Critical Questions MATHS (English)Ans

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  • Contents

    1. Questions 1 - 20

    2. Answer Key 21

    3. Hints & Solutions 22 - 45


  • A. Questions Format

    In the booklet check that it contains all the 180 questions and corresponding answer choices are legible. Read carefully the

    Instructions printed at the beginning of each section.

    1. Section 1 contains 53 multiple choice questions. Each question has Four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which only ONE

    is correct.

    2. Section 2 contains 37 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONE or

    MORE are correct.

    3. Section 3 contains 2 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which Only ONE is


    4. Section 4 contains 10 paragraphs each describing theory, experiment, data etc. Twenty questions related to Ten

    paragraphs with one or two or three questions on each paragraph. Each question of a paragraph has ONLY ONE correct

    answer among the four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D).

    5. Section 5 contains 4 question. Each question contains statements given in two columns which have to be matched.

    Statements in Column I are labelled as A,B,C and D whereas statements in Column II are labelled as p,q,r,s and t. The answers

    to these questions have to be appropriately bubbled as illustrated in the following example.

    6. Section 6 contains 1 multiple choice questions. Each questions has matching lists. The codes for the lists have coices (A),

    (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

    7. Section 7 contains 43 questions. The answer to each question is a single-digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).

    8. Section 8 contains 17 questions. The answer to each question is a double-digit integer, ranging from 00 to 99 (both inclusive).

    B. Marking Scheme

    9. For each question in Section 1, you will be awarded 3 marks if you darken the bubble corresponding to only the correct answer

    and zero mark if no bubbles are darkened. In all other cases, minus one (1) mark will be awarded.

    10. For each question in Section 2, you will be awarded 4 marks if you darken the bubble(s) corresponding to only the correct

    answer and zero mark if no bubbles are darkened. No negative marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.

    11. For each question in Section 3, you will be awarded 4 marks if you darken all the bubble(s) corresponding to only the correct

    answer(s) and zero mark if no bubbles are darkened.

    12. For each question in Section 4 contains 10 paragraphs each describing theory, experiment, data etc. Twenty questions

    related to Ten paragraphs with one or two or three questions on each paragraph. Each question of a paragraph has ONLY ONE

    correct answer among the four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D).

    13. For each question in Section5, you will be awarded 2 marks for each row in which you have darkened the bubble

    corresponding to the correct answer. Thus, each question in this section carries a maximum of 8 marks. There is no negative

    marking for incorrect answer(s) in this section.

    14. For each question in Section 6, you will be awarded 3 marks if you darken all the bubble(s) corresponding to only the correct

    answer(s) and zero mark if no bubbles are darkened. In all other cases, minus one (1) mark will be awarded.

    15. For each question in Section 7, you will be awarded 4 marks if you darken the bubble corresponding to only the correct answer

    and zero mark if no bubbles are darkened. No negative marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.

    16. For each question in Section 8, you will be awarded 4 marks if you darken all the bubble(s) corresponding to only the correct

    answer(s) and zero mark if no bubbles are darkened. No negative marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.



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    SECTION 1 : (Only One option correct Type)

    This section contains 53 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

    1. Let f(x) = sin2(x + ) + sin2(x + ) 2cos( ) sin(x + ) sin(x + ). Which of the following is TRUE?(A) f(x) is strictly increasing in x (, )(B) f(x) is strictly decreasing in x (, )

    (C) f(x) is strictly increasing in x


    , and strictly decreasing in x


    2(D) f(x) is a constant function

    2. If the roots of the equation a(b c)x2 + b(c a)x + c(a b) = 0 (where a, b, c are unequal real numbers) arereal and equal and be the roots of equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, a 0 then harmonic mean of is(A) 1 (B) 1 + (C) 1 (D) 1

    3. If A =


    and B =


    are two matrices such that AB = BA and c 0, then value of cb3d3a3

    is(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 1




    (x -1) x

    2xx 0

    e - xlim(x) -1 =

    (A) 1 (B) 81 (C) 1 (D) does not exist

    5. If the equation 4y3 8a2yx2 3ay2x + 8x3 = 0 represent three straight lines, two of them are perpendicularthen sum of all possible values of a is

    (A) 43 (B) 5 (C) 5

    4 (D) 3

    6. If th th thp , q , r terms of an AP are P, Q, R respectively , then which of the following must be CORRECT ?(A) p Q + q R + r P = p R + r Q + q P(B) (p + q + r)th term will be P + Q + R.(C) If p < q < r, then P < Q < R(D) If P,Q,R N then common difference of AP will be an integer..

    7. The set of values of 'a' for which x2 + ax + sin1(x2 4x + 5) + cos1 (x2 4x + 5) = 0 has at least one solutionis(A) ( , 2 ] [ 2 , ) (B) ( , 2 ) ( 2 , )

    (C) R (D)



    8. Let = 10log 15 and = 10log 16 , a set A = A = 10 10 10{ log 1, log 2,.........log 50} the number of elements in setA which can be written in the form of a b c where a,b,c are rational numbers, is(A) 23 (B) 24 (C) 25 (D) none of these

    9. If both the roots of the equation x2 + (3 2k) x 6k = 0 belongs to the interval (6, 10), then largest value ofk is(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) none of these

  • RESONANCE Page - 2


    10. The domain of the function f(x) = )xx3x2()1x2(


    + )x(logsin 21 is


    ,21 (B)

    2,21 (C) [1, 2] (D) (1, )

    11. Let G, S, I be respectively centroid, circumcentre, incentre of triangle ABC. If R, r are circumradius andinradius respectively then which of the following is INCORRECT ?(A) SI2 = R2 (1 cosA cosB cosC) ; A,B,C being angles of triangle.(B) SI2 = R2 2Rr

    (C) SG2 = R2 91 (a2 + b2 + c2) ; a, b,c being sides of triangle.

    (D) SG SI

    12. Two circles are given as x + y + 14x 6y + 40 = 0 and x + y 2x + 6y + 7 = 0 with their centres as C1and C2. If equation of another circle whose centre C3 lies on the line 3x + 4y 16 = 0 and touches the circleC1 externally and also C1C2 + C2C3 + C3C1 is minimum, is x + y + ax + by + c = 0 then the value of( a + b + c) is(A) 2 (B) 0 (C) 16 (D) None of these

    13. If g(x) = [f(x)], x 0, ,2 23, x / 2

    where [x] denotes the greatest integer function and

    f(x) = n n

    n n

    2(sin x sin x) | sin x sin x |,n R {1},

    2(sin x sin x) | sin x sin x |


    (A) g(x) is continuous and differentiable at x = /2, when 0 < n < 1(B) g(x) is continuous and differentiable at x = /2, when n > 1(C) g(x) is continuous but not differentiable at x = /2, when 0 < n < 1(D) g(x) is neither continuous nor differentiable, at x = /2, when n > 1

    14. If



    2dx = 2010)x(sin

    )x(P+ C, then value of


    P is

    (A) 0 (B) 31 (C) 3 (D) 2


    15. If ji bisects the angle between c and j k , then value of c.j is equal to

    (A) 0 (B) 12 (C) 12

    (D) 1

    16. If A and B are two square matrices such that B = A1 BA, then (A + B)2 is equal to(A) O (B) A2 + B2 (C) A2 + 2AB + B2 (D) A + B

    17. The value of where = sin1 4

    32 + cos1


    + sec1 )2( is equal to

    (A) 0 (B) 4 (C) 6

    (D) 2

    18. f(x) = QxQx





    . The number of points of continuity of f(x) is(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) infinitely many

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    19. Let f(x) =2


    dy1 y . The value of the integral



    xf(x) dx is equal to

    (A) 1 (B) 43 (C) 23 (D)


    20. Let P be a point on ellipse 4x + y = 8 with eccentric angle 4

    . If tangent at P intersects the x-axis at A and

    y-axis at B and normal at P intersect the x-axis at A' and y-axis at B'. The ratio of area of triangle APA' toarea of triangleBPB' is(A) 1 : 1 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 3 : 1 (D) 4 : 1



    ex/2 dx, x




    (A) ex/2 sin 2x

    + C (B) ex/2 sec 2x

    + C (C) ex/2 sin 2x

    + C (D) ex/2 cos 2x

    + C

    22. |x|]x[2elim



    = (where [.] denotes greatest integer function)

    (A) 2 e

    1 (B) 1 (C) 2 e (D) e

    1 2

    23. If 1 1 11 1tan (1) tan (2) tan (3)2 3

    , 1 11 1 1tan (1) 2tan 3tan2 3


    1p r cot (3)q s


    where p, q, r, s N and are in their lowest form then which of the following is INCORRECT ?(A) p r 0 (B) q 4s (C) p q r s 42 (D) pr 1 q

    24. The length of sub-normal at any point P(x,y) on the curve, which (curve) is passing through Q(0, 1) is unity.The area bounded by the curves satisfying this condition is equal to


    23 (B)

    43 (C)

    13 (D)


    25. Let f(x) = x + x + x4 + x8 + x16 + x32 + ......the coefficient of x10 in f(f(x)) is(A) 28 (B) 40 (C) 52 (D) none of these

    26. If 1, 1, 2, 3,.....2008 are (2009)th roots of unity, then the value of 2008

    r 2009rr 1

    r( )

    is equal to(A) 2009 (B) 2008 (C) 0 (D) 2009

    27. Let




    )xsin(sec.)x(coslim , where , R

    (A) = 2, = 0 (B) = 0, = 2 (C) = 37

    , = 0 (D) = 35

    , = 0

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    MATHEMATICS28. Let A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2) C(x3, y3) be vertices of triangle ABC with BC = a, AB = c, AC = b. If algebraic sum of

    perpendicular distances from L



    cbaax3 11

    , M



    cbabx3 22

    , N



    cbacx3 33

    to a

    variable line is zero then all such lines passes through(A) orthocentre of ABC (B) centroid of ABC(C) circumcentre of ABC (D) incentre of ABC

    29. If |f(x)| 1 x R and f(0) = 0 = f(0) then which of the following can be TRUE?

    (A) 51


    (B) 41


    (C) 313f (D) none of these

    30. If f(x) = cos 8{x} + sin 2x cosec 2x (where {.} represents fractional part function), then fundamental periodof f(x) is

    (A) 41 (B) 2

    1 (C) 1 (D) 87

    31. The principle argument of z = x + iy, if it lies in second quadrant is equal to

    (A) x


    1 (B)


    ytan 1 (C) x

    ytan 1 (D) x



    32. If the function f(x) = 2 1/ x

    , x 0x {e }, x 0k

    where {.} denotes fractional part function, is continuous at x = 0, then(A) k = 1 (B) f(x) is non-derivable at x = 0(C) f(x) is derivable at x = 0 (D) f(x) is continuous at every point in its domain.

    33. f(x) = x2 + 1, g(x) = 3 x . Then (gofogofogogog)(x) is(A) odd function (B) even function (C) polynomial function (D) identity function

    34. If a = 2 , then sum of seriescot1(2a1 + a) + cot1 (2a1 + 3a) + cot1(2a1 + 6a) + cot1 (2a1 + 10a) + .... upto infinite terms, is

    (A) 4 (B) 2

    (C) 3 (D) 6

    35. The normal to the curve 5x5 10x3 + x + 2y + 6 = 0 at P (0, 3) meets the curve again at two points, then theequations of the tangents to the curve at these points is/are(A) 2x y 3 = 0 (B) 2x + y 3 = 0 (C) 2x + y + 3 = 0 (D) 2x y + 3 = 0

    36. If f(x + y + 1) = 2)y(f)x(f and f(0) = 1, Ry,x then f(x) can be(A) 1 x2 (B) 1 x (C) (x + 1)2 (D) x2 1

    37. f(x) = )xsine(cos 1x21 (A) domain of f is [1, 1] (B) f is injective(C) range of f is [0, 5] (D) f1(x) = f(x) have no solution.

    38. A normal chord drawn to a parabola y2 = 4x at any point P intersects the parabola again at a point Q, then theminimum distance of Q from the vertex of the parabola is equal to(A) 4 2 (B) 4 3 (C) 4 5 (D) 4 6

    39. Let p(x) be a real polynomial of least degree which has a local maximum at x = 2 and a local minimum atx = 4. If p(2) = 8, p(4) = 1 , then p(0) is

    (A) 5168 (B) 42 (C) 43 (D) 45

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    40. Let f(x) = (3x + 2)2 1, < x 23 . If g(x) is the function whose graph is the reflection of the graph of f(x)with respect to line y = x, then g(x) equals to

    (A) 1 (2 x 1), x 13 (B) 1 (2 x 1), x 13

    (C) 1 (1 x 2), x 23 (D) 1 (1 x 2), x 23

    41. cot1


    + cot1


    33 + cot1


    129............ is

    (A) 4 (B) 2

    (C) 4

    (D) none of these

    42. The sum 10098

    + 9997

    + 9896

    +.......+ 31

    + 20

    is equal to, where n


    = nC


    (A) 10098

    (B) 10199

    (C) 10099

    (D) 10198

    43. A circle with centre (3, 3) and of variable radius cuts the hyperbola x2 y2 = 36 at the points P,Q,R and S.If the locus of centroid of PQR is (x 2)2 (y 2)2 = , then the value of is(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 3

    44. Let f(x) =


    3x2,)3b3b(nxx4 23 . Find all the possible real values of b such that f(x) has the

    smallest value at x = 3.(A) (, 2] [3, ) (B) (, 1] [2, ) (C) (1, 2] (D) (, 2]

    45. The solution set of the inequality (cosec1x)2 2(cosec1x) 6

    cosec1x 3

    is (, a] [b, ), then(a + b) is equal to(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 1

    46. arg 72 318 9 10 14

    1+ Z + Z + Z ......... + Z

    1+ Z + Z + Z + ....... + Z


    (A) 21

    arg (Z1 Z2 .........Z7) (B) arg (Z1 Z2 .........Z7)

    (C) 41

    arg (Z1 Z2 .........Z7) (D) 81

    arg (Z1 Z2 .........Z7)

    47. Image of the curve xy = 1 in the curve

    1xx 2

    1yy 2

    = 1 (on coordinate plane) is(A) xy = 1 (B) xy + 1 = 0 (C) xy = 0 (D) x2 + y2 = 1

    48. |1 + Z1 + Z2 +.....+ Z7 | =

    (A) sec

    157 (B)


    sec21 (C)


    sec2 (D) None of these

    49. Let O be centre, S, S be foci of hyperbola. If tangent at any point P on hyperbola cuts asymptotes at M andN then OM + ON =(A) |SP SP| (B) SP + SP (C) SS (D) distance between vertices

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    MATHEMATICS50. DABC be a tetrahedron such that AD is perpendicular to the base ABC and ABC = 30. The volume of

    tetrahedron is 18. If value of AB + BC + AD is minimum then length of AC is

    (A) 3 6 3 (B) 3 6 2 (C) 2 6 3 (D) 2 6 2

    51. The solution set of values of x satisfying equation 2cot1x + cos1




    , is

    (A) all real numbers (B) (, 0] (C) [0, ) (D) (, 1) (1, )

    52. If g(x) = 2f (2x3 3x2) + f (6x2 4x3 3), x R and f (x) > 0, x R, then g(x) is increasing on theinterval

    (A) 1, 0,12

    (B) 1,0 1,2

    (C) 0, (D) ,1

    53. Let a circle with centre at C be made to pass through the point P(1,2), touching the straight lines 7x y = 5and x + y + 13 = 0 at A and B respectively. If tangents at A and B intersect at Q, then

    (A) area of quadrilateral ACBQ can be 100 sq. units (B) radius of circle can be 40(C) area of quadrilateral ACBQ can be 200 sq. units (D) radius of circle can be10

    SECTION 2 : (One or more options correct Type)This section contains 37 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)out of which ONE or MORE are correct.

    54. Consider the locus of the complex number z in the Argand plane is given by Re(z) 2 = |z 7 + 2i|. Let P(z1)and Q (z2) be two complex number satisfying the given locus and also satisfying

    arg 12

    z - (2+ i)= ( R)

    z - (2+ i) 2

    then the minimum value of PQ is divisible by

    (A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 2

    55. Let f(x2 + y) = (f(x))2 + f(y) for all x, y R, then(A) f(x) is odd(B) f(x) is even f(x) = 0 x R(C) f(x) is continuous at x = 0 it is continuous everywhere(D) f(x) is differentiable at x = 0 f(x) = x f (0), x R

    56. Let f(x) = x3 + px2 + qx + r, where p,q and r are integers, f(0) and f(1) are odd integers. Which of thefollowing is/are CORRECT ?(A) f(1) is an even integer (B) f(1) is an odd integer(C) f(x) = 0 has three distinct integer roots (D) f(x) = 0 cannot have three integer roots.

    57. Let a,b,c R. If ax2 + bx + c = 0 have one root < 1 and other root > 1, then

    (A) 1 b c 0a a (B) 1 + 0




    b (C) 1 0a



    b (D) 1 0a




    58. The value(s) of x satisfying 1 log9(x + 1)2 = 21

    3x5xlog 3 is/are

    (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 7 (D) 4

    59. If g(x) = mlim 1x4x23)x(h)x(fx



    when x 1 and g(1) = e3 such that f(x), g(x) and h(x) are continuous

    functions at x = 1, then(A) f(1) = 2e3 (B) h(1) = 5e3 3 (C) f(1) + h(1) = 7e3 + 5 (D) f(1) h (1) = 7e3 + 5

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    MATHEMATICS60. A parabola C whose focus is S(0,0) and passing through P(3, 4). Equation of tangent at P to parabola is

    3x + 4y 25 = 0. A chord through S parallel to tangent at P intersects the parabola at A and B. Which of thefollowing are CORRECT ?(A) Length of AB is 20 units(B) Latus rectum of parabola is 20 units(C) Only one real normal can be drawn from the point (3, 4)(D) Only one real normal can be drawn from the point (6, 8)

    61. If 114 + 8 - 32 + 768 = a 2 cosb

    , where a and b are natural numbers then a

    b is divisible by

    (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 6

    62. For the function f(x) = (x2 + bx + c) ex and g(x) = (x2 + bx + c) ex + ex (2x + b), which of the following holdsgood ?(A) f(x) > 0 for all real x g(x) > 0 (B) f(x) > 0 for all real x g(x) > 0(C) g(x) > 0 for all real x f(x) > 0 (D) g(x) > 0 for all real x f(x) > 0

    63. If the equation 2

    1 11 1 2cos x cos x1a a 0

    22 2

    has only one real solution then subsets of values

    of 'a' are(A) (3, 1) (B) (, 3] (C) [1, ) (D) [3, )

    64. f(x) = 23

    x 2 , x 2x , 2 x 3

    , x 3x 18

    (A) f(x) is continuous in R. (B) f(x) is discontinuous at 'a' for some a R.(C) f(x) is continuous at infinitely many real x. (D) f(x) is discontinuous at infinitely many real x.

    65. Which of the following must hold good for the expansion of the binomial 15




    (A) There exist a term which is independent of x.(B) 8th and 9th terms of the expansion have the greatest binomial coefficient(C) Coefficients of x32 and x17 are equal(D) If x = 2 , then number of rational terms in the expansion is 5

    66. Which of the following is NOT in the solution set of the inequality |x2 1| + |2x2 3| < |2 x2| ?

    (A) (1, 1) (B) (2, 2) (C)


    ,1 (D) (3, )

    67. Let a function f(x), x 0 be such that 1 1f (x) f f (x) fx x

    then f(x) can be :

    (A) 1 x2013 (B) | x | 1

    (C) 12 tan | x | (D) 21 k n | x | , k being arbitrary constant

    68. TP and TQ are tangents to parabola y2 = 8x and normals at P and Q intersect at a point R on the parabola.The locus of circumcentre of TPQ is a parabola whose -

    (A) Vertex is (2, 0) (B)foot of perpendicular from focus on the directrix is 7 , 04

    (C) length of latus rectum is 1 (D) focus is 9 , 04

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    MATHEMATICS69. The function f(x) = 2|x| + |x + 1| ||x 3| 3|x|| has a local minimum or a local maximum at x =

    (A) 0 (B) 23 (C) 4

    3 (D) 3

    70. If z1 , z2 ,z 3 , z4 are roots of the equation a0z4 + a1z3 + a2z2 + a3z + a4 = 0, where a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 and a4 are real,then(A)

    1z , 2z , 3z , 4z are also roots of the equation

    (B) z1 is equal to at least one of 1z , 2z , 3z , 4z(C) 1z , 2z , 3z , 4z are also roots of the equation(D) None of the above.


    X 3

    sin(e 1)limn(x 2) = c, which of the following is/are CORRECT ?

    (A) sin1c = 2 (B) c = 0

    (C) c is a positive integer (D) c is neither prime nor composite

    72. Let b,a

    and c

    be three unit vectors such that | cba | = 3 and )ba).(ac()ac).(cb()cb).(ba( . Which of the following are CORRECT ?

    (A) The maximum value of is 0(B) If is maximum then the volume of parallelepiped determined by b,a and c is 3

    (C) If is maximum then the value of )ac6cb5ba).(c4b3a2( is 32.(D) None of these

    73. Let g be the inverse of the continuous function f, Let there be a point (, ), where , is such that itsatisfies each of y = f(x) and y = g(x) then(A) the equation f(x) = g(x) has infinitely many solutions(B) the equation f(x) = g(x) has atleast 3 solutions(C) f must be a decreasing function of x(D) g can be an increasing function of x

    74. The maximum and minimum value of ab sin x + b 2a1 cos x + c (|a| 0), lie in interval(A) [c b, b + c] (B) (b c, b + c)(C) [c 2b, c + 2b] (D) [c, c]

    75. If ( x 1)log 323x 2lim (log (ax 3x 1))

    , where is a finite real number then

    (A) a = 1 (B) 'a' can have more than one values(C) = e2/3 (D) = e1/3

    76. Which of the following functions is an injective (one-one) function in their respective domain?(A) f(x) = 2x + sin 3x (B) f(x) = x. [x],(where[.] denotes the G.I.F.)

    (C) f(x) =x


    2 +14 -1

    (D) None of these

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    MATHEMATICS77. The centre of a circle S = 0 lies on 2x 2y + 9 = 0 and S = 0 cuts orthogonally the circle x2 + y2 = 4. Then

    the circle must pass through the point(A) (1, 1) (B) ( 1/2, 1/2) (C) (5, 5) (D) ( 4, 4)a

    78. If 1 1 x2f(x)+ xf - 2f 2sin x + = 4cos + xcos , x R- {0}x 4 2 x

    then which of the following

    statements(s) is/are true?

    (A) f(2) + f


    = 1 (B) f(2) + f(1) = 0

    (C) f(2) + f(1) = f

    21 (D) f(1) + f


    = 1

    79. If 114 + 8 - 32 + 768 = a 2 cosb

    , where a and b are natural numbers then (b a) is divisible by

    (A) 2 (B) 23 (C) 69 (D) 46

    80. Equation of the plane passing through the line of intersection of the two planes 1 1.r n q

    and 2 2.r n q


    parallel to the line of intersection of 3 3.r n q

    and 4 4.r n q


    (A) dependent on 1 3.n n (B) dependent on 3 4.n n

    (C) independent of q1 and q2 (D) independent of q3 and q4

    81. Let ABCD be a tetrahedron, where A = (2,0,0), B = (0,4,0). If edge CD lies on line x 1 y 2 z 31 2 3

    , such

    that centriod (,,) of tetrahedron satisfies b





    then which of the following are


    (A) a + b = 25 (B) y1 + z1 = 4

    19 (C) y1 z1 = 41 (D) a + b + y1 = 5

    82. The line 3x + 6y = k intersects the curve 2x2 + 2xy + 3y2 = 1 at points A and B. The circle on AB as diameterpasses through the origin. The possible value of k is -(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 4 (D) 3

    83. A rod of length 2 units whose one end is (1, 0, 1) and other end touches the plane x 2y + 2z + 4 = 0, isrotated on this plane, then(A) the rod sweeps a solid structure whose volume is cubic units(B) the area of the region which the rod traces on the plane is 2(C) the length of projection of the rod on the plane is 3 units

    (D) the centre of the region which the rod traces on the plane is






    84. Let f :


    ,0 [0, 1] be a differentiable function such that f(0) = 0, f

    2 = 1, then

    (A) f () = 2))(f(1 for all


    ,0 (B) f () = 2

    for all



    (C) f() f () = 1

    for at least one


    ,0 (D) f () = 28

    for at least one



  • RESONANCE Page - 10

    MATHEMATICS85. Two equal sides of an isosceles triangle are given by the equation 7x y + 3 = 0 and x + y 3 = 0 and its third

    side passes through the point (1, 10). The equation of the third side can be(A) x + 3y + 29 = 0 (B) x 3y = 31 (C) 3x + y = 3 (D) 3x + y + 7 = 0

    86. Let f(x) = cos1 (cos2x) and g(x) = |cos x| then(A) number of solution of f(x) = g(x) in ]2,0[ is 4.(B) max {f(x), g(x)} is a periodic function(C) max {f(x), g(x)} is a non differentiable function for some x,(D) min {f(x), g(x)} is an even function

    87. Consider f(x) = 2sinx + sin 2x , x



    (A) Greatest value of f(x) is 3 (B) Greatest value of f(x) is 233

    (C) Least value of f(x) is zero (D) Least value of f(x) is 2

    88. For a Function f : A B such that n(A) a, n(B) b (a,b N) then which of the following statementssmust be CORRECT ?(A) If function is one - one, onto, then a>b(B) If function is one - one, into, then ab(D) If function is many - one, into, then a

  • RESONANCE Page - 11


    SECTION - 3 (True & False Statement Type)This Section Contains 2 questions.Each questions contains 4 statements S1, S2, S3 & S4. Eachstatement is either true (T) or false (F). Each questions has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) each of whichcontains whether S1, S2, S3 & S4 are true or false. Exactly one choice contains the correct order of truthnessor falseness of S1, S2, S3 & S4 respectively and is the correct choice.

    92. Consider the following statements :S1 : Let ax2 + bx + c = 0 be a quadratic equation, if b2 4ac > 0 then roots are real and distinctS2 : Let a,b,c,d . Then the possible rational roots of the equation ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = 0 are of the

    form qp

    where p is an integral divisor of d and q is an integral divisor of a.

    S3 : Let z = a + ib be a complex numbers where a,b C R. Then ibaz .

    S4 : If 2)5ba( = 253

    , then a,b Q.

    State, in order, whether S1, S2, S3, S4 are true or false(A) FTTT (B) TFTT (C) FTTF (D) FFTF

    93. Consider the following statements :S1 : Let a,b,c C and ax2 + bx + c = 0 be a quadratic equation. Then b2 4ac = 0 roots are real and equal.

    S2 : Let b,c I and b2 4c be a perfect square. Then roots of the equation x2 + bx + c = 0 may not be integers.

    S3 : If the quadratic equations a1x2 + b1x + c1 = 0 and a2x2 + b2x + c2 = 0 have common root, then

    1 1 1

    2 2 2

    a b ca b c


    S4 : f(x) = 22





    , g(x) = bax


    where a1, a2, , a are non zero real and other coefficients are

    also real. Then range of f(x) range of g(x).State, in order, whether S1, S2, S3, S4 are true or false(A) TTFT (B) TTTF (C) FFTT (D) FFFF

    SECTION 4 : (Paragraph Type)This section contains 10 paragraphs each describing theory, experiment, data etc. twenty questionsrelate to two paragraphs with one or two or three questions on each paragraph. Each question of aparagraph has only one correct answer among the four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D).

    Paragraph for Question Nos. 94

    Let 2 2x y

    36 27 = 1 be an ellipse and P be any point on it and S and S be its foci.

    94. The point of intersection of straight lines joining each focus to the foot of the perpendicular from the other

    focus upon the tangent at a point P 3

    , is

    (A) 21 9,8 4

    (B) 15 9,8 4

    (C) 15 9,4 8

    (D) 21 9,4 8

  • RESONANCE Page - 12

    MATHEMATICSParagraph for Question Nos. 95 to 96

    Consider f(x) = log{x}[x] where [.] is the greatest integer function and {x} is fractional part function.

    95. f(x) is(A) a one-one function (B) a many-one function(C) a odd function (D) a periodic function

    96. Consider the inequality f(x) < 2. Number of solutions of this inequality in x (1, 2) is/are(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 3 (D) infinitely many

    Paragraph for Question Nos. 97 to 98

    Consider a polynomial y = P(x) of the least degree passing through A(1, 1) and whose graph has two pointsof inflection B(1, 1) and C with abscissa 0 at which the curve is inclined to the positive direction ofx-axis at an angle of sec1( 2 ).

    97. The value of P(0) is

    (A) 12 (B) 12 (C) 0 (D) 2

    98. The equation P(x) = 0 has(A) three distinct real roots(B) one real root(C) three real roots such that one root is repeated.(D) none of these

    Paragraph for Question Nos. 99 to 100

    If cos1 2x

    + cos1 3y

    = then the value of 9x2 12xy cos + 4y2 is equal to N sin2

    (where N is a positive integer) and complete set of values of x for which (cos1 x)2 (sin1 x)2 > 0 is satisfied,is [p, q).

    99. Which of the following values lie in [p, q) ?(A) N 3 (B) N 4 (C) N 5 (D) N 6

    100. Which of the following functions cannot be defined at x = N 6 ?(A) sin1 x (B) cos1 x (C) tan1 x (D) sec1 x

    Paragraph for Question Nos. 101 to 102

    Base of a pyramid is rectangular, three of its vertices of the base are A(2,2, 1), B(3,1,2) and C(1,1,1) and its

    vertex at the top is P26 104, ,3 3

    .Fourth vertex of the base is D. Then answer the following questions.

    101. If the coordinates of foot of normal drawn from P on the base of the pyramid are ( , m,n), then(A) + m + n = 4 (B) = 3m (C) n = 3m (D) < m < n

    102. Volume (in cubic unit) of the pyramid is(A) 20 (B) 30 (C) 20 (D) 30

  • RESONANCE Page - 13

    MATHEMATICSParagraph for Question Nos. 103 to 104

    Consider f(x) = tan1 2

    4 2( 12 2)xx 2x 3

    and m and M are respectively minimum and maximum values of f(x) andx = a (a > 0) is the point in the domain of f(x), where f(x) attains its maximum value.

    103. If cos1x + cos1y = 3 1 17M 3tan tan tan m tan2 8

    , then (x + y) is equal to(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 0 (D) 3/2

    104. If and are roots of the equation x2 (tan(3sin1 (sinM))) x + a4 = 0, then ( + ) equals to(A) 1 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 2

    Paragraph for Question Nos. 105 to 106

    Consider the quadratic equation ax2 + (2 a)x 2 = 0, where a R.

    105. If exactly one root is negative, then the range of a2 + 2a + 5 is(A) [4, ) (B) [2, ) (C) (, 4] (D) (5, )

    106. If , are roots of the quadratic equation and if there are at least four negative integers between and ,then the complete set of values of a is


    3,27 (B)


    ,0 (C)


    ,23 (D)


    Paragraph for Question Nos. 107 to 108

    Let M be the maximum value of c2 for which O(0, 0) and A(1, 1) does not lie on opposite side of the straightline (a + b)2x (ab + bc + ca + 1)y + 2 = 0 for all a,b R.Also lx + my + n = 0 be a variable line, where l, m,n are 1st, 3rd and 7th terms of an arithmetic progression andthe variable straight line always passes through a fixed point P(,).

    107. If the circles x2 + y2 = M + 1 and x2 + y2 24x 10y + 2 = 0 have exactly two common tangents, then thenumber of possible integral values of , is(A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 12 (D) 10

    108. The tangent of the circle x2 + y2 = M + 2 at the point ( 1, + 1) also touches the circlex2 + y2 4x 2y + 20 = 0 then its point of contact is(A) (3, 1) (B) (3,0) (C) (1, 1) (D) (2, 1)

    Paragraph for Question Nos. 109 to 110

    Let f(x) = x2 + b1x + c1 , g(x) = x2 + b2x + c2 , , be real roots of f(x) = 0 and + , + be real roots

    of g(x) = 0, minimum value of y = f(x) be 41

    and minimum value of y = g(x) occurs at

    x = 27


    109. Minimum value of y = g(x) is

    (A) 1 (B) 21 (C) 4

    1 (D) 31

    110. The value of b2 is(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 7

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    MATHEMATICSParagraph for Question Nos. 111 to 113

    There exists a matrix Q such that PQPT = N, where P =



    Given N is a diagonal matrix of form N = diag.(n1, n2, n3) where n1, n2, n3 are three values of n satisfying theequation det.(P nI) = 0, n1< n2< n3.[Note : I is an identity matrix of order 33]

    111. The value of det.(adjN) is equal to[Note : adj M denotes the adjoint of a square matrix M.]

    (A) 4 (B) 41 (C) 9

    1 (D) 9

    112. If QT = Q + , then the value of is equal to

    (A) 1 (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) 31

    113. The trace of matrix P2012 is equal to(A) 32011 + 2 (B) 32012 (C) 32012 + 2 (D) 32011

    SECTION - 5Matrix - Match Type

    This section contains 4 questions. Each question contains statements given in twocolumns, which have to be matched. The statements in Column-I are labelled A,B, C and D, while the statements in Column-II are labelled p, q, r, s and t. Anygiven statement in Column-I can have correct matching with ONE OR MOREstatement(s) in Column-II. The appropriate bubbles corresponding to the answersto these questions have to be drakened as illustrated in the following example.If the correct matches are A-p, s and t ; B-q and r; C-p and q; and D-s and t; then the correct darkening of bubbles will look like the following :

    114. Match the inequality in column-I with their complete solution set in column-II.

    Column Column

    (A) logsinx log3 log0.2 x < 0 (p) [1, 1]

    (B) )1x(x)2x(sin)2xx)(3x2)(1e( 2x

    0 (q) [3, 6)

    (C) |2 | [x] 1| | 2, (r)



    [.] represents greatest integer function.

    (D) |sin1 (3x 4x3)| 2 (s) (, 1)



  • RESONANCE Page - 15


    115. If f(x) = 2x1x2

    and g(x) = x

    1x .

    Column Column

    (A) Domain of f(g(x)) is (p) (, 1) (1, 2) (2, )

    (B) Domain of g(f(x)) is (q) (, 2) (2, )

    (C) Range of f(f(x)) is (r) (, 0) (0, 1) (1, )

    (D) Range of g(g(x)) is (s) (, 1) (2, )

    (t) (, 1/2) (1/2, 2) (2, )

    116. Column-I Column-II

    (A) If f : (1/2, 1) [0, ) and f(x) =


    xloge , then f(x) is (p) one-one function

    (B) If f : [0, 1] [cos(sin1) + sin(cos1), 1 + sin1] and (q) many-one function

    f(x) = cos(sinx) + sin(cosx), then f(x) is

    (C) Let f : R R and f(x) = x 2m 2 , x 1

    mx 4 , x 1

    , then for (r) into function

    all values of m (6, ). The function f is

    (D) Let f(x) = )x)(x()x)(x(

    , where < < < , then f(x) is (s) surjective function

    (t) invertible function

    117. Column-I Column-II

    (A) an =

    211 1n


    211 1n

    Then, the value of


    1n na

    1 is (p) 2

    not divisible by(q) 5

    (C) Number of solutions satisfying the equation xsin




    2 (r) 7

    in [0, 4] equals

    (D) Integral multiple of solution of the equation cot4


    r 1


    = 2x3


    is (s) 4

    (t) 6

  • RESONANCE Page - 16


    SECTION 6 : (Matching list Type)This section contains 1 multiple choice questions. Each question has matching lists. The codes for the listshave choice (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

    118. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists :List - I List - II

    P.2 3 9 10

    sin sin sin ........sin sin21 21 21 21 21

    = 1. 10211

    Q. 2 3 9 10sin sin sin ........sin sin22 22 22 22 22

    = 2. 1021

    R.2 3 9 10

    cos cos cos ........cos cos21 21 21 21 21

    = 3. 5211

    S. 2 3 9 10cos cos cos ........cos cos22 22 22 22 22

    = 4. 10221

    Codes:P Q R S

    (A) 3 4 4 2(B) 4 1 2 1(C) 2 3 1 4(D) 4 3 1 3

    SECTION 7 : (Integer value correct Type)This section contains 43 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer, ranging from0 to 9 (both inclusive).

    119. I f f(x) =






    )1xxlog(x 2I

    (where [ . ] denotes the greatest integer function),

    then find the value of f(0) + f(1947) + f(1947)

    120. The equation of common tangent to the curve xy = 4 and x2 + y2 = 8, whose x and y intercepts are positiveis x + y = . Find the value of .

    121. If function y = f(x) has only two points of discontinuities say x1, x2 , where x1, x2 < 0, then find the numberof discontinuities of y = f(|x|) .

    122. Given equation |x2 5x + 4 + sinx| = |x2 5x + 4| + |sinx|, where 0 x 2 then find sum of all integral valuespresent in complete solution set of given equation.

    123. If f(x) + f


    11 = 1 + x x R {0, 1}. Then find the value of 4f(2).

    124. If |z1| = 2, (1 i) z2 + (1 + i) 28z2 , (z1, z2 are complex variables) then the minimum value of |z1 z2| =

    125. If 2

    2 2x x k 0

    x 5x 9 x 5x 9

    for all real x, then find sum of modulus of all integral values of

    k in [4, 7].

    126. Find the number of integral values of 'a' for which the equation(3sinx 4cosx)2 (a2 + a + 5)|3sinx 4cosx| + a3 + 3a2 + 2a + 6 = 0 has a real solution.

  • RESONANCE Page - 17

    MATHEMATICS127. In a sequence of circles c1, c2, c3, ....,cn , the centres lie along positive x-axis with abscissa forming an A.P.

    of first term unity and common difference 3. The radius of these circles are in G.P. with first term unity andcommon ratio 2. If the tangents with slope m1 and m2 of c3 intersect each other at the centre of c5, then findthe value of 10|m1m2|.

    128. In a meeting there are six ministers all speak exactly two languages. M1 speaks only L1 and L2, M2 speaksonly L2 and L3, M3 speaks only L3 and L4, M4 speaks only L4 and L2, M5 speaks only L4 and L1, M6 speaks onlyL1 and L3. If two ministers are chosen at random, the probability that they speak common language is , thenfind the value of 5.

    129. If a,b and c are distinct real numbers, such that the quadratic expressions Q1(x) = ax2 + bx + c,Q2(x) = bx2 + cx + a and Q3(x) = cx2 + ax + b are always non-negative, then find the number of possible

    integers in the range of the expression y = 2 2 2a b c

    ab bc ca


    130. Find sum of all real solutions of the equation xlog5 + log2 = x + log(2x 1).

    131. Given f : RR; f(x) = 2x 3(k + 2)x + 12kx 7, 4 k 6, k I, then find the number of values of k forf(x) to be invertible.

    132. The real value of a for which the integral 2a


    )2x( dxe2

    attains its maximum value is . Find the value of ||.

    133. If f(x) = 10xkx33x 22

    3 is a many one function, find sum of all positive integral values of k.

    134. Find the minimum value of xsin)1x2x2(22

    e .

    135. If a is the number of onto functions on A = {a,b,c,d} and b is the numbers of one one functions on A, find|a b|.

    136. Find number of solutions of the equation sin3x = cos4x in the interval



    137. If sum of the series cot1 (2.12) + cot1 (2.22) + cot1 (2.32) + .......... is equal to k, then find the valueof [k], where [.] denotes greatest integer function.

    138. The function f(x) = x2 e2x, x > 0. If is maximum value of f(x) then find ][ 1 .(where [.] represents greater integer function)

    139. Let A be any variable point on the x-axis and B be the point (2, 3). The perpendicular at A to the line AB meetsthe y-axis at C. Locus of mid-point of the segment AC as A moves is ax2 2x + by = 0. Find the value ofa + b.

    140. x2 + (a b) x + (1 a b) = 0, a, b R. Find the least integral value of '


    ' for which both roots of theequation are real and unequal b R.

    141. If a1, a2, a3, 5, 4, a6,a7,a8,a9 are in H.P. and


    1 2 3


    7 8 9

    a a a

    5 4 aa a a

    then find the value of [] is, where [.] denotes G.I.F..

    142. If f(x) = )cos()cos()cos()xcos()xcos()xcos()xsin()xsin()xsin(

    and f(9) = (0), then find the value of


    k 1f(k)


  • RESONANCE Page - 18

    MATHEMATICS143. Find number of solutions of the equation 210 10 10log x log x 2log x 1 (where [.] denotes greatest

    integer function)

    144. If the value of the definite integral 1 1 2


    sin x dxx x 1 n

    (n N), then value of n



    145. If barrK

    , where K is a non zero scalar and b,a

    are two given vectors. Then r will be

    22 |a|K1



    , find the value of nm .

    146. Sum of all elements in range of f(x) = 16 xC2x 1 + 20 3xC4x 5 is then find the value of 469


    147. If z = 21 )13i( , then find the value of (z z2 + 2z3)(2 z + z2).

    148. If

    sin3 1 1cos2 4 3

    2 7 7

    = 0, then find the number of values of in [0, 2].

    149. If 1 lies between the roots of the quadratic equation 3x2 3(sin ) x 2 cos2 = 0 then find sum of all integralvalues of in [0, 2], where is in radians.

    150. The volume of the parallelepiped whose coterminous edges are represented by the vectors 3(b c ),2( a b ) and 4( c a ) where


    = (1 + sin) i + (cos)j + (sin2) k


    = sin


    + cos


    + sin



    = sin


    + cos


    + sin


    is 18 cubic units then find number of values of in the interval



    151. Let f(x) = sin xx (1 + xcosx. n x+ sinx)dx and f 2




    then find the value |cos(f())|, where x > 0.

    152. Find 2T

    if T is the fundamental period of f(x) = sin




    , where [.] denotes greatestinteger function.

    153. f(x) = x3 + 4x2 + x + 2 is monotonically decreasing in the largest possible interval


    ,2. Then find

    greatest value of .

    154. If range of f(x) = n 3x2sinx tanx 1 x ,

    6 3

    is [a, b], then find the value of [a + b], where [.]denotes greatest integer function.

    155. Find numbers of values of k if x2 + kx + 2 < 0 for exactly two integers.

  • RESONANCE Page - 19

    MATHEMATICS156. Let z1, z2 and z3 be complex numbers such that |z1| = |z2| = |z3| = |z1 + z2+ z3| = 2. If |z1 z2| = |z1 z3| and

    z2 z3. Then find the value of |z1 + z2| |z1 + z3|.

    157. Following usual notations in a triangle ABC, if R(a + b) = c ab then r = a . Find the value of + .

    158. Let a function f(x) be such that f''(x) = f'(x) + ex and f(0) = 0, f'(0) = 1, then find the value of




    159. If the area bounded by |y| = sin1|x| and x = 1 is a( + b), then find the value of (a b).160. If z1, z2, z3 C satisfy the system of equations given by |z1| = |z2| = |z3| = 1, z1 + z2 + z3 = 1 and z1z2z3 = 1 such

    that Im(z1) < Im(z2) < Im(z3), then find the value of [|z1 + 22z + 33z |], where [.] denotes the greatest integerfunction

    161. If 2

    2 2x x k 0

    x 5x 9 x 5x 9

    for all real x, then find sum of modulus of all integral values of

    k in [4, 7].

    162. Line L is a tangent to a unit circle S at a point P . Point A and the circle S are on the same side of L and thedistance from A to L is 3 unit. Two tangents from point A intersect line L at the point B and C. Find the valueof (PB)(PC)

    SECTION 8 : (Integer value correct Type)This section contains 17 questions. The answer to each question is a Two digit integer, ranging from00 to 99 (both inclusive).

    163. If x,y,z are non-negative integers such that 2(x3 + y3 + z3) = 3(x + y + z)2 then maximum value of x + y + zis

    164. If ][ denotes the greatest integer function and let f be a function defined on the set of all non-negativeintegers and taking values in the same set. Given that -

    (A) x f(x) = 20




    )x(f for all non negative integers

    (B) 2008 < f(2010) < 2012then find the number of possible values of f(2010).

    165. Eccentricity of an ellipse of minimum area, circumscribing two circles, of equal radius, touching externally,

    is 22 . Find the value of .

    166. Tangent at a point P (other than origin) on the curve y=x3 meets the curve again at P1 . The tangent at P1

    meets the curve again at P2 and so on. then find the ratio a re a o f P P P1 2 3a re a o f P P P1 2

    167. Let f : N [0, ) be a function satisfying the following conditions :(a) f(100) = 10,

    (b) )1(f)0(f1 + )2(f)1(f

    1 + )3(f)2(f

    1 +......+ )1n(f)n(f

    1 = f(n +1), for all non-negative integers n. Find

    the value of f(9801).

  • RESONANCE Page - 20


    168. Complex number z satisfies arg (z (3 + 3i)) = and argz 2z 2i 11

    then range of such that no z

    exists is [a ,b], then find the value of [ 10 |a+b|] where [.] represents the greatest integer function and argmeans principal value of argument.

    169. Range of f(x) = n

    1x3xtanxsin2, x



    6 is [a, b], then find the value of 11[a + b].[] represents greatest integer function.

    170. A function g(x) is defined as g(x) = 41

    f(2x2 1) + 21

    f(1 x2) and f (x) is an strictly increasing function then

    g(x) is strictly increasing on the interval p p0q q

    , ,

    then find the value of p2+q2.

    (where p and q are coprime to each other)

    171. If


    x2sind3 where a, b, c, d are positive integers and e is arbitrary constant

    then minimum value of a + b + c + d equal to

    172. If f(x) = x3 x2 + 100x + 1001, then find the number of correct statements among the following

    (i) f(2000) > f(2001), (ii) f


    1 > f


    1, (iii) f(x + 1) > f(x 1), (iv) f(3x 5) > f(3x)

    173. The numbers 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 are to be placed, one per square, in the diagram shown so that the sum of the fournumbers in the horizontal row equals 21 and the sum of the four numbers in the vertical column also equals21. In how many different ways can this be done ?

    174. If the function f(x) = sin(n x) cos(n x), where n x , strictly increases in interval [e,e] and thelength of [e,e] is greatest possible, then find the value of 5 cos ().

    175. If


    dx = a

    x2sin sin x + C, find a.

    176. If largest subset of (0, p ) at each point of which the function f(x) = 3 cos4 x + 10 cos3 x + 6 cos2 x 3 , is

    decreasing is




    ,0 , then find the value of (p + r).

    177. Consider seven digit number x1 x2.......x7, where x1, x2.......,x7, 0 having the property that x4 is the great-est digit and all digits towards the left and right of x4 are in decreasing order. Then total number of suchnumber in which all digits are distinct is a, then find the sum of digits of a.

    178. Let 1 1 1a tan tan30,b cos cos40,c sin sin(b a) then product of all integral values of x satisfying1cos cosx x a b c is

    179. If S =




    then S9


    180. If

    13n n





    AB , where A & B are relatively prime numbers, then A+B is equal to-

  • RESONANCE Page - 21


    1. (D) 2. (D) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (A) 7. (D)

    8. (B) 9. (D) 10. (C) 11. (A) 12. (B) 13. (B) 14. (C)

    15. (A) 16. (B) 17. (D) 18. (B) 19. (C) 20. (D) 21. (B)

    22. (A) 23. (C) 24. (B) 25. (B) 26. (D) 27. (C) 28. (D)

    29. (C) 30. (B) 31. (B) 32. (C) 33. (B) 34. (A) 35. (A)

    36. (C) 37. (B) 38. (D) 39. (B) 40. (B) 41. (D) 42. (D)

    43. (C) 44. (B) 45. (D) 46. (C) 47. (A) 48. (B) 49. (B)

    50. (B) 51. (C) 52. (B) 53. (A) 54. (BD) 55. (ABCD) 56. (BD)

    57. (BD) 58. (ABC) 59. (AB) 60. (ABC) 61. (ABCD) 62. (AC) 63. (BC)

    64. (AC) 65. (BC) 66. (ABCD) 67. (ABCD) 68. (ABCD) 69. (ACD) 70. (AB)

    71. (CD) 72. (AC) 73. (BC) 74. (AC) 75. (AD) 76. (C) 77. (BD)

    78. (ABC) 79. (ABD) 80. (ABD) 81. (ABCD) 82. (AD) 83. (ACD) 84. (CD)

    85. (BD) 86. (ABCD) 87. (BD) 88. (BC) 89. (AB) 90. (ABC) 91. (ABCD)

    92. (C) 93. (D) 94. (B) 95. (B) 96. (D) 97. (B) 98. (C)

    99. (D) 100. (D) 101. (A) 102. (A) 103. (B) 104. (D) 105. (D)

    106. (B) 107. (B) 108. (A) 109. (C) 110. (B) 111. (D) 112. (B)

    113. (C) 114. (A) - (r), (B) - s, (C) - q, (D) - p 115. (A) - (r), (B) - (t), (C) - (q), (D) - (p)

    116. (A) - (p,r), (B) - (p,s,t), (C) - (p,r), (D) - (q) 117. (A) -p,q,s,t ; (B) - p; (C) - s; (D) - p,s,t

    118. (B) 119. 0 120. 4 121. 0 122. 5 123. 3 124. 2

    125. 7 126. 6 127. 8 128. 4 129. 3 130. 1 131. 1

    132. 2 133. 3 134. 1 135. 0 136. 1 137. 0 138. 7

    139. 5 140. 2 141. 2 142. 9 143. 0 144. 4 145. 3

    146. 5 147. 7 148. 5 149. 3 150. 1 151. 1 152. 6

    153. 4 154. 1 155. 0 156. 8 157. 4 158. 4 159. 3

    160. 2 161. 7 162. 3 163. 12 164. 00 165. 33 166. 16

    167. 99 168. 47 169. 11 170. 13 171. 29 172. 02 173. 72

    174. 05 175. 02 176. 05 177. 09 178. 24 179. 16 180. 43



  • RESONANCE Page - 22




    1. Method If '(x) = 2sin(x + ) cos(x + ) + 2sin(x + ) cos(x + ) 2cos( ) cos(x + ) sin(x + ) 2cos( ) sin(x + ) cos(x + )= sin(2x + 2) + sin(2x + 2) 2cos( ) sin(2x + + )= 2sin(2x + + ) cos( ) 2 cos( ) sin(2x + + )= 0 f(x) is a constant functionMethod IIf(x) = 1 cos2(x + ) + sin2 (x + ) 2cos( ) sin(x + )sin(x + )= 1 cos(2x + + ) cos( ) 2cos( ) sin(x + )sin(x + )= 1 cos( ) [cos(2x + + ) cos(2x + + ) +cos( )]= sin2 ( )a constant function

    2. Product of roots


    = 1 b = )ca(ac2









    (+) = 11


    2= 1

    3. AB =





    BA =





    if AB = BA, then a + 2c = a + 3b 2c = 3b b 0b + 2d = 2a + 4b 2a 2d = 3b





    = 1




    x 0x

    x 0

    (x 1) x

    2xx 0

    x xx x

    2x 2x 0

    x x

    2 2x xx 0

    We know lim x 1

    lim (x 1) 0

    e xlim(x) 1

    (x 1) (x 1)1 (x 1) ... 1 (x 1)2! 3!

    lim(x ) 1

    (x 1) (x 1)...... 1 1 12! 3!lim .

    2 4 8(x ) 1 (x ) 1

    5. Let 4m3 3am2 8a2m + 8 = 0 has three roots m1, m2, m3 m1m2m3 = 2

    Given m1m2 = 1 m3 = 2 32 12a 16a2 + 8 = 0

    16a2 + 12a 24 = 0 Sum of values of a = 1612

    = 43

    6. P (a d) pd Q (a d) qd R (a d) rd option A is correctFor option B

    p q rT (a d) (p q r) d P Q R 3(a d) (p q r)d a d need not to be zero

    p q rT P Q R For option C p q r If Common diff. is ve . then

    pd qd qr P Q R For option D not necessarily true. if first term is not an integer.

    7. Let y = x2 4x + 5y = (x 2)2 + 1

    sin1 y, cos1 y defined only at y = 1 at which x = 2

    So given equation

    4 + 2a + 2

    = 0



    8. 10log 15 = 10 101 log 3 log 2

    = 104log 2

    104log 3 = 4 4 we required those elements of A which can be written in termsof 10log 2 & 10log 3 .i.e. number of integers which are divisible 2 or 3, or 5 only.required numbers = 24

    9. Roots are 2k, 3 6 < 2k < 10 k (3, 5)largest value of k is not defined.

    10. )xx3x2()1x2(



    x ( , 1)





    for log2 x, x > 0

    for )x(logsin 21 , 0 log2 x 1 x [1, 2] ........(2)

  • RESONANCE Page - 23

    MATHEMATICSSo by (1) and (2) we get

    x [1, 2]

    11. R2 SG2 = 91

    (a2 + b2 + c2) 93

    (abc)2/3 .........(1)

    abc = 4R = 4Rrs = 4Rr


    cba 2Rr(abc)1/3.3

    (abc)2/3 6Rr

    R2 SG2 31


    SG2 R2 2RrSG2 SI2SG SI

    12. Image of the centre C2 (1, 3) in the line 3x + 4y 16 = 0 is P(7, 5).Now for C1C2 + C2C3 + C3C1 to be minimum C1, C3 and P shouldbe on same line so C3 = (0, 4)C3 = (0, 4)

    Distance between C3 and C150 5 2

    radius of C1 = 3 2so radius of C3 = 2 2Equation of C3 (x 0) + (y 4) = 8x + y 8y + 8 = 0, a = 0, b = 8, c = 8

    13. For 0 < n < 1, sin x 1, sin x > sinn xNow, for 0 < n

  • RESONANCE Page - 24


    19. Since f(x) = 0 31

    1 x



    xf(x) dx = 22



    2 2


    xf (x) dx2

    = 2f(2) + 12

    2 2


    x dx1 x f(2) = 0

    = 0 + 16

    2 2


    3x dx1 x =


    21/ 23

    01 x


    13 [3 1] =


    20. Clearly %P (1,2)Equation of tangent at P is 4x (1) + y(2) = 8P ij Li'kZ js[kk dk lehdj.k 4x (1) + y(2) = 8 A (2,0) and B = (0, 4) A (2,0) vkSj B = (0, 4)Similarly normal at P is 2x 4y + 6 = 0blh izdkj P ij vfHkyEc 2x 4y + 6 = 0

    A (3, 0) and B


    ,0 A (3, 0) rFkk




    Area BPB = 21


    = 45

    and area APAA = 5

    Ratio = 4

    21. I =








    Put x/2 = t

    I = dt)ttantsect(sece t= et sec t + C

    = ex/2 sec 2x

    + C

    22. L =

    1 x

    x 0

    e 2lim1 x


    12e 1

    = 2 e


    23. 1 1 1tan 1 tan 2 tan 3

    1 1tan 2 cot 34


    1 1 11 1tan (1) tan tan2 3 2

    1 11tan co t 3

    2 4


    From 1

    113 1cot 324 6

    From 2

    13 cot 34

    13 13 11 cot 34 24 6

    15 5 cot 324 6

    p 5, q 24, r 5, s 6

    24. dyy.dx = 1

    ydy dx


    2= x + c

    Q(0, 1) lies on curve 2y

    2 = x +


    y2 = 2x + 1 and y2 = 2x + 1

    y2 = 21


    and y2 = 21

    x 2

    Required area = 4

    = 4 23


    1/ 23 / 20

    1 2x


    43 (0 1) =


    25. f(f(x)) = f(x) + f2(x) + f4(x) + f8(x) + .....Coefficient of x10 in f(x) = 0Coefficient of x10 in f2(x) = 2Coefficient of x10 in f4(x) = 4C2 + 4C1 = 10Coefficient of x10 in f8(x) = 8C2 = 28

    26. Let S = 2008

    r 2009rr 1

    r( )

    S = 2009 (1 + 2 +.......2008)S = 2009

    27. 2x


    (cos x)limx


    must be '0

    iff > 228. Let variable line be x + my + n = 0

    P1 =

    1 1

    2 2

    3a x 3amyn

    a b c a b cm

    P2 =

    2 2

    2 2

    3b x 3bmyn

    a b c a b cm

  • RESONANCE Page - 25


    P3 =

    3 3

    2 2

    3c x 3cmyn

    a b c a b cm

    Given P1 + P2 + P3 = 0

    )cba()cxbxax(3 321

    + )cba()cybyay(m3 321

    + 3n = 0

    )cba()cxbxax( 321

    + )cba()cybyay(m 321

    + n = 0

    Hence line x + my + n = 0 passes through incentre



    cbacxbxax 321321

    of triangle ABC.

    29. According to LMVT


    )0(f)x(f = 1)C(f 1

    f (x) | x|

    again by LMVT f (x) f (0)

    x= 2f (C ) | x |

    2f(x) x30. f(x) = cos 8 {x} = cos (8 x 8 [x]) = cos 8x. Its period is



    Period of sin 2x cosec2x is 21

    period of f(x) is 21

    32. f(0) = k and x 0lim f(x) = x 0lim x2{e1/x} = 0

    for f(x) to be continuous f(0) = x 0lim f(x) k = 0

    f (0+) = h 0lim

    2 1/ hh {e }h

    = 0

    f(x) is derivable at x = 0 and f (0) = h 0lim

    2 1/ hh {e }h

    = 0

    due to {e1/x}, will be discontinuous at all value of x, where e1/xbecomes an integer.i.e. at x = log2e, log3e,.....etc.

    33. f is even and g is odd gogog is odd gogog fogogog is even fogogog gofogofogogog is even. gofogofogogog

    34. nth term of 1 + 3 + 6 + 10 + ....... is n = 2)1n(n

    Tn = cot1


    a)1n(na2 1

    = cot1


    a)1n(n4 2



    a2 = tan1




    = tan-1






    = tan-1





    Put n = 1, 2, 3, .........., n we have

    Sn = tan1 2a)1n( tan1 2

    a; S = 2

    tan1 2

    a = cot-1


    a = 2 S = 4

    35. 5x5 10x3 + x + 2y + 6 = 0 ......... (i)Differentiating w.r.t. x

    25x4 30x2 + 1 + 2 dxdy

    = 0


    = 21

    (25x4 30x2 + 1)


    = 2

    1 ( 0 0 + 1) = 2


    equation of the normal at P(0,3) is P(0,3) y + 3 = 2 (x0) y = 2x 3 .......... (ii)solving equation (i) and (ii)5x5 10x3 + x + 4x 6 + 6 = 05x (x42x2+1) = 05x (x21)2 = 0 x = 0 , 1 , 1y = 3 , 1 , 5 Normal at point P(0,3) meets the curve again at two points(1,1) and (1,5) .Now equation of tangent at point (1,1) is

    y + 1 = )1,1(dxdy


    y + 1 = 2 ( x 1) 2x y 3 = 0 ........ (iii)Equation of tangent at point (1, 5) is

    y + 5 = )5,1(dx



    y + 5 = 2 (x + 1) 2x y 3 = 0 ........ (iv)36. f(0) = 1

    and f(x + y + 1) = 2)y(f)x(f substituting x = 0, y = 0, we get f(1) = (1 + 1)2 = 4

    substituting y = 0, we get 21)x(f)1x(f f(0) = 1,f(1) = 22, f(2) = 32, f(3) = 42 and so onhence f(x) = (1 + x)2

    37. Composition of one - one function is one - one

    38. AQ = 2 4 2 22 2a t 4a t = at2 22t 4 =

    22 2t t 4

    ( a = 1)

    Since t2 = t1 1

    2t = ( t1) + 1


  • RESONANCE Page - 26

    MATHEMATICS t1 < 0 (as shown is diagramnow apply A.M. G.M



    2(t )t


    (t1) + 1


    2 2

    t2 2 2

    (AQ)min = 2 2 8 4 = 4 6

    39. p = (x 2) (x 4) = (x2 6x + 8)p(x) = (x3/3 3x2 + 8x) +

    40. y = f(x) = (3x + 2)2 1, < x 23

    It is clear from the graph that if x (, 2/3], then y [1,)y + 1 = (3x + 2)2 3x + 2 = y 1( x 2/3, negative sign)3x + 2 = y 1

    x =2 y 1


    = g(y) = f1(y)

    g(x) = 2 x 13

    41. 2tan4tan2.4124tan



    cot 11111




    cot 11111




    129cot 11111

    Similarly Tn =

    n11n1 2tan2tan on adding we get

    sum = 2tan2tan 11n1

    as n sum = 2

    tan1 2 = cot1 2.

    42. Let S = 2C0 + 3C1 + 4C2 + 5C3 +.......+ 99C97 + 100C98 S = 3C0 + 3C1 + 4C2 + 5C3 +.......+ 99C97 + 100C98 S = 4C1 + 4C2 + 5C3 + .......+ 99C97 + 100C98 S = 5C2 + 5C3 + .......+ 99C97 + 100C98 S = 101C98

    43. Orthocentre lies on the rectangular hyperbola and

    h = 12(3 ) x


    and k = 12(3 ) y


    x1 = 3(h 2) and y1 = 3(k 2) orthocentre (x1, y1) lies on x2 y2 = 36 9(h 2)2 9(k 2)2 = 36 (h 2)2 (k 2)2 = 4 locus of centroid G(h, k) is (x 2)2 (y 2)2 = 4 = 4

    44. Here f (x) =


    3x2x4 2,

    f(x) is decreasing in [2, 3) and increasing in [3, ).Now, f(x) will have least value at x = 3 if= 3x

    lim f(x) f(3) i.e. 15 + n(b2 3b + 3) 15

    i.e. n (b2 3b + 3) 0 b2 3b + 3 1 i.e. b2 3b + 2 0i.e. b (, 1] [2, ).

    45. Let cosec1x = t

    t2 2t 6

    (t 2) (t 2)(t /6) 0 t /6 or t 2 (not possible) t /6 0+ < t /6 or /2 t < 0 0+ < cosec1x /6 or /2 cosec1x < 0 2 x < or < x 1 x [2, ) ( , 1] a = 1, b = 2 a + b = 1

    46. arg 1 2 7

    8 9 10 14

    1 Z Z Z1 Z Z Z Z



    = arg 1 2 7

    1 2 7

    1 Z Z Z1 Z Z Z



    = 2 arg (1+Z1 + Z2 + .........+Z7)


    arg = 2 arg (Z)



    z5z4 z3



    arg (Z +Z )3 4

    = 2 arg (Z3 + Z4)= 2 x 7 14

    15 15

    Also arg (Z1 Z2 Z3.......Z7)


    2 4 6 1415 15 15 15




    (1+ 2 +3 +.......+7)5615

  • RESONANCE Page - 27


    47. x + 1x2 = 1yy1


    take loge




    = n




    1x2 + x = 1y2 y

    x + y = 1x2 + 1y2 .....(1)

    similarly y + 1y2 = 1xx1


    1y2 + y = 1x2 x

    x + y = 1x2 1y2 .....(2)adding (1) & (2) x + y = 0Image of xy = 1 in xy = 1 it self.

    48. |1+ Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + ..........Z7|= | 1 + Z7| + |Z1 + Z6| + |Z2 + Z5| + |Z3 + Z4|

    = 2cos 715

    + 2cos515

    + 2cos315

    + 2cos 15

    = 2 4 3 42 215 15 15 15

    cos cos cos cos

    = 4 cos415

    315 15

    cos cos

    = 8 cos 15

    cos 215

    cos 415


    8 8 158 15sin( / )sin( / )


    12 sec









    Tangent at P(asec, btan)




    ........(1)Asmptotes are

    y = a

    bx ..........(2)

    y = a

    bx .......(3)

    M [a(sec tan), b(sec tan) ]and N [a(sec + tan), b(sec + tan) ] ON = 22 ba (sec + tan) = ae(sec + tan) OM + ON = ae(2sec) = 2ae(sec)

    SP + SP = e(asec e

    a) + e(asec +


    a) = 2aesec






    90 30

    V = 13 AD (


    AB. BC sin 30) AD. AB. BC = 216Now, AB + BC + AD 3 (AD. AB. BC)1/3 AB + BC + AD 18and minimum value occurs when AB = BC = AD = 6

    Hence AC = 2 2AB BC 2AB BC 30cos

    = 3 6 252. Since f(x) > 0

    f (x) is always increasing.g(x) = 2f (2x3 3x2) (6x2 6x) + f (6x2 4x3 3) (12x 12x2)= 12(x2 x) . (f (2x3 3x2) f (6x2 4x3 3))= 12x (x 1) [f (2x3 3x2) f (6x2 4x3 3)]For increasing g(x) > 0Case-I x < 0 or x > 1 f (2x3 3x2) > f (6x2 4x3 3) 2x3 3x2 > 6x2 4x3 3 { f(x) is increasing}

    (x 1)2


    x > 0 x >

    21 x

    0,21 (1, )

    Case-II If 0 < x < 1f (2x3 3x2) < f (6x2 4x3 3)

    (x 1)2


    x < 0 x <


    , so there

    is no solution

    Hence the values are x 1,0 1,2

  • RESONANCE Page - 28

    MATHEMATICS53. Clearly, the point lies on 7x y = 5

    Also, centre of the circle must lie on the bisectors of the lines x +y + 13 = 0 and 7x y 5 = 0 given by

    x y 13 7x y 5x 3y 35 and 3x y 15 0

    2 50

    Let (h,k) be the centre of the circle, then h -3k = 35 ..... (1)and 3h + k +15 = 0..... (2)Clearly CA is perpendicular AQ

    k 2 7 1 h 7k 15 0h 1

    ..... (3)

    On solving, we get centres as C1 (29, 2) and C2 ( 6, 3) r21 = 800 and r21 = 50 Smaller circle has radius =


    Therefore area of quadrilateral ACBQ = 50 200 sq.units = 100 sq. units. Hence (A)

    54. z = x + iy(x 2) = (x 7) + ( y + 2)(x 2) - (x 7) = ( y + 2)

    ( y + 2) = 5(2x 9)

    (y + 2) = 10 9



    5Y 4aX a2

    PQ | L(LR) 10

    55. (x2 + y) = (f(x))2 + f(y)f(0) = (f(0))2 + f(0) f(0) = 0for y = 0 : f(x2) = (f(x))2 ........(i)for y = x2 : 0 = f(0) = (f(x))2 + f(x2) (f(x))2 = f(x2) ........(ii)from (i) and (ii)f(x2) = f(x2) f(x) = f(x) ........(iii)thus f(x) is an odd functionif f(x) is even also, then f(x) = f(x) ........(iv) f(x) = 0 for all x {by (iii) and (iv)}since f(x) is continuous at x = 0, 0h

    lim f(h) = 0


    f(x + h2) = 0h2lim

    {(f(h))2 + f(x)} = f(x) it is continuous everywhere

    since 0hlim h

    )0(f)h0(f = 0h

    lim h

    )h(f exists

    0hlim 2



    = 0hlim 2



    = (f (0))2 f (x) = (f (0))2 f (0) = (f (0))2 f (0) = 0 or f (0) = 1 f(x) = (f (0))2 xNow (i) if f (0) = 0, then f(x) = 0 = x f (0)(ii) if f (0) = 1, then f(x) = x = x f (0)

    56. f(0) = r is odd. Let r = 2n + 1, n I.f(1) = 1 + p q + 2n + 1 = p q + 2n is odd exactly one of p, q is oddf(1) = 1 + p + q + 2n + 1 = p + q + 2n + 2 is oddIf possible suppose , I be zeros of f(x). x3 + px2 + qx + r = x3 (+ + )x2 + (+ + )x r = are odd integers p = (+ + ) is oddand q = + + is also odd.It is a contradiction. Hence f(x) = 0cannot have three integer roots.

    57. f(x) = x2 + a

    bx +



    f(1) < 0 & f(1) < 0

    58. 1 23 )1x(log 2 = 21

    3x5xlog 2/13

    1 22

    log3 |x + 1| = 22





    = log3


    |1x|3 = 3x


    Case- I x + 1 > 0 x > 1 3(x + 3) = (x + 1)(x + 5) x2 + 3x 4 = 0 x = 4 or x = 1x = 4 rejected ( x > 1) x = 1Case - II x + 1 < 0 x < 1 3(x + 3) = (x + 1)(x + 5) x2 + 9x + 14 = 0 x = 2 or x = 7 Set of value of x = {7, 2, 1}

    59. 1xlim

    g(x) = 1xlim




    m = m






    = mlim






    3)x(h)x(f = 2


    f(1) = 2e3

    Similarly 1xlim

    g(x) = 53)1(h

    h(1) = 5e3 3

  • RESONANCE Page - 29

    MATHEMATICS60. The tangent 3x + 4y 25 = 0 is tangent at vertex and axis is 4x

    3y = 0So, PS = a = 5Latus rectum = AB = 20

    61. Let 768 32cos

    16 3 32cos3

    cos2 6

    So 4 8 32 32cos6

    4 8 8cos12

    114 4sin 4 4cos24 2411 11 114 1 cos 4.2cos 2 2 cos24 48 48

    So a 2,b 48b 24a

    62. f(x) = ex (x2 + bx + c) > 0 iff D = b2 4c < 0g(x)= ex (x2 + (b + 2)x + (b + c)) > 0 iff D=b2 4c + 4=D + 4 < 0



    1 1 2c o s x c o s x12 a 2 a 02

    let 1cos x2

    = t t 2

    Now equation 12 2t a t a 02

    has one root 2 or

    greater than 2 and other root less than 2

    (2) 0


    a 2 a 02


    22a 1 a 04 2 2a 3 0a

    (a 3)(a 1) 0 a 3 or a 164. f is discontinuous at points outside its domain.

    65. Tr+1

    15Cr(x4)(15r)(x3)r = 15C


    (A) for the term independent of x, 60 7r = 0 r is not aninteger there is no term independent of x.(B) n = 15 is odd

    nCr will be maximum if r =

    n 12 or r =

    n 12

    i.e. r = 7 or r = 8 binomial coefficient of 8th and 9th terms will be greatest

    (C) for the cofficient of x32; 60 7r = 32 r = 4 cofficient of x32 is = 15C4for the coeff. of x17; 60 7r = 17; r = 11 coeff. of x17 is = 15C11 = 15C4 (C) is correct

    (D) If x = 2 , Tr+1 = 15Cr 607r


    for rational terms r = 0, 2, 4, 6, ....... 1466. Solution set = 67. A & B are obvious

    -1 -1

    -1 -1 -1

    1 1 1f -1 = i.e., f -1 isreciprocalof (f(x)-1)x (f(x)-1) x

    /2 cot | x | 1 tan | x |Now,forf x = ,f(x)-1= ,f -1=xtan | x| tan | x | cot | x |

    2 1-k n| x| 1Alsoforf(x) = ,f(x)-1= f -1+k n| x| 1+k n| x| x

    1+k n| x|1=1-k n| x |

    68. t1t2 = 2 and t1 + t2 + t3 = 0 and a = 2

    R(t )3

    Q(t )2

    TP(t )1

    Let circumcentre of TPQ be O(h,k) O(h, k) will be mid point of RT

    h =2

    1 2 3at t at2

    h = 2 + t32 ........ (1)

    and k = 1 2 3a(t t ) 2at


    k = t3 .........

    (2) h = 2 + k2 locus of O(h, k) is O(h, k)y2 = x 2y2 = 1(x 2)


    70. a0z4 + a1z3 + a2z2 + a3z + a4 = 0Taking conjugate on both sides.

    a04)z( + a1 3)z( + a2 2)z( + a3 z + a4 = 0

    4321 z,z,z,z are the roots of the equation if z1 is real,

    then 1z is also real and if z1 is non real, then 1z is also rootbecause imaginary roots occur in conjugate pair.


    X 3

    sin(e 1)limn(x 2)

    put x = 3 + h

  • RESONANCE Page - 30


    h 0

    sin(e 1)limn(1 h) =

    h h

    hh 0

    sin(e 1).(e 1) hlimn(1 h)(e 1)h

    = 1 1 1 = 1


    a b . b c b.c a.b a.c

    b c . c a a.c b.c a.b

    c a . a b a.b a.c b.c

    Given that


    a b c 3 a b c . a b c 3 a.b b.c c.a 0

    a.b . b.c b.c c.a c.a a.b a.b b.c c.a

    a.b . b.c b.c c.a c.a a.b

    0[since , x y z 0,xy yz zx 0]0only when a.b b.c a.c


    a b,b cand c a

    2a 3b 4c . a b 5b c 6c a

    10a.(b c) 18b.(c a) 4c.(a b) 32

    73. As the point (, ), lies on both f(x) and g(x) , the point ()will also lie on both the curves and as the functions arecontinuous they must cross (meet on) the line y = x in between.f must be on decreasing path, for all these to happen.

    74. f (x)= ab cos x b 2a1 sin x = b cos (x + )

    Where = cos1a. So f(x) = 0 x =(2m +1) 2

    Also f(x) = b sin (x+). Thus f

    2 < 0 and f


    > 0

    Hence f has maximum at 2

    and minimum at



    More over, max f = ab sin (/2 ) +b 2a1 cos ( 2 ) +

    c = a2b + b (1 a2) + c = b + cand min f = b + c.

    and min f = b + c.

    75. 23x 2lim (log (ax 3x 1))

    must be equal to 1

    So 4a + 7 = 3 a = 1



    2x 2 x 23

    log ( x 3x 1) 1 (x 1)(3 2x)lim limlog (x 1) ( x 3x 1) 1/ 3e e el


    x x

    2 1 1f (x)4 1 2 1

    is one-one function.

    77. Let S x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0

    it cuts x2 + y2 = 4 orthogonally c = 4Moreover 2g + 2f + 9 = 0( ( g, f) satisfy the given equation) S x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + 4 = 0 x2 + y2 + (2f + 9)x + 2fy + 4 = 0 (x2 + y2 + 9x + 4) + 2f (x + y) = 0It is of the form S + P = 0 and hence passes through theintersection of S = 0 and P = 0 which when solved give ( 1/2,1/2), ( 4, 4).

    78. Replace x by 2, 2f(2) + 2f12

    -2f(1) = 4

    f(2) + f12

    =2 + f(1)-----(1)

    Replace x by 1, f(1) = -1 ..............(2)

    Replace x by 12

    , 2f12


    f(2) + 2 = 52


    Solve (1) and (3) => f 12

    = 0 ; f(2) = 1

    79. Let 768 32 cos

    16 3 32 cos3

    cos2 6

    So 4 8 32 32 cos 4 8 8 cos6 12

    114 4 sin 4 4 cos24 2411 11 114 1 cos 4.2 cos 2 2 cos24 48 48

    So a 2, b 48(b a ) 46

    80. Equation of the required plane is_ _ _ _ _ _ _

    1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2(r.n q ) ( r.n q ) 0 r.(n n ) (q q )

    Now , perpendicular to _ _

    3 4n n

    _ _ _ _

    1 2 3 4(n n ).(n n ) 0 _ _ _

    1 3 4_ _ _

    2 3 4

    [n n n ][n n n ]

    So independent on q3 and q4 only.

  • RESONANCE Page - 31


    1 1 1

    2 2 2

    1 2 1 2 1 2

    2 1 2 1




    L e t C ( 1 , 2 2 , 3 3 ) a n dD ( 1 , 2 2 , 3 3 ) .C D 1 4

    ( ) 4 ( ) 9 ( ) 1 41 1

    L e t G ( , , )4 5 24 1 0 44 9 6

    4 x - 5 4 y - 1 0 4 z - 9L o c u s o f G i s = =2 4 6

    5 5 92 x - y - z -2 2 4

    = = 31 12

    82. 3x 6y


    = 1

    ........ (1)2x2 + 2xy + 3y2 1 = 0 ........ (2)Homogenizing (2) with the help of (1), we get

    2x2 + 2xy + 3y2 23x 6y


    = 0

    k2(2x2 + 2xy + 3y2) (3x + 6y)2 = 0 ...... (3) circle described on AB as Diameter passes through (0, 0) AB will subtend right angle at (0, 0) coefficient of x2 + coefficient of y2 = 0 (2k2 9) + (3k2 36) = 0 k2 = 9 k = 3


    The rod sweeps out the figure which is a cone.The distance of point (A(1, 0, 1) from the plane

    is .unit19|4211

    The slant height l of the cone is 2 units.Then the radius of the base of the cone is

    31412 l

    Hence, the volume of the cone is 1.)3(3


    cubic units.Area of the circle on the plane which the rodtraces is 3.Also, the centre of the circle is Q(x, y, z). Then














    84. (A) Consider g(x) = sin1 f(x) x

    since g(0) = 0, g

    2 = 0

    there is at least one value of


    ,0 such that g ()



    1 = 0

    i.e. f () = 2))(f(1 for atleast one value of but may

    not be for all


    ,0 false

    (B) Consider g(x) = f(x) x2

    since g(0) = 0, g

    2 = 0

    there is at least one value of


    ,0 such that g ()

    = f () 2

    = 0

    i.e. f () = 2

    for atleast one value of but may not be for all




    (C) Consider g(x) = (f(x))2 x2

    since g(0) = 0, g

    2 = 0

    there is at least one value of


    ,0 such that g ()

    = 2f() f () 2

    = 0

    f() f () = 1


    (D) Consider g(x) = f(x) 22x4

    since g(0) = 0, g

    2 = 0

  • RESONANCE Page - 32


    there is at least one value of


    ,0 such

    that g () = f () 28

    = 0

    f () = 28



    third side will be parallel to bisectors of two given line

    Bisectors are 7x y 3

    5 2

    = (x y 3)


    Bisectors are 3x + y 1 = 0 and x 3y + 9 = 0Now required third side will be parallel to these bisectors 3x + y + 7 = 0 or x 3y 31 = 0

    86. f(x) = cos1 (cos 2x), g(x) = |cos x|f(x), and g(x) both are even and periodic so max {f(x), g(x)}and min{f(x), g(x)} will also be periodic and


    but max {f(x), g(x)} will be non-differentiable when f(x) = g(x)no of points where f(x) = g(x) are four in [0, 2]

    87. f(x) = 0 2cosx + 2cos2x = 0

    x = 3

    , are critical points

    f(x) is increasing in


    ,0 and decreasing in




    Hence f(0) = 0 , f

    3 = 2

    33, f() = 0 , f


    3 = 2

    Least value = 2, Greatest value = 233

    88. (A) If function is one- one & onto then a = b since everyelement of set B should have exactly one pre-imagein A.(B) For one - one, into function, every element of set B shouldhave either one pre-image or no pre-image inset A. no. of elements in set B > no. of elements inA. b > a(C) For many - one, onto function, every element of set B shouldhave one or more than one pre-images inA. n(B) < n (A) b < a or a > b(D) For many - one, into function a R & b R .

    89. (A) f(x) = 1 x6/5 f (x) = 65


    exist x (1, 1)and f(1) = 0 = f(1) Rolles theorem is applicable

    (B) x 0lim




    xe dt

    1 x e

    = x 0





    x e dt

    1 x e

    = x 0lim

    2 2x

    x t


    x(e ) e dt

    1 e


    = x 0lim =

    2 2 2x x x


    x(e .2x) e ee


    0 1 11

    = 2

    (C) | a

    + b | = 1 + 1 + 2cos= 2(1 + cos ) = 4 cos2/2

    and | a b

    |2 = 1 + 1 2cos = 2(1 cos) = 4 sin2 /2



    | a b | + 21

    | a b |



    2 2sec cosec2 2



    2 21 tan 1 cot2 2



    2 22 tan cot2 2

    A.M. G.M

    tan2 2

    cot2 2 2 1

    (D) M(1, 2) lies on the director circle of 7x2 12y2 = 84

    90. m3 + (2a + 5)m2 6m 2a = 0

    m1 + m2 + m3 = (2a + 5)m1 m2 + m2 m3 + m3 m1= 6m1 m2 m3 = 2aFor (A)

    a +



    = 1

    a 2a 5 = 1 a = 4 m1 m2 m3 = 8 m1 = 1, m2 = 2, m3 = 4 m1 m2 m3 = 8for (B)a 2a 5 = 5 a = 0 m1 m2 m3 = 0 m1 = 1, m2 = 0, m3 = 6

    a +


    1iim = 0 + 0 = 0 (C is correct)

    for (D)a + 2a = 32 not possibleHence (D) is incorrect.

    91. fof(g(x)) = 1 + sin(fog(x)) f(1 x) = 1 + sin(1 x) f(x) = 1 + sinx

  • RESONANCE Page - 33

    MATHEMATICS92. S1 : a, b, c must belongs to R.

    S3 : z = a + bi = a biS4 : a, b R

    93. S1 : D = 0 roots are real and equal if a, b, c R.S2 : Roots are integers

    S3 : 1 1 1

    2 2 2

    a b ca b c

    is true iff roots are both common

    S4 : If Numerator and Denominator have common factor then Rfcan be equal to Rg.

    94. GSS

    F2F1P( )

    Let I(h, k) and G(ae2cos, 0)

    h =2e(acos ) ae cos

    1 e


    aecos (1 e)1 e

    = aecos

    and k =e(bsin ) 0

    1 e


    be1 e sin

    h = aecos ; k =be

    sin1 e

    a = 6, b = 3 3 and e = 12

    h = 3cos, k = 3 sin

    locus of incentre I(h, k) is 2 2x y

    9 3 = 1

    and its eccentricity =319 =


    we know that the straight lines joining SF1 and SF2 bisects thenormal PG. Required point of intersection is midpoint of PG.

    P 3

    = P93,2

    and G(ae2cos,0) G3

    , 04

    Required point = 15 9


    8 4

    95 to 96f(1.1) = f(1.2) f is may onelog{x} [x] < 2 [x] > {x}2 [x] > (x [x])2 x2 2[x] x + [x]2 [x] < 0x [1, 0) x2 + 2x + 2 < 0,not possiblex [0, 1) x2 < 0, not possiblex (1, 2) 0 < 2 infinitely may solution.

    97 to 98.two points of inflection occurs at x = 1 and x = 0 P(1) = P(0) = 0 P(x) = ax(x 1)

    P(x) = 3ax

    3 2ax

    2 + b

    x 0


    = tan(sec1 2 ) = 1

    P(0) = 1 b = 1

    P(x) = 3ax

    3 2ax

    2 + 1

    P(x) = 4ax



    6 + x + c

    P(1) = 1 a 1 1

    12 6

    1 + c = 1


    4 + c = 2 .........(1)and P(1) = 1 a = 12c .........(2)solving (1) and (2), we get

    c = 12 and a = 6

    P(x) =4x

    2 x3 + x +


    P(0) = 12 P(x) = 0 2x3 3x2 + 1 = 0 (2x + 1)(x 1)2 = 0

    99. to 100.

    cos1 2x

    + cos1 3y


    cos = 6xy


















    1 4x2


    + 36yx 22

    = 36yx 22

    + cos2 3cos xy

    1 cos2 = 4x2

    + 9y2

    3cos xy

    9x2 + 4y2 12 xycos = 36 sin2 N = 36and (cos1 x)2 (sin1 x)2 > 0


    xsinxcos 11 > 0



    ,1 [p, q)

    p = 1 , q = 21

  • RESONANCE Page - 34


    99. N 6 = 36 6 = 0



    100. sec1x is not defined at x = 0

    101. to 102.

    P26 104, ,3 3

    AB = i j 3k , AC i j 2k

    and BC 2i k

    AC BC Fourth vertex D is (4, 2, 0) AB


    = i 5 j 2k Equation of base is x 5y 2z + 6 = 0Let E(x,y,z) be the foot of the perpendicular drawn from P to thebase

    x 4

    1 =y 26 / 35


    z 10 / 32

    = r (let)

    (4 + r, 5r 263 , 2r

    103 )

    It lies on the base

    4 + r 5265r 3

    210 2r3

    + 6 = 0

    r = 2

    E4 22, ,3 3

    + m + n = 4


    = 2i 10 j 4k

    height =EP

    = 120

    Volume =13 | AC

    BC ||EP

    | = 13 25 1 4 120


    603 = 20 cubic unit

    103. to 104

    f(x) = tan1 22

    2( 3 1)3

    x 2x

    x2 + 23x

    2 3 x2 + 23x

    + 2

    2( 3 1)


    = tan12( 3 1)2( 3 1)

    = 12

    = M which occurs at x2 =


    i.e. at x = 31/4

    = a

    and fmin = 0 = m at x = 0

    cos1x + cos1y =

    31 17 3 7 3tan tan tan tan 3 2

    24 8 24 8

    x = y = 1 x + y = 2

    3sin1(sinM) = 3sin1 sin12

    = 4

    x2 (tan(3sin1(sinM))) x + a4 = 0 x2 (tan/4) x + 3 = 0 x2 x + 3 = 0 + = 1, = 3 () (+) = 3 1 = 2

    105. to 106.

    Roots are 1, a



    2 < 0 a > 0

    a2 + 2a + 5 (5, )


    2 < 4 a



    107. to 108Given, (a + b)2 x (ab + bc + ca + 1) y + 2 = 0Now, (a + b)2 (ab + bc + ca) + 1 0 for all a,b R a2 + b2 + ab bc ca + 1 0 a2 + (b c) a + (b2 bc + 1) 0 a R (b c)2 4(b2 bc + 1) 0 3b2 2bc + (4 c2) 0 b R 4c2 12(4 c2) 0 c2 12 + 3c2 0 c2 3 M = 3Also, lx + my + n = 0 (l, m, n are 1st, 3rd and 7th terms of anarithmetic progression) lx + (l + 2d)y + (l + 6d) = 0('d' be their common difference ) 'd' l (x + y + 1) + d(2y + 6) = 0 x + y + 1 = 0, 2y + 6 = 0 x = 2, y = 3Hence = 2, = 3

    x2 + y2 = 4 ; x2 + y2 24x 10y + 2 = 0c1(0, 0) ; c2 = (12, 5)r1 = 2 ; r2 = 2169

    169 2 > 0 48,48Since is integer

    = 0, 1, 2,....,2 6 Number of possible integral values of is 13 Ans.x2 + y2 = M + 2 = 3 + 2 = 5tangent at (1, 2)

    x 2y 5 = 0 .......(1)This line touches the circle x2 + y2 8x + 6y + 20 = 0

    Solving 1,3x5y2x5yx2

    Hence point of contact (3, 1) Ans.109 to 110

    ( ) = (( + ) ( + ))( + )2 4 = [( + )+ ( + )]2 4( + ) ( + )(b1)2 4c1 = (b2)2 4c2D1 = D2 ..........(i)

    minimum of y = f(x) is 4D1

    = 41

    D1 = 1 D2 = 1

  • RESONANCE Page - 35


    minimum of y = g(x) is 4D2

    = 41

    minimum of y = g(x) occur at x = 2b2

    = 27

    b2 = 7b22 4c2 = D2

    49 4c2 = 1 448

    = c2

    c2 = 12111 to 113

    As det. (P nI) = 0


    = 0

    (1 n)(n 3)(n + 1) = 0 n = 1,1,3

    So N =

    1 0 00 1 00 0 3

    det.(N) = 3 det.(adj N) = (detN)2 = (3)2 = 9 Ans.112.Given PQPT = N PP 1 Q

    1TT )P(P = P1N (PT)1 Q = P1N(P1)T [As (PT)1] = (P1)T]








    1 0 00 1 00 0 3









    QT = Q + = 0 Ans.

    113. Given P =


    So P2 = PP =





    Now P3 = P2P =





    P4 = P3P =





    Also P5 = P4P =





    Tr.(P) = 3, Tr. (P3) = 27 = 33Tr.(P5) = 243 = 35 Tr. (P2011) = 32011

    Also Tr.(P2) = 11 = 32 + 2Tr.(P4) = 34 + 2Tr.(P2012) = 32012 + 2 Ans.

    114. (A) logsinx (log3 (log0.2 x)) < 0 = logsinx1

    log3 (log0.2x) > 1 log0.2x > 3 = log0.2(0.2)3

    0 < x < (0.2)3 0 < x < 1251

    (B) )1x(x)2x(sin)2xx)(3x2)(1e( 2x


    )1x(x)2/3x)(1e( x

    0 x < 1 or x 23

    x (, 1)


    (C) |2 | [x] 1| | 2 ||[x] 1| 2| 2 0 |[x] 1| 4 3 [x] 5 x [3, 6)

    (D) |sin1 (3x 4x3)| 2


    sin1 (3x 4x3) 2

    1 3x 4x3 1 1 x 1115. (A) x 0 and g(x) 2 x 1

    Domain is x (, 0) (0, 1) (1, )(B) x 2 and f(x) 0 x 1/2

    Domain is x (, 1/2) (1/2, 2) (2, )(C) f(f(x)) = x and x 2

    Range is (, 2) (2, )

    (D) g(g(x)) = 1x1x2

    and x 0

    Range is (, 1) (1, )

    116. (A) Range of the function is (0, )(B) Function is decreasing(C) Range of function is not R and function is one-one.(D) The function is clearly many-one because the value offunction is zero at x = and .And range cannot be R.

  • RESONANCE Page - 36


    117. (A) an =


    1n2n21n2n2 22

    an =




    1= 4


    1n2n21n2n2 22


    1n= 4

    1 15

    + 41 513 ..................... 4

    1 761841

    = 41

    (29 1) = 7












    cos 2x3

    cos2x = cosx/2

    cos 2x7

    + cos 2x

    = 2 cos 2x

    cos 2x7

    = cos 2x

    sin 2x sin 2x3


    sin 2x 0sin 2x3

    =0 2x3

    = n

    x = 3n2


    x = 32







    (D) cot

















    11 )1r2(tan)1r2(tan

    cot (tan19 tan1(1))cot (tan1 4/5)

    51x = 2x34x3

    15x + 10 = 12x + 163x = 6x = 2

    118. We have zn 1 = (z 1)i2 i2 (n 1)

    n nz e ...... z e

    1+ z +.....+ zn1 =



    ezi2 (n 1)

    n...... z e


    Put z = 1 and take modulus n = 2n1 sinn



    ......sin (n1)


    (P) If n = 21

    21 = 220



    2 9 10 20sin sin .......sin .sin ....sin

    21 21 21 21 211021 sin ........sin .2

    21 2110 21

    sin .......sin21 21 2

    (Q) If n = 222



    21 20

    2 1022 2 sin sin .........sin22 22 22

    10 22 11sin .......sin

    22 22 2 2






    (R) Again put z = 1 is...............(1) and take modulus

    n 1



    21 cos cos .......cos(n 1) 2n n n

    n 212 201 cos cos .......cos 2

    21 21 2110 1

    cos .......cos21 21 2

  • RESONANCE Page - 37


    (S) 10


    2 10 11sin .sin .....sin

    22 22 22 210 9 11

    cos cos ....cos22 22 22 2

    sin cos(90 )

    119. Let f(x) = )x(h)x(g.)x(p

    where p(x) = x odd functiong(x) = log (x + 1x2 )

    g(x) + g(x) = log (x + 1x2 ) + log (x + 1x2 ) = log (x2 + x2 + 1) = log (1) = 0 g(x) is an odd function.

    h(x) = 21





    x + 2


    h(x) + h(x) =


    x + 2

    1 +


    x + 2




    x +


    x + 1

    = 1 + 1 [x] + [x] = 1 if x R I = 0

    h(x) is an odd function f(x) is an odd function f(1947) + f( 1947) + f(0) = 0.

    120. Any point on the curve xy = 4 is



    slope of the tangent at


    ,t2 is 2t


    equation of tangent is x + t2y 4t = 0since it is tangent to x2 + y2 = 8 also



    = 22

    i.e. t2 = 1 equation of the tangent is x + y = 4 Since the intercepts are positive the tangent is x + y = 4

    121. y = f(|x|)

    y =




    where t = x and y = f(x) has no point

    of discontinuity when x 0y = f(|x|) has no discontinuous points

    122. |a + b| = |a| + |b| ab 0 (x2 5x + 4) sinx 0 x [0, 1] [, 4] {2}sum of all integral values is 0 + 1 + 4 = 5

    123. Putting x = 2, 12 and 1 successively

    1f ( 2 ) f 3 . . . . . (1 )2

    1 3f f ( 1 ) . . . . . . . ( 2 )2 2

    a n d f ( 1 ) f ( 2 ) 0 . . . . . . . ( 3 )3S o l v i n g , w e g e t f ( 2 )4

    4f(2) = 3

    124. |z1| = 2 and (1 i) z2 + (1 + i) 28z2 C : x2 + y2 = 4 L : x + y = 24

    AB = OB rAB = 2.

    125. Let f = 9x5xx

    2 f



    f2 + f + k < 0 f


    1 f


    < 0 & f(1) < 0

    126. Let |3sinx 4cosx| = t t [0, 5] x RGiven equation can be written ast2 (a2 + a + 5) t + a2(a + 3) + 2(a + 3) = 0t2 ((a2 + 2) + (a + 3)) t + (a + 3)(a2 + 2) > 0 t = a + 3 or t = a2 + 2 0 a + 3 5 or 0 a2 + 2 5 3 a 2 or 2 a2 3

    3 a 2 or 3 a 3 acceptable integer values of a are 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2 6 is the answer

    127. Centre of circles c1, c2, c3 are in A.P.General term for abscissa of centres = 1 + (n 1).3 = 3n 2 centre of c5 is (13, 0)Radius of circles are in G.P. R

    n = 1.2n 1 = 2n 1

    R3 = 4 and centre of c3 is (7, 0)tangents of circle c3 intersect each other at (13, 0)equation of any line passing through (13, 0) is y 0 = m(x 13) mx y 13m = 0 now it will be required tangents if


    7m 0 13m

    m 1= 4

    36m2 = 16m2 + 16 20m2 = 16 m = 25

  • RESONANCE Page - 38


    Let m1 = 25 , m2 =


    10|m1m2| = 8









    Required probability = 2





    = 54

    Alter : Required probability = 1 (no languages is common)

    = 1 1 51

    = 54

    129. Q1(x) 0 a > 0 and b2 4ac 0Q2(x) 0 b > 0 and c2 4ab 0Q3(x) 0 c > 0 and a2 4bc 0 2a 4( ab) 0

    2a 4( ab) a > 0, b > 0 and c > 0 ab 0


    ab 4 ........(1)

    we know that (a b)2 + (b c)2 + (c a)2 > 0 2a ab 0



    > 1 .........(2)

    from (1) and (2), we can say that

    1 < 2a

    ab 4

    possible of integers in the range are 2,3,4 Numb