explosive

Armor piercing = used in light metallic target/harden metal core.Incendiary = design to set fire upon impact (blue tip)Explosive = design to fragment.42. A type of a bullet made in order to inflict greater damage used by India. (expanding bullet)a. Dum-Dum c. expanding bulletb. baton round d. explosive

e. mushroom bulletExpanding bullet = hallow point & soft point also called mushroom bullet.43. A bullet covered with thick coating of a copper alloy to prevent leading is known as:

a. Plated bullet c. Metal cased bulletb. Jacketed bullet d. Metal point bullet

In firearms identification, the outer covering of the bullet is? --- (a) silver (b) jacket (c) ogive (d) copper.44. Shots consisting of a small lead ball or pellets which are made by dropping with the exception of the very largest sizes which are made by molding are known as:

a. Soft shots c. Buck shotsb. Coated shots d. Chilled shots

45. A miscellaneous type of bullet design as anti riot, basically made from rubber at a larger caliber.a. Discarding sabot c. Baton Roundb. Flechette d. FrangibleDiscarding Sabot = design for greater velocity.Flechette = a number of nail type or neddle-like projectile. 46. Is a metallic or non-metallic cylindrical container which serves as the projector for the propellant against moisture?

a. Bullet c. Cartridge case b. Primer d. Paper disc

47. Is that part of the cartridge case which characterized by a cylindrical grooves that prevents the bullet from being push down to the cartridge?

a. Crimp c. Shoulderb. Neck d. Cannelure

Crimp = prevent loss/pull out.48. A cylindrical groove around the body of a bullet which may contains lubricating substances and which can be the basis in determining its manufacturer.a. Body c. ogiveb. Bullet crimp d. bullet cannelure.49. Black powder basically composed of:a. 75% potassium chlorate, 15% charcoal and 10% sulfur.b. 75% potassium nitrate, 15% charcoal and 10% sulfur.c. 75% potassium chlorate, 10 % charcoal and 15 % sulfur.d. 75% potassium nitrate, 10% charcoal and 15% sulfur.50. A form of smokeless powder made from sticks or cords?

a. balistite c. corditec. powder B d. nitroglycerine

51. The don’t MAC rule in collection of physical evidence stands for: Mutilate, Alter and ____?a. Cut c. contaminate

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b. Consume d. conserve52. Is the part of the cartridge case which holds the primer securely in a central position and providing a solid support for the primer anvil?

a. Flash hole c. Extractor grooveb. Primer pocket d. Rim

Rim = limits the forward movement of the cartridge to the cylinder.53. The caliber of a bullet is measured through?a. Two opposite landsb. Measuring the base diameterc. using the caliper d. using a micrometerF/A caliber = bore diameter (distance between two opposite lands).Bullet caliber = base diamter.Shell caliber = neck/body diameter.54. Is the helical groove mark found inside the bore of the barrel designed to impart rotation motion of the bullet

a. lands c. rifling b. grooves d. pitch of rifling

55. A fired bullet with six lands and grooves twisted to the right is fired from the barrel of a firearm with identical class characteristics as that of:

a. Browning c. Coltb. Smith and Wesson d. Steyer

62. The pitch of rifling (rate of twist) in the barrel of a firearm is called as____?

a. land b. one complete revolution of bullet c. grooved. range

57. What instrument is used in measuring the pitch of rifling of a firearm?a. calipher c. tortion balanceb. helixometer d. Chronograph

Caliper = measure caliberChronograph = measure velocity.. 58. Fired Cartridge case/shell are usually mark at the _________?

a. outside near open mouth b. side or body of the shell c. inside near open mouth d. any of the above

59. Fired bullet found at the scene of the crime are usually marked at the ______.a. Ogive c. Base e.

none of the above b. Nose d. Any of the above

60. Fired bullet/fired shell are usually mark with:a. Initial of the investigatorb. Initials of investigator and date of recovery.c. Letter “t” plus the last two digit of the firearm.d. Letter “t-1, t-2…., plus the last two digit of the firearm used.61. It is the list of the people who have handled the physical evidence from the time of its discovery until their final disposition in court.

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a. Evidence list c. Chain linkb. Chain of events d. chain of custody62. The basis in shell identification is________?a. firing pin marksb. breech face marksc. Firing pin and/or breech face marks d. extractor and ejector marks63. Individual marks found at the interior portion of the bullet due to poor alignment of the cylinder with bore of the firearm.

a. skid marks c. stripping marksb. shaving marks d. slippage marks

Skid mark = due to forward movement of the bullet to the bore before it rotates.64. The importance of individual marks left on a bullet by a gun barrel is that it is useful in directly identifying the:a. bullet which caused the fatal wound b. person who fired the particular firearmc. gun from which a bullet was fired d. possible direction of shot65. What is the best way of picking a suspected firearm at the crime scene?a. picking it through the handle b. picking it through the barrelc. inserting a handkerchief or string straw at the trigger guardd. inserting a rod at the barrel. 66. A shaving marks on a bullet is due to:

a. Poor alignment of the cylinder to the bore of the barrelb. Oversized barrel c. Oily barrelb. badly worn-out (stripping mark)

67. It refers to the characteristics of a firearm which are determinable even before the manufacture of the firearm?a. Class Characteristics c. Individual

Characteristicsb. Repetitive mark d. accidental mark***In firearms examination, the characteristics which is peculiar to a particular gun and which are not found in other firearm is _____?

a. interior designb. individual characteristicsc. exterior designd. class characteristics

*** In firearm probe, if there is no powder residues or smudging found in considerable distance, say more than twelve (12) inches is it correct?*** in firearm identification, if the entrance wound is irreversible destruction of the tissue on account of the expanded gases caused by a gunshot. What kind of firearm is possibly used?--**** In firearms study, if the bore of a firearm has six (6) grooves, it has also same number of lands correct?*** in firearm probe, gunshot at a close distance is subjected to a paraffin test. It is possible to give a positive result.

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68. Is a condition in which two bullets or shells are examined and compared under the comparison microscope at the same time, level and direction and magnification and same image?

a. Pseudo match c. Juxtapositionb. false match d. Sodo match

69. Is the process of obtaining a magnified photograph of a small object done by attaching a camera to the ocular of a compound microscope?

a. Photomacrography c. Photomicrographyb. Microphotography d. Macrophotography

70. When the “draws” of the revolver is completed, the index finger should?a. touch the outside of the trigger guard b. grasp the stockc. be straighten along the barrel d. be inside the trigger guard71 . What is the secret of good shooting form?a. relaxed and natural position b. keeping the thumb along the hammerc. proper sighting of the target d. firing slowly and carefully72. Are small grooves, channels or ridges on the surface of the bullet due to the tool marks or other irregularities in the interior surface of the bore?

a. Land marks c. Groove marksb. Striation d. Accidental marks

73. Is an instrument used in determining the caliber of the bullet by getting a equivalent weight?a. Caliper c. Micrometerb. Torsion Balance d. Flat-form balance

74. Is a type of a powder used in modern cartridges being powerful?a. Corrosive c. Non-corrosiveb. Black d. Smoke less

0 to 2 inches (contact firing) = singeing, smudging, tattooing, presence of nitrates.2 to 6 inches = there is singeing, smudging, tattooing, presence of nitrates. 6 to 12 inches = smudging, tattooing and presence of nitrates.12 to 36 inches = there is tattooing and presence of nitrates.75. An optical instrument used or designed to make simultaneous comparison of two specimens?

a. Comparison microscope c. Chronographb. Micrometer d. Shadowgraph

76. Instrument used in obtaining test bullet:a. caliperb. bullet comparison microscope c. bullet recovery box d. water tank

77. A pointed instrument use in marking fired bullet/fired shell.a. pointer c. stylusb. marker d. driller

78.Firearms includes muskets, carbine shotgun etc. as mention in _______of the Revised Administrative Code.a. sec.788 b. sec.787 c. sec.878 d.sec.87779. The law which prohibits possession of firearms/ammunition.

a. P.D. 1866 c. R.A. 8294

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b. P.D. 1688 d. R.A. 928480. Low power gun are those firearms that uses projectile not more than 9mm or .38 cal. Except:a. Magnum .22 c. magnum 357b. Magnum 40 d. a and c only81. Otherwise known as the Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act?

a. R.A. 10591 c. R.A. 10592b. R.A. 10158 d. R.A. 10354

82. Under the New law on firearms the following shall be considered firearm, EXCEPT.a. Barrel c. Frameb. Receiver d. Magazine

83. Refers to any handheld or portable weapon, whether a small arms or light weapon, that expels or is designed to expel a bullet, shot, slug, missile or any projectile, which is discharged by means of expansive force of gases from burning gun powder or other form of combustion or any similar instrument or implement.

a. Firearm c. Forfeited firearmb. Antique firearm d. Confiscated firearm

84. The following are “Antique Firearms”, EXCEPT:a. Firearm which was manufactured at least seventy-five (75) years prior to the current date but

not including replicas;b. Firearm which is certified by the National Museum of the Philippines to be curio or relic of

museum interest.c. Any other firearm which derives a substantial part of its monetary value from the fact that it is

novel, rare, bizarre or because of its association with some historical figure, period or event.d. Firearms which was manufacture at least 70 years prior to the current date. Questioned Document

1. A document completely written and signed by one person is known as____________.a. Holograpic document b. all of the above c. Questioned documentd. disputed document e. None of the aboveHolograph = Latin word “holo” and “graph” meaning “hand writing”. 2. It serves as the focal points of all document examination and it is where the document examiner relies as to the determination of the appropriate examination and the extent of the problem involved.a. Questioned document c. disputed documentb. Standard document d. evidential document

Questioned documentCollected/procured

Document Standard

Requested/dictated Standards for comparison should be -- original3. An autopsy report is an example of what kind of evidence?

a. documentary c. experimentalb. testimonial d. object/Real

4. Specimen of writing which was executed in the regular course of one’s activities. a. requested c. collectedb. executed at one time d. day to day standard

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5. When document examiner as well as police are dealing with documents, the most common problem they encountered are those concerning.a. origin c. authorshipb. counterfeit d. content (alteration)6. Refers to the study of one’s handwriting in attempting to determine one’s personality.

a. Agraphia c. graphology b. Chromatography d. handwriting identification Agraphia = a kind of disease in the brain which makes the person unable to write.Calligraphy = art of beautiful writing.Cacography = bad writing.7. Known Father of Questioned Document

a. Albert S. Osborn c. John Augustusb. Dr. Hans Gross d. Ordway Hilton

8. Is the combination of the basic designs of letter and the writing movement involved in the writing? a. copy book form c. writing movement

b. system of writing d. line quality Copy book form = the illustration of the basic designs of letter/fundamental to the writing system.Angular & roundhand = basic system of writing.Writing movement = refers to the mobility/motion of the pen.9. Is the visible record of the written strokes resulting from a combination of various factors associated to the motion of the pen. Is the overall quality of the strokes.

a. movement c. line quality b. writing habits d. significant writing habits Line quality is best shown using photomicrography.

Writing habits = any repeated elements of writing. Significant writing habits = sufficiently unique and well-fixed. Handwriting = visible effect. Writing = visible result.

10. Refers to the usual or normal deviations found in a repeated specimen of individual’s handwriting.a. Natural variation c. transitory changeb. permanent damage d. temporary defect

Transitory change = changes which are only temporary. 11. In document examination when referring to contemporary documents this refers to______?a. Document which is more than 5 years before and after.b. Document which are not more than 5 years before and afterc. Document which are more than 30 yearsd. Document which are not more than 20 yearsAncient Document = more than 30 years found in a place where it is normally to be found if genuine and not embellish by any alteration. 12. A type of a document which bears the seals of the office issuing and the authorized signature to such document.a. Public document c. private documentb. Official document d. commercial document13. What is the first step in the procurement of handwriting exemplars?a. Request for standard specimenb. Study of the questioned specimenc. Determine the writing instrument and paper usedd. Arrange for normal writing condition

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Handwriting standards = should be three or more.14. Is a specimen of writing prepared with deliberate intent of altering the usual writing habits in the hope of hiding his identity.

a. disguised writing c. handletteringb. cursive d. block capital

15. Refers to properties or marks, elements or qualities which serve to distinguish. Known as the basis of identification.a. Characteristics c. individual characteristicsb. class characteristics d. sample Class/common/general characteristics or Gross = can be found in a group of writing.Identification involves comparison of their : Characteristics, Elements & Qualities which are either Class and individual Characteristics16. A specimen of writing which was executed without intention of changing the usual writing habits. It is executed normally by the writer.a. Natural writing c. disguised writingb. Guided writing d. assisted writingNatural writing = consisting of usual writing habits.Disguised = inferior than natural writing.Guided or Assisted = executed with the writer’s hand at steadied.17. Writing forms can either be a disconnected or joined letter writings. What specimen of writing is characterized by disconnected style?a. Hand lettering c. cursive writingb. Manuscript form d. roundedHandprinting or handletteringBlock Capital = All capital disconnected style.

Manuscript = combination of capital and small letters in disconnected style.Cursive = letters are joined.Connection = (ductus link) strokes joining two successive letters in a word.18. A genuine signature which was used in the preparation of a simulated or traced forgery.a. Authentic signature c. standard signatureb. Model signature d. evidential signature19. It refers to the group of muscles which is responsible for the formation of the upward strokes.

a. Flexor b. Cortex c. Lumbrical d. extensorFlexor = used to make downward strokes.Lumbrical = used to combine with either extensor or flexor to make lateral strokes20. If John Loud is known for ball-point pen, who is for the fountain pen?a. Lewis Watterman c. Laszlo Birob. John Parker d. Lewis ParkerBall-point Pen = difficult to examine; easy to forged.Fountain Pen = easy to examine; difficult to forged.Fiber Pen = used originally as coloring pen.21. Is a type of writing movement that gives a great freedom of movement. Also considered as the most skillful type of movement.a. finger movement c. hand movement

b. forearm movement d. whole arm movement Finger movement = push & Pull ; used by beginners.Hand movement = wrist is the point of pivotal with limited freedom of movement.Whole arm = used for large or ornamental writing.

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22. Is an irregularity in strokes characterized by shaky or wavering stroke which is perfectly apparent even without magnification?

a. tremor c. tremor of illiteracyb. tremor of old age d. tremor of fraud

Genuine Tremor (old age, sickness & illiteracy)Tremor of illiteracy = due to lack of skills.

Tremor of fraud = due to copying/imitation** The existence of tremor in a signature or handwriting which were due to old age, sickness or illiteracy are considered what kind of signature or document. (a) Genuine (b) spurious (c)forged (d) fraudulent.23. A sign of forgery in guided hand signature is;

a. Good pen control c. Uneven alignment b. Disconnected stroked d. Slanting strokes Sign of genuine guided writing = abrupt change in direction. 24. A modern pen nib which contains a reservoir of ink in a specially designed back or chamber is described as (used to prevent forgery).a. ball point pen (difficult to examine) c. pencil

b. fountain pen d. fiber pen 25. What is that which widens the ink strokes due to the added pressure on a flexible pen point.

a. pen pressure c. shadingb. pen lifting d. retouching

Pen scope = reach of the pen with the wrist at restPen pressure = average/usual force applied in writing.Pen emphasis = periodic increased in pressure/intermittently forcing the pen against paper surface.Retouching = goes back over a defective stroke. 26. Are meant to those grace lines, superfluous strokes and are useful only for ornamentation and are not essential to the legibility of the signatures and usually occurs among writers who attempt to express some phase of their personalities.

a. diacritical marks c. idiosyncrasiesb. embellishments d. flourishing strokes

Diacritics = strokes added to complete certain letters.27. What was done, when one retouches or goes back over a defective portion of a writing stroke?

a. retracing c. patching b. pressuring d. shading

28. What is that interruption in a stroke, caused by sudden removal of the writing instrument from the paper surface?

a. tremor c. retouching b. pen lifting d. hiatus

Hiatus = obvious gap.29. Stroke where the motion of the pen precedes the beginning and continues beyond the end of a vanishing point and are found on free natural writing and as a rule are important indication of genuineness.

a. Ending stroke c. Terminal strokeb. Flying start and finish d. Pen movement

30. Strokes which goes back over another writing strokes and which is slightly to occur due to lack of movement control.

a. retouching c. retracing b. shading d. patching

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31. Is outer portion of a curve bend or crook?a. humps b. staff/stem/shankc. whirl d. central part

Arc = the inner portion of upper curve.Whirl = long upward strokes.Staff/stem/shank = long downward strokes.Central part = the body of the letter.32. What is that introductory up and down stroke found in almost all capital letters.a. hitch b. humps c. beard d. buckle knotHitch – introductory backward stroke.33. Forged signature made by free hand (imitation) movement and constant practice is called:

a. Traced forgery c. Simulated forgery b. Simple forgery d. spurious signature 34. A traced forgery of signature is not really a writing but a,

a. Retouching c. Drawingb. Patching d. tremor of fraud

35. What type of forgery is made when the writer’s exerts no effort to effect resemblance or facsimile between the forged and the genuine signatures?

a. simple c. simulated b. traced d. spurious

36. A type of forgery which involves fraudulent signature executed by actually following the outline (tracing) of a genuine signature with a writing instrument?

a. carbon outline process c. lasered b. indention process d. traced37. As a rule, it is easier to determine whether or not a signature is forgery, but it is very difficult on the other hand to established who committed the forgery because:a. the forger might be a left handed b. imitation is one of the most effective means to disguise one’s handwriting c. it might be a traced forgery d. there should be no sufficient standard available 38. Philippine Paper bills are printed in what process. a. Letter process b. Intaglio process c. Off-set process d. Lithographic process e. All of the above*** In genuine Philippine banknote the image based on the same artwork as the bills portrait ingrained in the note in the white space to the left of the portrait is--Watermark 39. Paper, which has been treated in such a way as to minimize the chances of a successful forgery by erasure, whether mechanical or chemical, being carried out on any document of which it forms the basis called.a. Chemical paper b. Safety paper c. Tested paper d. Polyethylene coated paper 40. . What is that indelible ink whose marking substance is composed of mixture of aniline ink and graphite?

a. stencil c. nut gall ink

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b. printers ink d. copy pencilCarbon ink = oldest inkIndian rubber = oldest eraserPapyrus = Egyptian plant from which the word paper was derived.41. What is the first step in the procurement of typewriting exemplars?

a. procurement of the suspected typewriter b. acquisition of typewriting exemplars

c. study of the questioned typewriting d. preparation of exemplars

*** can burned document still be a subject of examination to determine its author or when it was written? –(a) certainly yes (b) Never (c) definitely not (d) it depends.** In Q.D. Exam. why do we need to identify the author or when it was written. – Exposure of false standard.42. Is one of the most expensive instruments used for examination of documents that would show three dimensional enlargements.a. polarizing light c. stereoscopic microscope

b. infra-red gadget d. ultra-violet lightHandwriting slope measuring test plates = used to examine handwriting slant.Typewriting measuring testplates = for typewriting examination.Magnifying lens = basic tool which can solved almost 75% of document cases.43. What is that type of signature which has been made in a particular date, time, place and at a particular purpose of recording it.

a. model signature c. evidential signature b. standard signature d. guided signature

44. Is a light examination in which the source of illumination strikes the surface of the paper from the back or at the bottom , usually designed in identification of water markings?

a. direct light c. side lightb. oblique light d. transmitted light

45. An illegible form of a writing which is characterized by partially visible depression appearing underneath the original writing.

a. invisible writing c. indented writing b. obliterated writing d. contact writing

46. A type of conventional typewriter in which the characters are normally space 12 in one horizontal a. pica c. elite

b. proportional spacing machine d. computer47. Is a typeface defect in which the letters are printed to the right or left of its proper position.a. vertical mal alignment (Above and below)b. twisted letter c. horizontal mal alignment d. off-its feet Horizontal Mal. = Left or Right.Vertical Mal. = Above or Below.Off-its-feet = printing heavier in one side.Twisted = leans to the left or right.Rebound = double impressionActual Breakage = damage to the outline of the type face design.Clogged/ dirty type face.

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48. What is that substance which is capable of bleaching an ink.a. Sympathetic Ink c. Superimposing Inkb. Ink Eradicator d. Invisible ink

Sympathetic Ink or Invisible ink = inks with no readily visible strokes.Superimposing ink = used for blotting or smearing over an original writing. (Used in Obliteration)49. Is the type of light examination best used in deciphering an obliterated writing and charred document.

a. Ultra violet light c. Infra-red light b. transmitted light d. x-ray

50. Is a type of an abnormality/defects in typewriter that can easily be corrected by simply cleaning the machine or replacing the ribbon.

a. temporary defect c. permanent defectb. Clogged type face d. actual breakage

Remington Model 1 (1874) = first commercial typewriter.*** If a document is changed to spear language different in legal effect from that which is originally spears. It is called?

(a) Deception c. Fraudulationb. Alteration d. intercalation

In crimes against fraud especially, who are these expert charge of determining and developing or revealing latent or hidden erasures alteration, intercalation and other changes.

a. Document hacker c. document expertb. document holder d. document custodian

In determining whether or not a particular document is genuine altered as through the use of the following:

a. Ultra-violet & infra-red lightsb. Photograph with special filtersc. Transparency & sloping lightsd. All of these

When a document examination result say, forged document is genuine it is considered what document?a. Amalgamated c. genuineb. spurious d. elongated

In questioned document, one of the examples of evidence signature is the?a. standard c. traced writingsb. procedure writings d. forge marks

Existence of several movement impulse --- indicator of Forgery. Polygraphy

= scientific method of detecting deception done with the aid of polygraph machine.= also known as instrumental interrogation/ lie detector test.It is not by itself accepted by the court but It is a tool or Investigative lead.Question: As polygraph examiner your primary purpose is to detect whether the subject is indeed telling the truth or?

a. Lying b. insinuating c. denying d. cooperative

1. The word Polygraph was derived from What word?a. Poly and Graph c. Greek b. Many writing chart d. Latin

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The word Polygraph was derived from the Greek word “poly” which means “many or several” and “graph” meaning “writing chart”

2. The first man noted for the used of the word “Polygraph” a. Thomas Jefferson b. Cesare Lombroso c. Galileo Galilee d. Sir James Mackenzie

Polygraph = is a scientific instrument capable of recording changes of blood pressure, pulse beat and respiration as indicative of emotional disturbances.3. Is the person who devise an instrument that can record changes of blood pressure, pulse beat and respiration simultaneously which he called the “ Bread board Lie Detector ”.

a. Cesare Lombroso b. John A. Larson c. Sir James Mackenzie d. Leonarde Keeler

Pulselogim was invented by Galileo Galilee as 1st instrument used for measuring pulse beat.Bread Board lie detector is the first portable polygraph machine invented by John Larson in 1921.William Marston = utilized sphygmomanometer for detecting systolic blood pressure and developed the discontinuous technique in questioning.Sir James Mackenzie = is a heart specialist who described in two (2) British Journal a machine which he called “Ink Polygraph”. 4. A person who makes a great improvement on the polygraph machine in the year 1926.a. John A. Larson c. John E. Reidb. Richard O. Arthur d. Leonarde KeelerRichard D. Arthur = developed his own polygraph machine with two (2) galvanic skin resistance.John E. Reid = developed his Reid polygraph known for the addition of muscular resistance. Later the machine was adopted by the company and named after it “Stoelting Polygraph”.

5. An Australian Magistrate who described the work of investigator/detectives as “Search for Truth”

a. Dr. Paul Kirk c. August Vollmer b. Dr. Hans Gross d. Angelo Mosso Dr. Paul Kirk = the father of criminalitistics in U.S. August Vollmer = the first head of the first comprehensive crime laboratory in U.S. Angelo Mosso = the one who studied fear as a strong influence in detecting deception and also

utilized sphygmomanometer. 6. The person who made the first suggestion for using the Psycho Galvanic reaction for detecting deception and we stated that galvanic skin phenomenon is under the influence of exciting mental impressions and the will has no effect upon it.

a. Veraguth c. Stickerb. Harold Burtt d. Vittorio Bennussi

Vittorio Benussi = devised a system of computing the ratio between inhale and exhale and exhale of the subject.Harold Burtt “= respiration & systolic B.P.”Sticker =“Activity of Sweat Glands & Electro dermal Response.”7. He devised a quantitative analysis on a polygraph chart and the test called Backster Zone Comparison Technique. (numerical scoring)

a. Cleve Backster c. C.D. Leeb. Richard D. Arthur d. Galilleo

Richard D. Arthur = developed two (2) galvanic skin resistance.C.D. Lee = developed “psychograph machine”Galilleo = developed the first instrument to record pulse beat called “pulselogium”

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8. Is an ancient method of detecting deception practice in Bengal, India where accused to proved his innocent would touch his tongue to an extremely hot metal.

a. boiling water ordeal c. red hot iron ordealb. ordeal of balance d. Ordeal of heat and fire

Scientific Methods:1. Word Association test = used of time pressure2. Used of Alcoholic Beverages3. Narco- Analysis=violates one’s constitutional privacy & Free will.4. Hypnotism = Subject is under control of the hypnotizer.5. Polygraphy = instrumental interrogation.

9. The Raid polygraph differs from the keeler’s in the following respect except:a. An adjustable and portable chair is employed wherein metal bellows are inserted in the chair arm rests.b. The chair seat is directly attached to recording bellows in the machine to form closed pneumatic systems.c. Three additional recordings are made by this methodd. There is no need of using corrugated rubber tubing.10. It is the act of deceiving usually accompanied by uttering falsehood?a. lying c. deceptionb. Misleading d. lie11. Which of the following is true about Polygraph machine?

a. It is a machine that can diagnose subject.b. It is capable of interpreting and drawing conclusion.c. It is a lie detector machine.d. It is a machine that detects physiological responses.

12. The polygraph machine should be _________ in relation to the credibility and competence of the examiner?a. Indirectly proportion c.Substitute to investigationb.Supplementary to investigation d.Directly proportion

***In Polygraph testing, aside from the condition, credibility of the machine & necessary preparations, the other important face to consider is the examiner’s?

a. professionalism c. competenceb. idealism d. integrity**** Before conducting the polygraph test the machine to be used must be in good ---

Condition.Polygraphy is an aid and never a substitute for investigation.13. The following notions about polygraph machine are wrong, EXCEPT.a. It rings a bellb. It has a dial indicatorc. It flash a lightd. It is like an X-ray14. Is the scientific basis of the polygraph test which states that the polygraph machine is an instrument capable of making records of various human functioning simultaneously in a chart paper.a. mechanical leg basic premiseb. physiological leg basic premisec. psychological leg basic premised. psycho motor leg basic premise

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15. A type of deceit for the purpose of humor, when the falsehood is generally understood, is often regarded as not immoral and is widely practiced by humorists and comedians.a. White lie c. Jocose lieb. Emergency lie d. Malicious lieWhite lie (officious)=where the lie is harmless, and there are circumstances where there is an expectation to be less than totally honest through necessity or pragmatism. Emergency lie =is a strategic lie told when the truth may not be told because, for example, harm to a third party would result.16. A Hindu book of science and health which is considered one of the earliest reference on detecting deception.

a. Ayur Vidab. Dharmasatra of Gautamac. Vasistra of Dharmasastrad. Omerta

Dharmasastra of Gautama = explains the nature of lying.Vasistra of Dharmasastra = justifies lying.Omerta = Code of Silence (MAFIA)17. Considered to be the ancient method of crime detection.

a. Methods of Ordealb. Trial by Combatc. Boiling Water ordeald. The Ordeal of rice chewing18. Which of the following is a major component of the polygraph machine?

a. Blood pressure cuffb. Pen and inking systemc. keymographd. cardiosphygmographMajor Components1. Cardiosphygmograph = detects B.P. and P.B.2. Galvanograph = detects skin resistance.3. Pneumograph = detects breathing or respiration.Major Section

1. Cardiosphygmograph2. Galvanograph3. Pneumograph4. Keymograph = driving mechanism (6 – 12 inches)5. Pen and Inking System = designed to make a permanent record of the polygraph test.

19. Is that part of the pneumograph component which was attached to the body of the subject with the usual length of 10 inches.

a. beaded chain b. finger electrode plate c. rubber convulated tubed. blood pressure cuff

20. Is that section of the polygraph machine designed to run the paper at a regular speed of 6 inches per minutes.

a. keymograph c. pen and inking systemb. pnuemograph d. galvanogaph

21. An attachment of the cardiosphygmograph which placed above the brachial artery.

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a. arm cuff c. Wrist cuffb. infant cuff d. hand cuff

Wrist cuff = attached above the radial artery.22. This is a galvanograph attachment section EXCEPT:

a. sets of electrodesb. stretched bandc. electrodes jellyd. rubber tube

23. The size of the galvanograph recording pen is ______?a. 5 inches c. 7 inchesb. 6 inches d. 10 inches

5 inches = for pneumograph and cardiosphygmograph recording.24. The polygraph chart rolled paper has an average length of?

a. 100 yards c. 100 ftb. 100 meters d. 100 km

25. Is the sum total of the dissimulation which the child acquires from his surrounding once he learn to go out and socialized with his neighborhood.

a. Personality c. Heredityb. Environment d. Education

26. What should be the attitude of a polygraph examiner in confronting subject in a polygraph test.a. arrogant c. authoritativeb. cordial but firm d. antagonistic

PER-SON-AL-ITY = the sum total of H2EHeredity = transmission of physical and mental traits of the parents to the offspring upon conception.Education = formal process of learning in an accredited/ recognized institution. 27. Generally speaking, all persons subjected to lie detector examination are all ___ and this creates a set of distortion.

a. Terrified c. convenientb. nervous d. confident

28. When the subject is highly nervous, what should the examiner do?a. reschedule the examinationb. prolong the period of the pre-test interview.c. call for a doctor or request for an ambulance.d. do not continue with the pre test and ask the subject for his available date for reschedule.

29. Is a short horizontal line in a cardio tracing located at the middle of the diastolic stem.a. Dicrotic c. Diastoticb. Diastolic d. Systolic

Systolic B.P = the upward blood pressure.Diastolic B.P. = the downward blood pressure.30. Is the normal rate of pulse beat of an adult subject in a polygraph test.

a. 60 –65 c. 6- 12b. 70 – 75 d. 13- 15

13- 15 – cyclic rate of respiration.31. In polygraph test Questions are usually answerable by:

a. yes c. neither yes nor nob. no d. a or b

32. The following are disqualified to be subject of polygraph test, EXCEPT.a. minor c. nervous

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b. imbecile d. insane33. What should be the mark placed on a chart paper at the start of the test?

a. X/60/1.5 A C. XX/60/1.5 Ab. X/50/2.5 A D. XXX/60/2.5 A

34. The investigator should avoid asking witnesses long complicated questions because this will:a. Give the witness a chance to formulate desired answer.b. Enable him to ascertain the purpose of the interviewer.c. Renders difficulty in obtaining the facts for convictiond. Embarass him and cause him to answer he does not know

35. The best way to conduct a thorough interview is for the investigator to:a. allow himself sufficient time for adjustmentb. permit the interviewee to give narrative statementc. be guided by a pre-arranged checklistd. Devote adequate time for an interviewee’s evaluation.36. What usually set the tone or condition and creates the atmosphere during the interrogation?a. interrogator’s behaviorb. the type of crime involvedc. questioning style of the interrogatord. the subject’s personal history37. Who determines the guilt of the subject in a polygraph test?

a. Examiner c. Judgeb. Prosecutor d. Investigator

38. Is the stage in the conduct of the polygraph test, which is designed to prepare or condition the subject for the actual test.

a. Initial Interviewb. Pre-test Interview c. Instrumentation

d. Post test Interview/Interrogation Stages in the Conduct of Polygraph Examination

Initial interview =between subject & Investigator.= designed to obtain information.

1. Pre-test Interview includes: appraisal of constitutional rights, taking subject consent, Filing-up of the PDS and determine the Physical, mental, psychological condition of the subject.

2. Actual test/Instrumentation = begin with the attachment of the various component parts.3. Post-test Interview/Interrogation = after test.

39. It is conducted for the purpose of obtaining confession or an admission from the subject once deception is observed.

a. initial interview c. Pre-test interviewb. Instrumentation d. post-test interview

or interrogation40. Refers to any outside force coming from the environment, which could excite a receptor or any of his organs.

a. Stimulus c. Reactionb. Response d. Emotion

Stimulus = refers to any force or motion coming from the environment and which reach an organism has the tendency to arouse.

Fear = it refers to an emotional response to specific danger that appears to be beyond a persons defensive power.

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Response =the reaction to a stimulus, in response to, in answer to. Reaction = an action in mental attitude evoke by external influence.

41. Is the type of question designed to established normal response from the subject?

a. relevant c. irrelevantb. control d. knowledge

42. “ Did you shoot Rose last night?” is an example of what question?a. irrelevant question c. control question b. relevant question d. none of the above

Irrelevant = not related to the facts in issue. Always answerable by “yes” and design to established the norms of the subject.Relevant = to establish specific response. 43. Is that type of questions given to determine information known or the subject possess regarding the crime or the criminal or his whereabouts?

a. evidence connecting question b. knowledge question c. sacrifice questionsd. control questions

44. Is a type of test designed to overly responsive subject, consisting of questions that are purely fictitious incident of a similar nature to the one that is under investigation. a. general question test c. peak of tension test

b. guilt complex test d. silent answer testGeneral Question test = series of relevant and irrelevant answerable by either yes or no.Peak of tension test = there is only one relevant (that has bearing upon the case) questions usually at the center and a series of irrelevant question (padding question).SAT= (silent answer test) no verbal response is required.Guilt Complex test = used fictitious incident to overly responsive subject.Yes test, No test, Card test, mixed test.45. Is a force questioning of a person who is reluctant to give an information.

a. Interview c. Confessionb. Interrogation d. Admission

46. Is a self incriminating statement falling short of an acknowledgement of guilt.a. Admission c. Interview b. Confession d. Interrogation

Interview = simple questioning of victim or witnesses who are willing to give information.Interrogation = forceful/rigid/vigorous questioning.47. Of the following which is a kind of polygraph machine?

a. Stoelting polygraph c. keeler's polygraphb. Laffayette polygraph d. all of these

48. Is that part of the galvanograph component which converts electrical to mechanical current:a. Amplifier unit c. finger electrode assemblyb. resonance control d. sensitivity knob

49. In any interrogation the belief that man is fallible human being should not be overlooked and therefore polygraph examiners are always subject to _________?

a. precision of diagnosis c. errorsb. certainty of interpretations d. none of these50. Refers to the brief confrontation between the subject and the polygraph examiner done every after taking each chart.

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a. initial interview c. Pre-test interviewb. chart probing d. post-test interview or interrogation

*** In polygraph test, the respiratory tracing is found in the?a. Bottom of the chart (Cardio tracing)b. Top of the chartc. Middle of the chart (Skin resistance)d. subjects breathing

*** The reason why the result of polygraph examiantion is not admissible evidence in court of law in the Philippines is because the said technique in eliciting information or deception is still in the ?

a. experimental stage c. analysis aspectb. Law enforcement d. limb***Changes in the height of both respiratory pressure tracing are considered symptomatic attempt at deception and is called?-- changes in Amplitude***Changes in the speed of rise and fall of the tracing – change in frequency or rate.*** In polygraph test, Your name is “Mr. Jose Velarde” is what kind of question? -- Irrelevant

Forensic Medicine1. Is a poisonous gas which smells like a rotten egg?

a. H2S c. CO2 b. CO d. H2O

CO is a poisonous gas that liberates from the unburned part of the ordinary cumbustibles.2. In the schematic outline on the isolation and identification of some common poisons, the specimen should first be:

a. alkaline solution (Na(OH))b. distilled with or without stemc. ether-extractedd. mixed with chemical antidotes.

3. Is the normal amount of semen per ejaculation of a normal built person.a. 1.5 to 3.5 cc b. 2.5 to 3.5 ccc. 3.5 to 5.5 cc d. 3.5 to 4.5 cc

400 to 500 millions = number of average spermatozoa per ejaculation.Aspermia = semen without spermatozoaOligospermia =lack of sperm counts4. What is known as the reproduction of an impression made on soft surface by utilizing casting materials.

a . dry fussion c. moulageb. metallic aides d. plaster of paris

5. What will be the possible child of a man with Group A and Type M blood with woman of Group B, type N blood. a. AB, N b. B,N c. O, M d. AB, MNAnti -A (blue) and anti –B (yellow) used for blood grouping6 quarts = the amount of blood in normal built person.Chronological Steps in Blood Testing:1. Preliminary test (Maybe blood) = Benzidine, Phenolphthalein, etc.2. Confirmatory test (surely blood) = microscopic, micro-chemical, spectroscopic.3. Biological or precipitin test (Human or Animal)4. Blood Grouping and Blood typing. 6.To confirm the presence of blood we look for?

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a. white crystallineb. Salmon pink, haemochromogenc. white cloudy precipitated. Dark brown rhomboid crystals

7. It is a biological test for blood?a. benzidine test c. takayama testb. blood grouping/typing d. precipitin test

Bezidine = preliminary test for blood (deep blue)Takayama = confirmatory test (micro-chemical) 8. This blood is characterized as bright scarlet in color, leaves the blood vessel with pressure and high oxygen content.

a. Arterial blood c. Venous bloodc. Menstrual blood d. Child’s blood

9. A preliminary test in blood in a solution of 1 to 300,000 dilution is:a. Benzidine c. guiacum

b. Phenolphthalein d. leucomalachine GreenPhenolphthalein = reddish pink result (1:80,000) DNA Blood sample required : 5 cc or 5 ml.Cotton buds = 4 for blood and saliva.Semen (3 cotton buds).Plaster of Paris = common casting material. (7 Paris Plus & parts of water.)10. Is the chemical substance found in all cells whose composition have been passed on from parents to their children.

a. RNA b. DNAc. Genotype d. Phenotype

11. How much blood sample is required for purposes of DNA testing?a. 5 cc b. 10 cc c. 7 cc d. 15 cc70. DNA is found in all nucleats cells of the body, it is regarded as the fingerprint of life. What does it stands for.a. Deonatural acide c. dynamic natural antibodyb. deoxyribonucleic acid d. deocxyribonuclic acid12. Gun powder residue maybe determined by?a. Takayama test c. paraffin testb. Diphenylamine d. Florence test Nitrate = produced deep blue speaksNitrite = produced green speaks13. What is the other name for cells clump?

a. overlapping c. clumpingb. agglutinate d. constipation

14. What kinds of skin is dry, and dead, peeled away from the surface skin?a. slight skin c. incipient ridgeb. burned skin d. scarf skin

15. What kind of a solution is used in the restoration of serial numbers? (Stainless steel, lead, cast iron are examples).

a. saturated solution of sodium bicarbonate b. etching solutionc. colloidal magnesium

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d. borax solutionMetallurgy = study of the micro-metallic composition of metals.16. A mercury fulminate is as example of what explosive?

a. Low c. highb. primary d. None

Kinds of Explosives:1. Low Explosives (Propellants) =gun powders2. High Explosives

a. Primary High = (Primers) designed to ignite.b. Secondary High = designed to explode.

17. What causes the pink color of blood and tissue of a gunshot wound of entry?a. Carbon monoxide c. carbon dioxideb. cellulose nitrite d. Hydrogen disulfide

Smokeless powder = nitrocellulose plus nitroglycerine.18. The center core of a strand of the hair, which form the bulk of the fiber. a. cuticle b. Cortex c. medulla d. ShalfParts of Hair: Root, Shaft & Tip.19. The cuticle of the animal hair is:

a. rounded c. oblongb. serrated d. circular

Human = rounded cuticle20. It is the ratio between the width of the medulla and the width of the whole hair?

a. medulary index c. medulab. medulary ratio d. medula radius

21. There are two kinds of fiber natural and _____?a. artificial c. animalb. plant d. man-made

e. a and d22. Which of the following test would distinguished an animal fiber from plant fiber?

a. bursting test c. ignition testb. solubility testd. dissolving test

23. A type of test usually administered to determine soil?a. Gas chromatographyb. Thin layer Chromatograhpyc. Density Gradient Testd. Mass Spectropotography

24. An adult has only ____bones a. 200 b. 202 c. 204 d. 206

25. In the determination of the sex of the skeleton, the following bones must be studied, except.a. pelvis c. sternumb. skull d. none of these

26. The following are methods of approximating the height of a person, except.a. two times the length from the vertex of the skull to the coccyx.b. Two times the length of one arm plus 12 inches for the clavicle and 1.5 inches for the sternumc. The distance between the tips of the middle fingers of both hands with the arms extended

laterally.d. None of these

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27. It is a crack on the glass similar to a spoke of the wheel. It is a crack that extends outward from the center.

a. radial crack c. concentric crackb. simple crack d. circular crack

28. Legal medicine is that branch of medicine which deals with the application of medical knowledge to the purpose of _____.

a. law and justiceb. determination of cause of deathc. identifying the victim d. none of these

29. Medical jurisprudence is that branch of _____which deals with the regulation and organization of medical profession.

a. law c. justice b. medicine d. jurisprudence

30. The Father of Forensic Medicine?a. Antistius c. Paulus Zacchias

b. Imhotep d. Dr. Pedro Solis Imhotep = builder of the first pyramid and was considered as the first or earliest recorded

medico-legal expert. Antistius = Earliest known forensic pathologist or public surgeon who performed the autopsy of

Julius Ceasar, reporting that out of the 23 stab wounds, only one penetrated the chest cavity between the first and second rib which the proximate cause of Caesar’s death.

32 In 1858, who published the first textbook in legal medicine?a. Dr. Rafael Genard y Masb. Dr. Sixto delos Angeles c. Dr. Gregorio T. Lantin d. Dr. Mariano Lara

“Manual de Medicina Domestica”33. A gait similar to that of a duck is?a. paretic c. spastic (without bending knee)b. waddling d. cow’s (knock-knee)34. On what months of the fetus life the Hair of eyebrow and eye-lashes begin to appear?a. 4th months c. 3rd monthsb. 5th months d. 6th months 3rd = nails begins to appear.4th = hair on the head starts to grow.5th = Nails are distinct. Skin shows sebaceous secretion. Dental gum appears at the mandible.Growth

1. 3rd to 4th mos. = development of friction ridges.2. 4th mos = growth of hair in the head.3. 5th mos. = nails are distinct.4. 6th mos = eyebrow and eye-lashes begin to appear.5. Most active from 5 to 7 years and 13 to 16 years old.6. Growth ceases at 25 years old.7. Pubic hair = 13 years for female; 14 y/o male.8. Mustache & Beard = 16 to 18 y/o9. Breast = 13 to 14 y/o10. Voices = 16 to 18 y/o

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11. Pubic hair may turn gray at 30 y/o12. Menstruation = 12 years (in tropical)

35. At what age the breast of a woman is usually starts to develop?a. 11 to 12 y/o c. 13 to 14 y/ob. 16 to 18 y/o d. 7 to 9 y/o

11 to 12 menstruation 16 to 18 = development of mustache and beard.36. The sum total of all reaction of tissues or organs for which the activities of the living cells are necessary.

a. physical reaction c. chemical reaction b. vital reaction d. inflammation

37. It is a complete and persistent cessation of vital reactions such as respiration, circulation and almost all brain functions.

a. death c. apparent death b. somatic death d. mollecular death

38. As a general rule, if there is no heart action for a period of ___death is regarded as certain.a. 5 minutes c. 7 minutesb. 6 minutes d. 8 minutes

39. Which of the following is a more conclusive sign of death–a. cessation of respirationb. cooling of the bodyc. cessation of heart function and circulation d. heating of the body

40. What test determines cessation of respiration?a. Winslow’s test c. Diaphanus testb. Magnus test d. none of these

Magnus and Diaphanus test are test for circulation. When the skin is pale & waxy looking it is a sign of lost of blood circulation --- YESDeath due to dehydration of the body means there is extreme lack of what? – H20 41. A person who is considered dead if no rate of fall of body temperature is about

a. 10 - 15°F c. 15– 20°Fb. 20 – 25° F d. 25 – 30° F

42. It is the rise of temperature of the body after death due to rapid and early putrefactive changes or some internal changes. It is usually observed in the first two hours of death

a. post mortem caloricity c. algor mortisb. heat stiffening d. rigor mortis

43. It is a change of the color of the body after death when blood accumulates in the dependent portion of the body.

a. Rigor mortis c. livor mortis b. algor mortis d. none of the above

44. Molecular death is a kind of death where:a. there is loss of life of the individual cells of the body b. It occurs immediately after death c. It is usually pronounced by the physician d. There is a transient loss of vital functions of the body45. If post-mortem rigidity would suggest approximate time of death, Cadaveric spasm will suggest _____?

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a. duration of death c. age of the victim b. cause of death d. none of the above 46. Stage of muscular change, which occurs 3-6 hours after death characteristics by stiffening of the muscles.

a. livor mortis c. secondary flascidity b. algor mortis d. post-mortem rigidity

47. Post mortem lividity or livor mortes is a very good basis for determining the a. time of deathb. relative position of the assailantc. position maintained by the body after death d. cause of death

48. The following are muscle changes after death except:a. primary flascidity c. rigor mortis b. secondary flascidity d. post-mortem lividity

49. Stages in blood changes where blood goes to the dependent portion of the body but not yet solidify.a. livor mortis c. hypostatic lividityb. diffusion lividity d. cadaveric spasm

50. Rigor mortis is the stiffening of the body, which is always to occur in case of death. What is that condition characterized by spontaneous stiffening of certain group of muscles.

a. heat stiffening c. cold stiffening b. livor mortis d. cadaveric spasm

51. A muscular change characterized by the softness of the muscles and no longer responds to mechanical or electrical stimulus due to dissolution of protein.a.Primary flaccidity c. stage of secondary flaccidityb. Post mortem rigidity d. Putrefaction

e. Decomposition 52. Rigor mortis is very important in determining the approximate time of death for it starts at about 2 to 6 hrs and completes at ______?

a. 36 hrs b. 24 hrsc. 12 hrs d. 48 hrs

53. Refers to the stiffening of the muscles due to the solidification the body is exposed to freezing temperature.

a. cold stiffening c. froze stiffening b. iced stiffening d. none of these

54. The following are important of cadaveric lividity, EXCEPT.a. sign of death b. determines whether the position of the body has been changed c. may indicate the cause of deathd. none of these

55. Moggots are seen in dead bodies particularly in warm countries within how many days from death.a . l day b. 2 days c. 3 days d. 4 days 56. Livor mortis or post mortem lividity is completed in how many hours after death?a. 24 hours b. 12 hours c. 36 hours d. 48 hours 57. Is the stiffening of certain group of muscles occurring at the moment of death, usually associated with violent death due to extreme nervous tension, or even fatigue?

a.heat stiffening c. cadaveric spasmb. Rigor mortis d. cold stiffening

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58. Is the breaking down of the complex proteins into simpler component associated with the evolution of foul smelling gases and accompanied by the change of color of the body

a. putrefaction c. maceration b. auto digestion d. saponification

59. What is a waxy substance derived from the body fat and is caused by hydrolysis and hydrogenation of adipose tissue.

a. adipocere c. saponification b. lipo d. none of these

60. It is a formation of a soft freoble brownish white greasy substance in the soft tissues after death.a. Mummification c. Putrefaction b. saponification d. decomposition

61. Average time for the stomach to empty its contents a. 2 – 3 hours c. 4 – 5 hours b. 3 – 4 hours d. 5 – 6 hours

62. An injury or disease which survived for a prolonged interval which allowed the development of complications which becomes the cause of death.a. Proximate cause of death or secondary cause of death b. Immediate or primary cause of death c. Cardio-respiratory arrest

a. Nocturnal death 63. Their presence in the cadaver would indicate that death has occurred more than 24 hours hence are useful to approximate the time of death.a. flies b. earthworms c. bees d. butterflies 64. EXCEPT one, the following are characteristics of cadaveric spasm

a. a natural phenomena which occur after death b. appears immediately after death c. involves only a group of muscles d. all of these

65. A complete study of a dead body, undertaken by a trained physician.a. Autopsy c. medical examination b. embalming d. post-mortem examination

66. Deaths due to injuries inflicted in the body by some forms of outside force.a. violent death c. sudden death b. natural death d. none of these

67. The elements of violent death are the following EXCEPT one.a. That the victim at the time the injuries were inflicted was in normal health b. That death maybe expected from physical injuries c. That death ensued within a reasonable time d. That death ensued from a lingering illness

68. Period of time wherein the body would b e completely skeletonized under normal conditions in tropical countries

a. 1 month c. 6 monthsb. 3 months d. 12 months

69. X and Y are husband and wife, X has a mistress, Miss W, to whom he has a son (C ), a 2 years old baby. What kind of death is involved if X killed his illegitimate child (C).

a. Homicidal death c. Murder b. Parricidal death d. Infanticidal death

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70. What if it is Y who killed (C)?a. Homicidal death c. Murder b. Parricidal death d. Infanticidal death

71. The act or practice of killing or bringing about the death of a person who suffers from incurable disease or condition.

a. Euthanasia c. pathological death b. suicide d. none of these

72. The following judicial executions were exercised in the Philippines except.a. judicial hanging c. electrocution b. musketry d. lethal injection

73. Average time of decomposition for tropical countries such as Philippines –a. 12 – 24 hours c. 36 – 48 hours b. 24 – 48 hours d. 48 – 72 hours

74. Pulverization of the body into ashes with the use of intense fire___a. charring c. exhumation b. cremation d. baking

75. Is a pathological classification of death which is characterized by increasing dypsnea.a. Coma c. Syncopeb. Asphyxia d. Somatic

76. A wound which resembles the shape or object of the instrument which caused it.a. defense woundb. self inflicted woundc. patterned woundd. mutilated wound

77. Wound produced by a butcher’s knife.a. punctured wound c. lacerated wound b. hack wound d. incised wound

78. What is the last stage in the toxicological examination?a. qualification c. quantificationb. multiplication d. division

79. Person who is qualified to conduct toxicological examination?a. Physician c. forensic examiner b. medico-legal d. forensic pathologist80. The following are indication of gunshot wound of entrance.

a. that the size is smaller than the exitb. that the edge is invertedc. that the shape is round or oval d. that the edge is evertede. a, b, and c only

81. Vital reaction is/are present on the following EXCEPT:a. Ante Mortem injuries c. Stab wound over the body b. fist blow over the body d. Post mortem injuries

82. It is a physical injury wherein the victim is ill – treat or incapacitated for work or require medical attendance for a period of one to 9 days.

a. slight physicalb. less serious physical injuryc. serious physical injury d. mutilation

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83. Stab wound is produced bya. sharp edges and sharp pointed instrument b. sharp edged instrumentc. blunt instrument d. Sharp pointed instrument sharp edge instrument = incised woundblunt = lacerated woundrough object = abrasionsharp pointed = punctured wound84. Solution of the natural continuity of any tissue of the living body is called

a. fracture c. wound b. dislocation d. contusion

85. Points to be considered in reporting of wound a. character of woundb. location of woundc. number of wound d. measurement of wounde. all of the above

86. A wound which is the result of instinctive reaction of self protection is what special type of wound.a. defense c. offensive b. self inflicted wound d. Patterned

87. When the head is free and mobile, a blow on the back of the head may produce laceration in the front part of the brain. This is what type of inury.

a. direct or coup injury c. remote b. contre-coup injury d. coup-contre- coup

injury Coup injury = the wound/injury is found in the site of application of force.Contre coup = opposite the siteCoup-contre coup = on the site and opposite site.Locus minoris = not on the site nor opposite but on the weak part of the body.Extensive injury = great destruction or scatered wound/injury88. wound which inflicted in the body which is so serious that it will endanger one’s life

a. non-mortal wound c. trauma b. mortal wound d. coup injury

89. In gunshot wounds, when there is evident burning of tissues and blackening of the skin, it may be ascertained that it is a near contact fire meaning that the distance of the body to the gun is approximately.

a. 6 inches c. 18 inches b. 12 inches d. 24 inches

90. A physical injury which is found at the site and also at the opposite of the application of force a. extensive injury c. contre-coup injury b. coup injury d. coup-contre coup injury

91. When the person was stabbed by an ice-pick, what wound would be exhibited.a. punctured wound c. lacerated wound b. hack wound d. incised wound 92.Is a form of ligature strangulation in which the force applied to the neck is derived from the gravitational drag of the weight of the body?

a. hanging c. lynching

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b. strangulation by ligature d. none of these 93. Smothering means ________

a. blockage of the external air-passagesb. blockage of the upper airwaysc. deprivation of oxygen d. none of these

94. ______is associated with the failure of the arterial blood to become normally saturated with oxygen.a. Anoxic deathb. anemic anoxic deathc. stagnant anoxic death d. none of these

95. It is produced by compression of the neck by means of a ligature which is tightened by a force other than the weight of the body.

a. strangulation by ligature c. throttling b. hanging d. gagging

96. This is a form of asphyxial death whereby the constrict force applied in the neck is the hand.a. Throttling c. mugging b. gagging d. none of these

97. According to Phopel, there are five level of stiffening of the joints. What level is that where some stiffening allows relaxed repetitive movement of the hands?

a. level IV c. level IIIb. level II d. level I

98. In which instance can you get more evidence of poisoning?a. When the victim survive

b. When the victim died c. When the suspect was arrested

d. When the victim is aware of the poisoning 99. When there is poisoning?

a. When the substance was introduced to the body.b. When the poison combined with the food.c. When the substance is absorbed by the body and act chemically.d. When the substance is introduced to the body and absorbs.

100. What is the principal active component of opium which comes in white crystalline powder and light tablets.a. heroin b. Morphinec. cocaine d. shabu

Opium poppy –morphine -- heroin -- codeine

101. Types of drugs that relieves pain and often induce sleep.a. narcotics b. Stimulantsc. sedatives d. neurotics

102. __________are drugs which affects sensation, thinking, self awareness and emotion. It may be mild or overwhelming depending on dose and quality of drugs.

a. Narcotics b. Hallucinogensc. sedatives d. stimulants

103. Which one is not included in street name of MARIJUANA?a. Mary Jane c. Brownies

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b. snow d. FlowerTHC- Tetrahydrocannabinol = the active component of marijuana responsible for its hallucinogenic effect.

104. It is a type of virginity in which a woman has awareness and had sexual indulgence but the hymen is considered in tact

a. Virgo Intacta c. Moral Virginityb. Demi Virgin d. Physical Virginity

Moral virginity = innocent mindPhysical virginity (True Physical/ False Physical) = No actual experience.Demi Virginity = had sexual experience but hymen is intact.Virgo Intacta = raptured hymen but never gave birth.105. Which of the following is a potential biological agent?

a. Viagra c. Antraxb. Hydrogen d. Smallpox

Glass = supercooled liquid which possess high viscosity and rigidity. Non-crystaline inorganic substance.

Silica = the most important constituent of glass. THANK YOU!!!