CRITICISM OF OTIS FORITER CHAP.OES RF.PEATED IN A CORRESPOXDENTS LETTER. ._-__nI> OF THTS WAR NOT IN SIOHT. IT IS BATO-CE-NBORSHIP TRTIN'C, TO NEW8- PAPER JIEN-VOLUNTEERS U*« .WILUNO TO 8ERVE. london. July 25.-A prlvate letter recelved *iere to-day from o war correspondent at Ma- fclla, and dated June 17. says: -There aeema to bo no end of tbe war In 929X2*. The censorshlp -B constantly beoomlng more troubleaome. Oeneral OVi recently sstab- llaned a rule that any matter relatlng to the Navy must be taken to the oomander nf the fleet for hls approval. and afterward sur-mttted tO the mllltary oensor. thus nddine to ..ur dlffl- cultles For gMM reason which tbe cenaor would not explain. (leneral Otli tefMO-l to allow us to send the death of the Monadnock'a cap¬ taln (NfehOlB) Ibr two days after Its nrcurrence. The Oeneral alao refuscd to let ua send newa of the dlsappearancc nf Captaln Rockefeller (Aprll 2S>, on the ground that It would worry his family: or the kllllng of Captaln Tiily, of the Slgnal Corpa*. until the next day. The eorre- spondents are alt very tlred of thfs- arrange- ment, which simply meene that they must go ©ut and run larg" chance? of c-ttlng shot several tlmes a week, wlth no chance of making reputa- tlons. because their storles must always re- tflect OtLs's vlews. "It is lmposhible to wrlte the truth about the eiituatlon. The raaourooa and fightlng qualitles ©f the natives are qulte mlaunderatood by the Amerlcan papers, and we cannot wrlte the facts .wlthout belng arcused of treason; nor can we tell of the practlcally unonlnn.us oppoaltton to .*nd dislike of the war among the American ¦troops. The volunteers, or at least a portion of thera, were at one tlme on the v.-rge of mutiny. ¦end unlesa General Otla had begun Fendlng them homeward there- would have been sensa- lional develnpments. "Wo have Man absolutely refuaed all hos¬ pltal flgures." NAVY'S WORK IN PHILirPINES. tAPTAIN BARKER REPORTS ON OPERA- TIONS AFTER DSW-TTfl DEPARTT'RE. Washlngton. Jnly CS.Captaln A. P Parker, who .Oucceeded Admiral Dewey In command of tho American naval force. ln the Phillpplnes, has mada a report to tha Navy Department, dated 3-xnlla, June 13, glvlng an account of naval opera¬ tlona at and ahout Manila aftt-r ho took cora- tmand. Ho t-ay. ln part: On May 2G I dlrected the Prlncetr-m, af llollo. to take Benator Beverldga to tlu. souihern lalanda of thls group, Includlng CBbu, Mlndanao and Sulu. I coi.sldi.red that the Department would be only t"0 glud to hav..- avety faclllty given a dtstiiiijuisped Benator to lenrn what he COUld of ths situation Jroiu ac.tual obeervation. Senator Beverldga vis¬ lted Cebu, Zamboanga and Bulu, r.-turning from the latter place to Mamlla in a small Armv trana- ¦j»ort. The Prineeton returaed direct to llollo to resume ti.e duty of blockadlng. On May the I,eon XIII arrlved from -.ira- boanga, having on t>oard tho Kpanlsh troops t.ik-n rfrom thnt place, Oeneral Montero dylng on tho «lay of her arrival. of wounda which h- had re¬ celved in action with tho Insurgents a short tlme j before the eVBciuulon ol Zamboanga. At Zambo- evnga tho C'.stlne pullsd off th« I.eon X1TI, whleh h-.d run aground in tha harhor; she also saiuted tha Bpaniah flag wben tha Bpaniards evacuated tho place. Htard good rr-ports of the value. of our llttlo ¦gunbonts, whlcb had been crulalng among tho Islands to the southward. the Alt.riy and Snmi.r using llollo as .4 l.ri.- snd the .M,i!;i!t no using Cebu. Beveral eapturee bad been madi <»n June » tho lleiena arrlved from JolO, whero *he h"..1 been statloned while our troops w-ie re- llevlng the Bpanlih garrlSoU. Durlng th- day 1 had an Intervit-w wiih <leneral Otis ln regard to an advaaps to be made by tho Army on th© Insur¬ gents between Manlia and ."ivite. Dn June 10 the propos_d ;.dv,-.i: -. wns made, and ©ur veaaela took part in the engagemant and l.as Pinas nnd Paranaqua were capl Tho Oregon left. for Lingay r. Bay on the llth. to raUeve tl.e Concord. so that tha lattei jnlttit dock nt Hor.g Kon_ Reporl* recelved from the Wheeiing and Helena .how that our vessela di.i axcellenl servica on tl.e inih Inet. Mnny Insurgents were kllkd h\ the flro ftom these and oiher ihlpB, and ea. .iperi prtsooera report ti.at tho in.urgentsare hadly demorallsed. OOVERNMENT OF I IIH rHIUrriNES. .©REATHST BTATESMAN OF THIS COUNTRY REEDED I "R OOVERNOR OENERAL IN THi; V-VW OF OENERAL ANDERBON. Chlcago, July 16.."The greateat statesman In thls ro.n.trv should ho read.- Oovernor Oeneral of the Phlllpplne iBlaada, and the mllitary authoritlaa ln the, tsiaiijs aubordineted to him." Brlga i Thomaa M Andaraon, com- mandiiiK the Department r.f tha Lakaa, yeaterday outllned In the foregolng words what ho belleved to be the best cours.- to pursue ln the Far East. General An.l.-rs n eapraaaed hlrnseif as follows WfcSB n»k. d hm opinir.n of tha resr.lts llkely to fol¬ low tha liistallnt.on of the new BeCfetarjr of War: "Tho gr._t.--t exlgency wlth which we havo to .deoi at oreaent axtata Ie tha Phillpplnes, and to lt we should hrlng th- besl talent we hav. The Gov¬ ernor Oeneral ahould ba flrst <>f all a atatesman. II" BhouM hava tha dlrtatlon ..r tha courso to be pursufd, and the mllitary representatlvea should carry out tha ordera of tha G Oeneral im- fplicitiy, but preferably ln his oam way. "Ah it la, Oeneral Ot_» ls hoth clvtl and mllitary governor in tha laland-. Exerclalng both ol thess functlons. he is th. _ta and arbltrary rul.-r on earth, .( Ruasla i The mllltHry power should. In my opinion, he merely a meana of carryIng out the pollcy of the clvll admlBtotraUOa. I'nderst.-.nd. thnt 1 do not .aeen thli aa a rrlttclam of Oeneral uis. for h* ls Beated wiih thls dual power. and must do the best can. I 1.. .leve that the task Which h- |g trying to perform li too nr.it for any r.ne man. no mat¬ ter how eapable ha may be. 'The man .it the head of th- War'Department at WnMrir -. one of good bualneaa BBBcattva aUllty nnd Bound common wnec Tha BtatBsmenahlp is requlred on the acena ot actton. 1 h,.v.- no n the admln- n of thi Department under Mr K -t One thlng Is certaln. , long us ., bi aiiowe.i to remain ln command he ahould r.-- eelve the support of the Admlnlstratlon t Wash- ll.gtol " A THE WE8T WANTS THE PHTMPPIXER ii. July S (Speclal) Rei reseni Lendis, of In.liann, ln eonveraatton to-day dis- cussod the asntlraaat la th> Wast rei-ardlng the Pbillpplns situation. "The people ,,f Indiana," he said. Indotso the i lent's Phlllpplne pollcy! Thej want thoso islands retalaed, and th.y want Agulnaldo put down. if it ra*ulrea ;i\e hundred thouaand mea to do it. All thls talk ahout Impertaliam la nOnseaaa. Tho plain people ..f tha Wast, tha men who plough corn and the rsllroads. have their mlnda rnade up on this subjeet. ..nd Deaaocrata and Republlcana nlike favor rftaining th- Phliipplnae In my little town 1 don't know of a man who )m|ds the opp..«;., vi. w. aaleas It la sotae old reiu- of th. ifi to i frea Bttvef etowd, wha baaa't y.-t g..t ..ut of tl.e wooda If this lust ouota >.f troops had beaa ruis.-.i amonx th- Btat. i that la, lf th.- regtmi nta ould ba .r tba natnes of tba Btatea and Include volunteer- from the same sectloae.tha quota cou d have been fllled .within a week. The boya In my State w-re anx- loua to enllst lf they could go ln under th-,r own organlaations." -e- OENERAD WHEELER SAII.S FOR MANILA. B-.n Francisco, July E.Tha tr«nsp..rt Tartar has salled for IManlla with (leneral Joaeph Wh..-.- -. portion of the l*-»th It.fantry and a number of re- crults for the army in th« Phillpplnes on board. BROOKLYN STRIKERS YIELD. TROLLEYMEN APPLYINO FOE THEIR OLD PLACBS. JAMES PINES ISSL'ES A STATEMENT AXD WILL XOT ADMIT THAT THE FIOHT IS OYEK-PEW MANHATTAN POLK'E- MEN NOW IX THE BOROVOH. The atrlklng employea of the Rrooklyn B.ipld Translt ('ompnny yesterday arlmltted that he strlke waa over. They visited the oOees of the rompanv in Montague-st. and asked te bfl Pttn- fltstfld. They wer- told that _fl the rr.en. whath" thev had been employed by the ^^J.*!"' or 'the Nassau linea. would recetv* rnnalderatlen provlded they had not taken part ln any Betfl or vlolety. or ln any other way made .h*mH^ nnject.nnr.hle tn tb. enmpany. Pp tt. "'. . men had appUfld for relnstatrment. *' °*T f'^ B* mon had asked th" flUD. rlntendent for their old ''Mr'w.rkes. private secretary to President Ros- _ter Mld thSl fhe president had glven orders to ,.t Buperinlendeni W. W. WheeUey to take back all of the men of the Nassau linea who had ,.n placed ont,,.- r.,,,.l under the pr-sent m.,n- agement *** who had been kept fron "r mt.midntlnti. Offlclal. of «he company aaJd that tw.ntv-seven men who had come to Brooklyn from Hoston would he put to work m-day. There were so many SPPUesntfl for relnstatement yaaterday thal it was found neeeessry tn send fnr iewrsl pollcemen to prflservfl order and to keep ^.Jalldenu'of Bath Beseb and B^hsimhural have eo-plstafld of the sarvlce on the Weat End linea. St President Roaalter aaya that he has raeelved formai complaint. nnd that the old servlce would b* ln operution In full schedule time l.y thla morn- Nearly all of the Manhattan pollcemen who were on dUty 10 Rrooklyn durlng the strike hava been sent back to that orough. Chlef Det/ery. how- ,.v,r flenl over one hundred hluer-oata from Man- hattan ye-rterday to ald the Brooklyn p*****e in clearlng up ih" aft-rmath of the strlke. These men wlll he held here ln reserve untll all danger from the strlke. haa paaaad. strike baadcfuartera ln oranada Hall. at No. m Myrtle-ave., were practlcally deaerted yeaterday. Nelther Oeneral Maater Workman Pa**aona nor. Maater Workman Pines called there yrsterday. A few or the strlkers who loltered around the hall- wsy admitted that the atrike had heen futile and fnolish. and that the beat »hlng the men who a~ ,t!11 out can do was to apply for relnstatement- Master Workman James Pines of Dlatrlct As- Mmbly No. 75. Knlghta of Labor. who has acted as iMder ln the Brooklyn troiley car Btrtke. and who .iv does not Iniend to glve up the ghost yet day afternoon m»de a statement in whlch he "Thlsj ^rlke wns ferred upon the men r.y tne prealdent of the Brooklyn Rapld Translt rompanv. It wlll he contlnu-d. for the. reaaon that It has the avmpathy of flll tha l**bor organtaatlone. not only ln New-Torh, but ln the entlre country. Tho organlsatlona Ifl Greater New-York hav.- ahown thelr aympathy and Bupport by their wllUngneaa to contrlbiite to those who are comp"lled to sacrl- rVe themselvea for thelr fellow CTaaturea. lt mat- ten not who the men nre that m»)' mnn th- can ln Hrooklyn hereaft.-r. they must recelVfl th* hene- flt of thla effort. and it wlll he. therefore. much M.-r for tnem *o orcanlse than II waa for tho?e WhO have heen drlven out They will derlVfl bene- m ln their homefl and elaewhera from ih- sa.rl- ficea Of those who hav.- BUfllCtflflt COUTflg tO iBBlBl "Tn 1usi[,e1fohMr. Johnaou and the pubUe. 1 want thla: Mr. Johnaon waa oppoaed to thls atrike. and he ndvlsed tba men noi to *.<"«.* "¦* lensoned wlth them. and told them why he be¬ lieved thev could nnt win He ...lvlsed them tO go to the Mavor. and said thal if th" Mayor would act promptly he could pettle the matter- n on- hour without a Btrtke Mr Johnaon alao lnform**d me that he hnd nothlng but friendlv feellng [OT the men who had helped hlm to mak" hls money( and I am convlnc-xl that bla BUtsmentfl are true. -*- TROLLEY STRIKE CASES. TLENTY OF BPSINEPS TN THE HROOKLYN POLI-E COURTI MsglatrstS Noatrand, In the Flatbuah-ave. police court, Brooklyn. yesterday held Peter Martei a motorman, of No. 88 Lott-at., in $1.'««o ball on a charge of holdlng up a car nnd aa-wiultlng a conductor on last Thuraday. Several other men were arrested m oc.nn.-.-tlnn wlth thla case, but they were dlachargl Peter Oray, of Ne. 067 Paclflc-at., waa arralgned ln the t-.ime <otirt on a charge of having placed Btonei on the trackfl near hls home. He waa re- loaaed cn hla mother'a bond of C>0 to keep the peace, Charlea Way. fourteen yeara old. of No. 4.1 Reaver-st.. was held for ihe Orand Juiy Ofl u charge of having Obfltrueted tho tracka. Frederlck Mallett. of No fcOSB Puiton-st., charged wlth assaultlng. on Baturday laat, Sher- wood Bulllvsn, a conductor. walved examlnatlon and w,is held for the Court of Special Sesslons. john Bropby, of No. Kts Orand-at becam* hllarl- oua yeaterday morning. and ataggered through Kent-.ise.. alling everybody he met a "acab." II" 11 rested, and Ma| rCl un-r ,ln tr Lefl ,, iiice court, b< nl hlm to jT.il for ten days. ln th" Butler-fll p II.>urt yesterday, before y rat< Brlatow, Wllllam Qranl Bnow. a tn-- ( Plfty-elghth-st. an.l Thlrd-ave., chargea J... veller. forty yeara oM. of No 180. Knlckerbocker-ave., wlth dlaorderl} eonduct. Bnow atated that a*blle be wsa on hlt. . Thirteenth-.-.v.. and Elghty-stxth-st., Kahra struck liim and illed hlm .1 "acab." ln BSOO ball, whl.-h ho furnlahed Th. was adjourned to Julv !*** Bl OW tol l th- Magla- gi he waa on. ol h< tx -1 known a r.ited Btatea on rallroad matt. Maglstrate Worth, In th. Oatea-ave police court, i ti tin. of 110 on Nathan Cohen, of No. 7a Morrlll-at., Manhattan. for blocklng a "ar in Reld- ,i \. ti laal Bundaj ThomT. Brennan, a strtklng motorman. of No. 8<»i Thlrd-ave., was fined fi.. for obstructlng the trollej car tra. k* ln R. Id-ave, Th.- im agalnat Thomaa Mannlng, r.f No. m Kto.-kton at., who was arrest.,1 on July li on a Charge -1 havlng pUlled « troiley pOM tr,.m a Myrtle-ave. dr, was. dlamb POLICE OFPICIAL8 REMEMBERED. INSPBCTOB BRENNAN. Or BKOOKLTN. lUBCKIV. A PIAMONT* WATCH CHARM PROM MAN¬ HATTAN I'ATH'.I MI.V Police tnsp-ctor John Rrennan. who commanderl the Manhattan snd Brooklyn poll. m< ..t the troiley car depot ai Marcy -md Fluahlns ave<. durlng th" strlk". wbi not forgotten by the m<*n Irom acroaa tba rlver They presented to him on Monday evenlng, Ju-^i hcf,.re they w> re order-,1 hom", n valuable dlamond WStcb charm Tha preaentatlon apeech « n made by Patralman Msl- lon, of Manhattan. lohn Rrennan la one of the beal and m,..-t popular poUce ofllclala ln Brooklyn, i.r.i ii" la known ua "Honeet John." In replylng to tke peech of Patrolman Mallon tbe Inap. toi s.ii,i 'i wanl to thank you, boyi yr.ur kin.lness. 1 appreclate th- klndly .entlments you kave expreaaed rhro.n'h Mr Mallon, an.l l ahall alwaya value your- preaent, bul more pleaalns to m" than anything elsi- ls the facl that you have attended to your duty. thal >"n have d'.ne || w.-ll, fairly, Impartlslly, honestly and falthfully, Afi.-r «d. boys. there is nothlng llk- l.elng tr.ie nnd l"\ .1 to duty, and If y<m and I follow that day we shall draw our pa> wllh .-h-ar cun..ri».nc-'s and the publlc wlll he s.itlsried. That Ifl ail, Thank you and gootlby." Bergeanl .;.-orga H.rrlngton. of Inspector Bren- .--I goM m:.tch safe it was d b) Patrolman Bradley, of the Manhat¬ tan squad. [napector Brennan tnggested thi alnglng of 'Auld Lang Byne," nnd rhe Manhattan "eopa' ]. fl th. Ir f. Ilowi in Brooklvn before tt.-- e. b the good old partlns aong dled awaj Captaln Ennls, of th" R.,1|,h-av. atatlon Blaa can. I-* f..i gi-atc-ful r. c.^uitiiin from the Man- pollee who nid duty here .lurmg rh.- atrike Twenty-four Mcycle pollcemen oreaented to him on last Monday evenlng three fln.- potted ilma Ronnd«man ..«hlll. of the Blcycle Bquad rn..' prer-f-ntation spech. I'api.-.ln Ennls made .,- proprlal" repl) WALTHAM WATCHES 1 he best and most reliable timckeepers made in this country or in any other. Tbe " Perfeded Americ-an IVatcb," an illustrated book of in- teresting informatim about watcbes, will be sent upon request. ._ American Walibam IVatcb Co., Walibam, Mass.' STRIKE COMMITTEE'B APPEAL. AID ASKED FOR MEN WHO ARE OUT-MTB- TBSJOm MOVFMENT3 OF THE POLICE. The .strike Commlttee. -which now haa futl charge of the strike*- In Brooklyn and Manhat¬ tan. held a meeting last nUht in Oeneral Maa¬ ter Workman Parsons** h. aditiarters. No. 110 East One-hiindred-and-twenty-flfth-st.. and per- fe, ted an organlzatlon, named sub-eonitnlttees, etc. After the meeting an address to the public .was Usued. In which the clty offlclals are ar- ralgned and an appeal la mad.- to organlzed labor and "cltlaena who believe ln falr play" for finarv ial ald for the strikers, who need it. The address states that .i.fas. men are still out of work. and that many are des'.itute. Con- trlhtitlons are to be sent to tbe treasurer, Wlil¬ iam .T. ORrlen. No. 1 TO East One-hurvlred-and- tw.-nty-flfth-st. Tbere waa a myatertooea movement of the police ln the atations of Tiie Pronx last night. Chlef Devery ordered them OOt ln squads of two and three. and In one c.ise flfteen. from thelr stations to Plxth-avc nnd I*>nox-ave. for patrol duty. The pollce offlclals declined to talk. It looked ns lf they w.-re preparlng for some outbreak. PABSONI TAKES A BACK SEAT. HE OIVE- OVER THE M MfAOEMEKT OF THK "STRIKE" TO THE COMMITTEE op PIFTEEN. john N. Paraona announced yesterday that he had retlrad from the actlve leadership of the "strike." whi'h he still Inststs Is on In thls clty. He hns given over the further charge of the "strlk.'' I the Commlttee of Flfteen whWh he af pointed some da\s neo to co-oper.ite wlth hlm. "That commlttee," he said yesterday. "wlll nov bava entlra cherga of affair* i can afford to tak» a. back sent. i have beea wbooplng it up for all lt waa worth for the Inst flve weeks, and I nm afraH people wiii aoon begin to think it is a caaa of too much Parsons " .vV'hen Mr I'arsons was asked if the commlttee had not been appolnted to a slnecure, se-lng thnt the strike was over, h. re«arde.J the Inqulry as Ir- relev.-.nt and declined to answer. He explnine<J. however. that the principal duties of the eommlttaa woi.il ba to secure financial ald and support for tba men who falled to tle up the Metropolltan streu rallroad system. -The ctrlkero helrl a meeting." Mr. Parsons we.t on "nt McParlend'a, Ooa-hundredth-at and Thlrd- ave laat nlKht. The question was suhmltted r»- gardlng tl.e dealre of the men to return to WO* lt wa- dacided bv a uoanlmoua vota that ne .trikera wouid no. return until the isaua for whteh they had contended, the enforeemeat of the wn hour law had been declded. Bome flnandal aasitt- -P,e was given to those most ln need. a-tan|6- m,nts be.na mad. pay them from the fuid belna hjr organlaed labor. .vVllllam l O'Brlen. the treasurer nf the p.rke }VberfyDaw^Assoc7.t^ !;,l:,Ti.y w.ii aend out appeala for further Bubacdp. t,0Master Workman Plnea. of Brooklrn. -*».»» \ir PanonVa offlce yeaterday afternoon. He snid ,.,,. '..-4 ,...,.. ..-im were idded to the Brooklyn ,'Ji yeaterda. bm onlj a few. Sa tha &.*!. e he aald only '¦" pet cent were running. Thi* w-aasurnriaa to hlm. he thoughl ihat «ll ef 'he rare wouiVbe rennlng on aehedufe ttma by this u'w'r'.ld i.r-ul. '. the electlon of Mayor J..nea of Toledo as Governor of Ohio. PAYR NO TICKETB WENT FOR DRINK. CHJEP DBVERT BATB BS has HAD NO C0M- PL-4IKTB 09 THtB KWD AOA1IIBT HIS MKN la the cutke. the pollcemen on duty ln various nnrt« of the etty have beea fed hy the Pollca De¬ partment. inataad of by the rallroad .v»m,.anie. aa . Drevloua strlkaa CWef Devery and the PoikB Board declded that thla waa tho better plan. and tlcketa good for EO cem meala wara lasued. with I',,.; D."rv*s name on th.m. Thev were d.sfih- uted to otnmandlng offlcera of preofflots. who mide nrranrc-ment* wlth reaUUrent keeper, near where tba eeptatna' Kntadi were kept to turnlsh meali to tn- awa for the tlcketa. v ...... Lppeared to tbe eEtct tha. some , Uoaman partad wltb theae meal tlcketa Ineom tricu of the clty for drlnka ln snioons. Chtef Dat en wtl , ked ibool thla. and he aald he did nm believe II It waa snld that he had made charges agalnat aome poHeemen for doing thls. bnt he de¬ ed thnt he had ^^''''!»K1.::mX,t w,rk,?nk "'r 'wnted frJSn tfeonk-epere. i^v uoul^noto.- i^.l and an ...ve,;;Ka..-.n -.uld reaulb_ EUOHTfl of BTRIKER-i ANP PICKBTfl A COMM-TTEg 9BOU T_M lU'Il.TIN'^ TRAD r..rN.'IL VISITrt THK PqUCg BOAHO. A comm.t.ee from the Bulldlng Trades CBOncJ. headquertera ..re at No. Ifl **.* rbtrty- n tha Pollca Board TMtmBn afternoon bj appolntment to Ingulra into tba rlghta of _tr.kers.n_ pl kata Tl.e eojnmltUocoi ot i McAlllster < t tha Marble Cuttara I nlon. sea- Il)d,nf tt U: vvninn' Coffey, of the Palntera' i'nlon: Predarlck C. Dorn. of the Houe.smlths' i'nlon: John H. Murray, of tha Carpenters' Unlon; Edward Otlver. of the Elerator .tora' I'nion. nnd James Cummings, Of tha gteamflttera' Union Mr Cummings. tha apokaaman of the commlttee. |aW k. -i. c ii. II wiabed to know how far the tea and plcketa wenl ln strikes, es- t the neighborhood of buil.llnss where was a strike H- quoted the ease of Mr. Coffey who he said. was arrest--.! al Eighlh-aTB and Tweaty-Bi sond-ai while dolng duty aa a plcket ln a strike In a bulldlng a short dis* i talklng to -une of the empMyad men arhaa d, but he was discharged l.nt York Beld that there b n.. law prevent- laa from standlng ln front of p when on strike Ha di etared they had tho .-Itlzen to ft .nd there. pro- rtded they .ii,i aot break lha pea - ai do anythlng tending to auch a rtO-Btlon of la*. Th- poUOB, kl have t:o rl^ht to treat them In any other v rdtnary dtlreno, and cannot pi.-4.-ni them tr .tu t.lkin-' to snj naa Hut if they commit a b-each ot lha paaca or 'o anything wnh tendency me polica hava h rlght t.< arraai mltteemen said tbat the pollee do nol use nd President tfork iini^! make arr*-4»s when ...rv bul it thej ¦¦¦. " h.-ld Judgment . .aea tt.e-.- wonld do more tirim to rwcJati ii. rt :<-4\ .-.. ira than arrongi to th. strikeri in a HfetUn. -fi "i ->rk and tha other Com- ind pi. keti ; .11 .-. and th<: commlttee left apparently satisded. NOT REOAPHF.n AS A STI11KR ,'.NI.Y A fEW I-.MI1.''VI..-: 09 THI I .ASTMANS OJM PANY HAVE QfIT Aecounta dlffar bb to tlon <.f .iiTairs in tha strike of th- II.en v>Im. pull th- WOol off of r lha i: .--tn...tis <*om- pany, of New-Torh. The men say thera ts a strike. The oftl. ers of the .o.r.p.i.s say that a few men h,\e merely thrown np thelr Jnbe. and that t iu j will n.a K-* them back. Henry Vnn Holland, the il manager and treaaurer, w.s -. day al lha offlce oi tha company, Flfty-nlnth-at. and El.-v-ntl. n\>-. Xl- said: i... ¦aturdaj aboul twaaty leborera empi-.>e,i at tha house in Porty-eighth-Bt. uuit w..rk. They had been making aboul *i TS a d.-.y. nnd they ,i,.. mi.nfled *- '_.'- We adverttaad for men. und day about two hundred npplled f,,r work Then thi Kmghts of Labor ordered onl tba wootputletu on a aymi itbatte urike. Ab..rit h doeaa areet out We do not regard It as a strike, however, and w.- ara aot aagotlatlng artth any commlttee. \\. slder tbat Ihe men h,.\> ttmp*) .|>ut work. und they wiii nol ba taken ba. k mii avarytMag is ruau-taa smoothly agaia »e stuii aet pm anj iklna from aay other bouaes, l.ut wiu merel) w.'rk up 'he sklns wa have oursefrves. W.- ur.- not mconvenieoced «t all _.., BOt oppu_.d to labor unkMM." Mr Van Holland contlnued. bul I belii re In tt l,d t.v m»-n of sen«e. not thoae lhal are I. foois W< oaa «et ..ii tii< rn.-t! we wanl n> pull wool at J'. 7_ a day. and imdet thoae .-ircumstan.-en the lesders are foollsh lo order .. strlk. u - bad another llttle itHke hi re n eently of men who wen paul h.-'ter than any ot.'.-rs ln the countj-y Strlk. ....ms to lx' In tl.e uir. and #.ii,(. nirii |.*t tb.ir hrads end thelr jot.s.** ? LD.HTMSo KILIS EXOAOED COUPLE. 8t Cioud. Mlr.n., luly 2f -James Harren. of Kr-e- port. and A*uie_ H»r».g, of Miilwood, were m- Stantlr kllied tr>- ilghtnlng to-day et the home of Mlss Hertog. They were sltUng on the porch when llghtnlng struck the corner of the hou*e. Tb. y were engaged to be marrle-. "NEWSIES" STANDING FA.ST TRICKS OP. MEN WTIO REPI.ACE THEM TO AVOID HARD WORK. PAPERS THROWN AWAY AT A PROFIT- Mtt. BLINK'B T'l'SV PAY-A PA¬ RADE TO-NIOHT. Thsra waa no let up. 'apparently, ln tho news- bo-f- strlke yaaterday, although the advlce of the leader at tn. aaasa meetlng. against. vioirncr w.is genernlly followed. Wlth the prolonglng of the striko the boya aeem lo- be galnlng ronfidem-e ln the issue. snd ti..y declared y**-rterdgy that; tne llell to th.ir demnnda could not contlnue much longer. "P.-.v. dem fellrra ain't println* papcs MT <l**r h<-ilf" -ald one- of the urchins. "an* I BUcfr dey aeea ijow dat wm w.* says moaa. All flnge comes to ri- t.iokcs wot walta. nn'. aay. wa'a --ood walters. all right I -r-Mflfl* we'll get wot we wanta "WM" niluk waa In a paclfl** frame of mind yea¬ terday. and he was busy most of the day Impress- Ing his peacefu) de^Mnes on s0.'* "f ,h" mnrc rlOtOUflly Indined atrikers. 'Tm t'lnkln' erho.it callin' a pcice confrance." hr aald, "same nk-* what .1" hosa wii.u rusfl Ruahflr doai Bay, how*a dal fer a flkeme, h< y? We'll de- Ckfe lual how many uv .1" little fell-rs has er rfgh: ..» tacklfl one uv dem big flcabs, nn' we'll guff a lot flrbottt de use uv stlcks an' fltOnefl ln de strlke. Pat klnd 0* t'lng don't go no nmre ln dis here atrike. Dat'a wot I tole 'era Bt de meetln', an* lt EfflUU) MEN NOT. KNTIU'SIASTIC Tho min yeaterday dampened the ardor of tbe htred m"n somewhat. and thelr efforts to Fell were i.\- bo maaaa marked with exertlon There is one feat ure Incldeot to tho atrike for Whlcb a. long ¦ujferlng publlc ought to he thankful The babel of leflther v*_«*ed B**flerfl of tho latest aenaatlon is no heard nnd ln i'ark Row. Naaaau-et. and oth.-r aectlons, wbere day and nlghl have heen made hldeOUfl hy the crlcs of "I'xtra." th" (JUlel at tlmea is such that one can almost bearone'aoell thlnk. Some .,f the m.-n who were engaged to s"ll papera a| *-' a day. arlth 10 centa addltionai for each hnndr.,1 aold, hit on B pian jreaterday by mpatis of whlch they could earn the greatcst .-.mount of compens.itlon wlth tbe least amount of labor, A man would tak» flffv papers. go up a slde Btreel and throw balf Of Hiem where they would BOl n Th.'ii he would slt on the remalnlng pa- i.'itii an Inapector came, when he would ex- pl.in th.it h" had sold twenty-flve papers. and was on hls way to get more The man would aoon Fiicr-eed ln throwlng away ahout nlnetv papers and selling ten. Wh-n evenlng came tho "newaboy" handed ln M centa to pay for the hundred papers he had rld himaelf of and col- 1.1 $2. dis is eaay." sald one of them; "ifs a reg- .lir "Inch BUI don't glve It away. I wotildn't be doln' lt hut I n> >"1s de money." A numher of the atrlkara who were away from the Jurisdictlon of thelr lyru eyed leaderalaaw jin "Kvenlnc .fournal" wagon on Iis way to South Verrv last night. They Bwooped down mi lr wltn a warwhoon. and th" drtver waa powerleaa to re- sist them. The pap-rs were taken from the wagon and thrown lt.ro the rlver Kld" Bllflk called al The Trlbune otfiro late last nlfhf and gave tln p-.rti"tilara of nn interview WblCh h- had with Mr.^STValhO. Of "The. Journ.-.I." ^^^rne^'andh-sald. Is dl. tln.¦ rlKht wot you'ae la doln'? Don't you know «*-££ *»_ much to print our papea with a dem plctera as lt doea f«*r other papea? Wa mtjtm p_Pe« to-dav, Now. Bupposa you wen Into a an .1" man wanted » centa fer coffee. could \<r inake hlm sell lt to yer for 20 centa I ".ll him we wusan't talkln' ahout no coffee. ¦*-*et w- w-liV .fter » 11 papea .^-.bho.,_-h. m^h Mr Hearst gettln* Into a coupy. and ha wenl Up ,.- a he wua gotn' to do ahout it He.Bea he*ll so outen bufllneaa and close up de Bhop before bell give m to ua i reekOB dat ¦ wot he n ,1 a- yhow. I.. I '- W -..¦ '" eom- mittee, wot'a mfl and Jlmmle' scabhooch and Slmon. to-morrow." OIFTf TO THK 8TRIKER8. Mr. Rllnk also brought Information that Chnrles -ip!. wbo ls known In the Tld Assembiy DUtrlct as "the poor inan's fri"nd." has glven 15" to the fund, and h.is offered to th-* boy». free of charge a four horae coach .md four landaui for use in thfl parade whlch is to tak.* place to-nlght. YONK-M BOYl FOBM A UNION. THFTT HOI.O A PAPAl'F ANI> ARE _0*-D_T **_n_aUEb -A PlHIir* MEK.T1NC} TO-M01HT. The nuBaPS|B of yonkers have been on strlke since MoodSy against 'The Evenlng World." "The Bvenlni Journsl" and "Tha Dally Newa." Yee- terda] few of theae papers were aold. Thls was done by Jamea O'Nelll. th" Tonkers agent of one of whn aold a f"w. and reduced hls order from l..1" 9 day to 100. These went hegglng. Pub¬ ll- aympathy la wholly wlth the hoys. Th" boys form"d a unlon on Monday night wlth more than HO members. Th. f have declared war on "Tli" News" becaUSfl that paper also wllfl WhOleSSlfl ln Yonkers for slxty cents a hundred. .lohn Mln-r. a netv.-deaier of Rlverdak BVe pur ona hundred coplea of "The News" thia evenlng. Fully fifty strlkers trarrounded hla Btore at once and crted "icab!" Mlner appeared nnd madfl B BPC (Ch Ifl Whlch apologlzed for hls actlon, atating thal bfl dld nol know "The Newa" hnd h"en Mnckllated. **'* saving. he gave all the copie. h" Away went th« younsatera ,i iwn Maln-al Btrewlng th" thoroughfnre with lorn u-.uioti" of the bov« awalted the arrival of all from New-Tork. and any coplea of the papera found In the hands of paaaengera arere qulckly dracged from thelr posseafllon and destroyed Tl - bova paraded through th" clty laat night and u.r- ,t,.r-l from all aldea. To-nlgM they wlll bold ibll mi - Ung la v. M. C. A. " iu, ? NEW-HAVEN rfEWBBOTB STRIKF.. too. New Haven, Conn., July S fSpeclaT) The New- Haven newaboyfl havfl d< lared s boycotl on the lng "World" and ".Tournal." and wlll refuse to Mll any copfefl of th" papers after Monday next. The boya wanl thfl old i itfl of '¦¦" centfl a hundred Whioh .v -- In rorce before tbe war. re-eatabllahed. and say that they Wlll refuse to sell any of the papi rs untll thla I; Bgreeil apon. mty" McCarthy. ¦ leader among the hoys, went t" New-Tork yeeterday and mel th* leaders of the New-Tork strlke He ¦ff-m.i to have r>cn much Impreflsed wlth th" attltude of the New- York boys. and took part in one of the impromp'u dalagate" from New-Hsvea Th- ,,.,.1., ... "h isty" McCarthy, Frank hl nnd "S.m" Merle. visited the Mayor's offlce to-day and «sk"" permlsslon to hold a mssa meetlng -rn th" Oreen Baturday night anda p.rarl< md aere referred to the police. from n I- rml talr.ed The Sr.ntr.1av nlgh' meetlng arlll h** riddressed hy .who wll dellv«-r the messau'e from th" N> w Tora ..,-, :1 .- .v Vork 'delegate" who la "P^ted \". r Mond iy no papers wlll h" nold imless Ihe eondltlons ar.- agree.l to ? NEWSBOTI BTRIKINO IN PATERgON. i itsra-Mi, n. .r July * WpeHal) Tha troublea uhl'h have followed the 1aun.li.ed pap.TS CTOPPed out here to-day, and the war ever the "boy with t,,..k up the attentlon of people on the nol reached an organlxed ... bul promlaea to do ao unle<s the metro- newaboyfl galn their polnt BpeedOy. Tbe wh. lo-day braved the weorn and fists of loyal to the atrike bld "th*- reUowB" between hle « --i apera wltn can ai dently refralned 'rom <r\lng th"m. There were B nurn n hed i..-itu»-s. wuh tba eonaaguent of the obnoxlou ? BJTRIKBRe IN CINCINNATl a»-gl*_ AXf) ia**BWB-OTfl is-iTll OUT .BOWl I IglBKf-Hl WTTB TKE ITBW BOTB .'ln.-lnratl. July '_*." The Htrlke of measenger 'hat l.f.gan en Satnrday. has r"nche.l flerloua lor.s. Hoodlnins and Idl.-rs atirround.-d thfl telegrsph and ill-rrict Oflgeefl to lay nn.l Inter- ,, pied tl" new mea Bgi ra Ifl ilifT.-rent parts of th" Tli- measen^. ra w^re aent out ln BSbS, Wtth ti policeman ftag each drlver. but stones wera thrown al tha reblcles. Man) BTfl have heen -erlously hurt Two tabbed, aeveral hurt by mlaalles, and Bave been bad!) Th- newaboya Jolned Ihe s»rik,- to-day. Mohs of ¦rrouoded tbe newapapar eeReea and re- o lst tba new boys b." W|"' papera Th.- «.'" lorn up and .). trc\"d aa faat as tbey «....- mrned orei to 'tie new i«,>f ai naeg th.- imi from all parta "t thfl i*;. bad gathered .-.- numbera ih;it tbe ponce aeemed un- aMe to dlsp.-rae them with dut.s. and the uae <<f mor.- effective w. ip. « a .-oniemplated. -ffWhtr'T*.'. P>nn July ***>.-The strlke of mea¬ senger hoys enrt«-d ihls evenlng, th" W.-stern I'nlon Aorl I»o«l.vJ Tel^araph companl.-s ngreelng to tak.- |_e l.'.ys l.dck, l.ut tn.iklng no oth.-r c.n.-eeslona. ? BTRIJCERf AHEAD IN MOUNT VERNON. Tt- strlklng newflb. - I l"d In nd to th" sale of the svsnlng fldltl "Tl*e World" and "The Journal" In Mount Vernon. Agents of th<-e papers. aft.-r falling lo sell any of them on Monday, yesterday falled to order tb.n. Tho only paekage that reached thls clty arrlvd on the 10.10 train. A commlttee of strlkera waa on hand to recelve lt. and lt hnd scarcely h*en threwn t.V the platform when the boya aelied It and acat- tered the cont-nt* ahout In the rnun. .. In the Clty court this morning Judge B-nWBtl re ,..lHed John Charge and j~91rer «.-fljgrr. two «r tha boys who w- re arreeted ln th*¦ rlot or .-.. n .1. V. Thomas Madden an ouiJdei. who had used abuslve languaga to the «*hief of Pollce, -as sen tenced to three months* lrnprUonment. MAY STRIKE AT NOON. JERSET CITY PRDOBT HANTJLERS READY TO GO OUT TO-DAY. THE PEVNSrr.VANI.V HAS BAD TIME TO CONSIPER- DEMANT.S AND MAY liRANT THHM- riU'IT TRADE HI'TIT. The -aajerfty of the freight handi-rs employed by the Penn-.vh7.nla Rallroad In Jersey Clty will qult work at aoee if tr-r-lr demand for 20 cents ..n hour ia not comnlied wlth. They are now reoatvlng the sam- wagOB that were pald t.. tho men who struck ln New-York 17 eenta an hour. A number of the man are rontent with tho BXlSting sc-ale, but lt U aaaerted that Bt leaat seven hundred of the eight hundred freight handl-rs wlll go out lf thelr terma are not agreed to Oeneral Superlntendent F. U Bheppard said yesterday that the request of tho men ls being consldered. and that tha ...mpany is always read) to Uatea to any request of its em- ployea, Ha declined to aay. however. what «.««; dalon wou/d be. A rallway offlcial Intlmat.-.l tbat tha requesl would probably he granted. as the jeraey City men had submitted their demand and afforded the company tlme toconalderlt, whl i* ihe New-York frelgbl handiers had qult pract.call> wlthout gl-lag the company any wurnl-K. CWer Of Poli'.. Murphy wlll be prepared lf tho Jeraej Clty freight handler. do atrike. He laauad an or¬ der laat evenlng for an in.r.-as.-d force ot pollce to guard tho eompnny's property to-day He wlll have ir, men ot. duty thls morning. The strike naa .been a hardahlp for the pollce, who ar* now de- prived Of thelr vaeatlong and are, on conatant duty. lt was rumered laat evenlng that the freight handiers employed by the F.rle. NVvv-.lersey C en- trai and Delaware, f-ackawaima and Weatern Ra i- ,,..,,.,..,,,.,..* injereaj Clty and Hohohen wmUd «trko if tba Pennaylvanla company a freight handlera ko out. Tha ru.nor was denled by several .f th. employea of the eompanies named. The Pennaylvanla Rallway CoaapanjfB offlclals tay ihat thev are rapldly nlilng the places of the strlkers ln New-York city. that the new men are rapldly becomlng proftcknt and there is now Httlo delay in handllng freight. An offlcer of the com¬ pany sakt^yeaterday tbat they are experlenclng no trouble in aecuring the aervtcea of men. that they had more appHcantfl than they have room for. an.l are selecting men who wlll prove satls- tactory. Orf-dALfl MAKK A STATEMENT. A statement WBB Riven out last evenlng by offl- of th© Pennaylvanla Rallroad ln Jersey Clty concerning tho alleged nccumulatlon of loaded frelKht cars nnd of melons and vegelables ln thls dty and Jeraey Clty. A promlnent offMal anld: "Thera are 517 less of held h.-ick cars here now then there were on June M. There are about a hundred cars of melons and pOtatOBS. The fault ls In the market The situation Is entlrely cleared. exeept at Plers Noa. 17, 9 nnd tt, which ara ln the DBlgbbor- hood of the DeabroBBBB at. f*rry statlon In New- y,.rk The melon "bins at Pler No. 2. are full. he- eauae the eonalgneea have not removed them. The potatoes are there for the same reason We have no trouble in getting tho melons and vegetable* to N w York ln the usual way-ln the cars on fioats. A Btoppage In tha dellvery of melons ls not unusual. because the supply exce--ds the demand. The BCCU- mulatioB of loaded cars la leaa than lt wasayearago, whl.*hdoes the buslness of the Pennsylvanla must always have many cars at Ita termlnus. The situation Is not now affected hv the strike. One set of men went out: another set of men took their The reDort that there were nine miles of freight cara h.-re had no foundatlon." The offlcial made this answer to an Inqulry abotit th» threatened strike to-day of tho freight handiers: ".'.ur men have stood by us ten days. We- don't think ttiey are going out now. But we don't know " It was said elaewbere, however. that the Ftrlke had demorallsed the frult trade and serlously af- fected fhe huyinc and seiiing of produce ln thls The fr-ult and produ.-e men are wondertng when all the trouble will end. At present they see llttle hope of prompt ad.iustment of dlfferen.es. They apprehend that the strike may apreed to the Baltlmore an.l Ohio. and In that 0424 most of the fr-leht from the South anl West wlll he tled up. lt was said at the beglnnlng of the strike that the strike would not bo felt much by the frult and men, becauae the placea of the strikers WOUld he taken by men who would be capable of handllng the freight. About two hundred Ital- ire now employed on ptet! N00. tl, H .md W, North River The companj contracted with Bband- [e\- Brothera for tbe Itallana, agreeing to pay them n'rent-*. an hour. It la underatood that the men get onlv about 12 centa from th" eontractors. Most or them are underslzed, and only a few can apeak T-'ir-ii-h Thev are carrled back and forth on a ...nt from Jeraey Clty, and tho company pro- \ des ¦ luncheon. It la held that s.» ln-ffl.-i-nt are the Itallana that all th. I thal haa been 'hrown .UI, |. the lasl few days .-ould easlly have¦ -en r,,»<.prved if tii- eompanv had advanced the wat.- -> 8 striken from Yi to 30 cent--, an hour. tho of Heaith has Inspectora at the Plers eon- demnlne parta of the produce which arrlves. When the nroduee la eondemned It la hauled to Jersey City and dumped alonu the Jersey meadows ir i. said lhal the prlcea of meat. although high at preaent. wlll not be affoetedI by the atrlkea^iaaa iood percentage of the meat for New-York com.s ov r the New-York Ceatral Raiiroed. ATTACK ON A TKAIN OF I.ABORER8. \ gaag of Jeraey Clty boodluma on Monday nlght atoned tha ipeclal tr.iln on the Pennsytvaato RaB- , ,- which wns earrytng the lnhcrers who nave taken tha plnces of the freight handiers who qult work Beveral of the laborera were injured. but none were Bertoualy hnrt The speclal train u run between \ew-Hrui.swlck and Jersey < Ity. i are f_ ,__.n i.V avoid contact wlth tba strikers and !r. _&*_&¦&» -«__as-ws were dn rr .-d end ttve or ala of the men were hit Im. thTmlsslles or w-re cut by th.r glaBB. Tn. re, «"'» near the acene. and a Is a ""iway ¦«»"" ,,n,,.,,,v.., wltneaaed the et- fa^^tmtVnoriuaSlp. 10 drlve away lha hood- ;';-;v^^.iVr,:i;',rv..-:::.^nou;hv!l.rt>!e SHnra^aU-^hoo^ V^:-!;l;-,^!;r-;!:it,tSni;' ,l" "' ., nSuroad ln thB Pr.-du.-e Exchange f'y'SitlrdM" khUly. su».mi.,ed the de- 11 ,'e «_. men to Ag'-nt Smlth. and the com- n;iu-. left! Thi om.t..tK would not say what de- mai da the men had made. TAILORB WANT NO BOCIAX-IBT I-EADERS. TIIKY DICUAIUI THAT THEV WII._ EAYE NO POT.ITIC3 IN THK1R STRIKE. The strike of the tallors Is honrly spreadlnt.. snd |f| r than one hundred shops ln the Borough of Manhattan wereat work festertoy. The Btrlka Commlttee is making the rounds of theae snd In r.-sponse to tbe appeals of thelr lenders the tatlow abandon thelr work and walk ., addition to the aeuaandB for increafied pay an.l fewer boera of labor, the strlkers say that they hava B fl/ht agalnst the prof.-sslonal leaders. who. tbey allege, run tiie Socl.illst Trade and Lahar Al- llance. The tallors declate that they are deter- n.ln.d to hav.- BOthlng to do wlth men who havo duped them in prevkma «trlkes The nlllance of th- tlv.- unlon. lakaa ln ill thC garm-ut workers ln the greater -'.t-. hht ttir.s- enroll-d ln the Cnlted rhood and tba Oarmenl Workers. Tl.e latter organiaatloaa, whlek hav.- a BtBrnberaalp of u-s« -.hsn two thousund, are *.ild to be controlled by the Boeial Although aa_all ln numbera, the Hrotherhood and tha Unlted Oal aaill Work. ra are, it is eaid. anslou.H to take charge nf t'-.-- ttrlke Thls the members of ..... Tallors' Pi erreaatve ITnlon, tha Coal Praaaara' i'nlon, nion, Coal Operatera' i'nion in! .'oat Klnlshers' I'nion, whleh .ompose the present asaert they wiu n..t conaent to und-r any l.aaj that the So- .-l.".llr.*s must be dropped. PoMtlca, they further -.>, hat nothlng lo do aith their troublea with the eontractors and la OUl Bf place In the preaent r-trtke .f tbe Hve aBled uniona h.-ld .rkcr* .i ed ihla morning from Brooklyn and tha Brownavllle dlatrtcl atated tbat ihe garmenl *c.r««" 1M aa Im.i artlUnglj n.in^l ln th.- n--i t f..r ahortei noura and better pey an-i are ununlmoua iu their oppoaitJon tu the "_kH-la|i-t labor fnklr , ,i). ,| ,»,, m A careful estlmate mede to-day hy Harrls Mller and the txecuUva Commlttee o; the allUd uuioua flaced the total numher ot tallors now out «t ___ en thouaand. The fact ihat they ar» mi. tbi£? out of "-T.i.|f vrn"nt thoinanls of b.ittonh'-.i- .-*. ers, bu.-tulmb. n and leader <>|.era?lvcs. MESSENGER BTRIKfi GROfg nearly mn ¦umdrid a d. t. bot- MARCH UP BROADWAY. BK^ATon PMNKITT AND taWtawMaXaUM AODRBM I MK'rnNo, n w\.--ii;n.;tox hau, .OP~nHS M* J1KI.P HK.KIVKD. The strike of the meaaenaera WMcb atarte* Monday In Ihe ranks of th" Poatsl Tekgraph ^J* and whteh was augmenffd hy the defect.%\( numl.r sd thoSfl flBBplOyed by thi *U-ert__> trl"f Tfllflgrspb .'.imp.-iny, wflfl BOmewhal Ir.r- yeaterday. Nearly three h>ln1r. d boys of the l ter company marched up Hroidway aboul and wh"N"v« r a bay WBfl m.-t wlth a m-Yiae. rush was made for hlm. They visited th Twenty-thlrd-at. nnd Flfth-ave. and induced, large Bumber of the messoftgerM employed th--» Joln them. There waa som" pprfUBCtosg rtotlnt i the downtown commerrlal >]|atri<-ta also, but, on th_ whole, the strlke seema to |«rk hofh »p..riun,i. and organlzatlon. Most of the *v>va when ap. proached on tho aubfeet quote the(r frlevancea like a lesson learned from a schooibook. The pantSfl do not seem to take the strlke with _u BertouBnesBi and, whii" the efldaifl admit, tt they have heen Inconvenlenced, they say tlut has only beea to a small extent. Oeneral Manager Wllaon of the Po«tal T"lfp»B servlce hlred a lnrge numher of hovs fflfltfgfey morning to take the place of the strlkers Amirg them were some who had Jolned th" strlke throuaK fear and who asked to be taken back. Charlea Johnson, twenty yeara old. of Hrooklyn who was aelllng the two proecrihe.l newipapara wandered Into a crowd of the atrlklng m<*s-nf«r boya at Broadway and Murray s: Thc-y bhouta, .-'"ih:" at hlm and trled to mob hlm, hut ha ma, caped. II" came ha"k agaln. ar.d the rr h gav* him a severe handllng flll charged hy a poiicernan. The latter arrested Wllliam Leftachutz. th!rte«**i years old, of No. 7<> Siegel-at., Prooklyn. a newihoy. The lad nald he had not been trying to do .flythtsg to Johnson, but tho latter aald Leftscbutal had henten hlm. Maglstrat^ Mott flned I.efts-*hut*- flf). fhe was aent to the Oerry Soclety. Accordlng* to tho statements made by megaenger boys yesterday only a few of the that carry Western I'nlon messages out of maln offlce of the Western I'nlon ("ompany, at 19T> Broadway, were at work. The i.,ys aall ln thls offl-*" the force was so (.mall that sev-rai the salarled clerks were obliged to asslbt In ery duty. Manager Hanke of American Pistrlct T">frapti No. 3, at No. 4 Kxchange ("ourt, aald that OAA) one of hla ooys waa out, while tlie boys as rr..' ?__*; flfty were out all th-* mornlng. hut th.it Sup-rlc- tendent Fiayena called at the offl, ar.i flffflflai all the hrtys double pav for the day lf they wnuM etay at work. They added thnt the oft-r had l,*-n ac- cepted, and that the flfty atrlkera had returrefl to work. They dld not know It any permatient co_- cesslon WBfl to ho mado or Juat how long that double pay would last. At tho Postal Telcgraph offlce. at No. 20 Br st. BBVeral of the hoys also sald that th"y were re- celvlng double pay In thla offlce ahout tOttf mt the total force of forty-flve went otif. It waa aild yeaterday that ten ot the atrlkera had returnM to> worK and that thirty new boya had heen engagefl. Here it waa also said that they w.;re re. .* double pay. Benator Plunkett and Assembhman Smlth ad- B-SflSSd a nias- meting of ahout Ml Am"ilcan Dla¬ trlct Telegraph me>.sengera ln Washington I' '", Forty-sev.'nfh at. and Elghth-ive., last night , apeak.'is urgvd the boya lo hold out for thelr rights. but without vlolence or disord-r. J*.m*a" A.deraon, of Distriet A, the maln offlce. *,re- aided. MatiTigcr K.'lly. of Distriet No. 33 BlflO addresaeg the boys, nnd pointed out that' both hlms.lf ant Supenntendent fiayena had aeen Bervtea as mea. Bengera, and would sympithize *Rith th**m ll . wera ^"-"i grounda for a atrike lo Bnawer to i numher ..f BjUBfltiona put to them as to wh*ihe* their condltlona wera nol much Improved «. pre» ent. they i».>s snd yet Mr K. _* of th" atrlkera who -want to do ao *'..'. l,. .. .*.i to retMm lo «-rk tn-flTi^ It rataa flnally declded to nppoint- a cmmittee,; eight 1., wBlt upon tne luperlntendent to-diy anl lay tie- prlevflneefl t*fore hin>, wltb a reg i lmm.-diai" aetUement. John Flood, a massenger, dlflsgrefld w.'-i Mr Kelly, and went to the front nf tbe hall ii:<! JF'art« ed to argue wltii him. He sald norfl elev.n or twelve houra a da) f-.r 0'a weel he dld not thlnk the pay sufflelent. Mr. Kellfl Fald h" thought it Wfla. Concludlng.Mr. K'.-llj" siiid: lf you boya arlll so i" work to-morrow I wlll go personatly to h.-idri sl ite y>iif grlevancea." Thla I. -t u-m..rk v\..- greeted witri hl--.-- and crl of "No! VVe're on -rrlk.. and «. don'l bo back 'tlll we geta what we wa i.th" r me.tings will i..- arranged, accordlng to. Anderaon, ti -l the boya bi that i m. pi .y wlll be ln a better posltlon fo flpht for thelr The Best All Around Curative Lot lon for Sunburn, Chafir.g Mosqulto Bites," Prickly Heat, Inflammation ar AH Paln ls PONO'S FXTRACT CO. 7*Flt_A*«..N«*','««»* Pond'l Entrict Olntm-^nt cure* Ptlel. Pric8 50cp«rJ»r. Tr_i f-i: 25c. All Drugflsta tiutfr' 25 CENTS t% ^PEMBINA EACH /7T\ Cluett.Peabody&Co. oMAKERSc_ UNDLOROS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATIOM fiNcxntpi ig i n i'aiik r..ivv bi ii.iiN ;, II i!t f\HU ll«»\\. M.W lOUK- I'llMlh R UAltHtbtlAT. A T< .I.M.*. BqulUt-la RalMlas. l*1 Bfloaflara* ***** *_***___ Th.. Landlordr*' Pn»i*-rilva Aaa.* ,1. r. ui. ¦ to II .- |.r i- .i '... **W . i.l o..- | -.< r,, it..- >n»i taani. _, \r.. ,.. >t, the rrobi rlbe. ot our ¦» -r rlaaari t u T.»i.t>i» i^n«n'» Una "u,^_^ t -_. l . " ,"*i . nd ih* promp.**¦»¦* win. -hi.-f. " -- , _\it ttore d -mrriDii ii4i.i -*i.i__.'l B_wa Ai'.'< >l Nll* * _,w Annual lut of d-llnr-ueu-tt. puMi»h-1 t .- "ir fl**1- taerlbera Jan<ian I ** ' _. W ,r» .>«ifld.'i«fl ih«t lundlr*. moA pl l**r"r <>»"" fi'-n-ur-IIy wlll avall lh"n.»»|w» of «n oi*-*"l inltT .'* fl**_IJ ....fl-, Knoflm .< * ^..Tlrlv fOtM "' ""'> *"*. '' 'K' *T2 Inr* nt nur BaaertaMera if you '. ' "..,», ronaatloa ..* aoalfl ha i>i»_»«-i «**n*i «* taata.mmomn ill ea na_ .. \\t alr#«.1v hnr- ever VW1 r.f th . moat Imp*"*"*.* .m\ entAiH .iK^-i.i- aad Btaaartf ewaan at Ham tota .. Bmoklvt.. who hsv- antWnwfl iM ftr- "BICYCLISTS! Aoeld^fit- will BflflflM «nd M mu*i-» *¦**-! ,'*"r;"1.*?J often f. ll.,w- a rl.1- an al* ».» have f~'M of KAI.UAVS KKAl.-i HKI.IKK lt '»-'*n '' '!__» and qtilrkly "iir-» Bi.ralna, nrul>,-. >'"'¦ *¦*. ' rSJe Buniairna. Moaqulto BUe». Rheumail^m anj p-.r,». and l*ulr_. Tah-n .'.!»¦. tawardl. for Bll .***_' Z, yi Dlarrha-a. Ctmoim, Ckoian Uofbtta. Ao. flo_l w UruifUU.

CRITICISM OF OTIS BROOKLYN GROfg · lted Cebu, Zamboanga and Bulu, r.-turning from the latter place to Mamlla in a small Armv trana-¦j»ort. The Prineeton returaed direct to llollo

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Page 1: CRITICISM OF OTIS BROOKLYN GROfg · lted Cebu, Zamboanga and Bulu, r.-turning from the latter place to Mamlla in a small Armv trana-¦j»ort. The Prineeton returaed direct to llollo








london. July 25.-A prlvate letter recelved

*iere to-day from o war correspondent at Ma-

fclla, and dated June 17. says:

-There aeema to bo no end of tbe war In

929X2*. The censorshlp -B constantly beoomlng

more troubleaome. Oeneral OVi recently sstab-

llaned a rule that any matter relatlng to the

Navy must be taken to the oomander nf the

fleet for hls approval. and afterward sur-mttted

tO the mllltary oensor. thus nddine to ..ur dlffl-

cultles For gMM reason which tbe cenaor

would not explain. (leneral Otli tefMO-l to allow

us to send the death of the Monadnock'a cap¬

taln (NfehOlB) Ibr two days after Its nrcurrence.

The Oeneral alao refuscd to let ua send newa

of the dlsappearancc nf Captaln Rockefeller(Aprll 2S>, on the ground that It would worry

his family: or the kllllng of Captaln Tiily, of theSlgnal Corpa*. until the next day. The eorre-

spondents are alt very tlred of thfs- arrange-

ment, which simply meene that they must go

©ut and run larg" chance? of c-ttlng shot several

tlmes a week, wlth no chance of making reputa-tlons. because their storles must always re-

tflect OtLs's vlews."It is lmposhible to wrlte the truth about the

eiituatlon. The raaourooa and fightlng qualitles©f the natives are qulte mlaunderatood by the

Amerlcan papers, and we cannot wrlte the facts.wlthout belng arcused of treason; nor can we

tell of the practlcally unonlnn.us oppoaltton to

.*nd dislike of the war among the American¦troops. The volunteers, or at least a portion ofthera, were at one tlme on the v.-rge of mutiny.¦end unlesa General Otla had begun Fendlngthem homeward there- would have been sensa-

lional develnpments."Wo have Man absolutely refuaed all hos¬

pltal flgures."



Washlngton. Jnly CS.Captaln A. P Parker, who.Oucceeded Admiral Dewey In command of thoAmerican naval force. ln the Phillpplnes, hasmada a report to tha Navy Department, dated3-xnlla, June 13, glvlng an account of naval opera¬tlona at and ahout Manila aftt-r ho took cora-

tmand. Ho t-ay. ln part:On May 2G I dlrected the Prlncetr-m, af llollo. to

take Benator Beverldga to tlu. souihern lalanda ofthls group, Includlng CBbu, Mlndanao and Sulu. Icoi.sldi.red that the Department would be only t"0glud to hav..- avety faclllty given a dtstiiiijuispedBenator to lenrn what he COUld of ths situationJroiu ac.tual obeervation. Senator Beverldga vis¬lted Cebu, Zamboanga and Bulu, r.-turning fromthe latter place to Mamlla in a small Armv trana-

¦j»ort. The Prineeton returaed direct to llollo toresume ti.e duty of blockadlng.On May 2« the I,eon XIII arrlved from -.ira-

boanga, having on t>oard tho Kpanlsh troops t.ik-nrfrom thnt place, Oeneral Montero dylng on tho«lay of her arrival. of wounda which h- had re¬celved in action with tho Insurgents a short tlme jbefore the eVBciuulon ol Zamboanga. At Zambo-evnga tho C'.stlne pullsd off th« I.eon X1TI, whlehh-.d run aground in tha harhor; she also saiutedtha Bpaniah flag wben tha Bpaniards evacuatedtho place.Htard good rr-ports of the value. of our llttlo

¦gunbonts, whlcb had been crulalng among thoIslands to the southward. the Alt.riy and Snmi.rusing llollo as .4 l.ri.- snd the .M,i!;i!t no usingCebu. Beveral eapturee bad been madi<»n June » tho lleiena arrlved from JolO, whero

*he h"..1 been statloned while our troops w-ie re-llevlng the Bpanlih garrlSoU. Durlng th- day 1 hadan Intervit-w wiih <leneral Otis ln regard to an

advaaps to be made by tho Army on th© Insur¬gents between Manlia and ."ivite.Dn June 10 the propos_d ;.dv,-.i: -. wns made, and

©ur veaaela took part in the engagemant and l.asPinas nnd Paranaqua were caplTho Oregon left. for Lingay r. Bay on the llth.

to raUeve tl.e Concord. so that tha latteijnlttit dock nt Hor.g Kon_Reporl* recelved from the Wheeiing and Helena

.how that our vessela di.i axcellenl servica on tl.einih Inet. Mnny Insurgents were kllkd h\ the flroftom these and oiher ihlpB, and ea. .iperi prtsooerareport ti.at tho in.urgentsare hadly demorallsed.


THi; V-VW OF OENERAL ANDERBON.Chlcago, July 16.."The greateat statesman In thls

ro.n.trv should ho read.- Oovernor Oeneral of thePhlllpplne iBlaada, and the mllitary authoritlaa lnthe, tsiaiijs aubordineted to him."

Brlga i Thomaa M Andaraon, com-

mandiiiK the Department r.f tha Lakaa, yeaterdayoutllned In the foregolng words what ho bellevedto be the best cours.- to pursue ln the Far East.General An.l.-rs n eapraaaed hlrnseif as follows

WfcSB n»k. d hm opinir.n of tha resr.lts llkely to fol¬low tha liistallnt.on of the new BeCfetarjr of War:"Tho gr._t.--t exlgency wlth which we havo to

.deoi at oreaent axtata Ie tha Phillpplnes, and to ltwe should hrlng th- besl talent we hav. The Gov¬ernor Oeneral ahould ba flrst <>f all a atatesman.II" BhouM hava tha dlrtatlon ..r tha courso to bepursufd, and the mllitary representatlvea shouldcarry out tha ordera of tha G Oeneral im-fplicitiy, but preferably ln his oam way.

"Ah it la, Oeneral Ot_» ls hoth clvtl and mllitarygovernor in tha laland-. Exerclalng both ol thessfunctlons. he is th. _ta and arbltraryrul.-r on earth, .( Ruasla iThe mllltHry power should. In my opinion, hemerely a meana of carryIng out the pollcy of theclvll admlBtotraUOa. I'nderst.-.nd. thnt 1 do not.aeen thli aa a rrlttclam of Oeneral uis. for h* lsBeated wiih thls dual power. and must do the besth« can. I 1.. .leve that the task Which h- |g tryingto perform li too nr.it for any r.ne man. no mat¬ter how eapable ha may be.'The man .it the head of th- War'Department

at WnMrir -. one of good bualneaaBBBcattva aUllty nnd Bound common wnec ThaBtatBsmenahlp is requlred on the acena ot actton.1 h,.v.- no n the admln-

n of thi Department under Mr K -t Onethlng Is certaln. , long us .,bi aiiowe.i to remain ln command he ahould r.--eelve the support of the Admlnlstratlon t Wash-ll.gtol "


THE WE8T WANTS THE PHTMPPIXERii. July S (Speclal) Rei reseni

Lendis, of In.liann, ln eonveraatton to-day dis-cussod the asntlraaat la th> Wast rei-ardlng thePbillpplns situation."The people ,,f Indiana," he said. Indotso the

i lent's Phlllpplne pollcy! Thej want thosoislands retalaed, and th.y want Agulnaldo putdown. if it ra*ulrea ;i\e hundred thouaand mea todo it. All thls talk ahout Impertaliam la nOnseaaa.Tho plain people ..f tha Wast, tha men who ploughcorn andthe rsllroads. have their mlnda rnade up on thissubjeet. ..nd Deaaocrata and Republlcana nlikefavor rftaining th- Phliipplnae In my little town1 don't know of a man who )m|ds the opp..«;.,vi. w. aaleas It la sotae old reiu- of th. ifi to i freaBttvef etowd, wha baaa't y.-t g..t ..ut of tl.e woodaIf this lust ouota >.f troops had beaa ruis.-.i amonxth- Btat. i that la, lf th.- regtmi nta ould ba .r tbanatnes of tba Btatea and Include volunteer- fromthe same sectloae.tha quota cou d have been fllled.within a week. The boya In my State w-re anx-loua to enllst lf they could go ln under th-,r ownorganlaations."

-e-OENERAD WHEELER SAII.S FOR MANILA.B-.n Francisco, July E.Tha tr«nsp..rt Tartar has

salled for IManlla with (leneral Joaeph Wh..-.- -.

portion of the l*-»th It.fantry and a number of re-crults for the army in th« Phillpplnes on board.






MEN NOW IX THE BOROVOH.The atrlklng employea of the Rrooklyn B.ipld

Translt ('ompnny yesterday arlmltted that he

strlke waa over. They visited the oOees of the

rompanv in Montague-st. and asked te bfl Pttn-

fltstfld. They wer- told that _fl the rr.en. whath"

thev had been employed by the ^^J.*!"'or 'the Nassau linea. would recetv* rnnalderatlen

provlded they had not taken part ln any Betfl or

vlolety. or ln any other way made .h*mH^nnject.nnr.hle tn tb. enmpany. Pp tt. "'. .

men had appUfld for relnstatrment. *' °*T f'^B* mon had asked th" flUD. rlntendent for their old

''Mr'w.rkes. private secretary to President Ros-

_ter Mld thSl fhe president had glven orders to

,.t Buperinlendeni W. W. WheeUey to take

back all of the men of the Nassau linea who had

,.n placed ont,,.- r.,,,.l under the pr-sent m.,n-

agement *** who had been kept fron "r

mt.midntlnti. Offlclal. of «he company aaJd that

tw.ntv-seven men who had come to Brooklynfrom Hoston would he put to work m-day.

There were so many SPPUesntfl for relnstatementyaaterday thal it was found neeeessry tn send fnr

iewrsl pollcemen to prflservfl order and to keep

^.Jalldenu'of Bath Beseb and B^hsimhural have

eo-plstafld of the sarvlce on the Weat End linea.

St President Roaalter aaya that he has raeelved.» formai complaint. nnd that the old servlce would

b* ln operution In full schedule time l.y thla morn-

Nearly all of the Manhattan pollcemen who were

on dUty 10 Rrooklyn durlng the strike hava been

sent back to that orough. Chlef Det/ery. how-,.v,r flenl over one hundred hluer-oata from Man-

hattan ye-rterday to ald the Brooklyn p*****e in

clearlng up ih" aft-rmath of the strlke. These

men wlll he held here ln reserve untll all danger

from the strlke. haa paaaad.strike baadcfuartera ln oranada Hall. at No. m

Myrtle-ave., were practlcally deaerted yeaterday.Nelther Oeneral Maater Workman Pa**aona nor.

Maater Workman Pines called there yrsterday. A

few or the strlkers who loltered around the hall-

wsy admitted that the atrike had heen futile and

fnolish. and that the beat »hlng the men who a~

,t!11 out can do was to apply for relnstatement-

Master Workman James Pines of Dlatrlct As-

Mmbly No. 75. Knlghta of Labor. who has acted as

iMder ln the Brooklyn troiley car Btrtke. and who

.iv does not Iniend to glve up the ghost yetday afternoon m»de a statement in whlch he

"Thlsj ^rlke wns ferred upon the men r.y tne

prealdent of the Brooklyn Rapld Translt rompanv.

It wlll he contlnu-d. for the. reaaon that It has

the avmpathy of flll tha l**bor organtaatlone. not

only ln New-Torh, but ln the entlre country. Tho

organlsatlona Ifl Greater New-York hav.- ahown

thelr aympathy and Bupport by their wllUngneaato contrlbiite to those who are comp"lled to sacrl-

rVe themselvea for thelr fellow CTaaturea. lt mat-

ten not who the men nre that m»)' mnn th- can

ln Hrooklyn hereaft.-r. they must recelVfl th* hene-

flt of thla effort. and it wlll he. therefore. much

M.-r for tnem *o orcanlse than II waa for tho?eWhO have heen drlven out They will derlVfl bene-m ln their homefl and elaewhera from ih- sa.rl-ficea Of those who hav.- BUfllCtflflt COUTflg tO iBBlBl

"Tn 1usi[,e1fohMr. Johnaou and the pubUe. 1 wantthla: Mr. Johnaon waa oppoaed to thls

atrike. and he ndvlsed tba men noi to *.<"«.* "¦*

lensoned wlth them. and told them why he be¬

lieved thev could nnt win He ...lvlsed them tOgo to the Mavor. and said thal if th" Mayor wouldact promptly he could pettle the matter- n on-

hour without a Btrtke Mr Johnaon alao lnform**dme that he hnd nothlng but friendlv feellng [OTthe men who had helped hlm to mak" hls money(and I am convlnc-xl that bla BUtsmentfl are true.



POLI-E COURTIMsglatrstS Noatrand, In the Flatbuah-ave. police

court, Brooklyn. yesterday held Peter Marteia motorman, of No. 88 Lott-at., in $1.'««o ball on

a charge of holdlng up a car nnd aa-wiultlng a

conductor on last Thuraday. Several other men

were arrested m oc.nn.-.-tlnn wlth thla case, butthey were dlacharglPeter Oray, of Ne. 067 Paclflc-at., waa arralgned

ln the t-.ime <otirt on a charge of having placedBtonei on the trackfl near hls home. He waa re-

loaaed cn hla mother'a bond of C>0 to keep the

peace,Charlea Way. fourteen yeara old. of No. 4.1

Reaver-st.. was held for ihe Orand Juiy Ofl u

charge of having Obfltrueted tho tracka.Frederlck Mallett. of No fcOSB Puiton-st.,

charged wlth assaultlng. on Baturday laat, Sher-wood Bulllvsn, a conductor. walved examlnatlonand w,is held for the Court of Special Sesslons.john Bropby, of No. Kts Orand-at becam* hllarl-

oua yeaterday morning. and ataggered throughKent-.ise.. alling everybody he met a "acab." II"

11 rested, and Ma| rCl un-r ,ln tr Lefl,, iiice court, b< nl hlm to jT.il for ten days.ln th" Butler-fll p II.>urt yesterday, before

y rat< Brlatow, Wllllam Qranl Bnow. a tn--( Plfty-elghth-st. an.l Thlrd-ave.,

chargea J... veller. forty yeara oM.of No 180. Knlckerbocker-ave., wlth dlaorderl}eonduct. Bnow atated that a*blle be wsa on hlt.

. Thirteenth-.-.v.. and Elghty-stxth-st., Kahrastruck liim and illed hlm .1 "acab."

ln BSOO ball, whl.-h ho furnlahed Th.was adjourned to Julv !*** Bl OW tol l th- Magla-

gi he waa on. ol h< tx -1 known ar.ited Btatea on rallroad matt.

Maglstrate Worth, In th. Oatea-ave police court,i ti tin. of 110 on Nathan Cohen, of No. 7a

Morrlll-at., Manhattan. for blocklng a "ar in Reld-,i \. ti laal BundajThomT. Brennan, a strtklng motorman. of No.

8<»i Thlrd-ave., was fined fi.. for obstructlng thetrollej car tra. k* ln R. Id-ave,

Th.- im agalnat Thomaa Mannlng, r.f No. mKto.-kton at., who was arrest.,1 on July li on aCharge -1 havlng pUlled « troiley pOM tr,.m a

Myrtle-ave. dr, was. dlamb




Police tnsp-ctor John Rrennan. who commanderlthe Manhattan snd Brooklyn poll. m< ..t thetroiley car depot ai Marcy -md Fluahlns ave<.durlng th" strlk". wbi not forgotten by the m<*nIrom acroaa tba rlver They presented to him onMonday evenlng, Ju-^i hcf,.re they w> re order-,1hom", n valuable dlamond WStcb charm Thapreaentatlon apeech « n made by Patralman Msl-lon, of Manhattan. lohn Rrennan laone of the beal and m,..-t popular poUce ofllclalaln Brooklyn, i.r.i ii" la known ua "Honeet John."In replylng to tke peech of Patrolman Mallon tbeInap. toi s.ii,i 'i wanl to thank you, boyiyr.ur kin.lness. 1 appreclate th- klndly .entlmentsyou kave expreaaed rhro.n'h Mr Mallon, an.l lahall alwaya value your- preaent, bul more pleaalnsto m" than anything elsi- ls the facl that you haveattended to your duty. thal >"n have d'.ne || w.-ll,fairly, Impartlslly, honestly and falthfully, Afi.-r«d. boys. there is nothlng llk- l.elng tr.ie nnd l"\ .1to duty, and If y<m and I follow that daywe shall draw our pa> wllh .-h-ar cun..ri».nc-'s andthe publlc wlll he s.itlsried. That Ifl ail,Thank you and gootlby."Bergeanl .;.-orga H.rrlngton. of Inspector Bren-

.--I goM m:.tch safe it wasd b) Patrolman Bradley, of the Manhat¬tan squad.

[napector Brennan tnggested thi alnglng of'Auld Lang Byne," nnd rhe Manhattan "eopa']. fl th. Ir f. Ilowi in Brooklvn before tt.-- e. bthe good old partlns aong dled awajCaptaln Ennls, of th" R.,1|,h-av. atatlon Blaacan. I-* f..i gi-atc-ful r. c.^uitiiin from the Man-pollee who nid duty here .lurmg rh.- atrikeTwenty-four Mcycle pollcemen oreaented to himon last Monday evenlng three fln.- potted ilmaRonnd«man ..«hlll. of the Blcycle Bquad rn..'prer-f-ntation spech. I'api.-.ln Ennls made .,-proprlal" repl)

WALTHAM WATCHES1 he best and most reliable timckeepersmade in this country or in any other.Tbe " Perfeded Americ-an IVatcb," an illustrated book of in-teresting informatim about watcbes, will be sent upon request.._ American Walibam IVatcb Co., Walibam, Mass.'




The .strike Commlttee. -which now haa futl

charge of the strike*- In Brooklyn and Manhat¬tan. held a meeting last nUht in Oeneral Maa¬ter Workman Parsons** h. aditiarters. No. 110

East One-hiindred-and-twenty-flfth-st.. and per-

fe, ted an organlzatlon, named sub-eonitnlttees,etc.After the meeting an address to the public

.was Usued. In which the clty offlclals are ar-

ralgned and an appeal la mad.- to organlzedlabor and "cltlaena who believe ln falr play" for

finarv ial ald for the strikers, who need it.

The address states that .i.fas. men are still out

of work. and that many are des'.itute. Con-

trlhtitlons are to be sent to tbe treasurer, Wlil¬iam .T. ORrlen. No. 1 TO East One-hurvlred-and-tw.-nty-flfth-st.Tbere waa a myatertooea movement of the

police ln the atations of Tiie Pronx last night.

Chlef Devery ordered them OOt ln squads of

two and three. and In one c.ise flfteen. fromthelr stations to Plxth-avc nnd I*>nox-ave. forpatrol duty. The pollce offlclals declined to talk.

It looked ns lf they w.-re preparlng for some





john N. Paraona announced yesterday that he

had retlrad from the actlve leadership of the

"strike." whi'h he still Inststs Is on In thls clty.He hns given over the further charge of the

"strlk.'' I the Commlttee of Flfteen whWh he af

pointed some da\s neo to co-oper.ite wlth hlm.

"That commlttee," he said yesterday. "wlll nov

bava entlra cherga of affair* i can afford to tak»

a. back sent. i have beea wbooplng it up for all lt

waa worth for the Inst flve weeks, and I nm afraH

people wiii aoon begin to think it is a caaa of too

much Parsons "

.vV'hen Mr I'arsons was asked if the commlttee

had not been appolnted to a slnecure, se-lng thnt

the strike was over, h. re«arde.J the Inqulry as Ir-

relev.-.nt and declined to answer. He explnine<J.however. that the principal duties of the eommlttaawoi.il ba to secure financial ald and support for tbamen who falled to tle up the Metropolltan streu

rallroad system.-The ctrlkero helrl a meeting." Mr. Parsons we.t

on "nt McParlend'a, Ooa-hundredth-at and Thlrd-

ave laat nlKht. The question was suhmltted r»-

gardlng tl.e dealre of the men to return to WO*lt wa- dacided bv a uoanlmoua vota that ne

.trikera wouid no. return until the isaua for whteh

they had contended, the enforeemeat of the wn

hour law had been declded. Bome flnandal aasitt-

-P,e was given to those most ln need. a-tan|6-m,nts be.na mad. pay them from the fuidbelna hjr organlaed labor.

.vVllllam l O'Brlen. the treasurer nf the p.rke

}VberfyDaw^Assoc7.t^!;,l:,Ti.y w.ii aend out appeala for further Bubacdp.

t,0Master Workman Plnea. of Brooklrn. -*».»»\ir PanonVa offlce yeaterday afternoon. He snid,.,,. '..-4 ,...,.. ..-im were idded to the Brooklyn

,'Ji yeaterda. bm onlj a few. Sa tha &.*!.e he aald only '¦" pet cent were running. Thi*

w-aasurnriaa to hlm. a« he thoughl ihat «ll ef 'he

rare wouiVbe rennlng on aehedufe ttma by this

u'w'r'.ld i.r-ul. '. the electlon of Mayor J..nea ofToledo as Governor of Ohio.




la the cutke. the pollcemen on duty ln various

nnrt« of the etty have beea fed hy the Pollca De¬

partment. inataad of by the rallroad .v»m,.anie. aa

. Drevloua strlkaa CWef Devery and the PoikB

Board declded that thla waa tho better plan. and

tlcketa good for EO cem meala wara lasued. with

I',,.; D."rv*s name on th.m. Thev were d.sfih-

uted to otnmandlng offlcera of preofflots. who mide

nrranrc-ment* wlth reaUUrent keeper, near where

tba eeptatna' Kntadi were kept to turnlsh meali to

tn- awa for the tlcketa.v ...... Lppeared to tbe eEtct tha. some ,

Uoaman partad wltb theae meal tlcketa Ineomtricu of the clty for drlnka ln snioons. Chtef Dat

en wtl , ked ibool thla. and he aald he did nm

believe II It waa snld that he had made charges

agalnat aome poHeemen for doing thls. bnt he de¬

ed thnt he had ^^''''!»K1.::mX,t

w,rk,?nk "'r 'wnted frJSn tfeonk-epere.i^v uoul^noto.- i^.l and an ...ve,;;Ka..-.n -.uld




A comm.t.ee from the Bulldlng Trades CBOncJ.headquertera ..re at No. Ifl **.* rbtrty-

n tha Pollca Board TMtmBnafternoon bj appolntment to Ingulra into tba rlghtaof _tr.kers.n_ pl kata Tl.e eojnmltUocoiot i McAlllster < t tha Marble Cuttara I nlon. sea-

Il)d,nf tt U: vvninn'

Coffey, of the Palntera' i'nlon: Predarlck C. Dorn.of the Houe.smlths' i'nlon: John H. Murray, of tha

Carpenters' Unlon; Edward Otlver. of the Elerator.tora' I'nion. nnd James Cummings, Of tha

gteamflttera' UnionMr Cummings. tha apokaaman of the commlttee.

|aW k. -i. c ii. II wiabed to know how far the

tea and plcketa wenl ln strikes, es-

t the neighborhood of buil.llnss where

was a strike H- quoted the ease of Mr.

Coffey who he said. was arrest--.! al Eighlh-aTBand Tweaty-Bi sond-ai while dolng duty aa a plcketln a strike In a bulldlng a short dis*

i talklng to -une of the empMyad men arhaad, but he was discharged

l.nt York Beld that there b n.. law prevent-laa from standlng ln front of

p when on strike Ha di etared they had tho.-Itlzen to ft .nd there. pro-

rtded they .ii,i aot break lha pea - ai do anythlngtending to auch a rtO-Btlon of la*. Th- poUOB, kl

have t:o rl^ht to treat them In any otherv rdtnary dtlreno, and cannot

pi.-4.-ni them tr .tu t.lkin-' to snj naa Hut if theycommit a b-each ot lha paaca or 'o anything wnh

tendency me polica hava h rlght t.< arraai

mltteemen said tbat the pollee donol use nd President tfork

iini^! make arr*-4»s when...rv bul it thej ¦¦¦. " h.-ld Judgment

. .aea tt.e-.- wonld do more

tirim to rwcJati ii. rt :<-4\ .-.. ira than arrongi to th.strikeri in a HfetUn. -fi "i ->rk and tha other Com-

ind pi. keti; .11 .-. and th<:

commlttee left apparently satisded.


PANY HAVE QfITAecounta dlffar bb to tlon <.f .iiTairs in

tha strike of th- II.en v>Im. pull th- WOol off ofr lha i: .--tn...tis <*om-

pany, of New-Torh. The men say thera ts a strike.The oftl. ers of the .o.r.p.i.s say that a few men

h,\e merely thrown np thelr Jnbe. and that t iu jwill n.a K-* them back. Henry Vnn Holland, the

il manager and treaaurer, w.s -.

day al lha offlce oi tha company, Flfty-nlnth-at.and El.-v-ntl. n\>-. Xl- said:

i... ¦aturdaj aboul twaaty leborera empi-.>e,iat tha house in Porty-eighth-Bt. uuit w..rk. Theyhad been making aboul *i TS a d.-.y. nnd they ,i,..mi.nfled *- '_.'- We adverttaad for men. undday about two hundred npplled f,,r work Thenthi Kmghts of Labor ordered onl tba wootputletuon a aymi itbatte urike. Ab..rit h doeaa areet outWe do not regard It as a strike, however, and w.-

ara aot aagotlatlng artth any commlttee. \\.slder tbat Ihe men h,.\> ttmp*) .|>ut work. undthey wiii nol ba taken ba. k mii avarytMag is

ruau-taa smoothly agaia »e stuii aet pmanj iklna from aay other bouaes, l.ut wiu merel)w.'rk up 'he sklns wa have oursefrves. W.- ur.- notmconvenieoced «t all

_.., BOt oppu_.d to labor unkMM." Mr VanHolland contlnued. bul I belii re In ttl,d t.v m»-n of sen«e. not thoae lhal are I.foois W< oaa «et ..ii tii< rn.-t! we wanl n> pullwool at J'. 7_ a day. and imdet thoae .-ircumstan.-enthe lesders are foollsh lo order .. strlk. u - badanother llttle itHke hi re n eently of men who wenpaul h.-'ter than any ot.'.-rs ln the countj-y Strlk.

....ms to lx' In tl.e uir. and #.ii,(. nirii |.*ttb.ir hrads end thelr jot.s.**


LD.HTMSo KILIS EXOAOED COUPLE.8t Cioud. Mlr.n., luly 2f -James Harren. of Kr-e-

port. and A*uie_ H»r».g, of Miilwood, were m-Stantlr kllied tr>- ilghtnlng to-day et the home ofMlss Hertog. They were sltUng on the porch whenllghtnlng struck the corner of the hou*e. Tb. ywere engaged to be marrle-.





RADE TO-NIOHT.Thsra waa no let up. 'apparently, ln tho news-

bo-f- strlke yaaterday, although the advlce of the

leader at tn. aaasa meetlng. against. vioirncr w.is

genernlly followed. Wlth the prolonglng of the

striko the boya aeem lo- be galnlng ronfidem-e ln

the issue. snd ti..y declared y**-rterdgy that; tne

llell to th.ir demnnda could not contlnue

much longer."P.-.v. dem fellrra ain't println* papcs MT <l**r

h<-ilf" -ald one- of the urchins. "an* I BUcfr deyaeea ijow dat wm w.* says moaa. All flnge comes

to ri- t.iokcs wot walta. nn'. aay. wa'a --ood walters.all right I -r-Mflfl* we'll get wot we wanta

"WM" niluk waa In a paclfl** frame of mind yea¬

terday. and he was busy most of the day Impress-

Ing his peacefu) de^Mnes on s0.'* "f ,h" mnrc

rlOtOUflly Indined atrikers.'Tm t'lnkln' erho.it callin' a pcice confrance."

hr aald, "same nk-* what .1" hosa wii.u rusfl Ruahflrdoai Bay, how*a dal fer a flkeme, h< y? We'll de-Ckfe lual how many uv .1" little fell-rs has er rfgh:..» tacklfl one uv dem big flcabs, nn' we'll guff a

lot flrbottt de use uv stlcks an' fltOnefl ln de strlke.Pat klnd 0* t'lng don't go no nmre ln dis hereatrike. Dat'a wot I tole 'era Bt de meetln', an* lt

EfflUU) MEN NOT. KNTIU'SIASTICTho min yeaterday dampened the ardor of tbe

htred m"n somewhat. and thelr efforts to Fell were

i.\- bo maaaa marked with exertlon There is onefeat ure Incldeot to tho atrike for Whlcb a. long

¦ujferlng publlc ought to he thankful The babel of

leflther v*_«*ed B**flerfl of tho latest aenaatlon is no

heard nnd ln i'ark Row. Naaaau-et. andoth.-r aectlons, wbere day and nlghl have heen

made hldeOUfl hy the crlcs of "I'xtra." th" (JUlelat tlmea is such that one can almost bearone'aoellthlnk. Some .,f the m.-n who were engaged to s"ll

papera a| *-' a day. arlth 10 centa addltionai foreach hnndr.,1 aold, hit on B pian jreaterday bympatis of whlch they could earn the greatcst .-.mountof compens.itlon wlth tbe least amount of labor,A man would tak» flffv papers. go up a slde Btreeland throw balf Of Hiem where they would BOl

n Th.'ii he would slt on the remalnlng pa-i.'itii an Inapector came, when he would ex-

pl.in th.it h" had sold twenty-flve papers. and was

on hls way to get more

The man would aoon Fiicr-eed ln throwlng away

ahout nlnetv papers and selling ten. Wh-n evenlngcame tho "newaboy" handed ln M centa to pay for

the hundred papers he had rld himaelf of and col-

1.1 $2.dis is eaay." sald one of them; "ifs a reg-

.lir "Inch BUI don't glve It away. I wotildn't be

doln' lt hut I n> >"1s de money."A numher of the atrlkara who were away from

the Jurisdictlon of thelr lyru eyed leaderalaawjin "Kvenlnc .fournal" wagon on Iis way to SouthVerrv last night. They Bwooped down mi lr wltn

a warwhoon. and th" drtver waa powerleaa to re-sist them. The pap-rs were taken from the wagonand thrown lt.ro the rlver

Kld" Bllflk called al The Trlbune otfiro late lastnlfhf and gave tln p-.rti"tilara of nn interviewWblCh h- had with Mr.^STValhO. Of "The. Journ.-.I."

^^^rne^'andh-sald. Is dl. tln.¦ rlKhtwot you'ae la doln'? Don't you know «*-££ *»_much to print our papea with a demplctera as lt doea f«*r other papea? Wa mtjtmp_Pe« to-dav, Now. Bupposa you wen Into a

an .1" man wanted » centa fer coffee. could\<r inake hlm sell lt to yer for 20 centa

I ".ll him we wusan't talkln' ahout no coffee.¦*-*et w- w-liV .fter » 11 papea .^-.bho.,_-h. m^hMr Hearst gettln* Into a coupy. and ha wenl Up

,.- a he wua gotn' to do ahout it

He.Bea he*ll so outen bufllneaa and close up de Bhopbefore bell give m to ua i reekOB dat ¦ wot he n

,1 a- yhow. I.. I '- W -..¦ '" eom-

mittee, wot'a mfl and Jlmmle' scabhooch andSlmon. to-morrow."

OIFTf TO THK 8TRIKER8.Mr. Rllnk also brought Information that Chnrles

-ip!. wbo ls known In the Tld AssembiyDUtrlct as "the poor inan's fri"nd." has glven 15"to the fund, and h.is offered to th-* boy». free ofcharge a four horae coach .md four landaui foruse in thfl parade whlch is to tak.* place to-nlght.


**_n_aUEb -A PlHIir* MEK.T1NC} TO-M01HT.

The nuBaPS|B of yonkers have been on strlke

since MoodSy against 'The Evenlng World." "The

Bvenlni Journsl" and "Tha Dally Newa." Yee-terda] few of theae papers were aold. Thls was

done by Jamea O'Nelll. th" Tonkers agent of one ofwhn aold a f"w. and reduced hls order

from l..1" 9 day to 100. These went hegglng. Pub¬

ll- aympathy la wholly wlth the hoys.Th" boys form"d a unlon on Monday night wlth

more than HO members. Th. f have declared war

on "Tli" News" becaUSfl that paper also wllflWhOleSSlfl ln Yonkers for slxty cents a hundred..lohn Mln-r. a netv.-deaier of Rlverdak BVe pur

ona hundred coplea of "The News" thiaevenlng. Fully fifty strlkers trarrounded hla Btoreat once and crted "icab!" Mlner appeared nnd

madfl B BPC (Ch Ifl Whlch h» apologlzed for hls actlon,

atating thal bfl dld nol know "The Newa" hnd h"en

Mnckllated. **'* saving. he gave all the copie. h"Away went th« younsatera

,i iwn Maln-al Btrewlng th" thoroughfnre with lorn

u-.uioti" of the bov« awalted the arrival of allfrom New-Tork. and any coplea of the papera

found In the hands of paaaengera arere qulcklydracged from thelr posseafllon and destroyedTl - bova paraded through th" clty laat night and

u.r- ,t,.r-l from all aldea. To-nlgM they wlllbold ibll mi - Ung la v. M. C. A. " iu,



New Haven, Conn., July S fSpeclaT) The New-Haven newaboyfl havfl d< lared s boycotl on the

lng "World" and ".Tournal." and wlll refuse to

Mll any copfefl of th" papers after Monday next.The boya wanl thfl old i itfl of '¦¦" centfl a hundredWhioh .v -- In rorce before tbe war. re-eatabllahed.and say that they Wlll refuse to sell any of the

papi rs untll thla I; Bgreeil apon.mty" McCarthy. ¦ leader among the hoys,

went t" New-Tork yeeterday and mel th* leaders

of the New-Tork strlke He ¦ff-m.i to have r>cn

much Impreflsed wlth th" attltude of the New-

York boys. and took part in one of the impromp'udalagate" from New-Hsvea Th-

,,.,.1., ... "h isty" McCarthy, Frankhl nnd "S.m" Merle. visited the Mayor's

offlce to-day and «sk"" permlsslon to hold a mssameetlng -rn th" Oreen Baturday night andap.rarl< md aere referred to the police. from

n I- rml talr.edThe Sr.ntr.1av nlgh' meetlng arlll h** riddressed hy

.whowll dellv«-r the messau'e from th" N> w Tora..,-, :1 .- .v Vork 'delegate" who la "P^ted

\". r Mond iy no papers wlll h"nold imless Ihe eondltlons ar.- agree.l to


NEWSBOTI BTRIKINO IN PATERgON.i itsra-Mi, n. .r July * WpeHal) Tha troublea

uhl'h have followed the 1aun.li.ed pap.TS CTOPPedout here to-day, and the war ever the "boy with

t,,..k up the attentlon of people on thenol reached an organlxed

... bul promlaea to do ao unle<s the metro-newaboyfl galn their polnt BpeedOy. Tbe

wh. lo-day braved the weorn and fists ofloyal to the atrike bld "th*- reUowB" between

hle « --i apera wltn can aidently refralned 'rom <r\lng th"m. There wereB nurn n hed i..-itu»-s. wuh tba eonaaguent

of the obnoxlou?

BJTRIKBRe IN CINCINNATla»-gl*_ AXf) ia**BWB-OTfl is-iTll OUT .BOWl I

IglBKf-Hl WTTB TKE ITBW BOTB.'ln.-lnratl. July '_*." The Htrlke of measenger

'hat l.f.gan en Satnrday. has r"nche.l flerloualor.s. Hoodlnins and Idl.-rs atirround.-d thfl

telegrsph and ill-rrict Oflgeefl to lay nn.l Inter-,, pied tl" new mea Bgi ra Ifl ilifT.-rent parts of th"

Tli- measen^. ra w^re aent out ln BSbS, Wtthti policeman ftag each drlver. but stones

wera thrown al tha reblcles. Man)BTfl have heen -erlously hurt Two

tabbed, aeveral hurt by mlaalles, andBave been bad!)

Th- newaboya Jolned Ihe s»rik,- to-day. Mohs of¦rrouoded tbe newapapar eeReea and re-

o lst tba new boys b." W|"' papera Th.-«.'" lorn up and .). trc\"d aa faat as tbey

«....- mrned orei to 'tie new i«,>f ai naeg th.-imi from all parta "t thfl i*;. bad gathered

.-.- numbera ih;it tbe ponce aeemed un-aMe to dlsp.-rae them with dut.s. and the uae <<fmor.- effective w. ip. « a .-oniemplated.-ffWhtr'T*.'. P>nn July ***>.-The strlke of mea¬

senger hoys enrt«-d ihls evenlng, th" W.-stern I'nlonAorl I»o«l.vJ Tel^araph companl.-s ngreelng to tak.-|_e l.'.ys l.dck, l.ut tn.iklng no oth.-r c.n.-eeslona.


BTRIJCERf AHEAD IN MOUNT VERNON.Tt- strlklng newflb. - I l"d In

nd to th" sale of the svsnlng fldltl"Tl*e World" and "The Journal" In Mount Vernon.Agents of th<-e papers. aft.-r falling lo sell anyof them on Monday, yesterday falled to order tb.n.

Tho only paekage that reached thls clty arrlvd on

the 10.10 train. A commlttee of strlkera waa on

hand to recelve lt. and lt hnd scarcely h*en threwn

t.V the platform when the boya aelied It and acat-

tered the cont-nt* ahout In the rnun. ..

In the Clty court this morning Judge B-nWBtl re

,..lHed John Charge and j~91rer «.-fljgrr. two «r

tha boys who w- re arreeted ln th*¦ rlot or .-.. n

.1. V. Thomas Madden an ouiJdei. who had usedabuslve languaga to the «*hief of Pollce, -as sen

tenced to three months* lrnprUonment.






The -aajerfty of the freight handi-rs employed bythe Penn-.vh7.nla Rallroad In Jersey Clty will qultwork at aoee if tr-r-lr demand for 20 cents ..n hour

ia not comnlied wlth. They are now reoatvlng the

sam- wagOB that were pald t.. tho men who struck

ln New-York 17 eenta an hour. A number of the

man are rontent with tho BXlSting sc-ale, but lt U

aaaerted that Bt leaat seven hundred of the eighthundred freight handl-rs wlll go out lf thelr terma

are not agreed to Oeneral Superlntendent F. U

Bheppard said yesterday that the request of tho

men ls being consldered. and that tha ...mpany is

always read) to Uatea to any request of its em-

ployea, Ha declined to aay. however. what «.««;dalon wou/d be. A rallway offlcial Intlmat.-.l tbat

tha requesl would probably he granted. as the

jeraey City men had submitted their demand and

afforded the company tlme toconalderlt, whl i* ihe

New-York frelgbl handiers had qult pract.call>wlthout gl-lag the company any wurnl-K. CWer

Of Poli'.. Murphy wlll be prepared lf tho Jeraej

Clty freight handler. do atrike. He laauad an or¬

der laat evenlng for an in.r.-as.-d force ot pollce to

guard tho eompnny's property to-day He wlll

have ir, men ot. duty thls morning. The strike naa

.been a hardahlp for the pollce, who ar* now de-

prived Of thelr vaeatlong and are, on conatant duty.lt was rumered laat evenlng that the freight

handiers employed by the F.rle. NVvv-.lersey C en-

trai and Delaware, f-ackawaima and Weatern Ra i-

,,..,,.,..,,,.,..* injereaj Clty and Hohohen wmUd«trko if tba Pennaylvanla company a freight

handlera ko out. Tha ru.nor was denled by several

.f th. employea of the eompanies named.The Pennaylvanla Rallway CoaapanjfB offlclals

tay ihat thev are rapldly nlilng the places of the

strlkers ln New-York city. that the new men are

rapldly becomlng proftcknt and there is now Httlo

delay in handllng freight. An offlcer of the com¬

pany sakt^yeaterday tbat they are experlenclngno trouble in aecuring the aervtcea of men. that

they had more appHcantfl than they have room

for. an.l are selecting men who wlll prove satls-

tactory.Orf-dALfl MAKK A STATEMENT.

A statement WBB Riven out last evenlng by offl-

of th© Pennaylvanla Rallroad ln Jersey Cltyconcerning tho alleged nccumulatlon of loaded

frelKht cars nnd of melons and vegelables ln thls

dty and Jeraey Clty. A promlnent offMal anld:

"Thera are 517 less of held h.-ick cars here now thenthere were on June M. There are about a hundredcars of melons and pOtatOBS. The fault ls In the

market The situation Is entlrely cleared. exeept at

Plers Noa. 17, 9 nnd tt, which ara ln the DBlgbbor-hood of the DeabroBBBB at. f*rry statlon In New-

y,.rk The melon "bins at Pler No. 2. are full. he-

eauae the eonalgneea have not removed them. The

potatoes are there for the same reason We have

no trouble in getting tho melons and vegetable* to

N w York ln the usual way-ln the cars on fioats.

A Btoppage In tha dellvery of melons ls not unusual.because the supply exce--ds the demand. The BCCU-mulatioB of loaded cars la leaa than lt wasayearago,

whl.*hdoes the buslness of the Pennsylvanlamust always have many cars at Ita termlnus. Thesituation Is not now affected hv the strike. Oneset of men went out: another set of men took their

The reDort that there were nine miles of

freight cara h.-re had no foundatlon." Theofflcial made this answer to an Inqulry abotit th»

threatened strike to-day of tho freight handiers:".'.ur men have stood by us ten days. We- don'tthink ttiey are going out now. But we don'tknow "

It was said elaewbere, however. that the Ftrlkehad demorallsed the frult trade and serlously af-fected fhe huyinc and seiiing of produce ln thls

The fr-ult and produ.-e men are wondertngwhen all the trouble will end. At present they see

llttle hope of prompt ad.iustment of dlfferen.es.

They apprehend that the strike may apreed to the

Baltlmore an.l Ohio. and In that 0424 most of thefr-leht from the South anl West wlll he tled up.lt was said at the beglnnlng of the strike that the

strike would not bo felt much by the frult andmen, becauae the placea of the strikers

WOUld he taken by men who would be capable ofhandllng the freight. About two hundred Ital-

ire now employed on ptet! N00. tl, H .md W,North River The companj contracted with Bband-[e\- Brothera for tbe Itallana, agreeing to pay themn'rent-*. an hour. It la underatood that the men getonlv about 12 centa from th" eontractors. Most orthem are underslzed, and only a few can apeakT-'ir-ii-h Thev are carrled back and forth on a

...nt from Jeraey Clty, and tho company pro-\ des ¦ luncheon. It la held that s.» ln-ffl.-i-nt are

the Itallana that all th. I thal haa been 'hrown.UI, |. the lasl few days .-ould easlly have¦ -en

r,,»<.prved if tii- eompanv had advanced the wat.- ->

8 striken from Yi to 30 cent--, an hour. thoof Heaith has Inspectora at the Plers eon-

demnlne parta of the produce which arrlves. Whenthe nroduee la eondemned It la hauled to JerseyCity and dumped alonu the Jersey meadows

ir i. said lhal the prlcea of meat. although highat preaent. wlll not be affoetedI by the atrlkea^iaaaiood percentage of the meat for New-York com.s

ov r the New-York Ceatral Raiiroed.ATTACK ON A TKAIN OF I.ABORER8.

\ gaag of Jeraey Clty boodluma on Monday nlghtatoned tha ipeclal tr.iln on the Pennsytvaato RaB-, ,- which wns earrytng the lnhcrers who nave

taken tha plnces of the freight handiers who qultwork Beveral of the laborera were injured. but

none were Bertoualy hnrt The speclal train u

run between \ew-Hrui.swlck and Jersey < Ity. i are

f_ ,__.n i.V avoid contact wlth tba strikers and

!r. _&*_&¦&»-«__as-wswere dn rr .-d end ttve or ala of the men were hitIm. thTmlsslles or w-re cut by th.r glaBB. Tn. re,

«"'» near the acene. and aIs a ""iway ¦«»"" ,,n,,.,,,v.., wltneaaed the et-

fa^^tmtVnoriuaSlp. 10 drlve away lha hood-


V^:-!;l;-,^!;r-;!:it,tSni;',l" "'., nSuroad ln thB Pr.-du.-e Exchangef'y'SitlrdM" khUly. su».mi.,ed the de-

11 ,'e «_. men to Ag'-nt Smlth. and the com-

n;iu-. left! Thi om.t..tK would not say what de-

mai da the men had made.




The strike of the tallors Is honrly spreadlnt.. snd

|f| r than one hundred shops ln the

Borough of Manhattan wereat work festertoy. TheBtrlka Commlttee is making the rounds of theae

snd In r.-sponse to tbe appeals of thelr

lenders the tatlow abandon thelr work and walk

., addition to the aeuaandB for increafied pay

an.l fewer boera of labor, the strlkers say that theyhava B fl/ht agalnst the prof.-sslonal leaders. who.

tbey allege, run tiie Socl.illst Trade and Lahar Al-

llance. The tallors declate that they are deter-

n.ln.d to hav.- BOthlng to do wlth men who havo

duped them in prevkma «trlkes The nlllance of th-

tlv.- unlon. lakaa ln ill thC garm-ut workers ln the

greater -'.t-. hht ttir.s- enroll-d ln the Cnlted

rhood and tba Oarmenl Workers. Tl.e latter

organiaatloaa, whlek hav.- a BtBrnberaalp of u-s«-.hsn two thousund, are *.ild to be controlled by the

BoeialAlthough aa_all ln numbera, the Hrotherhood and

tha Unlted Oal aaill Work. ra are, it is eaid. anslou.Hto take charge nf t'-.-- ttrlke Thls the members of..... Tallors' Pi erreaatve ITnlon, tha Coal Praaaara'i'nlon, nion, Coal Operatera' i'nionin! .'oat Klnlshers' I'nion, whleh .ompose the

present asaert they wiu n..t conaentto und-r any l.aaj that the So-.-l.".llr.*s must be dropped. PoMtlca, they further-.>, hat nothlng lo do aith their troublea with theeontractors and la OUl Bf place In the preaent r-trtke

.f tbe Hve aBled uniona h.-ld

.rkcr*.i ed ihla morning from Brooklyn andtha Brownavllle dlatrtcl atated tbat ihe garmenl

*c.r««" 1M aa Im.i artlUnglj n.in^l ln th.-n--i t f..r ahortei noura and better pey an-i areununlmoua iu their oppoaitJon tu the "_kH-la|i-tlabor fnklr , ,i). ,| ,»,, mA careful estlmate mede to-day hy Harrls Mllerand the txecuUva Commlttee o; the allUd uuioua

flaced the total numher ot tallors now out «t ___en thouaand. The fact ihat they ar» mi. tbi£?out of "-T.i.|f vrn"nt thoinanls of b.ittonh'-.i- .-*.

ers, bu.-tulmb. n and leader <>|.era?lvcs.

MESSENGER BTRIKfi GROfgnearlymn ¦umdrid a d. t. bot-


BK^ATon PMNKITT AND taWtawMaXaUMAODRBM I MK'rnNo, n w\.--ii;n.;tox hau,

.OP~nHS M* J1KI.P HK.KIVKD.The strike of the meaaenaera WMcb atarte*

Monday In Ihe ranks of th" Poatsl Tekgraph ^J*and whteh was augmenffd hy the defect.%\(numl.r sd thoSfl flBBplOyed by thi *U-ert__>trl"f Tfllflgrspb .'.imp.-iny, wflfl BOmewhal Ir.r-yeaterday. Nearly three h>ln1r. d boys of the lter company marched up Hroidway abouland wh"N"v« r a bay WBfl m.-t wlth a m-Yiae.rush was made for hlm. They visited thTwenty-thlrd-at. nnd Flfth-ave. and induced,large Bumber of the messoftgerM employed th--»Joln them. There waa som" pprfUBCtosg rtotlnt ithe downtown commerrlal >]|atri<-ta also, but, on th_whole, the strlke seema to |«rk hofh »p..riun,i.and organlzatlon. Most of the *v>va when ap.proached on tho aubfeet quote the(r frlevancealike a lesson learned from a schooibook. ThepantSfl do not seem to take the strlke with _uBertouBnesBi and, whii" the efldaifl admit, ttthey have heen Inconvenlenced, they say tluthas only beea to a small extent.Oeneral Manager Wllaon of the Po«tal T"lfp»B

servlce hlred a lnrge numher of hovs fflfltfgfeymorning to take the place of the strlkers Amirgthem were some who had Jolned th" strlke throuaKfear and who asked to be taken back.Charlea Johnson, twenty yeara old. of Hrooklynwho was aelllng the two proecrihe.l newipapara

wandered Into a crowd of the atrlklng m<*s-nf«rboya at Broadway and Murray s: Thc-y bhouta,.-'"ih:" at hlm and trled to mob hlm, hut ha ma,caped. II" came ha"k agaln. ar.d the rr h gav*him a severe handllng flll charged hy a poiicernan.The latter arrested Wllliam Leftachutz. th!rte«**iyears old, of No. 7<> Siegel-at., Prooklyn. a newihoy.The lad nald he had not been trying to do .flythtsgto Johnson, but tho latter aald Leftscbutal hadhenten hlm.Maglstrat^ Mott flned I.efts-*hut*- flf). fhe

was aent to the Oerry Soclety.Accordlng* to tho statements made by

megaenger boys yesterday only a few of thethat carry Western I'nlon messages out ofmaln offlce of the Western I'nlon ("ompany, at19T> Broadway, were at work. The i.,ys aallln thls offl-*" the force was so (.mall that sev-raithe salarled clerks were obliged to asslbt Inery duty.Manager Hanke of American Pistrlct T">frapti

No. 3, at No. 4 Kxchange ("ourt, aald that OAA) oneof hla ooys waa out, while tlie boys as rr..' ?__*;flfty were out all th-* mornlng. hut th.it Sup-rlc-tendent Fiayena called at the offl, ar.i flffflflai allthe hrtys double pav for the day lf they wnuM etayat work. They added thnt the oft-r had l,*-n ac-cepted, and that the flfty atrlkera had returrefl towork. They dld not know It any permatient co_-cesslon WBfl to ho mado or Juat how long thatdouble pay would last.At tho Postal Telcgraph offlce. at No. 20 Br

st. BBVeral of the hoys also sald that th"y were re-celvlng double pay In thla offlce ahout tOttf mtthe total force of forty-flve went otif. It waa aildyeaterday that ten ot the atrlkera had returnM to>worK and that thirty new boya had heen engagefl.Here it waa also said that they w.;re re. .*

double pay.Benator Plunkett and Assembhman Smlth ad-

B-SflSSd a nias- meting of ahout Ml Am"ilcan Dla¬trlct Telegraph me>.sengera ln Washington I' '",Forty-sev.'nfh at. and Elghth-ive., last night ,

apeak.'is urgvd the boya lo hold out for thelrrights. but without vlolence or disord-r. J*.m*a"A.deraon, of Distriet A, the maln offlce. *,re-aided.MatiTigcr K.'lly. of Distriet No. 33 BlflO addresaeg

the boys, nnd pointed out that' both hlms.lf antSupenntendent fiayena had aeen Bervtea as mea.Bengera, and would sympithize *Rith th**m ll .

wera ^"-"i grounda for a atrike lo Bnawer to inumher ..f BjUBfltiona put to them as to wh*ihe*their condltlona wera nol much Improved «. pre»ent. they i».>s snd yet Mr K. _*of th" atrlkera who -want to do ao *'..'. l,. .. .*.ito retMm lo «-rk tn-flTi^

It rataa flnally declded to nppoint- a cmmittee,;eight 1., wBlt upon tne luperlntendent to-diy anllay tie- prlevflneefl t*fore hin>, wltb a reg ilmm.-diai" aetUement.John Flood, a massenger, dlflsgrefld w.'-i Mr

Kelly, and went to the front nf tbe hall ii:<! JF'art«ed to argue wltii him. He sald norflelev.n or twelve houra a da) f-.r 0'a weelhe dld not thlnk the pay sufflelent. Mr. KellflFald h" thought it Wfla. Concludlng.Mr. K'.-llj"siiid: lf you boya arlll so i" work to-morrow Iwlll go personatly to h.-idri sl ite y>iifgrlevancea." Thla I. -t u-m..rk v\..- greeted witrihl--.-- and crl of "No! VVe're on -rrlk.. and «.don'l bo back 'tlll we geta what we wa

i.th" r me.tings will i..- arranged, accordlng to.Anderaon, ti -l the boya bi that i m. pi .y wlllbe ln a better posltlon fo flpht for thelr

The BestAll Around

CurativeLot lon forSunburn,

Chafir.gMosqulto Bites,"Prickly Heat,Inflammation ar

AH Paln ls

PONO'S FXTRACT CO.7*Flt_A*«..N«*','««»*

Pond'l Entrict Olntm-^nt cure* Ptlel.Pric8 50cp«rJ»r. Tr_i f-i: 25c.

All Drugflsta

tiutfr'25CENTS t% ^PEMBINAEACH /7T\



i'aiik r..ivv bi ii.iiN ;,II T« i!t f\HU ll«»\\. M.W lOUK-

I'llMlh R UAltHtbtlAT. A T< .I.M.*.BqulUt-la RalMlas. l*1 Bfloaflara* ***** *_***___

Th.. Landlordr*' Pn»i*-rilva Aaa.* ,1.

r. ui. ¦ to II .- |.r i- .i '... **W. i.l o..- | -.< r,, it..- >n»i taani. _,\r.. ,.. >t, the rrobi rlbe. ot our ¦» -r

rlaaari t u T.»i.t>i» i^n«n'» Una "u,^_^t -_. l . " ,"*i. nd ih* promp.**¦»¦* win. -hi.-f. " --

, _\itttore d -mrriDii ii4i.i -*i.i__.'l B_wa

Ai'.'< >l Nll* *_,w

Annual lut of d-llnr-ueu-tt. puMi»h-1 t .- "ir fl**1-

taerlbera Jan<ian I **'

_.W ,r» .>«ifld.'i«fl ih«t lundlr*. moA pl l**r"r <>»""

fi'-n-ur-IIy wlll avall lh"n.»»|w» of «n oi*-*"l inltT .'* fl**_IJ....fl-, Knoflm .< * ^..Tlrlv fOtM "' ""'> *"*. '' 'K' *T2Inr* nt nur BaaertaMera if you '. -¦

' "..,»,ronaatloa ..* aoalfl ha i>i»_»«-i i» «**n*i «* taata.mmomn

ill ea na_ ..\\t alr#«.1v hnr- ever VW1 r.f th . moat Imp*"*"*.* .m\

entAiH .iK^-i.i- aad Btaaartf ewaan at Ham tota ..

Bmoklvt.. who hsv- antWnwfl iM ftr-

"BICYCLISTS!Aoeld^fit- will BflflflM «nd M mu*i-» *¦**-! ,'*"r;"1.*?Joften f. ll.,w- a rl.1- an al* ».» have f~'M

of KAI.UAVS KKAl.-i HKI.IKK lt '»-'*n '' '!__»and qtilrkly "iir-» Bi.ralna, nrul>,-. >'"'¦ *¦*. ' rSJeBuniairna. Moaqulto BUe». Rheumail^m anj p-.r,».and l*ulr_. Tah-n .'.!»¦. tawardl. for Bll .***_' Z, yiDlarrha-a. Ctmoim, Ckoian Uofbtta. Ao. flo_l w
